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ITU-T G.959.1


Digital sections and digital line system – Digital line

Optical transport network physical layer


ITU-T Recommendation G.959.1



General G.900–G.909
Parameters for optical fibre cable systems G.910–G.919
Digital sections at hierarchical bit rates based on a bit rate of 2048 kbit/s G.920–G.929
Digital line transmission systems on cable at non-hierarchical bit rates G.930–G.939
Digital line systems provided by FDM transmission bearers G.940–G.949
Digital line systems G.950–G.959

For further details, please refer to the list of ITU-T Recommendations.

ITU-T Recommendation G.959.1

Optical transport network physical layer interfaces

This Recommendation focuses on optical parameter values for pre-OTN single channel and
multichannel inter-domain interfaces, and provides a framework for OTN physical interfaces.

ITU-T Recommendation G.959.1 was prepared by ITU-T Study Group 15 (2001-2004) and
approved under the WTSA Resolution 1 procedure on 9 February 2001.

ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) i

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency in the field of
telecommunications. The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of
ITU. ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations
on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis.
The World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA), which meets every four years,
establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T study groups which, in turn, produce Recommendations on these
The approval of ITU-T Recommendations is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSA Resolution 1.
In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-T's purview, the necessary standards are
prepared on a collaborative basis with ISO and IEC.

In this Recommendation, the expression "Administration" is used for conciseness to indicate both a
telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency.


ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may
involve the use of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. ITU takes no position concerning the evidence,
validity or applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others
outside of the Recommendation development process.
As of the date of approval of this Recommendation, ITU had received notice of intellectual property,
protected by patents, which may be required to implement this Recommendation. However, implementors are
cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to consult the
TSB patent database.

 ITU 2002
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from ITU.

ii ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001)

1 Scope........................................................................................................................... 1
2 References................................................................................................................... 1
2.1 Normative references .................................................................................................. 1
2.2 Informative references ................................................................................................ 2
3 Terms and definitions ................................................................................................. 2
3.1 Definitions .................................................................................................................. 2
3.1.1 Optical tributary signal .................................................................................. 2
3.1.2 Optical tributary signal class NRZ 2.5G........................................................ 2
3.1.3 Optical tributary signal class NRZ 10G......................................................... 2
3.1.4 Optical Transmission Section of order 1 (OTS1) .......................................... 2
3.1.5 Optical Transmission Section of order n (OTSn) .......................................... 3
3.1.6 Pre-OTN ........................................................................................................ 3
3.2 Terms defined in other Recommendations ................................................................. 3
4 Abbreviations.............................................................................................................. 3
5 Classification of optical interfaces.............................................................................. 5
5.1 Applications ................................................................................................................ 5
5.2 Reference points ......................................................................................................... 6
5.3 Nomenclature.............................................................................................................. 7
5.4 Multichannel inter-domain interfaces ......................................................................... 9
5.4.1 Amplified short-haul multichannel inter-domain interfaces.......................... 9
5.4.2 Non-amplified intra-office multichannel inter-domain interfaces................. 11
5.4.3 Non-amplified short-haul multichannel inter-domain interfaces .................. 11
5.5 Single channel inter-domain interfaces....................................................................... 12
5.6 Management signal implementations ......................................................................... 14
6 Transverse compatibility............................................................................................. 14
7 Parameter definitions .................................................................................................. 14
7.1 System operating wavelength range ........................................................................... 14
7.2 Parameters................................................................................................................... 14
7.2.1 General information....................................................................................... 16
7.2.2 Interface at point MPI-SM............................................................................. 17
7.2.3 Optical path (single span) from point MPI-SM to MPI-RM.......................... 18
7.2.4 Interface at point MPI-RM ............................................................................ 20
7.2.5 Interface at point SM-S .................................................................................. 21
7.2.6 Optical path from point SM-S to RS-M .......................................................... 22
7.2.7 Interface at point RS-M.................................................................................. 23

ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) iii

8 Parameter values ......................................................................................................... 23
8.1 Multichannel IrDI ....................................................................................................... 23
8.2 Single channel IrDI..................................................................................................... 25
9 Optical safety considerations ...................................................................................... 29
10 Power level management ............................................................................................ 29
Annex A – Configuration for method a for assessment of single channel characteristics in
a multichannel IrDI..................................................................................................... 29
A.1 Reference configuration.............................................................................................. 29
Annex B – Reference optical bandpass filter and reference receiver characteristics for
Method B, for assessment of single channel characteristics in a multichannel
IRDI ............................................................................................................................ 30
B.1 Reference configuration.............................................................................................. 30
B.2 Reference optical bandpass filter ................................................................................ 31
B.2.1 Optical filter parameters ................................................................................ 31
B.3 Reference receiver ...................................................................................................... 32
Appendix I – Single channel client interfaces with 3R regeneration....................................... 33
I.1 Introduction................................................................................................................. 33
I.2 Description of client signal interfaces with 3R regeneration...................................... 33
Appendix II – Clarification of use of reference points within IrDI and IaDI .......................... 35
Appendix III – Considerations for management signal implementations................................ 37
III.1 Optical Channel management signal implementation ................................................ 37
III.2 Optical Multiplex Section and Optical Transmission Section management signal
implementation ........................................................................................................... 37
Appendix IV – Future IaDI considerations.............................................................................. 37
IV.1 Additional interfaces to consider ................................................................................ 38
IV.2 ONE transfer parameters ............................................................................................ 38
Appendix V – Application of the optical signal to noise floor ratio, OSNFR ......................... 39
V.1 Definition of the optical signal to noise floor ratio..................................................... 39
V.2 Validity of the parameter ............................................................................................ 40
V.3 Non-compliance with the IrDI specifications ............................................................. 40
V.4 Alternative control methods........................................................................................ 41

iv ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001)

ITU-T Recommendation G.959.1

Optical transport network physical layer interfaces

1 Scope
This Recommendation provides pre-OTN physical layer inter-domain interface (IrDI) specifications
for optical networks employing wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). The physical layer
specifications are valid for pre-OTN IrDIs, while also allowing application on OTN IrDIs according
to ITU-T G.709. In the case of a pre-OTN IrDI, OTN management capabilities are not required. The
IrDIs within the optical transport network (OTN) are provided by unidirectional, point-to-point,
single and multichannel line systems. Their primary purpose is to enable transversely compatible
interfaces to span the boundary between two administrative domains. The IrDI specifications include
intra-office, short-haul and long-haul applications, without line amplifiers.
NOTE – For the purposes of this Recommendation, the term "Administrative domain" is understood to mean
the extent of resources which belong to a single player, such as a network operator, a service provider, or an
end-user. Administrative domains of different players do not overlap among themselves.
In order to provide a framework for the definition of IrDI specifications, this Recommendation
includes general aspects of physical layer OTN considerations. A generic reference model is
presented that defines physical layer interfaces between optical network elements. The specifications
are organized according to application codes, which take into account the many possible
combinations of channel counts, optical tributary signal types, span distances, fibre types and system
configurations. The reference configuration and application codes form the foundation for specifying
the optical networking physical layer parameters.
While this initial Recommendation focuses on pre-OTN point-to-point IrDIs, it can also be applied
to IrDIs as specified in ITU-T G.709. In this Recommendation, however, any possible gain due to
the use of forward error correction or the use of an optical supervisory channel has not been
considered. Future versions and other new Recommendations will further address these aspects of
the OTN, possibly involving an arrangement of optical network elements on either side of an optical
subnetwork interface that is more complex than point-to-point. For these applications, different
parameters beyond those specified for a point-to-point configuration may be required.
This Recommendation presumes that the optical tributary signals transported within Optical
Channels are digital rather than analogue. Specifications for systems enabling transport of analogue
optical tributary signals are for further study.

2 References

2.1 Normative references

The following ITU-T Recommendations and other references contain provisions which, through
reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the
editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision;
users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the
most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the currently
valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published.
− ITU-T G.652 (2000), Characteristics of a single-mode optical fibre cable.
− ITU-T G.653 (2000), Characteristics of a dispersion-shifted single-mode optical fibre cable.

ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) 1

− ITU-T G.655 (2000), Characteristics of a non-zero dispersion-shifted single-mode optical
fibre cable.
− ITU-T G.664 (1999), Optical safety procedures and requirements for optical transport
− ITU-T G.691 (2000), Optical interfaces for single-channel STM-64, STM-256 and other
SDH systems with optical amplifiers.
− ITU-T G.692 (1998), Optical interfaces for multichannel systems with optical amplifiers.
− ITU-T G.709/Y.1331 (2001), Interfaces for the optical transport network (OTN).
− ITU-T G.872 (1999), Architecture of optical transport networks.
− ITU-T G.957 (1999), Optical interfaces for equipments and systems relating to the
synchronous digital hierarchy.
− IEC 60825-1 (2001), Safety of laser products – Part 1: Equipment classification,
requirements and user's guide.
− IEC 60825-2 (2000), Safety of laser products – Part 2: Safety of optical fibre
communication systems.

2.2 Informative references

The following ITU-T Recommendations contain provisions which, through reference in this text,
constitute other relevant information:
− ITU-T G.7077/Y.1322 (2000), Network node interface for the synchronous digital hierarchy
− ITU-T G.8711/Y.1301 (2000), Framework for optical transport network Recommendations.

3 Terms and definitions

3.1 Definitions
This Recommendation defines the following terms:
3.1.1 optical tributary signal: A single channel signal that is placed within an Optical Channel
for transport across the optical network.
3.1.2 optical tributary signal class NRZ 2.5G: Applies to continuous digital signals with non-
return to zero line coding, from nominally 622 Mbit/s to nominally 2.67 Gbit/s. In the case of OTN
optical tributary signals, NRZ 2.5G includes a signal with OTU1 bit rate according to ITU-T G.709.
3.1.3 optical tributary signal class NRZ 10G: Applies to continuous digital signals with non-
return to zero line coding, from nominally 2.4 Gbit/s to nominally 10.71 Gbit/s. In the case of OTN
optical tributary signals, NRZ 10G includes a signal with OTU2 bit rate according to ITU-T G.709.
3.1.4 optical transmission section of order 1 (OTS1): A single channel signal that provides
transport of an Optical Channel between two Optical Network Elements.
3.1.5 optical transmission section of order n (OTSn): A multichannel signal that provides
transport of an Optical Multiplex section, which in turn provides transport of up to n (n > 1) Optical
Channels between two optical network elements.
3.1.6 pre-OTN: This term refers to systems deployed in advance of future systems compliant with
the suite of OTN Recommendations indicated in ITU-T G.871. In particular, pre-OTN systems may

2 ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001)

rely on client-specific overhead information for performance monitoring, management, and
protection switching/restoration of the single channel client signals.

3.2 Terms defined in other Recommendations

This Recommendation uses the following term defined in ITU-T G.692:
− Optical Supervisory Channel (OSC).
This Recommendation uses the following term defined in ITU-T G.709:
− Completely standardized OTUk (OTUk).
This Recommendation use the following terms defined in ITU-T G.872:
− Intra-domain interface (IaDI);
− Inter-domain interface (IrDI);
− Optical Channel (OCh);
− Optical Multiplex Section (OMS);
− Optical Transmission Section (OTS);
− 3R regeneration.

4 Abbreviations
This Recommendation uses the following abbreviations:
2R (Regeneration) Re-amplification, reshaping
3R (Regeneration) Re-amplification, reshaping, retiming
APD Avalanche photodiode
ATM Asynchronous transfer mode
BER Bit error ratio
DGD Differential group delay
DWDM Dense wavelength division multiplexing
EA Electro-absorption
EX Extinction ratio
ffs For further study
IaDI Intra-domain interface
IP Internet protocol
IrDI Inter-domain interface
MLM Multi-longitudinal mode
MPI Main path interface
MPI-RM Multichannel receive main path interface reference point
MPI-SM Multichannel source main path interface reference point
NA Not applicable
NE Network element
NRZ Non-return to zero

ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) 3

OA Optical amplifier
OADM Optical add-drop multiplexer
OCh Optical channel
OD Optical demultiplexer
OEO Optical-to-electrical-to-optical
OM Optical multiplexer
OMS Optical multiplex section
ONE Optical network element
OSC Optical supervisory channel
OSNFR Optical signal-to-noise floor ratio
OTN Optical transport network
OTS Optical transmission section
OTS1 Optical transmission section of level 1
OTSn Optical transmission section of level n
OTUk Completely standardized optical channel transport unit – k
PIN P type-intrinsic-n type
PDH Plesiochronous digital hierarchy
PMD Polarization Mode Dispersion
RMS Root mean square
RZ Return to zero
RM Multichannel receive reference point (for line OAs)
RS-M Single channel (to multichannel) receive reference point
RS Single channel receive reference point
SM Multichannel source reference point (for line OAs)
SM-S Single channel (from multichannel) source reference point
SS Single channel source reference point
SDH Synchronous digital hierarchy
SLM Single-longitudinal mode
SONET Synchronous Optical Network
VSR Very short reach
WDM Wavelength division multiplexing

4 ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001)

5 Classification of optical interfaces

5.1 Applications
This Recommendation addresses pre-OTN single and multichannel optical systems within the
Optical Transport Network (OTN) and provides optical interface parameters and values for a range
of inter-domain interface applications.
As described in ITU-T G.872, a standardized interconnection is required for interconnecting
administrative domains in a point-to-point configuration.
Interworking between different administrative domains also requires the specification of the
characteristic information that is transferred across the inter-domain interface (IrDI) as described in
ITU-T G.707, ITU-T G.709 or other specifications. The definition of this characteristic information,
which includes signal bit rate, format and byte assignment, is outside the scope of this
The current state of technology development and deployment of optical transport systems provides
somewhat limited opportunities for interworking between administrative domains compared to the
target architecture described in ITU-T G.872. In particular, it is anticipated that initially OTN islands
will be deployed within a single administrative domain. Interconnection between domains and
interconnection of the OTN with existing transport networks (e.g. PDH and SDH networks) will be
achieved through a simplified type of IrDI interface called pre-OTN within this Recommendation.
Clause 8/G.872 describes a foreseen evolution from this initial stage toward the target OTN.
From the transmission viewpoint, an optical connection shows analogue behaviour (e.g. the optical
transmission impairments due to attenuation, dispersion, fibre nonlinearity, amplified spontaneous
emission, etc., accumulate in a manner similar to the accumulation of noise and other impairments in
analogue networks). Within digital networks, mitigation of such impairments is achieved at 3R
regeneration points, located in the transmission path according to engineering guidelines designed to
achieve the required link error performance objective. Similarly, within the OTN, 3R regeneration is
required at certain locations to maintain the OTN error performance objectives. Currently, the 3R
process typically relies on electro-optic conversion. The use of 2R regeneration, as an alternative
solution to 3R regeneration for particular applications in pre-OTN IrDIs is left for further study. The
use of all-optical 2R/3R regeneration is also for further study.
The IrDI may be realized as either a single-channel interface or a multichannel interface.
Multichannel IrDIs require additional wavelength multiplexing and demultiplexing equipment and
possibly optical amplifiers but use fewer fibres as compared with multiple single channel IrDIs
having equivalent optical channel capacity. Figure 5-7 indicates a single channel IrDI. Figures 5-4,
5-5 and 5-6 indicate three types of multichannel IrDI.
This Recommendation provides the physical layer parameters and values for application codes
corresponding both to the single-channel and multichannel pre-OTN IrDIs with 3R regenerators on
both sides of the interface as shown in Figures 5-4, 5-5, 5-6 and 5-7.
The specification method used in this Recommendation is a "Black-Box" approach, which means
that within the scope of this Recommendation only the optical interfaces to the IrDI are specified. It
is not intended to restrict or specify the internal elements and/or the connections between the
elements within the black-box. There are however functional requirements for the black-box, the
most important being the inclusion of 3R regeneration.
Specifications are given for single-channel inter-domain interfaces with the following
characteristics: channel bit rates corresponding to NRZ 2.5G and NRZ 10G, intra-office, short-haul
and long-haul span distances, and unidirectional transmission. In the future, specifications are also
anticipated for single channel IrDIs with approximately 40 Gbit/s bit rate. Parameters and optical
line coding for that bit rate are for further study.

ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) 5

Appendix I contains a further description of single-channel client interfaces.
Specifications are also given for a multichannel inter-domain interface. This interface accommodates
up to 16 channels with central frequencies conforming to the ITU-T G.692 grid, with channel bit
rates corresponding to NRZ 2.5G, and NRZ 10G, intra-office and short-haul (40 km) Optical
Multiplex Section single span distances, unidirectional transmission, and point-to-point
In the future, specifications are anticipated for a further multichannel application. It accommodates
up to 16 channels with central frequencies conforming to the ITU-T G.692 grid, with channel bit
rates corresponding to NRZ 2.5G, and NRZ 10G, a long-haul (80 km) Optical Multiplex Section
span distance without line amplifiers, unidirectional transmission, and point-to-point configuration.
In the future, specifications are also anticipated for multichannel IrDIs with approximately 40 Gbit/s
(OTU3) channel bit rate. Parameters and optical line coding for that channel bit rate are for further

5.2 Reference points

Figure 5-1 shows a set of "generic" reference points for optical network elements (ONEs) in the
future OTN.

Client NE





RS or RS–M SS or SM–S

Figure 5-1/G.959.1 – Generic reference points for optical network elements

The reference points in Figure 5-1 are defined as follows:

− SS is a (single channel) reference point on the optical fibre just after a single channel client
NE transmitter optical connector;
− RS is a (single channel) reference point just before a single channel client NE receiver
optical connector;
− SM-S is a (single channel) reference point just after each of the optical network element
tributary interface output optical connectors (the "M-S" subscript indicating a single channel
output from a multichannel system);
− RS-M is a (single channel) reference point on the optical fibre just before each of the optical
network element tributary interface input optical connectors (the "S-M" subscript indicating
a single channel input to a multichannel system);
− MPI-SM is a (multichannel) reference point on the optical fibre just after the optical network
element transport interface output optical connector;

6 ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001)

− MPI-RM is a (multichannel) reference point on the optical fibre just before the optical
network element transport interface input optical connector;
− SM is a reference point just after the line multichannel OA output optical connector;
− RM is a reference point on the optical fibre just before the line multichannel OA input
optical connector.
Client interfaces at reference points SS, RS, and line amplifiers with reference points SM and RM are
not within the scope of this Recommendation.
The term "Optical Network Element" (ONE) serves to illustrate the general case of a generic
network element within the optical transport network. In general, an ONE may have:
1) only multichannel interfaces;
2) only single channel interfaces; or
3) any combination of single- and multichannel interfaces (i.e., the ONEs found in Figure 5-1
are not meant to imply any particular configuration).
For the purpose of this Recommendation, specifying the pre-OTN IrDI, the relevant reference points
applicable to the multichannel IrDI and the single channel IrDI are shown in Figures 5-2 and 5-3

transmitting receiving
equipment equipment

Main Optical Path T1542040-00

Figure 5-2/G.959.1 – Multichannel IrDI reference configuration

transmitting receiving
equipment equipment

Single-channel Optical Path T1542050-00

Figure 5-3/G.959.1 – Single-channel IrDI reference configuration

A further clarification of the reference points defined in this Recommendation and their application
to the IrDI and IaDI, as specified in ITU-T G.872, is given in Appendix II.

5.3 Nomenclature
The application code identifies the network, implementation, and architectural characteristics of an
The application code notation is constructed as follows:

ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) 7

P when present, indicates a pre-OTN application code applying to an IrDI
n is the maximum number of channels supported by the application code
W is a letter indicating the span distance/attenuation, such as:
− VSR indicating very short reach (span attenuation for further study);
− I indicating intra-office (up to 7 dB span attenuation);
− S indicating short-haul (11 dB span attenuation);
− L indicating long-haul (22 dB span attenuation);
− V indicating very long-haul (33 dB span attenuation).
x is the maximum number of spans allowed within the application code
y indicates the highest class of optical tributary signal supported:
− 1 indicating NRZ 2.5G;
− 2 indicating NRZ 10G.
t is a letter indicating configuration supported by the application code, such as:
− A indicating one OA used as a booster amplifier in the originating ONE and a second OA
used as a preamplifier in the terminating ONE;
− B indicating only the booster amplifier is used;
− C indicating only the pre-amplifier is used;
− D indicating neither amplifier is used.
z is the source and fibre type, as follows:
− 1 indicating nominally 1310 nm sources on G.652 fibre;
− 2 indicating nominally 1550 nm sources on G.652 fibre;
− 3 indicating nominally 1550 nm sources on G.653 fibre;
− 5 indicating nominally 1550 nm sources on G.655 fibre.
In the present version of this Recommendation only physical parameter values of single span IrDIs
(i.e. for x = 1) have been defined.
A bidirectional system, if introduced, will be indicated by the addition of the letter B at the front of
the application code. For an OTN application this would be:
For some single-channel application codes, a suffix is added to the end of the code. Three suffixes
are defined as follows:
− r to indicate a reduced target distance. These application codes are dispersion limited. The
same target distances can also be achieved by means of other technical solutions, which are
for further study (e.g. parallel interface approach).
− a to indicate that this code has transmitter power levels appropriate to APD receivers.
− b to indicate that this code has transmitter power levels appropriate to PIN receivers.
This notation level may have to be augmented when other architectural and implementation
alternatives are identified. Table 5-1 provides examples of application codes:

8 ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001)

Table 5-1/G.959.1 – Application code examples
Example Pre-OTN Maximum Maximum Maximum class of
application or number of span number of optical ONE type
code OTN channels attenuation spans tributary
P1I1-1D1 Pre-OTN 1 6 dB 1 NRZ 2.5G No amplifier G.652
P16S1-2C5 Pre-OTN 16 11 dB 1 NRZ 10G Preamplifier G.655
16S1-2B5 OTN 16 11 dB 1 NRZ 10G Booster only G.655

5.4 Multichannel inter-domain interfaces

The multichannel IrDI interfaces described in 5.4.1, 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 are intended to enable transverse
(multivendor) compatibility. These interfaces may operate on G.652, G.653 or G.655 fibre,
simultaneously transporting up to 16 optical channels, using either NRZ 2.5G or NRZ 10G optical
tributary signals, depending on the particular application code. The same optical parameters apply to
all the application codes listed in each individual column of Table 8-1.
Further requirements related to transverse compatibility can be found in clause 6.
Table 5-2 summarizes the multichannel IrDI application codes, which are structured according to the
nomenclature in 5.3.

Table 5-2/G.959.1 – Classification of multichannel inter-domain interfaces based on

application and showing application codes
Application Intra-office Short-haul
Source nominal 1550 (G.692 grid)b) 1550 (G.692 grid)b)
wavelength (nm)
Type of fibre G.652 G.653 G.655 G.652 G.653 G.655
Target distance (km)a) 20 2 20 40 40 40
Optical tributary signal – – – P16S1-1D2 – P16S1-1D5
class NRZ 2.5G
Optical tributary signal P16I1-2D2 P16I1-2D3 P16I1-2D5 P16S1-2B2 P16S1-2C3 P16S1-2B5
class NRZ 10G P16S1-2C2 P16S1-2C5
a) – These target distances are for classification and not for specification.
b) – See Table 8-1.

5.4.1 Amplified short-haul multichannel inter-domain interfaces

The amplified short-haul multichannel pre-OTN IrDIs in this Recommendation are specified in
Table 8-1. These amplified short-haul multichannel interface specifications permit an optical path
loss of 11 dB. Such an optical path loss is intended to cover a target distance of 40 km, however, this
target distance is for classification only and not for specification.
Applications P16S1-2C2, P16S1-2C3, and P16S1-2C5 are each amplified short-haul multichannel
IrDI specifications using preamplifiers illustrated in Figure 5-4. Applications P16S1-2B2 and
P16S1-2B5 are each amplified short-haul multichannel IrDI specifications using booster amplifiers,
and are illustrated in Figure 5-5.

ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) 9

Optical Network Element Optical Network Element
λ1 λ1
3R IrDI 3R
3R O OA O 3R
λN λN
3R 3R

λ1 λ1
3R 3R
3R O O 3R
λN λN
3R 3R

Domain A Domain B


Figure 5-4/G.959.1 – Short-haul multichannel IrDI application using preamplifiers

Optical Network Element Optical Network Element

λ1 λ1
3R IrDI 3R
3R O O 3R
λN λN
3R 3R

λ1 λ1
3R 3R
3R O O 3R
λN λN
3R 3R

Domain A Domain B


Figure 5-5/G.959.1 – Short-haul multichannel IrDI application using booster amplifiers

10 ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001)

5.4.2 Non-amplified intra-office multichannel inter-domain interfaces
The non-amplified intra-office multichannel pre-OTN IrDIs in this Recommendation are specified in
Table 8-1. These intra-office multichannel interfaces are specified for G.652, G.653 and G.655 fibres
to permit an optical path loss of up to 6 dB. Transmission distance for the intra-office multichannel
interface on G.653 fibre is recommended to be held within 2 km. If the distance on G.653 fibre is
significantly longer than 2 km for this intra-office multichannel interface, a further penalty due to
four wave mixing, in addition to the optical path penalty, may be observed.
Applications P16I1-2D2, P16I1-2D3, and P16I1-2D5 are each non-amplified intra-office
multichannel IrDI specifications that are illustrated in Figure 5-6.

Optical Network Element Optical Network Element

λ1 λ1
3R IrDI 3R
3R O O 3R
λN λN
3R 3R

λ1 λ1
3R 3R
3R O O 3R
λN λN
3R 3R

Domain A Domain B


Figure 5-6/G.959.1 – Non-amplified intra-office or short-haul multichannel IrDI application

5.4.3 Non-amplified short-haul multichannel inter-domain interfaces

The non-amplified short-haul multichannel pre-OTN IrDIs in this Recommendation are specified in
Table 8-1. These short-haul multichannel interface specifications permit an optical path loss of up to
11 dB. Such an optical path loss is intended to cover a target distance of 40 km, however, this target
distance is for classification only and not for specification.
Applications P16S1-1D2 and P16S1-1D5 are each non-amplified short-haul multichannel IrDI
specifications that are illustrated in Figure 5-6.

ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) 11

5.5 Single-channel inter-domain interfaces
Single-channel inter-domain interfaces are illustrated in Figure 5-7.

3R S 3R
3R 3R

3R 3R

3R 3R
3R 3R

3R 3R

Domain A Domain B


Figure 5-7/G.959.1 – Intra-office, short-haul or long-haul single channel IrDI application

Single-channel IrDI applications are specified for the following three distance categories:
− intra-office;
− short-haul inter-office;
− long-haul inter-office.
An additional distance category, very short reach, is defined. Specifications of very short reach IrDI
applications are for further study. For each of these categories (intra-office, short-haul, long-haul) at
least one application for optical tributary signal class NRZ 2.5G and one application for optical
tributary signal class NRZ 10G is specified. Applications which use nominal 1310 nm sources on
fibre complying with ITU-T G.652 and applications which use nominal 1550 nm sources on fibre
complying with ITU-T G.652, ITU-T G.653 and ITU-T G.655 are included. The applications do not
cover all possible combinations of distance category, optical tributary signal class, nominal source
wavelength and fibre type. The included applications are intended to satisfy a broad range of
network requirements with low-cost implementations. Table 5-3 summarizes the single-channel IrDI
application codes, which are structured according to the nomenclature in 5.3.
Parameter values for intra-office, short-haul, and long-haul applications are given in 8.2. For optical
tributary signal class NRZ 2.5G applications, in most instances the values in 8.2 are similar to or the
same as values for applications found in ITU-T G.957, except that the ITU-T G.957 values have
been modified, where necessary, to achieve a bit error ratio of less than or equal to 10−12. For optical
tributary signal class NRZ 10G applications, in most instances the values in 8.2 are the same as
values for applications found in ITU-T G.691.
The intra-office specifications permit an optical path loss of up to 7 dB for single-channel interfaces.

12 ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001)

Table 5-3/G.959.1 – Classification of single-channel inter-domain interfaces based on application and showing application codes
Application Very short
Intra-office Short-haul Long-haul
Source nominal
1310 1310 1550 1310 1550 1310 1550
wavelength (nm)
Type of fibre G.652,
G.652 G.652 G.652 G.653 G.655 G.652 G.652 G.653 G.655 G.652 G.653,
Optical tributary
signal class P1VSR1-1D1 – P1I1-1D1 – – – – P1S1-1D1 P1S1-1D2 – – P1L1-1D1
NRZ 2.5G
Target distance
for class NRZ ffs – 2 ffs ffs ffs ffs 15 15 15 ffs 40 80
2.5G (km)a)
Optical tributary
signal class P1VSR1-2D1 P1I1-2D1r P1I1-2D1 P1I1-2D2r P1I1-2D2 P1I1-2D3 P1I1-2D5 – P1S1-2D2 P1S1-2D3 P1S1-2D5 P1L1-2D1
Target distance
for class NRZ ffs 0.6 2 2 25 25 25 20 40 40 ffs 40 80
10G (km)a)
a) – These target distances are for classification and not for specification.

13 ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001)

5.6 Management signal implementations
Although no overhead implementation is required of the current pre-OTN IrDI, the need for signals
to manage the Optical Channel, Optical Multiplex Section and Optical Transmission Section layers
is foreseen for the future OTN realization. Considerations for physical implementations of such
signals are presented in Appendix III.

6 Transverse compatibility
The goal for the IrDI in this Recommendation is to specify parameters in order to enable transverse
(i.e. multivendor) compatible line systems for short-haul and long-haul point-to-point applications.
Inter-domain interfaces are intended to interconnect two different administrative domains. Such
domains may consist of equipment from two different vendors. The two administrative domains may
also belong to two different network operators.
− Transverse (multivendor) compatibility is enabled for all IrDIs having exactly the same
application code nWx-ytz. As an example a P16S1-2B2 interface from one vendor –
implemented in domain A – can be connected with a P16S1-2B2 interface of another
vendor – installed in domain B. Care must also be taken to match the optical tributary signal
bit rate and format.
− Interconnection of interfaces with different application codes is a matter of joint
engineering. Care must be taken particularly with respect to critical parameters that must be
matched, e.g. MPI-SM output power, MPI-RM power levels, maximum dispersion,
minimum/maximum attenuation, etc. As an example, an interface P16S1-2B2 (booster
amplifier type) in domain A should not be interconnected with an interface P16S1-2C2
(preamplifier type) in domain B without additional measures, e.g. adding an attenuator. In
this example the booster amplifier output power may be +15 dBm (see Table 8-1) and the
attenuation may be 0 dB. Thus, the input power to the preamplifier type interface is
+15 dBm. However, the maximum receiver input power of the preamplifier type interface
must not exceed +5 dBm (see Table 8-1) and the receiver is overloaded by up to 10 dB. Care
must also be taken to match the optical tributary signal bit rate and format.

7 Parameter definitions

7.1 System operating wavelength range

The operating wavelength ranges for multichannel applications within this Recommendation are not
necessarily restricted to those found within ITU-T G.692. Specifically, operating wavelength ranges
may exceed those found in ITU-T G.692 (e.g. 1525-1625 nm).
In addition, future use of the 1285-1330 nm amplification range should not be precluded.
The operating wavelength ranges for single channel applications within this Recommendation are
not necessarily restricted to those found within ITU-T G.957 or ITU-T G.691.

7.2 Parameters
The parameters in Tables 7-1 and 7-2 are defined at the interface points, and definitions are provided
in the subclauses below. In addition, Appendix IV provides some further considerations on possible
future IaDI specifications.

14 ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001)

Table 7-1/G.959.1 – Physical layer parameters for multichannel IrDI
Proposed parameter Units Defined in
General information
Maximum number of channels –
Bit rate/line coding of optical tributary signals –
Maximum bit error ratio –
Fibre type –
Interface at point MPI-SM
Maximum mean channel output power dBm
Minimum mean channel output power dBm
Maximum mean total output power dBm
Central frequency THz
Channel spacing GHz
Maximum central frequency deviation GHz
Minimum channel extinction ratio dB
Eye mask –
Optical path (single span) from point MPI-SM to MPI-RM
Maximum attenuation dB
Minimum attenuation dB
Maximum chromatic dispersion ps/nm
Minimum optical return loss dB
Maximum discrete reflectance dB
Maximum differential group delay ps
Interface at point MPI-RM
Maximum mean channel input power dBm
Minimum mean channel input power dBm
Maximum mean total input power dBm
Maximum channel power difference dB
Maximum optical path penalty dB
Maximum reflectance of optical network element dB

ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) 15

Table 7-2/G.959.1 – Physical layer parameters for single channel IrDI
Proposed Parameter Units Defined in
General information
Maximum number of channels –
Bit rate/line coding of optical tributary signals –
Maximum bit error ratio –
Fibre type –
Interface at point SM-S
Operating wavelength range nm
Source type
Maximum RMS width (σ) nm
Maximum −20 dB width nm
Minimum side mode suppression ratio dB
Maximum mean output power dBm
Minimum mean output power dBm
Minimum extinction ratio dB
Optical path from point SM-S to RS-M
Maximum attenuation dB
Minimum attenuation dB
Maximum chromatic dispersion ps/nm
Minimum optical return loss at SM-S dB
Maximum discrete reflectance between SM-S and RS-M dB
Maximum differential group delay ps
Interface at point RS-M
Maximum mean input power dBm
Minimum sensitivity dBm
Maximum optical path penalty dB
Maximum reflectance dB

7.2.1 General information Maximum number of channels
The maximum number of Optical Channels that may be simultaneously present at a multichannel
interface. Bit rate/line coding of optical tributary signals
Optical tributary signal class NRZ 2.5G applies to continuous digital signals with non-return to zero
line coding, from nominally 622 Mbit/s to nominally 2.67 Gbit/s. Optical tributary signal class NRZ
10G applies to continuous digital signals with non-return to zero line coding, from nominally
2.4 Gbit/s to nominally 10.71 Gbit/s. For OTN optical tributary signals, NRZ 2.5G includes the
OTU1 bit rate and NRZ 10G includes the OTU2 bit rate defined in ITU-T G.709.
NOTE – While this Recommendation currently deals with NRZ coding only, future versions may contain
other line codes, e.g. RZ.

16 ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) Maximum bit error ratio
The parameters are specified relative to an optical section design objective of a Bit Error Ratio
(BER) not worse than the value specified by the application code. This value applies to each Optical
Channel under the extreme case of optical path attenuation and dispersion conditions in each
application. The possible effect on the definition of this parameter due to the presence of forward
error correction (e.g. in an OTUk) has not been considered in the present version of this
Recommendation. Fibre type
Single mode optical fibre types are chosen from those defined in ITU-T G.652, ITU-T G.653, and
ITU-T G.655.
7.2.2 Interface at point MPI-SM Maximum mean channel output power
The mean launched power of each Optical Channel at reference point MPI-SM is the average power
of a pseudo-random data sequence coupled into the fibre from the ONE. It is given as a range
(maximum and minimum) to allow for some cost optimization and to cover allowances for operation
under the standard operating conditions, connector degradations, measurement tolerances, and aging
effects. Minimum mean channel output power
See Maximum mean total output power
The maximum value of the mean launched optical power at point MPI-SM. Central frequency
The nominal single channel frequencies on which the digital coded information of the particular
optical wavelength channels are modulated by use of the NRZ line code as defined in ITU-T G.957
and ITU-T G.691.
The central frequencies are based on the frequency grid given in Annex A/G.692. The allowed
central frequencies for the multichannel IrDI are specified in Table 8-1.
Note that the value of "c" (speed of light in vacuum) that should be used for converting between
frequency and wavelength is 2.99792458 × 108 m/s. Channel spacing
The nominal difference in frequency between two adjacent channels. All possible tolerances of
actual frequencies are considered in Maximum central frequency deviation
The difference between the nominal central frequency and the actual central frequency. Included in
the central frequency deviation are all the processes that affect the instantaneous value of the source
central frequency over a measurement interval appropriate to the channel bit-rate. These processes
include source chirp, information bandwidth, broadening due to self-phase modulation, and effects
due to temperature and aging.

ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) 17 Minimum channel extinction ratio
The convention adopted for optical logic levels is
− emission of light for a logical "1";
− no emission for a logical "0".
The extinction ratio (EX) is defined as:
EX = 10 log10 (A/B)
A is the average optical power level at the centre of the logical "1"; and
B is the average optical power level at the centre of the logical "0".
This definition can be directly applied to single-channel systems. In the case of the multichannel
IrDI, two alternative methods can be used.
− Method A can be used when single-channel reference points are accessible at the transmit
end of the link for verification. For this method the procedures described in ITU-T G.957
and ITU-T G.691 are used. The configuration for this method is contained in Annex A.
− Method B employs a reference optical bandpass filter to isolate the individual transmitted
signals, followed by a reference receiver. The characteristics of the reference optical
bandpass filter and the reference receiver are contained in Annex B. Eye mask
The definition and limits for this parameter are found in ITU-T G.691. This definition can be directly
applied to single-channel systems. In the case of the multichannel IrDI, two alternative methods can
be used.
− Method A can be used when single-channel reference points are accessible at the transmit
end of the link for verification. For this method the procedures described in ITU-T G.957
and ITU-T G.691 are used. The configuration for this method is contained in Annex A.
− Method B employs a reference optical bandpass filter to isolate the individual transmitted
signals, followed by a reference receiver. The characteristics of the reference optical
bandpass filter and the reference receiver are contained in Annex B.
7.2.3 Optical path (single span) from point MPI-SM to MPI-RM Maximum attenuation
The maximum path attenuation where the system in question operates under end-of-life conditions at
a BER of 10−12 (or as given by the application code), under worst-case transmit-side signal and
dispersion. The definition of effects included in the maximum attenuation is given in 6.3.1/G.691.
The maximum attenuation values required for the IrDI target distances are based on the assumption
of 0.275 dB/km installed fibre loss (including splices and cable margin) in the 1530-1565 nm range,
and on an assumption 0.55 dB/km for the 1310 nm single-channel IrDI. From a practical point of
view, attenuation spans of 11 dB for 40 km and 22 dB for 80 km at 1550 nm and 11 dB for 20 km
and 22 dB for 40 km at 1310 nm are defined, except for very short reach and intra-office
applications. It should be noted that this method, which is also used for the definition of other
interfaces at the given wavelength, gives a theoretical value. Connector and splice losses, which are
present in practical implementations, may lead to other distances.

18 ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) Minimum attenuation
The minimum path attenuation that allows the system in question, operating under worst-case
transmit-side conditions, to achieve a BER no worse than 10−12 (or as given by the application
code). Maximum chromatic dispersion
This parameter defines the maximum value of the optical path chromatic dispersion that the system
shall be able to tolerate. The required maximum dispersion tolerance of the systems is set to a value
equal to the target distance times 20 ps/nm km for G.652 fibre, and 3.3 ps/nm km for G.653 fibre in
the 1550 nm region, as well as for G.652 fibre in the 1310 nm region. This is considered a
worst-case dispersion value for the relevant fibre types. The worst-case approach on this parameter is
intended to give some margins on a sensitive parameter, as well as making it possible to stretch the
transmission distances for low-loss fibre plants.
The allowed optical path penalty considers all deterministic effects due to chromatic dispersion as
well as the penalty due to the maximum differential group delay. Minimum optical return loss
Reflections are caused by refractive index discontinuities along the optical path. If not controlled,
they can degrade system performance through their disturbing effect on the operation of the optical
source or amplifier, or through multiple reflections which lead to interferometric noise at the
receiver. Reflections from the optical path are controlled by specifying the:
– minimum optical return loss of the cable plant at the source reference point (e.g. MPI-SM,
SM-S), including any connectors; and
– maximum discrete reflectance between source reference points (e.g. MPI-SM, SM-S) and
receive reference points (e.g. MPI-RM, RS-M).
Reflectance denotes the reflection from any single discrete reflection point, whereas the optical
return loss is the ratio of the incident optical power to the total returned optical power from the entire
fibre including both discrete reflections and distributed backscattering such as Rayleigh scattering.
Measurement methods for reflections are described in Appendix I/G.957. For the purpose of
reflectance and return loss measurements, points SM-S and RS-M are assumed to coincide with the
endface of each connector plug. It is recognized that this does not include the actual reflection
performance of the respective connectors in the operational system. These reflections are assumed to
have the nominal value of reflection for the specific type of connectors used. Maximum discrete reflectance
See for the definition of maximum reflectance. The maximum number of connectors or other
discrete reflection points which may be included in the optical path (e.g. for distribution frames, or
WDM components) must be such as to allow the specified overall optical return loss to be achieved.
If this cannot be done using connectors meeting the maximum discrete reflections cited in the tables
of clause 8, then connectors having better reflection performance must be employed. Alternatively,
the number of connectors must be reduced. It also may be necessary to limit the number of
connectors or to use connectors having improved reflectance performance in order to avoid
unacceptable impairments due to multiple reflections.
In the tables of clause 8, the value –27 dB maximum discrete reflectance between source reference
points and receive reference points is intended to minimize the effects of multiple reflections
(e.g. interferometric noise). The value for maximum receiver reflectance is chosen to ensure
acceptable penalties due to multiple reflections for all likely system configurations involving
multiple connectors, etc. Systems employing fewer or higher performance connectors produce fewer
multiple reflections and consequently are able to tolerate receivers exhibiting higher reflectance.

ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) 19 Maximum differential group delay
Differential group delay (DGD) is the time difference between the fractions of a pulse that are
transmitted in the two principal states of polarization of an optical signal. For distances greater than
several kilometres, and assuming random (strong) polarization mode coupling, DGD in a fibre can
be statistically modelled as having a Maxwellian distribution.
In this Recommendation, the maximum differential group delay is defined to be the value of DGD
that the system must tolerate with a maximum sensitivity degradation of 1 dB.
Due to the statistical nature of Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD), the relationship between
maximum DGD and mean DGD can only be defined probabilistically. The probability of the
instantaneous DGD exceeding any given value can be inferred from its Maxwellian statistics.
Therefore, if we know the maximum DGD that the system can tolerate, we can derive the equivalent
mean DGD by dividing by the ratio of maximum to mean that corresponds to an acceptable
probability. Some example ratios are given below in Table 7-3.

Table 7-3/G.959.1 – DGD means and probabilities

Ratio of maximum to mean Probability of exceeding maximum
3.0 4.2 × 10−5
3.5 7.7 × 10−7
4.0 7.4 × 10−9

7.2.4 Interface at point MPI-RM Maximum mean channel input power
The maximum acceptable value of the average received channel power at point MPI-RM to achieve
the specified maximum BER of the application code. Minimum mean channel input power
The minimum acceptable value of the average received channel power at point MPI-RM to achieve
the specified maximum BER of the application code. Maximum mean total input power
The maximum acceptable total input power at point MPI-RM. Maximum channel power difference
The difference between the largest value of the mean channel input power and the smallest value of
the mean channel input power present at the same time within a given optical resolution bandwidth,
independent of the number of channels, within the application. Maximum optical path penalty
The path penalty is the apparent reduction of receiver sensitivity due to distortion of the signal
waveform during its transmission over the path. It is manifested as a shift of the system's
BER-curves towards higher input power levels. This corresponds to a positive path penalty. Negative
path penalties may exist under some circumstances, but should be small. (A negative path penalty
indicates that a less than perfect transmitter eye has been partially improved by the path dependent
distortions.) Ideally, the BER-curves should be translated only, but shape variations are not
uncommon, and may indicate the emergence of BER-floors. Since the path penalty is a change in the
receiver's sensitivity, it is measured at a BER-level of 10−12.

20 ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001)

A maximum path penalty of 1 dB for low-dispersion systems, and 2 dB for high-dispersion systems
is allowed. The path penalties are not made proportional to the target distances to avoid operating
systems with high penalties.
In the future, systems employing dispersion accommodation techniques based on pre-distortion of
the signal at the transmitter may be introduced. In this case, the path penalty in the above sense can
only be defined between points with undistorted signals. These points, however, do not coincide with
the main path interfaces, and may thus not even be accessible. The definition of path penalty for this
case is for further study.
The average value of the random dispersion penalties due to PMD is included in the allowed path
penalty. In this respect, the transmitter/receiver combination is required to tolerate an actual DGD of
0.3 bit period with a maximum sensitivity degradation of 1 dB (with 50% of optical power in each
principal state of polarization). For a well-designed receiver, this corresponds to a penalty of 0.1-0.2
dB for a DGD of 0.1 bit period. The actual DGD that may be encountered in operation is a randomly
varying fibre/cable property, and cannot be specified in this Recommendation. This subject is further
discussed in Appendix I/G.691.
Note that a signal to noise ratio reduction due to optical amplification is not considered a path
This definition can be directly applied to single-channel systems. For the multichannel IrDI, this
parameter is a single-channel equipment design parameter and is not incorporated in the power
budget between MPI-SM and MPI-RM. In the case of the multichannel IrDI, two alternative methods
can be used.
− Method A can be used when single-channel reference points are accessible at the receive end
of the link for verification. For this method the procedures described in ITU-T G.957 and
ITU-T G.691 are used. The configuration for this method is contained in Annex A.
− Method B employs a reference optical bandpass filter to isolate the individual transmitted
signals, followed by a reference receiver. The characteristics of the reference optical
bandpass filter and the reference receiver are contained in Annex B.
NOTE – The optical path penalty observed in the reference receiver may not be the same as actually
experienced in the receiving equipment, depending on the design implementation. Maximum reflectance of optical network element

Reflections from the ONE back into the cable plant are specified by the maximum permissible
reflectance of the ONE measured at reference point MPI-RM. Maximum reflectance is defined
7.2.5 Interface at point SM-S Operating wavelength range
The system operating wavelength range depends on the source characteristics, transmission fibre
characteristics (attenuation, chromatic dispersion) and on the gain bandwidth of an optical amplifier
(if used). Source type
Depending on attenuation/dispersion characteristics and hierarchical level of each application code,
feasible transmitter devices include multi-longitudinal mode (MLM) lasers and single-longitudinal
mode (SLM) lasers. For each of the applications, this Recommendation indicates a nominal source
type. It is understood that the indication of a nominal source type in this Recommendation is not a
requirement and that SLM devices can be substituted for any application showing MLM as the
nominal source type without any degradation in system performance.

ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) 21 Maximum RMS width
The maximum Root-Mean-Square (RMS) width or the standard deviation σ (in nm) of the spectral
distribution of an MLM laser considers all laser modes, which are not more than 20 dB down from
the peak mode. Only a system with an MLM laser at 1310 nm requires this specification. Maximum −20 dB width

The maximum −20 dB spectral width (in nm) of an SLM laser is specified by the maximum full
width of the central wavelength peak, measured −20 dB down from the maximum amplitude of the
central wavelength under standard operating conditions. Minimum side mode suppression ratio
The minimum value of the ratio of the largest peak of the total transmitter spectrum to the second
largest peak. The spectral resolution of the measurement shall be better than the maximum spectral
width of the peak, as defined in The second largest peak may be next to the main peak, or far
removed from it. Maximum mean output power
The maximum value of the average power of a pseudo-random data sequence coupled into fibre by
the transmitter. Minimum mean output power
The minimum value of the average power of a pseudo-random data sequence coupled into fibre by
the transmitter. Minimum extinction ratio
7.2.6 Optical path from point SM-S to RS-M Maximum attenuation
See Minimum attenuation
See Maximum chromatic dispersion
See Minimum optical return loss at SM-S
See Maximum discrete reflectance between SM-S and RS-M
See for a definition of maximum reflectance, and for a discussion of discrete
reflectances. Maximum differential group delay

22 ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001)

7.2.7 Interface at point RS-M Maximum mean input power
The maximum acceptable value of the average received power at point RS-M to achieve the specified
maximum BER of the application code. Minimum sensitivity
The minimum value of average received power at point RS-M to achieve the specified maximum
BER of the application code. It takes into account power penalties caused by use of a transmitter
under standard operating conditions with worst-case values of extinction ratio, pulse rise and fall
times, optical return loss at points SM-S, connector degradations, crosstalk, optical amplifier noise,
and measurement tolerances. This does not include power penalties associated with dispersion, jitter,
or reflections from the optical path; these effects are specified separately in the allocation of
maximum optical path penalty. Note, however, the minimum average optical power at the receiver
must be higher than the minimum sensitivity by the value of the optical path penalty. Aging effects
are not specified separately. Worst-case, end-of-life values are specified. Maximum optical path penalty
See Maximum reflectance
The maximum ratio of the reflected optical power present at the reference point, to the optical power
incident to that reference point. Control of reflections is discussed extensively in ITU-T G.957.

8 Parameter values

8.1 Multichannel IrDI

The physical layer parameters and values for multichannel inter-domain interfaces are given in
Table 8-1.
A possible method that in some cases may be useful in indicating adherence with the IrDI
specifications in Table 8-1 is to measure the control parameter "optical signal-to-noise floor ratio"
(OSNFR), described in Appendix V.

ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) 23

Table 8-1/G.959.1 – Physical layer parameters and values for
multichannel IrDI applications
Parametera) Units P16S1-1D2 P16I1-2D2 P16S1-2B2 P16S1-2C2
P16S1-1D5 P16I1-2D3c) P16S1-2B5 P16S1-2C3
P16I1-2D5 P16S1-2C5
General information
Maximum number of channels – 16 16 16 16
Bit rate/line coding of optical – NRZ 2.5G NRZ 10G NRZ 10G NRZ 10G
tributary signals
Maximum bit error ratio – 10−12 10−12 10−12 10−12
Fibre type – G.652, G.652, G.652, G.655 G.652, G.653,
G.655 G.653, G.655
Interface at point MPI-SM
Maximum mean channel dBm −4 −3 +3 −7
output power
Minimum mean channel output dBm −10 −6 0 −11
Maximum mean total output dBm +8 +9 +15 +5
Central frequency THz 192.1 + 192.1 + 192.1 + 192.1 +
0.2 m, 0.2 m, 0.2 m, 0.2 m,
m = 0 to 15 m = 0 to 15 m = 0 to 15 m = 0 to 15
Channel spacing GHz 200 200 200 200
Maximum central frequency GHz 40 40 40 40
Minimum channel extinction dB 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2
Eye mask – STM-16 per STM-64b per STM-64b per STM-64b per
G.957 G.691 G.691 G.691
Optical path (single span)
from point MPI-SM to
Maximum attenuation dB 11 63 11 11
Minimum attenuation dB 2 0 0 0
Maximum chromatic ps/nm 800 400 800 800
Minimum optical return loss dB 24 24 24 24
Maximum discrete reflectance dB −27 −27 −27 −27
Maximum differential group ps 120 30 30 30

24 ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001)

Table 8-1/G.959.1 – Physical layer parameters and values for
multichannel IrDI applications (concluded)
Parametera) Units P16S1-1D2 P16I1-2D2 P16S1-2B2 P16S1-2C2
P16S1-1D5 P16I1-2D3c) P16S1-2B5 P16S1-2C3
P16I1-2D5 P16S1-2C5
Interface at point MPI-RM
Maximum mean channel input dBm −6 −3 +3 −7
Minimum mean channel input dBm −21 −12 −11 −22
Maximum mean total input dBm +6 +9 +15 +5
Maximum channel power dB NA NA NA 2
Maximum optical path dB 1 2 for G.652, 2 for G.652, 2 for G.652,
penaltyb) 1 for G.653c), 1 for G.655 1 for G.653,
1 for G.655 1 for G.655
Maximum reflectance of dB −27 −27 −27 −27
optical network element
a) – The parameter values in this table may not be applicable to future systems that use line amplifiers, or
to Intra-Domain Interfaces (IaDIs).
b) – This parameter is a single-channel equipment design parameter, and is not incorporated in the power
budget between MPI-SM and MPI-RM.
c) – For an optical path penalty of 1 dB, the transmission distance of multichannel intra-office interfaces
on G.653 fibres is recommended to be within 2 km due to fibre nonlinearity. If this distance is longer than
2 km, a further penalty (in addition to the 1 dB optical path penalty) may be observed.

8.2 Single-channel IrDI

The physical layer parameters and values for single channel inter-domain interface are given in
Tables 8-2 through 8-4.

ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) 25

Table 8-2/G.959.1 – Single-channel IrDI parameters and values for optical
tributary signal class NRZ 2.5G
Parameter Units P1I1-1D1 P1S1-1D1 P1S1-1D2 P1L1-1D1
General information – (Note) (Note) (Note) (Note)
Maximum number of channels – 1 1 1 1
Bit rate/line coding of optical tributary – NRZ 2.5G NRZ 2.5G NRZ 2.5G NRZ 2.5G
Maximum bit error ratio – 10–12 10–12 10–12 10–12
Fibre type – G.652 G.652 G.652 G.652
Interface at point SM-S
Operating wavelength range nm 1266-1360 1260-1360 1430-1580 1280-1335
Source type MLM SLM SLM SLM
Maximum RMS width (σ) nm 4 NA NA NA
Maximum −20 dB width nm NA 1 <1 1
Minimum side mode suppression ratio dB NA 30 30 30
Maximum mean output power dBm –3 0 0 +3
Minimum mean output power dBm –10 –5 –5 –2
Minimum extinction ratio dB 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2
Optical path from point SM-S to RS-M
Maximum attenuation dB 6 11 11 22
Minimum attenuation dB 0 0 0 10
Maximum chromatic dispersion ps/nm 12 NA As G.957 NA
Minimum optical return loss at SM-S dB 14 14 14 24
Maximum discrete reflectance between dB –27 –27 –27 –27
SM-S and RS-M
Maximum differential group delay ps 120 120 120 120
Interface at point RS-M
Maximum mean input power dBm –3 0 0 –9
Minimum sensitivity dBm –17 –17 –17 –25
Maximum optical path penalty dB 1 1 1 1
Maximum reflectance dB –14 –14 –14 –27
NOTE – Parameter values for these application codes are largely based on ITU-T G.957.

26 ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001)

Table 8-3/G.959.1 – Single-channel IrDI parameters and values for optical
tributary signal class NRZ 10G
Parameter Units P1I1-2D1r P1I1-2D1 P1I1-2D2r P1I1-2D2 P1I1-2D3 P1I1-2D5

General information – (Note) (Note) (Note) (Note) (Note) (Note)

Maximum number of – 1 1 1 1 1 1
Bit rate/line coding of – NRZ 10G NRZ 10G NRZ 10G NRZ 10G NRZ 10G NRZ 10G
optical tributary signals
Maximum bit error ratio – 10−12 10−12 10−12 10−12 10−12 10−12
Fibre type – G.652 G.652 G.652 G.652 G.653 G.655
Interface at point SM-S
Operating wavelength range nm 1260- 1360 1290-1330 1500-1580 1500-1580 1500-1580 1500-1580
Source type MLM SLM SLM SLM with SLM SLM with
ext. mod. with ext. ext. mod.
Maximum RMS width (σ) nm 3 NA NA NA NA NA
Maximum −20 dB width nm NA 1 ffs ffs ffs ffs
Minimum side mode dB NA 30 30 30 30 30
suppression ratio
Maximum mean output dBm –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1
Minimum mean output dBm –6 –6 –5 –5 –5 –5
Minimum extinction ratio dB 6 6 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2
Optical path from point
SM-S to RS-M
Maximum attenuation dB 4 4 7 7 7 7
Minimum attenuation dB 0 0 0 0 0 0
Maximum chromatic ps/nm 3.8 NA 40 500 80 ffs
Minimum optical return loss dB 14 14 24 24 24 24
at SM-S
Maximum discrete dB –27 –27 –27 –27 –27 –27
reflectance between SM-S
and RS-M
Maximum differential group ps 30 30 30 30 30 30
Interface at point RS-M
Maximum mean input dBm –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1
Minimum sensitivity dBm –11 –11 –14 –14 –13 –13
Maximum optical path dB 1 1 2 2 1 2
Maximum reflectance dB –14 –14 –27 –27 –27 –27
NOTE – Parameter values for these application codes are largely based on ITU-T G.691.

ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) 27

Table 8-4/G.959.1 – Single-channel IrDI parameters and values for optical
tributary signal class NRZ 10G
Parameter Units P1S1-2D2a P1S1-2D2b P1S1-2D3a P1S1-2D3b P1L1-2D1
P1S1-2D5a P1S1-2D5b
General information – (Note 1) (Note 1) (Note 1) (Note 1) (Note 1)
Maximum number of – 1 1 1 1 1
Bit rate/line coding of – NRZ 10G NRZ 10G NRZ 10G NRZ 10G NRZ 10G
optical tributary signals
Maximum bit error ratio – 10−12 10−12 10−12 10−12 10−12
Fibre type – G.652 G.652 G.653, G.655 G.653, G.652
Interface at point SM-S
Operating wavelength range nm 1530-1565 1530-1565 1530-1565 1530-1565 1290-1320
Source type – SLM with SLM with SLM with SLM with SLM
ext. mod. EA ext. mod. EA
modulator modulator
Maximum RMS width (σ) nm NA NA NA NA NA
Maximum −20 dB width nm ffs ffs ffs ffs ffs
Minimum side mode dB 30 30 30 30 30
suppression ratio
Maximum mean output dBm –1 +2 –1 +2 +7
Minimum mean output dBm –5 –1 –5 –1 +4
Minimum extinction ratio dB 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.2 6
Optical path from point
SM-S to RS-M
Maximum attenuation dB 11 11 11 11 22
Minimum attenuation dB 7 3 7 3 17
Maximum chromatic ps/nm 800 800 130 130 130
Minimum optical return loss dB 24 24 24 24 24
at SM-S
Maximum discrete dB –27 –27 –27 –27 –27
reflectance between SM-S
and RS-M
Maximum differential group ps 30 30 30 30 30

28 ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001)

Table 8-4/G.959.1 – Single-channel IrDI parameters and values for optical
tributary signal class NRZ 10G (concluded)
Parameter Units P1S1-2D2a P1S1-2D2b P1S1-2D3a P1S1-2D3b P1L1-2D1
P1S1-2D5a P1S1-2D5b
Interface at point RS-M
Maximum mean input power dBm –8 –1 –8 –1 –10
Minimum sensitivity dBm –18 –14 –17 –13 –19
Maximum optical path dB 2 2 1 1 1
Maximum reflectance dB –27 –27 –27 –27 –27
NOTE 1 – Parameter values for these application codes are largely based on ITU-T G.691.
NOTE 2 – Application codes with a suffix "a" have transmitter power levels appropriate to APD receivers;
application codes with the suffix "b" have transmitter power levels appropriate to PIN receivers.

9 Optical safety considerations

See ITU-T G.664 for optical safety considerations.
NOTE – For the optical power levels specified in the current version of this Recommendation, Automatic
Power Reduction (APR) is not necessary according to ITU-T G.664 and IEC 60825-1 and IEC 60825–2.
Future versions of this Recommendation may, however, contain power levels exceeding the safe levels. In this
case, for pre-OTN applications, the ALS procedure defined in ITU-T G.664 shall be applied on individual
SDH client signal interfaces only.

10 Power level management

For further study.


Configuration for Method A for assessment of single channel characteristics

in a multichannel IrDI

A.1 Reference configuration

In the case of the multichannel IrDI, single-channel reference points can be used to access the
individual transmitted signals for assessing single channel characteristics (extinction ratio, eye mask
and optical path penalty).
The extinction ratio and eye mask measurements are performed by submitting the single channel
signal at the Sx reference point to the "Measurement set-up for transmitter eye diagram" illustrated in
Figure B.1/G.957.
For the optical path penalty two measurements are performed as illustrated in Figure A.1. The first
(measurement 1) involves measuring the power required to achieve the reference BER using the
signal at Sx, this is then repeated (measurement 2) using the signal at Rx. reference point.

ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) 29

S1 λ1 R1
3R 3R

S2 λ2 λ2 R2



Sn λn λn Rn
3R 3R

Measurement 1 Measurement 2

“Measurement set-up for transmitter

eye diagram" illustrated in
Figure B.1/G.957, and in ITU-T G.691


Figure A.1/G.959.1 – Method A configuration


Reference optical bandpass filter and reference receiver characteristics for Method B,
for assessment of single-channel characteristics in a multichannel IrDI

B.1 Reference configuration

In the case of the multichannel IrDI, a reference optical bandpass filter can be used to isolate the
individual transmitted signals for assessing single-channel characteristics (extinction ratio, eye mask
and optical path penalty) by using a reference receiver.
The extinction ratio and eye mask measurements are performed by submitting the signal at MPI-SM
to the reference optical bandpass filter and taking the output to a reference receiver in accordance
with the configuration given in Annex B/G.957.
In the case of the optical path penalty two measurements are performed as illustrated in Figure B.1.
The first (measurement 1) involves measuring the power required to achieve the reference BER
using the signal at MPI-SM, this is then repeated (measurement 2) using the signal at MPI-RM.

30 ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001)

Optical Network Element Optical Network Element
λ1 λ1
3R 3R
λ2 λ2
3R 3R

λN λN
3R 3R

Domain A Domain B

Measurement 1 Measurement 2 T1542110-00



Figure B.1/G.959.1 – Method B configuration

B.2 Reference optical bandpass filter

The purpose of the reference optical bandpass filter is to isolate the individual optical channels from
the composite multichannel signal. It should have adequate characteristics to ensure minimal
interference from adjacent channels whilst introducing negligible distortion to the signal under test.
A minimum set of requirements is given in B.2.1.
There are several technologies available to perform this function, e.g. tuneable filter or a
B.2.1 Optical filter parameters
The requirements on the reference optical bandpass filter frequency response are illustrated in
Figure B.2. The value of Y is chosen such that the ratio of the power in the channel being measured
to the sum of the powers of all of the other channels is greater than 20 dB.

ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) 31


0.5 dB

Y dB


Adjacent Channel Central Channel Central Frequency Adjacent Channel Central

Frequency plus and minus plus and minus the Frequency plus and minus
the maximum central maximum central the maximum central
frequency deviation frequency deviation frequency deviation

Figure B.2/G.959.1 – Optical bandpass filter frequency response

The design of the filter should be chosen so that a maximum rate signal should undergo no
significant distortion due to amplitude and phase ripple.

B.3 Reference receiver

This is a receiver with a frequency response such as is outlined in Annex A/G.691, i.e. a fourth-order
Bessel-Thomson filter with a cutoff frequency at 0.75 times the bit rate in question. The tolerance
values of this filter are given in Table A.1/G.691.
In the case where the reference receiver is used to measure bit error ratio (BER) for optical path
penalty assessment, the decision threshold should be adjusted for the lowest BER for measurement 1
and then reoptimized for measurement 2 in order to accommodate the requirements of different
application codes and cover various design implementations meeting those application codes.
In order to perform single channel tests on some application codes it may be necessary to include a
pre-amplifier inside the reference receiver.
Different reference receiver characteristics are required for the various per channel signal bit rates as
defined in Annex A/G.691.

32 ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001)


Single-channel client interfaces with 3R regeneration

I.1 Introduction
This appendix describes the use of 3R regeneration at client signal interfaces to pre-OTN optical
networks. The use of 3R regeneration will facilitate the interconnection of such optical networks
with existing transport networks, e.g., SDH networks, and is expected to accelerate OTN deployment
as optical networking technology is maturing.

I.2 Description of client signal interfaces with 3R regeneration

Client signals with optical characteristics that meet the physical layer specifications,
e.g. wavelengths and frequency tolerances, of pre-OTN optical networks may appear to be attractive
because such networks avoid the cost of optical-to-electrical-to-optical (OEO) processing at network
interfaces. However, in order to transport client signals from legacy SONET/SDH equipment, an
OEO conversion may be necessary. Additionally, in order to achieve interoperability, the use of
physically compliant client signals will require joint engineering until such time as the required
physical layer optical interface specifications can be agreed.
If the OEO processing described above includes 3R regeneration plus any other required adaptation,
e.g., wavelength conversion, then the specification of physical-layer optical parameters at the client
interface can be taken from short-reach applications specified in ITU-T G.957. This short-reach
client signal interface based on the use of 3R regeneration on the network side of the interface can be
used for legacy client signals, as well as for newer client signal transmitters and receivers. This
interface is an example of the non-OTN Inter Domain Interface (non-OTN_IrDI) described in
ITU-T G.872, Architecture of Optical Transport Networks. The interface is shown in Figure I.1,
where λS denotes wavelength used for the short-reach interconnect.

ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) 33

WDM Terminal WDM Terminal
Client Client
signal signal
interfaces interfaces

ATM λS λ1 λ1' λS ATM

Interface 3R 3R Interface
(Vendor A) (Vendor A')

IP λS λ2 λ2' λS IP
3R 3R
Interface Interface

(Vendor B) . . WDM DWDM DWDM WDM . . (Vendor B')
. . . Mux Sub-network Sub-network Dmux
. . .
. . . . . .
. .
Sonet/SDH λS λN λN' λS Sonet/SDH
Interface 3R 3R Interface
(Vendor Z) (Vendor Z')


Figure I.1/G.959.1 – Example of client signal interface with 3R regeneration

34 ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001)


Clarification of use of reference points within IrDI and IaDI

In Figure II.1 a further clarification is given on the application of the generic OTN reference points
as specified in 5.2.
Simple optical networks can be configured using back-to-back connected WDM demultiplexers and
multiplexers forming a simple optical add-drop multiplexer (OADM). They are interconnected via
single channel interfaces. Figure II.1 shows such an arrangement.

ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) 35

Multichannel IrDI
Single-channel IaDI


Client O O O
1 3R 3R 3R
Client SS 3R 3R 3R
Domain 2

RS Multichannel
Domain 1 SM-S RS-M IaDI

Single-channel Single-channel





Domain 3

Figure II.1/G.959.1 – Examples of multichannel and single-channel inter-domain and intra-domain interfaces

36 ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001)


Considerations for management signal implementations

The presence of signals to manage the Optical Channel, Optical Multiplex Section and Optical
Transmission Section layers is defined for OTN IaDIs and is foreseen for some future OTN IrDIs.
Considerations for physical implementations of such signals are presented below.

III.1 Optical Channel management signal implementation

Both channel-associated and channel-non-associated OCh management signal implementations may
be needed.
For channel-associated management signals a "digital wrapper" approach is defined in ITU-T G.709.
This method employs a digital frame structure, comprising overhead bytes, payload bytes and bytes
for forward error correction. The possibility of relaxation of some parameter values due to the
presence of forward error correction has not been incorporated into the present version of this
OCh associated overhead transport by non-digital (optical) mechanisms, e.g. sub-carrier-modulation,
may also be appropriate for certain applications, and they are for further study. Further system
penalties may be introduced by these techniques.
An Optical Supervisory Channel (OSC) is the approach specified in ITU-T G.709 for implementing
channel non-associated signals. This is discussed below in connection with Optical Multiplex
Section and Optical Transmission Section management signal implementation.
The OCh overhead information for each optical channel originates and terminates in the OCh layer
of optical network elements.

III.2 Optical Multiplex Section and Optical Transmission Section management signal
The OSC is a separate channel, which carries overhead information for network management
purposes. Management messages for the OMS and OTS layers, together with management messages
for the OCh layer which are transported via a channel-non-associated implementation, share an OSC.
For monitoring the multichannel signal in the OTS and OMS layers of optical network elements, an
OSC may be provided for each transmission direction. An OSC originates and terminates in each
optical network element.
Currently, the preferred wavelength for the OSC is given in ITU-T G.692. Full transverse
compatibility and redundancy of application codes should be taken into consideration when
specifying the OSC wavelength in the future.

ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) 37


Future IaDI considerations

Some considerations on possible future IaDI specifications are given below. They concentrate on the
additional interfaces and parameters that may need to be taken into account.

IV.1 Additional interfaces to consider

In addition to the interfaces and related parameters given in Tables 7-1 and 7-2, the interfaces listed
in Table IV.1 may need to be considered.

Table IV.1/G.959.1 – Additional interfaces for IaDI considerations

Interface at point SM
Optical path (multiple spans) from point MPI-SM to RM, SM to RM, or SM to MPI-RM
Interface at point RM
Optical network element from point MPI-RM to SM-S
Optical network element from point MPI-RM to MPI-SM
Optical network element (optical amplifier) from point RM to SM
Optical network element from point RS-M to MPI-SM
Optical network element from point RS-M to SM-S

IV.2 ONE transfer parameters

ONE transfer parameters apply to signals as they traverse the ONE from the receive to the send
interface. There are three types of receive interfaces, namely, MPI-RM, RS-M, and RM and three
types of send interfaces, MPI-SM, SM-S and SM on an ONE as depicted in Figure 5-1. Five signal
paths are possible from the ONE receive interfaces to the ONE send interfaces. These are:
− MPI-RM to SM-S;
− RS-M to MPI-SM;
− RS-M to SM-S;
− RM to SM.
The first three of these paths are frequently referred to as the "drop-path", "pass-through path" and
the "add-path." ONE transfer parameters apply to signals as they traverse these five paths from the
receive to the send interface. ONE transfer parameters might have utility in future OTN applications.
Table IV.2 contains some transfer parameters that might be applicable in future OTN applications.

38 ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001)

Table IV.2/G.959.1 – ONE transfer parameters
Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio Degradation (dB)
Optical Crosstalk Related Parameters such as:
– In-band Crosstalk Ratio (dB)
– Out-of-band Crosstalk Ratio (dB)
Frequency response-related parameters such as:
– Ripple (dB)
– Insertion loss (dB)
– Channel Width (GHz)
Polarization related parameters such as:
– Differential Group Delay (ps)
– Polarization Dependent Loss (dB)
– Chromatic Dispersion (ps/nm)

Out of the parameters in Tables 7-1 and 7-2 and Table IV.2, only those parameters applicable to a
given situation or ONE are to be specified. Specification and definition of these parameters is for
further study. Application of the parameter specifications, e.g., for design purposes or for in-service
monitoring or out-of-service verification is for further study.


Application of the optical signal-to-noise floor ratio, OSNFR

V.1 Definition of the optical signal-to-noise floor ratio

Referring to Figure V.1, from the optical spectrum, the OSNFR is defined as follows:
OSNFR = minimum value of OSNR dB (1)
for all populated channels.
OSNR is the optical signal to noise ratio of each channel defined as:
OSNR = 10 log i + 10log m dB (2)
Ni Br
Pi is the optical signal power in watts at the i-th channel.
Ni is the interpolated value of noise power in watts measured in noise equivalent
bandwidth, Bm, at the i-th channel:
 N (vi − ∆v) + N (vi + ∆v) 
Ni =   (3)
 2 
∆ν is the interpolation offset equal to one-half the channel spacing (for the case of 200
GHz channel spacing, ∆ν = 100 GHz).
Br is the reference optical bandwidth. (The units for Bm and Br may be in frequency
or wavelength but must be consistent.) Typically, the reference optical bandwidth
is 0.1 nm.

ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) 39

P i + Ni

N ( νi – ∆ν )
N (νi + ∆ν )

Figure V.1/G.959.1 – OSNFR for each populated channel is derived from

direct measurements of the optical spectrum

V.2 Validity of the parameter

The Optical signal-to-noise floor ratio parameter is not a design parameter; it is a possible control
parameter – though by itself not necessarily sufficient – that may be used to indicate that a
connecting operator is complying with the IrDI specifications. More specifically, the parameter is
related to the generation of noise in optical amplifiers, and it can give information about proper use
of optical amplifiers in the system. Observe that even though the OSNFR is obeyed for a given
Optical Channel, the accumulation of various signal impairments (as, e.g., nonlinear effects) could
mean that the signal quality is unsatisfactory. In order to assure satisfactory signal quality, the BER
is the appropriate parameter to address.

V.3 Non-compliance with the IrDI specifications

The OSNFR can in some cases indicate whether or not the IrDI specifications have been met by a
connecting operator. This will typically be an issue for the booster amplifier case, since the
connecting operator should not be using an amplifier at the transmitter side for the non-amplified or
pre-amplified cases.
The following violations of the IrDI may be detected by the OSNFR:
Booster solution:
− The optical input powers to the booster are too low.
− An extra optical amplifier has been added at the transmitter side.
− The pump laser is degrading while the signal is still within the optical input power dynamic
Pre-amplifier or no amplifier solutions:
− An amplifier has been added at the transmitter side.
It is possible that a violation has appeared without this being reflected by the OSNFR as exemplified
− By proper filtering of the WDM signal (or the individual channels), a connecting operator
can mask the inclusion of an illegal amplifier at the transmitter side.
− A channel with a history of transmission can be added at the transmitting network element in
parallel with "freshly" generated channels. This channel can have been distorted from
nonlinear effects and it can suffer from dispersion to a degree where the signal quality is
unacceptable without any trace of this on the OSNFR.

40 ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001)

V.4 Alternative control methods
The OSNFR is not a perfect solution to verify the part of the IrDI belonging to the connecting
operator, but it is the best known practical solution today. If a better solution appears, it should
replace this method.

ITU-T Rec. G.959.1 (02/2001) 41


Series A Organization of the work of ITU-T

Series B Means of expression: definitions, symbols, classification

Series C General telecommunication statistics

Series D General tariff principles

Series E Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factors

Series F Non-telephone telecommunication services

Series G Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks

Series H Audiovisual and multimedia systems

Series I Integrated services digital network

Series J Cable networks and transmission of television, sound programme and other multimedia signals

Series K Protection against interference

Series L Construction, installation and protection of cables and other elements of outside plant

Series M TMN and network maintenance: international transmission systems, telephone circuits,
telegraphy, facsimile and leased circuits

Series N Maintenance: international sound programme and television transmission circuits

Series O Specifications of measuring equipment

Series P Telephone transmission quality, telephone installations, local line networks

Series Q Switching and signalling

Series R Telegraph transmission

Series S Telegraph services terminal equipment

Series T Terminals for telematic services

Series U Telegraph switching

Series V Data communication over the telephone network

Series X Data networks and open system communications

Series Y Global information infrastructure and Internet protocol aspects

Series Z Languages and general software aspects for telecommunication systems

Geneva, 2002

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