Using Concrete Manipulatives in Mathematical Instruction.
Using Concrete Manipulatives in Mathematical Instruction.
Using Concrete Manipulatives in Mathematical Instruction.
in Mathematical Instruction
“A little creativity and enthusiasm are as effective as cutting edge tools Dr. Julie P. Jones
for teaching mathematics to young children. Physical mathematics Margaret Tiller
teaching aids can engage children’s minds in valuable ways that result
in high retention of the information.”
Transition to Rep- Use of concrete and Once the concrete materials have
resentational representational been used, students begin to draw
materials together their own ten frames using the con-
crete model as a guide.
or household can be used as con- the classroom setting alone; parents the intent for manipulative use is the
venient and effective mathematical and family members can also rein- development of number fluency, the
manipulatives. Popular manipula- force abstract mathematical concepts grade and age levels for the following
tives used in mathematical instruc- with their children through the use activities (1-6) are early-childhood
tion include: blocks, Popsicle sticks, of everyday household items. levels (prekinder to second grade);
toothpicks, Styrofoam cups, contain- The size of objects can be deter- however, if a student continues to
ers, Geoboards, candies, and various mined by the age of the child— con- demonstrate difficulty with the skills
other counting objects. While the sider developmental levels and chok- of addition or subtraction, these
use of concrete manipulatives can be ing potential for small items-- or the manipulatives can be utilized at any
an effective instructional strategy, the quantity you intend to add. Because grade level.
use of manipulatives is not limited to
The Amazing Addition Apparatus
Mr. Alligator
Mr. Alligator
Conclusion same pace, each student is likely to Witzel, B., Smith, S. W., & Brownell, M. T. (2001).
How can I help students with learning disabilities
make advancements in mathematical in algebra? Intervention in School and Clinic, 37(2),
The push for inclusivity in recent understanding at his/her own pace 101-104.