A Study To Assess The Effectiveness of Structure T

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Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences 2022;9(2):37–43

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Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences

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Original Research Article

A study to assess the effectiveness of structure teaching program on knowledge
and practice regarding prevention of acute upper respiratory tract infection
among mothers of under five children in selected hospital, Lucknow
Anjalatchi Muthukumaran1, *
1 Era University, Era College of Nursing, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India


Article history: Acute upper respiratory tract infection is responsible for 20 to 30% of death during under 5 age and
Received 14-08-2022 mortality rate is 40% in India. Every day, millions of parents seek health care for their sick children, taking
Accepted 25-08-2022 them to hospital, health centers, pharmacists, doctors and traditional healer. Each year more than 10 million
Available online 03-09-2022 children die before they reach their 5th birthday. Hence, the study "A study to assess the effectiveness of
structured teaching program on knowledge and practice regarding prevention of acute upper respiratory
tract infection among mothers of under five children in selected hospital, Lucknow" was undertaken by the
Keywords: research.Pre-experimental one group pre test post test design approach was used to assess the effectiveness
Structured teaching program of structured teaching program on knowledge and practice regarding prevention of acute upper respiratory
tract infection among mothers of under five children in selected hospital, Lucknow" in view of the nature of
the problem and objectives of the study a structured interview questionnaire, non- observational checklist
Mothers of under five children and structured teaching program was developed focusing on prevention of acute upper respiratory tract
Prevention of acute upper respiratory infection. Validity was ensured in consultation with guides and experts in the field of nursing, medicine and
tract infection
statistics Reliability of the tool was tested by test retest method and found to be highly reliable with a score
of 0.86. The study was carried out in Paediatric ward of Era’s Lucknow Medical College & hospital, 60
mothers of under five children were selected by non probability purposive sampling technique. Structured
interview questionnaires and Non observational checklist were used to collect needed data followed by that
structured teaching Program on prevention of acute upper respiratory tract infection was administered on
the same day. Post test was administered after seven days. The data collected were tabulated and analyzed
by using descriptive and inferential statistics.

This is an Open Access (OA) journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon
the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under
the identical terms.
For reprints contact: [email protected]

1. Introduction occurs at any age but 30% of infection was found in under 5
year children due to acute upper respiratory tract infection. 1
Acute upper respiratory tract infection is responsible for 20
to 30% of death during under S age and mortality rate s 40% Respiratory tract infection is normal further classified
in India. A report by Director General of health Services according to the duration of infection as acute upper and
government of India indicated that acute upper respiratory lower respiratory tract infection. Acute upper respiratory
tract infection contributes toward 0.5 to 0.25 of ll under five tract infection is the infection which involves nose, sinuses,
deaths in India. And it stand 52nd rank in global scenario pharynx or larynx. This commonly includes common cold,
of under 5 mortality in world. Most of the infection usually tonsllitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusis and influenza.
* Corresponding author. Acute upper respiratory tract infection altered the celluler
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Muthukumaran). response and many infecious elements play a role, in

2454-4396/© 2022 Innovative Publication, All rights reserved. 37
38 Muthukumaran / Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences 2022;9(2):37–43

paricular, eosinophi muscles, Tlymphocytes, neutrophill 4. To correlate the post-test knowledge and practice
and epitheliallls cells. 2 regarding prevention of acute upper respiratory tract
A study conducted in 2009, reveals that over 200 infection among mothers of under five children.
different viruses have been isolated in patient with acute 5. To associate the post-test knowledge and practice
upper respiratory tract infection. Common virus is called regarding prevention of acute upper respiratory tract
hinovirus. Other viruses are coronavirus, parainfluenza infection among mothers of under five children with
virus, adenovirus, enterovirus and respiratory syncytial their selected demographic variable.
virus and upto 15% of acute pharyngitis cases may be
caused by bacteria like streptococcus pyogens, Group 3.1. Assumptions
A streptococcus, streptococcus pnemonian, hemophilus
1. Mothers of under five children may have inadequate
enfluenza and corynebacterium diphtheria.
knowledge regarding prevention of acute upper
respiratory tract infection.
2. Need for Study 2. Mothers of under five children may vary their practices
Children are one third of population and all of our futures depending on the existing knowledge regarding
but unfortunately the gift of health which makes the child to prevention of acute upper respiratory tract infection.
be a part of future is affected by so many diseases. One such 3. Structured teaching programmed may improve the
dreadful disease is acute upper respiratory tract infection. knowledge & practice of mothers of under five children
regarding prevention of acute upper respiratory tract
According to W.H.O it is considered as forgotten killer
of children and it is leading cause of childhood morbidity
and death in many developing countries. Causing 2 million
deaths worldwide each year. Among 42 countries in the 3.2. Hypothesis
world 90% of child morality burden, 14-24% of under five 1. H1- There will be a significant difference between
morality occurs in Africa and South East Asian region. pretest and post-test mean knowledge and practice
Most of the children have about 4-6 attack of acute upper regarding prevention of acute upper respiratory tract
respiratory tract infection each year. A research paper infection among mothers of under five children.
reporting global estimates projected 44 million cases per 2. H2- There will be significant correlation between
year in India, a previous estimated based on some data post-test knowledge and practice regarding prevention
projected 43 iion episode per year. Hence, the investigators of acute upper respiratory tract infection among
developed structured teaching program for mothers on mothers of under five children.
prevention of acute upper respiratory tract infection in under 3. H3- There will be a significant association of the post-
five children. So that their knowledge will be enhanced and test knowledge and practice regarding prevention of
thereby they will be able to prevent acute upper respiratory acute upper respiratory tract infection among mothers
tract infection in under five children and provide good care of under five children.
to their child with acute upper respiratory tract infection. 3
4. Review of Literature
2.1. Statement of program
A quasi experimental study was conducted to determine
A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching the effectiveness of structured teaching programmed on
program on knowledge and practice regarding prevention knowledge regarding preventive of acute upper respiratory
of acute upper respiratory tract infection among mothers of tract infection among the two groups of mothers of
under five children in selected hospital, Lucknow. under five children. Simple random technique was adopted
to selected 60 mothers. This setting of the study was
3. Objectives of the Study Mahalakshmipuram under area at Bangalore. The result
shows that in structure teaching program group pretest
1. To assess the existing knowledge regarding prevention knowledge scores of mothers on acute upper respiratory
acute upper respiratory tract infection among mothers tract infection 46.7 per cent had inadequate knowledge.
of under five children. The post test knowledge scores of mothers on acute upper
2. To assess the practice regarding prevention of acute respiratory tract infection 53.3 per cent had moderately. The
upper respiratory tract infection among mothers of study concluded that majority of mothers had inadequate
under five children. knowledge regarding acute upper respiratory tract infection,
3. To determine the effectiveness of structured teaching and prevention of acute upper respiratory tract infection.
program on knowledge and practice regarding Different leaching strategies would help the mother to
prevention of acute upper respiratory tract infection updates with necessary knowledge with regards to the
among mothers of under five children. prevention of acute upper respiratory tract infection. 4
Muthukumaran / Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences 2022;9(2):37–43 39

A cross sectional study was conducted to the knowledge 5.7. Setting of the study
and practice of mothers regarding prevention of acute
respiratory infection in Baringo district, Kenya. The study The physical location and conditions in which data
included 309 mothers those children aged 0-5 years. The collection takes place is the setting of the study The study
study used mixed structured and unstructured questionnaire was conducted in Eras Lucknow Medical College & hospital
and subject was selected by stratified random sampling.
The study result was 18% mothers have satisfactory 5.8. Sample and sample size
knowledge about ARI, 60.2% mothers have knowledge Sample is the sub set of a population selected to participate
about preventive measures of ARI and 87.1% of mothers in a research Study, 1 In this study, the sample consisted of
said that they would seek health services for severe acute 60 mothers.
respiratory infections. The study concluded what formal
education had a positive influence on knowledge and
practice of mother. 5 5.9. Sampling technique
In this study, the sampling technique was selected by using
5. Methodology non probability purposive sampling technique.

5.1. Research approach 5.10. Inclusion criteria

The research approach adopted for this study was an 1. Mothers who are having under five children.
evaluative approach to test the effectiveness of structure 2. Mothers who are willing to participate in study.
teaching program on knowledge and practice regarding
prevention of acute upper respiratory tract infection among 5.11. Exclusion criteria
mothers of under five children
1. Mothers who are not present during the time of data
5.2. Research design collection.

One group pre-test post-test research design, which is 5.12. Development and description of the tool
a pre experimental design, was selected) to evaluate
the knowledge and practice of mothers of under five 1. Section A: Demographic variables
children regarding prevention of acute upper respiratory 2. Section B: Structured interview questionnaire on
tract infection. prevention of acute upper respiratory tract infection
3. Section C: Non observational checklist on prevention
of acute upper respiratory tract infection,
5.3. Research variable 4. Section D: Structured teaching program regarding
A variable is an attribute of a person or object that varies prevention of acute upper respiratory tract infection.
and is taken on different values.
5.13. Content validity of the tools
5.4. Independent variable To ensure content validity of the tools, which includes
demographic data, structured knowledge interview
In this study, structure teaching program regarding
questionnaire and checklist to assess the practice of mothers
prevention of acute upper respiratory tract infection is the
of under five children regarding prevention of acute upper
independent variable
respiratory tract.

5.5. Dependent variable 5.14. Reliability of the tool

’In this study, level of knowledge and price of mothers Reliability for knowledge and practice tool was established
of under five children regarding prevention of acute upper by using split half method. The reliability was established
respiratory tract infection is dependent by using Spearman’s Brown formulae.

5.6. Demographic variable Table 1:

Aspects Reliability
In this study demographic variables considered are age, Knowledge 0.86
religion, education qualification, occupation, type of family, Pratice 0.86
income of family, no. of children, source of information and
frequency of visit to hospital,
40 Muthukumaran / Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences 2022;9(2):37–43

5.15. Ethical consideration age group of 26-30 years, 16(27%) belongs to age group
of 31-35 years and 2 (3.3%) belongs to age group of 36-
1. The study was accepted by research committee of
40 years. Religion wise distribution shows that maximum
Era’s college of nursing.
numbers 31 (52%) of subjects are Hindu.22 (37%) of
2. Formal permission was obtained from hospital
subjects are Muslims. 4 (6.7%) of Subic are Christian
and 3 (5%) subjects are other specific religion. In relation
3. Oral consent of each subject was obtained and
to Educational Qualification, maximum number 20 (33%)
the subjects were informed their participation was
subjects belongs to primary qualification, 20 (3.3%) belongs
voluntary and have the freedom to withdraw from the
to secondary qualification, 10 (16.7%) subject belongs
to higher secondary qualification 7(1.7%) subjects are
4. Privacy, confidentiality and anonymity of the subjects
literate, and 3 (5%) subjects belongs to degree and above
were guarded throughout the study.
qualification. With regard to Family income, maximum
5. Scientific objectivity of the study was maintained with
number 24 (40%) got above 800 month income, 16 (27%)
honesty and impartiality.
got 4001-600 month, 16 27%) got 6001-000 and 4(6.7%)
6. There were no ethical issues aroused during the study
subjects got below 4000/ month. In relation to Number of
living children that the majority 26 (43%) have 2 children,
13 (22%) have 3 children, (18%) subjects have I children
5.16. Method of data collection and 10 (17%) subjects have above 3 children.
1. Procedure data collections Section B: Assessment of level of knowledge level of
2. Plan for data analysis mother of under children regarding prevention of acute
3. Descript statistic upper respiratory tract infection before and after structure
4. Inferential statistic teaching program.
The Table 4 represents tat in the pre test, majority of the
5.17. Procedure for data collection subjects 54(90%) had Moderate knowledge and S(8.4%)of
them had adequate knowledge and 1(1.6%) had inadequate
1. Section A: Description of demographic variables of knowledge. In the post test majority of them 48(80%)
mother of under five children. had adequate knowledge level, 12(20%) had moderately
2. Section B: An analysis of pre-test and post-test adequate knowledge and none of them had inadequate
level of knowledge of mother of under five children knowledge.
was made under following heading: Assessment of Section C: Assessment of level of knowledge level of
level of knowledge of mother of under five children mother of under five children regarding prevention of acute
regarding. The prevention of acute upper respiratory upper respiratory tract infection before and after structure
tract infection before and after structure teaching teaching programme.
program. The Table 5 represents that in the pre test, 31(52%) of
3. Section C: An analysis of pre test and post-test level the subjects had god practice, 29(48%) of the subjects had
of practice of mother of under five children was made Moderate level of Practice and none of the subjects had poor
under following headings: practice regarding prevention of acute upper respiratory
4. Section D: Examining the effectiveness of structure tract infection. In the post test, majority of them 56(93.39%)
teaching program regarding prevention of acute upper had good practice and 4(6.6%) of them had Moderate level
respiratory tract infection. of Practice.
5. Section E: Correlation between post test knowledge
and practice of mother of under five children regarding
5.18. Interpretation and major findings of the study
prevention of acute upper respiratory tract infection.
6. Section F: Association of post test knowledge and 1. Age: In the study majority 22 (37%) belongs to age
practice of mother of under five children regarding group of below 26-30 years.
prevention of accute upper respiratory tract infection 2. Religion: In the study majority 31 (52%) of subjects
with their. are Hindu.
3. Educational Qualification: In the study majority 20
Section A - Description of demographic variables of mother (33.3%) subjects belong to primary qualification
of under five children 4. Family income: In the study majority 24 (40%) of
The Table 2 depicts the frequency and percentage subject got above 8000/month income.
distribution of mothers including age, religion. Educational 5. Number of living children: In the study majority
qualification, family income, no. of living children. 26(43%) have 2 children, Occupation of mothers: In
Age wise distribution shows that the majority 20 (33.3%) the study majority 46 (47%) subjects are house wife
belongs to age group of below 25 year, 22 (37%) belongs t and 14 (23%) subjects are private employee.
Muthukumaran / Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences 2022;9(2):37–43 41

Table 2: Frequency and percentage distribution of mothers including age, religion, educational qualification, monthly family income and
number of living children
S No. Identification Data Options Frequency Percentage
Below Year 25 20 33%
26-30 year 22 37%
1. Age
31-35 year 16 27%
36-40 year 02 3%
Hindu 31 53%
Muslim 22 37%
2. Religion
Christian 4 7%
other specific 3 5%
Illiterate 07 12%
Primary 20 33%
3. Educational Qualification Secondary 20 33%
Higher secondary 10 17%
Degree and above 03 05%
Below 4000 04 7%
4001-6000 16 27%
4. Family Income
6001-8000 16 27%
Above8000 24 40%
1 11 18%
2 26 43%
5. Number of Living Children
3 13 22%
Above-3 10 17%
Total 60 100%

Table 3: Frequency and percentage distribution of mothers including Occupation of the mother, soure of information, type of family and
frequency of visit to hospital
Identification Data Options Frequency Percentage
Government employee 00 0%
Occupation of the Private employee 14 23%
Mother House wife 46 77%
Other specific 00 0%
Healthpersonnel 5 8%
Family member 7 12%
Source of Information
Peer group 4 7%
Mass media 44 73%
Nuclear family 24 40%
Joint family Single 35 58%
Type of Family
Parents Family 1 2%
Blended family 00 0%
Weekly 2 3%
Frequency of Visit to Monthly 25 42%
Hospital Half yearly 20 33%
yearly 13 22%

Table 4: Frequency and percentage distribution of mother of under five children according to their level of knowledge regarding
prevention of acute upper respiratory tract infection before and after structure teaching programme
Pre Test Post Test
S.No Knowledge Level Category Number % Number %
1 Inadequate Knowledge Greater 50% 01 1.6% 0 0%
2 Moderate knowledge 50-75% score 54 90% 12 20%
3 Adequate Knowledge Greater 75% 5 8.4% 48 80%
Total 60 100% 60 100%
42 Muthukumaran / Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences 2022;9(2):37–43

Table 5: Frequency and parentage distribution of mother of under five children according to their level of practice regarding prevention
of acute paper respiratory tract infection before and after structure teaching program
Pre Test Post Test
S.No Knowledge Level Category Number of Mother % Number of Mother %
1 Poor Practice Greater 50% 0 0% 0 0%
2 Moderate Level Practice 50-75% score 29 48% 4 6.6%
3 Adequate Knowledge Greater 75% 31 52% 56 93.3%
Total 60 100% 60 100%

6. Source of information: In the study majority 44 (73%) acute upper respiratory tract infection.
subjects go information from mass media. 2. The nursing curriculum should give more emphasis on
7. Type of family: In the study majority 35 (58%) subject knowledge and practice regarding prevention of acute
have joint family. (Frequency of visit to hospital: In upper respiratory tract infection by using different
the study majority 25 (42%) subjects goes monthly methods of teaching.
hospital. 3. The students, nurses and all health professionals
8. The overall mean pre-test knowledge score obtained should be given the responsibility to teach the mothers
by the mothers was 13.02 and 16.73 with SD of 1.87 and teaching should be repeated until they gain
and 1.26 in the pre-test and post test respectively. The knowledge.
study reveals that overall mean practice score obtained 4. Nurses need to take role as a motivator, facilitator,
by the mothers was 15.58 and 17.92 with SD of 1.5and educator, counselor and research. 6
1.52 in the pre test and post test respectively.
9. (k) The total difference between “t" value of 5.19.3. Nursing administration
knowledge and practice was 15.5 and 10.25 was found 1. Staff develop program in any organization is the prime
to be significant at the level of 0.001. responsibility of the nurse administrator.
2. Strengthening public health infra structure,
5.19. Implications of the study surveillance, emerging planning and protective
technologies in all effective adaptive measures for
The finding of the study can be used in the following areas
prevention of acute upper respiratory tract infection.
of the nursing profession.
Improving communication between the levels of
government responsible for public health.
5.19.1. Nursing practices 3. Strengthening links between the public health and
1. Several implications can be drawn from the present personal health services.
study for nursing practices. Acute upper respiratory 4. Assuring that the registered nurse is an essential
tract infection is most identified problem. Nursing provider in all practice settings through research,
personnel have an important role in recognition and workplace advocacy, legislation and regulation.
prevention of acute upper respiratory tract infection This reference promotes education, and policy
and hence prevent mortality and morbidity associated that serve to prevent /minimize the mortality and
with acute upper respiratory tract infection. morbidity associated with acute upper respiratory tract
2. Nurses should also be aware of, and is able to assess, infection. 7
acute upper respiratory tract infection so that they can
provide appropriate treatment or referrals as needed. 5.19.4. Nursing research
3. Nurses also need to educate the client on prevention 1. The essence of research is to build a body of
of acute upper respiratory tract infection in order to knowledge in nursing. The finding of the present
improve their knowledge and quality of life of their study serves as the basis for the professionals and the
children. students to conduct further studies.
2. Nursing professional organizations need to support
5.19.2. Nursing education research on prevention of acute upper respiratory tract
1. The present study emphasizes an enhancement on infection to improve the quality of life.
knowledge and practice regarding prevention of acute 3. Nurse researchers need to be able to recognize new
upper respiratory tract infection. In order to achieve and unforeseeable consequences of prevention of acute
this nurse as an educator should focus on education to upper respiratory tract infection and also to identify key
mother of under five children regarding prevention of vulnerabilities and critical thresholds. And there is a
Muthukumaran / Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences 2022;9(2):37–43 43

need for extensive and intensive research in this area children regarding prevention of acute upper respiratory
so that strategies for educating nurses and people can tract infection. 10
be developed.
4. This study will serve as a valuable reference material 8. Recommendations
for future investigation. 8
1. A similar study can be under taken on large scale.
2. A similar study may be replicated with control group.
6. Summary 3. Prevalence and Incidence study can be undertaken.
The study attempted to examine the following research
hypothesis: 9. Source of Funding

1. H1 - There will be significant difference between None.

pretest and post-Test mean knowledge and practice
regarding prevention of acute upper respiratory tract 10. Conflict of Interest
infection among mothers of under five children. None.
2. H2 - There will be a significant correlation between
post-test knowledge and practice regarding prevention References
of acute upper respiratory tract infection among
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accepted. 9
Author biography
Anjalatchi Muthukumaran, Vice Principal
7. Conclusion
Based on the above findings of the study, recommendations
were drawn for nursing practice, nursing education, nursing Cite this article: Muthukumaran A. A study to assess the effectiveness
administration and nursing research. Study concludes that of structure teaching program on knowledge and practice regarding
the structured teaching program was effective in improving prevention of acute upper respiratory tract infection among mothers of
under five children in selected hospital, Lucknow. J Educ Technol
the knowledge and practice of mothers of under five Health Sci 2022;9(2):37-43.

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