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Review of Literature

Studies conducted on Math instruction using various models

The concept of integer is the basis of algebra learning domain in primary school
mathematics teaching and it is considered as an important pre-condition for mathematics
course. Additionally, this concept symbolizes the transition from concrete thinking to abstract
thinking (Cetin, 2012). In teaching the concept and operations of integers, doing integer
modeling exercises with the help of opposite model also providing meaningful learning by using
the contrast model for addition and subtraction operations is recommended.

Designers of future virtual manipulatives for integer instruction should consider adding
features to the applet that would focus the student’s attention on the purpose of the operation
sign allowing them to make distinctions between, for Making Sense of Integer Arithmetic 111
example, the dual roles of the minus sign through their work with the virtual manipulatives
(Bolyard & Moyer-Packenham, 2012). Creating various representational forms of models can
help to emphasize the development and critical understanding of integers and integers
operations. Hence, virtual manipulatives gives another way of better understanding to an
excellent forum in which to design and study effective approaches to providing such

Manipulatives can be important tools in helping students to think and reason in more
meaningful ways. By giving students concrete ways to compare and operate on quantities, such
manipulatives as pattern blocks, tiles, and cubes can contribute to the development of well-
grounded, interconnected understandings of mathematical ideas (Goh et al., 2017). There are
several methods or models invented to help assist students in learning and understanding the
ideas or concept behind calculations involving integers. To name a few, money, number line,
balloons and weights, and two-colour tiles (Cemen, 1993).
In learning addition and subtraction of integers the research found-out that learning
ability of students is increasing with the help of hands-on counters model. Through with this,
incorporating technologies which is wisely appropriate choice can help students visualize key
concepts with better ease, than the usual form of traditional teaching.

Application using models makes students life more meaningful. One of the major
objectives in teaching secondary school program in Germany is the developmental of
mathematical modeling skills of students. However, there are still lacked or limited sources of
models in mathematics teaching practices in many countries that led to teachers’ difficulties.
Moreover, using models in mathematics teaching is necessary to motivate the students,
eliminate their fear and anxiety and allow them to develop a positive approach towards
mathematics in addition to its many cognitive benefits such as realizing meaningful learning,
establishing a relation between mathematics and daily life and developing problem solving skills
(Arseven, 2015).

In other perspective, meta-analysis suggests that both constructivist instructional

models and improved transmission instructional models have positive effects on mathematics
achievement of Chinese students. The seven frequently used models, inquiry-based learning,
problem-based learning, cooperative learning, autonomous learning, script-based learning,
grouping teaching and variation teaching, all are evidence-based teaching and learning models.
Our findings have implications for the debate between constructivist teaching and transmission
teaching, which is extremely important for instructional theory research and for the educational
reform of mainland China (Xie, Wang, & Hu, 2018)

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