Phylogeny and Biogeography of 91 Species

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Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (2007) 91–110

Phylogeny and biogeography of 91 species of heroine cichlids

(Teleostei: Cichlidae) based on sequences of the cytochrome b gene
Gustavo A. Concheiro Pérez a,d,1, Oldlich Iíban b,c,¤,1, Guillermo Ortí d,
Eldredge Bermingham a, Ignacio Doadrio e, Rafael Zardoya e
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Apartado 2072, Balboa, Republic of Panama
Department of Zoology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of South Bohemia, Braninovská 31, 37005 Beské Bud5jovice, Czech Republic
Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Rumburská 89, 277 21 Lib5chov, Czech Republic
School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0118, USA
Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva; Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain

Received 12 March 2006; accepted 15 August 2006

Available online 22 August 2006


Heroini constitute the second largest tribe of Neotropical cichlids and show their greatest diversity in Mesoamerica. Although heroine
species are morphologically and ecologically very diverse, they were all historically assigned to one single genus, Cichlasoma that was
never formally revised from a phylogenetic point of view. Here, we present the most comprehensive molecular phylogeny of the tribe Her-
oini to date, based on the complete DNA sequence of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b, and the analysis of 204 individuals represent-
ing 91 species. Phylogenetic analyses did not support the monophyly of heroines because the genus Pterophyllum was placed as the sister
group of all remaining heroines plus cichlasomatines. However, the recovered relative position of Pterophyllum was without strong statis-
tical support. Within the remaining heroines, Hyspelecara and Hoplarchus are recovered with low support in a basal position with respect
to a clade that includes Heros, Uaru, Mesonauta, and Symphysodon, and the circumamazonian (CAM) heroines. The Wrst clade is
restricted to South America. The largest clade of heroines, the CAM heroines, include more than 85% of the species within the tribe. This
clade is mostly Mesoamerican, but also contains four species found in the Greater Antilles (Nandopsis), and three genera found in South
America (the ‘Heros’ festae group, Australoheros, and Caquetaia). Up to eight major lineages can be recovered within the CAM heroines,
but the phylogenetic relationships among them remain unresolved. Two large suprageneric groups can be distinguished, the amphilo-
phines and the herichthyines. The amphilophines include Amphilophus, Archocentrus, Hypsophrys, Neetroplus, Parachromis, Petenia, and
Wve additional unnamed genera (the ‘Heros’ istlanus group, the ‘Amphilophus’ calobrensis group, the ‘Heros’ urophthalmus group, the
‘Heros’ wesseli group, and the ‘Heros’ sieboldii group). The herichthyines include the crown-group herichthyines (Herichthys, Theraps,
Vieja, and Paratheraps) and the genera Tomocichla, Herotilapia, and Thorichthys, together with three unnamed genera (the ‘Heros’ umb-
riferus group, the ‘Heros’ grammodes group, and the ‘Heros’ salvini group). Amphilophines are prevalent in southern Mesomerica south
of the Motagua fault. Herichthyines have basal linages in Central America, whereas crown-group herichthyines and three related genera
are found north from the Motagua fault. At least two independent origins are required to explain current Mesoamerican heroine distribu-
tion. Dispersal of heroines from South America into Mesoamerica was dated between 24 and 16 million years ago (MYA) based on geo-
logical calibrations and on standard Wsh mitochondrial cytochrome b rates, respectively. These datings cannot be reconciled with
currently known geological evidence, and the existence of a connection between Central America and South America in the Miocene
needs to be postulated in order to explain the origins of Mesoamerican heroine lineages. However, our datings agree with those estimated
for the dispersal of other secondary freshwater Wshes (Rivulidae, Synbranchus) into Mesoamerica, and predate the invasion of primary
freshwater Wshes by at least 10 myr.
 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (O. Iíban).
These authors contributed equally to the work.

1055-7903/$ - see front matter  2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
92 G.A. Concheiro Pérez et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (2007) 91–110

Keywords: Cichlidae; Caribbean geology; Greater Antilles biogeography; Middle American biogeography; Molecular systematics

1. Introduction restricted to the type species Cichlasoma bimaculatum and a

small natural group of related species. The redeWned genus
The tribe Heroini (Kullander, 1998) comprises more was hypothesized to be more related to the South American
than 139 valid species (Kullander, 2003), and is the largest genus Aequidens Eigenmann and Bray, 1894 than to the
and a very diverse tribe of Neotropical cichlids. Heroines other species in former Cichlasoma, and was designed as the
have the widest distribution of all the Neotropical cichlid type of Cichlasomatini. The remaining species that were
tribes, with a range that extends from southern Buenos formerly included in Cichlasoma could not be straightfor-
Aires Province in Argentina (the ‘Heros’ facetus group – wardly reassigned to any other genus (Kullander, 1983).
Australoheros Iíban and Kullander, 2006) to the Río The outcome was the extremely complicated current situa-
Bravo/Grande river basin in Texas, USA (Herichthys tion of troubled nomenclature and taxonomical confusion
cyanoguttatus). Heroines show their highest species diver- within the tribe.
sity in Mesoamerica where they constitute about 25% of the Heroines are, with the exception of one cichlasomatine
freshwater ichthyofauna. Because of their high levels of and two geophagine species also found in southern Central
diversiWcation, the heroines have been the subject of many America, the only Neotropical cichlids found outside South
comparative studies on ecology, behaviour, biogeography, America. The Mesoamerican heroines have been tradition-
and speciation; see e.g., Bermingham and Martin (1998), ally treated as a monophyletic group that originated from a
Grand and Grant (1994), Itzkowitz et al. (1998), Keenley- single ancestor that reached Mesoamerica from South
side (1991), KornWeld and Koehn (1975), KornWeld et al. America and subsequently radiated, but this hypothesis has
(1982), KornWeld and Taylor (1983), Meyer (1989), Riehl never been properly tested using a comprehensive sampling
(1999), Roe et al. (1997), Rogers (1995), Trujillo Jiménez of all heroine lineages and species. Therefore, there is pres-
(1998), Yamamoto et al. (1999), Zvorykin (1995), Barlu- ently no consensus on the circumstances that lead to the
enga and Meyer (2004). Unfortunately, the taxonomy of colonization of Mesoamerica by the heroine cichlid lineage,
the tribe is highly unstable, and no comprehensive and and speciWcally the time and the route of colonization. The
robust phylogeny for the group is available, which hinders Wnal rise of the Andes isolated ca. 11 Myr ago northwestern
comparative studies. South America (Lundberg et al., 1998), which was left as
Heroine cichlids have a long and troubled taxonomic the only source of colonizers for expansion along the Pana-
and nomenclatural history, which is inextricably connected manian Isthmus. The only known heroine fossil is Cichla-
with that of the genus Cichlasoma Swainson, 1839. While soma woodringi Cockerel, 1923; found on the Caribbean
many heroines were originally described in other genera island of Hispaniola (Haïti). This fossil is from upper or
(several of them with heroine type species), at one point middle Miocene (max. 15 Myr old; Tee-Van, 1935).
most heroine species were assigned to the genus Cichla- Cichlids are secondary freshwater Wshes—i.e., with
soma, and most heroine genera were synonymized with this recent marine ancestors—, and many species are halotoler-
genus (Regan, 1905; see Kullander, 1983). One of the earli- ant to some extent. Hence, dispersal by crossing long dis-
est thorough revisions of the group was that of Regan’s tances in the seas cannot be fully discarded. However, it is
more than a century ago (1905). In his revision, Regan generally accepted that cichlid biogeography is strongly
stated, “a natural arrangement of the numerous species of aVected by plate tectonics. In this regard, Mesoamerica is a
this genus [Cichlasoma] is a matter of considerable diY- geologically complex region (Coates, 1997). The northern
culty”. Later on, Miller (1966) stated that “the taxonomy of part of Mesoamerica is old and made of continental crust,
the group badly needs overhauling”. Indeed, genera whereas the southern portion—the isthmus—is a geologi-
included in the tribe were poorly diagnosed, and placement cally new volcanic arc. The northern continental portion
of species on those genera was in many cases arbitrary and comprises the Maya Terrane, the southern tip of the North
inconsistent. As an extreme example, the species described American Plate, which extends as a peninsula, and forms
as Heros sieboldii by Kner in 1863, was in recent literature what are now Yucatán, Belize, and Guatemala; and the
successively assigned to the genera Theraps, Paraneetroplus, Chortis Terrane, present day Honduras and northern Nica-
Tomocichla, Herichthys, Heros, ‘Cichlasoma’, and even Cic- ragua. The two terranes collided, and are now joined along
hlasoma. In more recent years, there were several attempts the Motagua Fault, which probably was open or underwa-
of clarifying the taxonomy of the group. Stiassny (1991) ter at more than one time in the past. The southern volcanic
identiWed the big-scaled cichlasomines (Cichlasomatini) as arc forms what is now Costa Rica and Panama. The eastern
the putative sister group of the small-scaled cichlasomines portion of Panama—the Darién—can be considered an
(Heroini). Kullander (1983) formally described Heroini as a extension of the South American Andes mountain chains,
new tribe, with Heros Heckel, 1840 as type genus (type spe- although geologically part of the Panamanian isthmus. The
cies, Heros severus Heckel, 1840). Kullander (1983) recog- South and North American plates were brieXy connected
nized that the species formerly assigned to Cichlasoma during the late Cretaceous/Paleocene (Lundberg et al.,
could be divided into two main groups. Cichlasoma was 1998; and refs. therein), then separated again, and only
G.A. Concheiro Pérez et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (2007) 91–110 93

relinked during the upper Miocene/Pliocene (e.g., Coates obtained from original localities, with all but the rarest spe-
and Obando, 1996). cies sequenced for multiple individuals and checked by rec-
According to palaeogeological reconstruction, only ognized authorities (William Bussing, Sven O. Kullander).
three probable land connections could have allowed hero- The molecular phylogeny was used (1) to determine the
ines to reach Mesoamerica and the Greater Antilles. First, a main monophyletic groups within the Heroini, (2) to
very old one during the Cretaceous (Khudoley and Meyer- address the question of the monophyly of the Mesoameri-
hoV, 1971; Mattson, 1984; Maurrasse, 1990; Lewis and can and North American heroines, and (3) to estimate the
Draper, 1990; Iturralde-Vinent, 1994, 1997; Beccaluva timing and possible routes of expansion of the group. Fur-
et al., 1996). The second connection was a probable island/ thermore, the new molecular phylogeny should provide a
land bridge between what is now northwestern Colombia morphology-independent framework for a future taxonom-
with Greater Antilles (including present day islands of ical revision of the group.
Cuba and Hispaniola; Iturralde-Vinent, 1994, 1997; Iturr-
alde-Vinennt and MacPhee, 1999) in late Eocene/Early Oli- 2. Materials and methods
gocene. There are no geological records for later
connections until the Wnal rise of the Panamanian Isthmus 2.1. Sampling
ca. 3 Myr ago (Lundberg et al., 1998).
In order to perform the much needed taxonomical revi- Given the taxonomical uncertainty and species complex-
sion of the group and to further understand its biogeo- ity of the tribe, an eVort was made to include all major lin-
graphical history and evolutionary trends, a comprehensive eages of Heroini and a comprehensive species
phylogeny is indispensable. Given the large number of spe- representation. We tried to sequence at least two individu-
cies, their remarkable diversity, and the probable indepen- als per species, as quality control against misidentiWcation
dent evolution of strikingly similar morphologies, thorough and contamination. Almost all the specimens used in the
species sampling is necessary. Current morphological phy- study are vouchered wild-caught Wsh. Collection sites are
logenies for the group are based largely on trophic mor- shown in Appendix A. A total of 204 sequences from hero-
phology (Kullander, 1996, 1998), which is a problematic ine specimens were included in this study representing 91
character for this group due to its well-documented mor- described and undescribed putative species (Table 1). Syn-
phological plasticity in these characters (KornWeld et al., onymies and valid species loosely follow Kullander (2005,
1982; KornWeld and Taylor, 1983; Meyer, 1990a,b). On the but species without generic allocation are referred to as
other hand, there is presently no well-supported and com- ‘Heros’ spp. instead of Cichlasoma). To deal with the prob-
prehensive phylogeny for the heroine tribe because most lem of a rather unstable nomenclature for the group, in this
studies so far have not included all the main lineages of her- work, genera with more or less stabilized nomenclature are
oines (Farias et al., 1999, 2000; Roe et al., 1997; Martin and used, whereas species and species groups falling outside of
Bermingham, 1998; Hulsey et al., 2004). Furthermore, recognized genera are referred to as ‘Heros’, to indicate that
although the monophyly of Heroini is supported in most the species are part of the tribe Heroini but cannot be
analyses from both morphological and molecular data placed into recognized genera. The term ‘Cichlasoma’ (with
(Kullander, 1998; Farias et al., 1999, 2000, 2001, 1998), in quotes), as suggested by Kullander (1983, 2003), was not
some analyses, cichlasomatines are nested as a monophy- used in this study, because we understand that this term is
letic group inside heroines (Farias et al., 2001; see also our best reserved for species with no current generic placement
results). Thus far, the best taxonomic sampling was pro- within the tribe Cichlasomatini, of which the genus Cichla-
vided by Hulsey et al. (2004). This study presents a compila- soma is the type genus.
tion of previously published mitochondrial cytochrome b Specimens from GACP and EB, mostly Mesoamerican
sequences for heroine cichlids with some additional newly taxa, were identiWed by GACP and the vouchers were
determined sequences with the aim of investigating the bio- deposited in the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
geography of heroines across the Trans-Mexican Volcanic (STRI), Panama. Individuals from Izeni Farias and GO,
Belt (TMVB). mostly South American taxa, were identiWed by Izeni
Here, we present the most comprehensive molecular Farias; and voucher specimens were deposited at the Insti-
phylogeny of the tribe Heroini to date, which is based on tuto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Brasil.
mitochondrial gene cytochrome b DNA sequence data. Our Specimens from ID and RZ, mostly Mexican taxa, were
taxonomic sampling includes 23 additional species of hero- identiWed by ID, later re-checked by Sven O. Kullander and
ine cichlids representing several important lineages (e.g., OR, and vouchers are deposited at the Museo Nacional de
Nandopsis, Australoheros, Theraps, the ‘Heros’ istlanus Ciencias Naturales (MNCN), Spain. Fish contributed by
group, and the ‘Heros’ panamensis group) and including OR were acquired from aquarium stock, and the vouchers
many previously unplaced isolated species (e.g., ‘Heros’ het- are deposited at the Swedish Museum of Natural History
erospilus, ‘Heros’ grammodes, ‘Heros’ tuyrensis, and ‘Heros’ (NRM), Sweden. A few selected additional mitochondrial
calobrensis) which potentially allow us more wide ranging cytochrome b gene sequences of heroines were retrieved
biogeographic interpretations than Hulsey et al. (2004) from GenBank (Table 1). The following outgroup species,
were able to discuss. Most sequences in our study are newly Satanoperca jurupari (Geophagini), Acarichthys heckelii
94 G.A. Concheiro Pérez et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (2007) 91–110

(Geophagini), Astronotus ocellatus (Astronotini), and Cic- chuckscore D 1 nreps D 1000), and in the next step we run a
hla monoculus (Cichlini) were obtained from GenBank. search on the saved trees to Wnd all the shortest trees (com-
mands in PAUP¤: hsearch start D current nchuck D 0
2.2. DNA isolation, PCR ampliWcation, and automated chuckscore D 0). Bootstrap and jackknife analyses were
sequencing done using the same approach, with Wve random sequence
additions per one bootstrap/jackknife replication, saving
DNA was isolated from small pieces of muscle or gill ten trees from each random sequence addition (commands
(10–25 mg) using the DNAeasy™ Tissue Kit (Qiagen) or in PAUP¤: hsearch addseq D random nchuck D 10
standard phenol/chloroform extractions. The entire cyto- chuckscore D 1 nreps D 5). Statistical support for recovered
chrome b gene (1.1 kb) was PCR ampliWed with primers clades was assessed using bootstrap and jackknife methods
GLuDG.L-TGA CTT GAA RAA CCA YCG TTG (1000 pseudoreplication).
(Palumbi et al., 1991) and H15915-AAC TGC CAG TCA Non-parametric rate smoothing (NPRS) analysis (San-
TCT CCG GGT TAC AAG AC (Irwin et al., 1991). PCR derson, 1997) was performed in order to estimate main
ampliWcations consisted of an initial denaturing step at divergence times within the tribe Heroini. The NPRS analy-
94 °C for 5 min, followed by 30 cycles with denaturing at sis was performed using TreeEdit v. 1.0 alpha 10 (Rambaut
94 °C for 60 s, primer annealing at 45–50 °C for 40 s, and and Charleston, 2002), and based on a maximum likelihood
primer extension at 72 °C for 90 s. PCR ended with a Wnal (ML) tree obtained with PHYML (Guindon and Gascuel,
extension at 72 °C for 5 min. Ethanol-puriWed DNA was 2003), and a reduced taxon sampling including representa-
either cloned using TOPO™ TA Cloning Kit (Invitrogen) tives of the main heroine lineages. ML reconstruction was
or directly sequenced on ABI automated DNA sequencers based on the GTR+I+G model. The tree was rooted using
using the BigDye DNA Sequencing Kit (Perkin-Elmer), two heroine species (Heros sp., Mesonauta sp.). The ultra-
and following manufacturer’s instructions. The following metric tree was calibrated using two alternative types of
primers were used for sequencing: GLuDG.L, modiWed data. One calibration used two well-dated geological
L14952 (Lydeard et al., 1995; TCA TCC GTC GCC CAC events: (1) the split of Cuba and Hispaniola, which sepa-
AT), modiWed L15162 (Tabarlet et al., 1992; CCA TGA rated the endemic species of Nandopsis of both islands, and
GGA CAA ATA TC), L15299 (Lydeard and Roe, 1997), that can be dated at the end of the Oligocene (24–23 Ma;
T7 and M13 universal (TOPO™ TA Cloning Kit, Invitro- Iturralde-Vinennt and MacPhee, 1999). (2) The separation
gen). of the Orinoco-Magdalena basins by the Wnal rise of the
Eastern Cordillera Oriental (10.1–11.8 MYA; Lundberg
2.3. Phylogenetic analyses et al., 1998). The second calibration was based on a mito-
chondrial cytochrome b divergence rate of 1% uncorrected
Sequences of both strands were edited and completed p distance per MY that is widely used in freshwater Wshes
with DNAStar version 4.00 program package. Sequences (Bermingham et al., 1997; Zardoya and Doadrio, 1999).
were carefully checked for reading frame errors, termina-
tion codons, and improbable replacements substitutions. 3. Results
Multiple alignment was performed using the program Clus-
tal X version 1.83 (Thompson et al., 1997). 3.1. Phylogeny of the tribe Heroini
Phylogenetic reconstruction was performed using MrBa-
yes version 3.01 (Huelsenbeck and Ronquist, 2001) for Newly determined cytochrome b nucleotide sequences
Bayesian Inference. The evolutionary model that best Wt the produced an alignment of 1143 positions. Of these 537 were
analyzed sequence data set was selected using Modeltest parsimony-informative sites.
and the Akaike information criterium (Posada and Crand- The recovered BI and MP phylogenies question the
all, 1998). The Bayesian tree was inferred using the monophyly of heroines (Fig. 1). The genus Pterophyllum is
GTR+I+G model with partitioning by codon, with 15 found as the sister group of all remaining heroines plus cic-
MCMC chains for 10 million generations, sampling each hlasomatines. However, the grouping is without statistical
hundredth tree, and discarding Wrst 1000 trees as burn-in. support, as is the resolution of other basal nodes in the her-
Statistical support for recovered clades was assessed using oine lineage (Fig. 1). All analyses strongly support the
posterior probabilities. monophyly of the tribus cichlasomatini (BI Pr D 1; MP
Sequence data were also analyzed using maximum parsi- bootstrap D 0.74; MP jackknife D 0.86) (Fig. 1). BI and MP
mony (MP) as implemented in the programs PAUP¤ 4.0 analyses show strong support for the monophyly of the
b10 (SwoVord, 2000), NONA version 1.6 (GoloboV, 1993) largest group of heroines (80% of all species), which is pre-
and WINCLADA version 1.00.08 (Nixon, 1999). MP anal- dominantly distributed in Mesoamerica, and that we refer
yses were done under the same heuristic search strategy to CAM (circumamazonian) heroines (BI Pr D 1; MP
both with PAUP¤ and NONA/WINCLADA. We Wrst bootstrap D 0.69; MP jackknife D 0.86). BI analyses also
extensively sampled the tree space using 1000 random recover another well-supported clade of heroines (Mesona-
sequence additions and keeping 10 trees per search (com- uta, Uaru, Symphysodon, and Heros) restricted to South
mands in PAUP¤: hsearch addseq D random nchuck D 5 America (BI Pr D 0.96). The phylogenetic position of Hyp-
G.A. Concheiro Pérez et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (2007) 91–110 95

Fig. 1. Bayesian phylogeny of heroine cichlids showing relationships among basal lineages of heroines and their relationships to cichlasomatines.

selecara, Hoplarchus, and Pterophyllum cannot be solved cytochrome b sequence data. Interestingly, Nandopsis is
with the available data. BI results strongly favor a sister recovered as the most basal genus, but without statistical
group relationship between the clade containing Heros and support, and the ‘Heros’ octofasciatus group is the only
the CAM heroines (BI Pr D 1) (Fig. 1). These two clades basal lineage currently including only one species, thus
contain about 95% of all heroine species. stressing its uniqueness among heroines. The two large
The majority of heroine species are contained in the clades are predominantly Mesoamerican, and both have
CAM heroines, which can be split into two major well-sup- South American sister groups. Caquetaia is the sister group
ported suprageneric lineages: the amphilophines and the of amphilophines (Fig. 2), and the ‘Heros’ festae group is
herichthyines, that include all but six genera (Nandopsis, the sister group of herichthyines (Figs. 1 and 3). Caquetaia
Caquetaia, the ‘Heros’ octofasciatus group, Australoheros, is not recovered as monophyletic, with C. umbrifera nested
Astatheros, and the ‘Heros’ festae group) (Fig. 1). Phyloge- among basal herichthyines (Fig. 3).
netic relationships among the basal lineages of CAM hero- Amphilophines (Fig. 2) are a large and diverse group
ines cannot be convincingly resolved using only containing Amphilophus, Archocentrus, Hypsophrys,
96 G.A. Concheiro Pérez et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (2007) 91–110

Fig. 2. Bayesian phylogeny of heroine cichlids showing relationships among lineages of Caquetaia and amphilophines.

Neetroplus, Parachromis, and Petenia. Among these, our Herichthyines (Fig. 3) include the crown-group herichthy-
analyses do not recover monophyletic Parachromis and ines and the genera Tomocichla, Herotilapia, and Thorichthys,
Archocentrus, and Archocentrus centrarchus is Wrmly nested together with three unnamed genera: the ‘Heros’ festae group,
within Amphilophus. The recovered phylogeny supports the the ‘Heros’ grammodes group and the ‘Heros’ salvini group.
recognition of several additional genera in this clade: the The ‘Heros’ festae group is the sister group of all other genera
‘Heros’ istlanus group, the ‘Amphilophus’ calobrensis group, of herichthyines. The crown-group herichthyines include the
the ‘Heros’ urophthalmus group, the ‘Heros’ wesseli group, genera Herichthys, Theraps, Vieja, and Paratheraps. Vieja is
and the ‘Heros’ sieboldii group. not recovered as monophyletic (Fig. 3).
G.A. Concheiro Pérez et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (2007) 91–110 97

Fig. 3. Bayesian phylogeny of heroine cichlids showing relationships among lineages of the herichthyines.

3.2. Biogeography and diversiWcation times of Mesoamerican group (sensu Miller, 1966), and are tentatively recovered
heroines as sister group to the Mesoamerican clades and their
South American counterparts. Therefore, Nandopsis
The recovered phylogeny (Fig. 1) does not support a likely colonized the islands independently from heroine
single origin of Mesoamerican heroines. Instead, Meso- lineages colonizing Mesoamerica (contra Chakrabarty,
america seems to have been colonized independently by 2006).
at least two but possibly as many as four lineages of Two other genera may represent additional independent
heroines. The endemic heroine cichlids of the Greater colonizations of Mesoamerica, the genus Astatheros and
Antilles (genus Nandopsis) constitute a monophyletic the ‘Heros’ octofasciatus group. However, only additional
98 G.A. Concheiro Pérez et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (2007) 91–110

Fig. 4. Biogeography of the main Mesoamerican clades and their South American sister groups. Numbers refer to the four major clades, see Fig. 5 for
datings of divergences among the clades and their South American sister groups. The Motagua fault is the major biogeographic divide between the
amphilophine and herichthyine clades. ‘Heros’ octofasciatus group and Astatheros are shown as separate, but most probably are part of the colonization
also including the herichthyine clade.

data better resolving the relationships of these two genera The amphilophines and the herichthyines likely colo-
will help to address this question. ‘Heros’ octofasciatus is nized Mesoamerica independently. The South American
currently the only monotypic genus whose history reaches genus Caquetaia is the sister group of the Mesoamerican
back to the colonization of Mesoamerica (Fig. 1). The spe- amphilophines (Figs. 1, 2, and 4). The northwestern South
cies is also unique in many morphological characters which American ‘Heros’ festae group (also Caquetaia umbrifera?)
otherwise have parallel only in Amazonian heroines (OI is most probably the basal lineage of the second major
pers. obs.). Mesoamerican clade, the herichthyines (Figs. 1, 3, and 4).
G.A. Concheiro Pérez et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (2007) 91–110 99

Interestingly, the largest diversity of amphilophines is to and as many as four independent colonizations of Central
the south from the Motagua fault and some species such as America from South America may be postulated to explain
Amphilophus trimaculatus follow the PaciWc slope to the heroine biogeographic relationships. The taxon sampling of
north. Only two of the 13 lineages of amhilophines, (Pete- both Martin and Bermingham (1998) and Roe et al. (1997)
nia and the ‘Heros’ urophthalmus group) and the ‘Heros’ did not allow to comment on monophyly of Mesoamerican
istlanus group, have their whole distribution range north heroines, while Hulsey et al. (2004) with a slightly inferior
from the Motagua fault (Fig. 4). taxon sampling to ours also Wnds Mesoamerican heroines
In contrast, the crown-group herichthyines are restricted as non-monophyletic. Unexpectedly, most species of Meso-
to the area north of the Motagua fault, and with few excep- american heroines can be conWdently placed within two
tions (two species of the genus Paratheraps) to the Atlantic large clades that were not previously reported, and which
drainages. The genus Herichthys is the only heroine group we name amphilophines and herichthyines, respectively.
that lives north from the Mexican volcanic plateau. Only Phylogenetic relationship of the main lineages within these
one herichthyine species is found south of Guatemala, Vieja two clades cannot be conWdently resolved.
maculicauda, a widespread and euryhaline cichlid. Also the Our phylogenetic hypothesis has some major taxonomic
genera Thorichthys and the ‘Heros’ salvini and ‘Heros’ implications. In total, our phylogenetic analysis suggest the
grammodes groups are restricted to the north of the fault, existence of 10 unnamed species groups, which are good
making a total of only two Mesoamerican herichthyines candidates for recognition as new genera. These are: the
distributed south from the Motagua fault (Herotilapia and ‘Heros’ octofasciatus group, the ‘Heros’ salvini group, the
Tomocichla) (Fig. 4). ‘Heros’ grammodes group, the ‘Heros’ festae group, the
An NPRS tree was reconstructed from a ML tree that ‘Heros’ urophthalmus group, the ‘Heros’ istlanus group,
includes a reduced taxon sampling with representatives of Australoheros, ‘Heros’ sieboldii group, the ‘Amphilophus’
each of the main heroine lineages. The NPRS tree calobrensis group, and the ‘Heros’ regani group. These new
(log L D ¡16475.68) was calibrated Wrst with geological genera await proper diagnosis and are preliminary sup-
data and also using a “standard” Wsh cytochrome b diver- ported also on morphological grounds (OR, in prepara-
gence rate (1% uncorrected divergence per MY; Berming- tion).
ham et al., 1997; Zardoya and Doadrio, 1999). The Among the traditionally recognized genera, some are
geological calibration based on the separation between conWrmed but many are found to be non-monophyletic
Cuba and Hispaniola at 24–23 MYA, and on the isolation (e.g., Archocentrus/Amphilophus, Caquetaia, Vieja, Tomo-
of northern South American drainages at 11.8 MYA cichla, and Theraps). This result further emphasizes that
implies an average rate of 0.7% uncorrected divergence per heroine taxonomy has been largely confounded by high lev-
MY. According to these results, colonization of the Greater els of homoplasy (convergence) at the morphological level.
Antilles by Nandopsis may have occurred between 26 and The endemic heroine cichlids of the Greater Antilles (genus
28 MYA or 18 and 20 MYA, using the geological or the Nandopsis) are monophyletic (sensu Miller, 1966) and unre-
standard rate calibrations, respectively. Divergence lated to other Mesoamerican clades. The monophyly of
between Mesoamerican clades and South American clades Nandopsis is against Kullander (2003), who excluded the
is placed at 25–20 MYA using geological dating, or 14–18 morphologically dissimilar eastern Cuban Nandopsis rams-
MYA using standard Wsh mtDNA rates. Species and genera deni from the genus.
are generally older among amphilophines, with much The genus Astatheros is not synonymous with Amphilo-
longer independent histories, whereas herichthyines show phus, as already shown by Roe et al. (1997), and against
both old lineages as well as more recent speciation (Fig. 5). Kullander (2003). The genus Astatheros does not include
‘Amphilophus’ calobrensis, and it also is not recovered as
4. Discussion part of Amphilophus. We refer to the species as ‘Amphilo-
phus’ calobrensis, according to the older available name.
4.1. Phylogeny of heroines and taxonomical implications Astatheros macracanthus (the type species) is separated by a
very long branch from the remaining species currently
The phylogeny of heroines was based on mitochondrial placed in Astatheros. This result is paralleled by distinct
cytochrome b sequence data and thorough lineage and spe- morphologies of the two groups (OR, pers. obs.).
cies samplings. The recovered phylogeny is not fully The South American genus Caquetaia is polyphyletic if
resolved at its base, thus it is not possible to conclude on also C. umbrifera (sensu Kullander, 1996) and Petenia
the question of the monophyly of heroines with respect to splendida (sensu Miller, 1996) are considered. A monophy-
cichlasomatines. Other molecular markers (Farias et al., letic Caquetaia would need to be restricted to C. kraussi, C.
2000) as well as morphology (Kullander, 1998) support spectabilis, C. myersi, and a new species from the Rio Mag-
monophyletic heroines, recover a monophyletic Heros dalena in Colombia.
clade and place them as the sister group of CAM heroines Within amphilophines, the genus Archocentrus (sensu
and strongly support Hoplarchus as the sister group of Miller, 1993) is clearly polyphyletic. Moreover, the type
Hypselecara. Based on our data, the monophyly of Meso- species of Archocentrus (A. centrarchus) is strongly nested
american heroines can be clearly rejected. As few as two inside Amphilophus. This species has always been placed
100 G.A. Concheiro Pérez et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (2007) 91–110

Fig. 5. Linearized NPRS ML tree with alternative datings. Numbers to the right refer to major clades of Mesoamerican heroines: 1, caqueto-amphilophine
clade; 2, herichthyine clade; 3, the ‘Heros’ octofasciatus group; 4, Astatheros. Shades of gray indicate major distribution patterns of Mesoamerican hero-
ines: light gray, greater Antilles; medium gray, Central America south from the Motagua fault; dark gray, Middle and North America north from the
Motagua fault. Dating scale in MY showing two alternative dating methods. Distribution legend is as follows: A, Atlantic drainages; P, PaciWc drainages;
GA, Greater Antilles; SA, South America /AR, Argentina; BR, Brasil; CR, Costa Rica; CO, Colombia; DR, Dominican Republic; GU, Guatemala; HA,
Haiti; HN, Honduras; MX, Mexico; NI, Nicaragua; PA, Panama; UR, Uruguay; VE, Venezuela.

close to Herotilapia, based mainly on the elevated number these species with the older generic name Archocentrus
of anal Wn spines (Regan, 1906). This relationship is pending a future revision. All these species are nevertheless
strongly refuted by our results, Herotilapia being part of the nested among the amphilophines.
herichthyine clade. The remaining species of the genus have The ‘Heros’ sieboldii group was previously believed to be
been proposed to constitute the separate genus Cryptoheros closely related to Tomocichla underwoodi (Bussing, 1976),
(Allgayer, 2001), which is not supported as a monophyletic but also included into Theraps and Paraneetroplus (Miller,
group in our phylogeny. Since neither Cryptoheros nor 1996). None of our analyses supports any of these proposed
Archocentrus are recovered as monophyletic, we refer to phylogenetic relationships. Moreover, the sister species to
G.A. Concheiro Pérez et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (2007) 91–110 101

‘Heros’ sieboldii, ‘Heros’ tuyrensis, was previously included In order to date the cichlid invasion into Mesoamerica,
in Vieja (Kullander, 2003). we used two geological calibration points, (1) 10–11 MYA
Basal species groups (the ‘Heros’ festae group, the as the separation of Magdalena and Orinoco basins, and (2)
‘Heros’ salvini group, the ‘Heros’ grammodes group) of her- 24–23 MYA as the separation of Cuba from Hispaniola.
ichthyines were once included in Regan’s (1905) section Both geological calibration points are compatible but set
Parapetenia, which is clearly a polyphyletic group, also the divergence rate at 0.7% uncorrected distance per MY.
once including the ‘Heros’ octofasciatus group, and several However, the widely used universal Wsh cytochrome b
species of amphilophines. divergence rate is 1% uncorrected distance per MY. Our
Finally, at an intrageneric level, our analyses do not sup- results using the geological calibration are marginally con-
port any of the species pairs proposed by Bussing (1974) as sistent with the GAARlandia landspan hypothesis of Iturr-
isolated by the Talamanca mountain range of lower Cen- alde-Vinennt and MacPhee (1999). The authors proposed
tral America. that during the period of lowest sea levels in the Oligocene
around 35–33 MYA, the Greater Antilles may have been
4.2. DiversiWcation times and historical biogeography of the connected with the South American continent, through a
heroines continuous/subcontinuous land bridge. Our results indicate
colonization of Greater Antilles by the endemic genus
Central America has highly complex geological history Nandopsis between 24 and 28 MYA, more in agreement
that must have strongly aVected historical and current with the dating of 25–30 MYA for the period of lowest sea
distributions of its fauna. It has long been recognized that levels proposed by Haq et al. (1987). On the other hand,
the freshwater Wsh fauna of Central America is without dating of the split of Hispaniola from Cuba is rather inpre-
parallel among all tropical freshwater areas due to its cisely known. While the dates of 24 Ma (Davalos, 2004) or
extreme poverty in primary freshwater Wshes (Myers, 25–27 Ma (Roca et al., 2004) have been used to date this
1966). This uniqueness of the Central American tropical island–island vicariant event, there are also paleotectonic
Wsh fauna is further striking given the richness of primary reconstructions having the two islands still in full contact at
freshwater Wshes found in South America. In total, only 21 Ma (e.g., Pindell, 1994). A separation younger than
27 species of primary freshwater species in Wve families 20 Ma would become in agreement with standard Wsh cyto-
are known northwards from the Costa Rican-Nicaraguan chrome b divergence rates.
border to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Moreover, Central According to our NPRS analysis, colonization of Cen-
American primary freshwater Wshes show almost no signs tral America from South America was 14–18 MYA (see
of endemism, being represented only by ubiquitous spe- also Martin and Bermingham, 1998; for the same result) or
cies with the largest distributions also in South America. 24–20 MYA using standard rates or geological dating,
Among the 165 secondary freshwater Wsh species found in respectively (Fig. 5). The hypothesized age of expansion of
Mesoamerica, no such interruption in distribution main heroine cichlid lineages into Mesoamerica Wnds little
between South America and central America is noticeable support in geological reconstructions of lower Central
(Myers, 1966). DiVerent authors (Bussing, 1985) proposed America, be the data calibrated with either geological evi-
that this diVerential composition of Central American Wsh dence or mtDNA rates. While our results support a much
fauna must be the result of the marine break at the Pan- older initial invasion of heroine cichlids into Middle Amer-
ama passage during Miocene that eVectively prohibited ica than in the case of primary freshwater Wsh groups
northward dispersal of primary freshwater Wshes but (Myers, 1966; Bussing, 1985), the age of this Wrst invasion
allowed crossing of supposedly halotolerant poeciliids, predates the initial stages of formation of the Panamanian
rivulids, and cichlids. Isthmus (by ca. 10 myr using our geological calibration),
Phylogenies of Central American primary freshwater and cannot be reconciled with known geological evidence.
Wshes using a molecular clock show that the invasion of pri- One possibility is that colonization of Mesoamerica
mary freshwater Wshes into Central America started when occurred through the Greater Antilles, with the Antillean
the Panamanian Isthmus began its uplifting around 4– genus Nandopsis being a relict group from the invasion.
7 MYA, and was generalized after the Wnal emergence of This hypothesis would predict Nandopsis to be a basal line-
the Isthmus (ca 3 MYA) (Bermingham and Martin, 1998; age in a clade which otherwise would include only Meso-
Perdices et al., 2002). Other terrestrial organisms, such as american heroines (with possible secondary expansion back
arthropods (Zeh et al., 2003), as well as marine geminate into northwest South America much later). While the old
species also show deeper phylogenetic splits than would be age of the Antillean Nandopsis does not rule this hypothesis
expected from the Wnal closure of the Panama isthmus out, the geographical distribution of basal lineages in our
3 MYA (reviewed by Marko, 2002), and support the phylogeny indicates that several South American ancestors
hypothesis that their divergence paralleled the gradual gave rise independently at least to Nandopsis, amphilo-
uplift of the Isthmus over a time span of 3–15 MYA phines, and herichthyines. This interpretation is diVerent
(Coates and Obando, 1996). Hence, molecular evidence is in from Chakrabarty (2006), who prefers the scenario of a
agreement with a comparatively recent origin of primary close relationship between Middle American and Antillean
freshwater Wsh fauna of Mesoamerica. cichlids, but whose analyses do not have a suYcient taxon
102 G.A. Concheiro Pérez et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (2007) 91–110

sampling to address this question. Similarly to our results, rently not available. According to Haq et al. (1987), in the
rivulids (Murphy et al., 1999) seem to have colonized lower-middle Miocene, sea levels were generally very high,
Greater Antilles earlier than Mesoamerica, and that a but two strong eustatic sea level drops of almost 100 m are
diVerent ancestral group was active in each colonization. recognizable between 15 and 17 MYA. Our geological cali-
Geological evidence indicates an absence of a land or bration places the origin of the invasion north of Motagua
freshwater corridor for the dispersal of heroine cichlids fault to the terranes of Caribbean Guatemala and Mexico
directly from South America into Mesoamerica between 24 by the herichthyines in the same time period.
and 14 MYA. This evidence could support the hypothesis Main areas of endemism of Mesoamerican Wshes have
of Myers (1966) that tolerance to marine conditions in sec- been formulated by Miller (1966) and Bussing (1985), and
ondary freshwater Wsh groups would facilitate their much the results of our phylogeny are in good agreement with
older invasion and dominance in Mesoamerica. While cich- these provinces. Among them, the most species rich one for
lids are secondary freshwater Wshes and many species are heroine cichlids is the Usumacinta province, which is also
halotolerant to some extent, they have very low vagility (see the case for other Wsh groups (Miller, 1966; Bussing, 1985).
for example Taylor et al., 2001 and refs. therein), and even The species diversity of the Usumacinta province is in the
those few species able to tolerate full seawater do not often case of heroine cichlids basically due to the presence of one
succeed at—and are probably incapable of—dispersal by of the two large clades that we recover, the herichthyines,
crossing long distances in the seas, or across water channels whose distribution is centered in this province. Other inde-
deeper than a few tens of meters. The non-planktonic lar- pendent clades (Astatheros, the ‘Heros’ octofasciatus group,
vae of cichlids also limit their potential for dispersion. the amphilophines) contribute only few species to the diver-
Therefore, it is more likely that cichlid biogeography is sity of this province. One biogeographical/evolutionary
strongly aVected by plate tectonics (Chakrabarty, 2004). event is thus suYcient to explain the high species diversity
On the other hand, other published studies about the of this province in the case of heroine cichlids. The great
colonization of Mesoamerica by secondary freshwater lakes in Nicaragua are another heroine diversity hot spot in
Wshes also indicate old ages comparable with our results for Mesoamerica where a radiation likely took place (Regan,
heroine cichlids. The results of Perdices et al. (2005) place 1906). This radiation involved the amphilophines as our
the colonization of Mesoamerica by synbranchid eels into results clearly show, and based on our dating this radiation
the lower-middle Miocene, around 16 Ma (12.7–23 Ma). took place shortly after the colonization of the correspond-
Their dating is based on two standard Wsh mtDNA clocks ing areas. A hypothesis of fast ancient radiation may be
(1.05–1.3% uncorrected distance per MY). Our alternative supported by the very short internodes between the various
dating using a cytochrome b clock of 1% uncorrected dis- amphilophine lineages dominating the area, which con-
tance per MY places the colonization of Mesoamerica by trasts the structure of the herichthyines (see above), where
heroine cichlids at ca 16 Ma, thus in good agreement with more recent speciation is evident.
the synbranchid eels. Also a reanalysis of the cytochrome b
data for Rivulus (Murphy et al., 1999) using the 1% diver- Acknowledgments
gence rate places the invasion of Mesoamerican Rivulus at
around 18–20 MYA (not shown). Therefore, in order to This study was supported by NSF Grant DEB-9985045
accommodate these observations, a land bridge more or to G.O. and G.A.C.P., MEC Grant PB98-0502 to R.Z., The
less continuous between Mesoamerica and South America Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic Grant 155/99
needs to be postulated in the lower-middle Miocene (see and Grant CEZ:AJ06/98:F1–123100003 and Grant
also Perdices et al., 2002; Bermingham and Martin, 1998). MSM6007665801 to O.R.
Our phylogeny strongly supports at least two indepen- We would like to thank Oris Sanjur, Nimiadina Gomez,
dent colonizations of Mesoamerica by heroine cichlids. Grethel Grajales, Carlos Vergara, Jaqueline Loo-Luy, and
Interestingly, the two lineages have rather complementary Karl Gruber (STRI) for help with lab procedures, to E.
distributions in Mesoamerica. The two groups are demar- Martínez, A. de Sostoa, P. Garzón, and O. Domínguez for
cated by the Polochic-Motagua fault, which is a well-docu- help with Wsh sampling in the Weld, to Rigoberto Gonzalez
mented area of change for freshwater Wshes (Bussing, 1976, for all the help during the long and tedious hours spent
1985; Myers, 1966; Perdices et al., 2002, 2005). This area has working with the cichlids at the STRI Ichthyological Col-
been subject to several marine transgressions from the lection, and for sharing his amazing knowledge and insights
lower Miocene to Pliocene (Bussing, 1985), which could on the Wsh fauna of Panama and Mesoamerica. Many
have been the mechanism promoting divergence across this thanks also to Izeni Farias, J.M. Artigas Azas for helping
important faunal break. More detailed paleogeographic with Mexican cichlids, and A. Basolo for donating
information predicting exact periods of inundation is cur- specimens.
G.A. Concheiro Pérez et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (2007) 91–110 103

Appendix A. Specimens examined

Taxon Accession Origin Voucher Sequence Authority Locality Basin/ region Country
Amphilophus calobrensis AY843378 Bermingham STRI-3620 STRI-3620 Kullander Río Ipetí Río Bayano PA
Amphilophus calobrensis AY843381 Bermingham STRI-4142 STRI-4142 Río Tuira Río Tuira PA
Amphilophus calobrensis AY843432 Bermingham STRI-851 STRI-851 Río Partí Río Bayano PA
Amphilophus citrinellus AB018985 GenBank
Amphilophus citrinellus AY843348 Bermingham STRI-14579 STRI-14579 Concheiro Río Tule (aXuente Lago Río San Juan NI
Pérez Nicaragua)
Amphilophus citrinellus AY843434 Bermingham STRI-8999 STRI-8999 Concheiro Lago Nicaragua Río San Juan NI
Amphilophus AY843433 Bermingham STRI-8926 STRI-8926 Concheiro Río Choluteca Río Choluteca HN
hogaboomorus Pérez
Amphilophus labiatus U88863 GenBank Conkel Lago de Nicaragua, Río San Juan NI
aprox. 3 km south of
Amphilophus lyonsi AY843395 Bermingham STRI-6815 STRI-6815 Río Palo Blanco, 1 h Río Palo Blanco PA
from Puerto Armuelles
Amphilophus lyonsi AY843396 Bermingham STRI-6816 STRI-6816 Río Palo Blanco, 1 h Río Palo Blanco PA
from Puerto Armuelles
Amphilophus DQ990700 Doadrio MNCN 36oax Doadrio Río de los Perros Oaxaca MX
trimaculatus 147426
Amphilophus AY843407 Bermingham STRI-7791 STRI-7791 Concheiro Río Sinacapa, 9 km de Río María Linda GT
trimaculatus Pérez
Amphilophus STRI-8825 Bermingham STRI-8825 STRI-8825 Concheiro Río Goascorán at Río Goascorán HN
trimaculatus Pérez Goascorán
Archocentrus AF009931 Bermingham STRI-2137 STRI-2137 Kullander Río Pizote Río San Juan CR
Archocentrus AY843368 Bermingham STRI-2138 STRI-2138 Río Pizote Río San Juan CR
Archocentrus myrnae AF009932 Bermingham STRI-207 STRI-207 Kullander Río Sixaola Río Sixaola CR
Archocentrus myrnae AY843360 Bermingham STRI-208 STRI-208 Río Sixaola Río Sixaola CR
Archocentrus nanoluteus AY843398 Bermingham STRI-6867 STRI-6867 Río Róbalo Río Róbalo PA
Archocentrus nanoluteus AY843401 Bermingham STRI-730 STRI-730 Kullander Río Cañaveral Río Cañaveral PA
Archocentrus nanoluteus AY843404 Bermingham STRI-757 STRI-757 Kullander Río Viento Río Guarumo PA
Archocentrus DQ990698 Doadrio MNCN 25Sa Doadrio Lago Guija Río Lempa MX
nigrofasciatus 184828
Archocentrus AF009933 Bermingham STRI-209 STRI-209 Kullander Río Sixaola Río Sixaola CR
Archocentrus AF009934 Bermingham STRI-2106 STRI-2106 Kullander Río San Rafael, Río Río San Rafael CR
nigrofasciatus Jesús María drainage
Archocentrus AF009935 Bermingham STRI-2144 STRI-2144 Río Pizote Río San Juan CR
Archocentrus AY843363 Bermingham STRI-210 STRI-210 Río Sixaola Río Sixaola CR
Archocentrus AY843362 Bermingham STRI-2107 STRI-2107 Río San Rafael, Río Río San Rafael CR
nigrofasciatus Jesús María drainage
Archocentrus AY843369 Bermingham STRI-2145 STRI-2145 Río Pizote Río San Juan CR
Archocentrus AY843374 Bermingham STRI-2677 STRI-2677 Río Bongie Río Changuinola PA
Archocentrus AY843376 Bermingham STRI-291 STRI-291 Río Changuinola Río Changuinola PA
Archocentrus AY843397 Bermingham STRI-6861 STRI-6861 Río Róbalo Río Róbalo PA
Archocentrus AY843354 Bermingham STRI-1658 STRI-1658 Kullander Río Mandinga Río Mandinga PA
Archocentrus AY843435 Bermingham STRI-913 STRI-913 Río Parti Río Bayano PA
Archocentrus sp. aV. AY843380 Bermingham STRI-3901 STRI-3901 Concheiro Río Ukupti Río Tuira PA
panamensis “Río Pérez
Archocentrus AF009927 Bermingham STRI-1236 STRI-1236 Río Sarapiquí Río San Juan CR
(continued on next page)
104 G.A. Concheiro Pérez et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (2007) 91–110

Appendix A (continued)
Taxon Accession Origin Voucher Sequence Authority Locality Basin/ region Country
Archocentrus AY843340 Bermingham STRI-1237 STRI-1237 Concheiro Río Sarapiquí Río San Juan CR
septemfasciatus Pérez
Archocentrus AY843341 Bermingham STRI-1282 STRI-1282 Kullander Río Matina drainage Río Matina CR
Archocentrus sajica AF009925 Bermingham STRI-2069 STRI-2069 Kullander Río Volcán Río Terraba CR
Archocentrus sajica AY843359 Bermingham STRI-2070 STRI-2070 Río Volcán Río Terraba CR
Archocentrus spilurus AY843379 Bermingham STRI-3683 STRI-3683 Kullander Río Perla Río Perla HN
Archocentrus spilurus AY843385 Bermingham STRI-4447 STRI-4447 Río Agua Buena Río Agua Buena HN
Astatheros alfari AF009949 Bermingham STRI-1279 STRI-1279 Kullander Río Matina drainage Río Matina CR
Astatheros alfari AF009950 Bermingham STRI-1241 STRI-1241 Kullander Río Sarapiquí Río San Juan CR
Astatheros alfari AF141316 GenBank
Astatheros altifrons AF145127 Bermingham STRI AM- STRI AM-262 Río Cochea Río Chiriquí PA
Astatheros altifrons AM-263 Bermingham STRI AM- STRI AM-263 Kullander Río Cochea Río Chiriquí PA
Astatheros altifrons AY843357 Bermingham STRI-19 STRI-19 Kullander Río Platanal Río Platanal PA
Astatheros altifrons STRI-39 Bermingham STRI-39 STRI-39 Kullander Río Estí Río Chiriquí PA
Astatheros bussingi AF009948 Bermingham STRI-205 STRI-205 Kullander Río Sixaola Río Sixaola CR
Astatheros bussingi STRI-206 Bermingham STRI-206 STRI-206 Río Sixaola Río Sixaola CR
Astatheros bussingi AY843390 Bermingham STRI-4983 STRI-4983 Río Bongie Río Changuinola PA
Astatheros bussingi AY843391 Bermingham STRI-4989 STRI-4989 Río Bongie Río Changuinola PA
Astatheros diquis AF009945 Bermingham STRI-2066 STRI-2066 Río Volcán Río Terraba CR
Astatheros diquis AY843358 Bermingham STRI-2067 STRI-2067 Río Volcán Río Terraba CR
Astatheros longimanus AF009943 Bermingham STRI-2133 STRI-2133 Kullander Río Pizote Río San Juan CR
Astatheros longimanus AY843364 Bermingham STRI-2110 STRI-2110 Kullander Río Higuerón Río Higueron CR
Astatheros DQ990695 Doadrio MNCN 1500mex Doadrio Novillero Chiapas MX
macracanthus 147514
Astatheros DQ990696 Doadrio MNCN 449mex Doadrio Espíritu Santo Chiapas MX
macracanthus 147484
Astatheros U97160 GenBank Conkel Río Motagua, 4 km east Río Motagua GT
macracanthus of Morales
Astatheros rhytisma AF009946 Bermingham STRI-213 STRI-213 Río Sixaola Río Sixaola CR
Astatheros rhytisma AF145130 Bermingham STRI-214 STRI-214 Kullander Río Sixaola Río Sixaola CR
Astatheros rhytisma AF145131 Bermingham STRI-290 STRI-290 Kullander Río Changuinola Río Changuinola PA
Astatheros rhytisma AY843336 Bermingham STRI AM- STRI AM-304 Kullander Río Cricamola Río Cricamola PA
Astatheros rhytisma AY843399 Bermingham STRI-6901 STRI-6901 Río Calovébora Río Calovébora PA
Astatheros rhytisma AY843402 Bermingham STRI-731 STRI-731 Kullander Río Cañaveral Río Cañaveral PA
Astatheros rhytisma AY843403 Bermingham STRI-733 STRI-733 Kullander Río Cañaveral Río Cañaveral PA
Astatheros robertsoni AF145132 Bermingham STRI-4449 STRI-4449 Río Agua Buena Río Agua Buena HN
Astatheros robertsoni AY843383 Bermingham STRI-4321 STRI-4321 Laguna - Nueva Río Nueva HN
Armenia Armenia
Astatheros rostratus AF009944 Bermingham STRI-1235 STRI-1235 Kullander Río Sarapiquí Río San Juan CR
Astatheros rostratus AF141319 GenBank
Astatheros sp. aV. alfari AF009947 Bermingham STRI-2109 STRI-2109 Kullander Río Higuerón Río Higuerón CR
“Río Higuerón”
Australoheros facetus AY843386 Bermingham STRI-4691 STRI-4691 Concheiro Arroyo San Joaquín, Río de la Plata AR
Pérez Prov. Entre Ríos
Australoheros facetus AY843387 Bermingham STRI-4692 STRI-4692 Kullander Arroyo San Joaquin, Río de la Plata AR
Prov. Entre Ríos
Australoheros tembe AY843373 Bermingham STRI-2519 STRI-2519 Concheiro Arroyo Uruzú, Prov. Río de la Plata AR
Pérez Misiones
Caquetaia kraussii AF009938 Bermingham STRI-1523 STRI-1523 Kullander Quibdo Market Río Atrato CO
Caquetaia myersi AY050615 Iíban Iíban aquarium stock
Caquetaia sp. inq. “Río AY843424 Bermingham STRI-811 STRI-811 Concheiro RMg4 Río Magdalena CO
Magdalena” Pérez
Caquetaia spectabilis DQ990697 Farias Farias Río Xingu Pará BR
Herichthys bartoni AY843355 Bermingham STRI-16870 STRI-16870 Concheiro F1 from Laguna Río Tamasopo MX
Pérez Medialuna
Herichthys carpintis DQ990717 Doadrio 2891MEX Doadrio Río Verde Río Pánuco MX
Herichthys carpintis U88856 GenBank Conkel Laguna el Chairel in the Tampico MX
village of Flores
G.A. Concheiro Pérez et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (2007) 91–110 105

Appendix A (continued)
Taxon Accession Origin Voucher Sequence Authority Locality Basin/ region Country
Herichthys deppii DQ990715 Doadrio MNCN 2823MEX Doadrio Río Bobo Río Nautla MX
Herichthys labridens U88857 GenBank Conkel Main Drainage canal of San Luis Potosí MX
Laguna Media Luna, in
the village of Río Verde
Herichthys sp.aV. DQ990721 Doadrio MNCN 2895MEX Doadrio Río Verde Río Pánuco MX
bartoni 178390
Herichthys labridens DQ990719 Doadrio MNCN 2845MEX Doadrio Río Frío Río Pánuco MX
Herichthys labridens DQ990720 Doadrio MNCN 2878MEX Doadrio Río Tamasopo Río Pánuco MX
Herichthys DQ990716 Doadrio MNCN 2876MEX Doadrio Río Tamasopo Río Panuco MX
tamasopoensis 175233
Heros appendiculatus AF009951 Bermingham STRI AM- STRI AM-174 Río Cuyabeno Río Amazonas EC
Heros appendiculatus DQ010102 Bermingham STRI AM- STRI AM-175 Río Cuyabeno Río Amazonas EC
Heros sp. DQ990691 Farias INPA-9928 INPA-9928 Farias Río Jau Río Amazonas BR
‘Heros’ argenteus AY843412 Bermingham STRI-7946 STRI-7946 Concheiro Río de la Pasión at Río Río Usumacinta GT
Pérez Usumacinta
‘Heros’ argenteus AY843417 Bermingham STRI-8014 STRI-8014 Concheiro Bought from Wsherman, Río Usumacinta GT
Pérez locality approximate
‘Heros’ atromaculatus AY843346 Bermingham STRI-1447 STRI-1447 Concheiro Quebrada 3-30 Río San Juan CO
‘Heros’ atromaculatus AY843347 Bermingham STRI-1448 STRI-1448 Concheiro Quebrada 3-30 Río San Juan CO
‘Heros’ sp. aV. AY843342 Bermingham STRI-1314 STRI-1314 Concheiro Río Mandinga Río Mandinga PA
atromaculatus Pérez
‘Heros’ sp. aV. AY843343 Bermingham STRI-1332 STRI-1332 Concheiro Río Mandinga Río Mandinga PA
atromaculatus Pérez
‘Heros’ sp. aV. AF009939 Bermingham STRI-1404 STRI-1404 Concheiro Quebrada 3-31 Río Baudó CO
atromaculatus “Río Pérez
‘Heros’ sp. aV. AY843345 Bermingham STRI-1405 STRI-1405 Concheiro Quebrada 3-31 Río Baudó CO
atromaculatus “Río Pérez
‘Heros’ festae AY843351 Bermingham STRI-15028 STRI-15028 Concheiro Río Tumbes Río Tumbes PE
‘Heros’ festae AY843352 Bermingham STRI-15037 STRI-15037 Concheiro Río Tumbes Río Tumbes PE
‘Heros’ istlanus DQ990699 Doadrio MNCN 3109MEX Doadrio Río Tuxpán Río Balsas MX
‘Heros’ grammodes DQ990718 Doadrio MNCN 2532mex Doadrio Río Comalatén Río Usumacinta MX
‘Heros’ octofasciatus AY050616 Iíban Iíban aquarium stock
‘Heros’ octofasciatus AY843410 Bermingham STRI-7901 STRI-7901 Concheiro Río Sebol at Finca Río Usumacinta GT
Pérez Sebol
‘Heros’ octofasciatus AY843415 Bermingham STRI-7997 STRI-7997 Concheiro Río La Pasión Río Usumacinta GT
‘Heros’ punctatus AF009936 Bermingham STRI-1161 STRI-1161 Concheiro Río Coloradita Río Coto CR
‘Heros’ punctatus AF009937 Bermingham STRI-2104 STRI-2104 Concheiro Río San Rafael, Río Río San Rafael CR
Pérez Jesús María drainage
‘Heros’ punctatus AY843339 Bermingham STRI-1162 STRI-1162 Concheiro Río Coloradita Río Coto CR
‘Heros’ punctatus AY843361 Bermingham STRI-2105 STRI-2105 Concheiro Río San Rafael, Río Río San Rafael CR
Pérez Jesús María drainage
‘Heros’ regani DQ990735 Doadrio MNCN 241oax Doadrio Río de las Garzas Río MX
146359 Coatzacoalcos
‘Heros’ regani AY050621 Iíban Iíban aquarium stock
‘Heros’ sieboldii AY843372 Bermingham STRI-21 STRI-21 Río Platanal Río Platanal PA

(continued on next page)

106 G.A. Concheiro Pérez et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (2007) 91–110

Appendix A (continued)
Taxon Accession Origin Voucher Sequence Authority Locality Basin/ region Country
‘Heros’ sieboldii AY843392 Bermingham STRI-52 STRI-52 Concheiro Río Estí Río Chiriquí PA
‘Heros’ sieboldii AY843393 Bermingham STRI-53 STRI-53 Concheiro Río Estí Río Chiriquí PA
‘Heros’ sieboldii AY843394 Bermingham STRI-644 STRI-644 Concheiro Rio Chiriqui Rio Chiriqui PA
‘Heros’ sieboldii AY843400 Bermingham STRI-693 STRI-693 Concheiro Río Cobre Río San Pablo PA
‘Heros’ sieboldii AY843416 Bermingham STRI-79 STRI-79 Concheiro Río Tabasará Río Tabasará PA
‘Heros’ sieboldii AY843422 Bermingham STRI-80 STRI-80 Concheiro Río Santa María Río Santa María PA
‘Heros’ sieboldii AY843430 Bermingham STRI-82 STRI-82 Concheiro Río Tabasará Río Tabasará PA
‘Heros’ tuyrensis AY843337 Bermingham STRI AM- STRI AM-321 Río Pacora Río Pacora PA
‘Heros’ tuyrensis AY843375 Bermingham STRI-2708 STRI-2708 Kullander Río Pacora at hwy. Río Pacora PA
‘Heros’ sp. cf. AF009940 Bermingham STRI-1527 STRI-1527 Concheiro Quibdo Market Río Atrato CO
umbriferus Pérez
‘Heros’ umbriferus AY843350 Bermingham STRI-14971 STRI-14971 Concheiro Río Tuira Río Tuira PA
‘Heros’ umbriferus. AY843349 Bermingham STRI-14923 STRI-14923 Concheiro Río Tuira Río Tuira PA
‘Heros’ urophthalmus AY050624 Iíban Iíban Mérida Yucatán MX
‘Heros’ urophthalmus AY843425 Bermingham STRI-8126 STRI-8126 Concheiro Lago Petén-Itzá Lago Petén-Itzá GT
‘Heros’ urophthalmus AY843427 Bermingham STRI-8135 STRI-8135 Concheiro Lago Petén-Itzá, locality Lago Petén-Itzá GT
Pérez approximated
‘Heros’ weselli AY843384 Bermingham STRI-4410 STRI-4410 Concheiro Río Cangrejal Río Cangrejal HN
Herotilapia multispinosa AF009942 Bermingham STRI-1204 STRI-1204 Río Canas Río Canas CR
Herotilapia multispinosa AY843344 Bermingham STRI-13548 STRI-13548 Concheiro Río San Antonio Guanacaste NI
Herotilapia multispinosa AY843371 Bermingham STRI-2148 STRI-2148 Río Pizote Río San Juan CR
Hoplarchus psittacus DQ990690 Farias INPA-9901 INPA-9901 Farias Río Jau Río Amazonas BR
Hypselecara DQ990689 Farias Farias Río Jau Río Amazonas BR
Hypselecara temporale AY050612 Iíban Iíban aquarium stock
Hypsophrys AF009928 Bermingham STRI-1278 STRI-1278 Río Matina drainage Río Matina CR
Hypsophrys AY843370 Bermingham STRI-2147 STRI-2147 Río Pizote Río San Juan CR
Mesonauta insignis DQ990692 Farias INPA-13437 INPA-13437 Farias Río Ariau Río Amazonas BR
Nandopsis haitiensis AY843388 Bermingham
STRI-4900 STRI-4900 Río Jima Río Jima DO
Nandopsis haitiensis AY843389 Bermingham
STRI-4901 STRI-4901 Río Jima Río Jima DO
Nandopsis ramsdeni AY998668 Iíban NRM-49348 NRM-49348 Iíban Ayo. Hondo Ayo.Hondo CU
Nandopsis ramsdeni NRM-49373 Iíban NRM-49373 NRM-49373 Iíban Río Yateras Río Yateras CU
Nandopsis tetracanthus AY987858 Iíban NRM Cuba- NRM Cuba-10 Iíban Cuba CU
Nandopsis tetracanthus AY987857 Iíban NRM Cuba- NRM Cuba-5 Iíban Cuba CU
Nandopsis tetracanthus NRM-49366 Iíban NRM-49366 NRM-49366 Iíban Río Yateras Río Yateras CU
Parachromis loisellei AY843365 Bermingham STRI-211 STRI-211 Concheiro Río Sixaola Río Sixaola CR
Parachromis loisellei AY843366 Bermingham STRI-2126 STRI-2126 Concheiro Río Pizote Río San Juan CR
Parachromis salvini DQ990705 Doadrio MNCN 3273mexTux Doadrio Rio Chuniapán Rio Chuniapán MX
Neetroplus nematopus AF009929 Bermingham STRI-2142 STRI-2142 Kullander Río Pizote Río San Juan CR
Parachromis dovii DQ990701 Doadrio 21Sa Doadrio Lago Guija Río Lempa SV
Parachromis dovii AF009924 Bermingham STRI-2125 STRI-2125 Kullander Río Pizote Río San Juan CR
G.A. Concheiro Pérez et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (2007) 91–110 107

Appendix A (continued)
Taxon Accession Origin Voucher Sequence Authority Locality Basin/ region Country
Parachromis dovii U88864 GenBank Conkel Lago de Nicaragua, Río San Juan NI
aprox. 3 km south of
Parachromis DQ990702 Doadrio MNCN 18Sa Doadrio Lago Guija Río Lempa MX
managuensis 184812
Parachromis AY050613 Iíban Iíban aquarium stock
Parachromis AY843338 Bermingham STRI-1128 STRI-1128 Concheiro Río Antón Río Antón PA
managuensis Pérez
Parachromis AY843356 Bermingham STRI-178 STRI-178 Concheiro Río San Félix Río San Félix PA
managuensis Pérez
Paratheraps breidohri AY050626 Iíban Iíban aquarium stock
Paratheraps fenestratus DQ990722 Doadrio MNCN 2239MEX Doadrio Lago Catemaco MX
Paratheraps fenestratus DQ990723 Doadrio MNCN 2342MEX Doadrio La Palma MX
Paratheraps fenestratus DQ990729 Doadrio MNCN 2740MEX Doadrio Mizapán Río MX
176055 Coatzacoalcos
Paratheraps fenestratus DQ990733 Doadrio 3236mexTux Doadrio Laguna de el Mogo Laguna de el MX
Paratheraps fenestratus DQ990734 Doadrio 3242mexTux Doadrio Laguna Verde Laguna Verde MX
Paratheraps fenestratus DQ990730 Doadrio 3257mexTux Doadrio Río Xoteapan Río Xoteapan MX
Paratheraps fenestratus DQ990731 Doadrio 3267mexTux Doadrio Río Chuniapan Río Chuniapan MX
Paratheraps fenestratus DQ990732 Doadrio 3275mexTux Doadrio Río Chuniapan Río Chuniapan MX
Paratheraps fenestratus DQ990724 Doadrio 3278mexTux Doadrio Río Sihuapan Río Sihuapan MX
Paratheraps fenestratus DQ990725 Doadrio 3304Tux Doadrio Laguna de Chalchoapan Laguna de MX
Paratheraps fenestratus DQ990726 Doadrio 393oax Doadrio Río de La Gloria Río MX
Paratheraps guttulatus DQ990727 Doadrio MNCN 181mex Doadrio Río Sarabia Río MX
147114 Coatzacoalcos
Paratheraps guttulatus DQ990727 Doadrio MNCN 110Sa Doadrio Lago Coatepeque Lago SV
184778 Coatepeque
Petenia splendida DQ990704 Doadrio MNCN 2321mex Doadrio Laguna de Laguna de MX
171447 Sontecomapan Sontecomapan
Petenia splendida DQ990703 Farias Farias unknown NI
Petenia splendida AY843419 Bermingham STRI-8039 STRI-8039 Concheiro charca Lago Petén-Itzá GT
Petenia splendida AY843423 Bermingham STRI-8108 STRI-8108 Concheiro Arroyo Sal Si Puedes, Río Belize GT
Pérez Belize
Pterophyllum scalare DQ990688 Farias INPA-1334 INPA-1334 Farias Río Ariau Río Amazonas BR
Pterophyllum sp. cf. AY843353 Bermingham STRI-15934 STRI-15934 Concheiro Río Ucayali Río Amazonas PE
sclare “Perú” Pérez
Symphysodon DQ990693 Farias INPA-13433 INPA-13433 Farias Río Araca Río Amazonas BR
Theraps godmanni AY843428 Bermingham STRI-8159 STRI-8159 Concheiro Río San Pedro, AXuente Río Sarstún GT
Pérez San Pedro at Sarstún
Theraps heterospilus AY843414 Bermingham STRI-7986 STRI-7986 Concheiro Arroyo del Subón at La Río Usumacinta GT
Pérez Pasión
Theraps intermedius AY843408 Bermingham STRI-7861 STRI-7861 Concheiro Río Candelaria at Río Usumacinta GT
Pérez Candelaria
Theraps intermedius AY843421 Bermingham STRI-8078 STRI-8078 Concheiro Río Mopán and Oxbow, Río Belize GT
Pérez Belize Drainage
Theraps lentiginosus AY843409 Bermingham STRI-7885 STRI-7885 Concheiro Río Sebol at Finca Río Usumacinta GT
Pérez Sebol
Theraps lentiginosus AY843411 Bermingham STRI-7945 STRI-7945 Concheiro Río de la Pasion at Río Usumacinta GT
Pérez Usumacinta
Theraps microphthalmus AY843429 Bermingham STRI-8255 STRI-8255 Concheiro Río Doña María at Río Motagua GT
Pérez Motagua
Theraps microphthalmus AY843431 Bermingham STRI-8459 STRI-8459 Concheiro Río El Sauce Río Motagua HN
Pérez (Amarillo)/ Santa Rita
Thorichthys aureus U88859 GenBank Conkel Río Bonito at the mouth of El GolWto MX

(continued on next page)

108 G.A. Concheiro Pérez et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (2007) 91–110

Appendix A (continued)
Taxon Accession Origin Voucher Sequence Authority Locality Basin/ region Country
Thorichthys helleri DQ990706 Doadrio MNCN 186oax Doadrio PanWlo Río MX
147665 Coatzacoalcos
Thorichthys helleri DQ990707 Doadrio MNCN 490mex Doadrio Escolapa Río MX
147629 Coatzacoalcos
Thorichthys DQ990708 Doadrio MNCN 2702MEX Doadrio Río Puente Nacional MX
maculipinnis 179182
Thorichthys DQ990709 Doadrio 2746MEX Doadrio San Antonio Río Papaloapán MX
Thorichthys DQ990710 Doadrio 3248mexTux Doadrio Río El Saltillo Río El Saltillo MX
Thorichthys DQ990711 Doadrio 3256mexTux Doadrio Río Xoteapan Río Papaloapan MX
Thorichthys DQ990712 Doadrio 3268mexTux Doadrio Río Chuniapam Río Chuniapam MX
Thorichthys DQ990714 Doadrio 3305mexTux Doadrio Laguna de Chalchoapan Laguna de MX
maculipinnis Chalchoapan
Thorichthys DQ990713 Doadrio 571MEX Doadrio Río Valle Nacional Río Papaloapan MX
Thorichthys U88861 GenBank Conkel Río Dos Caños Veracruz MX
Thorichthys meeki U88860 GenBank Conkel unknown MX
Thorichthys sp. AY843426 Bermingham STRI-8128 STRI-8128 Concheiro Zona Militar Estanque, Lago Petén-Itzá GT
Pérez locality approximated
Thorichthys sp. cf. U88858 GenBank Conkel north end of Lago de Tabasco MX
aureus Ilusiones, Villahermosa
Tomocichla asfraci AY843405 Bermingham STRI-760 STRI-760 Concheiro Río Viento Río Guarumo PA
Tomocichla asfraci AY843406 Bermingham STRI-761 STRI-761 Concheiro Río Viento Río Guarumo PA
Tomocichla underwoodi AF009941 Bermingham STRI-2131 STRI-2131 Kullander Río Pizote Río San Juan CR
Tomocichla underwoodi AY843367 Bermingham STRI-2132 STRI-2132 Concheiro Río Pizote Río San Juan CR
Uaru amphiacanthoides AY050622 Iíban Iíban aquarium stock
Uaru amphiacanthoides DQ990694 Farias INPA-12061 INPA-12061 Farias Río Jau Río Amazonas BR
Vieja maculicauda U97165 GenBank Conkel Lago de Izabal, in the Río Dulce GT
lakeside village of
Vieja melanura AY843413 Bermingham STRI-7975 STRI-7975 Concheiro Arroyo Comiston at La Río Usumacinta GT
Pérez Pasión
Vieja melanura AY843418 Bermingham STRI-8020 STRI-8020 Concheiro Bought from Wsherman, Río Usumacinta GT
Pérez locality approximate
Vieja melanura AY843420 Bermingham STRI-8070 STRI-8070 Concheiro Río Mopan and Oxbow, Río Belize GT
Pérez Belize drainage
Vieja synspila AY050625 Iíban Iíban aquarium stock
Acaronia sp. AF370666 Farias Farias aquarium stock
Aequidens tetramerus AY050609 Iíban Iíban aquarium stock
Aequidens diadema AY050611 Iíban Iíban aquarium stock
‘Aequidens’ pulcher AY050617 Iíban Iíban aquarium stock
’Aequidens’ AY843377 Bermingham STRI-301 STRI-301
Bujurquina sp. AF370668 Farias Farias aquarium stock
Cichlasoma boliviense AF009952 Bermingham STRI-369 STRI-369 Kullander RM2 Río Amazonas PE
Cichlasoma taenia AY843382 Bermingham STRI-4251 STRI-4251 Turure River Turure River TT
Cleithracara maronii AY050614 Iíban Iíban aquarium stock
Laetacara thayeri AY050608 Iíban Iíban aquarium stock
Nannacara anomala AF370670

Taxon Sequence Origin Voucher Deposited Authority Locality Basin/region Country
Acarichthys heckelii DQ990687
Astronotus ocellatus AB018987 GenBank
G.A. Concheiro Pérez et al. / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (2007) 91–110 109

Appendix A (continued)
Taxon Sequence Origin Voucher Deposited Authority Locality Basin/ region Country
Cichla monoculus DQ990686 Doadrio
Satanoperca jurupari U88853 GenBank
Notes: References for people’s names: Bermingham, Eldredge Bermingham; Concheiro Pérez, Gustavo Alcides Concheiro Pérez; Conkel, Don Conkel;
Doadrio, Ignacio Doadrio; Farias, Izeni Farias; Kullander, Sven O. Kullander; Iíban, Oldlich Iíban. References for institutions: INPA, Instituto Nacional
de Pesquisas da Amazônia (Brasil); STRI, Smithsonian Tropical Research Instite (Panamá); MNCN, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid
(Spain). Codes for countries follow ISO-3166: AR, Argentina; BR, Brasil; CO, Colombia; CU, Cuba; DO, República Dominicana; EC, Ecuador; GT, Gua-
temala; HN, Honduras; MX, México; NI, Nicaragua; PA, Panamá; PE, Perú; SV, El Salvador; TT, Trinidad and Tobago.

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