Capacity Planning
Capacity Planning
Capacity Planning
Capacity planning
Aggregate Planning
Capacity Planning
• Capacity is the upper limit or ceiling on the
load that an operating unit can handle.
• The basic questions in capacity handling are:
– What kind of capacity is needed?
– How much is needed?
– When is it needed?
Importance of Capacity Decisions
1. Impacts ability to meet future demands
2. Affects operating costs
3. Major determinant of initial costs
4. Involves long-term commitment
5. Affects competitiveness
6. Affects ease of management
7. Impacts long range planning
• Design capacity
– maximum output rate or service capacity an
operation, process, or facility is designed for
• Effective capacity
– Design capacity minus allowances such as
personal time, maintenance, and scrap
• Actual output
– rate of output actually achieved cannot
exceed effective capacity.
Efficiency and Utilization
Actual output
Efficiency =
Effective capacity
Actual output
Utilization =
Design capacity
• Promotion
• Back orders
• New demand
Capacity Options
• Hire and layoff workers
• Overtime/slack time
• Part-time workers
• Inventories
• Subcontracting
Techniques for Aggregate Planning
1.Determine demand for each period
2.Determine capacities for each period
3.Identify policies that are pertinent
4.Determine units costs
5.Develop alternative plans and costs
6.Select the best plan that satisfies objectives.
Otherwise return to step 5.
Aggregate Plan to Master Schedule