Chess Guidelines 4th

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27th Congressional District IV Athletic Association Meet 2024

February 15- 18, 2024

Atimonan, Quezon


I. Tournament Rules
The tournament shall be governed by FIDE Laws of Chess 2023 and those stated
in the following ground rules:

A. Chess shall be played as Individual competition in Standard Game. Its Distrcit

will be represented by the following number of players
a. Elementary boys – 2 players
b. Elementary gilrs – 2 players
c. Secondary boys – 2 players
d. Secondary girls – 2 players

B. The Individual Swiss System ( 5 Rounds) shall be adopted for Elementary and
Secondary Level.
a. The Swiss Manager Pairing Program shall be used.
b. The number of games per day shall be 3-2
C. The initial ranking of players will be based on draw lots.
D. Chess clock:
Use of digital chess clock (with increment) if available
E. There shall be separate championships for the boys and girls in each division:
F. The standing of players after the end of competition and tiebreaks will be used in
the selection of players for Division Meet.
G. Players, coaches, and spectators are not allowed to make post-game analysis, play
against other coaches/spectators/players with or without bets, or discuss finished
or unfinished games within 10 meters radius of the playing area.
H. Players are not allowed to eat at the playing area while the game is in progress.
However, he/she may ask the permission of the chess official to leave for this
purpose on his own time.
I. Use of mobile phone inside the tournament area is strictly prohibited. Mobile
phones must be switched off completely in the playing venue. Silent mode is not
allowed. The player whose phone rings during the game shall lose the game by
J. Players who had finished their games should vacate the playing area immediately
after signing their score sheet and returning the equipment to the officials.
K. The decision of the Chief of Arbiter on a point of law shall be final.
L. Any appeal or protest on the decision of the Chief Arbiter on a point of fact shall
be submitted duly signed by the player, the team coach and division school sports
supervisor/representative/athletic manager) in writing not more than 30 minutes
before the game started on the next round.
M. The decision of the Appeals Committee on a point of fact shall be final.


1. Time control shall be One hour(1) and thirty (30) seconds increment per
move to finish the game using the digital clock (if available)
2. Recording of moves in Algebraic Notation is mandatory throughout the
game. Violation of this rule shall be considered as an offense.
a. wrong movement of piece
b. exposing the king to an attack
c. capturing the opponent’s king
d. non-replacement of piece for promotion
e. using 2 hands in making a move (castling, promotion, capturing)

 1st offense Plus 2 minutes to the opponent’s time

 2rd offense Loss of the game

a. displacement of pieces
b. use of force in pressing the chess clock
c. improper clock handling
d. non recording of moves
e. stopping/pausing the clock without a valid reason
f. incorrect claim of draw


 1st offense Warning

 2nd offense Plus 2 minutes to the opponent
 3rd offense Loss of the game
A player who will win gets 1 point, 0.5 for a draw and 0 for loss. For a bye,
the bye player is given 1 point.

6. TIE BREAKS for Elementary and Secondary

a. Individual:
1. Direct Encounter
2. Buchholz System
3. Median Buchholz
4. Sonnen-Born Berger (SB System)
5. Greater Number of Victories

7. The defaulting time is 30 minutes on the chess clock of the concerned player
after game time.

8. All violations committed shall be considered as non-existent which was

accepted by the players once the games are finished and score sheets duly
signed and submitted to the recorder.

9. COLLATILLA: All matters not covered in the rules shall be decided by the
Chess Technical Committee.


Tournament Director
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A

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