AJK NTS (2020) Past Papers

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(AJ&K Education Department)

(‫)سہنسہ آزادکشمير‬

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!‫س َﻼ ُم َعلَيّ ُکم‬
‫اَل ﱠ‬

Sr. Options
No Questions
There were
1 Over Between Among At
kilometers to be

2 The antonym Gaiety Jollity Cheerfulness Gloom 

(Direct Indirect I said that I I said that I I said that I am I said that I
3 Speeches) had been was there  here would be
I said “I am there”. there here
(Active/Passive You have not You have not You have not be You have not
Voices) been seen by being seen by seeing by me been seeing
I have not seen you me for a long me for a long for a long time by me for a
for a long time. time time long time

5 A straight line has Y=mx+c  Y=mx-c Y+mx=c Y+c=mx

If radius of circle is In circle Point circle  Circum circle Mini circle
6 0, then circle is
Straight Convex Corner point Central point
7 The graph of Linear line 
equation is a _____.
Tanx  Cotx 2secx Cosx
8 Integration of Sec x
Xsinx – Xsinx +cosx+c
9 x cos x dx is ________. Xsinx Xcosx
cosx+c 
School needs to
make co- curricular Students
Examination Academic Home work
10 activities personal
system calendar plan
necessarily the part choice 
To resolve the minor
conflicts among
11 students teacher Collaborating Compromising Avoiding  Competing
use the techniques
Students Understanding
The literary debates Students students
12 physical of social
at school are helpful writing skills interests in
development issues 
for: school
The most basic
condition that an
effective teacher
13 Motivation Intelligence Encouragement Emotion
ensures in
classroom for
learning is:
Age of a toddler in
6 months to
14 early child-hood is 1-4 years 1-3 years 1-2 years 
1 year
in between:
The protection
Freedom of Freedom of Right of
15 rights of children Child abuse
expression association criticism
are concerned with:
The structure of the
16 child’s Act (CRA) 2016 2010 2003 1998
was developed in:
Which one of the
Learn about Learn about Learn about
following is the right Learn about
17 their their Govt. their career
of child, given un their rights
environment activities paths
UN Convention?
Which one of the
following is
described in the UN
18 Right to live Right to think Right to learn Right to play
regarding child
The young learner
of Primary Elementary
19 Toddler Pre- schooler 
3-5 years of age is learner learner
A list which contain
20 job charts for daily Staff list Materials list Check list Task list
work is called:
A method which
helps those
Active Constructive
21 children, lacking Peer teaching Task list
listening feedback
verbal skills is
called as:

Mind mapping is a Individual

22 Group work Listening Assessment
technique of: task
Negative Positive Low
High difficulty
23 Catch items are discriminative discriminative difficulty
considered as: index index level
Items of a test must
Raw scores of CGP of
24 be validated Self- criticism Expert opinion
pilot study learners
How much a chance
of guessing is
25 25% 33% 50% 100
possible in MCQs
having alternatives?
Pakistan lies on the
one side of Khyber
26 Afghanistan Iran India Russia
pass, on the other
side is:

27 Quaid-e-Azam Foot ball Tennis Cricket Hockey

trophy is for ___.
Area wise which
province is the
28 Sindh Balochistan Punjab Kpk
biggest of all
_____ was the man
George Napoleon
29 behind”French Carl Max Adolph Hitler
Washington Bonaparte

30 ____ is the smallest Pacific ocean Atlantic ocean Indian ocean Arctic ocean
ocean of the world.

31 _______ is called the Cotton Coffee Jute Tobacco

golden fiber.
Putting grade IV
learners in
32 independent writing Calligraphy Fluency Autonomy Creativity
is more helpful for
The types of
Questions Cognitive Questions
questions that elicit Factual
33 based on conflict based demanding
more critical ideas question
what questions opinion
The type of reading
that ensures use of
34 knowledge by Intensive Skimming Extensive Expert
students while they
are reading lesson
text is:
The step of lesson
delivery that need
35 Introduction Generalization Recapitulation Presentation
more skill from
teacher side is:
The strategy that is
helpful in Ensure
Using audio To do revision
conceptual practice of To take tests
36 visual aids in of text already
understanding and repeated repeatedly
teaching taught
avoiding cramming reading
When a teacher
Active Constructive
37 children when they Peer teaching Task list
listening feedback
are performing an
activity, it is called:
The type of
assessment that
makes students
38 more responsible Self Continuous Teacher Board
for their
performance in test
Majority of the
Muslims countries America and Australia and Africa and Europe and
are in the Asia Asia Asia  Asia
continents of:
1st OIC conference
40 was held in which Morocco  Turkey Indonesia Malaysia
The head quarter of
Islamic Military
41 Jeddah Riyadh  Bahrain Dhahran
Alliance Force
(IMAF) in:
According to
Pakistan Army
(Amendment) Act
42 06 Months 1 year 2 year 3 year 
2020, Army Chief
can be reappointed
for a tenure up to:
There are total four
parties involved in
Kashmir dispute
43 USA China  Russia UK
India, Pakistan, the
people of Kashmir
China is located in
South-west 
44 __ of Indian North-west West-north East-east
(Not confirm)
occupied Kashmir.
The famous
“Ragnya Devi”
45 temple is situated in Gander bal  Jammu Anantang Palwama
which district of
Which organization
has claimed to have
established a new All parties
J&K liberation
46 ‘province’ in Indian Al-qeeds ISIS  Hurriyat
occupied Kashmir, Conference
termed as “Wilayah
of Hind” in Arabic?
If we heat coal
under high pressure
it will be converted
47 Lignite Bituminous Anthracite Graphite
into ____ .which is
almost pure form of
Each nephron
consists of a long
thin excretory Bowman’s
48 Glomerulus  Loop of Henie Medulla
tubule with a cluster capsules
of capillaries,
known as:
Which of the
following is very
poisonous chemical
cause’s addition,
49 Nicotine  Tar Co2 Co
narrowing of blood
vessels and makes
difficult to quit

50 A synonym of Slam Slim  Obese Plump

“Slender” is:
(Direct indirect Ahmad said Ahmad said
Ahmad said Ahmad said I
speeches) that he was he had been
51 that he is glad am glad to be
Ahmad said “I am glad to be glad to be
to be here there
glad to be here”. there here
(active/passive An An
An application An application
voices) application application
was going to will be
52 They are going to was to be is going to
submit by submitted by
submit an submitted by be submitted
them them
application. them by them

53 You won’t succeed Will not trying Should try Don’t try  Are trying
if you ____.
The sum of all the
54 cube roots of unity 0 1 3 Infinity
The angle between
55 the lines y=x and 0* 90* 180* 270*
y=-x is:
For two real
numbers we can
have ___ possible
56 4 1 2 3
choices as per
properties of real

57 If 𝐱 𝟏 =729, what is 7 9 27 81
the value of x?
An angle measuring
58 less than 90* is Straight angle Obtuse angle Acute angle  Right angle

59 The square root of 1.01  0.101 1.10 10.1

1.21 is:

5.920920920 is ____ Rational 

60 Irrational Integer Complex
number. (Not confirm)
An angle measuring
less than 180* is Right angle Acute angle Straight angle
angle 
A data ____ have
61 more than one Can  Can not Always Usually
Which of the
following is a device
that does not allow
62 Wire Switch Fuse Plug
current to pass
through it over a
certain limit?
Iron is second most
abundant metal Aluminum
63 Silicon (SI) Copper (Ca) Sodium (Na)
found in the earth’s (Al) 
crust after___.
Which one of the
following has
64 electronic Silicon Sulphur Chlorine  Argon
structure, with K=2,
L=8, M=77
Energy can neither
be created nor Law of Law of Law of Law of
65 destroyed, this conservation conservation conservation of conservation
phenomenon is of mass of energy  heat of light
known as:
We are getting
synthetic insulin
and antibiotics by Genetically
Genetically Genetically altered
66 using techniques of altered
altered plants altered viruses bacteria or
modern animals
yeast 
The founder of
Mughal dynasty in Zaheer-Ud- Sher Shah Aurangzeb
67 Akbar the great
Sub-continent was Din Babar  Suri Alamgir
Judiciary Administrative Education People
68 The three pillars of Legislature Media Health Police
the state are__. Executive  Military Industry Military
Hazrat Adam Hazrat Musa Hazrat Essa
69 Who was the 1st Muhammad
(A.S)  (A.S) (A.S)
prophet? (PUBH)
The last ruler of
Aurangzeb Bahadur Shah
70 Mughal dynasty was Shah Alam 2 Humayun
Alamgir Zafar 
Kyoto Protocol is an
Human Money Climate
71 international treaty Drug Control
trafficking laundering change 
that is about__.

72 The longest river of River Ravi Neelum River Indus River  Jhelum River
Pakistan is:

73 Which area is also Multan Kpk Sindh  Bengal

called Bab-Ul-Islam
The seats of
National assembly
74 Development Resources Area Population 
are divided among
provinces on the
basic of:

“Pakistan came into

being the day when
the first Hindu Quaid-e- Sir Syed Ahmad Liaquat Ali
75 Allama Iqbal
converted to Islam” Azam  Khan Khan
who said these

76 2018 foot ball world France  Brazil Croatia Germany

cup was won by__.
In South Asia, which
Bangladesh 
77 country had the India Sri Lanka Nepal
(Not Confirm)
highest GDP in 2019
Who won noble
Ably Ahmad Peter Margaret Helen
78 prize for literature
Ali Handke  Atwood Phillips
in 2019?

79 Financial year in 1st January 1st July  1st April 1st Sep
Pakistan begins on:
The record of
events which
Admission School
80 furnishes material School record Log book 
register calendar
for a history of
school is called:
The record of
financial Admission
81 Cash book  Log book collection
transactions of the register
school is kept in:
The record of
official life of any Stock Admission
82 Service book  Cash book
employee is stated register register
In Pupil’s
register, which Alphabetical Chronological Admission Descending
order the names of order order order  order
students should be
preferably followed:
The audio lingual
method is a method
of foreign
84 languages teaching Writing Reading Speaking Singing
which emphasizes
the teaching of
listening and:
Which of the
Suitable for
following is a merit Focus writing Reading Speech is
85 higher
of the structure skills improvement emphasized
Which of the
Drills are not Grammatical
following is a Vocabulary is Set phrases are
used to teach explanations
86 characteristic of taught in conceptually
structural are kept to a
audio lingual context understood
patterns maximum
Which competency
87 focuses on Comunication Writing Grammar Reading
In Suggestopedia,
88 listening skill is Posters Comunication Dialogue Music
developed through:
Gain and
maintain Deals Use effective
Use different
student effectively with teaching
89 discipline
The basic purpose cooperation to disruptive learning
of classroom promote students strategies
management is to: learning

Teaching skills are Classroom Desired

90 Routine tasks Self-learning
always helpful for: tests learning
Name the innovative
teaching strategy
91 Jigsaws Lecture Discussion Differentiation
from the following
Which of the
following is Not a Inquiry-Guided Cooperative
92 Discussion Trips
classroom teaching instruction learning
The ability to adapt
to the new situation
93 Creativity Learning Memory Intelligence 
for solving problems
is called:
Which of the
Academic Presentation
94 following is included Numeracy ZPD 
knowledge styles
in teaching skills?
Which of the
following is a
disadvantage of use Memory Complexity Concentration
95 Expensive
of ICT tools in retention remover developers 
education in
Pakistani context?
activities are part of
Regular School
96 schooling or Home activities School life
curriculum  activities
collegiate life but
fail outside of:
The theme of all
roundness of
Personal Reasoning Co-curricular Social
97 modern education
activities activities activities activities
can Not be achieved
For enhancement of
social skills,
teacher may Debate Study trip of Community
98 Cricket match
arrange which of competition museum work
the following
development of the
99 Theater Hereafter Playground Home
learners is better
achieved in:
The hidden motive
behind co curricular Self Academic Defensive
100 Learning skills
activities is to confidence  abilities skills
Health of a human
being is strongly
connected with
Home School District Provincial
101 physical activities,
activities curriculum  management politics
therefore, sports
and games are
essential part of:
The activity that
may be arranged for Celebration
Social Youth Student’s
102 the emotional of National
service  parliament council
development of Days
learner is:
In organization of
103 activity, the role of Leader Guide Manager  Facilitator
the teacher should
be of:
The instructional
material more Different Audio visual
104 Text books Writing material
desirable for ECE maps aids
classroom is:
Modern approach of
learning suggests
105 Conflict Competition Interaction Cooperation
that schools should
When is the best
time to tell students
With the
about the rules and On the every As and when During the
106 passage of
consequence for first day required break/recess
better classroom
Which one of the
following is the most
appropriate style
for classroom
Autocratic Authoritative Laissez faire
107 management and Hair style
style style  style
most closely
corresponds to the
appropriate student
Which of the
following is the best
strategy to manage Fine or Non-verbal Individual Parents
disruptive behavior penalty clues contact  meeting
more effectively in
‘Pin drop silence’ is
the __________notion
109 Modern Effective Traditional Western
for better classroom
Which one of the
following sets
reflects most Attentive Active Hyperactive Attentive
appropriate student Focused Organized Cooperative Talkative
behavior as an Organized Confused Focused Unruly
outcome of the Orderly Involved Organized Organized
better classroom

‫ا ت‬
‫اﻻت‬ ‫ر‬





‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪8‬‬ ‫‪7‬‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫‪14‬‬

‫‪1949‬‬ ‫‪1973‬‬ ‫‪1962‬‬ ‫‪1956‬‬























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