Design of Water Supply Networks For

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e-ISSN 2083-4535

Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute (ITP – PIB)


DOI: 10.24425/jwld.2022.142298
2022, No. 54 (VII–IX): 251–254

Design of water supply networks for water transfer

to the urban area Case study: Balikpapan city

Dinh T.N. Huy1,2) , Ngakan K.A. Dwijendra3) , Andrey Poltarykhin4) ,

Wanich Suksatan5) , Nooraldeen S. Nahi6) , Trias Mahmudiono7) , Nguyen T. Hai8) ,
Mustafa M. Kadhim9) , Krishanveer Singh10) , Alim A.A. Ahmed11)
International University of Japan, School of Finance and Banking, Minamiuonuma, Japan
Banking University of HCMC, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Udayana University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Kampus Bukit, Jl. Raya Kampus Unud Jimbaran,
Kec. Kuta Sel., Kabupaten Badung, Bali, 80361, Indonesia
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation
Chulabhorn Royal Academy, HRH Princess Chulabhorn College of Medical Science, Faculty of Nursing, Bangkok, Thailand
Al-Ayen University, College of Health and Medical Technology, Department of Optics, Dhi-Qar, Iraq
Airlangga University, Faculty of Health, Surabaya, Indonesia
Thuongmai University, Faculty of Engineering, Hanoi, Vietnam
Al-Farahidi University, Medical Laboratory Techniques Department, Baghdad, Iraq
GLA University, Department of Business Management, Mathura, India
Jiujiang University, School of Accounting, Jiujiang, China

RECEIVED 11.10.2021 ACCEPTED 08.03.2022 AVAILABLE ONLINE 28.09.2022

Abstract: The growing population and the development of industries in all countries of the world have created a very
important and complex issue for water supply to cities. Today, many parts of the world are facing the problem of water
shortage and this problem cannot be easily solved. In addition to the proper use of water resources and preventing the
loss of natural water, the establishment of regional water supply networks is effective in meeting the future needs of the
people. A water distribution network (water supply network) is a set of interconnected pipelines used to transport and
distribute water in a complex. In designing the water distribution network, factors such as the type of water distribution
network, water pressure, water velocity, design flow, minimum pipe diameter, pipe material and many other factors
should be considered. In this study, we have tried to design the water supply network of a part of Balikpapan city in
Indonesia. The design method led to the determination of pressure values in the connection nodes, pipe diameters, flow
rate and velocity in the pipes. All the existing criteria are considered in the design of the water supply network.
Although this study has been implemented for a specific study area, it can be of great help to designers in designing the
water supply network.

Keywords: network design, water distribution, water shortage, water supply network, water transmission

© 2021. The Authors. Published by Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute (ITP – PIB).
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Dinh T.N. Huy et al. 252

INTRODUCTION scale of the map is 1:20,000. Using Equation (1), the actual
length of the pipes is obtained.
Water supply network is the most important and vital component
of urban infrastructure [BENSOLTANE et al. 2018; SULIANTO et al. La ¼ ð1Þ
2021; WILLET et al. 2020]. The internal water supply network was
very small in the past [QIAO et al. 2007]. Untreated industrial
where: La = the actual length of the pipe, LM = the length of the
effluents flowed directly into lakes and rivers, many of which were
pipe on the map, s = the scale of the map.
sources of drinking water [ALONSO, BARCELÓ 1999; ILYAS et al.
2019; MARTÍNEZ-SANTOS et al. 2018; MERETA et al. 2020]. Efforts to • Estimate the area: in order to determine the area, the length of
purify water were steadily declining, and few cities were found to the pipes is first measured from the existing map. Then the
treat wastewater. Today, due to the increase in urban population, network location is plotted in AutoCAD software. Finally, hav-
industrial development, water shortages, migration of people ing a map scale, the area of the study area is determined using
from rural to urban areas, modern life and attention to public the area command.
health has created many problems with water supply. Therefore, • Determine the population of the city at the beginning and
access to safe drinking water is one of the most important human end of the network design period: the population of the city at
needs. For this reason, proper and standard design of urban water the beginning and end of the project period is determined using
supply network is one of the primary priorities for the Equations (2) and (3), respectively.
construction and development of residential, industrial and
agricultural spaces [CUNHA, SOUSA 1999; EUSUFF, LANSEY 2003; P0 ¼ 100D � A ð2Þ
WILLET et al. 2021]. In designing water supply networks, it should
be noted that the required water supply is provided by four main
units [BATISH 2003; GURUNG et al. 2015; HERRERA-LEÓN et al. 2018], PT ¼ P0 ð1 þ rÞT ð3Þ
which are: 1 – supply of drinking water to people and water
required for sanitary facilities (baths and toilets), 2 – water
where: P0 = the initial population of the city, D = the city density,
required for small and large factories and various workshops, 3 –
A = the area of the city, PT = the population of the city after T
providing the necessary water for irrigating green spaces and
year, and r = the population growth rate.
washing the streets, and 4 – supplying water required by the
The population growth rate of the study area is approxi-
facilities of fire departments during fires. The main components
mately 2.5%. The study area density is 0.45 people per km2.
of the water supply network include tanks, pipes, valves and
• Determine the average per capita daily consumption: per
pumps [GEEM et al. 2011; LUCAS et al. 2010; YOUNG 1994]. Water
capita household, general, commercial, industrial consumption,
supply network is a large set of a series of pipes that are connected
unaccounted for water and public green space should be deter-
by connections such as tees, elbows, transformers, etc., so that
when water enters from one point, from other places, water can
• Determine Qd,av: This parameter is obtained from Equation (4).
be withdrawn [FATHOLLAHI-FARD et al. 2020; IWANEK et al. 2020;
MONTALVO et al. 2008]. The main water supply systems and Qd;av ¼ T C ð4Þ
facilities include five general sections, which are: 1 – reservoirs
(such as wells, springs, dams, rivers) and facilities related to water where: Qd,av = average design flow, TC = total per capita
abstraction from them, 2 – sources (such as wells, springs, dams, consumption.
rivers), 3 – water storage tanks and creating pressure in the • Determine Qd,max and C1: The maximum daily coefficient (C1)
network, 4 – water distribution and transmission lines, and 5 – is assumed to be 1.8. Qd,max is also calculated using Equations
sections related to consumer branches. Due to the increasing (5)–(8). It is necessary to mention that the Q′... parameters are
importance of urban water supply, in this project, the design of only considered to determine the Q′... parameters and have no
Sawahlunto city water supply network has been considered. The specific description.
design steps are presented in a completely accurate and organised

manner. Lattice pipes are selected from uncovered cast iron. The Q0d;av ¼ T C Wnot;d PT ð5Þ
project period is considered 20 years.

Q0d;max ¼ Q0d;av C1 ð6Þ

Wnot;av ¼ Qd;av Q0d;av ð7Þ
In order to design the water supply network of the desired area,
13 general steps have been considered. The following 13 general
steps will be mentioned. Qd;max ¼ Q0d;max þ Wnot;d;av ð8Þ
• Determine the location of the network: the topography and
area characteristics are two important factors in the location of
nodes and network pipes. where: Wnot,d = the per capita daily water consumption is not
• Determine the alignment of the nodes: based on the topogra- taken into account, Wnot,d,av = the average daily water consump-
phy of the study area, the level of each node will be determined. tion is not taken into account.
• Determine the length of the pipes: in order to get the actual • Determine Qh,max and C2: for the population range between
length of the pipes, we use their length values on the map. The 20–100 thous. people, C2 should be selected between 1.3 and

© 2022. The Authors. Published by Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute (ITP – PIB).
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
253 Design of water supply networks for water transfer to the urban area Case study: Balikpapan city

1.9. Since the population at the end of the project period is

100,942 people, the coefficient C2 is considered to be a median
of 1.8. Qh,max is also calculated using Equations (9)–(12).

Qh;av ¼ ð9Þ

Q0d;av ¼ ð10Þ

Q0h;max ¼ C2 � Q0h;av ð11Þ Fig. 1. Location of water supply network; source: own elaboration

population of the region is about 61,602 people (Eqs. (1) and

Qh;max ¼ Q0h;max þ Wnot;h;av ð12Þ (2)). At the end of 20 years, the population will reach 100,942
people. Due to the large number of residential buildings and the
where: Wnot,h,av is the average hourly water consumption is not increase in the level of health compared to the past, per capita
taken into account. household consumption is considered to be 135 dm3 per capita
• Determine the design flow (Qdes): is determined using Equa- per day (Lpcd). Due to the existence of medical and educational
tion (13): centers and especially the large number of religious places in this
area, the per capita general consumption is 20 Lpcd. Due to the
Qh;max lack of commercial premises and the lack of factories in this area,
Qdes ¼ ð13Þ
3600 the per capita commercial and industrial consumption is 12 Lpcd.
It is considered 15 Lpcd unaccounted for water. Because the
• Determine the flow rate of network pipes Qi : this parameter is
climate of the study area is desert, the per capita green space
determined using Equation (14), in which the superscript i is consumption is 48.82 Lpcd. It should be noted that the total per
the pipe number. capita is obtained from the sum of all per capita. So the total per
capita is 230.82 Lpcd.
Qi ¼ P
Qdes so; Li;a ð14Þ To determine the flow rate of each node, we first consider
i Li;a i¼1 the value of 0.5Qi for each node. In this study, the active volume
of the reservoir is 6,109.16 m3. Three fire storage tanks each with
• Determine the hypothetical diameters for the grid pipes: we a volume of 225 m3 are considered. The expected storage volume
consider hypothetical values for the flow rate in the pipes so is 20,363.87 m3. Therefore, the total volume of available tanks is
that the continuity equations in the consumption nodes are 27,148.03 m3. Since the topography of the area is smooth;
satisfied. After controlling the continuity equations for the preferably we consider a reservoir for each part of the network to
whole network with hypothetical flow rates, we calculate the ensure that the necessary pressure is supplied to all nodes. In
diameter of the pipes so that the flow velocity in the pipes is in addition, we try to place the tanks close to the network. Also, due
the range of 1.0–1.2 m∙s–1. Assuming the velocity is 1 m∙s–1, the to the flatness of the area, we use a ground tank next to each of
pipe diameter (di) can be calculated using Equation (15). the air tanks. Figure 1 shows the location of all three tanks. In this
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi study, underground reservoirs are twin and cubic with a length
4Qi and width of 27.5 m and a height of 6.5 m. Air tanks are also
di ¼ ð15Þ
� assumed to be a twin cylindrical tank. The volume of each air
tank is 339.9 m3. The hypothetical direction of flow in network
In the next step, we convert the obtained diameters for the pipes pipes is as shown in Figure 1. Using Equation (15), the diameter
to the closest diameter available in the market. of the pipes is obtained. For example, the diameter of pipe
• Control the pressure and velocities obtained in the network number 1 was 90 mm.
in terms of allowable values: the minimum pressure head is After obtaining the pipes flow, the network was drawn in
18 m H2O. Also, the allowable water velocity in the pipes is 0.3– EPANET. Then the data was given to the software and the soft-
2.0 m∙s–1. ware was run. It was observed that in some nodes the existing
pressure head is less than the minimum pressure head. In some
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION pipes, the velocity is not within the allowable range (0.3–2.0 m∙s–1).
Therefore, with a trial and error process, we changed the diameter
WATER SUPPLY NETWORK DESIGN of the pipes to the minimum required.

Figure 1 shows the location of nodes and pipes in the water PRESSURE AND VELOCITY HEADS IN PIPES AND NODES
supply network. In the study area, nodes 13 and 31 have the
lowest and highest alignment, respectively. The length of the Velocity, flow, pressure, and final diameter of pipes were obtained
pipes was obtained using Equation (1). Pipe number 46 is the (with a trial and error process). For example in pipe number 1,
tallest pipe (1762.1 m). By drawing the network in AutoCAD velocity, flow, pressure in node 1, final diameter of pipe are
software, the area was estimated at 13.6 ha. The current obtained 0.55 m∙s–1, 4.3 dm3·s–1, 31.86 m, and 100 mm,

© 2022. The Authors. Published by Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute (ITP – PIB).
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Dinh T.N. Huy et al. 254

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© 2022. The Authors. Published by Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute (ITP – PIB).
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

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