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I. Name of Tournament

ZONAL MEET 2024 Futsal Girls Tournament

(Secondary Girls)

II. Tournament Format:

A. Teams will be playing in a double elimination game.
B. If draw exists after the duration of the match, 5 kicks from the penalty
mark will be used to determine the winner.

III. Number of Players:

A. A maximum of 12 accredited players on a team (5 field player & one

of whom shall be a goalkeeper; 7 substitutes).
B. Flying substitution shall apply.
C. Persons on the bench (technical area): 2 accredited team officials
(coach and asst. coach/chaperon and 7 substitutes.

IV. Duration of the Game:

A. Two (2) halves of 20 minutes per half (running time)

B. Maximum five 5-minute interval in between half.
C. Each team is allowed to have a maximum one (1) minute time out
only ONCE per half. This time out cannot be carried over in the next
half if unused.
D. During Elimination Round up to the Championship Match, on the
last two (2) minutes in every half, the rule on running time shall
change to stoppage time when an interference or a ball out of play
situation occurs.
E. In case of Force Majeure, the recorded time and score shall be kept
and shall serve as a basis when the game resumed.

V. Players Equipment and Uniform:

A. All players’ jersey number must only be from 1-12.

B. All players on the bench must wear bibs of different color from their
playing uniform and to their opponents. Uniform is strictly
imposed to use. In case of no bibs, jacket can be used
C. Players are required to wear their complete uniform and in
conformity with FIFA Futsal Laws of the Game:
• Team should adhere to their district color; alternate
uniform shall only be worn in cases of color conflict.
• (Sponsors uniforms are not allowed). The player’s number 1-
12, on the uniform registered on the official list shall also be
the same on the starting and the same number shall be used
by the player throughout the Zonal game duration.
• Official jersey with sleeves and shorts of their Zone
• Long socks
• Shin guards
D. Futsal shoes or rubber sole (multi spikes shoes and artificial turf
shoes are NOT allowed)
E. Undergarments should be the same color with the sleeves and
F. Tapes should be the same color with the socks.
G. The team captain is required to wear an arm band around her left
arm to enable the referee to distinguished her from the rest of the
H. All teams are obliged to bring 7 bibs for bench players. Jacket
I. In the event that both teams do not have spare/second outfits, one
of the teams should wear their bibs with a toss coin who decides
wear bibs.
J. The Goalkeeper must wear a jersey that has a color different from
the rest of the team colors and the match officials.


a. Team should be at the venue at least thirty (30) minutes before the
schedule time and should be already warmed up five (5) minutes
before the time while equipment to be used are being inspected.
b. A grace period of ten (10) minutes shall be given to the non-
appearing team after the schedule playing time. Non-appearance of
the team after the grace period will automatically forfeit its game
with a score of 1-0 points and the Tournament Committee will
meet immediately to decide on further sanctions.


a. All protest should be based on existing DepED Memo no. 045, s.
2019 – Consistent with DepED existing policies and guidelines in
resolving protest on game technicalities and protest on
eligibility, complaints should be in written form, with affidavits of
witness and / or evidence to support the same and shall filed
before the start of the second game of the concerned team.
There shall be no protest fee to be collected from the protesting
b. No Protest will be entertained regarding eligibility of players.
c. No Protest will be entertained regarding judgment calls of the
FIFA LAW will apply.
VIII. All other rules not so mentioned in these guidelines, FIFA FUTSAL Laws
2022 shall apply, especially regarding youth Goal Clearance.

Law 16 – The Goal Clearance “Where this is outlawed by domestic rules

for youth, veterans’, disability and/or grassroots futsal, if the goalkeeper
throws the ball directly over the halfway line, an indirect free kick is
awarded to the opposing team, to be taken from the place where the ball
crossed the halfway line.”

“The philosophy behind this limitation is to promote creative futsal and

encourage technical development”


a. A player who will receive two (2) cautions (yellow card) shall
automatically be suspended from the match following the match in
which she received the second yellow card.
b. A player expelled (red card) from the pitch by the referee shall be
suspended for the next match and a two (2) minute lock down
rule before replacement.
c. Disciplinary measures such as caution, expulsion of players and
officials shall be carried to the championship game.
d. In case of free for all, three (3) players from the opposing team will
be given red cards, that team will be automatically disqualified to
play, and the other team will be automatically declared as winner
of the match.

X. All other rules not so mentioned in these guidelines, FIFA Laws apply.

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