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Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024


Xiaoxin He1 , Xavier Bresson1 , Thomas Laurent2 , Adam Perold3 , Yann LeCun4,5 , Bryan Hooi1
University of Singapore, 2 Loyola Marymount University
Element, Inc., 4 New York University, 5 Meta AI
{xiaoxin, xaviercs, bhooi}@comp.nus.edu.sg, [email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
arXiv:2305.19523v4 [cs.LG] 28 Feb 2024


Representation learning on text-attributed graphs (TAGs) has become a critical re-

search problem in recent years. A typical example of a TAG is a paper citation
graph, where the text of each paper serves as node attributes. Initial graph neu-
ral network (GNN) pipelines handled these text attributes by transforming them
into shallow or hand-crafted features, such as skip-gram or bag-of-words features.
Recent efforts have focused on enhancing these pipelines with language models
(LMs), which typically demand intricate designs and substantial computational re-
sources. With the advent of powerful large language models (LLMs) such as GPT
or Llama2, which demonstrate an ability to reason and to utilize general knowl-
edge, there is a growing need for techniques which combine the textual modelling
abilities of LLMs with the structural learning capabilities of GNNs. Hence, in this
work, we focus on leveraging LLMs to capture textual information as features,
which can be used to boost GNN performance on downstream tasks. A key in-
novation is our use of explanations as features: we prompt an LLM to perform
zero-shot classification, request textual explanations for its decision-making pro-
cess, and design an LLM-to-LM interpreter to translate these explanations into
informative features for downstream GNNs. Our experiments demonstrate that
our method achieves state-of-the-art results on well-established TAG datasets, in-
cluding Cora, PubMed, ogbn-arxiv, as well as our newly introduced dataset,
tape-arxiv23. Furthermore, our method significantly speeds up training,
achieving a 2.88 times improvement over the closest baseline on ogbn-arxiv.
Lastly, we believe the versatility of the proposed method extends beyond TAGs
and holds the potential to enhance other tasks involving graph-text data 1 .

Many real-world graphs possess textual information, and are often referred to text-attributed
graphs (Yang et al., 2021). In TAGs, nodes typically represent text entities, such as documents or
sentences, while edges signify relationships between these entities. For example, the ogbn-arxiv
dataset (Hu et al., 2020a) represents a citation network in TAG form, where each node corresponds
to a paper, with its title and abstract serving as node attributes. More generally, the combination of
textual attributes with graph topology provides a rich source of information, significantly enhanc-
ing representation learning for important applications, such as text classification (Yang et al., 2015;
Wang et al., 2016; Yasunaga et al., 2017; Chien et al., 2021; Zhao et al., 2022), recommendation
systems (Zhu et al., 2021), social networks, and fake news detection (Liu et al., 2019).
Representation learning on TAGs. Prior research has explored various approaches for represen-
tation learning on TAGs. The standard GNN pipeline (illustrated in Figure 1 in light yellow), first
encodes the textual attributes of each node using shallow or hand-crafted features such as skip-
gram (Mikolov et al., 2013) or bag-of-words (BoW) (Harris, 1985) (refer to Table 9). The result-
Our codes and datasets are available at: https://github.com/XiaoxinHe/TAPE

Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024

Overview of TAPE: Title, Abstract, Prediction & Explanation

Step 1: Node Feature Extraction Step 2: Downstream Tasks

Prediction: cs.CV, cs.IR, cs.CL, cs.LG, cs.AI. on TAGs

Abstract: Text in curve orientation, despite being one of Explanation: The paper is about a new dataset for scene text
detection and recognition, which is a topic related to computer vision
the common text orientations in real world environment...
(cs.CV). The paper also mentions the use of deep learning techniques
Title: Total Text A Comprehensive Dataset For Scene Text
such as DeconvNet, which falls under the sub-category of artificial
Detection And Recognition.
intelligence (cs.AI). The dataset is annotated and involves text
Question: Which arXiv CS sub-category does this paper
recognition, which could also fall under the sub-categories of
belong to? Give 5 likely arXiv CS sub-categories as a
information retrieval (cs.IR) and natural language processing (cs.CL).
comma-separated list ordered from most to least likely, in
the form "cs.XX", and provide your reasoning. Finally, the paper discusses the effectiveness of different solutions,
which could be evaluated using machine learning techniques, falling Graph Structure
under the sub-category of machine learning (cs.LG).


Prediction: ______
Query Response Fine-tune
Title: ___________ LLM LM GNN
Abstract: ________ GPT3.5 (175B) Explanation: _____ Deberta RevGAT
_________________ (1.8M)
Trainable Trainable

without fine-tuning Shallow Embedding Techniques

e.g., skip-gram / bags of words

Shallow Embedding Pipeline (e.g., OGB) LM-Based Pipeline (e.g., GIANT) LLM-Based Pipeline (Ours)

Figure 1: Our framework leverages large language models (LLMs) to enhance representation learn-
ing on TAGs. First, textual attributes of each node, i.e., title and abstract, are wrapped in a custom
prompt (green box) to query the LLM, here GPT-3.5 (Brown et al., 2020), which generates a ranked
prediction list and explanation (yellow box). Next, the original text, predictions, and explanation are
used to fine-tune a language model (LM), here DeBERTa (He et al., 2021), and then transformed
into vectorial node features. Finally, these enriched node features, i.e., horig , hexpl and hpred , are used
in any downstream GNN, e.g., RevGAT (Li et al., 2021) to predict unknown node classes.

ing node features are then used as input for a GNN. For instance, the Open Graph Benchmark
(OGB) (Hu et al., 2020a) generated BoW and skip-gram (Mikolov et al., 2013) features for the
ogbn-products and ogbn-arxiv datasets respectively. These processed features are readily
available within popular graph libraries, such as PyTorch Geometric (PyG) (Fey & Lenssen, 2019)
and Deep Graph Library (DGL) (Wang et al., 2019), and have been widely used by the graph com-
munity. However, these shallow text embeddings are limited in the complexity of the semantic
features they can capture, especially when compared to approaches based on multi-layer LMs.
LM-based pipeline for TAGs. Recent works have therefore focused on designing LM-based tech-
niques to better capture the context and nuances of text within TAGs (Chien et al., 2021; Zhao et al.,
2022; Dinh et al., 2022). In this approach, pre-trained LMs are fine-tuned and used to generate
node embeddings that are tailored to the specific TAG tasks (depicted in Figure 1 in light gray). For
example, Chien et al. (2021) fine-tuned an LM using a neighborhood prediction task, while Zhao
et al. (2022) fine-tuned an LM to predict the label distribution from a GNN’s outputs. LM-based
models have achieved state-of-the-art (SOTA) results in node classification on ogbn-arxiv and
ogbn-products (Zhao et al., 2022). However, these works typically entail intricate designs and
demand substantial computational resources. Furthermore, for scalability reasons, existing works
mostly rely on relatively small LMs, such as BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) and DeBERTa (He et al.,
2021), and thus lack the complex reasoning abilities associated with larger language models.
Large Language Models. The advent of large pre-trained models, exemplified by GPT (Brown
et al., 2020), has revolutionized the field of language modeling. LLMs have notably enhanced perfor-
mance across various natural language processing (NLP) tasks, and enabled sophisticated language
processing capabilities such as complex and zero-shot reasoning. Furthermore, scaling laws (Kaplan
et al., 2020) have revealed predictable rules for performance improvements with model and training
data size. Additionally, LLMs have exhibited “emergent abilities” that were not explicitly trained
for, such as arithmetic, multi-step reasoning and instruction following (Wei et al., 2022). While
LLMs have found new success in domains like computer vision (Tsimpoukelli et al., 2021), their
potential benefits when applied to TAG tasks remain largely uncharted. This presents an exciting
and promising avenue for future research, and it is precisely this untapped potential that we aim to
explore in this work.

Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024

LMs vs. LLMs. In this paper, we make a clear distinction between “LMs” and “LLMs”. We use
LMs to refer to relatively small language models that can be trained and fine-tuned within the con-
straints of an academic lab budget. We refer to LLMs as very large language models that are capable
of learning significantly more complex linguistic patterns than LMs, such as GPT-3/4. These mod-
els typically have tens or hundreds of billions of parameters and require substantial computational
resources to train and use, e.g., GPT-3 was trained on a supercomputer with 10,000 GPUs. The size
and complexity of recent LLMs have raised concerns about their scalability, as they can be too large
even to run inference on the machines typically available within academic research labs. To address
this issue, LLMs are often made accessible through language modeling as a service (LMaaS) (Sun
et al., 2022). This approach enables developers to harness the power of LLMs without necessitating
extensive computational resources or specialized expertise. In the context of this paper, one of our
primary objectives is to extract information from an LLM in a LMaaS-compatible manner. As a
result, we do not require fine-tuning the LLM or extracting its logits; rather, we focus solely on
obtaining its output in textual form. In contrast, existing LM-based techniques (Chien et al., 2021;
Zhao et al., 2022; Dinh et al., 2022) are not directly compatible with LLMs, as they require fine-
tuning of LMs, as well as accessing their latent embeddings or logits, which GPT-3/4 do not provide.
Consequently, to the best of our knowledge, the use of LLMs in TAG tasks remains unexplored.
Preliminary study. To assess the potential of LLMs in enhancing representation learning for TAGs,
we conducted an initial investigation into leveraging GPT-3.5 for zero-shot classification on the
ogbn-arxiv dataset. Using task-specific prompts consisting of paper titles, abstracts, and ques-
tions, GPT-3.5 achieved a promising accuracy of 73.5%, along with high-quality text explanations,
surpassing several fully trained GNN baselines like RevGAT (Li et al., 2021) with OGB features
(70.8% accuracy), but falling short of the SOTA accuracy of 76.6% (Zhao et al., 2022).
The present work: LLM augmentation using explanations. We introduce a novel framework
that leverages LLMs to improve representation learning on TAGs. A key innovation is the concept
of explanations as features. By prompting a powerful LLM to explain its predictions, we extract
its relevant prior knowledge and reasoning steps, making this information digestible for smaller
models, akin to how human experts use explanations to convey insights. To illustrate this concept
further, observe in Figure 1 that the explanations (in the yellow box) highlight and expand upon key
crucial information from the text, such as “deep learning techniques such as DeconvNet,” and the
relationship between text recognition and information retrieval. These explanations draw from the
LLM’s general knowledge and serve as valuable features for enhancing subsequent TAG pipeline
phases. In practice, we design a tailored prompt to query an LLM such as GPT or Llama2 to generate
both a ranked prediction list and a textual explanation for its predictions. These predictions and
explanations are then transformed into informative node features through fine-tuning a smaller LM
such as DeBERTa (He et al., 2021) for the target task, providing tailored features for any downstream
GNNs. This smaller model acts as an interpreter, facilitating seamless communication between the
LLM (handling text) and the GNN (managing vectorial representation).
Our contributions are summarized as follows:

• Novel LMaaS-compatible approach. We propose the first LMaaS-compatible approach,

to the best of our knowledge, for leveraging LLMs to enhance representation learning on
TAGs. Our innovations involve extracting explanations from an LLM, here GPT-3.5 and
Llama2, and subsequently employing an LLM-to-LM interpreter to translate textual expla-
nations into enriched node vector representations for downstream GNNs. Our approach
improves modularity and efficiency compared to prior LM+GNN models.
• SOTA performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method significantly
boost the performance of various GNN models across diverse datasets. Notably, we achieve
top-1 performance on ogbn-arxiv with significantly lower computation time, i.e., 2.88×
faster than GLEM, and also excel in the TAG versions of PubMed and Cora datasets.
• Data contribution. We provide open-source access to our codes, pre-trained networks and
enriched features. Additionally, recognizing the absence of raw text data for Cora and
PubMed in common repositories (e.g., PyG, DGL), we have collected and released these
datasets in TAG format. Furthermore, we introduce the new tape-arxiv23 citation
graph dataset, extending beyond GPT-3’s knowledge cutoff, i.e., Sept. 2021. These datasets
can serve as valuable resources for the NLP and GNN research community.

Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024

TAPE (Ours) 2.88× lower computation time
76 192min, 77.50% GLEM

Accuracy (%)
75 551min, 76.57%

73 LM
104min, 73.61% Pure LM
72 GNN w/ shallow embedding
4min, 70.83% LLM-based TAPE (Ours)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Total Time (min)

Figure 2: The performance trade-off between node classification accuracy and total training time
on ogbn-arxiv (Hu et al., 2020a) for various training approaches that combine language models
(LMs) and graph neural networks (GNNs). The experiment employs DeBERTa-base (He et al.,
2021) as the LM backbone and RevGAT (Li et al., 2021) as the GNN backbone, with the size of the
marker indicating the number of parameters.


Shallow embedding pipeline for TAGs. In the context of learning representations on TAGs, a
common approach involves combining graph-based learning with language modeling techniques.
One prevalent strategy is to transform text attributes into shallow or hand-crafted features, such as
skip-gram (Mikolov et al., 2013) or BoW (Harris, 1985) features. Detailed information is available
in Table 9. These engineered features can then be fed as inputs to a graph-based learning algorithm,
such as a graph convolutional network (GCN) (Kipf & Welling, 2016), which learns embeddings
capturing the graph structure while incorporating the extracted text features. Shallow embedding
methods are widely used in the graph community due to their simplicity and computational ef-
ficiency, such as for designing GNN architectures (Veličković et al., 2017; Chiang et al., 2019;
Velickovic et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2021) or benchmarking graph learning (Yang et al., 2016; Hu
et al., 2020a). However, they may have limitations in capturing complex semantic relationships and
fully leveraging the richness of text attributes, particularly in scenarios involving intricate semantic
relationships and contextual information.
LM-based pipeline for TAGs. To overcome the limitations of shallow embedding approaches,
researchers have explored deep embedding techniques by fine-tuning pre-trained LMs, such as
BERT (Devlin et al., 2018), to generate node embeddings that are specifically adapted to the domain
and context of the TAGs. These deep embeddings effectively capture the semantic richness of text
attributes, leading to improved performance on various TAG-related tasks. Integrating LM-based
embeddings and graph-based learning can be done through different approaches. One approach is to
use a cascaded architecture, where the node features are first encoded independently by the LMs, and
then fed into GNN models. This representation paradigm has been widely adopted in subsequent
works, such as TextGNN (Zhu et al., 2021), GIANT (Chien et al., 2021), GPT-GNN (Hu et al.,
2020b), SimTeg (Duan et al., 2023), as well as in studies related to knowledge graphs (Yasunaga
et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2022) and fact verification (Liu et al., 2019; Zhou et al., 2019) that are
beyond the scope of this work. An alternative approach involves fusing text encoding and graph
aggregation into an iterative workflow, enabling the model to refine both the text representations and
the node embeddings simultaneously, such as Graphormer (Yang et al., 2021), DRAGON (Yasunaga
et al., 2022), and GLEM (Zhao et al., 2022), to name a few.
LLM-based pipeline for TAGs. Incorporating LLMs into TAG tasks presents a promising frontier.
LLMs such as ChatGPT (Brown et al., 2020) by OpenAI, PaLM (Chowdhery et al., 2022) by Google,
and LLaMA (Touvron et al., 2023) by Meta, have demonstrated their effectiveness across a spectrum
of NLP tasks. However, their potential benefits for TAG tasks have yet to be fully explored. While
some recent research efforts have sought to evaluate the capacity of LLMs in understanding graph-
structured data and enhance their graph processing capabilities (Wang et al., 2023; Zhang, 2023; Guo
et al., 2023), these endeavors, while valuable, may not be directly aligned with our specific focus

Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024

on TAGs. By exploring LLM-based methods designed specifically for TAGs, we can unlock new
possibilities for improving TAG prediction performance and advancing our understanding of text
attributes within graph-based data. Notably, our initial attempt has already inspired further research
endeavors in this direction.

In this section, we introduce notation and formalize some concepts related to language models, large
language models, and graph neural networks for node classification on TAGs.
Text-attributed graphs. Formally, a TAG can be represented as G = (V, A, {sn }n∈V ), where V is
a set of N nodes, A ∈ RN ×N is the adjacency matrix, and sn ∈ DLn is a sequential text associated
with node n ∈ V, with D as the words or tokens dictionary, and Ln as the sequence length. In this
paper, we investigate node classification on TAGs. Specifically, given some labeled nodes L ⊂ V ,
the goal is to predict the labels of the remaining unlabeled nodes U = V \ L.
Language models for text classification. In the context of TAGs, LMs can be employed to encode
the text attributes associated with each node and learn a representation that captures the semantic
meaning of the text. Let sn ∈ DLn denote the text attributes of node n, and LM be a pre-trained
network, such as BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) or DeBERTa (He et al., 2021). Then, the text attributes
of node n can be encoded by applying the LM to sn as follows:
hn = LM(sn ) ∈ Rd , (1)
where hn is the output of the LM, and d is the dimension of the output vector.
To perform node classification, the output is employed as input to a classifier, such as a logistic
regression or a neural network. The goal is to learn a function that maps the encoded text attributes
to the corresponding node labels.
Large language models and prompting. LLMs have introduced a new paradigm for task-
adaptation known as “pre-train, prompt, and predict”, replacing the traditional “pre-train, fine-tune”
procedure. In this paradigm, the LLM is first pre-trained on a large corpus of text data to learn
general language representations. Then, rather than fine-tuning the model on task-specific labeled
data, the model is prompted with a natural language prompt that specifies the task and context, and
the model generates the output directly based on the prompt and the input (Liu et al., 2023).
The prompt can take various forms, such as a single sentence or a longer passage, and can include
additional information or constraints to guide the model’s behavior. Let M be an LLM that takes as
input a sequence of tokens x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xq ) and produces as output a sequence of tokens y =
(y1 , y2 , . . . , ym ). The model M is typically trained to optimize a conditional probability distribution
p(y|x), which assigns a probability to each possible output sequence y given x. To include a prompt
p with the input sequence x, we can concatenate them into a new sequence x̂ = (p, x1 , x2 , . . . , xq ).
We then use x̂ to compute the conditional probability distribution p(y|x̂). Formally, the probability
of the output sequence y given x̂ is:
p(y|x̂) = p(yi |y<i , x̂), (2)

where y<i represents the prefix of sequence y up to position i − 1, and p(yi |y<i , x̂) represents the
probability of generating token yi given y<i and x̂.
Graph neural networks for node classification. In node classification, the task is to label each
node in a graph based on its attributes and connections with other nodes. GNNs operate by aggre-
gating information from a node’s neighbors, then updating the node’s representation based on the
aggregated information. Formally, the k-th layer of a GNN is designed as:
hki = f k (hik−1 , AGG({hk−1
j : j ∈ Ni })) ∈ Rd , (3)

where hki ∈ Rd is the representation of node i at layer k and Ni ⊆ V is the set of neighbors of
node i. Function f k is a differentiable function that updates the representation of a node based on
its previous-layer representation and the aggregated information from its neighbors. This function

Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024

is typically implemented as a neural network layer (e.g., a multi-layer perceptron, or an attention

mechanism). AGG is also a differentiable function (e.g., sum, mean, etc.) that aggregates the
representations of a node’s neighbors to produce a summary vector. The final representation is fed
into a fully connected layer and a softmax function for class prediction.

In this section, we describe our LLM-based pipeline designed for node classification on TAGs. As
illustrated in Figure 1, the key idea is to leverage the LLM’s explanations as informative features
for a downstream GNN. To achieve this goal, our method involves three main steps: 1) LLM-based
prediction and explanation generation, 2) fine-tuning an LM interpreter, and 3) training a GNN.


As outlined in the introduction, our approach is designed to be LMaaS-compatible given the scale of
LLMs. This means that we aim to operate solely through API access to an LLM, using text-based
input and output, without requiring fine-tuning the LLM or accessing its embeddings or logits.
In lieu of these requirements, our approach focuses on querying the LLM in an “open-ended” man-
ner, i.e., instructing the LLM to make multiple predictions and provide explanations for its deci-
sions. By doing so, we aim to effectively extract its reasoning abilities and general knowledge in
text format. These text-based outputs are then processed using an LLM-to-LM interpreter to create
informative node features for downstream GNNs. With this objective, for each paper node i ∈ V,
we generate a prompt that includes the title and abstract of the paper, along with an open-ended
question about the paper’s topic. The specific phrasing of the question part of the prompt is tailored
to the task and dataset, as shown in Table 5. The general structure of the prompt is as follows:

Abstract: [paper abstract]

Title: [paper title]
Question: [ask the model to predict one or more class labels of the paper, ordered from most
to least likely, and provide explanations for its predictions]

Querying the LLM results in a ranked prediction list and a textual explanation for each paper:

(Ranked Predictions) [a ranked prediction list]

(Explanations) [model-generated explanation for the predictions]

These predictions and explanations serve as supplementary text attributes for the downstream LMs
and GNN models, as detailed in the subsequent section.


Original text and explanation features. Our initial step involves converting both the original
text, i.e., title and abstract, and the LLM’s explanations into fixed-length node features suitable
for downstream GNN applications. Our approach is to fine-tune a smaller LM, which acts as an
“interpreter” for the LLM’s text explanations. The rationale behind this step is that both the LLM
and LM possess distinct advantages: the LLM has greater power and more knowledge but is less
flexible, while the LM has less skills but is compact enough to be fine-tuned to a specific task. Thus,
the LM serves to interpret the LLM’s output for the GNN, with the text explanation acting as an
effective intermediate medium for communication. Then, fine-tuning the LM enables it to extract
the most valuable and task-relevant features from the explanations.
Concretely, we first fine-tune pre-trained LMs as follows: let LMorig and LMexpl be pre-trained LMs
that take as input the original sorig and the explanation sexpl text sequences, respectively. We obtain
text embeddings for each source as follows:
horig = LMorig (sorig ) ∈ RN ×d , hexpl = LMexpl (sexpl ) ∈ RN ×d . (4)

Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024

We further apply a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) to the output of the LMs to obtain a N × C-
dimensional prediction matrix representing the LM’s predictions for each node (in logits):
yorig = MLPorig (horig ) ∈ RN ×C , yexpl = MLPexpl (hexpl ) ∈ RN ×C . (5)
We fine-tune these LMs and MLPs using cross-entropy loss. Finally, the text embeddings from both
sources, horig and hexpl , are used as enriched features for training downstream GNNs.
Ranked prediction features. In addition to the explanations, the LLM also provides a top-k ranked
prediction list for each node, which adds valuable information. To incorporate this knowledge, the
top-k predictions for node i are first one-hot encoded as vectors pi,1 , . . . , pi,k ∈ RC . These vectors
are subsequently concatenated into a kC-dimensional vector, followed by a linear transformation
to produce a fixed-sized vector of length dP . This process produces a prediction feature matrix as
hpred ∈ RN ×dP across all nodes.
In summary, we denote our features as hTAPE = {horig , hexpl , hpred }, where “TAPE” stands for Title,
Abstract, Prediction and Explanation for each node. Importantly, our framework requires these
features to remain frozen during downstream GNN training, ensuring that the LM and LLM do
not participate in the GNN training process. This characteristic significantly enhances ease-of-use,
modularity, and efficiency compared to approaches like GLEM, which involve an expensive iterative
LM-GNN training process. As a result, we achieve a substantial speedup over GLEM, e.g., a 2.88×
speedup on ogbn-arxiv even when utilizing the same backbone LM and GNN.


Our final step is to train a GNN using the hTAPE features. We aim to achieve this without increasing
the memory requirements of the GNN or making any changes to its architecture. To accomplish this,
we use an ensemble approach, as a simple and effective way of combining the features. Specifically,
we independently train GNN models forig , fexpl , and fpred on the features horig , hexpl , and hpred ,
respectively, to predict the ground truth node labels:
ŷorig/expl/pred = forig/expl/pred (horig/expl/pred , A) ∈ RN ×C . (6)
We then fuse these predictions by taking their average:
ŷ = mean(ŷorig , ŷexpl , ŷpred ) ∈ RN ×C . (7)
Each of the three models performs well individually as shown in Table 3, which validates the effec-
tiveness of simple averaging. This strategy enables us to capture complementary information from
diverse input sources, ultimately enhancing the overall model’s performance.


In this section, we aim to demonstrate that explanations generated by an LLM can be valuable
features for a smaller LM. Specifically, the explanations E are helpful if they possess fidelity in
describing the LLM’s reasoning; and the LLM is non-redundant, utilizing information not used by
the smaller LM. Let E be the textual explanations generated by an LLM; ZL and Z are embeddings
from the LLM and smaller LM respectively, y is the target and H(·|·) is the conditional entropy. The
detailed proof is in Appendix A.
Theorem. Given the following conditions 1) Fidelity: E is a good proxy for ZL such that
H(Zl |E) = ϵ, with ϵ > 0, 2) Non-redundancy: ZL contains information not present in Z, ex-
pressed as H(y|Z, ZL ) = H(y|Z) − ϵ′ , with ϵ′ > ϵ. Then it follows that H(y|Z, E) < H(y|Z).

We evaluate TAPE on five TAG datasets: Cora (McCallum et al., 2000), PubMed (Sen et al.,
2008), ogbn-arxiv, ogbn-products (Hu et al., 2020a), and tape-arxiv23. For Cora
and PubMed, raw text data of the articles is unavailable in common graph libraries such as PyG and
DGL. Hence, we collected and formatted the missing text data for these datasets in TAG format.
Additionally, given the popularity of these datasets, their TAG version will be released publicly for
reproducibility and new research projects. For ogbn-products, given its substantial scale of 2
million nodes and 61 million edges and considering our academic resource budget, we conducted
experiments on a subgraph sample. Details can be found in Appendix G.

Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024


Table 1: Node classification accuracy for the Cora, PubMed, ogbn-arxiv, ogbn-products
and tape-arxiv23 datasets. G ↑ denotes the improvements of our approach over the same GNN
trained on shallow features hshallow ; L ↑ denotes the improvements of our approach over LMfinetune .
The results are averaged over four runs with different seeds, and the best results are in bold.

Dataset Method
hshallow hGIANT G↑ LLM LMfinetune L↑ hTAPE

MLP 0.6388 ± 0.0213 0.7196 ± 0.0000 37.41% 0.6769 0.7606 ± 0.0378 13.35% 0.8778 ± 0.0485
Cora GCN 0.8911 ± 0.0015 0.8423 ± 0.0053 2.33% 0.6769 0.7606 ± 0.0378 16.59% 0.9119 ± 0.0158
SAGE 0.8824 ± 0.0009 0.8455 ± 0.0028 5.28% 0.6769 0.7606 ± 0.0378 18.13% 0.9290 ± 0.0307
RevGAT 0.8911 ± 0.0000 0.8353 ± 0.0038 4.14% 0.6769 0.7606 ± 0.0378 18.04% 0.9280 ± 0.0275

MLP 0.8635 ± 0.0032 0.8175 ± 0.0059 10.77% 0.9342 0.9494 ± 0.0046 0.75% 0.9565 ± 0.0060
PubMed GCN 0.8031 ± 0.0425 0.8419 ± 0.0050 17.43% 0.9342 0.9494 ± 0.0046 -0.66% 0.9431 ± 0.0043
SAGE 0.8881 ± 0.0002 0.8372 ± 0.0082 8.30% 0.9342 0.9494 ± 0.0046 1.31% 0.9618 ± 0.0053
RevGAT 0.8850 ± 0.0005 0.8502 ± 0.0048 8.52% 0.9342 0.9494 ± 0.0046 1.15% 0.9604 ± 0.0047

MLP 0.5336 ± 0.0038 0.7308 ± 0.0006 42.19% 0.7350 0.7361 ± 0.0004 3.07% 0.7587 ± 0.0015
ogbn-arxiv GCN 0.7182 ± 0.0027 0.7329 ± 0.0010 4.71% 0.7350 0.7361 ± 0.0004 2.16% 0.7520 ± 0.0003
SAGE 0.7171 ± 0.0017 0.7435 ± 0.0014 6.98% 0.7350 0.7361 ± 0.0004 4.22% 0.7672 ± 0.0007
RevGAT 0.7083 ± 0.0017 0.7590 ± 0.0019 9.42% 0.7350 0.7361 ± 0.0004 5.28% 0.7750 ± 0.0012

MLP 0.5385 ± 0.0017 0.6125 ± 0.0078 46.3% 0.7440 0.7297 ± 0.0023 7.96% 0.7878 ± 0.0082
GCN 0.7052 ± 0.0051 0.6977 ± 0.0042 13.39% 0.7440 0.7297 ± 0.0023 9.58% 0.7996 ± 0.0041
SAGE 0.6913 ± 0.0026 0.6869 ± 0.0119 17.71% 0.7440 0.7297 ± 0.0023 11.51% 0.8137 ± 0.0043
RevGAT 0.6964 ± 0.0017 0.7189 ± 0.0030 18.24% 0.7440 0.7297 ± 0.0023 12.84% 0.8234 ± 0.0036

MLP 0.6202 ± 0.0064 0.5574 ± 0.0032 35.20% 0.7356 0.7358 ± 0.0006 12.25% 0.8385 ± 0.0246
GCN 0.6341 ± 0.0062 0.5672 ± 0.0061 27.42% 0.7356 0.7358 ± 0.0006 8.94% 0.8080 ± 0.0215
SAGE 0.6430 ± 0.0037 0.5665 ± 0.0032 30.45% 0.7356 0.7358 ± 0.0006 12.28% 0.8388 ± 0.0264
RevGAT 0.6563 ± 0.0062 0.5834 ± 0.0038 28.34% 0.7356 0.7358 ± 0.0006 12.64% 0.8423 ± 0.0256

We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of our proposed TAPE method by comparing with existing
GNN- and LM-based methods, with the results summarized in Table 1. For GNN comparisons, we
consider three widely utilized architectures: GCN (Kipf & Welling, 2016), GraphSAGE (Sun et al.,
2021), and RevGAT (Li et al., 2021) along with a basic MLP baseline that operates independently
off graph-related information. We explore three types of node features: 1) shallow features (detailed
in Table 9), denoted as hshallow , 2) GIANT features (Chien et al., 2021) hGIANT , and 3) our proposed
features hTAPE , comprising horig , hexpl , and hpred . For LM-based methods, we investigate two ap-
proaches: 1) fine-tuning DeBERTa on labeled nodes, denoted as LMfinetune , and 2) using zero-shot
ChatGPT (gpt-3.5-turbo) with the same prompts as our approach, denoted as LLM.
Our approach consistently outperforms other methods on all datasets and across all models, demon-
strating its effectiveness in enhancing TAG representation learning. Among GNN-based methods,
shallow features (i.e., hshallow ) yields subpar performance, while LM-based features (i.e., hGIANT ) im-
proves results. In the case of LMs, fine-tuned LMs (i.e., LMfinetune ) also perform well. Our proposed
novel features, leveraging the power of the LLM, further enhance the results.
Additionally, we expanded our experimentation to include the open-source Llama2 (Touvron et al.,
2023), demonstrating the feasibility of a cost-effective (free) alternative, as shown in Table 4. Fur-
thermore, to address the potential label leakage concern in LLM, we took the initiative to construct a
novel dataset, namely tape-arxiv23, comprising papers published in 2023 or later – well beyond
the knowledge cutoff for GPT-3.5. The results clearly illustrate strong generalization capabilities:
while the LLM achieves 73.56% accuracy, our approach outperforms it with 84.23%.

Our proposed method surpasses not only pure LMs and shallow embedding pipelines but also the
LM-based pipelines on the ogbn-arxiv dataset, achieving a superior balance between accuracy
and training time, as illustrated in Figure 2. Specifically, our method achieved significantly higher
accuracy than the SOTA GLEM (Zhao et al., 2022) method while utilizing the same LM and GNN
models. Furthermore, our approach requires only 2.88× less computation time. These efficiency
improvements are attributed to our decoupled training approach for LMs and GNNs, avoiding the
iterative (i.e., multi-stage) approach used in GLEM. Moreover, unlike the iterative approach, our
model allows for parallelizing the training of LMorig and LMexpl , further reducing overall training
time when performed simultaneously.

Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024

Table 2: Experiments on ogbn-arxiv dataset with DeBERTa-base (He et al., 2021) as LM

backbone and RevGAT (Li et al., 2021) as GNN backbone for comparison of different training
paradigms of fusing LMs and GNNs, including our proposed method and the state-of-the-art GLEM
method (Zhao et al., 2022). The validation and test accuracy, number of parameters, maximum batch
size (Max bsz.), and total training time on 4 NVIDIA RTX A5000 24GB GPUs are reported.

Method Val acc. Test acc. Params. Max bsz. Total time
LMorig 0.7503 ± 0.0008 0.7361 ± 0.0004 139,223,080 36 1.73h
GNN-hshallow 0.7144 ± 0.0021 0.7083 ± 0.0017 427,728 all nodes 1.80min
GLEM-G-Step 0.7761 ± 0.0005 0.7657 ± 0.0029 1,837,136 all nodes
GLEM-L-Step 0.7548 ± 0.0039 0.7495 ± 0.0037 138,632,488 36
TAPE-LMorig -Step 0.7503 ± 0.0008 0.7361 ± 0.0004 139,223,080 36 1.73h
TAPE-LMexpl -Step 0.7506 ± 0.0008 0.7432 ± 0.0012 139,223,080 36 1.40h
TAPE-GNN-hTAPE -Step 0.7785 ± 0.0016 0.7750 ± 0.0012 1,837,136 all nodes 3.76min

Table 3: Ablation study on the ogbn-arxiv dataset, showing the effects of different node features
on the performance. Node features include the original text attributes (horig ), the explanations (hexpl
and predicted hpred ) generated by LLM, and the proposed method (hTAPE ). Results are averaged over
4 runs with 4 different seeds. The best results are in bold.

Method horig hexpl hpred hTAPE

val 0.7624 ± 0.0007 0.7577 ± 0.0008 0.7531 ± 0.0006 0.7642 ± 0.0003
test 0.7498 ± 0.0018 0.7460 ± 0.0013 0.7400 ± 0.0007 0.7520 ± 0.0003
val 0.7594 ± 0.0012 0.7631 ± 0.0016 0.7612 ± 0.0010 0.7768 ± 0.0016
test 0.7420 ± 0.0018 0.7535 ± 0.0023 0.7524 ± 0.0015 0.7672 ± 0.0007
val 0.7588 ± 0.0021 0.7568 ± 0.0027 0.7550 ± 0.0015 0.7785 ± 0.0016
test 0.7504 ± 0.0020 0.7529 ± 0.0052 0.7519 ± 0.0031 0.7750 ± 0.0012


We perform an ablation study on the ogbn-arxiv dataset (Hu et al., 2020a) to evaluate the rele-
vance of each module within our framework. The results are summarized in Table 3 and Figure 4.
Across all methods and for both the validation and test sets, our proposed method consistently out-
performs the other settings. This underscores the value of incorporating explanations and predictions
into node embeddings.
We provide time analysis and cost estimation in Appendix B, detail tape-arxiv23 dataset col-
lection in Appendix C, use open-sourced llama as the LLM in Appendix D, include a case study in
Appendix E, discuss prompt design in Appendix F, examine LM finetuning effects in Appendix I,
explore the impact of various LMs in Appendix J, and analyze memory usage in Appendix K.


Given the increasing importance of integrating text and relationships, coupled with the emergence of
LLMs, we foresee that TAG tasks will attract even more attention in the coming years. The conver-
gence of LLMs and GNNs presents new opportunities for both research and industrial applications.
As a pioneering work in this field, we believe that our contribution will serve as a strong baseline
for future studies in this domain.
Limitation and future work. An inherent limitation of our approach lies in the requirement for
customized prompts for each dataset. Currently, we rely on manually crafted prompts, which may
not be optimal for the node classification task for every dataset. The efficacy of these prompts may
fluctuate depending on the specific characteristics of the dataset and the specific task at hand. Future
work can focus on automating the prompt generation process, exploring alternative prompt designs,
and addressing the challenges of dynamic and evolving TAGs.

Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024

Bryan Hooi is supported by the Ministry of Education, Singapore, under the Academic Research
Fund Tier 1 (FY2023) (Grant A-8001996-00-00) and Xavier Bresson is supported by NUS Grant
ID R-252-000-B97-133. The authors would like to express their gratitude to the reviewers for their
feedback, which has improved the clarity and contribution of the paper.

In this statement, we provide references to the relevant sections and materials that will assist readers
and researchers in replicating our results.
Theorem. For a comprehensive understanding of the theorem presented in Section 4.4, please refer
to Appendix A for a detailed proof.
Dataset description. We summarize all datasets used in our study in Appendix G, providing infor-
mation on their sources and any necessary preprocessing steps. Additionally, for the newly intro-
duced tape-arxiv23 dataset, we offer a detailed description of the data collection and processing
steps in Appendix C.
Open access to codes, datasets, trained models, and enriched features. Our source code can be
accessed at the following url: https://github.com/XiaoxinHe/TAPE. Within this reposi-
tory, we provide a script with step-by-step instructions on how to replicate the main results presented
in our paper. Additionally, we offer download links for the Cora and PubMed datasets in TAG
form, along with the new dataset tape-arxiv23. These datasets can serve as valuable resources
for the NLP and GNN research community. Furthermore, this repository includes the checkpoints
for all trained models (.ckpt) and the TAPE features (.emb) used in our project, making it easy for
researchers focusing on downstream GNN tasks to access enriched features.

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Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024

In this section, we aim to demonstrate that explanations generated by an LLM can provide valuable
features for another model (such as a smaller LM). This is true under two key conditions:

1. Fidelity: The explanations effectively represent LLM’s reasoning over the raw text, con-
taining most of the information from the LLM’s hidden state.
2. Non-redundancy: The LLM possesses unique knowledge not captured by another model.

We formulate our theorem as follows:

Theorem 1. Given the following conditions:
1) Fidelity: E is a good proxy for ZL such that
H(Zl |E) = ϵ, ϵ>0 (8)

2) Non-redundancy: ZL contains information not present in Z, expressed as

H(y|Z, ZL ) = H(y|Z) − ϵ′ , ϵ′ > ϵ (9)

Then, it follows that:

H(y|Z, E) < H(y|Z) (10)

where E is textual explanations generated by an LLM, ZL is the vectorial representation of the raw
text modeled by the LLM, Z is the vectorial representation of the raw text modeled by the other
model, y is the target and H(·|·) is the conditional entropy.

Proof. We aim to demonstrate that the conditional entropy of y given both Z and E, denoted as
H(y|Z, E), is less than the conditional entropy of y given only Z, denoted as H(y|Z).
Starting with:
H(y|Z, E) (11)

We apply the properties of entropy to decompose this expression into two components:

H(y|Z, E) = H(y|Z, ZL , E) + I(y; ZL |Z, E) (12)

Now, we utilize the following upper bound of conditional mutual information:

I(y; ZL |Z, E) = H(ZL |Z, E) − H(ZL |y, Z, E) (13)
≤ H(ZL |Z, E) (14)
where the first line follows from the definition of mutual information, and the second line follows
from the nonnegativity of conditional entropy.
Substituting equation 14 into equation 12, we rewrite the conditional entropy as:
H(y|Z, E) ≤ H(y|Z, ZL , E) + H(ZL |Z, E) (15)

Since conditional entropy increases when conditioning on fewer variables, we further have:

H(y|Z, ZL , E) + H(ZL |Z, E) ≤ H(y|Z, ZL ) + H(ZL |E) (16)

Applying the "Fidelity" and "Non-redundancy" conditions:

H(y|Z, ZL ) + H(ZL |E) ≤ H(y|Z) − ϵ′ + ϵ (17)

Finally, as ϵ′ > ϵ, we have:

H(y|Z) − ϵ′ + ϵ < H(y|Z) (18)

Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024

Consequently, we have proven that:

H(y|Z, E) < H(y|Z) (19)

This completes the proof.


Our primary dataset, ogbn-arxiv, with 169,343 nodes and 1,166,243 edges, serves as a represen-
tative case for our approach. On average, our input sequences consist of approximately 285 tokens,
while the output sequences comprise around 164 tokens. For the ChatGPT-3.5 Turbo API, priced
at $0.0015 per 1,000 input tokens and $0.002 per 1,000 output tokens, with a token per minute rate
limit of 90,000, the monetary estimation for ogbn-arxiv is as follows:
Cost = ((285 × 0.0015)/1000 + (164 × 0.002)/1000) × 169, 343 ≈ 128 USD (20)
Considering the token rate limit, we estimate the deployment time as follows:
Time = 169, 343/(90, 000/285) ≈ 536min ≈ 9h (21)
Cost-Effective Alternatives. Additionally, we have explored cost-effective alternatives, such as
leveraging open-source LLMs like llama2. The use of llama2 is entirely free, and the querying
process to llama2-13b-chat takes approximately 16 hours when utilizing 4 A5000 GPUs.
Efficiency through Single Query and Reuse. Our method requires only one query to the LLM,
with predictions and explanations stored for subsequent use. This not only enhances efficiency but
also minimizes the number of API calls, contributing to cost-effectiveness. We also release the gpt
responses for public use.


GPT-3.5’s training data might include certain arXiv papers, given its comprehensive ingestion of
textual content from the internet. However, the precise composition of these arXiv papers within
GPT-3.5’s training remains undisclosed, rendering it infeasible to definitively identify their inclu-
sion. It is essential to emphasize that the challenge of label leakage is widespread and affects var-
ious language model benchmarks, such as the prominent BIG-bench (Srivastava et al., 2022) and
TruthfulQA (Lin et al., 2021).
To address this concern, we created a novel dataset tape-arxiv23 for our experiments. We
made sure that this dataset only included papers published in 2023 or later, which is well beyond
the knowledge cutoff for GPT-3.5, as it was launched in November 2022. The creation of this
new dataset was meticulously executed. We collected all cs.ArXiv papers published from January
2023 to September 2023 from the arXiv daily repository 2 . We then utilized the Semantic Scholar
API 3 to retrieve citation relationships. This process yielded a comprehensive graph containing
46,198 papers and 78,548 connections. Our codes to collect and build the dataset is available at:


We extend out experiment to the open-source LLM "llama-2-13b-chat" (llama for short), which
demonstrates the feasibility of a cost-effective (free) alternative, see Table 4.
It is worth noting that although llama exhibits a lower performance compared to GPT-3.5 in terms of
both zero-shot accuracy and explanation quality, our pipeline still maintains its robust performance.
As an illustration, we achieved an accuracy of 76.19% on the ogbn-arxiv dataset using llama,
slightly below the 77.50% achieved with GPT-3.5. We attribute this impressive level of generaliza-
tion to the complementary nature of the explanations themselves, which serve as a rich source of
semantic information supplementing the original text such as title and abstract.

Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024

Table 4: Node classification accuracy for the Cora, PubMed and ogbn-arxiv datasets.

llama2-13b-chat GPT3.5
Dataset Method
LLM LMfinetune hTAPE LLM LMfinetune hTAPE
GCN 0.5746 0.6845 ± 0.0194 0.9045 ± 0.0231 0.6769 0.7606 ± 0.0378 0.9119 ± 0.0158
Cora SAGE 0.5746 0.6845 ± 0.0194 0.9170 ± 0.0337 0.6769 0.7606 ± 0.0378 0.9290 ± 0.0307
RevGAT 0.5746 0.6845 ± 0.0194 0.9313 ± 0.0237 0.6769 0.7606 ± 0.0378 0.9280 ± 0.0275
GCN 0.3958 0.9121 ± 0.0026 0.9362 ± 0.0050 0.9342 0.9494 ± 0.0046 0.9431 ± 0.0043
PubMed SAGE 0.3958 0.9121 ± 0.0026 0.9581 ± 0.0073 0.9342 0.9494 ± 0.0046 0.9618 ± 0.0053
RevGAT 0.3958 0.9121 ± 0.0026 0.9561 ± 0.0068 0.9342 0.9494 ± 0.0046 0.9604 ± 0.0047
GCN 0.4423 0.6941 ± 0.0020 0.7418 ± 0.0031 0.7350 0.7361 ± 0.0004 0.7520 ± 0.0003
ogbn-arxiv SAGE 0.4423 0.6941 ± 0.0020 0.7536 ± 0.0028 0.7350 0.7361 ± 0.0004 0.7672 ± 0.0007
RevGAT 0.4423 0.6941 ± 0.0020 0.7619 ± 0.0027 0.7350 0.7361 ± 0.0004 0.7750 ± 0.0012
GCN 0.4452 0.7677 ± 0.0042 0.8045 ± 0.0264 0.7356 0.7832 ± 0.0052 0.8080 ± 0.0215
tape-arxiv23 SAGE 0.4452 0.7677 ± 0.0042 0.8378 ± 0.0302 0.7356 0.7832 ± 0.0052 0.8388 ± 0.0264
RevGAT 0.4452 0.7677 ± 0.0042 0.8407 ± 0.0308 0.7356 0.7832 ± 0.0052 0.8423 ± 0.0256


[5988] 'Title: Overexpression of apolipoprotein B in the heart impedes cardiac triglyceride

Experimentally induced diabetes accumulation and development of cardiac dysfunction in diabetic mice.\nAbstract: The
Experimentally induced diabetes
heart secretes apolipoprotein B (apoB) containing lipoproteins. Herein, we examined
whether the overexpression of a human apoB transgene in the heart affects triglyceride
Type 1 diabetes accumulation and development of cardiac dysfunction in streptozotocin-treated diabetic Type 1 diabetes
mice. Blood glucose, plasma free fatty acids, and plasma triglycerides were similarly
affected in diabetic wild type mice and diabetic apoB transgenic mice as compared with
Type 2 diabetes non-diabetic mice of the same genotype. After 12 weeks, heart triglycerides were increased Type 2 diabetes
Prediction: by 48% in diabetic wild type mice. These mice displayed an increased expression of brain

natriuretic peptide and deterioration of heart function on echocardiography. In diabetic
[12390] 'Title: Cardiac function and metabolism in Type 2 diabetic mice after treatment with BM
17.0744, a novel PPAR-alpha activator.\nAbstract: Hearts from diabetic db/db mice, a model of Type 2
apoB transgenic mice, heart triglyceride levels were identical to those in non-diabetic wild
type and apoB transgenic mice, and brain natriuretic peptide expression as well as

diabetes, exhibit left ventricular failure and altered metabolism of exogenous substrates. Peroxisome echocardiographic indexes of heart function were only marginally affected or unaffected.
proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (PPAR-alpha) ligands reduce plasma lipid and glucose The findings suggest that triglyceride accumulation in the heart is important for
[5988] Experimentally induced diabetes is present in the text.
concentrations and improve insulin sensitivity in db/db mice. Consequently, the effect of 4- to 5-wk development of diabetic cardiomyopathy in mice, and that lipoprotein formation by
[12390] Type 2 diabetes. The paper specifically mentions the The study used streptozotocin to induce diabetes in mice.
treatment of db/db mice with a novel PPAR-alpha ligand (BM 17.0744; 25-38 mg x kg(-1) x day(-1)), cardiomyocytes plays an integrated role in cardiac lipid metabolism.'
12390 use of db/db mice, which are a model of Type 2 diabetes. The
commencing at 8 wk of age, on ex vivo cardiac function and metabolism was determined. Elevated
5988 study focuses on the effects of a PPAR-alpha activator on
plasma concentrations of glucose, fatty acids, and triacylglycerol (34.0 +/- 3.6, 2.0 +/- 0.4, and 0.9 +/- 0.1 7179 cardiac function and metabolism in these mice. 5988
mM, respectively) were reduced to normal after treatment with BM 17.0744 (10.8 +/- 0.6, 1.1 +/- 0.1, [1945] 'Title: A critical role for PPARalpha-mediated lipotoxicity in the pathogenesis
and 0.6 +/- 0.1 mM). Plasma insulin was also reduced significantly in treated compared with untreated of diabetic cardiomyopathy: modulation by dietary fat content.\nAbstract: To explore
db/db mice. Chronic treatment of db/db mice with the PPAR-alpha agonist resulted in a 50% reduction in the role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha)-mediated
rates of fatty acid oxidation, with a concomitant increase in glycolysis (1.7-fold) and glucose oxidation derangements in myocardial metabolism in the pathogenesis of diabetic
cardiomyopathy, insulinopenic mice with PPARalpha deficiency (PPARalpha(-/-)) or [1945] Experimentally induced diabetes is present in
(2.3- fold). Correction of the diabetes-induced abnormalities in systemic and cardiac metabolism after 1945
cardiac-restricted overexpression [myosin heavy chain (MHC)-PPAR] were [749] Experimentally induced diabetes. 1945 the text as insulinopenic mice were used in the study.
BM 17.0744 treatment did not, however, improve left ventricular contractile function.'
749 characterized. Whereas PPARalpha(-/-) mice were protected from the development of The text mentions that diabetes was
diabetes-induced cardiac hypertrophy, the combination of diabetes and the MHC- induced by streptozotocin, which is a 749
PPAR genotype resulted in a more severe cardiomyopathic phenotype than either did commonly used method to
alone. Cardiomyopathy in diabetic MHC-PPAR mice was accompanied by myocardial experimentally induce diabetes in mice.
long-chain triglyceride accumulation. The cardiomyopathic phenotype was
[749] 'Title: Cardiac overexpression of hormone-sensitive lipase inhibits myocardial exacerbated in MHC-PPAR mice fed a diet enriched in triglyceride containing long-
steatosis and fibrosis in streptozotocin diabetic mice.\nAbstract: Intracellular lipid chain fatty acid, an effect that was reversed by discontinuing the high-fat diet and
accumulation (steatosis) and resultant lipotoxicity are key features of diabetic absent in mice given a medium-chain triglyceride-enriched diet. Reactive oxygen [11039] Type 2 diabetes is the only type
cardiomyopathy. Since cardiac hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) is activated in diabetic mice, 11039 intermediates were identified as candidate mediators of cardiomyopathic effects in of diabetes mentioned in the text. The
11039 paper discusses the use of TZDs to treat
we sought to explore a pathophysiological function of cardiac HSL in the development of MHC-PPAR mice. These results link dysregulation of the PPARalpha gene regulatory
diabetic cardiomyopathy. Transgenic (Tg) mice with heart-specific HSL overexpression pathway to cardiac dysfunction in the diabetic and provide a rationale for serum lipid- type 2 diabetes mellitus and the
were generated, and cardiac histology, function, lipid profile, and gene expressions were 18201 lowering strategies in the treatment of diabetic cardiomyopathy.' complications associated with their use,
18201 specifically systemic fluid retention. The
analyzed after induction of diabetes by streptozotocin. Electron microscopy showed
numerous lipid droplets in wild-type (Wt) hearts after 3 wk of diabetes, whereas Tg mice study was conducted on mice treated with
[18201] 'Title: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha agonist treatment in a transgenic [11039] 'Title: Thiazolidinediones expand body fluid volume through TZDs to investigate the mechanism
showed no lipid droplet accumulation. Cardiac content of acylglycerides was increased [18201] Type 2 diabetes. The paper specifically mentions the use of a transgenic model
approximately 50% with diabetes in Wt mice, whereas this was blunted in Tg hearts. model of type 2 diabetes reverses the lipotoxic state and improves glucose homeostasis.\nAbstract: PPARgamma stimulation of ENaC-mediated renal salt absorption.\nAbstract: behind the fluid retention.
Abnormalities in insulin action are the characteristics of type 2 diabetes. Dominant-negative muscle- Thiazolidinediones (TZDs) are widely used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus; of type 2 diabetes, the MKR mouse, and the treatment with a peroxisome proliferator-
Cardiac lipid peroxide content was twofold lower in Tg hearts than in Wt hearts. The activated receptor-alpha agonist to improve glucose homeostasis in this model. There is
specific IGF-I receptor (MKR) mice exhibit elevated lipid levels at an early age and eventually however, their use is complicated by systemic fluid retention. Along the nephron,
mRNA expressions for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha, genes for no mention of Type 1 diabetes or experimentally induced diabetes in the text.
develop type 2 diabetes. To evaluate the role of elevated lipids in the progression of the diabetic the pharmacological target of TZDs, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-
triacylglycerol synthesis, and lipoprotein lipase were increased with diabetes in Wt hearts,
state, MKR mice were treated with WY14,643, a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)- gamma (PPARgamma, encoded by Pparg), is most abundant in the collecting
whereas this induction was absent in Tg hearts. Expression of genes associated with
alpha agonist. WY14,643 treatment markedly reduced serum fatty acid and triglyceride levels within duct. Here we show that mice treated with TZDs experience early weight gain
lipoapoptosis was decreased, whereas antioxidant protein metallothioneins were increased
a few days, as well as muscle triglyceride levels, and subsequently normalized glucose and insulin from increased total body water. Weight gain was blocked by the collecting duct-
in diabetic Tg hearts. Diabetic Wt hearts showed interstitial fibrosis and increased collagen
levels in MKR mice. Hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp analysis showed that WY14,643 treatment specific diuretic amiloride and was also prevented by deletion of Pparg from the
content. However, Tg hearts displayed no overt fibrosis, concomitant with decreased
enhanced muscle and adipose tissue glucose uptake by improving whole-body insulin sensitivity. collecting duct, using Pparg (flox/flox) mice. Deletion of collecting duct Pparg
expression of collagens, transforming growth factor-beta, and matrix metalloproteinase 2.
Notably, mortality during the experimental period was approximately twofold lower in Insulin suppression of endogenous glucose production by the liver of MKR mice was also improved. decreased renal Na(+) avidity and increased plasma aldosterone. Treating
The expression of genes involved in fatty acid oxidation was increased in liver and skeletal muscle, cultured collecting ducts with TZDs increased amiloride-sensitive Na(+)
diabetic Tg mice compared with Wt mice. In conclusion, since HSL overexpression inhibits
cardiac steatosis and fibrosis by apparently hydrolyzing toxic lipid metabolites, cardiac HSL whereas gene expression levels of hepatic gluconeogenic enzymes were decreased in WY14,643- absorption and Scnn1g mRNA (encoding the epithelial Na(+) channel
could be a therapeutic target for regulating diabetic cardiomyopathy.' treated MKR mice. WY14,643 treatment also improved the pattern of glucose-stimulated insulin ENaCgamma) expression through a PPARgamma-dependent pathway. These
secretion from the perfused pancreata of MKR mice and reduced the beta-cell mass. Taken together, studies identify Scnn1g as a PPARgamma target gene in the collecting duct.
these findings suggest that the reduction in circulating or intracellular lipids by activation of PPAR- Activation of this pathway mediates fluid retention associated with TZDs, and
alpha improved insulin sensitivity and the diabetic condition of MKR mice.' suggests amiloride might provide a specific therapy.'

(a) Original text attributes as features. (b) Explanations as features.

Figure 3: Case study comparing features for node classification on the PubMed dataset: (a) Original
text attributes and (b) Explanations generated by LLMs. The GNN model trained with (b) accurately
predicts the label for node 12390 (type 2 diabetes), while the model trained with (a) predicts the
incorrect label (experimentally induced diabetes). This improvement can be attributed to the concise
and focused nature of LLM-generated explanations, as well as their reasoning ability and utilization
of external knowledge.

To investigate the impact of using explanations as features in improving node classification on TAGs,
we conduct an analysis on predicted samples from the PubMed dataset. Figure 3 presents a case
where the GNN model trained with original text attributes as features incorrectly predicts the label
for node 12390 (as experimentally induced diabetes), while the model trained with explanations
generated by LLMs as features correctly predicts the label (as type 2 diabetes).
This improvement can be attributed to two main factors. Firstly, compared to the original text at-
tributes, which consist of the title and abstract text, the explanations generated by the LLM are more
concise and focused. This aids the subsequent LM in generating node embeddings that capture the
essential semantics without the need to compress an excessive amount of information into a fixed-
length representation. Secondly, LLMs possess reasoning capabilities and the ability to leverage
general knowledge, which prove crucial in achieving accurate predictions. For instance, the expla-
nations generated by LLMs explicitly link type 2 diabetes to MKR mice and db/db mice (which are
common animal models of type 2 diabetes), as well as the insulinopenic mice / streptozotocin to
experimentally induced diabetes. This knowledge is either absent or only implicitly specified in the
original text attributes.

Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024

Table 5 outlines the prompts used for various datasets. Each prompt includes the abstract and title of
the paper, followed by a task-specific question. The question is formulated to query the model about
a particular aspect of the paper and request an explanation for the prediction. The answer section
is left blank for the model to fill in. Generally, our analysis finds that the current instructions allow
the LLM to produce output that conforms well to the expected format without significant deviations,
allowing the answers to be straightforwardly extracted from the text output of the LLM.

Table 5: Prompts used in this work to query the LLM.

Dataset Prompt
Cora Abstract: <abstract text> \n Title: <title text> \n Question: Which of the following
sub-categories of AI does this paper belong to: Case Based, Genetic Algorithms,
Neural Networks, Probabilistic Methods, Reinforcement Learning, Rule Learning,
Theory? If multiple options apply, provide a comma-separated list ordered from
most to least related, then for each choice you gave, explain how it is present in the
text. \n \n Answer:
Pubmed Abstract: <abstract text> \n Title: <title text> \n Question: Does the paper involve
any cases of Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, or Experimentally induced diabetes?
Please give one or more answers of either Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, or Ex-
perimentally induced diabetes; if multiple options apply, provide a comma-separated
list ordered from most to least related, then for each choice you gave, give a detailed
explanation with quotes from the text explaining why it is related to the chosen op-
tion. \n \n Answer:
ogbn-arxiv Abstract: <abstract text> \n Title: <title text> \n Question: Which arXiv CS sub-
category does this paper belong to? Give 5 likely arXiv CS sub-categories as a
comma-separated list ordered from most to least likely, in the form “cs.XX”, and
provide your reasoning. \n \n Answer:
ogbn-products Product description: <product description> \n Question: Which of the following cat-
egory does this product belong to: 1) Home & Kitchen, 2) Health & Personal Care, 3)
Beauty, 4) Sports & Outdoors, 5) Books, 6) Patio, Lawn & Garden, 7) Toys & Games,
8) CDs & Vinyl, 9) Cell Phones & Accessories, 10) Grocery & Gourmet Food, 11)
Arts, Crafts & Sewing, 12) Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry, 13) Electronics, 14) Movies
& TV, 15) Software, 16) Video Games, 17) Automotive, 18) Pet Supplies, 19) Office
Products, 20) Industrial & Scientific, 21) Musical Instruments, 22) Tools & Home
Improvement, 23) Magazine Subscriptions, 24) Baby Products, 25) NAN, 26) Ap-
pliances, 27) Kitchen & Dining, 28) Collectibles & Fine Art, 29) All Beauty, 30)
Luxury Beauty, 31) Amazon Fashion, 32) Computers, 33) All Electronics, 34) Pur-
chase Circles, 35) MP3 Players & Accessories, 36) Gift Cards, 37) Office & School
Supplies, 38) Home Improvement, 39) Camera & Photo, 40) GPS & Navigation, 41)
Digital Music, 42) Car Electronics, 43) Baby, 44) Kindle Store, 45) Kindle Apps, 46)
Furniture & Decor? Give 5 likely categories as a comma-separated list ordered from
most to least likely, and provide your reasoning. \n \n Answer:
tape-arxiv23 Abstract: <abstract text> \n Title: <title text> \n Question: Which arXiv CS sub-
category does this paper belong to? Give 5 likely arXiv CS sub-categories as a
comma-separated list ordered from most to least likely, in the form “cs.XX”, and
provide your reasoning. \n \n Answer:

Exploring Prompt Variations. We have extensively explored the influence of various prompts on
the ogbn-arxiv dataset, as outlined in Table 6 and Table 7.
Table 6 indicates that, generally, most prompts yield similar performance. However, a minor perfor-
mance improvement is observed when the title is positioned after the abstract. This finding aligns
with the principle suggested by Zhao et al. (2021) that placing more critical information later in the
prompt can be beneficial.
Further analysis presented in Table 7 demonstrates a positive correlation between the LLM’s zero-
shot accuracy and the overall accuracy of our method, implying that higher zero-shot prediction
scores lead to enhanced TAPE accuracy. Despite the variation in prompt designs, our methodology

Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024

consistently achieves similar accuracy levels, ranging from 0.7660 to 0.7750 with the RevGAT as
the GNN backbone. This consistency underscores the robustness of our proposed TAPE to different
prompt configurations.

Table 6: Prompts used for our experiments studying the effect of different prompts. Most prompts
have similar performance.

Description Prompt Accuracy

Default prompt Abstract: <abstract text> \n Title: <title text> \n Question: Which 0.720
arXiv CS sub-category does this paper belong to? Give 5 likely
arXiv CS sub-categories as a comma-separated list ordered from
most to least likely, in the form “cs.XX”, and provide your reason-
ing. \n \n Answer:
Title first Title: <title text> \n Abstract: <abstract text> \n Question: Which 0.695
arXiv CS sub-category does this paper belong to? Give 5 likely
arXiv CS sub-categories as a comma-separated list ordered from
most to least likely, in the form “cs.XX”, and provide your reason-
ing. \n \n Answer:
Focus on text content Title: <title text> \n Abstract: <abstract text> \n Question: Which 0.695
arXiv CS sub-category does this paper belong to? Give 5 likely
arXiv CS sub-categories as a comma-separated list ordered from
most to least likely, in the form “cs.XX”. Focus only on content in
the actual text and avoid making false associations. Then provide
your reasoning.
Chain of thought prompt Title: <title text> \n Abstract: <abstract text> \n Question: Which 0.705
arXiv CS sub-category does this paper belong to? Give 5 likely
arXiv CS sub-categories as a comma-separated list ordered from
most to least likely, in the form “cs.XX”. Please think about the
categorization in a step by step manner and avoid making false
associations. Then provide your reasoning.

Table 7: Study of the robustness of prompt on ogbn-arxiv dataset.

LLM (zero-shot) TAPE (GCN) TAPE (SAGE) TAPE (RevGAT)

Default prompt 0.720 0.7520 ± 0.0003 0.7672 ± 0.0007 0.7750 ± 0.0012
Focus on text content 0.695 0.7425 ± 0.0021 0.7598 ± 0.0006 0.7660 ± 0.0017
Chain of thought prompt 0.705 0.7424 ± 0.0019 0.7597 ± 0.0034 0.7667 ± 0.0028

We conduct experiments on five TAGs – Cora (McCallum et al., 2000), PubMed (Sen et al.,
2008), ogbn-arxiv, ogbn-products (Hu et al., 2020a), and tape-arxiv23. For Cora
and PubMed, we collected the raw text data since they are not available in common repositories like
PyG and DGL. For ogbn-products, given its substantial scale of 2 million nodes and 61 mil-
lion edges, we have employed a node sampling strategy to obtain a subgraph containing 54k nodes
and 74k edges. Additionally, we introduced the tape-arxiv23 citation graph dataset, extending
beyond the knowledge cutoff of GPT-3. This dataset serves as a valuable resource for the research
community. Table 8 provides a summary of the dataset statistics.


Cora (McCallum et al., 2000). The Cora dataset comprises 2,708 scientific publications classified
into one of seven classes – case based, genetic algorithms, neural networks, probabilistic methods,
reinforcement learning, rule learning, and theory, with a citation network consisting of 5,429 links.
The papers were selected in a way such that in the final corpus every paper cites or is cited by at
least one other paper.

Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024

Table 8: Statistics of the TAG datasets

Dataset #Nodes #Edges Task Metric Augmentation

Cora 2,708 5,429 7-class classif. Accuracy ✓
Pubmed 19,717 44,338 3-class classif. Accuracy ✓
ogbn-arxiv 169,343 1,166,243 40-class classif. Accuracy
ogbn-products (subset) 54,025 74,420 47-class classif. Accuracy
tape-arxiv23 46,198 78,548 40-class-classif. Accuracy ✓

PubMed (Sen et al., 2008). The Pubmed dataset consists of 19,717 scientific publications from
PubMed database pertaining to diabetes classified into one of three classes – Experimental induced
diabetes, Type 1 diabetes, and Type 2 diabetes. The citation network consists of 44,338 links.
ogbn-arxiv (Hu et al., 2020a). The ogbn-arxiv dataset is a directed graph that represents the
citation network between all computer science arXiv papers indexed by MAG (Wang et al., 2020).
Each node is an arXiv paper, and each directed edge indicates that one paper cites another one. The
task is to predict the 40 subject areas of arXiv CS papers, e.g.,, cs.AI, cs.LG, and cs.OS, which are
manually determined (i.e., labeled) by the paper’s authors and arXiv moderators.
ogbn-products (Hu et al., 2020a). The ogbn-products dataset represents an Amazon product
co-purchasing network, with product descriptions as raw text. Nodes represent products sold in
Amazon, and edges between two products indicate that the products are purchased together. The
task is to predict the category of a product in a multi-class classification setup, where the 47 top-
level categories are used for target labels.
tape-arxiv23. The tape-arxiv23 dataset is a directed graph that represents the citation network
between all computer science arXiv papers published in 2023 or later. Similar to ogbn-arxiv,
each node is an arXiv paper, and each directed edge indicates that one paper cites another one. The
task is to predict the 40 subject areas of arXiv CS papers, e.g.,, cs.AI, cs.LG, and cs.OS, which are
manually determined (i.e., labeled) by the paper’s authors and arXiv moderators.


In our experiments, we adhered to specific dataset splits and employed random seeds for re-
producibility. For the ogbn-arxiv and ogbn-products dataset, we adopted the standard
train/validation/test split provided by OGB (Hu et al., 2020a). As for the Cora, PubMed datasets,
and tape-arxiv23, we performed the train/validation/test splits ourselves, where 60% of the
data was allocated for training, 20% for validation, and 20% for testing. Additionally, we utilized
random seeds to ensure the reproducibility of our experiments, enabling the consistent evaluation of
our proposed method on the respective datasets, which can be found in our linked code repository.


Table 9 provides an overview of the text preprocessing and feature extraction methods commonly
used in graph libraries such as PyG and DGL, which are widely adopted in GNN research.
These text preprocessing and feature extraction methods facilitate the extraction of node features
from the text attributes of TAG datasets, enabling the utilization of GNN models for node classifi-
cation tasks. While these methods are easy to apply and computationally efficient, it is important to
note that they rely on traditional language modeling techniques that may not capture the full seman-
tic meaning in the text. This limitation can impact the expressiveness of the extracted node features
and potentially affect the development of techniques for downstream tasks.


The implementation of the proposed method utilized the PyG and DGL modules, which are licensed
under the MIT License. The experiments were conducted in a computing environment with the

Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024

Table 9: Details of text preprocessing and feature extraction methods used for TAG datasets.

Dataset Methods Features Description

Cora BoW 1,433 After stemming and removing stopwords there is a vocabu-
lary of size 1,433 unique words. All words with document
frequency less than 10 were removed.
PubMed TF-IDF 500 Each publication in the dataset is described by a TF/IDF
weighted word vector from a dictionary which consists of
500 unique words.
ogbn-arxiv skip-gram 128 The embeddings of individual words are computed by run-
ning the skip-gram model (Mikolov et al., 2013) over the
MAG (Wang et al., 2020) corpus.
ogbn-products BoW 100 Node features are generated by extracting BoW features
from the product descriptions followed by a Principal Com-
ponent Analysis to reduce the dimension to 100.
tape-arxiv23 word2vec 300 The embeddings of individual words are computed by run-
ning the word2vec model.

following specifications: LM-based experiments were performed on four NVIDIA RTX A5000
GPUs, each with 24GB VRAM. On the other hand, the GNN-based experiments were conducted on
a single GPU.


Table 10 provides an overview of the hyperparameters used for the GCN (Kipf & Welling, 2016),
SAGE (Hamilton et al., 2017), and RevGAT (Li et al., 2021) models. These hyperparameters were
selected based on the official OGB repository 4 , and the RevGAT and language model hyperparam-
eters follow those used in the GLEM repository 5 . It is important to note that these hyperparame-
ters were not tuned on a per-dataset basis, but instead were used consistently across all three TAG
datasets based on those from prior work, and also set consistently across both our proposed method
and the baselines. This demonstrates the generality and ease of use of our method, as well as its
compatibility with existing GNN baselines.

Table 10: Hyperparameters for the GCN, SAGE, and RevGAT models.

Hyperparameters GCN SAGE RevGAT

# layers 3 3 3
hidden dim 256 256 256
learning rate 0.01 0.01 0.002
dropout 0.5 0.5 0.75
epoch 1000 1000 1000
warmup epochs 0 0 50
early stop 50 50 50


We conducted a detailed ablation study on the ogbn-arxiv dataset to assess the impact of different
sources of node features. The study focused on three types of node features: original text features
(horig ), explanation as features (hexpl ), and predictions as features (hpred ). We systematically removed
one of these features at a time while keeping the other components unchanged in our model.
The results of the ablation study are illustrated in Figure 4. The figure presents the performance of
the model when each type of node feature is removed. It is observed that using the full set of features

Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024

Ablation GCN SAGE RevGAT

Full 0.7520 ± 0.0003 0.7672 ± 0.0007 0.7750 ± 0.0012
- horig 0.7471 ± 0.0007 0.7433 ± 0.0005 0.7656 ± 0.0038
- hexpl 0.7506 ± 0.0011 0.7528 ± 0.0024 0.7693 ± 0.0033
- hpred 0.7519 ± 0.0019 0.7605 ± 0.0008 0.7686 ± 0.0051

Figure 4: Effect of node features. We study the effects of different sources of node features on the
ogbn-arxiv dataset, i.e., original text features (horig ), explanation as features (hexpl ) and predic-
tions as features (hpred ), by removing one of them in turn from our model while keeping the other
components unchanged.

yields the best performance, while leaving out any of the features leads to a drop in performance.
However, the extent of the performance drop may vary depending on the specific GNN model used.
This ablation study provides additional insights to complement the findings presented in section 5.3.
While Table 3 compared the performance of using the full set of features versus using just one of
them, this ablation study specifically focuses on comparing the performance of using the full set
of features versus leaving one of them out. Although the experimental design differs, the overall
message conveyed remains consistent, emphasizing the significance of considering all the various
sources of node features for achieving optimal performance in node classification tasks.

We conduct an ablation study on ogbn-arxiv to explore the impact of language model (LM)
fine-tuning. Specifically, we aim to address the following research questions (RQs):

• RQ1: Is fine-tuning the LM necessary?

• RQ2: Is it necessary to use different LMs for encoding the original text and explanations?

To address these questions, we examine three settings: 1) Without Fine-Tuning: Utilizing a pre-
trained LM to encode the original text and the explanations without any fine-tuning. 2) Fine-Tuning
(Same LM): Fine-tuning a single LM for both the original text and the explanations. 3) Fine-Tuning
(Different LMs): Fine-tuning two separate LMs, one for the original text and another for the expla-
Table 11: Effect of LM finetuning on ogbn-arxiv


Without Fine-Tuning 0.5797 ± 0.0217 0.4178 ± 0.1148 0.4507 ± 0.0529 0.7507 ± 0.0189
Fine-Tuning (Same LM) 0.7566 ± 0.0015 0.7442 ± 0.0012 0.7676 ± 0.0032 0.7728 ± 0.0014
Fine-Tuning (Different LMs) 0.7587 ± 0.0015 0.7520 ± 0.0003 0.7672 ± 0.0007 0.7750 ± 0.0012

Our observations include:

For RQ1: Table 11 underscores the importance of fine-tuning the LM. It reveals a marked decline in
performance without fine-tuning, compared with the settings where the LM is fine-tuned.
For RQ2: Fine-tuning, whether with the same LM or with different LMs, yields similar outcomes,
with a slight advantage for using two distinct LMs. However, the marginal difference suggests that
our approach could be simplified and expedited by utilizing a single LM.

To access the influence of different LMs, we expand our investigation beyond deberta-base. Specif-
ically, following the approach taken in SimTAG (Duan et al., 2023), we include two additional
widely-used LMs from the MTEB (Muennighoff et al., 2022) leaderboard. The selection is based on

Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024

their model size and performance in classification and retrieval tasks: all-roberta-large-v1 (Reimers
& Gurevych, 2019) and e5-large (Wang et al., 2022). The outcomes of our study are detailed in

Table 12: Effect of different LMs on ogbn-arxiv


deberta-base 0.7587 ± 0.0015 0.7520 ± 0.0003 0.7672 ± 0.0007 0.7750 ± 0.0012
all-roberta-large-v1 0.7587 ± 0.0003 0.7412 ± 0.0015 0.7695 ± 0.0008 0.7737 ± 0.0004
e5-large 0.7595 ± 0.0015 0.7443 ± 0.0021 0.7688 ± 0.0010 0.7730 ± 0.0006

Table 12. Notably, our model exhibits insensitivity to the choice of a specific LM, underscoring its
robustness to variations in LM selection.

Table 13 presents the memory utilization for experiments conducted on the ogbn-arxiv dataset.

Table 13: Memory Usage on ogbn-arxiv dataset with DeBERTa-base ad LM backbone and
RevGAT as GNN backbone for comparision of different training paradigms of fusing LMs and
GNNs, including our proposed method and the state-of-the-art GLEM method. All experiments are
performed on 4 NVIDIA RTX A5000 24GB GPUs with a batch size of 36.

Model Accuracy
Pure LM 8,834 MB – 0.7361 ± 0.0004
GNN w/ shallow feature – 4,430 MB 0.7083 ± 0.0017
LM-based GLEM 11,064 MB 8,112 MB 0.7657 ± 0.0029
LLM-based TAPE (Ours) 8,834 MB 4,430 MB 0.7750 ± 0.0012

There is a trade-off between memory consumption and accuracy. Our model appears to be the most
efficient in terms of memory-to-accuracy ratio. It does not require more memory than the pure LM
or GNN with shallow feature models, yet it delivers the best accuracy.

Zhao et al. (2022) evaluated GLEM on the ogbn-arxiv dataset. We extended our evaluation
of GLEM with the Cora and PubMed datasets for a more comprehensive comparison with our
method. Results are reported in Table 14

Table 14: GLEM (Zhao et al., 2022)


Cora 0.8732 ± 0.0066 0.8801 ± 0.0054 0.8856 ± 0.006
PubMed 0.9469 ± 0.0010 0.9459 ± 0.0018 0.9471 ± 0.002
ogbn-arxiv 0.7593 ± 0.0019 0.7550 ± 0.0024 0.7697 ± 0.0019


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