En Sci 176 04
En Sci 176 04
En Sci 176 04
From 2001 to 2005 a working group within the European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment
(EUROCAE) has been working on the definition of development guidance and certification considerations
for Integrated Modular Avionics. This paper explains the standardised terminology, the concept of
incremental acceptance, the certification tasks and associated certification data and the many objectives
defined in this guidance document, which will be published in 2006 as ED-124.
The use of Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) is rapidly expanding and is found in all classes of aircraft.
In recognition of this rapid growth RTCA established Special Committee 200 (SC-200) and EUROCAE
established Working Group 60 (WG-60) to jointly develop a document that could be used as guidance in
the design, development and application of IMA. This paper explains the background of this document,
introduced the terminology and processes required for a smooth certification process of IMA.
At the start of this century, within the avionics industry it was felt that there was a urgent need for
guidance on development processes and certification issues for modular avionics. The modular avionics
technology had come to a maturity level and industry was now ready to bring products to the market.
Biggest challenge within this area is that modular avionics is a composition of building blocks, preferably
supplied by different companies in the supply chain. Each supplier is supposed to bring its part to a certain
level of qualification, and after this a system integrator can use these “pre-qualified” part in the overall
certification process.
To face this challenge EUROCAE founded a working group (number 60) in September 2001, which was
tasked to define this guidance. Later, in November 2002, there was a merge with an RTCA steering
committee (number 200). The mission of this joint working group was to “propose, document and deliver
means to support the certification (or approval) of modular avionics, systems integration, and hosted
applications, including considerations for installation and continued airworthiness in all categories and
classes of aircraft”.
Besides this mission, the term of reference for both WG60 and SC200 stated that the group would define
key characteristics of modular avionics, define specific issues in regulatory materials and practices, aims
Eveleens, R.L.C. (2006) Integrated Modular Avionics Development Guidance and Certification Considerations. In Mission Systems
Engineering (pp. 4-1 – 4-18). Educational Notes RTO-EN-SCI-176, Paper 4. Neuilly-sur-Seine, France: RTO. Available from:
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Integrated Modular Avionics
Development Guidance and Certification Considerations
for stand-alone approval of individual building blocks, assure the re-use of accepted process, data,
product, etc., tackle safety and performance issues, involve certification authorities and support TSO, AC,
ACJ production, and have a close working relationship with other groups.
During its existence the group has had a wide participation from industry (both avionics industry and
aircraft integrators), certification authorities and research establishments. The final document was
delivered end of 2005. RTCA has issued the document as DO-297. EUROCAE is planning to issue the
document in 2006 as ED-124.
Application 1 Application N
Component Component
(Application Specific
(Software) (Software)
General Purpose
Module Shared
The design terminology as depicted in Figure 1 [1] defines a clear distinction between IMA elements that
are general purpose and those that are specific to the avionics function. When focussing on the general
purpose elements there is a top-level definition for what is called a platform. In fact a platform can consist
of one or more modules which can be hardware or software components. Another specific property of a
platform is the fact that it has core software inside and that it can host the IMA applications.
Another important term that needs to be introduced and defined is “acceptance”. Within the context of
IMA this is defined as [1]: “Acknowledgement by the certification authority that the module, application,
or system complies with its defined requirements. Acceptance is recognition by the certification authority
(typically in the form of a letter or stamped data sheet) signifying that the submission of data, justification,
or claim of equivalence satisfies applicable guidance or requirements. The goal of acceptance is to
achieve credit for future use in a certification project.” The IMA building block (i.e. platform or module),
4-2 RTO-EN-SCI-176
Integrated Modular Avionics
Development Guidance and Certification Considerations
together with the certification data that has received this acceptance, can now be used in an incremental
way, building up and integrating the IMA architecture. This process is called incremental acceptance.
Finally, this incremental acceptance will facilitate the certification process.
Task 1
Module Module
Task 3 Task 4
IMA System Aircraft
(off aircraft) Integration
Task 2
Application Specific
Task 5 / Task 6
For each integration step a certification task can be defined, as depicted in Figure 2 [1]. Starting at the
lowest level (bottom of the V) the process starts with the integration of components and modules into a
platform. The certification task performed here is the platform or module acceptance. Once one
application gets integrated onto the platform it will result in an application acceptance. IMA acceptance is
achieved when integrating multiple applications with the platform and with one another. Then the aircraft
integration task is performed when integrating the IMA system within the aircraft and with the other
aircraft systems. Finally, changing the IMA system or re-using the installation in another aircraft are
special cases within the acceptance process.
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Integrated Modular Avionics
Development Guidance and Certification Considerations
Aircraft-Level IMA
Certification Plan and V&V Plan
System-Level IMA
Certification Plan and V&V Plan
PSACs / Module Module
PHACs Acceptance Acceptance
Plan #1 Plan #n
Figure 3 [1]shows how the planning data is related within the IMA certification process. Starting at the
top-level, the Aircraft-Level IMA certification plan and verification and validation (V&V) plan should
describe how the process will be performed. The lower level document fit within this scheme. At the
bottom level there are the traditional plans for software/hardware aspects of certification (PSAC/PHAC)
together with the environmental qualification plans (EQP). The same document trees are defined for
requirements data and compliance data.
Integrated Modular Avionics technology has introduced the possibility to fragment the certification
process into several steps, which is called incremental acceptance. The incremental process will benefit
from a common understanding and common approach to IMA development and certification. The
document recently published by RTCA and shortly to be published by EUROCAE has a wide acceptance
of both industry and certification authorities. The document provides guidance on a common development
process and defines the related certification tasks. It is strongly recommended to use this guidance in
future IMA projects.
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Integrated Modular Avionics
Development Guidance and Certification Considerations
[1] RTCA DO-297 / EUROCAE ED-124 (to be issued), Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA)
Development Guidance and Certification Considerations
[2] RTCA DO-178 / EUROCAE ED-12, Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment
[3] RTCA DO-254 / EUROCAE ED-80, Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware
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Integrated Modular Avionics
Development Guidance and Certification Considerations
certification guidance
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Integrated Modular Avionics
Development Guidance and Certification Considerations
z testing cannot show the absence of errors
z therefore extensive verification effort required
– requirements analysis and traceability
– consistent documentation
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Integrated Modular Avionics
Development Guidance and Certification Considerations
Certification processes
• Certification Coordination
Safety Assessment
Assessment • Safety Assessment
Supporting Processes
ARP 4761]
4761] • Requirements Validation
• Implementation verification
• Configuration Management
Function, • Process Assurance
AIRCRAFT System Design
and Safety
FUNCTION Information Hardware
Development Life-Cycle
Functional [RTCA DO-254]
Avionics System System Avionics System
Development Processes
Integration and Test
[SAE ARP4754]
Development Life-Cycle
Functions and [RTCA DO178B]
Integrity Program
Emphasis on verification/testing
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Integrated Modular Avionics
Development Guidance and Certification Considerations
Certification guidance
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Integrated Modular Avionics
Development Guidance and Certification Considerations
Certification guidance
4 - 10 RTO-EN-SCI-176
Integrated Modular Avionics
Development Guidance and Certification Considerations
Certification guidance
The DO-178B verification/testing process:
(global) specification
Level C: level D +
z test coverage of low-level requirements +
z structural coverage: 100 % statement coverage
Level B: level C +
z structural coverage: 100 % decision coverage
Level A: level B +
z structural coverage: 100 % modified condition/decision
coverage, based on object code
WG60/SC200 background
- facts
RTO-EN-SCI-176 4 - 11
Integrated Modular Avionics
Development Guidance and Certification Considerations
IMA guidance
WG60/SC200 background
- mission
WG60/SC200 background
- terms of reference
modular avionics
z define key characteristics
z specific issues in regulatory materials and practices
z stand-alone approval
z re-use of accepted process, data, product, etc.
z safety and performance issues
z involvement of certification authorities
z support TSO, AC, ACJ production
z close working relationship with other groups
other topics
z fault management and health monitoring, safety,
environmental qualification, configuration management,
development assurance, incremental qualification,
single-event-upset, electrical systems, etc.
4 - 12 RTO-EN-SCI-176
Integrated Modular Avionics
Development Guidance and Certification Considerations
IMA guidance
WG60/SC200 background
- participants
wide participation
z industry (avionics and aircraft integrators)
z certification authorities
z research establishments
WG60/SC200 background
- status
RTO-EN-SCI-176 4 - 13
Integrated Modular Avionics
Development Guidance and Certification Considerations
IMA guidance
the definition of IMA
- terminology
Application 1 Application N
Component Component
(Application Specific
(Software) (Software)
General Purpose
Module Shared
z availability
z integrity
z safety
z health monitoring and fault management
z composability
z certification authorities
z certification applicant
z IMA system integrator
z platform and module suppliers
z application suppliers
z maintenance organization
4 - 14 RTO-EN-SCI-176
Integrated Modular Avionics
Development Guidance and Certification Considerations
IMA guidance
the definition of IMA
- characteristics
key characteristics
z platform and hosted applications
z shared resources
z robust partitioning
z application programming interface (API)
z health monitoring and fault management
Typical Hardware Typical Software
Modules Modules
Application Application
Specific Hardware
RTO-EN-SCI-176 4 - 15
Integrated Modular Avionics
Development Guidance and Certification Considerations
IMA guidance
z a process for obtaining credit toward approval and
certification by accepting or finding that an IMA module,
application, and/or off-aircraft IMA system complies with
specific requirements. Credit granted for individual tasks
contributes to the overall certification goal
Integration Activity Acceptance Tasks
Task 1
Module Module
Task 3 Task 4
IMA System Aircraft
(off aircraft) Integration
Task 2
Application Specific
Task 5 / Task 6
4 - 16 RTO-EN-SCI-176
Integrated Modular Avionics
Development Guidance and Certification Considerations
IMA guidance
IMA guidance document
- certification data
Aircraft-Level IMA
Certification Plan and V&V Plan
System-Level IMA
Certification Plan and V&V Plan
PSACs / Module Module
PHACs Acceptance Acceptance
Plan #1 Plan #n
z IMA platform development process objectives
Life Cycle Data
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Integrated Modular Avionics
Development Guidance and Certification Considerations
4 - 18 RTO-EN-SCI-176