+ A
Siz AP Smuyd
Sos 4 atup
Py 3
So _ 1
Notse — collculaction » sa
Vg 2 Bmawidth
8 -& 2
Nt = = re abe mesh Gell
Nez Nos - Snécwd. 16
SNR 8° Abc
sg lo 2 eB
HTAFRAARAARAnAnnnaAnnanoananht,Qo Am-Signal
Sonal calculation
Ulbs UA) J AL) +m ety Joos(wat)
Ved) = Vic €os Wpt= AT ik mc] [ t+ coswrt]
VWt)= A mle de -rejeched j
Sez Sp. At = APC I+ Ply)
Se aly 2 Tata
Noise calrwlation
eee Re 16ee aa aaa2A Yors
Noise ta FM
fet) j Auli 1 ve W)
divcrinioly ai] Ampahal .0,)
xe cif
AUT i) Xe
UCU. Ac cos (wet + Kfmétldt )
TO calculate noise , Let ylt)= Actos wet (cosrier only)
FiCH= Ud) +r (Y = (Ace Wc) ) suck ~ nse) Gin wick
“= RdjeosCwt+ OW)
Ret). J rerncio? + rit : Acts Pace
- ‘a 1. ely
Actneli)s Ac
Ne te) and nsit) << Ac
pa = foal PS) deal ms
aCe) EO)
$ Ae
we ii~
—xX. U)= Ac cost tie t+ Ast )
Ko lt). Se xay=- \
ef) dt ) Alu +J
Envelope = Ac( e+ Yi teees )
ast) [A g,
| He Ye
| nr &)
L |
md) - At of _nslo
Ac dt
. c oe
Sn, Cw) =Sns Cw) | Cw) }
Sn, Cw) = o. wt SngCs)
a Sst)
dnslet [Sinfuctage
eo”Ss Cue] (SulWl-we) +SnyCwewe J] i.
0 pay? Mr
Seek tft .
—2we “na | TBE we we
Suitw) = A& 2,
. ae 7%
q ) ;
Transition Bw af Fm = B= 2 ime df os JP.
Trenknknnn nn nun ePower Spectral of noise at output:
Snes Cw) =(# Jute |iwl/ Se
A> hems |
SNRo- Sku Sotw> , de
Ww m* tm —s notse ty baseln
Im ceyf ~
eu = Kim,
B- “Win wm
SNR, -8B* mlyy Sc |
. Vin
ONR: ta pase band
SWRi= Se
SNRo = 3 B'S mC) SVRi Chase band)In Am (B=2fm)
2 2 Bre flclenoise Bua
2 Br
SNR]. Secmuyd = < nf le) SNR ( bwve bud)
am 77 By
Aw Fn Gertie
SURo} ¢,, = 3p SNRo},
FM Bread cast. 6 <5
SNRep,, = FS SN Ro pin
S= tow Ve same SNR
ower yecded in Em ts tow we need 15ow
at pet for he game SNR
ve = effective now’ Bw
* “Typical EM band 88" og MHz
AF = Fokte Bw=Re < Joo kz
re 15 “ B-5