MPT Syllabus
MPT Syllabus
MPT Syllabus
The Master of Physiotherapy program shall be under the Faculty of Medicine. The name of the Degree
program shall be:
Master of Physiotherapy (or, Master of Physical Therapy) – M.P.T
These REGULATIONS & CURRICULUM will be applicable from the academic year 2017-
18 and thereafter.
The Master in Physiotherapy Course will be a regular full-time course of 2 years
duration. Post graduation physiotherapy is a full time course and student cannot work part
time/ full time anywhere else during his/her post graduation.
Englishshall be the medium of instruction for all the subjects of study and for
examination of the course.
Candidates should obtain registration of Gujarat State Council for Physiotherapy in one
month (maximum period) after getting admission in course. In case of foreign nationals the most
recent guidelines of state council/university may be followed.
The guide to students ratio shall be 1:3 for admission in first year MPT and cannot be extended
in any case. Guide should be of the same post graduate degree. The intake of students to the
course shall be at the starting of academic year only. No postgraduate seats left unfilled in an
academic year shall be carried forward to the next or subsequent academic Years.
The academic qualification and teaching experience required for recognition as guide is 5 years
of teaching experience after post-graduation as lecturer/assistant professor. From time to time
guidelines of the state council has to be followed. Students cannot be left without guide for more
than 3 months total during their post graduation study. (i.e in the event of resignation of guide
college should appoint the guide within 3 months as per the essential criteria of guide) or as
prescribed by University/Government. Guide should be of the same elective of students.
In the event of registered guide leaving the college for any reason or in the event of death of
guide, guide may be changed with prior permission from the university but as per the mentioned
guideline here before.
16. EXAM
Final examination will be held at the end of two academic years.
1. Characteristics and components of Electro therapeutic stimulation systems and characteristic
and components of Electro physiological assessment devices.
2. Electrical excitability of muscle and nerve and composition of peripheral nerves.
3. A. muscle plasticity in response to electrical stimulation. B. Instrumentation for
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES)
4. Neurobiology of afferent pain transmission and central nervous system mechanisms of pain
5. Electrical stimulation and circulation.
6. Clinical Electro physiological testing.
7. Bio-electricity(R.M.P-Action Potential)
8. Neuro transmitters. Synapse & Synaptic transmission.
9. Classification-muscle fibre, nerve fibre, motor unit.
10. Propagation of nerve impulse & physiology of muscle contraction.
11. Reflex-classification & properties.
12. Sensations-Pathways & classification.
13. Type of nerve injury &wallerian degeneration.
Applied Anatomy
1. Anatomy of musculoskeletal system (Osteology, Myology, Arthrology)
2. Anatomy of Cardio Pulmonary system (Structure of heart, Structure of lung, broncho
pulmonary segments)
3. Anatomy of nervous system (Dermatomes and myotomes, cerebrum and cerebral
hemispheres, cerebral cortex, cerebellum and its connections, brain stem midbrain, Pons,
4. Structure of kidney and bladder
5. Anatomy of Reproductive system
1. Kinematics:
a. Types of motion (accessory and joint play of axial and peripheral skeletal)
b. Location of motion (instantaneous axis of movement, shifting axis of movement)
c. Magnitude of motion (factors determining it)
d. Direction of motion
e. Angular motion and its various parameters
f. Linear motion and its various parameters
g. Projectile motions
2. Kinetics:
a. Definition of forces
b. Force vectors (composition, resolution, magnitude)
c. Naming of Force (gravity and anti-gravity force, JRF)
d. Force of gravity and COG
e. Stability
f. Reaction forces
g. Equilibrium & Balance
h. Linear forces system
i. Friction and its various parameters
j. Parallel force systems
k. Concurrent force systems
l. Work power and energy
m. Moment arms of force & its application
n. Force components
o. Equilibrium of force
3. Mechanical energy, work and power
a. Definition
b. Positive and Negative work of muscles
c. Muscle mechanical power
d. Causes of inefficient movement
e. Co-contractions
f. Isometric contraction against gravity jerky movement
g. Energy generation at one joint and absorption at another
h. Energy flow and Energy system used by the body
i. Energy storage
Biomechanics for different aspects
1. Biomechanics of: Bone and soft tissues, including muscles, ligaments, tendon and nerves.
2. Biomechanics of Joints: Classification, structure and function including kinematics
and kinetics of joints.
3. Spine: Structure and function including kinematics and kinetics of Various Vertebral joints.
4. Changes in physical and mechanical properties because of aging, exercise, Immobilization
and position
5. Mechanoreceptors: its types, distribution with respect to joint, structure and function and
Clinical applications
6. (a) Gait:
a. Normal Gait and its determinants
b. Gait parameter including temporal and spatial
c. Kinematic and Kinetic of normal human gait
d. Pathological gait
e. Running
f. Stair climbing
(b) Gait Analysis.
a. Overview of normal gait analysis : kinetic and kinematic analysis; Description of
some of the most commonly used types of observational gait analysis; Advantages
and disadvantages of kinematic qualitative and kinematic quantitative gait analyses.
b. Gait Training, Pre ambulation programme, assistive devices and gait patterns, Recent
advances in analysis of Gait
7. Posture Control, Optimal Posture and their deviations in different planes.
8. Ergonomics and its application in working environments
Part II
1. Psychological aspects of rehabilitation in disability: Psychological tests.
2. Developmental Screening
(a) Factors Motor control assessment
(b) Motor control theories/mechanism
(c) Patterns of normal development
(d) specific procedures and tests used to assess motor control defects
3. Anthropometry
a. Body measurements
- Height
- Weight
- Circumference
b. Body Proportion
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Waist Hip Ratio (WHR)
c. Body Composition
- Somatotyping
- Methods of measurement
• Water displacement
• Skin fold measurement
• Under water weighing
• Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA)
4. Differential diagnosis in Physiotherapy
5. Functional evaluation.
a. The concepts of health status impairment; functional limitations; disability and handicap;
definition of functional activity and the purposes and components of the functional
assessment; selection of activity and roles for an individual based on his or her
capabilities and functional limitations.
b.Various forms of functional tests; physical function test and multi dimensional functional
assessment instrument, identification of instrument for testing function.
c. Various scoring methods used in functional assessment;
d. Reliability and validity of various functional assessments.
7. Evaluation of aging
Part I
1. Pain: Neurobiology, Various theories, Modulation and Physiotherapy Management
includingelectromagnetic radiations, ultrasound, Electro acupuncture etc.
2. Maternal and child care in general physiotherapy.
3. Applied neuro- anatomy and neuro-physiotherapy.
4. Inhibition and facilitation techniques.
5. Theories of motor learning.
6. Therapeutic bio feedback & psychosomatic training.
7. Combination therapy, shock wave therapy, long wave therapy.
8. Functional training – Respiratory exercises, Training for feeding, bladder and bowel training,
coughing and compression
9. Artificial respiration, inhalation therapy & intensive care unit procedures.
10. Yogasanas& Pranayama
a. Physiological & therapeutic principles of yoga
b. Yogasanas for physical culture, relaxation and meditation.
c. Application of Yogasanas in physical fitness, flexibility, cardiac rehabilitation and
neuromotor learning.
d. Pranayama and respiratory physiology.
e. Kriyas and their physiological significance. Therapeutic application of yoga.
f. Yoga – a holistic approach.
11. Acupuncture: definition, principles, techniques, physiological effects, indications, contra-
indications, dangers & integration of acupuncture with physiotherapy.
12. Magneto therapy.
13. Naturopathy
14. Dry Needling in various conditions
15. History of manual therapy, overview of manual therapy approaches for all the joints
16. Clinical Reasoning and differential clinical diagnosis and practical application of different
approaches such as – Maitland, Kaltenborne, Cyriax, Mulligan and Mackenzie.
17. Soft tissue approaches: MyoFascial Release techniques, Neural tissue mobilization, Muscle
Energy Techniques (MET), Position Release Therapy (PRT), Kinetic chain approach along
with practical application.
Part II
1. Physiotherapy in common conditions of skin
2. Physiotherapy in common vascular diseases.
3. Physiotherapy in nutritional deficiency diseases.
4. Physiotherapy in respiratory disorders.
5. Physiotherapy Management of ischemic heart diseases.
6. Exercise planning and prescriptions.
7. Physiotherapy in psychiatry.
8. Management of pain in neurological and Musculo-skeletal disorders.
9. Physiotherapy management in arthritis and allied conditions.
1. Monitoring systems, defibrillator and Artificial respirators.
2. Physiotherapy in post operative management of metabolic, hormonal, neoplastic and
infective conditions of bones and joints.
3. Pre and post operative physiotherapy in tendon transfer.
4. Physiotherapy management following head injuries, in intensive care and neurosurgical
5. Physiotherapy following general surgery.
6. Physiotherapy following uro-surgery.
7. Physiotherapy following plastic surgery.
8. Physiotherapy management following selective and common cases of oncologic
9. Physiotherapy following obstetric and gynecological disorders.
Master of Physiotherapy in Musculoskeletal (Orthopedic) Sciences
Paper-IV Elective-1: Physiotherapy in Musculoskeletal (Orthopedic) Sciences
1. Embryological development of musculoskeletal system.
2. Osteology; structure of bone, ossification of bones, skull bones, facial bones, bones of upper
extremity,, lower extremity, pelvis, vertebral column, ribs.
3. Myology; Structure of muscles , type of muscle, muscle fibers, origin , insertion,, nerve
supply of muscles of upper extremity, lower extremity, Trunk.
4. Structure of joints, types of joints, detailed structure and formation of all the joints, detailed
structure and formation of al the joints, neurobiology of joint
5. Neurology: peripheral nerves, dermatomes and myotomes,
6. Physiology: Joint physiology (movements), muscle physiology
7. Biomechanics of normal joints and Pathomechanics of fractures, deformed joints.
2. Cervical Spine:
Patient history, observation Examination, active movements, passive movements, resisted
isometric movements, peripheral joint scanning examination, myotomes, functional
assessment, special tests, reflexes and cutaneous distribution, joint play movements ,
palpation, diagnostic imaging.
3. Temporomandibular Joint:
Patient history, observation Examination, active movements, passive movements, resisted
isometric movements, functional assessment, specific tests, reflexes and cutaneous
distribution, joint play movements , palpation, diagnostic imaging.
4. Shoulder:
Patient history, observation Examination, active movements, passive movements, resisted
isometric movements, functional assessment, specific tests, reflexes and cutaneous
distribution, joint play movements , palpation, diagnostic imaging.
5. Elbow:
Patient history, observation Examination, active movements, passive movements, resisted
isometric movements, functional assessment, specific tests, reflexes and cutaneous
distribution, joint play movements , palpation, diagnostic imaging.
6. Forearm, Wrist and Hand:
Patient history, Observation – common hand and finger deformities, other physical findings
Examination, active movements, passive movements, resisted isometric movements,
functional assessment, specific tests, reflexes and cutaneous distribution, joint play
movements , palpation, diagnostic imaging.
7. Thoracic (dorsal) Spine: Patient history, observation Kyphosis, scoliosis, breathing chest
deformities. Examination, active movements, passive movements, resisted isometric
movements, functional assessment, specific tests, reflexes and cutaneous distribution, joint
play movements , palpation, diagnostic imaging.
8. Lumbar Spine:
Patient history, observation Examination, active movements, passive movements, resisted
isometric movements, functional assessment, specific tests, reflexes and cutaneous
distribution, joint play movements , palpation, diagnostic imaging.
9. Pelvis:
Patient history, observation Examination, active movements, passive movements, resisted
isometric movements, functional assessment, specific tests, reflexes and cutaneous
distribution, joint play movements , palpation, diagnostic imaging.
10. Hip:
Patient history, observation Examination, active movements, passive movements, resisted
isometric movements, functional assessment, specific tests, reflexes and cutaneous
distribution, joint play movements , palpation, diagnostic imaging.
11. Knee:
Patient history, observation Examination, active movements, passive movements, resisted
isometric movements, functional assessment, specific tests, reflexes and cutaneous
distribution, joint play movements , palpation, diagnostic imaging.
12. Lower leg, Ankle and Foot:
Patient history, observation Examination, active movements, passive movements, resisted
isometric movements, functional assessment, specific tests, reflexes and cutaneous
distribution, joint play movements, palpation, diagnostic imaging.
13. Assessment of Gait:
a) Normal patterns of gait, stance phase, swing phase , joint motion during normal gait
Normal parameters of gait, base width, step length, stride length, lateral pelvic shift,
vertical pelvic shift, pelvic rotation centre of gravity, normal cadence. Overview and
patient history, Observation – foot wear Examination, locomotion score, compensatory
b) Abnormal gait, antalgic (painful) gait, arthrogenic gait (stiff hip or knee), ataxic gait,
contracture gait, equines gait, gluteus maximus gait, gluteus medius ( Trendelenburg’s) ,
hemiplegic or hemiparetic gait, parkinsonian gait, plantar flexor gait, psoatic
limp, quadriceps gait, scissors gait, short leg gait, steppage or drop foot gait.
14. Assessment of Posture:
a) Postural development, factors affecting posture, causes of posture Common spinal
deformities, Lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis Patient history, Observation – standing,
forward flexion, sitting, supine lying prone lying Examination
15. Assessment after acute injury of bone, ligament, and tendon a. Mechanism of injury
b. History
c. Observation d. Examination e. Special tests
f. Palpation and diagnostic imaging
16. Assessment of the Amputee:
a. Levels of amputation
b. Patient history, observation
c. Examination, measurements related to amputation active movements, passive
movements, resisted isometric movements, functional assessment, sensation testing,
psychological testing , palpation, diagnostic imaging.
17. Pre operative and post operative assessment in orthopaedic surgeries
18. Assessment and evaluation of pain Apart from the above; the student is expected to learn
assessment and evaluation in the following clinical conditions (pre operative and post
Paper-V Elective-2: Physiotherapy in Musculoskeletal (Orthopedic) Sciences
1. General Musculoskeletal disorders:
a. Degenerative disorders of joints
b. Infections of bones and joints
c. Arthropathies
d. Tumors of the bone
e. Congenital deformities
f. Spinal deformities
g. Developmental disorders of bone
h. Metabolic and endocrine disorders
i. Conditions related to upper extremity, lower extremity and spine
j. Soft tissue: overuse injuries
k. Musculoskeletal problems in neuromuscular disorders
2. Traumatic Orthopedics:
a. Classification of fractures
b. Dislocation of various joints
c. Fractures and dislocation of upper extremity
d. Fractures and dislocation of lower extremity
e. Fractures and dislocation of spine and pelvis
f. Fractures of skull, face bones and ribs
g. Soft tissue: acute traumatic injuries
3. Orthopedic surgeries:
a. Amputation
b. Joint replacement surgeries
c. Osteotomy and Arthrodesis
d. Surgery for correction of bone deformities and contractures
e. Surgical procedures for fracture, dislocation
f. Tendon transfer principles and procedures
g. Bone grafting
h. Nerve suturing and grafting
i. Implants in Orthopedics
Functions of all the organs including:
1. Nerve fibers & Coverings of the nervous system
2. Dermatomes and myotomes
3. Cerebrum and cerebral hemispheres, Cerebral cortex
4. Cerebellum and its connections
5. Brain stem, Midbrain, Pons & medulla
6. Thalamus, hypothalamus, connections
7. Limbic system, reticular formation
8. Special senses
9. Internal capsule, corpus striatum
10. Basal ganglia and its connections
11. Ventricular system and CSF
12. Blood brain barrier
13. Spinal cord tracts, ascending & descending
14. Peripheral nervous system
15. Autonomic nervous system
16. Neurophysiology of balance, co-ordination & locomotion
17. cranial nerves and their nuclei
18. Motor control
19. Neural development of posture and gait
20. Physiology of pain
21. Physiology of reflexes – normal and abnormal
22. Physiological basis of motor learning and recovery of functional motor control
The student should get well acquainted with the pathomechanics of individual joints and posture
related to neurological diseases.
1. Physiotherapy assessment in gynecology:
a. Physiotherapy Assessment of different gynecological condition.
b. Pre& Post operative assessment of gynecological surgery.
c. Physiotherapy assessment of Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction.
2. Assessment includes:
a. Pelvic floor muscle assessment.
b. Assessment of pain.
c. Diagnostic tools used in gynecological assessment.
d. Examination of breast.
1. Pregnancy detection methods and diagnostic test.
2. Physiological changes during pregnancy.
3. Common complications & discomforts during pregnancy: High risk pregnancy.
4. Common syndrome during pregnancy.
5. Psychological and emotional aspects of pregnancy
6. Stages of Labour & its mechanism.
7. Complication during labour.
8. Assisted delivery :
9. Episiotomy
10. Forceps delivery.
11. Caesarian section.
12. Postnatal phase Puerperium& its physiological changes. Common problem &
13. Different methods of Contraception.
1. Menstrual disorder
2. Puberty & common syndrome during this phase.
3. Polycystic ovarian syndrome
4. Gynecological infections.
5. Displacement, Prolapse and pelvic floor dysfunction: surgical repair for it.
6. Cysts & new growth.
7. Cancer of the reproductive system, Breast cancer: Surgical procedures for it.
8. Infertility.
9. Menopause: Physiological changes and its consequences.
10. Gynecological surgeries including exisitional and repair surgeries.
1. Exercise for an adolescent female.
2. Principles and techniques of application of pelvic floor exercises.
3. Use of electrotherapy modalities in training Pelvic floor muscles. a. Therapeutic
electrical stimulation. & Biofeedback.
4. Physiotherapy management in Pelvic floor dysfunction.
5. Prevention and Physiotherapy intervention in Osteoporoses.
6. Breast cancer rehabilitation.
7. Physiotherapy management of Lymphedema after mastectomy.
8. Physiotherapy intervention before and after gynecological surgeries.
(Structured Training Schedule of clinical & elective subjects only)
Cases-observe 20 20
Cases assisted 20 30
Date: / /
Items for observation during presentation (0) (1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Article chosen was
8 Clarity of presentation
Total score
Date: / /
Items for observation during presentation (0) (1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Whether other relevant
publications consulted
2 Whether cross references have been
3 Completeness of Preparation
4 Clarity of presentation
5 Understanding of Subject
7 Time schedule
8 Appropriate use of audio-visual aids
Date: / /
Points to be considered (0) (1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Regularity of the Attendance
2 Punctuality
3 Interaction with colleagues and
supportive staff
6 Investigation work up
7 Besides manners
8 Rapport with patients
9 Treatment approaches and
10 Overall quality of ward Work
Total score
Date: / /
Points to be considered (0) (1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Completeness of history
4 Logical order
10 Investigation required,
Special investigation
11 Aims
12 Means
13 Treatment techniques
14 Other
Total score
Date: / /
Details (0) (1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Communication of the
purpose of the talk
2 Evokes audience interest
in the subject
3 The introduction
4 The sequence of ideas
5 The use of practical
examples &/or illustrations
6 Speaking style
(enjoyable, monotonous, etc. specify)
7 Attempts audience
8 Summary of main points
at the end
9 Asks questions
10 Answer questions asked
by the audiences
11 Rapport of the speaker
with his audience
12 Effectiveness of the talk
13 Uses audio-visual aids
Date: / /
Points to be considered (0) (1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Interest shown in selecting topic
4 Quality of protocol
5 Preparation of Proforma
Total score
Date: / /
Items for observation during presentation (0) (1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Periodic consultation with guide
6 Others
Total score