Raz lq39 Eleventeen CLR
Raz lq39 Eleventeen CLR
Raz lq39 Eleventeen CLR
A Reading A–Z Level Q Leveled Book
Word Count: 1,310
Eleventeen • Level Q 3 4
“I’m bored being eleven,” Sarah said.
Eleventeen • Level Q 5 6
“Because then they’d both go away to
college, and I’d have Mommy all to myself.”
Eleventeen • Level Q 7 8
“Oh,” Dad said, “so what’s wrong with
being eleven?”
Eleventeen • Level Q 9 10
Sarah went to her room. She needed some Whenever Sarah had a dilemma, her father
silence, some time to think. She had to admit would tell her to “weigh the facts.” She was
that anything that ended with “teen” sounded never sure whether he was kidding or thought
better than anything that didn’t. “Eleven” dilemmas really could be solved by putting
isn’t bad, really. At least it has more than one facts on some kind of scale. Anyway, she’d
syllable. But then Sarah realized she’d have to never weighed the facts. But then, she’d never
spend a whole year being twelve, and twelve solved any dilemmas, either. Maybe there was
sounded just awful. Nothing very exciting something to Dad’s advice.
could happen to someone called “twelve,” she
supposed. She needed to be a teenager, but
that was too far away even to think about. It
was a dilemma, no doubt about that.
Eleventeen • Level Q 11 12
Sarah took out her drawing pad and two The first thing she put in the teenager
colored pencils. She decided a table would be column was: can go to mall by myself. That
her scale to weigh the facts. The first column was a good one because Sarah most definitely
was labeled “being a teenager” and was in could not go to the mall by herself. She kept
lavender because it would be wonderful to be making entries, and finally the table looked
a teenager. like this:
The second
column was
labeled “being
eleven” and
was in royal
blue because
the color was full Can go to mall Can walk to park
of possibilities. by myself with Alika
The whole rest Can babysit to earn Can babysit for Noah
of the page was money
blank. Sarah started
thinking about
teenagers and
eleven-year-olds so she could decide what to
write. She wanted to list all the good things
about being a teenager and all the good things
about being eleven. She could then compare
the good things about each age and see which
was better.
Eleventeen • Level Q 13 14
It was definitely exciting to be able to go
to the mall without your parents or your big
sister. The few times that Kate had taken
Sarah to the mall, she had made Sarah feel as
though she was even younger than ten. Sarah
had big dreams about walking into stores as a
cool teenager. She would choose how long she
stayed at each store, which store to go to next,
or to stay another ten minutes just looking at
the kittens.
Eleventeen • Level Q 15 16
As Sarah looked down her table’s columns,
she began to realize something. She liked
babysitting because she could earn money.
Sixteen-year-olds got to babysit all the time.
When Sarah turned eleven, her parents said she In fact, that was another way she would be
could babysit Noah and they would pay her. like a sixteen-year-old. She could use her own
She would still be too young to babysit other money and buy things she wanted. It wasn’t
people’s children, but at least she could babysit like an allowance, with her parents still saying
Noah. Sarah thought that in that way, she yes or no to what she bought. She would earn
would be close to being sixteen. At eleven she the money so the decisions about what she
could babysit Noah and earn money and buy could spend it on would be hers—just like a
the things she wanted, like blue nail polish. sixteen-year-old.
Eleventeen • Level Q 17 18
Sarah completed the last line in the table:
can spend my money on what I want. Then it
was there in lavender and blue. At eleven, she
would be a whole lot closer to being sixteen
than she was at ten. Actually, if you look at it
one way, eleven was only five words away
from sixteen. That’s when it dawned on her.
Eleventeen • Level Q 19 20