Discharged Plan Emerut

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Health Promotion/Discharge Plan

Date and Time of Admission: March 01,2024 6:45pm

Follow up check-up: March 14,2024
Place: OPD


 Drink plenty of  Engage in low-  Follow the doctor's
water to support impact exercises medication regimen,
liver function and such as walking, and any other
prevent swimming, or prescribed
dehydration. cycling, as these medications for
activities can help symptom
improve circulation, management or
 Consume a well- maintain muscle underlying
balanced diet that strength, and conditions.
includes the variety promote overall
of fruits, vegetables, well-being.  If symptoms still
whole grains, lean persist like altered
proteins, low-  Avoid strenuous mental sensorium,
sodium foods, and activities such as body weakness,
healthy fats. heavy lifting, alcohol and vomiting seek
consumption, medical attention
excessive salt prompt.
 Minimize intake of intake,
high-sodium foods overextension,
like processed smoking, and risky
meats, canned behaviors that may
goods, salty snacks, strain your body.
and fast food, as
excessive sodium
can worsen fluid

 Make dietary
changes gradually
to allow your body
to adjust and
minimize discomfort
or digestive issues.

 Completely avoid
alcohol, as it can
further damage the
liver and accelerate
the progression of
liver cirrhosis.

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