Iso 10684 Hot Dip Galvanized Fasteners Unlocked Editable

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ISO 10684:2004(E)

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ISO 10684:2004(E)


ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
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International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

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ISO 10684 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 2, Fasteners, Subcommittee SC 1, Mechanical
properties of fasteners.

iv © ISO 2004 - All rights reserved


Fasteners - Hot dip galvanized coatings

1 Scope

This International Standard specifies material, process, dimensional and some perfonmance requirements for
hot dip spun galvanized coatings applied to coarse threaded steel fasteners from MB up to and including M64
and for property classes up to and including 10.9 for bolts, screws and studs and 12 for nuts. It is not
recommended to hot dip galvanize threaded fasteners in diameters smaller than MB and/or with pitches below
1,25 mm.

NOTE Attention is drawn to the fact that the proof loads and stresses under proof load of oversize tapped nuts with
threads MB and M10 and the ultimate tensile loads and proof loads of undersize threaded bolts and screws with threads
M8 and M10 are reduced as compared to the values specified in ISO 898-2 and ISO 898-1 respectively and are specified
in Annex A.

II primarily concerns the spun hot dip galvanizing of threaded steel fasteners, but it may also be applied to
other threaded steel parts.

The specifications given in this International Standard may also be applied to non-threaded steel parts such
as washers.

2 Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 898-1, Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel - Part 1: Bolts, screws
and studs

ISO 898-2, Mechanical properties of fasteners - Part 2: Nuts with specified proof load values - Coarse

ISO 965-1, ISO general purpose metric screw threads-Tolerances-Part 1: Principles and basic data

ISO 965-2, /SO general purpose metric screw threads - Tolerances - Part 2: Limits of sizes for general
purpose external and internal screw threads - Medium quality

ISO 965-3, ISO general purpose metric screw threads - Tolerances - Part 3: Deviations for constructional
screw threads

ISO 965-4, /SO general purpose metric screw threads - Tolerances - Part 4: Limits of sizes for hot-dip
galvanized ex1ernal screw threads to mate with internal screw threads tapped with tolerance position H or G
after galvanizing

ISO 965-5, ISO general purpose metric screw threads - Tolerances - Part 5: Limits of sizes for internal
screw threads to mate with hot-dip galvanized external screw threads with maximum size of tolerance
position h before galvanizing

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ISO 10684:2004(E)

ISO 1460, Metallic coatings - Hot dip galvanized coatings on ferrous materials - Gravimetric determination
of the mass per unit area

ISO 1461, Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles - Specifications and test methods

ISO 2064, Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Definitions and conventions concerning the measurement
of thickness

ISO 2178, Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substrates - Measurement of coating thickness - Magnetic

ISO 8991, Designation system for fasteners

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 2064 (in particular, the definitions of
significant surface, measuring area, local thickness, minimum local thickness and average thickness) and the
following apply.

quantity of identical parts cleaned, pickled, fluxed and galvanized together at one time in a galvanizing basket

production lot
batches of parts originating from the same manufacturing lot, processed continuously through cleaning,
pickling, fluxing, dipping in molten zinc and spun in a centrifuge without any change in temperature and
concentration of the constituents of the process

batch average thickness
calculated average thickness of a coating as if it was uniformly distributed over the surface of the parts of the

process of heating parts for a definite time at a given temperature in order to minimize the risk of hydrogen

stress relief
process of heating parts for a definite time at a given temperature in order to relieve stress induced by work

hot dip galvanizing of fasteners
process whereby steel fasteners are zinc coated by immersion in a bath of molten zinc, resulting in the
formation of a zinc-iron alloy coating or a zinc-iron alloy coating plus a zinc coating at the surface of the

NOTE This process involves the removal of excess zinc by spinning the parts in a centrifuge or by an equivalent

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ISO 10684:2004(E)

5.6 Spinning and quenching

Parts shall be spun immediately following removal from the galvanizing bath and quenched in water or air
cooled depending on size consideration.

5.7 Special requirements for nuts

Nut threads and other internal threads shall be tapped after hot dip galvanizing. Retapping shall not be

5.8 Post-treatment

Most galvanized parts do not require any post treatment. When required by the purchaser, treatments such as
chromating or phosphating may be applied to reduce the possibility of wet storage staining (white corrosion) or
to assist subsequent painting.

6 Requirements on thread tolerances and additional marking

6.1 General

Dimensional limits for ISO metric screw threads M10 to M64 before and after coating are specified in
ISO 965-1 to ISO 965-5. All other dimensions and tolerances of fasteners apply before hot dip galvanizing.
Dimensional limits for internal and external screw threads MB with thread tolerances 6AX and 6AZ. for internal
threads and 6az for external threads are specified in Annex B.

NOTE It is not possible to check the thread tolerance of a hot dip galvanized part by stripping the coating and
gauging the thread thereafter, since some steel is dissolved from the part during the galvanizing process.

6.2 Requirements and precautions in assembling hot dip galvanized threaded fasteners

6.2.1 General

This clause applies only to parts with thread tolerances in accordance with ISO 965-1 to ISO 965-5 and with
marking according to the marking requirements for fasteners as given in ISO 898-1 and ISO 898-2. The
marking specified in 6.2.2 and 6.2.3 shall be carried out in addition to the marking according to ISO 898-1 and
ISO 898-2.

The application of zinc coating by the hot dip process results in the deposition of a heavy coating thickness of
zinc (always in excess of 40 µm). Hence, it is necessary to manufacture screw threads to special limits in
order to accommodate such heavy coatings.

There are two different methods provided for, which give the necessary fundamental deviations (clearances)
for the zinc layer applied to fasteners by hot dip galvanizing.

The first method (see 6.2.2) consists of using nuts tapped oversize to tolerance class 6AZ. or 6AX after coating,
to mate with bolts or screws manufactured with screw threads to tolerance position g or h before coating.

The second method (see 6.2.3) consists of using bolts or screws manufactured with threads undersized to
tolerance class 6az before coating, to mate with nuts tapped to tolerance position H or G after coating.

Nuts tapped oversize (marked with Z or X) shall never be mated with bolts or screws with undersized
threads (marked with U), because such combinations create a high probability of thread stripping.

Assembling hot dip galvanized nuts tapped to tolerance position H or G after coating with hot dip galvanized
bolts or screws manufactured with threads to tolerance position g or h before coating results in thread

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ISO 10684:2004(E)

6.2.2 Nuts tapped oversize to tolerance class 6AZ or SAX after coating

Oversize tapping of nuts and internal threads to tolerance class 6AZ. or BAX in accordance with ISO 965-5 is
required after hot dip galvanizing when the mating bolts or screws or external threads are manufactured to
tolerance position g or h in accordance with ISO 965-1 to ISO 965-3 before hot dip galvanizing.

Nuts tapped oversize shall be marked with the letter Z immediately after the property class mark in case of
tolerance class 6AZ or with the letter X in case of tolerance class BAX. See example in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Example of marking of hot dip galvanized nuts tapped oversize
to tolerance position 6AZ after coating

In order to reduce the risk of interference on assembly of threads with hot dip galvanized coatings, the coating
thickness on the mating bolts or screws or external threads advisably should not exceed one quarter of the
minimum clearance of the thread combination. These values are given in Table 1 for information.

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ISO 10684:2004(E)

6.3 Special requirements for marking when supplying fasteners in sealed containers

If hot dip galvanized bolts or screws and mating nuts are packed together and supplied in the manufacturer"s
sealed container, the additional marking of the bolts, screws or nuts as described in 6.2.2 and 6.2.3 is not
mandatory. The label on each sealed container shall indicate the additional marking as required in 6.2.2 and

Additional marking of products or labelling of containers as described in 6.2.2 and 6.2.3 is not mandatory for
fasteners with a special marking related to a product standard which specifies the thread tolerance for hot dip
galvanized bolts, screws, studs or nuts and, therefore, does not allow the manufacturer to choose the thread

7 Mechanical properties of nuts tapped oversize and undersize threaded bolts,

screws and studs

For bolts, screws, studs and nuts� M12, the requirements of ISO 898-1 and ISO 898-2 shall be met after hot
dip galvanizing. For the sizes MB and M10, proof loads and stresses under proof loads for nuts and ultimate
tensile loads and proof loads for bolts, screws and studs are specified in Annex A.

8 Coating requirements

8.1 Appearance of zinc coating

The hot dip galvanized parts shall be free from uncoated areas, blisters, flux deposits, black spots, dross
inclusions and other defects that would impair the intended use of the parts. Dull appearance shall not
constitute grounds for rejecting parts.

8.2 Considerations for hot dip galvanized washers

Hot dip galvanized washers tend to bond to each other and suitable acceptance criteria should be agreed
upon at the time of ordering.

8.3 Zinc coating thickness

The local coating thickness shall be a minimum of 40 µm and the batch average coating thickness shall be a
minimum of 50 µm. The measurement of the local coating thickness shall be made on measuring areas as
shown in Figure 3.

Measurement of the local coating thickness shall be conducted by the magnetic method in accordance with
ISO 2178 on every production lot. To calculate the local coating thickness, a minimum of five readings shall be
taken and averaged. In case the geometry does not permit five readings, five samples shall be used to
establish the readings to be averaged. In case of dispute, the gravimetric method in accordance with
ISO 1460 shall be used. For the calculation of the batch average coating thickness, the surface area of the
fastener can be evaluated according to Annex D.

8.4 Adhesion of zinc coating

The zinc coating shall adhere tenaciously to the surface of the base metal. The method for testing the
adherence is specified in Annex E.

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ISO 10684:2004(E)

a Total surface area of the head including surface area of the end face, seed .
b Surface area of the shank of 1 mm length.
C Surface area of the threaded part of 1 mm length.
d Surface area of the end face is included in the surface area of the head (A 3).

Figure D.1 - Surface area

If the thread is cut, the unthreaded shank will be approximately equal to the basic major diameter {nominal
diameter). If the thread is rolled, the unthreaded shank will be approximately equal to either the pitch diameter
{reduced shank) or the basic major diameter (full shank).

Table D.1 gives values for the surface areas A1, A2 and A 3 for different shanks and hexagon head.

Table D.1 - Surface areas of bolts and screws

Surface areas in square millimetres
Surface area
Surface area per millimetre length of
Thread size head,A3
thread) Threaded Unthreaded shank, A2
shank, A 1 Reduced shank Hexagon
(coarse thread) Full shank
(coarse thread) head
MB 38,48 25,15 22,43 541,3
M10 48,31 31,42 28,17 905,8
M12 58,14 37,63 33, 98 1 151
M14 67,97 43,99 39,45 1 523
M16 78,69 50,27 45,67 1 830
M18 87,63 56,54 50,88 2 385
NOTE For the time being, values for bolts and screws wlth sizes> M18 or with fine pitch
thread are not available and should be calculated as appropriate.

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Published 2008-07-15


Fasteners — Hot dip galvanized coatings


Éléments de fixation — Revêtements de galvanisation à chaud


Technical Corrigendum 1 to ISO 10684:2004 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 2, Fasteners,
Subcommittee SC 1, Mechanical properties of fasteners.

Page 6, Table 1, column 12, bottom row, line 2

Delete “398”, insert “298”.

Normen-Download-SNVSO-Bossard AG-KdNr.1012860-LfNr.22175-2008-10-10 14:16:59

A revised version of Table 1 appears overleaf.

ICS 21.060.01; 25.220.40 Ref. No. ISO 10684:2004/Cor.1:2008(E)

© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved

Published in Switzerland

ISO 10684:2004/Cor.1:2008(E)
Table 1 — Fundamental deviations and upper limits of coating thicknesses for assemblies with nuts tapped oversize

Minimum clearance and maximum coating thickness for thread combinations
Pitch thread Fundamental deviation
(for information)
Internal External
AZ/h AZ/g AX/h AX/g
thread thread
Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum
Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum
P d AZ AX h g coating coating coating coating
clearance clearance clearance clearance
thickness thickness thickness thickness
mm mm µm µm µm µm µm µm µm µm µm µm µm µm

1,25 8 + 325a + 255a 0 − 28 325 81 353 88 255 64 283 71

1,5 10 + 330 + 310 0 − 32 330 83 362 91 310 78 342 86
1,75 12 + 335 + 365 0 − 34 335 84 369 92 365 91 399 100
2 16 (14) + 340 + 420 0 − 38 340 85 378 95 420 105 458 115
2,5 20 (18,22) + 350 + 530 0 − 42 350 88 392 98 530 133 572 143
3 24 (27) + 360 + 640 0 − 48 360 90 408 102 640 160 688 172
3,5 30 (33) + 370 + 750 0 − 53 370 93 423 106 750 188 803 201
Normen-Download-SNVSO-Bossard AG-KdNr.1012860-LfNr.22175-2008-10-10 14:16:59

4 36 (39) + 380 + 860 0 − 60 380 95 440 110 860 215 920 230
4,5 42 (45) + 390 + 970 0 − 63 390 98 453 113 970 243 1 033 258
5 48 (52) + 400 + 1 080 0 − 71 400 100 471 118 1 080 270 1 151 288
5,5 56 (60) + 410 + 1 190 0 − 75 410 103 485 121 1 190 298 1 265 316
6 64 + 420 + 1 300 0 − 80 420 105 500 125 1 300 325 1 380 345
a The fundamental deviations for AZ and AX are calculated according to the formulae given in ISO 965-5 on the basis of the thread dimensions specified in Annex B.
© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved

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