TSB Volvo Batería
TSB Volvo Batería
TSB Volvo Batería
Technical Journal
File Name File Size
TJ 34241_BCSM.jpg 0.1298 MB
Vehicle Type
Eng Struc Week
Type Eng Sales Body Gear Steer Model Year Plant Chassis range
Desc Range
22X 2019-9999 - 201817-999952
23X 2017-9999 - 201617-999952
246 2018-9999 - 201717-999952
256 2016-9999 - 201552-999952
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a minimum of 50% wastepaper and 10% post-consumer waste.
Technical Journal 34241.2.1
* This TJ has been re-written in its entirety
Customer concern: DIM message “12V battery charge fault” with permanent DTC CEM - B129F96
Auto Start/Stop may also be unavailable along with DTC CEM - B10A613 that will not clear
If either or both symptoms are present, follow the instructions under Service.
To clear the listed DTCs, the system must be completely reset:
• Ensure that the main battery is charged and the alternator is charging.
- Use the VIDA Diagnostic Sequence/Service Function: 12V Overview
• Check the voltage of the support battery and charge it if necessary,
- If less than 11 volts, it must be removed from the vehicle and slow-charged for 8 hours/overnight.
• Perform battery reset as described below
Battery Reset
• Disconnect the negative cable on the main battery
• Remove the lower connector (“S”) on the BCSM (See attachment).
• Wait at least 15 minutes
• Reconnect the BCSM and main battery
• Erase all DTC’s.
This will reset the BCSM and the internal flash memory.
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Technical Journal 34241.2.1
If the DTC(s) still will not clear after 15 minutes, perform the reset again for a longer period of time (up
to 1 hour may be necessary).
Once DTC(s) are clear, road test the vehicle to ensure that the Auto Start/Stop sequences are working as
intended and are repeatable. If the DTC(s) do not reoccur, the vehicle is OK.
NOTE: Auto Start/Stop may be unavailable due to normal circumstances as well. Be sure to review the
conditions necessary for Start/Stop to function located in VIDA under Product Specifications > Design
and Function > Function > Function 28, “Powertrain: Start/Stop”
Yes, please submit a TIE Vehicle Report if the service solution described in this TJ has no effect.
Use concern area “Vehicle Report” and sub concern area “Support needed”, use function group 3300 and
title the report with “BCSM TJ 34241”.
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Technical Journal 34241.2.1
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