Introduction Sustainable Tourism

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UNESCO Office in Venice

UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science

and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)

Sustainable Tourism Development in UNESCO

Designated Sites in South-Eastern Europe

Ecological Tourism in Europe - ETE

Koblenzer Str. 65
53173 Bonn, Germany
[email protected]
UNESCO Office in Venice
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science
and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)


I Introduction to Sustainable Tourism ....................................................... 3

Introduction to tourism .......................................................................................................... 3

Impacts of tourism ................................................................................................................. 5

Natural and cultural heritage as a basis for tourism ............................................................... 7

Principles of sustainable tourism............................................................................................ 8

International efforts fostering sustainability in tourism ........................................................ 10

Resources............................................................................................................................. 12

II Integrated Management Approaches.................................................... 13

Tourism Management Planning ............................................................................................ 13

Stakeholder Involvement ...................................................................................................... 15

Communication and Involvement Tools................................................................................ 16

Baseline Information and SWOT Analysis .............................................................................. 18

Impact Assessment and Management................................................................................... 19

Monitoring and Indicators .................................................................................................... 20

Visitor Management and Tourism Infrastructure................................................................... 21

Resources............................................................................................................................. 24

III Practice of Sustainable Tourism .......................................................... 25

Sustainable Tourism Product Development........................................................................... 25

Incentives for Sustainable Tourism ....................................................................................... 29

Resources............................................................................................................................. 32

IV Durmitor National Park ....................................................................... 33

Summary of reports and publications on Durmitor NP and tourism development in
Montenegro, WHC 2009 ....................................................................................................... 33

Resources............................................................................................................................. 42

Websites for further reading and publications ........................................ 43

UNESCO Office in Venice
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science
and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)

I Introduction to Sustainable Tourism


Introduction to tourism
Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries with an annual average growth rate about 5%, and
numbers of international travel might nearly double until 2020 compared to 2006. Having
experienced a growth of 25 % between 1995 and 2005, tourism today accounts for 10 % of the
world's economic activity and is one of the main generators of employment. Tourism is also a major
source of foreign exchange earnings for many developing countries. The tourism industry ranks
about 6th in international trade after trade in fossil fuels, telecommunications and computer
equipment, automotive products, and agriculture.
In 2007, a total of 903 million arrivals made up for US$ 856 billion of international tourism receipts.
Adding the US$ 165 billion receipts from international passenger transports (2007), tourism and
travel services account for receipts of almost US$ 3 billion per day.
In the tourism business, natural resources are intensively used and consumed, and tourism has
major impacts on environment, ecosystems, economy, societies and culture. If it is managed well,
tourism can contribute significantly to regional development, if not, it can have devastating effects
on nature and society.
Tourism is in comparison with other industries dependent on national, regional and local resources
(e.g. destinations, attractions, etc.) of a country. It is an industry which is bound to territory. Other
industries generally depend on natural resources and/or services. Furthermore tourism depends on
traditions, culture, etc. These features are incorporated into tourism businesses becoming part of
the tourism industry. This in turn creates a cross-sectoral, dynamic approach to tourism with a
corresponding management schema.
Tourism is a service industry which means that it depends strongly on human resources at all levels
(regional, national, international) and from many different service sectors, e.g. accommodation,
gastronomy, travel agencies, travel writers & publishers etc. Each of these sectors is really an
industry of its own. Human resources include all the people who work in the tourism industry at all
levels, from the cleaners who tidy the hotel rooms to the individuals who manage tourism resorts.
This dependence on human resources means that the quality of tourism fluctuates constantly. The
people employed in the tourism industry are often those employed for a shorter amount of time
than those in other industries. Skills learnt involving tourism often do not stay in one place for very
long because of this high roll over rate. Combining these resources to produce well managed
tourism that works well is often difficult. This also leads to the fluctuation in quality mentioned
Tourism also undergoes continuously high fluctuations in terms of its products. This is also a big
difference in comparison with other industries. The tourism product market changes constantly
trying to keep up with tourism trends. Each year new more specialised products are introduced to
the market. Different products become in and other products out. Each year many tourism
companies fail to keep up with this change and go out of business.

UNESCO Office in Venice
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science
and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)

Figures and Trends

• Exact quantification of world tourism masses is difficult.
• According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, “tourism and its related economic
activities generate 11% of Global Domestic Product, employ 200 million people [tourism
supports 215 million jobs indirectly], and transport nearly 700 million international
travellers per year”.
• It represents 10.4% of the worlds total GDP ($4218 billion US) and 12 % of trade exports.
• Tourism is also one of the top 5 exports in 83% of countries worldwide and is the main
source of foreign income for 38%.
• Domestic tourism is expected to grow strongly. Domestic tourism is estimated to be about
10 times higher than international tourism globally.
• Europe, the Americas, East Asia and the Pacific count for 80% of total tourism arrivals.
• Europe accounts for nearly 2/3rds of global tourism. Its share decreased recently.
• Every second European travels somewhere on holiday at least once a year. Only 9% of
Europeans usually travel outside of Europe.
• Number of international tourism arrivals is expected to double by 2020, the tourism
receipts will have reached $2 trillion and every one in 4 arrivals will be long haul.

• Increased awareness for the environment
• Increased travel experience
• Higher consciousness of quality and value for money
• More selected choice of destination
• Tourists have become more physically and intellectually active
• Tourists look for new destinations and new tourism products.
• Tourists want to visit places, which are environmentally friendly and socially just.
• Older people and handicapped people are travelling more
• Increase in use of technology - internet (especially within the tourism sector)
• More tourism destinations are adopting the planned and managed approach to developing
tourism and wish to develop good quality sustainable tourism.
• More frequent but shorter holidays taken throughout the year.

In activities
• More and more tourists wish to participate in recreation, sports and adventure and to learn
about culture history and the natural areas of the places visited
• Forms of adventure tourism are expanding rapidly as are other specialised forms of
tourism including cultural, nature, ‘roots’(tourism visiting their ancestral home areas),
health and religious tourism.
• Culture and ecotourism are being increasingly developed as a way to protect the natural
beauty and cultural heritage of an area.
• Increase in health and spar tourism.

UNESCO Office in Venice
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science
and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)

Impacts of tourism
Tourism can be a lucrative source of revenue for a destination, but it can also have major negative
impacts on it. These impacts are not only physical, but also cultural. The impacts vary according to
the number and the nature of tourists as well as the characteristics of the site at which tourism
activities take place. These negative impacts can only be managed effectively if they have been
identified, measured and evaluated.

Environmental impacts on ecosystems

Whenever the negative impacts on the natural environment are dealt with, it should be considered
that these impacts rarely effect only one entity, but that the ecological impacts of tourism usually
effect ecosystems as a whole. The impacts on the natural environment do not only effect pristine
nature areas, but also cultivated land, which is an important part of the natural and cultural heritage
of a region and ecologically valuable because it’s the habitat of many species.
Environmental impacts of tourism occur at the local, regional and global level. Climate change and
the depletion of the ozone layer are two mayor effects of the increasing global traffic and industrial
development, in which tourism plays an important role. Environmental impacts that primarily have
effects on the local and regional level also effect the environment globally in the long run. Basically,
loss of biological diversity is a major consequence of these impacts.

Negative socio-cultural impacts

Tourism aids change and development and thus has major effects on the cultural development of a
society. The reaction of societies towards tourism is diverse: some reject changes, others
involucrate them into their traditions and some will abandon their cultural roots altogether. While
cultural change is an unavoidable, natural part of human culture, the sudden and forced changes
that tourism often brings can cause the complete breakdown of a society and may consequentially
cause the loss of entire cultural tradition.
Socio-cultural impacts of tourism are often hard to identify or to measure and a subject of personal
value judgments. Generally spoken, tourism brings about changes in value systems and behavior of
the people and cause changes in the structure of communities, family relationships, collective
traditional life styles, ceremonies and morality. The ambiguity of socio-cultural impacts is due to
the fact that tourism may have impacts that are beneficial for one group of a society, but which are
negative for another.

Negative socio-economic impacts

The tourism industry generates substantial economic benefits to both host countries and tourists'
home countries. Economic improvement is the primary motivation to promote a region as a tourism
destination, because tourism can cause massive economic development. But it also has hidden
costs with unfavorable economic effects. Rich countries usually profit more from tourism than
poorer countries. Least developed countries are at least able to realize the benefits of tourism.
Large-scale transfer of tourism revenues out of the host country and the exclusion of local
businesses and products reduce the revenues of tourism which could otherwise benefit the local

UNESCO Office in Venice
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science
and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)

Positive socio-economic impacts

The main positive socio-economic impact of tourism is that it generates income for the host
economy as well as foreign exchange earnings. Furthermore, tourism stimulates investment in the
regions economy and infrastructure, which leads to the generation of employment and, again, to an
increase in income for the local population. Employment may be created directly in the tourism
industry through hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, taxis, souvenir sales and other tourism related
services, or indirectly through the supply of goods and services needed by tourism-related
business. Tourism development often implicates infrastructure improvements such as better water
and sewage systems, roads, electricity, telephone and public transport networks, thus improving
the quality of life for residents.

Positive impacts on the natural environment

Tourism income not only improves the economic situation of a destination, but can foster
environmental protection. Direct financial contribution to conservation is generated through
entrance fees for protected areas, grants with which tour operators and other tourism providers
support conservation measures, taxes which the government partly uses for financing
environmental protection. Tourists appreciate a healthy and beautiful natural environment and
reject destinations where the pollution and destruction of the natural environment takes place.
Tourism can therefore raise the awareness of the local population concerning environmental
problems and enhance the motivation for conservation activities or promote the improvement of
conservation management.
Another positive impact of tourism on the natural environment of a destination is that it provides an
alternative to unsustainable economic activities, e.g. deforestation of the rainforest, intensified
agricultural practices and highly polluting industries.

Positive socio-cultural impacts

One motive for travelling is the desire to interact with people and to get to know foreign cultures.
Cultural exchange supports understanding between peoples and cultures, can lead to the reduction
of prejudices and thus contribute to the decrease of tension between societies.
The experience of locals with tourists that appreciate local cultures, show interest and valuation of
traditions and cultures goods and enjoy being with locals can increase the sense of regional identity
and pride. The tourists’ demand for the original and authentic elements of the destination’s culture
can cause a revaluation of local culture and tradition. leading to a renaissance of indigenous
cultures, cultural arts and crafts and the rejuvenation of events and festivals that are getting
forgotten due to modern development and adaptation to western lifestyles.
The economic revenues of tourism can facilitate the reduction of emigration through the creation of
jobs and improving the local population's income. Tourism, when managed sustainably, can
strengthen local communities, it can bring the idea of new strategies and concepts of community
administration and regional planning to a region. The participative approach of sustainable tourism
can encourage the civic involvement and increase the pride of the local population. Tourism can
also increase the chances of education and job training because it demands qualified staff for
tourism businesses.

UNESCO Office in Venice
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science
and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)

Natural and cultural heritage as a basis for tourism

Generally, the heritage of a region consists of its physical natural and cultural environment, its
natural phenomena and its cultural traditions and immaterial cultural goods. Heritage is always
affiliated with a region and/or a society (or a part of a society) and it is based on the region's
history. It has its origin in the past; it has been passed over from one generation to the next and
maintained until the present. Cultural heritage is directly related to the region's and society's history
and also natural heritage has its roots in the past. Nature as it looks at present has been formed by
former vegetation and wildlife and underwent constant development and changing through
geological and hydrological processes, evolution and human influence.
In any case, it is most important to keep in mind that sustainable tourism is taking it's sources from
the region's own attractions and past - not from something brought in from abroad, like e.g. a fully
air conditioned tropical greenhouse-landscape in a northern region or an indoor ski park in a
region where there is never enough natural snow for skiing.
The natural and cultural heritage of a region is the main motivation for a tourist’s visit, this is
especially the case for cultural or nature tourism, or provides at least an important complementary
offer for other types of tourism, e.g. congress tourism, recreation and sports tourism. The
outstanding natural and cultural features of a region are those which make a place "special" - and
worth a visit.

Natural heritage
Natural heritage consists not only of flora and fauna, but also of every other part of the natural
environment, e.g. the inorganic nature such as rocks, geologic formations, rivers, lakes, mountains
as well as the relation between these natural components as ecosystems. The main components of
the natural heritage are vegetation and wildlife, geology, hydrology and natural phenomena. Also
‘events’, such as climate, volcanic or astrological incidents, the course of the year, evolution and the
changes in the ecosystems are part of natural heritage. Besides their importance as tourism
attractions each component of the natural heritage may be the topic for educational and scientific

Cultural heritage
Cultural heritage comprises all existing cultural phenomena from material goods to immaterial
goods. This includes immobile historical monuments (historical buildings, gardens, parks, industrial
facilities, traffic related monuments etc.), movable historical monuments (paintings and sculptures,
religious artwork, historical handicrafts, crafts equipment, agricultural and industrial tools and
machines; historical documents and objects), verbal and customs culture such as festivals, rites,
costumes, legends, behavior and habits, music, dances and culinary culture. As the name already
implies, cultural heritage is based on the past and it forms a part of tradition. However,
contemporary culture like music, theatre; literature or fine arts and the like belong to cultural
heritage as well.

Landscape describes a region’s shape and characteristics. It is primarily a part of the natural
heritage as it is largely formed by geological, hydrological and botanical features, but it is also

UNESCO Office in Venice
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science
and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)

strongly influenced by mankind and the society’s economic activities. The landscape is essentially
contributing to the visitor's impressions of and feelings about a region. Landscape is usually not
seen as a specific subject of interest - normally single features such as rock formations, geological
phenomena or vegetation, e.g. forests or meadows are what attract the visitor. It is, however,
experiencing these features in the context of the whole landscape of the area that makes visiting
them special. Many tourist activities are based on the experience of landscape, like all kind of
nature tourism, and nature oriented physical activities as hiking, biking, swimming, etc.

Protection of heritage
The natural and cultural heritage is often vulnerable to the impacts of modern development,
consumer lifestyles and globalization. In addition, the use of heritage in tourism, in particular in
excessive or poorly managed forms of tourism, as well as the development of infrastructure related
to tourism may directly threaten the integrity of the heritage. The ecological setting, culture or
lifestyles of a community may also be degraded because of the visitor’s influence on the place. The
lack of environmental awareness from part of both, local people and visitors, their cultural
insensitivity, an improper management and/or insufficient legal framework and law enforcement
can lead to the deterioration of physical and immaterial natural and cultural goods. Therefore, to
provide the basis for tourism development not only in the present, but also for future generations,
natural and cultural heritage must be protected. Considering protection and making use of tourism
development as a means of conservation is a basic principle of sustainable tourism development.

Principles of sustainable tourism

Due to the dimension of the tourism industry - 900 million arrivals per year around the world - and
because tourism is related so essentially to natural areas, it is one of the major threats to
biodiversity and natural resources world wide. Therefore, it is absolutely indispensable to undertake
efforts to make tourism more sustainable - regarding all kinds of tourism, at all levels and for all
parts of the tourism business from international tour operator to small pension owners.
The challenge of sustainable tourism development is to make use of tourism's positive impacts,
enhancing and channeling the benefits into the right directions, and to avoid or mitigate the
negative impacts as far as possible.
Referring to the different natural, cultural and economic resources tourism is affecting, various
international organizations have developed definitions, principles, charters, codes and criteria for
sustainability in tourism - see a compilation in the box below. Note: These are just examples from
the international level, there are many more specific principles, criteria etc. for sustainable tourism
at regional and local level.

Principles, Declarations, Charters and Codes

• Davos Declaration: Climate Change and Tourism - Responding to Global Challenges, 2007
(Second International Conference on Climate Change and Tourism)
• Oslo Statement on Ecotourism, 2007 (Global Ecotourism Conference, The International
Ecotourism Society)
• The Cape Town Declaration: Responsible Tourism in Destinations, 2002 (The Cape Town

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UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science
and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)

Conference on Responsible Tourism in Destinations, Side event preceding the World Summit
on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002)
• Québec Declaration on Ecotourism, May 2002 (The World Ecotourism Summit)
• Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD), Seventh Session 1999:
- The Global Importance of Tourism
- Workers and Trade Unions in the Web of Tourism
- Sustainable Tourism: A Local Authority Perspective
- Sustainable Tourism: An NGO Perspective
• Global Codes of Ethics for Tourism, 1999 (UNWTO)
• WSSD - Johannesburg Plan of Implementation: Sustainable Tourism, 1992 (World Summit on
Sustainable Development, Rio de Janeiro)
• Berlin Declaration: Biological Diversity and Sustainable Tourism, 1997 (International
Conference on Biodiversity and Tourism)
• Charter for Sustainable Tourism, 1995 (World Conference on Sustainable
Tourism, Lanzarote)

A common definition of sustainable tourism is the one of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO):
"Sustainable tourism development meets the needs of present tourists and host regions while
protecting and enhancing opportunity for the future. It is envisaged as leading to management of
all resources in such a way that economic, social, and aesthetic needs can be fulfilled while
maintaining cultural integrity, essential ecological processes, biological diversity, and life support
system." [WTO 1998: 19]
In other words, sustainable tourism development is ecologically sustainable, economically viable as
well as ethically and socially equitable. It respects the fragile environmental balance that
characterizes many tourism destinations, particularly in environmentally sensitive areas; and it is
based on a long term perspective. The different declarations of principles for sustainable tourism
(see examples in the box above) can be summarized as following.
Sustainable tourism is characterized by:
Ü Enhancing the well-being of communities
Sustainable tourism development supports and ensures the economic, social and cultural well
being of the communities in which tourism takes place.
Ü Supporting the protection of the natural and cultural environment
Sustainable tourism allows the use of natural and cultural resources for gaining economic profit
while at the same time guaranteeing that these resources are not deteriorated or destroyed.
Additionally, tourism is expected to be a driving force with regard to the establishment or the
enhancement of nature protection and the maintenance of cultural values.
Ü Recognizing product quality and tourist satisfaction
The quality of tourism products offered by a region is a key factor for the economic success of
tourism. It is not only characterized by material criteria like the quality of transport,

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UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science
and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)

accommodation and food, but also by non-material criteria like hospitality or the quality of
Ü Applying adaptive management and monitoring
To ensure that tourism is developed in a way which is ecological, economic and socially
sustainable, adequate management and monitoring must be established, following the basic
principles of sustainable use of resources.
It is important to note that different stakeholders involved in the tourism business are responsible
for the implementation of different parts of the principles. Governments, tourism businesses, local
communities, NGOs and the tourists can all contribute to make tourism more sustainable. In order
to achieve the goals of sustainable tourism, the different actors should cooperate and stimulate
each other to put the principles into practice.

International efforts fostering sustainability in tourism

Various bad occurrences related to tourism as well as the sudden increase in mass tourism in the
1960s triggered a lot of tourism critique and led consequently to the introduction of the
phenomenon sustainable tourism or, as it was more commonly known at that time, «green» (gentle)
tourism into the debate. It is also a phenomena that has developed out of the growth of the concept
of sustainable development.
International action in this area, however, did not really take off until the early 1990s. After initial
skepticism, however, tourism has been officially recognized as an important issue in international
environmental politics, both in relation to the Convention on Biological Diversity and to Agenda 21.
At the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro in 2002 (UNCED), the
importance of sustainable tourism development was pointed out. Various international conventions
and declarations have elaborated principles and criteria for sustainable tourism. Of special
importance has been the relationship between tourism and biodiversity conservation - this has
been recognized as an important issue within the framework of the Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD). In consequence, and in order to put the sustainability principles into practice, the
CBD Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development have been adopted by the CBD
Conference of Parties in 2004.

Important international conferences and agreements

• The Marrakesh Task Force Sustainable Tourism, established in 2006, is encouraging the
implementation of actions that promote sustainable tourism through the development of
support tools and presenting existing initiatives that may inspire pilot projects and good
practice in other countries.
• The establishment of the “International Guidelines for Biological Diversity and Tourism
Development” in 2004. These fulfill the concept of sustainable tourism and should be
considered by all relevant bodies as the tool for future planning and management of
tourism. The guidelines focus on tourism which takes place on vulnerable ecosystems and
in protected areas. They can, however, be applied to all forms of tourism in any
geographical region. The CBD Guidelines were established recognizing the fact that
sustainable tourism should involve key stakeholders in tourism, conservation, economy and

UNESCO Office in Venice
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science
and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)

politics in the region and should be completed through a participatory process, which
should primarily include the local population.
• The Quebec Declaration, within the framework of the International Year of Ecotourism
2002, was implemented by the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD), as a
contribution to bring the different views of NGOs and the tourism industry into line in
accordance with sustainable tourism.
• The Commission for Sustainable Development adopted Decision 7/3 on tourism and
sustainable development at its 7th session in New York in 1999. This decision includes the
adoption of an international work programme on sustainable tourism development and an
invitation to the CBD to “further consider, in the context of the process of the exchange of
experience, existing knowledge and best practice on sustainable tourism development with
a view to contributing to international guidelines for activities related to sustainable
tourism development…”.

UNESCO Office in Venice
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science
and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)


Suggested reading
• CBD (Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity)(Ed.)(2007): User's Manual on the CBD Guidelines on
Biodiversity and Tourism Development. -

• Ecological Tourism in Europe/UNESCO-BRESCE (2009): Criteria for Sustainable Tourism. - Published with the

• CBD (Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity)(Ed.)(2004): Guidelines on biodiversity and tourism
development. - Montreal. -

• UNEP (Ed.)(2005): Forging links between protected areas and the tourism sector: How tourism can benefit

Further reading
• Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC)/ Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)(2001): Environmental Code
for Sustainable Tourism. -

• Christ, Costas/Hillel, Oliver/Matus, Seleni/Sweeting, Jamie (2003): Tourism and Biodiversity. Mapping
Tourism's Global Footprint. - Conservation International. - Washington D.C. -

• Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)(1999): Tourism and Sustainable Development. The Global
Importance of Tourism. - Prepared by the World Travel and Tourism Organization and International Hotel and
Restaurant Association. - Department of Economic and Social Affairs: Commission on Sustainable
Development, Seventh Session, 19-30 April 1999, New York. -

• Ecological Tourism in Europe/UNESCO-BRESCE (2009): Sustainable Tourism Training the Trainers Programme.
- Published with the support of UNEP-GEF, UNESCO-BRESCE and MAB.

• Ecological Tourism in Europe/UNESCO-BRESCE (2009): Background Study on institutional and management

frameworks in the Biosphere Reserves Aggtelek (Hungary), Babia Góra (Poland) and Šumava (Czech Republic).

• Ecological Tourism in Europe/UNESCO-BRESCE (2009): Transboundary Cooperation for Sustainable Tourism

in Protected Areas. - Published with the support of UNEP-GEF, UNESCO-BRESCE and MAB.

• NWHO (Ed.)(1999): Sustainable Tourism and cultural heritage. A Review of Development Assistance and Its
Potential to Promote Sustainability. -

• UNEP (2008): Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in the Tourism Sector: Frameworks, Tools and
Practices. -

• UNEP/CI/TOI (2007): Tourism and Mountains. A Practical Guide to Managing the Environmental and Social
Impacts of Mountain Tours. -

UNESCO Office in Venice
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science
and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)

II Integrated Management Approaches


Tourism Management Planning

Tourism management means to assess the impacts of existing and future tourism development and
to monitor the impacts of tourism activities. Monitoring must be based on clear indicators, analysis
of carrying capacity, limits of acceptable change and established mechanisms which are activated in
case of unfavorable development.
Tourism management is also a proactive approach to the regulation and the development of
tourism in a specific region. It is based on a plan adopted by regional/local authorities and
stakeholders. The main dimensions of tourism management are visions, common rules, control and
active development strategies.
Visions are decisions that are made on the general perspective of the development of tourism in the
Zoning means that the given area is divided into clearly designated zones listing the types of
tourism activities and infrastructure that would be acceptable and should be developed.
Legislation and guidelines provide regulations of tourism activities and infrastructure / facilities
according to the vision and the zoning established. Some of the rules may be set in form of laws
and others as voluntary guidelines or recommendations, e.g. setting standards and/or criteria
for tourism like the environmental quality and land-use criteria in and around tourism sites and
the environmental and cultural sustainability guidelines for new and existing tourism
development. Existing laws must be reviewed to resolve any inconsistencies between policy
objectives and legislation.
Approval, licensing and control of tourism activities and infrastructure serve to implement the
regulations. Various measures can be established, e.g. the approval or licensing of new tourism
infrastructure and tourism activities. Existing tourism facilities and activities must be monitored
to control if they comply with the regulations.
Tourism development: Within the tourism management, regulation and control are only one part.
Stakeholders and authorities can also take an active part in tourism development by starting
initiatives in tourism product development, marketing and improvement of services.
Support of tourism development initiatives: Tourism management can also support private sector
tourism development initiatives by creating incentives, implementing assistance programs and
establishing a network for the tourism sector. The proactive, positive approach of tourism
development can often support or even replace the enforcement of regulations by creating best
practice examples, honey pots for the desired type and dimension of tourism development and
discourage or squeeze out of unfavorable activities.
The use of economic instruments, including tiered user fees, bonds, taxes or levies is part of the
proactive approach of tourism management.

UNESCO Office in Venice
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science
and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)

The Tourism Management Plan

A tourism management plan is a written, approved document, which describes the possible threats
and opportunities of tourism development. Based on detailed information about the environmental,
social, cultural, political and legal aspects of the area, it produces a vision for tourism development.
This vision covers a certain period of time, which should be stated in the document, and describes
the work which has to be completed to make the vision a reality. It also establishes control
measures to monitor tourism activities.

A tourism management plan

• is a tool which helps to achieve results more efficiently and in a more cost effective way.
• shows work priorities and highlights the worst problems caused by tourism development
and ways to solve these problems.
• clearly identifies what needs to be done and who is responsible for carrying out the tasks
• helps to plan the tasks which should be completed by protected area managers, local
authorities and tourism operators.
• ensures continuous and consistent tourism management and informs future managers of
what has been done, as well as why, when and how it was done.
• communicates the goals of sustainable tourism management to all relevant stakeholders
and to a wider public right from the beginning of the planning process. This assures their
support and involvement in the process and can in turn help to identify possible conflicts at
an early stage.
• explains regulations, restrictions and control measures to people visiting the area as well as
to individuals offering tourism facilities.

Steps of tourism management planning

The management planning process is a logical process divided into different, consecutive stages. At
the beginning, the background of the planning process, the composition of the project team and
the structure of the planning process should be clarified. The second stage identifies the key
stakeholders who will participate in the planning process and establishes their working
arrangements. In stage 3 the baseline information needed to make decisions about the prospective
tourism development, has to be compiled. This information acts as a basis for the development of
the region’s tourism management vision. To make this vision reality, the main goals and objectives
have to be agreed upon and a work plan should be produced stating how these goals and objectives
will be achieved. To make sure that the tourism management plan will monitor and manage
potential impacts carefully, impact management strategies should be elaborated. To find out
whether the goals of the management plan are being fulfilled and whether the stakeholders are
being involved appropriately, a feedback and review process needs to be designed. The last step is
the approval of the plan by the stakeholders and relevant authorities and institutions.

UNESCO Office in Venice
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science
and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)

Stakeholder Involvement
Resource management and sustainable development planning are commonly defined as a societal
choice - as stated in principle 1 of the ecosystem approach of the Convention on Biological

Traditionally, planning was done exclusively by experts and state authorities, while the people
affected by the planned development were only, if at all, consulted towards the end of the planning
process. The local population therefore had hardly any influence on the development planning and
usually could not contribute to the decision-making process at all. Modern approaches of planning
recognize that the participation of the local population in management planning, and thus at a very
early stage of the process, is crucial for the success of the future implementation of plans. The
involvement of stakeholders, that is the members of the local society, is crucial for the
implementation of the plan, because it is them who will have to obey the rules set in the plan.
Further they may have to undertake certain activities developed in the plan and they are the ones
that may allocate resources necessary to achieve the plan's goals. The success of the plan's
implementation depends therefore on how committed the people are towards achieving its goals. If
people participate from the beginning of the planning process and can really influence its goals and
objectives, they are much more likely to identify themselves with the plan and feel responsible for
its implementation.

For sustainable tourism development, the involvement of local stakeholders and the notification
targeting the local population is an indispensable element of the planning process. The CBD
Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism stress the importance of local participation and thus
encourage governments and developers to provide participation opportunities and to communicate
project-related information in an adequate way to everyone who might be affected by the individual

Stakeholders in sustainable tourism management planning are all the individuals who are interested
in and/or affected by tourism development and biodiversity conservation. They should participate in
the planning process from the early stage. Sustainable tourism development emphasizes in
particular the importance of considering and respecting the wishes and needs of the local
population of the tourism destination. Tourism development is usually not a primary subject of
public administration, and therefore can only be managed effectively if all the stakeholders
participate in the decision-making process.
The tourism sector includes a great variety of products and services and influences the local
economy as well as the culture and living-conditions of the tourism destination. This means that
there is a wide range of people involved in tourism, such as local tourism service providers,
retailers, hoteliers, etc. Furthermore, the whole local population is affected by tourism
Stakeholders in tourism management planning:
• Neighbors and residents (local communities)
• Farmers, foresters, hunters and fishermen
• Tourism providers such as hoteliers, restaurant owners, tourist guides, etc.
• Tours operators and tourism agencies

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• Local business men, e.g. retailers

• Local authorities: local municipalities, local administration
• Local NGOs
• Educational institutions (schools, universities, etc.), research centers
• Visitors
• Media

Participation includes a range of elements such as providing information, facilitating consultation

and initiating cooperation in decision-making. Communication with stakeholders is obviously one
essential precondition for their involvement. Furthermore, capacity building measures that enable
stakeholders to communicate, to receive and to process information and finally to make their choice
based on the rationalised consideration and appreciation of values is another precondition that
needs to be considered when starting the process of involvement.

Communication and Involvement Tools

Communication efforts do not only target stakeholders to be involved in the project at the local
level, but should also include the more general public and stakeholders at regional, national and
international level. As projects are usually embedded into a framework of international agreements
and national legislation and policies, political levels should also be incorporated in the
communication process, in order to receive important information and to be prepared to solve
problems that arise due to regulations defined at these levels. By establishing contacts and good
relations at national and international level, project managers can advocate local interests and
foster adequate solutions that lead to an improvement of conditions at the local level or that are a
precondition for implementing the project and achieving its goals. Vice versa, project managers can
obtain valuable input and advice from the national and international level. The communication and
involvement process therefore should include activities that ensure communication at these levels.

To start with the communication and involvement process, measures should be carefully planned
and agreed upon by the experts working in the body responsible for the planning process.
Commonly, measures are developed in the scope of a communication and involvement plan (CIP).

To make it easier to select the appropriate tools for the different stages of involvement and the
different objectives within the communication process, the tools are classified into four categories
regarding the direction of the communication and the purpose of the tool:


Ü to inform Ü to receive their Ü to arouse their Ü to enable active

stakeholders feedback and interest and participation in
about a project or opinion motivate them to elaboration and
a planning process actively participate decision-
in the project making

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Of course, some of the tools and techniques are related to more than one of these categories. The
classification should only point out the main focus of the respective tools.


• Print products - Posters and public displays
- Brochures and Leaflets - Exhibitions
- Posters - Special theme days
- Fact sheets - Community Events
Education Outreach activities

- Monographs -
Internet-based information - Toll-free Hotline
- Websites - Public Television/Public Access Television
- Mailing Lists Shows
- Newsletters - Video Productions

- E-Forums

- Relationship with Local Media
Planning events
- Press Releases
- Public forum
- Media Events
- Public meetings
- Newspaper Ads
- Planning days / Planning weekend

- Newspaper Supplements
- Activity week
Public Information Display and on-site Information

- Workshops
- Information Repositories

Project Centre
- Infield Notification and information
- Visitor Information Centre
- Award Scheme

- Guided Tours

- Competition
Meetings, Events and Personal Contacts
Look & Decide Tools
- Public Meetings
- Interactive Displays
- Public Availability Sessions
- Choice catalogue
- Local Events
- Design Games
- Mapping & Models
Participatory editing


Written and web-based forms - Prioritizing
- Email Group activities
- FAQ programme - Community profiling
- Public comment period - Photo surveys
- Public input - Reconnaissance trips
- Surveys - Simulation
Assistance teams

- Polls -
Meetings and Personal Contacts - Task force
- Public meetings - Focus groups
- Field trips - Design workshop

- Individual consultations - Community Groups
Technical Assistance
- Funds and Trusts
- Grant schemes

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Baseline Information and SWOT Analysis

The baseline information describes the environment, the institutional, social, economic, cultural,
political and legal circumstances and the current situation of tourism in the region. The compilation
of baseline information assesses the current situation and predicts the future working environment
for tourism management. It also includes existing and potential threats to the natural environment
and the area’s potentials for sustainable tourism development. It provides the basis for decisions
which need to be made concerning measures to be taken against these threats and on the vision
and the goals of the tourism management plan. An in-depth compilation of baseline information is
of vital importance if the project is to proceed successfully.
Baseline information for tourism management planning can be divided into three essential parts:
• Ecological, economic, social and historic characteristics of the region
• Tourism and tourism management within the region
• Legal framework for conservation of biological diversity and for tourism development
The process of gathering baseline information should make clear to all stakeholders that tourism in
general and tourism activities in their region cause impacts which need to be addressed.

SWOT Analysis
To assess the area’s potentials for sustainable tourism development and to consider the negative
impacts of tourism on the natural and cultural environment, the compilation of baseline information
should include a SWOT analysis. It examines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
of tourism development and the conservation of biodiversity in the area.
The following box shows questions to be considered in the SWOT analysis.

SW OT An a lysis
̇ St r e n gt h s

Ü What are t he st rengt hs of t he region regarding t he conservat ion of

biodiversit y?
Ü Which are t he region's feat ures t hat can fost er t ourism developm ent ?
̇ W e a k n e sse s

Ü Where are lacks of m anagem ent and good policies for conservat ion?
Ü Which are t he const raint s of t ourism developm ent in t he region?
̇ Oppor t u n it ie s

Ü What are t he opport unit ies for environm ent al conservat ion?
Ü What are t he opport unit ies for sust ainable t ourism developm ent ?
Ü What are t he current and possible posit ive im pact s of t ourism
developm ent and t ourism act ivit ies?
̇ Th r e a t s

Ü What are t he current and pot ent ial negat ive im pact s of t ourism

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developm ent and t ourism act ivit ies on t he nat ural and cult ural
environm ent ?
Ü What are t he t hreat s t o conservat ion of biodiversit y caused by t ourism ?

How to collect and present the data needed

After the topics of information needed for the development of the tourism management plan are
agreed upon, the information which already exists on the chosen topics should be reviewed. Much
of the information which is needed will be found in studies, surveys and plans, such as the
Biodiversity Management Plan of the National Park, case studies, etc.
This data should be complemented (and/or updated) by further data collection, e.g. by the
conduction of surveys, and then be compiled in such a way that the practical use for the rest of the
planning process is clearly evident to the reader.
For efficient data compilation, the following questions should be answered:
• Who will collect the data?
• Who will analyse the collected data and how?
• How will the data be presented to the stakeholders and the general public?
A summary of the collected baseline information will later be included in the tourism management
It is important to present the collected information in a simple, clear and comprehensive way. It
should be accessible to all stakeholders. It can enable them to understand and realise the
significance of the region’s natural, economic and cultural features, whilst emphazising the
importance of biodiversity conservation and the benefits of sustainable tourism development. The
compilation of baseline information should further include maps and other additional material, e.g.
visualized by GIS.

Impact Assessment and Management

To be able to manage tourism in a protected area, it is necessary to reveal the impacts (negative
and positive ones) of tourism, a process called impact assessment. Based on the results of the
impact assessment, management strategies can be developed to avoid or mitigate current or
foreseen negative impacts and to enhance and make full use of the positive impacts.
Tourism impact assessment means to review and evaluate the impacts of tourism infrastructure
such as accommodation, transport and other tourism facilities and of tourism activities such as
hiking, camping, swimming, biking, etc. Commonly known approaches of impact assessment are
EIA = Environmental Impact Assessment, SIA = Social Impact Assessment and SEA = Strategic
Environmental Assessment. These approaches focus on different parts of the environment (ecology,
society and economy). It is important to note that the assessment of tourism impacts in a protected
area should be designed as an integrated approach that considers all three dimensions.
In many cases, impact assessment is used as a part of the planning process that means prior to the
implementation of a project (e. g. the building of a tourism resort). Nevertheless, it can and should

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also be used to evaluate the impacts of existing tourism infrastructure and activities. The impact
assessment should be conducted according to the national goals and the goals of the PA related to
tourism and biodiversity. Stakeholders and the general public should be consulted during the
impact assessment process to consider the interests and needs of the people living in the area who
might be affected by tourism activities.

Management of impacts
In the process of developing a sustainable tourism product one should always pay regard to the
vulnerability of natural and cultural resources to human pressures, i.e. the effect the future tourism
will have on the broad environment. Tourism in protected areas, based on natural and cultural
heritage, can by its very nature be even more disturbing than other forms of tourism. Therefore it is
obvious that the number of visitors and the tourism-related uses in a protected area theoretically
should be limited. However, determining concrete numbers that define these limits is difficult. If the
number of visiting guests is too low, the economic return may be as well, so that afforded
investments can’t be taken. If the number is too high, however, implementing tourism will end up in
destroying those sights and values the tourists are attracted to. That is why it is particularly
important to assess vulnerability at the very beginning so that the tourism can be developed in a
sustainable manner.
Very important questions in this context are: How much people do the locals want them to visit per
year, when do they feel disturbed in their private sphere? How much guests are manageable in
terms of infrastructure, for example the public traffic, the waste disposal, or - depending on the
region - also for the drinking water disposal? Regarding a protected area it is obvious that it has to
be controlled how many tourists are allowed to enter the place without disturbing or destroying the
life of flora and fauna – without extravagating the carrying capacity. In addition to the identification
of the Carrying Capacity, a broad variety of useful methods, including Limits of Acceptable Change
(LAC), Visitor Experience Resource Protection (VERP), Visitor Impact Management (VIM) and Tourism
Optimization Management Model (TOMM) can be of help when aiming at a balanced tourism
development that benefits both, people and nature in and adjacent to protected areas.

Monitoring and Indicators

In order to be able to know the success or failure – and thus the need for improvement – of the
applied management and related measures, a monitoring process is necessary. Thus, monitoring
means constantly checking if the implementation of the goals, objectives and the work program of
the tourism management plan is carried out properly and whether they have the intended effects.
Monitoring and its results should help to form decisions about how the plan should be managed in
the future. The monitoring process consists of three consecutive steps: data collection, evaluation
and reporting. As evaluation and reporting are depending on the data collected, the in-depth
compilation of valid data forms the basis of a good monitoring system. In order to be effective,
monitoring must be based on clear indicators, analysis of carrying capacity, limits of acceptable
change and other established mechanisms which are activated in case of unfavorable development.
In order to guarantee the good quality of data, a standardized data collection process should be
established, including a determined set of indicators, which will also be used in the phase of
evaluation. This will allow for a reporting system that is able to consider also changes occurring
gradually in the course of time. If the monitoring shows difficulties or gaps, an evaluation of causes

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and influential factors is conducted to help identifying and selecting effective management
responses. Another important factor in at this stage of monitoring is again the involvement of local
stakeholders and communities. As stakeholders live and work in the region, their insights are
particularly valuable for the monitoring process.

Criteria and indicators

Criteria express the goals we want to achieve by sustainable tourism development. They describe a
state and/or the improvement of certain features of a region, a tourism product or tourism
development in general. If these criteria are fulfilled or true, it can be stated that tourism was
developed and/or takes places in a sustainable way.
To measure if a criterion is fulfilled, certain indicators can be used. Indicators are characteristics or
figures that demonstrate the state or the change of the state of a criterion. Each criterion must have
at least one, better several indicators which can be measured in a scientifically valid and preferably
objective way. To adjust the importance of single indicators for one criterion, they can be weighted
to different degrees to evaluate the state or the improvement of a criterion in an adequate way.
When describing indicators, not only the characteristic or figure itself, but also the method of its
measurement should be described, so that it is clear how to collect the data for the evaluation of
tourism or tourism development in the right way.
It is very important to note, that the figures measured by the indicators need to be subject to
qualified and adequate interpretation by independent experts. As the framework of tourism and the
economic and social conditions vary decisively from one region to another, bare figures merely
provide sufficient evidence to draw valuable conclusions whether a criterion is fulfilled or not.
It is also important to realize that while criteria for sustainable tourism in principle are applicable to
every region and every kind of tourism all over the world, the set of indicators belonging to each
criterion should be selected and adjusted according to the special conditions of the area where the
sustainability of tourism is evaluated.

Visitor Management and Tourism Infrastructure

Visitor management and tourism management are very closely linked with each other. However, it is
important to clearly distinguish between these two steps within the context of tourism
Tourism Management covers the management of tourism development and related activities
regarding their impacts on ecology, economy and society in the respective (protected) area. The
tourism management process includes the conduction of a situation analysis, including the
application of visitor impact management frameworks, such as Carrying Capacity or LAC, as well as
related strategy development, the development of a management plan and its consequent
implementation. Thus, it lies within the responsibility of tourism management to set rules regarding
visitor numbers, the extent of tourism activities and the overall type of tourism to be developed in
the protected area.
Visitor management is one component of tourism management. Whereas tourism management
tackles the regional level, dealing with developments and activities within the whole area, visitor
management mainly focuses on the specific habitat level. For effective decision-making, visitor

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management needs exact data on the level of use (of respective resources), the status of the
habitats and the man-made impacts of visitor presence.
Visitor management deals with the assessment of direct negative, human-induced, impacts of the
visitors’ presence (and related activities) on habitats, species and natural resources (e.g. related
erosion). Based on the result of the assessment, visitor management further determines measures
to keep the identified impacts at a minimum level or to generally avoid them in the future. Measures
that belong to visitor management are for example the design of trail networks, the hardening of
surfaces, the prohibition of fireplaces and campgrounds of the measures for visitor education for
proper behavior within the protected area.
It is important to understand that visitor management is specifically targeted towards the visitor
itself and those impacts caused by humans. In order to fulfill this purpose, visitor management
includes technical management decisions (e.g. where to build a new trail) as well as value
judgments (e.g. decisions to limit use).

Tourism infrastructure planning and management

Generally, when talking about the tourism infrastructure for visitors in protected areas (e.g. trails,
visitor centers, resting places, parking lots, camp grounds, view points etc.) particular precaution is
necessary due to the high vulnerability of the natural values. In the following, the sustainability
principles for two typical examples for visitor infrastructure in protected areas are presented.

To provide trails for hikers, cyclists, horse-riders, skiers, climbers and other types of visitors is a
key issue of protected area management. Trails and the whole network of trails in a protected area
need to be carefully planned and monitored in order to achieve two goals:
a) To keep the negative impacts of the trails and the visitors' activities on and along these trails
to a minimum (acceptable) level.

b) To provide the visitors with an adequate infrastructure (the trails and related facilities) that
allow for a meaningful nature experience according to the expectations of the different
visitor groups mentioned above.

In general, a protected area will provide two types of trails: normal trails that basically enable
visitors to get around/to get to places of interest, and interpretative trails. The latter are an
important opportunity to communicate with the visitor and, to a certain extend, to influence his
experience and behavior. Interpretative trails have many different purposes including information,
education, recreation, safety and conservation of natural and cultural resources. Modern
interpretative trails do not only provide information, but follow the concept of actively involving the
observer in an interactive process of learning about and experiencing nature. Interpretative trails
are characterized by their structured sequence of interpretative features. Modern interpretative
trails in protected areas aim to inform the user about the ecosystem(s) the trail is located in. They
are a means to communicate natural and cultural values and to raise the visitors’ awareness for
environmental conservation issues.

Campground owners can contribute decisively to the environmental performance of the
campground by obtaining some basic rules. However, aiming at a really sustainable camping site, it

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is also necessary to establish rules of behavior and to communicate them to the visitors, the staff of
the campground and the local people in the vicinity.
Some basic demands campgrounds (not only) in protected areas should meet:
• Reduce and recycle waste (solid waste and sewage)
• Efficient use of water and energy
• Nature-oriented design of the campground, using local materials for construction
• Use of traditional coloring and local raw material (felt, wood) in yurta camp construction
• Processing and selling of local food and beverages
• Avoidance of negative impacts due to transport (e.g. offer local transport; shuttle services
for guest coming by trains)
• Use of environmentally-friendly detergents
• Cooperate with the protected area management for informing tourists about adequate
recreation opportunities and proper behavior in the area

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Suggested reading
• Ecological Tourism in Europe/UNESCO-BRESCE (2007): Sustainable Tourism Management Planning in
Biosphere Reserves – A Methodology Guide. -

• Kohl, Jon (2007): Park Planning for Life. Manual for Public Use Managers.

• Pedersen, Arthur (2002): Managing Tourism at World Heritage Sites: A Practical Manual for World Heritage
Site Managers. - World Heritage manuals. UNESCO World Heritage Centre (Ed.). - Paris. -

• UNEP/WTO (Ed.)(2005): Making Tourism Sustainable: a guide for policy makers. -

Further reading
• Eagles, P./McCool, S./Haynes, C. (2002): Sustainable Tourism in Protected areas. Guidelines for Management
and Planning.-IUCN- Gland, Cambridge. -

• Ecological Tourism in Europe/UNESCO-BRESCE (2009): The trail planning guide. An insight into the process of
planning interpretative trails.

• EUROSITE (Ed.)(1999): EUROSITE Management Planning Toolkit. -


• GSTC Partnership (2008): Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria.

• Gutierrez, Eileen et al. (2005): Linking Communities, Tourism and Conservation – A Tourism Assessment
Process. - Conservation International and The George Washington University (Ed.) -

• Kohl, Jon: Barriers to Implementing Protected Area Strategic Plans.

• World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)(2004): Indicators of sustainable development for tourism destinations.
A guidebook. - Madrid.

• A Proposed Framework for the Development of Joint Cooperation On Nature Conservation and Sustainable
Tourism At World Heritage Natural sites Between The tourism industry and the UNESCO, World Heritage
Centre. -

Note: Where there is no download link provided, publications are available for download
from the UNESCO-BRESCE website. All publications with download links are listed there.

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UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science
and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)

III Practice of Sustainable Tourism


Sustainable Tourism Product Development

Tourism can be described as the activity of people traveling to a place which is not their home,
staying at this place for a certain amount of time, exercising different activities at the place (leisure,
business or other purposes) while these purposes are not related to the exercise of an activity
remunerated from within the place visited, and traveling back home. Tourism is thus different from
travel, which means the dislocation of somebody from one place to the other, because tourism
involves, apart from the journey itself, the stay and the activities during this stay as main elements.
As tourism comprises of a specific sequence of certain recurring, consecutive elements, it is being
described as a chain. The basic elements of this chain are the journey to and from the chosen
destination and the stay at the destination. Additionally, the preparation phase (selection of the
destination, booking and packing) and the wrap-up of the stay at home are considered as parts of
the chain as they always take place in one or other form.
The tourism product is defined as the combination of goods and services such as transport,
accommodation, food and drinks, guiding services, provision of material and infrastructure for
activities etc. that are necessary to enables the tourists to have a complex experience which starts
at them leaving their home and ends at their return.

The tourism chain and related product items

Stage Client’s activity Means (product items) Provider

1. Preparation Generating interest Marketing, information, advert. Travel agencies, destination


Product check-out Marketing, advert, information and Travel agencies, destination

and reservation communication channels. managements, providers of various

Preparation of Purchase, repairs, rental. E.g. salesmen of equipment for

equipment and gear sport, hiking and traveling,
bookshops, photo-shops,
equipment rentals and repairs, etc.

2. Journey Transport from home Car, bus, train, ship, plane, bicycle, Transport companies, car and bike
to a tourist on foot. rentals, traffic infrastructure
destination operators (train stations, airports,

3. Stay Accommodation Hotels, guest houses, hostels, Operators of facilities.

camps and other facilities.

Taking meals Restaurants, own preparation, etc. Operators of facilities,


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Free-time activities Hiking, sport, relaxing, etc. Guides, instructors, sellers of

equipment, operators of
playgrounds and other centers, etc.

Learning activities Visiting museums and castles, Managers of facilities and

sightseeing in towns and their territories, tour-guides,
vicinities, and the like. Visiting bookshops, etc.
protected territories and the like.

Cultural activities Concerts, festivals, custom Managers of facilities, music bands

presentations and the like. and theatre troupes, and the like.

Working activities Meetings, seminars, exhibitions, Providers of facilities, interpreters.

fairs, conferences, presentations,
excursions, etc.

Shopping and local Purchase of souvenirs and local Craftsmen, producers and sellers
service products. Purchase of other of souvenirs and local products.
necessities (photo-video, Shops in the locality.
magazines, etc.). Bank and exchange service
Banks, money exchange, car providers, car repair owners, health
repairs, health care and the like. care facilities, and the like.
Transportation services. Transportation companies, taxi, car
and bike rentals.

Other activities. Spa service, educational activities Operators of facilities, providers of

and the like. services, and others.

4. Journey back Transport from Car, bus, train, ship, plane, bicycle, Transport companies, car and bike
home tourist destination on foot. rentals, traffic infrastructure
home. operators (train stations, airports,

5. Activities Equipment - Washing, cleaning, etc. Laundries, car/bike repairs,

after returning maintenance and Repairing items, and the like. craftsmen and the like.
home repair works.

Recording and Making photographs, writing Photo-labs, providers of

sharing of memories. articles or web-pages, participating information and communication
in discussion and other meetings, technologies, operators of
etc. facilities.

Basic steps of product development and people involved

The complexity of the tourism product and its relation to the destination, but also to the place of
origin of the customer as well as to the business at interregional level, e.g. the transport industry,
requires the consideration of a range of diverse aspects when developing a tourism product. It
further means that, in many cases, a range of cooperating entrepreneurs need to be involved in the
development of the product.
In principle, three basic producers can be identified:
• Individual service providers (e.g. hotels, restaurants, tour guiding) coordinate their products
and each of them tries to sell their own service, which is supplemented by the service of
other partners. They generate profit mainly by selling the primary service that they provide.

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• Travel agencies and tour-operators sell a tourism product which is a combination of

services from other providers, mainly providers and organizers of itineraries, lodging and
catering. The tour operator then sells this product under its own name (or in co-operation
with vendors). The income of the travel agency/tour operator is generated from
percentages received from providers of individual primary services or by increasing the
total price of individual products, or by the combination of both methods.
• Destination management organizations (DMOs) (e.g. tourism association, tourist
information centers, tourism department of the local administration), similarly to a tour
operator, create products from services of other providers. They do not, however, sell this
product but provide it for vendors. The profit is generated from the percentages received
from the vendor (who generates his income based on percentages received from primary
service providers) and/or from percentage gained from the income of primary service

Basic elements of tourism product development

Considering the potential for tourism, the attractions and possible facilities and services that can
be offered
The identification and evaluation of the (potential) tourism attractions a region has to offer
(based on the natural and cultural heritage as described in chapter 1) as well as the review of
the existing infrastructure and services and the assessment of the possibilities for developing
and constructing tourism infrastructure and services is the first essential step for developing a
tourism product.

Considering potential markets and target groups

To identify which type of tourism product can be sold and to which customer is an important
element of product development and marketing. Without knowledge about the future customer,
products cannot be fitted to the needs and interests of the future visitors. To be successful at
the market, product design (offer) and visitor preferences (demand) need to be adjusted.

Developing and/or packaging the tourism product

Once the potential attractions and the opportunities for product development are identified and
the market and target groups are analyzed, the developers need to decide on the design of the
product and start then with its development. Depending on the field of work of the developer (if
single entrepreneur or DMO), particular elements of the product need to be combined and
packages created. Producing a facility or offering some service is one only aspect of product
development. Planning, conceptualizing, branding and packaging this product are as well
essential. The complexity of the tourism chain also means that a large number of players are
involved in the various tourism activities. It even signifies that, if tourism is to be effectively
developed and managed, it presupposes a fundamental understanding of the complexity and
characteristics of the global tourism system. Especially when developing sustainable tourism, all
dimensions of the tourism sector and the sectors related to it (see chapter 2.2.3) need to be
considered to make sure that tourism benefits the regional development.

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Marketing of the product

Marketing can be defined as the whole process from tourism potential assessment over product
development up to advertising and purchasing of the product, thus including all elements
described so far. However, in a narrower sense, marketing comprises of the activities related to
bringing the product to the market and that are prerequisite for the purchase. These activities
are mainly the product design, the communication (advertising), the distribution and the pricing.

The sustainable tourism product

The strategy of drawing certain benefits from tourism - mainly of an economic nature - implies
taking advantage of free-market mechanisms for ecological and social purposes, and this in turn
indicates to accept the logic of a system mainly driven by private enterprise, in which
competitiveness and operational profitability are both, the core purpose and at the same time the
prerequisite for its very ability to function. People wanting to develop sustainable tourism or to
make tourism in a region more sustainable, therefore need to accept that they are acting against
the background of market mechanisms and profit-driven entrepreneurship. Especially those who
have their main focus of work on non-profit activities, such as protected area managers,
government institutions or NGOs, and that want to actively participate in the development of
tourism tend to neglect the economic aspects - that the main purpose of the tourism sector is to
sell a product - and for this reason often fail to achieve economic sustainability of their tourism
To obtain the maximum benefits from tourism for the sustainable development of a region, it is
necessary to evaluate and adjust all elements of the tourism product regarding sustainability
aspects. This exercise can be realized at the level of the individual elements of the tourism chain,
such as transport or accommodation, but also regarding the integrated product and its placement
in the regional economy and supply chain.
At both of these two levels, the product has to fulfill the principles of economic, environmental as
well as social and ethical sustainability. That means that in the developing process the balance act
of the following aspects has to be considered:
• Conservation, thus preserving biodiversity and natural resources, but also strengthening
the understanding and the acceptance of how important preserving the environment is,
among both, residents and customers
• In this context local participation plays an important role. The inhabitants should be able to
benefit from tourism by improved living standards, local empowerment, poverty reduction
and (in best case) positive cultural exchanges.
• Finally, sustainability for tourism business means heading for long-term profitability
through tempered price policies (customer and investment) as well as attractive and diverse

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UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science
and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)

Incentives for Sustainable Tourism

One option how to achieve sustainable practices in tourism businesses is to administer economic
instruments that motivate private enterprises to change their operations towards more
sustainability. Economic instruments that count on the voluntary participation and engagement of
businesses by providing financial benefits to those that participate in a program or engage in
making their business more sustainable are called incentives. Other economic instruments, mainly
executed by governments, are taxes, e.g. specific eco-taxes for tourism businesses, or charges
levied from tourists or businesses using specific resources, e.g. of a protected area.

The use of incentives for sustainable tourism

In sustainable tourism, the aim of incentives is to influence the practice of tourism activities or
tourism development to make them more sustainable via changing the behavior or the business
practice of tourism providers. The expected outcome of incentives is the reduction of adverse
tourism impacts, may they relate to the environment, culture, society or economy of a tourism
destination. The issuer of incentives can be governmental bodies, local communities, international
institutions, NGOs, private initiatives and also the private tourism sector, e.g. tourism associations
or tourism agencies.
The beneficiary of the incentives or the participants in an incentive program will be above all the
tourism enterprises from local businesses of accommodation, catering, transport and other tourism
related services, furthermore local and national travel agents and tour operators up to
internationally operating ones. There are also incentives that address the tourists. An incentive
scheme could offer the reduction of the tourist tax or a better value for those tourists that chose
environmental friendly behavior, e.g. using public transport instead of their own car or taking back
their garbage themselves.

Capacity building
The use of incentives should not be administered without a broader approach that provides for an
enabling framework. Incentives have to be prepared and accompanied by awareness raising and
educational activities in order to obtain the private tourism businesses’ interest and enable them to
participate in a meaningful way. Especially when addressing small and medium local tourism
providers, their capacities of understanding the systems, estimating the cost and benefits and
taking the necessary steps to chance their operations should be carefully evaluated and technical
assistance and capacity building should be provided wherever needed. While this will increase the
costs of establishing the incentive instrument it will surely pay off regarding the success and rate of
participation of businesses.

Adequate framework and transparency

Another important aspect is the legal and administrative framework in which the incentives are
being administered. Legal regulations and requirements need to be evaluated regarding their
appropriateness to provide the necessary background for the establishment of an incentive. As
incentives are about financial benefits that are transferred in one way or the other towards private
businesses it is important to ensure a transparent and objective execution that justifies the
allocation of funds and avoids adverse impacts such as the susceptibility to corruption.

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and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)

Monitoring and evaluation of results

For all of the introduced incentives it is important to monitor and evaluate the success of their
implementation but also the real impacts the action has on the environmental and cultural integrity
of a destination. A certification scheme could be successful in certifying a great number of
businesses but might not change the environmental impacts of the tourism in an area in a sufficient
way to justify the costs and efforts needed to establish the certification system.
On the other hand it should be clear that incentives can in most cases only be a first step or a
component of a sustainable tourism development program. Incentives alone will not solve all
environmental and sociocultural issues of tourism. The monitoring and evaluation system therefore
needs to set clear, realistic and meaningful indicators but these indicators should not be too
demanding and exceed of what an incentive can realistically achieve. The main emphasis of the use
of incentives is to induce a change, an improvement towards more sustainability compared to a
status quo at a given point in time.

Different incentives
Contests and awards
Contest and awards are a relatively easy way to stimulate sustainability in tourism. The concept of
an award is that an independent institution gives a prize to a tourism business or a specific tourism
product (e.g. a holiday package) that is selected because of its outstanding sustainability
performance. A contest invites tourism businesses to enter a competition on the best sustainability
performance. As many awards do not select the awarded businesses from the whole range of
tourism enterprises but issue a call for applications and then select among the applicants, contest
and awards are quite similar.

Certification and labeling

Certification is a procedure that assesses, monitors and gives written assurance that a business,
product, process, service or management system meets or exceeds a set of baseline criteria or is
committed to work towards more sustainability. Certification is always voluntary, meaning that no
business can be forced to join it. In contrast to certification, obligatory standards are called
regulations and are imposed by governments. Within the many existing different types of
certification and ecolabels, the credible ones have the following common aspects:
• A logo is awarded that is communicated to the consumers and enables them to recognize
those businesses or products and services that meet certain sustainability criteria from
those that do not.
• The compliance with local regulations is required as a minimum standard. This might
sound self-evident, but especially in areas where regulations are poorly developed or
inadequately enforced, a certification scheme can encourage local businesses to work with
regional authorities to improve the regulations or their enforcement.
• The certified companies are required to publish a statement of commitment to sustainable
• The scheme encompasses a set of defined standards/criteria or an environmental
management system (or both) which must be met or exceeded by the certified businesses.

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• The scheme includes the assessment and auditing of the certified companies and a
verification system guaranteeing that standards are met.
• The scheme administers periodic follow up audits to renew the certification; and it fosters
continual improvement;
• Certification requires the transparency of criteria and evaluation;
• The scheme is based on a participatory approach involving tourism stakeholders to define
the standards and the design of the scheme.
• In many cases, a fee structure is set up to provide basic funding of the operation of the

Trademarks / umbrella brands

The main difference between a sustainable tourism trademark and sustainable tourism certification
is that the institution responsible for the trademark is a profit-oriented enterprise that markets the
products of its members / licensees. A sustainable tourism trademark unites sustainable tourism
providers under one umbrella brand and thus uses the advantages of cooperative marketing and a
joint booking system, benefiting from economies of scale, the professional expertise generated by a
cooperation of many businesses and the competitive advantages of a larger business at the market.
Sustainable tourism trademarks can include different types of tourism services or they can
concentrate on one type, e.g. lodging. They provide a cooperate identity, including a logo, for all
the licensees. Furthermore, the trademark guarantees the quality and compliance of the products
and services of its members and communicates this guarantee to the consumers.

Grant schemes used to foster sustainable tourism development are a form of direct investment
assistance that is tied to conditions related to sustainability aspects of tourism providers. A funding
body, e.g. the national government, a local authority, an international donor organization, an NGOs,
a business association or a consortium of institutions, provides a program giving grants in form of
a donation, a loan (possibly interest-free) or other financial support to businesses that invest in the
improvement of their sustainability performance. These can be the installation of new technical
equipment, e.g. solar panels, but also measures that improve the management, built capacities or
enhance the range of sustainable products and services offered to the customers.

Promotional activities
Marketing and promotion are crucial for the success of any business. While this is well understood
for the tourism industry as a whole, sustainable tourism projects tend to neglect the importance of
marketing or allocate insufficient funds for it. The idea that a sustainable tourism product or
ecotourism product should sell itself just because it has an outstanding environmental performance
is very common but wrong. Just like any other product it needs a business plan, a marketing
strategy and promotion to be successful at the market.
For small local tourism providers it is often difficult to engage in marketing due to the lack of
awareness, expertise, funds and access to distribution channels. Therefore, one important support
that may be offered to such enterprises is to develop a program of marketing and promotion that is
executed either free of charge or at a low price that is affordable for small local businesses.

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UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science
and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)


Suggested reading
• UNEP/TOI (Eds.) (2005): Integrating Sustainability into Business. A management guide for responsible tour
operators. -

Further reading
• Center for Ecotourism and Sustainable Development (CESD)(Ed.): A Simple User’s Guide to Certification for
Sustainable Tourism and Ecotourism. - http://www.rainforest-

• Center for Ecotourism and Sustainable Development (CESD)(Ed.): Practical Steps for Marketing Tourism
Certification. -

• European Commission. Directorate-General for Enterprise. Tourism Unit (Ed.)(2002): Using Natural and
Cultural Heritage to develop sustainable tourism in non-traditional tourist destinations. - Brussels.

• The International Ecotourism Society (Ed.) (2005): Marketing Strategy for Sustainable Tourism Certification. -

• Tour Operators Initiative: A Practical Guide to Good Practice: Managing Environmental and Social Issues in the
Accommodations Sector. - In cooperation with the Center for Environmental Leadership in Business,
Conservation International and the Ford Motor Company. -

• Tour Operators Initiative: Center for Environmental Leadership in Business /Coral Reef Alliance: A Practical
Guide to Good Practice: Managing Environmental Impacts in the Marine Recreation Sector. - In cooperation
with the Center for Environmental Leadership in Business and the Coral Reef Alliance. -

• Tour Operators Initiative: Supply Chain Engagement for Tour Operators. Three Steps towards Sustainability. -
In cooperation with the Center for Environmental Leadership in Business, Conservation International and the
Ford Company. -

• UNEP (2001): Sowing the Seeds of Change: An Environmental Teaching Pack for the Hospitality Industry.

• WWF (1999): Code of Conduct for Mediterranean Tourism. - Rome. - http://www.monachus-

• WWF (Ed.) (2000): Tourism Certification. An analysis of Green Globe 21 and other tourism certification
programs. -

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UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science
and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)

IV Durmitor National Park

Summary of reports and publications on Durmitor NP and tourism development in
Montenegro, WHC 2009

1) Territorial Diagnostic of the Tara River Basin Biosphere Reserve and the Durmitor World Heritage
Site in Montenegro; UNESCO-BRESCE, 2008.
By: Davide Poletto

Survey conducted with a mixture of residents and tourists, most people surveyed were residents. Note: most
residents in the surrounding municipalities do not live within park boundaries, and rarely visit the park itself.

Questions posed regarding important symbols of Durmitor:

Survey results show the top three symbols of the territory as:

Tara Canyon

Tara River

Questions posed regarding opinions and orientations towards local development show:

major confidence in tourism (especially in private hospitality and translation)

hydroelectric damn rated least favorable, at bottom of the survey, demonstrating a general
link between concept of environment and nature protection as a positive in the Durmitor

Interviewees point to:

a desire for more participation in the decision-making process

confidence in municipalities as the best conduit for improvements in Durmitor
very little local trust shown in inter-governmental organizations and non governmental
organizations as catalysts for change

Poletto recommends partnering and avoiding top-down decisions, instead suggests using the park entity itself
and municipalities as the building blocks for international cooperation

Operational recommendations: better planning for both internal and external borders,
capacity building with rural mountain communities needed, supply assistance to the park authority (who is at
the same time accused of incapacity and exploitation)

Major problems in Durmitor’s management and public use plan:

floral and faunal assessment lacking, thus it is impossible to track changes

major waste management issues

a complete lack of urban planning (especially Zabljak)

no management body
management plan not published in English (only Serbian documents exist)

2) A Sustainable Tourism Destination Management Approach for Durmitor National Park and
Surrounding Local Communities
George Washington University
Donald E Hawkins

General Characteristics of the Montenegrin Tourist market:

Positive Factors:
fastest growing tourism market in the world

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10.2 % annual growth

proximity to Eastern and Western Europe

historic tourism strength

inter-regional travel on the rise, following cease of conflict
growth of foreign tourists- primarily from Scandinavia, Germany, France and Spain

Negative Factors:

weak roads and airport infrastructure

language abilities and tourism skills lacking
general trend of de-population, aging population

Lodging options recommended by the George Washington University

workshop for sustainable development:

*Katun (Kolibe)
Seasonal settlements for shepherds in the mountains, normally used during the summer. There is a
possibility for renovation of Katuns and creation of a Katun network for tourists in Durmitor. A
network of this kind would require a corporate sponsor in order reconstruct the houses and organize
the Katun network.

*Eco lodges
Environmentally responsible accommodation units that would also provide translation and
interpretation functions, using a community-based model. Plans for an outside investor to build the
eco-lodges and make them operational with an ultimate goal of transferring management of the eco-
lodges to local residents.

* Eco-villages
Using a FTIZ (free tourism investment zone) retro fit an existing village, such as the old wooden
village of Zabljak is a promising possibility which would serve to offset the modern urban
development of Zabljak.

3) Report of the International Mission to Durmitor National Park and Tara River Basin, Serbian and
Montenegro, and to Bosnia and Herzegovina
January 2005

Background information:
The mission was sent mainly in response to the proposed damn Buk Bjela, to analyze the
prospective impacts of the damn. Buk Bjela was ultimately not built, in accordance with the recommendations
given by the International Mission. Buk Bjela was a proposed hydro –electric damn that would split electric
output: 25%/75% between Serbia and Montenegro respectively. Tara River marks the border between
Montenegro and Bosnia/Herzegovina beyond the national park borders, an extension of the parks boundaries
was recommended by the commission. A serial World Heritage Site was recommended with and extension
into Bosnia-Herzegovina. Creating a serial site which would require the international cooperation of the two
countries. Tara River Basin is part of Danube Watershed via its tributary system, thus technically the Danube
Convention applies, as does the international Sava River Basin Commission regulations.

The mission recommends possible future partner ships with:

IUCN office Belgrade

UNESCO National Commission for Serbia and Montenegro
Man and the Biosphere Committee

Major problems sited by the mission:

illegal construction activities

poor legal enforcement

logging (main source of income, aside from tourism for park managers)

illegal construction in environs of landscape, especially ski facilities

dangerous mine tailings which will require 7.5 million EU to clean and contain:
no report has been filed on current state of clean-up process.

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Negative trends:


local job placement offers on decline

weak infrastructure and facilities
social services for local population lacking, or viewed as poor or insufficient

Positive Trends:
Durmitor national park could be used as a complementary territory aimed to then offset coastal


A growing demand for local products is exhibited by tourists
Montenegro's government’s written claim that Montenegro is an ecological state can be used to gain
support for projects at Durmitor.

4) Programme for the Development of Mountain Tourism in Montenegro

A review by Oliver Bennet: Written in response report by the International Institute of Tourism of

Declaration of Ecological State of Montenegro cited as important first step. Signs of successful mountain
tourism are marked by strong linkages between local communities and national parks, with good
programmes for interpretation and training of local inhabitants of rural mountain communities. Today the
mountains of Montenegro are marked by the unique selling point of its unspoilt nature in Europe, but are
conversely marked by poor standards of accommodation, lack of interpretation skills, risks of de-population,
difficult access and its uncompetitive status by European standards. For Durmitor, the author recommends
developing and improving these gaps through meetings and smaller scale conferences. Additionally,
Bennet recommends an increase in local events, sports, recreation, cultural and historical tourism, wellness,
and health focused activities.

Montenegro’s potential in the European ski market:

serious ski tourism in Montenegro would depend on chartered flights
skiing needs to be cheap in order to compete with other East European ski slopes

(Romania, Bulgaria)
also needs to be high-quality in order to compete with higher-end European markets

(France, Italy)

substantial investments would be required to build an internationally competitive ski resort
a new ski resort would produce relatively low revenues per room, thus low revenues per
job, and the surrounding area would only see low income levels (even taking into account

multiplier effect)

the resort would run at an operational loss for years
substantial environmental impacts of ski construction need an environmental impact

assessment before any new construction commences
Bennet proposes more modest development, focusing on local and regional markets that
would incur lower environmental and financial risks

Montenegro’s plan for sustainable mountain tourism:

build tourism steadily from the current small base

improvements in accommodation
exploration of small scale enterprises where visitors can meet local residents and engage

in cultural tourism activities
accommodation improvements and infrastructure linked with a certification scheme,

accommodation brand, and a central booking system for local hotels
additional support for the development of visitor activities such as: river rafting, waking,
trekking, interpretation, work as guides

5) United Nations Development Progamme: Opportunities and barriers for the private sector in the
development of sustainable tourism in Montenegro

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and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)

Characteristics of Durmitor (indicative of transitional economies)

Limited access, especially by air, lack of transparency, legal failures, difficulties securing financing, low
institutional and management capacity.
Summary of the three municipalities of Savnik, Zabljak, Pluzine—all have tourism experience, management
capacity, marketing ability, and expertise generally confined to former Yugoslavia.

Opportunities and Challenges (general description of the state of tourism)

reflective of Yugoslavian past- now in a re-discovery stage

emphasis on domestic markets of Serbia and Montenegro

peak of 11 million tourists in 1989, compared to 703,000 tourist in 2004

all but 5% of tourism is concentrated on the sea coast
room for expansion of market base of large coastal tour operators to include and partner with

mountain groups

marketing through foreign operators
marketing directly to consumers.

Breakdown of foreign visitors in 2004, following emphasis to foreign markets

17% Bosnia-Herzegovina, 17% Czech Republic , 15% Germany, 11% Russia

The resort hub of Durmitor, population 5,000, has nice wooden housing, and three small inbound tour
operators mainly bring in day trippers form the coast. Of the three mountain municipalities Zabljak attracts
the greatest visitor numbers; this only represents 2% of national total for Montenegro. Zabljak has only one
bank, which is consistently sited as an obstacle to investment and loans (interest rate 27%)

Goals for Zabljak as expressed by Montenegro’s Tourism Master Plan:

10,000 beds, 100,000 visitor bed nights by 2015.
Hotel Zabljak, a family operation, is currently under a re-development plan, but is delayed by need for
updated urban plan. The hotel is reportedly in a state of disrepair. The hotel owners need on site technical
assistance (potential partnership with tourism students here.) The public area of the hotel was renovated on
bank loan, but the bedrooms are of lower quality and could use information cards. The ownership has no
contacts with tour operators in European markets. The hotel also has the potential to be converted into an

The major gap in Zabljak:

customer service

physical improvements

acceptance and use of credit cards, debit cards

creation of web sites
linked services and events

Strategic Framework Goal: Durmitor nature based tourism that benefits local people, creating poverty
alleviation and a center for the involvement of locals in future development through consensus and co-
operation. Zabljak also has great potential to benefit from a twinning relationship with region or town

Lies on the shore of an artificial lake; there is one hotel, which is described in the UNDP report as
essentially an antiquated communist toss back. Additional accommodation in private homes and self
catering chalets exist, but the quality in unknown. The main hotel, Hotel Durmitor, which is currently closed,
lies in close proximity to the artificial lake, next to National Park headquarters. There is potential
development for the hotel to become an eco-lodge and the National Park headquarters to serve in tandem
with the eco-lodge as a future conservation project, a training center-or a field study center (research
programmes, outreach training, education, and publication services) Opportunities and challenges in Pluzine
include the lack of physical development guidelines and an assured mechanism for enforcement of
guidelines. The municipality needs to improve market knowledge and marketing of individual enterprises
within a regional framework.

General challenges to private investment in Montenegro:
uncertainty (low property costs, low potential earnings)

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poor access (roads, air)

bad corruption rating, which in turn effects opinions abroad

financing: high capital costs for accommodation, with a long payback period
worries about instability, such as political or economic difficulties which would threaten investments,

i.e. hotels, tied to fixed location
weak asset base of tour operators and travel companies

Tax incentives for mountain development: could include discounted building plots, tax credits, tax
exemptions, tax-free capital investment reserves, for the purchase and installation of utilities.

Suggestions specific to Northern Montenegro:

determination of potential markets

product development

physical planning guidelines and physical development control
creation of a roadmap for potential investors

Conclusions: Growing Sustainable Business Plan

Identify and develop specific investments and projects, co-funding, market research, feasibility analysis,
monitoring, evaluation, implementation, identification of opportunities, new business models, and technical
assistance to entrepreneurs.

6 Major Goals Identified by UNDP:

1. Development of priced tour operator programmes (prospective EU partners, agreements with larger
coastal businesses)
2. Develop village accommodation
3. Expand local product portfolio
4. Establish partnership with Hospitality Training school
5. Explore productive twinning relationship
6. Event expansion

6) Reaching balanced regional development in Montenegro: Problems and Solutions

South-East Europe Review

The current status-quo in Northern Montenegro:

economic, non-economic, structural, demographic statistics, natural characteristics, geography,

distribution of rescores, production.

53% of the total Montenegrin territory

31.45% of population

Least developed region of Montenegro
poverty rate -19.3%
o Durmitor, and the municipalities of Zabljak, Savnik, and Pluzine
o Comprise 1, 852 km2, 13.4 % of the total national territory
o 1.84% of Montenegrin population

Strategy for Northern region: The northern region should operate as a functionally planned zone,
containing Durmitor and the three surrounding municipalities of Zabljak, Savnik, and Pluzine.
Currently the GDP in the region revolves around trade, tourism, transmission and production of
electricity and agriculture.
Traffic and infrastructure are the major limiting factors, with weak communication between towns,
villages, and rural mountain communities. Another major difficulty is population retention.

Agriculture should be developed in partnership with village revitalization,

transport, technology, and municipal activities and service need improvement. South-East Europe
Review suggests that coastal tourism be linked with sustainable mountain tourism; small-medium
enterprises developed or brought to the region, and entrepreneurship encouraged.

Two phase plan for regional development of Durmitor

Phase 1. agriculture sector projects, private construction of collection centre for the distribution of health
foods in Zabljak, agro-tourism

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Phase 2. concentrate on agricultural goals in primary tourism zone of Zabljak: construct 92 farms,
reconstruct and revitalize existing farms, construct a hotel, sports hall, apartments. For the secondary
tourism zone (Savnik and Pluzine) an increase in tourist and sports capabilities are suggested with a
focus on tourism of villages.

7) Economic Evaluation of the Tara River

M. Sc. Danilo Mrdak
Podgorica September 2005

Prospective tourist offers on Tara River:


Sports fishing (fly fishing)

Bird watching

Horse riding


Mountain Biking

Canyon exploration
Currently Rafting and Fishing are the only functioning tourist offers

Fishing- most of the economic benefits of fishing in Durmitor come in the form of purchased fishing
licenses, additionally these tourists are almost exclusively Montenegrin.
o Direct financial impact of fishing tourism
o License cost: 15 € per day
o 324 permissions sold in 2004= 4,860 €
o 30 licenses sold to foreigners in 2004
o Foreign fishers stay on average two days in Durmitor

Indirect financial impact of fishing:

Foreign anglers: estimates of expenses
1. Meals: 20 € daily
2. Accommodation 10 € per night
3. Refreshment: 5€ per day
4. Souvenirs 5 € per trip
Mrdak estimates the indirect economic impact of fishers as 3,000 Eu in 2004

Rafting: most rafting on the Tara River is organized by private tourist agencies.
These associations, most of which are registered as non-governmental organizations, generally
underreport their profits and tourist numbers in order to avoid higher taxes.
(These companies work on a cash basis)
o Estimates: average 11,500 tourists in 2004, 50% of which were foreign
o one day rafting Tara trips are almost exclusively foreigners, 70 % of whom are brought by
tourist agencies from the coast
o One day rafters spend on average 50 €
o Two and three day rafting trips are estimated at 80 % foreign and 20 % domestic with
Tourists spending 225 € over the course of a 2/3 day trip

Overall View of Direct Economical Impact of Rafting on Tara River in 2005

Mrdak Estimates: 740,200 Eu
Indirect Financial Impact estimate: 316,164 €

Complete Economic Evaluation: Mrdak estimates roughly 1 million Eu spent by 12 663 tourists in 2004. It
should be noted that tourists from Bosnia Herzegovina and Serbia were counted as foreign tourists in this
survey and as such were probably assumed to have spent much more than they actually did. Mrdak
undertakes no analysis of where the money spent by tourists goes or whether it stays in the Tara River area.

8) Implementing Sustainable Winter and Summer Tourism in Northern and Central Montenegro:
An assessment of Current Strategies and Next Steps
A report to the Rockefeller Brother’s Fund and the UNDP

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November, 2005

Assessing winter Tourism: Ski resorts and Other Possibilities:

It appears that the recommendations for the new ski lifts in Durmitor were based largely on a report written by
a government functionary in the 1980s. However, the Ministry of Tourism has not undertaken a more recent
assessment and as such ski development is still considered a viable alternative.

Major problems for Durmitor ski development:

environmental impacts

jeopardizing of world Heritage status

likely affects of global warming (Durmitor as a mid-elevation resort)
Inability to manufacture snow in a municipality where water shortages exist

Assessing Summer Tourism: Human and Physical Capacity, Nature- and Agricultural-Based

Suggestions for ways to focus on summer tourism
Create a network of the local homes offering accommodation (currently between 800-1500 beds)

along with an increase in speed of hotel privatization

Marketing of Durmitor as a part of the “slow foods” movement
Combining nature and agro-tourism with visits to monasteries/historic towns

Assessing Implementation of the Strategic Framework:

The Strategic Framework is mean tot offer a road map, focusing on the move of Montenegro from a market

center follow paying domestic and regional tourists to higher end European and North American Market.

developing tourism circuits and website development

Promotion of tours to European and North American markets

Assisting the national parks

Strengthening university programs and distance learning

The World heritage Sites designation should be more prominently displayed at Park entrance
Development of a certification scheme for hotels and the implantation of pilot business models.

The Viability of Ski Area Development in the Zabljak-Durmitor Region (Arthur DeJong)

Ski Area Planning: Problems
Physical Reality: no studies exist on the current and future reliabilities of snow, potentially not enough

suitable ski terrain, or high elevation terrain
Environmental Reality: no environmental inventory of flora and fauna exists with which to measure
potential impacts. Dejong points out that Durmitor doesn’t need spend significant capital in ski

developments when it has other attractions, such as an ecologically rich and intact alpine ecosystem.

Social Reality: greater community needs for road improvement exist over ski lifts
Economic reality: ski development is a poor means of growing and rebuilding tourism for local

9) An External Evaluation of Montenegro Sustainable Development Program

Of UNDP LO in Montenegro
Podgorica December 2005

Turning strategy into Sustainable Development: MSDP has identified three key strategic areas:

Sustainable tourism

Renewable energy
Sustainable forestry

And two cross-cutting institutional support mechanisms:

Spatial Planning of 14 municipalities

The MSDP Project began with south-south cooperation and the visit of Dr. Rene Castro, former Costa Rican
Minister for the Environment. Dr Castro’s visit was meant to transfer the procedures, methods, and
experiences of Costa Rica’s transition and implementation of socio-economic reforms, democracy, and
sustainable development. These are the recommendations he made for “re-vitalizing” the “Ecological State
Concept of Montenegro”

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• Establishment of a “National Council for Sustainable Development” as an institutional body to

formulate a new sustainable development strategy
re-launch the concept of Montenegro as an ecological state
Re-definition of the term “sustainable state” as a longer-term strategy, “ecologically
appropriate, healthy, socially beneficial and fair, economically viable, and responsible state

which maintains its ecological dimension by adding economic and social ones”
Create a publication of “early success” cases in framework of long-term development

Potential future cooperation for MSDP was identified with:

Potential fields for cooperation with other donors include: the establishment of a tourist route connecting World
Heritage Sites in the Balkans through UNDP’s global initiative “Growing Sustainable Businesses” along with
preparation of a Balkan UNESCO World Heritage Sites Tour package

Capacity building at the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Spatial Planning

Review of results achieved by individual projects:

• Montenegro’s Tourism Master Plan represents a threat to sustainability as Montenegro does not

have the infrastructure in place to cope with event the current number of tourists
MSDP recommends education of relevant stakeholders and promotion of sustainable tourism
concept by drawing attention of government, media, and public to the difference between sustainable
tourist development and more traditional tourist development

10) Sustainable Tourism Entrepreneurship in the Durmitor National Park Area

The ultimate objective of the MSDP project is to create a model for public-private partnerships, including
capacity building of local stakeholders, and the

Creation of employment opportunities though:

Facilitating and assisting n linking European tour operators with local service providers
Identifying local leaders, support the establishment of their own associations, thereby becoming more

professional, and gaining the ability to satisfy higher European standards (training of trainers)

Assist local service providers to focus on future product creation, development, and marketing

Provide equipment to National Park (photo, video, surveillance cameras) for documentation purposes
Assist in establishment of information and visitor centers with promotional material available to the

Establish a small credit and loan guarantee scheme for the local SMEs along with a business

advisory office
Create a website to function as a bulletin board for local businesses and entrepreneurs

Sustainable Forestry and Biodiversity Goals

1. Build a database for forestry and biodiversity
2. Help parks to acquire basic tools for forest inventory
3. Provide aid in the digitalization of various maps and creation of a biodiversity info layer
4. Train staff in biodiversity and forestry to work with GIS -build human capacity for better management of
forest resources in Montenegro

Spatial Planning in Montenegro: needs

1. Legislation to be re-drafter
2. Spatial planners and other stakeholders need training
3. Provisions needed for adequate law-enforcement, anticorruption initiatives
4. Provisions for coordinating sectoral policies, resolving jurisdictional disputes
5. Streamlined licensing process with a clear administrative framework, recommendations:
̇ training of professional planners
̇ NGO training
̇ assessment of municipal capacities
̇ stop illegal construction, housing, and settlements
̇ adoption of better planning legislation compliant with EU standards

UNESCO Office in Venice
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science
and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)

̇ localization of sustainable economic development

Recommendations for Sustainable Economic Development:

1. capacity building with municipalities
2. establishment of NGO support system
3. allocation of more time for training(organization of longer, more detailed courses, training of
trainers, university level education of planners
4. creation of a municipal development fund is suggested in order to provide funding for the
implantation of these smaller-scale projects

The evaluation makes the point tat Montenegro is a small country, and as such small interventions
and improvements will be visible and can produce significant changes.

11) Montenegro Country Report

General Status of Environmental Networks

Overall qualitative and quantitative description of the situation: the report found few functioning environmental
networks in Montenegro, but profiled the Zeleny Krug, which it felt to be the most important/most capable of
future cooperation.

Network name: Zeleny Krug (Green Circle)

General Character and Scale of Operation: (topics dealt with)

Climate change, renewable energy, energy efficiency

urban environment, water issues, sustainable development

environmental legislation, nature protection, environmental policy making
environmental education, education for sustainable development


advisory services, awareness raising, campaigns

meetings, conferences, networking, training/capacity building,

environmental impact assessments, environmental management

lobbying, negotiation and dialogue facilitation
watchdoging, policy implantation ,public meetings

Financial Setup:
Annual budget upwards of 100,000 €. The foundation claims it has sufficient funding for the projects it is
currently undertaking, but prospective programs are lacking financing:
Financial breakdown:
50 % foreign. /international foundations
25 % foreign governments/ international public sector grants and donations.
5-15 % fees and charges for mission related services

Other environmental networks in Montenegro:

The Tara River Coalition

Green Home




AHA (Asocijacia Hercegnovska Alternitiva)

Green Resource Center
Friends of Public Services

Resource challenges for environmental NGOs in Montenegro include: overcoming strong individualism,
garnering public support, finding individuals without personal interest, lack of training, and funding.

UNESCO Office in Venice
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science
and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)

12) UNDP
Unleashing Sustainable Tourism Entrepreneurship in the Area of Durmitor National Park, Montenegro
(Savnik, Zabljak, Pluzine)
Project Action Plan
April 2005

Workshop for public private partnership for sustainable tourism development among stakeholders in the area
of Durmitor National Park held in 2005:

UNDP Recommendations:
Improvement of the rafting product through capacity building in hospitality, interpretation, and safety

training of rafting guides

Upgrading of hiking trail services
Improvements of interpretation infrastructure along hiking trails, currently signs are in Montenegrin or

are lacking altogether
Raising public awareness for local people and Durmitor Tradition

UNDP Activities:
Production of a bilingual leaflet and promotional flyer for rafting in Durmitor – in English and


Production of a flyer for hiking trail services
A marketing event for the opening of the upgraded rafting and hiking attractions

• Poletto, Davide: Territorial Diagnostic of the Tara River Basin Biosphere Reserve and the Durmitor World
Heritage Site in Montenegro. - UNESCO-BRESCE. - 2008.

• Hawkins, Donald E.: A Sustainable Tourism Destination Management Approach for Durmitor National Park
and Surrounding Local Communities. - George Washington University.

• Report of the International Mission to Durmitor National Park and Tara River Basin, Serbian and Montenegro,
and to Bosnia and Herzegovina. - January 2005.

• Bennet, Oliver: Programme for the Development of Mountain Tourism in Montenegro. - A review written in
response report by the International Institute of Tourism of Ljubljana.

• United Nations Development Progamme: Opportunities and barriers for the private sector in the development
of sustainable tourism in Montenegro.

• Reaching balanced regional development in Montenegro: Problems and Solutions. - South-East Europe

• Mrdak, M. Sc. Danilo (2005): Economic Evaluation of the Tara River. - Podgorica.

• Implementing Sustainable Winter and Summer Tourism in Northern and Central Montenegro: An assessment
of Current Strategies and Next Steps. - A report to the Rockefeller Brother’s Fund and the UNDP. - November,

• An External Evaluation of Montenegro Sustainable Development Program of UNDP LO in Montenegro. -

Podgorica December 2005.

• Sustainable Tourism Entrepreneurship in the Durmitor National Park Area

• Montenegro Country Report: General Status of Environmental Networks.

• UNDP: Unleashing Sustainable Tourism Entrepreneurship in the Area of Durmitor National Park, Montenegro
(Savnik, Zabljak, Pluzine). Project Action Plan. - April 2005.

UNESCO Office in Venice
UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science
and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)

Websites for further reading and publications

CBD Biodiversity and Tourism

Sustainable Travel International

The Marrakesh Task Force Sustainable Tourism

The Responsible Tourism Partnership

The International Ecotourism Society

Tour Operators Initiative (TOI)

UNEP-DTIE Sustainable Consumption & Production Branch - Tourism

World Tourism Organization (UWTO)


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