Chemical and Microbial Assessment of Bee

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Chemical and microbial assessment of beef and chicken shawarma

sandwiches in Ismailia governorate and its impact on consumer health

Article · January 2015


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1 author:

Ghada A Ibrahim
Animal Health Research Institute


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Egypt. J. Chem. Environ. Health, 1 (1):686-693(2015)

Chemical and microbial assessment of beef and chicken shawarma

sandwiches in Ismailia governorate and its impact on consumer health

Amany M. Ahmed, Nagwa A. B. El-Hakem and Ghada A. Ibrahim

Food hygiene, Biochemistry and Bacteriology Research Unit, Ismailia Provincial laboratories, Animal
Health Research Institute, Egypt

A total of 40 random beef and chicken shawarma sandwiches samples (20 of
each) from different fast food restaurants in Ismailia governorate were collected and
examined chemically by estimation of moisture %, carbohydrate %, protein %, fat%,
and lead values. The obtained results indicated that the mean values in the examined
samples were 45.53  0.12 - 45.44  0.11 ; 25.38  0.11 - 24.02  0.07 ; 18.48  0.04 -
18.44  0.06 ; 9.21  0.03 - 10.38  0.04 and 0.106 ± 0.013 - 0.059± 0.008 ppm
respectively, The results of this Study indicated that ready-to eat Shawarma Sandwiches
have Pb values within the tolerance limit set by the EOS (2005).
The obtained results revealed that the mean values of aerobic plate count,
Enterobacteriaceae and Staph. aureus counts of beef and chicken shawarma were 4.8 x
104  3.6 x 103 , 4.2 x 104  2.8 x 103 ; 6.8 x 102  0.2 x 102 , 1.3 x 103  0.2 x 102 and
5.2 x 103 1.5 x 102 , 3.6 x 103  0.8 x 102 respectively.
Salmonella represented 10% of beef shawarma sandwiches samples and 15% of
chicken shawarma. The isolated serotypes of Salmonella were S. typhimurium and
S. enteritidis. The public health significance and the possible sources of contamination
of shawarma sandwiches, as well as some recommendations to improve the quality of
such food articles were discussed.

Key words: beef shawarma, chicken shawarma, heavy metals, lead, Bacterial contamination, salmonella,
aerobic plate count, Enterobacteriaceae count, Staphylococcus count.

Shawarma is one of the most ready to eat sandwiches sold in fast food
restaurants in Egypt. It is a wrap of shredded meat (beef or chicken) prepared by
alternately stacking strips of fat and pieces of seasoned meat on a rotating vertical
skewer. The meat is roasted from the outside, while most of the inside remains rare.
Shavings are cut off the block of meat for serving, and the remaining block of meat is
kept heated on the rotating skewer.

Egypt. J. Chem. Environ. Health, 1 (1):686-693(2015)

Shawarma sandwiches are manipulated extensively during processing and

therefore have a potential for high bacterial contamination levels on the surface and the
depth of the meat. As a result, there is an increased risk of pathogens surviving and
transferring not only by cross-contamination, but also by undercooking as observed in
this kind of fast-food industry (Nimri et al., 2014).
Environmental pollution is a major global problem posing serious risk to man
and animals. The development of modern agricultural technology and the rapid
industrialization are among the foremost factors for environmental pollution. The
environmental pollutants are spread through different channel, many of which finally
enter into food chains of livestock and man (Kaplan et al.,2011).Various anthropogenic
activities such as burning of fossil fuel, mining and metallurgy, industries and transport
sectors redistribute toxic heavy metals into the environment, which persist for a
considerably longer period and are trans-located to different components in
environment (Kotwal et al., 2005)
Lead is not an essential human element and it has no known beneficial or
necessary function within living systems (Daland, 2000).It is a metabolic poison and a
neurotoxin that binds to essential enzymes and several other cellular components and
inactivates them (Cunningham and Saigo, 1997).Inhibiting oxygen and calcium
transport and altering nerve transmission in the brain (Daland, 2000).Lead also interacts
with several essential elements—notably calcium, iron, and zinc—and dietary
deficiencies of both calcium and iron are known to enhance the absorption of lead
(Goyer, 1996).Toxic effects of lead are seen on haemopoietic, nervous, gastrointestinal
and renal systems (Baykov et al., 1996). In addition, Lead can be transferred to the
fetus through the placenta (Goyer, 1990).Adults absorb approximately 5–15 % of
ingested lead into the circulation; of this amount, less than 5 % is retained in the body.
Young children can absorb considerably more 30–40 % of ingested lead; this explains
their enhanced susceptibility to the potential effects of lead (Goyer,1996).
So, precautions should be taken to limit childhood exposure.
The importance of food as a vehicle for the transmission of several diseases has
been documented, especially in developing countries where hygienic standards are not
strictly followed or enforced (Harakeh et al., 2005). The knowledge of microbiology of
meat and its products is very important to control the growth of undesirable
microorganisms and retarding the conditions favourable for their growth and activity
(Farooq et al., 2013).
Shawarma sandwiches beef or chicken are more consuming, combining with
sedentary life style, are a major health risk factor as more quantity with less quality food
can cause people to high prevalence of obesity, diabetes mellitus and coronary heart
disease. Nutritional analysis is done to assist you in making the right food choices for
your personal needs.

Egypt. J. Chem. Environ. Health, 1 (1):686-693(2015)

The purpose of this study was to determine, provide information and awareness
about the shawarma sandwiches from chemical and microbial conditions and its impact
on the consumer health.

1- Collection of samples: A total of 40 random beef and chicken shawarma

sandwiches (20 of each) were collected from different fast food restaurants in
Ismailia governorate. The collected samples were directly transferred to Ismailia
Provincial laboratory for further examination.
2- Chemical examination:
-Moisture %, Carbohydrate %, Protein % and Fat% were determined according to
the AOAC(2000).
- Lead assay: Each sample was ground and homogenised according to (Al-Baggou',
2002). The digested samples were analyzed for lead by using Unicam 969AA spec-
trometer England according to (Iwegbue, 2008).
3- Bacteriological examination:
- Preparation of samples: according to ISO, 6887-2, 2003 the shawarma sandwiches
were taken under aseptic condition and 10 grams from each sample was transmitted to
sterile blender jar containing 90 ml of sterile peptone water 0.1% to be homogenized .
- Preparation of serial dilution: Ten fold serial dilutions were prepared from
homogenate 1/10 (original dilution) by transferring one ml to tube containing 9 ml of
sterile peptone water.
- Bacteriological count:
Total aerobic plate count: (APHA, 2001) spreading technique using standard plate
count agar, incubated at 37 c for 24- 48 hr.
Total Enterobacteriaceae count: (APHA, 2001) spreading technique using violet red
bile glucose (VRBG) agar , incubated at 37C for 24-48 hr.
Staphylococcus aureus count: (FDA, 2002) spreading technique using Baird-Parker
agar incubated at 37 C for 24-48 hr. The presumptive S.aureus colonies were
confirmed by coagulase test using staph. Kit (Oxoid).
- Isolation of salmonellae (ISO, 6579, 2002) enrichment in rappaport vasiliades at
35C for 24 hr., platting on XLD agar at 42C for 24 hr. The presumptive colonies were
confirmed bio chemically and serologically.
4- Statistical analysis: The results are expressed as mean ± standard Error (SE). Data
were statistically analyzed using statistical analysis system software (SAS version 9.1,
SAS Institute, Inc., 2003).
Table (1) clarifies the mean value of lead in meat and chicken meat shawarma
sandwiches were 0.106 ± 0.013 and 0.059± 0.008 ppm, respectively, which is lower
than that recorded by (Morshdy et al., 2000; Iwegbueet al., 2008 and Hala and

Egypt. J. Chem. Environ. Health, 1 (1):686-693(2015)

Shireen, 2009),while the results in this study were nearly close to those reported by
(Fatin ,1998; Sharkawy and Amal, 2003 and Essa et al., 2007).This approximate lead
value obtained from beef and chicken shawarma sandwiches not exceeded the
permissible limits 0.1mg/kg that was recommended by EOSQS (2005) for Pb level. In
recent years, the dominant focus has been on effects of low level lead exposure related
to child development and behavior (Daland, 2000).
Table (2) represented the chemical analysis of examined beef and chicken
shawarma sandwiches samples. The mean values of Moisture % were 45.53  0.12 ;
45.44  0.11 , Carbohydrate % 25.38  0.11 ; 24.02  0.07 , Protein% 18.48  0.04 ;
18.44  0.06 and Fat % 9.21  0.03 ; 10.38  0.04 respectively. The protein % was
lower than that recorded by (Sulieman et al., 2012). The variation of protein content
could be attributed to the type of meat and the additives used. High fat content have bad
effect on consumer health.
Table (3) represent the bacteriological results of this study, the total aerobic
plate count (APC) were ranged from 6 x 103 to 3.4 x 105 with mean value 4.8 x 104  3.6
x 103 in beef shawarma while in chicken shawarma were ranged from 5.2 x 103 to 2.6 x
105 with mean value 4.2 x 104  2.8 x 103 , The APCs were lower than that recorded by
(Odu and Akano ,2012) and higher than that recorded by(Nimri et al., 2014)
Despite the preparation of shawarma by heating, there were still pathogenic
microorganisms observed on the samples enumerated. This is as a result of the fact that
some of the observed microorganism can survive high cooking temperature to which
Shawarma products is exposed which is not sufficient to eliminate harmful
microrganisms (Abdelhai et al., 2015). Shawarma showed poor microbiological quality
since the raw meat used for the processing of Shawarma is of a low quality meat. The
Enterobacteriaceae mean counts were 6.8 x 102  0.2 x 102; 1.3 x 103  0.2 x 102 in beef
and chicken shawarma respectively. These results were similar to that recorded by
( Odu and Akano , 2012) and lower than that recorded by (Eman and Sherifa, 2012).
S. aureus is Gram positive cocci resistant to heat, drying. They produce heat stable
enterotoxins that renders the food dangerous (Prescott et al., 2005). The Staph. aureus
counts were ranged from 1.5 x 103 to 9.3 x 103 with mean value 5.2 x 103 1.5 x 102 in
beef shawarma while in chicken shawarma were ranged from 1.8 x 103 to 8.3x 103 with
mean value 3.6 x 103  0.8 x 102.
Table (4) represented the percent of positive Salmonella microrganisms shawarma
sandwiches in this study and they constituted 10 % and 15 % from beef and chicken
Shawarma sandwiches, respectively. The identified strains were S. typhimurium in beef
shawarma sandwiches and S. typhimurium and S. enteritidis in chicken shawarma.
These results were in accordance with results of studies by many researchers in meat
products ( Torky, 2004 ; Siriken et al., 2006 and Farooq et al., 2013) but higher than
that recorded by (Abdel-Rahman et al., 2011 and Abdalhamid et al., 2013) who
couldn’t detect Salmonella.

Egypt. J. Chem. Environ. Health, 1 (1):686-693(2015)

Conclusion and Recommendation

High quality meat less fat content has to be used to process shawarma sandwiches.
Health education and intervention program that aim to promote a healthy diet is needed.
Prevention is the best way to deal with lead poisoning. Made intensive efforts to remove
sources of lead from food items must be done .

Table (1): Lead levels (ppm) in beef and chicken shawarma sandwiches samples
relative to EOSQC, (2005).

Element (ppm) Mean ± SE EOSQC,2005

Pb in chicken shawarma 0.059± 0.008
0.1 mg/kg
Pb in beef shawarma 0.106± 0.013

(EOSQC) Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality control.

Table (2): Proximate chemical analysis of examined beef and chicken shawarma

Beef shawarma Chicken shawarma

Min. Max. mean Min. Max. Mean

Moisture % 40.35 49.65 45.53  40.76 49.54 45.44 

0.12 0.11
Carbohydrate 23.57 31.41 25.38  21.58 27.42 24.02 
% 0.11 0.07
Protein% 16.34 19.43 18.48  14.32 19.25 18.44 
0.04 0.06
Fat % 8.43 10.95 9.21  8.98 11.47 10.38 
0.03 0.04
sandwiches samples (N= 20 of each).

Egypt. J. Chem. Environ. Health, 1 (1):686-693(2015)

Table (3): Statistical analytical results of bacteriological counts (cfu/g) of

examined beef and chicken shawarma sandwiches samples (N= 20 of each).

Sample Min. Max. Mean  SE

Total bacterial B. 6 x 103 3.4 x 105 4.8 x 104  3.6 x 103

count C. 5.2 x 103 2.6 x 105 4.2 x 104  2.8 x 103

Enterobacteriaceae B. 2.3 x 102 1.7 x 103 6.8 x 102  0.2 x 102

count C. 7.5 x 102 2 x 103 1.3 x 103  0.2 x 102

Staph. aureus B. 1.5 x 103 9.3 x 103 5.2 x 103 1.5 x 102
Count C. 1.8 x 103 8.3x 103 3.6 x 103  0.8 x 102
B- beef shawarma C- chicken shawarma
Table (4): The incidence and Serotyping of isolated salmonella from examined beef
and chicken shawarma sandwiches samples (N= 20 of each).

Beef shawarma Chicken shawarma

No. % Identified strains No. % Identified strains
- S. typhimurium (2)
Salmonella 2 10% - S. typhimurium (2) 3 15%
- S. enteritidis (1)
No. - No. of positive samples

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