Fashion Design Basic Learning With Suggestopedia Method
Fashion Design Basic Learning With Suggestopedia Method
Fashion Design Basic Learning With Suggestopedia Method
Atika Atika1(B) , Diah Kartika Sari1 , Sicilia Sawitri1 , and Bayu Ariwibowo2
1 Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia
[email protected]
2 Universitas Ivet, Semarang, Indonesia
1 Introduction
In developing countries, in general, there are two: One of the most significant challenges
in the world of education today is the development of learning innovations [1]. The
Industrial Revolution 4.0 has created changes in almost all fields and nations around the
world. This has also provided various opportunities to develop various innovations in
learning [2]. Through learning, it is believed that human resources will experience an
increase in technical skills and competencies according to the field. In learning there are
various problems including the ability to increase students’ creativity, use of technology
and critical thinking skills [3–5]. While other problems arise from various factors, such
as the use of learning methods or media that affect the level of student understanding [6,
This research is motivated by the problems that occur in students in the Basic Design
learning. One of the obstacles is the use of conventional methods or lectures. The lecture
method tends to quickly make students feel bored. The teacher in charge of basic design
lessons also conveyed in interviews during the observation of the research site, that the
weakness of students in the Basic Design subject was in the creativity of drawing. This is
supported by the results of student assignments on the competence to make sketch design
drawings with an average value of 70.51. This means that student scores are still low only
up to the KKM value limit. The results of observations made that the condition of the class
during the learning process was considered less comfortable so that it greatly affected
the feelings of students during the learning process. The uncomfortable condition of the
class is influenced by several factors, namely the classroom which is considered less
cheerful, the lighting is not optimal, the table is not wide enough to make it difficult for
students to draw.
Classroom conditions greatly affect student performance, so in this study using a
learning method that is considered to be able to overcome these problems, namely by
using the suggestopedia method. The suggestopedia method is a learning method that
uses our subconscious brain [8]. Fear and boredom are the main enemies of learning, so
a suggestion is needed to students before they receive the subject matter so that students
feel calmer and more relaxed. In a calmer and more relaxed state, students can more
easily accept and absorb the subject matter. Suggestopedia is an alternative to solve
this problem. The suggestopedia method definitely increases student motivation and
improves the classroom atmosphere [9].
Suggestopedia helps and changes the way students view learning. Students are con-
ditioned to be more relaxed and eliminate their lack of confidence in the learning process.
Basic design learning activities in designing student clothing require high imagination
skills, as well as making poetry also requires imagination. The suggestopedia method
is used to stimulate students’ imagination and desire to write poetry and make learning
more fun [9]. Classes are conditioned to be a comfortable space for them, a fun and cheer-
ful atmosphere is created to support this method. They will be played music according to
their favorite music with the aim that they can enjoy the atmosphere during the learning
process. The description above shows the need for research on the effectiveness of the
suggestopedia method to improve student learning outcomes in basic design subjects.
2 Methods
Percentage Criteria
75%–100% Very high
50%–75% High
25%–50% Poor
1%–25% Very poor
1. Calculating the value of the respondent and each aspect or sub variable.
2. Recap the score.
3. Calculate the average value.
4. Calculate the percentage with the formula.
DP = × 100% (1)
The level of these criteria, then the score obtained (in %) with a descriptive analysis
of the percentage was consulted in Table 1.
The effectiveness analysis in this study uses a gain calculation adapted from Hake’s
theory, to show an increase in learning outcomes after learning.
Calculations to determine the percentage increase in learning outcomes used the gain
test formula.
x post − x pre
Gain = (2)
skor ideal − x pre
This normalized gain is interpreted to state the normalized gain criteria [12]. Table
2 is Gain Score Index Coefficient.
28 A. Atika et al.
The results of the validity test of the student response instrument used the Aiken’s
V formula. The results of the average validity test by 3 raters or raters showed the
number 0.78. These results, when consulted with the validity interpretation table,
show that the information is very useful and feasible to use.
(0,8 − 0,17)
rxx =
rxx = 0,7875
Fashion Design Basic Learning with Suggestopedia Method 29
Validator 1 Validator 2 Validator 3
Score 13 13 13
Total Score 13 13 13
Validation percentage 100% 100% 100%
Total Conclusion
students Very agree Agree Don’t Agree
22 3 Students 19 Students
The results of the N-gain score test calculation above, show that the average N-gain
score for all variables is 0.38 including the moderate category.
The results of the assessment of student responses obtained percentage data of 70%
which are included in the high category, it can be concluded that the use of the suggesto-
pedia method in Basic Design learning, especially the Collage Design material, received
a positive response from students.
The results of the study can be concluded that the implementation of the suggesto-
pedia method in Basic Design Subjects is effective for improving student learning out-
comes. This is shown in the average result of the pre-test score of 69 and the average
post-test score of 81. The results of the N-gain score test calculation show that the average
N-gain score is 0.38 including medium category. The implementation of the suggesto-
pedia method in Basic Design learning also received a positive response by students,
seen from the acquisition of student response data which showed a percentage of 70%
which was included in the high category. This is in line with the results of other studies,
that the suggestopedia method is a flexible learning method that can facilitate students in
meaningful learning activities. Students feel relaxed to get material in class. Students are
given dynamic learning activities and get more opportunities to elaborate and explore
[13]. Another effectiveness can be seen from the results of other studies which reveal that
the suggestopedia method helps students improve students’ feelings, distract students
from learning worries, and overcome fear of making mistakes. This method helps stu-
dents realize their potential and store meaningful information for further learning [14].
Suggestopedia is a successful learning drive and is suggested in cooperative learning
interactions to provide an interesting learning experience for students [15]. Based on the
results of the research above, it can be concluded that the suggestopedia method can be
used as learning in improving the competence of students in Basic Design subjects.
4 Conclusion
The results of the study can be concluded that the implementation of the suggestopedia
method in Basic Design learning can be seen that the response given by students is a
positive response and the effectiveness in improving learning outcomes for Basic Design
subjects by 0.38% is included in the effective category for improving learning outcomes.
This method is able to make the learning process in the classroom more fun, calm and
comfortable, students are more interested in Basic Design lessons.
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medical student teaching: educational innovations, challenges, and future directions, Survey
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Fashion Design Basic Learning with Suggestopedia Method 31
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