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Periodic Dignol ( power signal ) Ja Race = ¥ J Ply Petrede T-peviedic ~W, tz Sear ching variable Fraigy, signal = Scanning variable . oo Ra (de J Pct) P.Ctrcyde Pay 00 Pause t - 1, £ Auto corelaton Te fw. 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Crews P Stw). 9m ARs du Freq Pay - J Sch de -~ a Pug - d, | Sooidw ee Paty 5 Rowe’ signal BSE ay, ow © Feces Rh Ta Ff (o= Poe YSst Fw) te fw a Faw) “0° dim 1 {” * | Pca |Pat T300 Sig. . Tio 2, Yay = in, } peat = tim f Heol te Sa => nergy sa time domatn = Energy tn Preqcncy domain | [iPao|at = P |-F, coorpP so. persevol theorm CE - iin (Fr Gw)] “dw = \rwo fd Feu - hin nd “ dy J dnl = = Li Frc) |” 5 Sw (w) a fim LE & Ja tie — o Energy spectral clensity Ew). an dé a» Cw % oo EL bon f E Cw) dw at {Eco yl: 2/EPdf E 6 ° - ta 2 oe z Es f [fusfae - kgf Fou) dw 4 J Ecwse [Fol SC-#)-§ cw) T EC-w) = ECw) | wo 00 “Reg = as SePdP = A JScwidw ° ° Even Punction Rw ca Slw) Netwok :. | network Flw) HOw) Cw) GW) 2 Fly) Hw) 12/0/2013 2, 3 ro) | Network few) Lo \Cw) Gow) = Fs) Hw) power spectro density So(w) Psd ak output Si(w). Lim (Frcw)\* ak ‘input Toe TO Sol wy= Lim WGréw)]” Tso 7 Fw) > Gcw) Griw) = Ep(w) Hlw) Sol wy = din [Fi Geyl [Howl = Siw) [Hew] Sow) = Sitw) I Hew Veouls Fos Fu oa signoh. (Fools Fou) red signal. Lionnnnnnnannnnnnnnana Energy Spectral density z Ext) =] Few) at tnput = 1GCw)|" oct output Gow) = Fan How) Sw) = [Gews)= Feo ptaaif = Feu) [Howl (wo) = Eitwd| Hw) R= Vai Ma J Sitw) dw — power aby tpt by Sew 4S 5,Coo) [ Hcl clw oy pee ok owkpub R= 4 J Siw) ] Hows)" even Punction. 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