Out in Games Vs TV Programs
Out in Games Vs TV Programs
Out in Games Vs TV Programs
Now let’s talk about indoor and outdoor games. Now let’s talk about TV programs.
1. Do you like indoor or outdoor games? Why? 1. Did you watch a lot of TV as a child?
-> Well, I like both indoor and outdoor games. However, I I’d say that When I was a child, I spent most of
mostly prefer playing outdoor games rather than my time on watching TV. I love laying down the
indoor games. Because it can help me keep fit as armchair and switching any channles as I want by
well as realease negative feelings after a hard- remote control. It’s very relaxing and interesting.
working day. For these reasons, again if I have to 2. When do you usually watch TV programmes?
choose, i will go for outdoor games. - I would say that I usualy watch TV programs in
2. What indoor/outdoor games are popular in your the gold time, I mean the time btw 7-9 pm
country? becausse these programmes are interesting and
- Well, my country has witnessed the love for various useful. For instance, the News at 7pm everyday
sports. But in particularly, the most prevalent provides me a huge amount of information from
outdooor games can be namely football. It is not education, entertaiment, to politic issue all over the
difficult to see children, teenager and aldut spend world. So, I often watch Tv from 7pm to 9pm
time on football ground. Or the the images of everynight.
stadium full of spectators when a football match is - Answer: Like everyone else, I usually watch TV
held. Meanwhile, video games, and board games are programmes at home. I guess, it becomes a perfect
some of famous indoor games in my way to strengthen family relationships and bring
country. Because, these games provide diverse everyone together in one place. To be honest with
choices, as well as stimulate logical thinking of you, the only time my family really spend time
players. together is when we are watching the news on TV
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of at 7 PM everyday. At this time, we are able to
playing indoor/outdoor games? share few jokes through current affairs.
- Well, I think that people can get numerous benefits 3. What is your favourite TV programmes?
when they take part in outdoor games. On the one - Answer: Well, I have a particular liking for
hand, Outdoor games keep people active and also reality shows, especially Running man (Koran TV
boost their physical fitness. It is supposed to series). I think what makes them special is that
strengthen bones, build immunity, and reduce the they are highly entertaining and full of
risk of many diseases like obesity or heart problems. unpredictable features. Besides, every espidsode
On the other hand, outdoor games also have some also provide challenging missions and bring
disadvantages namely unpredictable weather, higher meaningful lessons for viewers. Therefore, I love
risk of injury. it and spend hours in front of TV screen.
- When mentioning indoor games, it is believed to -
bring about both ad& dis. In terms of benefit, indoor 4. Are there any programmes you do not like to
games can encourage creativity through dealing with watch?
challenging missions, and in comparision with - Actually, there’s a bunch of TV programmes I
outdoor games, indoor games provide safer and more don’t enjoy. I think the majority of shows are
comfortable environment. However, it also have normal and a waste of time. Some historical
some negative side as indoor games not actively documentaries and game shows such as Wheel of
boost physical development and not interact with fortune or Vietnam war documentaries sound
nature. tedious and boring to me so they never spark my
4. Do students in your country pay attention to interest.
outdoor games? 5. Do you think you will watch more or less
- In my opinion, students in my country seem not pay TV in the future?
attention to outdoor games. Because they spend - I think that I will watch fewer TV shows in the
most of their time on computer games instead of future primarily because life is becoming very
playing outdoor games. This can be explained by the busy and hectic. Besides, most shows on the TV
advanced of technology and attractive online world. are becoming too much ‘commercially’ motivated
U know, with just a computer and wifi connection without offering any real or educational values for
students can play computer games easily, finish them. I would like to read more books than
missions and get rewwards. For these reason, watching TV programmes in the future.
outdoor games are sacrificed for a few more hours on
the computer games .
5. Would you say people spend more time outdoors
today than they did?
Actually, I don’t think so. Nowadays, people tend to
stay indoors more because they are surrounded by so
many kinds of technology devices such as
televisions, smartphones, computers, etc. It is
extremely easy to get addicted to these things, and
ppl don’t have to take face-to-face meetings to talk.
It’s common to see a family where parents are busy
working on computers and smartphones while the
kids are concentrating on playing games, and not
excited to go outside. In contrast, in my parents’
generation, life was much simpler and people usually
went out more to enjoy the fresh air and meet
up with friends.
Give the topic cards to two students and allow them to prepare within ONE minute.
Many people believe that outdoor games provide a better As you know, TV program is becoming more and
alternative compared to indoor games for following more prevalent in our daily life. It is believed that
reasons: health benefits, nature interaction, and social there are 3 main factors that contributr to its success
skills development. namely: famous people, plot and film making.
First of all, people can reap numerous health benefits First of all, celebribities is supposed to be the most
when playing outside. You know, with more room to play attractive factor to TV shows. It is because most of
in, people are often more active when outside, which people are curious about them, I mean about the way
helps them to build strong bones and good fitness levels. they react, they face and deal with challegens. And by
Besides, it also help players to burn off extra energy and this way, some aspect of celebrities’s personality are
calorie , reduce risks of health problems like high blood also reflected. A typical example is Running man-
pressure, or obesity. Secondly, in comparision with Korean Tvshows. The cast in this series actually attract
indoor games, people are more actively stay in tune with a large amount of fans in both Korean and all over the
nature. As an illustartion, For children, when they play world. They are not only funny, but also intelligent,
outdoors, they are in close association with nature. This and responsible. Another reason explain to the
leads to the development of love and attachment with success of Tvshows is the script. Obviuously, Tvshows
nature. Kids will become more aware when they are in need a clear working plan before it is produced. The
touch with nature for long and take steps to protect nature writers often have to outline the major characters, the
or environment. Finally, enhancing social skills is always missions, content and format. The script have to
mentioned as the advantages of outdoor games. I mean, interesting and even contain some unpredictable
playing ourtsides helps people to naturally come out of feature to keep people stay tuned. Last but not least, it
their shells and be more social. In other words, people will is attractive cinematograhpy. I would say that
be more willing to join in games and activities, while they Cinematography acts as a visual guide for
will also be more likely to talk to different palyers and the audience. By making decisions about camera and
make new friends. This all encourages people to build lights, it lead the audience to understand events in a
social skills by cooperating with teamates or learning how certain way. ... Camera angles and lighting decisions
to interact with others. For the reason mentioned above, can convey emotions, psychological relationships, and
it is not difficult to understand why outdoor games are a variety of other important information about a scene.
considered as a better choice than indoor games. In conclusion, a truly great television show doesn’t
fall down in any area, and in fact, its scripts, character
I mean celebrities and cinematograhpy all work in
concert with each other.