Name: Sasriana CLASS: 6.2 Subject: Uas English Assessment

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CLASS: 6.2












1.Pleasearrangethefirstuptothelaststepaboveintogoodprocessof designingthetestitems!(30points)


1. Documents of your teaching (curriculum)

2. Designing the test item.
3. Assembling test item.
4. Try out.
5. Measuring discrimination index.
6. Measuring reability
7. Measuring difficulty level
8. Measuring validity




 We need to do each step for Learning is more systematic, facilitates the analysis of
student learning success, facilitates the delivery of material, regulates learning patterns,
saves time and energy.
 1. Curriculum: A Ferry T. Indratno said that the curriculum is the program and content of
an education system that seeks to carry out the process of accumulation of knowledge
between generations in society. If a common thread is drawn, the curriculum can be
understood as a central tool for educational success.
2. Designed test item: systematic development of specifications
learning by using learning and learning theory to ensure the quality of learning. This
design and development process includes all processes of analyzing learning needs,
goals and developers a system to achieve goals. development of learning materials and
activities, testing and evaluation of all learning and student activities.
3. Assembling test item: This chapter discusses the processes of assembling the test,
administering it to students, and obtaining test scores. In addition to the preparation of
a test blueprint and the skillful construction of test items that correspond to it, the final
appearance of the test and the way in which it is administered can affect the validity of
the test results.
4. try out: Try out is useful to find out the map of students' overall abilities at school.
5. Measuring discrimination index: Assembling TEST Assembling TEST Assembling
means: Record test items Review test items Arrange items in a test Items should be
arranged according to types Items should be arranged in order of difficulty Items of the
same subject matter content maybe grouped together.
6. Validity refers to the accuracy of an assessment -- whether or not it measures what it
is supposed to measure. Even if a test is reliable, it may not provide a valid measure.
7. For items with one correct alternative worth a single point, the item difficulty is
simply the percentage of students who answer an item correctly. In this case, it is also
equal to the item mean. The item difficulty index ranges from 0 to 100; the higher the
value, the easier the question.

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