Determining Density of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures: 1. Scope
Determining Density of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures: 1. Scope
Determining Density of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures: 1. Scope
1.1 This test method determines the bulk specific gravity (Ga) of compacted bituminous mixture specimens. Use
the Ga of the specimens to calculate the degree of densification or percent compaction of the bituminous
1.2 Refer to Table 1 for Superpave and conventional mix nomenclature equivalents. Replace conventional
nomenclature with the Superpave nomenclature when required.
Table 1
Nomenclatures and Definitions
Conventional Superpave
AC - Asphalt Content
Ag Ps Percent by weight of aggregate in the mixture
As Pb Percent by weight of asphalt binder in the mixture
Ga Gmb Bulk specific gravity of compacted specimens
Ge Gse Effective specific gravity of the combined aggregates
Gr Gmm Theoretical maximum specific gravity
Grc Gmm Theoretical maximum specific gravity corrected for water absorption during test
Gs Gb Specific gravity of the asphalt binder determined at 77°F (25°C)
Gt Gmax-theo Calculated theoretical maximum specific gravity of the mixture at the specified AC
1.3 The values given in parentheses (if provided) are not standard and may not be exact mathematical
conversions. Use each system of units separately. Combining values from the two systems may result in
nonconformance with the standard.
2.1 Bulk Specific Gravity (Ga)—the ratio of the weight of the compacted bituminous mixture specimen to the bulk
volume of the specimen.
2.2 Percent Density or Percent Compaction—the ratio of the actual Ga of the compacted bituminous mixture
specimen to the theoretical maximum specific gravity of the combined aggregate and asphalt contained in
the specimen expressed as a percentage.
3.1 Use this procedure for all compacted bituminous mixtures, except use Part VI for mixtures with more than
2.0% water absorption by volume.
4.1 Balance, Class G2 in accordance with Tex-901-K, minimum capacity of 10,000 g, equipped with suitable
apparatus to permit weighing the specimen while suspended in water.
4.2 Suspension Apparatus, Non-Absorptive String, Metal Bucket, or a Cage, attached to the balance with a metal
wire or a non-absorptive string.
4.3 Mercury Thermometer, marked in 2°F (1°C) divisions or less, or digital thermometer, capable of measuring
the temperature specified in the test procedure.
4.4 Water Bath with a Tank Heater and Circulator, for immersing the specimen in water while suspended,
equipped with an overflow outlet for maintaining a constant water level.
4.8 Drying Oven, capable of attaining the temperature specified in the test procedure.
5.2 Avoid distorting, bending, or cracking the specimens during and after removal from pavements or molds.
Store the specimens in a cool place.
5.3.1 Measure and record the specimen height to the nearest 1/16 in.
5.4.1 For cores with uneven surfaces, follow the instructions in Sections 5.4.3–5.4.12.
5.4.2 For cores with level surfaces, measure the untrimmed core height to the nearest 1/16 in. and proceed to
Section 5.4.8.
Note 1—When measuring the untrimmed core height, do not include foreign matter. Foreign matter is
material extraneous to the pavement layer being tested; examples include another paving layer, such as hot
mix, surface treatment, subgrade, or base material.
5.4.3 On the top surface of the core, mark the apparent thinnest location with a permanent marker or paint pen.
5.4.4 Make three more marks around the perimeter of the core, at 90, 180, and 270° from the mark made in
Section 5.4.3.
5.4.5 Measure the height of the core at the marked locations. Refer to Note 1.
5.4.6 Take additional measurements around the core if the measurements taken in Section 5.4.5 vary by more
than 1/4 in. Mark the location of the additional measurements.
5.4.7 Average the measurements and record the untrimmed core height to the nearest 1/16 in.
5.4.8 Remove visually evident foreign matter and tack material from the core with a saw or by any other
satisfactory means.
5.4.9 Ensure that the sample size and number of samples conform to the requirements of Tex-222-F.
5.4.10 Trim the bottom or top of the core only when necessary. Remove any foreign matter and tack material to
ensure a level and smooth surface for testing.
5.4.11 Trim the minimum amount of core necessary, but no more than 1/2 in.
Note 2—Do not trim the core if the surface is level and there is not foreign matter or tack material bonded to
the surface of the core.
5.4.12 Measure and record the trimmed core height to the nearest 1/16 in.
6.1 For specimens containing moisture, follow the instructions in Sections 6.2–6.9. For laboratory-molded
specimens, perform the instructions in Sections 6.3–6.9.
6.2 Place the specimen in an oven with the flat side of the specimen on a flat surface to complete the drying
process. Oven-dry the specimen for a minimum of two hr. at a temperature of 115 ± 5°F (46 ± 3°C) to
constant weight. “Constant weight” is the weight at which further oven drying does not alter the weight by
more than 0.05% in a two hr. or longer drying interval when calculated in accordance with Section 7.1.
Note 3—The oven drying temperature can be reduced to a temperature no lower than 100°F (38°C)
provided that the specimen remains in the oven for a minimum of eight hr.
Note 4—As an option, for specimens not subject to further testing and evaluation, rapid dry in an oven at a
temperature of 140°F (60°C), for a maximum of 12 hr. to constant weight.
Note 5—As an option, use a Coredryer in conjunction with or instead of a drying oven. Dry all samples to a
constant weight as defined in Section 6.2.
6.3 Allow the specimen to cool, and then weigh in air to the nearest 0.1 g.
6.5 Unplug or turn off the water circulator in the water bath while obtaining the submerged sample weight. Attach
the suspension apparatus to the scale and submerge in water. Tare the scale with the suspension apparatus
submerged in water.
6.7 Leave the sample in the water for three min. ± 15 sec. When the scale readings stabilize, record the
specimen weight and designate as C in Section 7.2.
6.8 Remove the specimen from water. Dry the surface of the specimen by blotting gently with a damp towel for
no longer than 20 sec. To facilitate drying, gently rotate the specimen while blotting, if necessary; however do
not shake, sling, or perform any action that removes water from within the specimen.
6.9 Weigh the specimen in air. Record as the saturated surface dry weight (SSD) and designate as B in Section
7.1 Calculate the percent difference in weight:
Ga = bulk specific gravity,
A = weight of dry specimen in air, g,
B = weight of the SSD specimen in air, g, and
C = weight of the specimen in water, g.
Percent absorption 100
7.3 If the percent absorption exceeds 2%, use the preferred method, Part VI.
8.1 The paraffin method is no longer an accepted process.
8.2 Refer to Part VI of this test procedure for absorptive mixtures (those with more than 2.0% water absorption).
9.1 Use this procedure to determine the in-place density of compacted bituminous mixtures using a nuclear
density gauge.
10.1 Nuclear Density Gauge.
11.1 To standardize the nuclear density gauge, turn on the apparatus and allow it to stabilize.
Note 6—Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations to ascertain the most stable and consistent results.
11.2 Perform standardization with the apparatus located at least 25 ft. (8 m) away from other sources of
radioactivity. Clear the area of large masses or other items that may affect the reference count rate.
Note 7—The preferred location for standardization checking is the pavement location tested. This is the best
method for determining day-to-day variability in the equipment.
11.3 Take a minimum of four repetitive readings using Table 2 at the normal measurement period, and determine
the average of these readings.
Note 8—One measurement period of four or more times the normal period is acceptable if available on the
apparatus. This constitutes one standardization check.
11.4 Detect the total number of gammas during the period by determining the count per measurement period.
Correct the displayed value for any prescaling built into the instrument. Record this corrected value as Ns.
Note 9—The prescale value (F) is a divisor, which reduces the actual value for the purpose of display. The
manufacturer will supply this value if other than 1.0.
11.5 Use the value of Ns to determine the count ratios for the current day's use of the instrument.
Note 10—Perform another standardization check if for any reason the measured density becomes suspect
during the day's use.
11.6 Table 2 lists the required actions to take based on the results from Section 11.3.
Table 2
Reference Standard
If . . . Then. . .
12.1 Use the test results from Section 11.3 and the following calculations to determine the limit:
( N s No ) 2.0 No / F
Ns = value of current standardization count
No = average of the past four values of Ns taken previously
F = value of any prescale.
13.1 To determine the in-place density using a nuclear density gauge, select an area that is relatively free of loose
material, voids, or depressions. Avoid elevating the gauge above the surface of the material to be tested.
Note 11—Select an area at least 12 in. (0.3 m) away from surface obstructions such as curbing, etc. It is
optional to use fine sand to fill any voids or minor depressions.
13.2 Measure the density of the selected area in either the backscatter or direct transmission mode.
Note 12—The direct transmission method is only applicable for lifts greater than two in. (50 mm) thick.
13.3 Follow the instructions in Sections 13.3.1–13.3.2 to measure the in-place density of compacted bituminous
pavements using a nuclear density gauge in the backscatter mode.
13.3.1 Firmly seat the density gauge on the selected area so it is in full contact with the surface .
13.3.2 Record the readings that are required at each location with the probe in the backscatter position. Do not
leave the gauge in one position on the compacted bituminous pavement for a long time, as erratic readings
may result from the hot surface. Proceed to Section 13.5.
13.4 Follow the instructions in Sections 13.4.1–13.4.4 to measure the in-place density of compacted bituminous
pavements using a nuclear density gauge in the direct transmission mode.
13.4.1 Make a hole two in. (50 mm) deeper than the transmission depth used with the drive pin and guide plate.
Note 13—The hole must be as close as possible to 90° from the plane surface.
13.4.2 Firmly seat the density gauge on the prepared area so it is in full contact with the surface.
13.4.3 Adjust the probe to the desired transmission depth. Pull the gauge so that the probe is in contact with the
side of the hole nearest the detector tubes.
13.4.4 Measure and record the readings required for each location for the particular type of gauge used. Proceed to
Section 13.5.
13.5 Use one of the following methods to determine the in-place density.
13.6 Take cores or sections of the pavement from the same area selected for the nuclear tests when correlating
the nuclear density to the actual density of the compacted material.
13.7 Measure the Ga of the cores or samples taken from the selected area tested for density as described in Part I
or Part VI. Establish a correlation factor using a minimum of seven core densities and seven nuclear
densities. Adjust the nuclear density readings using this correlation factor to correlate with the actual G a
determined through laboratory testing.
Note 15—When testing thin lifts in the backscatter mode, the influence of underlying strata with varying
densities may render this procedure impractical without special planning. Most manuals for the nuclear
gauge describe the various methods to use with thin lifts.
13.8 Make correlations as described in Section 13.6 and compare the correlated nuclear density to the Gr or Grc of
the mixture when controlling in-place density with the nuclear gauge. Calculate the percent density or directly
read from programmable models to determine air-void content.
14.1 Use this procedure to establish roller patterns for bituminous pavement.
15.1 Nuclear Density Gauge.
16.1 To establish roller patterns (control strip method), refer to the gauge manufacturer’s instructions for operating
the density gauge.
Note 16—Standardize the equipment at the start of each day’s use as described in Part III when using a
nuclear density gauge.
Note 17—Operate electrical impedance (nonnuclear) gauges in continuous mode to ensure all data is from
the location in question.
16.2 Establish a control strip approximately 300 ft. (90 m) long and at least 12 ft. (3.5 m) wide or the width of the
paving machine. Select three test sites.
Note 18—Avoid areas near edges or overlap of successive passes of the rollers.
16.3 Allow the roller to complete a minimum of two coverages of the entire control strip before checking the
density. Perform density tests at the three test sites selected. Record the results. Mark each test site very
carefully so that subsequent tests made are in the same position and location. Use a colored marker keel to
outline the gauge before taking the readings. Take the tests as quickly as possible and release rollers to
complete additional coverage to prevent cooling of unrolled areas.
16.4 Repeat the density tests at the previously marked test sites. Continue this process of rolling and testing until
there is no significant increase in density. Try several different combinations of equipment, and numbers of
passes with each combination, to determine the most effective rolling pattern.
Note 19—In-place density determined with roadway cores is the final measure of rolling pattern
16.5 Construct another section, without interruption, using the roller patterns and number of coverages
determined by the control strip after completion of the control strip tests. Take random density tests on this
section to verify the results from the control strip.
Note 20—It may be possible to reduce the required coverages based on these tests.
16.6 Make density tests for job control in accordance with the Guide Schedule of Sampling and Testing or as
often as necessary, when some changes in the compacted material indicate the need.
17.1 Visual observation of the surface being compacted is a very important part of this procedure. Cease rolling
and get an evaluation of the roller pattern if obvious signs of distress develop, such as cracking, shoving, etc.
Structural failures due to over-compaction will cause the density tests to indicate the need for more
compaction. Observe closely and take particular care when using vibratory rollers, since they are more likely
to produce over-compaction in the material.
17.2 Use the minimum test time allowed by the particular gauge when measuring density on hot material, since
the gauge may display erratic results if overheated.
17.3 Exercise particular care to clean the bottom of the gauge after using it on asphalt pavement.
17.4 Use the correlation procedures outlined in Part III, Section 13.7 when using specified density and rolling
patterns with a nuclear density gauge.
17.5 This procedure provides a general guide to establish roller patterns. Follow the manufacturer’s instruction
manual furnished with the particular density gauge for specific operation of that gauge. This is essential,
since several different models and different brands are in standard use by the Department.
17.6 Nuclear gauges and the user of the nuclear gauges must meet all requirements of the Department’s
radioactive material license, “Nuclear Gauge Operating Procedures,” and the Texas Rules for Control of
18.1 Use this procedure to identify segregation in bituminous pavements after placement on the roadway using a
density-testing gauge.
21.1 Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for operating the density gauge.
Note 21—It is not necessary to calibrate the gauge to the mix.
Note 22—Operate electrical impedance (nonnuclear) gauges in continuous mode to ensure all data is from
the location in question.
21.3 When profiling a location where the paver stopped for more than 60 sec., perform the instructions in
Sections 21.3.1–21.3.3.
21.3.1 Identify the location where the paver stopped paving, such as sporadic mix delivery.
21.3.2 Move approximately 10 ft. (3 m) behind the location where the paver stopped paving, and mark and record
this location as the beginning of the profile section.
21.4 When profiling a random location, randomly select an area, and then choose an area with visible
segregation, if possible. Proceed to Section 21.6.
21.5 When profiling an area with segregation of longitudinal streaking greater than the profile length, perform the
instructions in Sections 21.5.1–21.5.5.
21.5.2 Start the profile with a transverse offset of 2 ft. (0.6 m) from the center of the longitudinal streak.
21.5.3 End profile with a transverse offset of 2 ft. (0.6 m) on the opposite side of the longitudinal streak.
21.5.4 Do not start or end a profile less than 1 ft. (0.3 m) from the pavement edge.
21.6 Determine the transverse offset 2 ft. (0.6 m) or more from the pavement edge. Take density readings in a
longitudinal direction and do not vary from this line. Visually observe the mat and note the surface texture in
the section and the location of any visible segregated areas. Take additional readings along the transverse
offset in areas with visible segregation. Include any visually segregated areas in the profile.
21.7 After completion of the final rolling patterns, position the density gauge at the identified location. Take three one min. readings (minimum time length, longer readings can be used) in backscatter mode when
using a nuclear density gauge at each random sample location. It is optional to use fine sand passing the No. 40 sieve size to fill any voids without elevating the gauge above
the rest of the mat. Take two readings; it is not necessary to move the gauge between readings.
Note 23—Operate electrical impedance (nonnuclear) gauges in continuous mode to ensure all data is from
the location in question.
21.9 Average the readings before moving the density gauge. Compare each individual reading to the average.
Discard any single readings that vary more than 1 pcf (16 kg/m3) from the average. Take additional readings
to replace the discarded readings until all the readings are within 1 pcf (16 kg/m3) of the average.
21.10 Move the density gauge approximately 5 ft. (1.5 m) forward in the direction of the paving operation. Take an
additional set of readings at any location with visible segregation in between the 5 ft. (1.5 m) distance.
21.11 Repeat the instructions in Sections 21.7–21.10. Complete a minimum of 10 sets of readings.
Note 24—Use a nuclear density gauge to verify impedance gauge readings whenever readings from an
impedance gauge may not be accurate.
21.13 Determine the difference between the highest and lowest average density.
21.14 Determine the difference between the average and lowest average density.
21.15 Record the data using the Example Segregation Profile Worksheet.
22.1 Use this procedure to determine the Ga of compacted bituminous mixtures using the vacuum device. This
procedure is applicable for mixtures with more than 2.0% water absorption by volume.
23.1 Specialized Vacuum Sealing Device.
23.2 Balance, Class G2 in accordance with Tex-901-K, minimum capacity of 10,000 g, equipped with suitable
apparatus to permit weighing of the specimen while suspended in water.
23.3 Suspension Apparatus, Non-Absorptive String, Metal Bucket, or Cage, attached to the balance with a metal
wire or a non-absorptive string.
23.4 Mercury Thermometer, marked in 2°F (1°C) divisions or less, or digital thermometer, capable of measuring
the temperature specified in the test procedure.
23.5 Water Bath with a Tank Heater and Circulator, for immersing the specimen in water while suspended from a
scale, equipped with an overflow outlet for maintaining a constant water level.
24.2 Avoid distorting, bending or cracking the specimens during and after removal from pavements or molds.
Store the specimens in a cool place
24.3.1 Measure and record the specimen height to the nearest 1/16 in.
24.4.1 For cores with uneven surfaces, follow the instructions in Sections 24.4.3–24.4.12.
24.4.2 For cores with level surfaces, measure the untrimmed core height to the nearest 1/16 in. and proceed to
Section 24.4.8.
Note 25—When measuring the untrimmed core height, do not include foreign matter. Foreign matter is
material extraneous to the pavement layer being tested; examples include another paving layer, such as hot
mix, surface treatment, subgrade, or base material.
24.4.3 On the top surface of the core, mark the apparent thinnest location with a permanent marker or paint pen.
24.4.4 Make three more marks around the perimeter of the core, at 90, 180, and 270° from the mark made in
Section 24.4.3.
24.4.5 Measure the height of the core at the marked locations. Refer to Note 25.
24.4.6 Take additional measurements around the core if the measurements taken in Section 24.4.5 vary by more
than 1/4 in. Mark the location of the additional measurements.
24.4.7 Average the measurements and record the untrimmed core height to the nearest 1/16 in.
24.4.8 Remove visually evident foreign matter and tack material from the core with a saw or by any other
satisfactory means.
24.4.9 Ensure that the sample size and number of samples conform to the requirements of Tex-222-F.
24.4.10 Trim the bottom or top of the core only when necessary. Remove any foreign matter and tack material to
ensure a level and smooth surface for testing.
24.4.11 Trim the minimum amount of core necessary, but no more than 1/2 in.
Note 26—Do not trim the core if the surface is level and there is not foreign matter or tack material bonded to
the surface of the core.
24.4.12 Measure and record the trimmed core height to the nearest 1/16 in.
25.1 Use a supply of large and small-specialized polymer bags as recommended by the manufacturer.
26.1 Vacuum Sealing Device Setup:
26.1.2 Set the sealing bar timer in accordance with the vacuum device manufacturer’s recommendations.
Note 28—Inspect the seal quality after the first sealing operation. Reduce the setting if the polymer bag
stretches or burns. Increase the setting if the seal is not complete or the bag easily separates.
26.2.1 Perform the instructions in Sections 26.2.2–26.2.3 for specimens containing moisture. Proceed to Section
26.2.4 for laboratory-molded specimens.
26.2.2 Proceed to Section 26.2.3 or, as an option, pre-dry the specimen using a Coredryer or air dry to remove
excess moisture.
26.2.3 Place the specimen in an oven with the flat side of the specimen on a flat surface. Oven-dry the specimen for
a minimum of two hr. at a temperature of 115 ± 5°F (46 ± 3°C) to a constant weight. “Constant weight” is the
weight at which further oven drying does not alter the weight by more than 0.05% in a two hr. or longer drying
interval in accordance with Section 7.1. Refer to Part I, Notes 3 and 4.
26.2.4 Allow the specimen to cool to room temperature, and then weigh in air to the nearest 0.1 g. Record and
designate this weight as A in Section 27.1.
26.2.5 Open the lid of the vacuum device. Stack or remove rectangular spacer plates in the vacuum chamber of the
vacuum device so there is adequate space for the test specimen.
26.2.6 Place a sliding plate in the vacuum chamber on top of the spacer plates away from the seal bar.
Note 29—Place the sliding plate in the chamber to reduce friction during the sealing operation.
26.2.7 Select and use a large or small polymer bag, as recommended by the manufacturer, to seal the specimen.
26.2.8 Weigh the selected polymer bag and record and designate this weight as B in Section 27.1. Calculate the ratio, R, by dividing the weight of the specimen by the weight of the bag. Look up the calculated R-value and record and designate the corresponding correction factor from the table
as CF in Section 27.1. Place the specimen in the polymer bag, carefully avoiding puncturing or tearing the bag. Center the core in the bag, leaving approximately 1 in. (25.4 mm) of slack on the backside. Position the bag so that approximately 1 in. (25.4 mm) of the open end is evenly against the sealing bar. Close the lid of the vacuum device and hold firmly for two to three sec.
Note 30—The vacuum pump will start, and the lid will stay closed on its own. The vacuum gauge will read
less than 28 in. (50 mm) Hg. The lid of the vacuum device will automatically open upon completion of the sealing process. Carefully
remove the sealed specimen from the chamber. Gently pull on the polymer bag to ensure the seal is tightly
conformed to the specimen. Return to the instructions in Section 26.2.8 if the seal is not tightly conformed to
the specimen.
Note 31—A loose seal may be an indication of a leak.
26.2.11 Determine the type of apparatus to use to weigh the samples suspended in water.
26.2.12 Unplug or turn off the water circulator in the water bath while obtaining the submerged sample weight. Attach
the apparatus to the scale and submerge in water. Tare the scale with the apparatus submerged in water.
26.2.13 Completely submerge the sealed specimen in water at 77 ± 3°F (25 ± 2°C) and record the weight of the
specimen in the bag. Weigh the sealed specimen in water. Record the weight to the nearest 0.1 g when the
scale reading stabilizes. Designate this weight as C in Section 27.1.
Note 32—Do not allow the polymer bag to touch the sides of the water bath.
26.2.14 Remove the specimen from the polymer bag and reweigh the specimen in air. Compare this weight to the
weight recorded for A in Section 26.2.4. If the difference in weight is greater than 5 g, a leak may have
occurred. Dry the sample to a constant weight and repeat the procedure using a new polymer bag.
26.3 Do not use the test results calculated in this test procedure using the vacuum device if this method produces
a Ga that is higher than the Ga calculated in Part I.
Note 33—Use the results calculated in Part I of this method in this case.
27.1 Calculate the Ga of the compacted specimen:
Ga = bulk specific gravity,
A = weight of specimen in air, g,
B = weight of the polymer bag in air, g,
C = weight of sealed specimen in water, g, and
CF = correction factor.
28.1 Use this procedure to perform a longitudinal joint density evaluation on bituminous pavement using a density-
testing gauge.
29.1 Nuclear Density Gauge.
31.1 Perform a Longitudinal Joint Density Using a Density-Testing Gauge:
31.1.1 Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for operating the density gauge.
31.1.2 Identify the random sample location selected for in-place air void testing. Mark and record this location as the
reference point to perform the joint evaluation.
Note 34—This point must be more than 2 ft. (0.6 m) from the pavement edge.
31.1.3 Position the gauge at the random sample location selected for in-place air void testing identified in Section
36.1.2 after completion of the final rolling pattern. Take three one min. readings (minimum time length, longer readings can be used) in backscatter mode when
using a nuclear density gauge. It is optional to use fine sand passing the No. 40 sieve size to fill any voids without elevating the gauge above
the rest of the mat. Take two readings; it is not necessary to move the gauge between readings.
Note 35—Operate electrical impedance (nonnuclear) gauges in continuous mode to ensure all data is from
the location in question.
31.1.4 Record the density measurements from the density gauge at the random sample location selected for in-
place air void testing.
31.1.5 Measure the longitudinal joint density at the right and left edge of the mat, which is or will become a
longitudinal joint.
Note 36—Select a location that is perpendicular to the random sample location selected for in-place air void
31.1.6 Position the gauge with the center placed 8 in. (200 mm) from the pavement edge that is or will become a
longitudinal joint. Orient the gauge so the longer dimension of the gauge is parallel to the longitudinal joint. Take three one min. readings (minimum time length, longer readings can be used) in backscatter mode when
using a nuclear density gauge. It is optional to use fine sand passing the No. 40 sieve size to fill any voids without elevating the gauge above
the rest of the mat. Take two readings; it is not necessary to move the gauge between readings.
Note 38—Operate electrical impedance (nonnuclear) gauges in continuous mode to ensure all data is from
the location in question.
31.1.7 Record the density measurements from the density gauge at the longitudinal joint.
31.1.8 Determine the difference in density between the readings taken at the random sample location selected for
in-place air void testing and the readings taken at the longitudinal joint.
Note 39—Use a nuclear density gauge to verify impedance gauge readings whenever readings from an
impedance gauge may not be accurate.
31.1.9 Record and report the data using the Example Longitudinal Joint Density Worksheet.
31.2.1 Record the average Ga of the cores taken at the random sample location selected for in-place air voids (A).
31.2.2 Record the Gr for each sublot evaluated for joint density (B).
31.2.3 Record the average density gauge reading in pcf (kg/m3) at the longitudinal joint sample location for in-place
air voids (C).
31.2.4 Record the average density gauge reading in pcf (kg/m3) at the interior mat random sample location for in-
place air voids (D).
31.2.5 Record and report the data using the Example Longitudinal Joint Density Worksheet.
32.1 Calculate the correlated joint density, CJD (%) of the compacted specimen:
CJD (%) 100
A = Average Ga of cores at random sample location,
B = Rice gravity, Gr, for each sublot,
C = Average density gauge reading at the longitudinal joint, pcf (kg/m3), and
D = Average density gauge reading at the interior mat sample location, pcf (kg/m 3).
33.1 Use this procedure to back-calculate the Gr of loose PFC and TBWC mixtures, to calculate the Ga of
laboratory-molded specimens for PFC and TBWC mixtures using dimensional analysis, and to calculate
density of compacted PFC and TBWC mixtures.
35.1 Back calculate Gr.
35.1.5 Determine the specific gravity of the asphalt binder. Round to three decimal places (0.001).
35.2.1 Measure the weight of the laboratory molded specimen in air, to the nearest 0.1 g.
35.2.3 Measure the height of the laboratory-molded specimen, to the nearest 0.1 mm.
35.2.5 Measure the diameter of the laboratory-molded specimen, to the nearest 0.1 mm.
Note 42—The diameter for specimens molded with a Superpave Gyratory Compactor is 150 mm.
35.2.6 Calculate the radius of the laboratory-molded specimen by dividing the diameter, as determined in Section
34.2.5, by 2.
Note 43—The radius for specimens molded with a Superpave Gyratory Compactor is 75 mm.
35.3.1 Divide the Ga determined in Section 35.2.8 by the Gr determined in Section 35.1.7.
36.1 Calculate the Gr of the loose PFC or TBWC mixture:
100 As As
Ge Gs
Gr = theoretical maximum specific gravity,
Ge = effective specific gravity, %,
As = AC, %,and
Gs = asphalt binder specific gravity, 0.001.
r 2 h
Ga = bulk specific gravity,
W = weight of specimen, 0.1 g,
π = pi, 3.14,
r = radius of specimen, 1 mm,
h = height of specimen, 0.1 mm, and
γ = density of water, 0.001 g/mm3.
37.1.1 Quality Control/Quality Assurance (QC/QA), used in conjunction with the hot mix specification and test data
worksheets. Refer to the “Help” tab for detailed instructions on how to use the program.