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in Fashion Design and Apparel Engineering

Level-2, Term-2
Course Name: Computer Aided Fashion Design I

 Introduction to DBMS

A Database Management Software (DBMS) is used for storing, manipulating, and managing
data, such as format, names of fields, and record and file structures in a database. Users can
construct their own databases using a DBMS to satisfy their business requirements.

To interact with a database, a DBMS package generally uses SQL queries .It receives a
command from a database administrator (DBA) and prompts the system to perform the
necessary action. These instructions can be about loading, retrieving, or modifying existing data
in the system.

Database Management System in short, a DBMS is a database program. Technically speaking,

it is a software system that uses a standard method of cataloging, retrieving, and running queries
on data. The DBMS manages incoming data, organizes it, and provides ways for the data to be
modified or extracted by users or other programs.

Here, is the list of some popular DBMS system:

 Microsoft Access
 Clipper
 FoxPro
 SQLite
 MariaDB
 Microsoft SQL Server etc.

 Main Features of a DBMS

Some of the significant features of a DBMS include:

 Low Repetition and Redundancy

In a database, the chances of data duplication are quite high as several users use one
database. A DBMS reduces data repetition and redundancy by creating a single data repository
that can be accessed by multiple users.
 Easy Maintenance of Large Databases

Most organizational data is stored in large databases. A DBMS helps maintain these databases
by enforcing user-defined validation, such as user-based access.

 Enhanced Security

When handling large amounts of data, security becomes the top-most concern for all
businesses. A database management software doesn’t allow full access to anyone except the
database administrator or the departmental head. Only they can modify the database and
control user access, making the database more secure. All other users are restricted,
depending on their access level.

 Improved File Consistency

By implementing a database management system, organizations can create a standardized way

to use files and ensure consistency of data with other systems and applications.

 Multi-User Environment Support

A database management software supports a multi-user environment, allowing several users to

access and work on data in same time. It also supports several views of the data.

 Advantages of using DBMS

 DBMS offers a variety of techniques to store & retrieve data

 DBMS serves as an efficient handler to balance the needs of multiple applications using
the same data(Sharing of Data)
 Uniform administration procedures for data
 Application programmers never exposed to details of data representation and storage.
 A DBMS uses various powerful functions to store and retrieve data efficiently.
 Offers Data Integrity and Security
 The DBMS implies integrity constraints to get a high level of protection against prohibited
access to data. (privacy)
 Reduced Application Development Time.

 Disadvantage of using DBMS

 Cost of Hardware and Software of a DBMS is quite high which increases the budget
of your organization.
 Most database management systems are often complex systems, so the training for
users to use the DBMS is required.
 Use of the same program at a time by many users sometimes lead to the loss of
some data.

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