Software/System Basic Uses Advantage/S Disadvantage/S: 1. Project Management Software (PMS)

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1. PROJECT  PMS has the capacity to The variety of tools available in Though there are
help plan, organize and project management software many good reason
manage resource tools can help drive a project forward.  utilize project manag
SOFTWARE (PMS) and develop resource These advantages include: software, there are
estimates.  Collaborate with team disadvantages to cons
 It can also manage members in real time  Some programs c
estimation and planning,  Document Sharing very costly with
scheduling, cot and  Management project costs little ROI.
control and budget  Ability to manage risks,  Project manag
management, resource forecasting and budgets. may complicate
allocation, collaboration  Reporting capabilities projects
software, communication,  Execution issues
decision making, quality relying on auto
management, time alerts.
management and
documentation or
administration system.
2. ENTERPRISE  It is an integrated  Optimization of business  The installation
management of main processes. the ERP sys
business processes, often  Accurate and timely access costly. ERP cons
PLANNING (ERP) in real time and mediated to reliable information. are very expensiv
by software and  The ability to share approximately 60
technology. information between all the budget.
 ERP is usually referred to components of the  The success de
as a category of business organization. on the skills
management software—  Elimination of unnecessary experience of
typically a suite of operations and data. workforce, inc
integrated applications—  Reduction of time and costs education and h
that an organization can of litigation make the system
use to collect, store,  Then, as each module of properly.
manage, and interpret the ERP system enters the  Resistance in s
data from same real-time database, internal infor
many business activities. another advantage is that no between depar
duplicate records or playback can reduce
operations. efficiency of
 To improve performance and software.
save time, optimize the  The systems ca
control and analysis of difficult to use.
management decisions.

3. HUMAN RESOURCE  It is a form of human Having a good HRMS can help  Privacy Concer
resources (HR) software organization leverage system may
that combines a number advantages like: safeguarded
SYSTEM (HRMS) of systems and processes  Flexibility to work with old password prot
to ensure the easy applications this barrier is oft
management of human  Integration of legacy software match for tech
resources, business and data savvy people
processes and data.  Automated processes to inside and outsid
 Human resources smoothen the work-flow company’s
software is used by  Easily Scalable to match the Fortifying your s
businesses to combine a fast-paced HR operations internally and ext
number of necessary HR  Comprehensive solution augments the sa
functions, such as storing covering entire HR and your data.
employee data, managing Admin silos  Security
payroll, recruitment,  User Error
benefits administration,  Employee Assess
time and attendance,  Downtime - Inte
employee performance with all compute
management, and software are
tracking competency and inevitable issues
training records. cause tec
management sy
are equally susc
to down time,
4. STATISTICAL  It is the set of software  SPSS is set up in a way that  Default graphics a
programs that are makes it easy for from publication q
combined together in a beginners to request  Information about
SPECIAL SCIENCES single package. analyses, and yet offers a size and confiden
(SPSS)  The basic application of fairly wide range of more intervals is missin
this program is to analyze advanced features. Data files many techniques.
scientific data related with can be imported from/  Expensive compa
the social science. This exported to many other many competitive
data can be used for programs. alternatives.
market research, surveys,  Users do not have to work  Documentation ab
data mining, etc. with syntax; however, syntax algorithms is som
files can be saved and difficult or imposs
modified. Saved syntax files find.
provide documentation about
the way new variables were
calculated and how outliers
or missing values handled.

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