2nd Internal Test BSC 2024

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Atomic, Nuclear Physics-I
and Solid State State Physics-I

Choose the correct answer: (0.5×4=2)

1. X-rays consists of
a) negatively charged particles b) electromagnetic radiation
c) positively charged particles d) a stream of neutrons
2. Nuclear size is given by
2 1
a) R=Ro A 3 b) R=Ro A 3
c) R=RoA d) R=Ro A 4
3. The lines in the Lyman series lie in
a) ultraviolet region b) infrared region
c) visible region d) far-infrared region
4. X-rays are produced when an element of high atomic weight is bombarded by high
a) Protons b) photons
c) Neutrons d) electrons

Answer any two questions: (2×2=4)

3. Define Bragg’s law for X-ray diffraction in crystals. Apply the necessary correction
for this equation.
4. What is multiplication factor.
5. State Pauli’s exclusion principle. Prove that the maximum number of electrons in a
shell with principal quantum number n is 2 n2.
6. What do you mean by relaxation time.

Answer any one question: (6×1=6)

7. Explain nuclear chain reaction with diagram.
8. What are the characteristic X-ray spectra? Explain the origin of characteristic X-ray
spectra and draw the energy level diagram.
9. Using drude-Lorentz theory, derrive an expression for Ohm’s law.

II Sem (NEP)
Mechanics, Properties of Matter and Oscillations

Choose the correct answer: (0.5×4=2)

1. The dimension of surface Tension T is

a) M 1 L0 T −2 b) M 1 L1 T −2 c) M −1 L2 T −1 d) M 2 L1 T −2
2. The potential energy of a simple harmonic oscillator is maximum when its
displacement is equal to
a) zero b) amplitude
c) amplitude/2 d) amplitude/√ 2
3. In elastic collision
a) K.E is conserved b) P.E is conserved
c) Total energy is not conserved d) Initial KE’s are converted into work
4. If T is the time period of revolution of a planet and a is the semi-major axis of the
orbit, then according to the law of periods of Kepler’s laws of planetary motion
a) T 3 ∝ a2 b) T 2 ∝ a3
c) T 3 ∝ a4 d) T 4 ∝a 3

Answer any two questions: (2×2=4)

πη r
5. Deduce the equation C= ,for torsional couple per unit angular twist, where the
symbols have their usual meanings.
6. Define angular momentum.
7. Derive the expression for escape velocity in terms of acceleration due to gravity.
8. Show that the total energy of a body executing SHM is constant.

Answer any one questions: (6)

9. Derive the equation for moment of inertia.
10. a) Define conservative and non-conservative forces with two examples each.
^ 2 xy ^j is a conservative force
F =( y 2−x 2 ) i+
b) Show that ⃗
11. Show that in forced vibration, the resultant amplitude is given by
√(ω − p ) +4 b2 p2
2 2 2

where b is damping coefficient, p is frequency of driving force, ω is natural

frequency and f is external force per unit mass. Deduce the expression for maximum
amplitude of the forced vibration.

II Sem (NEP)
Basic Electronics

Choose the correct answer: (0.5×4=2)

1. In common emitter circuit the input current is

a) IB b) IB c) IE d) All of the above
2. How many diodes are there in a center-tapped rectifier?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
3. If A v and β are the voltage gain without feedback and with feedback respectively,
then the gain with negative feedback is
Av Av
a) b)
1−β A v 1+ β A v
1+ β A v 1−β A v
c) d)
Av Av
4. CRO uses ______________ method of focussing
a) electronic b) electrostatic
c) electromagnetic d) electromechanical

Answer any two questions: (2×2=4)

5. Find the value of β if α = 0.9 ii α = 0.98 iii α = 0.99.

6. Define rectification efficiency for a full wave rectifier and derive its percentage value.
7. What do you mean by positive and negative feedback?
8. What is Cathode ray oscilloscope.

Answer any one questions: (6)

9. Define the input characteristic of a CE connection with a diagram.

10. Derive the expressions for the following terms for full-wave rectifier:
a) d.c output current and output voltage
b) r.m.s input current and input voltage
c) Voltage regulation
11. Describe the construction and working principles of a two stage RC coupled
amplifier. Discuss its frequency response curves.
12. With diagram, expalin the construction and working principle of Cathode ray


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