Fashion 40 To 57

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Chapter 3

3.1 PESTEL Analysis of Fashion Industry

It is very crucial to do the PESTEL analysis. It helps to analyze the business condition
and potentials of any company or service. The user can get an idea of the external
conditions that can hinder their growth or be catalytic in their growth. Like other
industries, airline industries are also get affected by social conditions. The whole world
is connected via airlines. There are domestic and international flights. For this reason,
the aviation industry is widespread and may get affected by different external factors.
The PESTEL analysis aviation industry can help them to have an idea about those

3.1.1 Political Factors

The government of any area, whether local or central, always follows a set of rules and
regulations, and abiding by these rules and regulations is the most important thing. But these
rules and regulations also take part in influencing a company or industry's behavior and return.
The political factors that influence the Fashion Industry are as follows:

 Importing materials: Governments of many countries do not allow the import of

materials to make clothes from other countries due to the high tax rate. Sometimes the
government encourages markets to buy local products so that it helps the country. Many
people prefer local materials over importing materials or services from other countries.
Thus, affecting the fashion industry.
 Materials used to make clothes: Many NGOs or activists are highly against using
animal skin or fur for fashionable trendy attires. The life of an innocent animal is way
more important than the momentary satisfaction of being fashionable. Countries banning
these materials can pose a challenge to fashion industry operations.
 Fashion trends: Social media influencers play a significant role in marketing various
fashion brands. But it seems, in being fashionable, the first ladies do not lag much. People
like Jackie Kennedy, Michelle Obama, and Melanie Trump are a few good examples and
essential political factors influencing the industry.

3.1.2 Economic Factors

The economy plays a pivotal part in any business, small or large. Several economic factors
influence a company's past, present, and future, and analysts do nothing but study these factors to
make proper financial decisions for a company or an industry. The economic factors that can play
the role of an influencer in the fashion industry are as follows:

 Low-income areas: People have been spending their money nowadays on good clothes.
Everyone wants to be trendy in the world of fashion. But a part of our society struggles to
have the basic needs in life. Thus, investing in the fashion industry is out of the question.
Hence, the fashion industry has only a limited niche.
 Renting clothes: There is a new trend where to attend any event you can rent clothes. It
can be suited for meetings, traditional cultural events, dresses for parties, and even
jewelry. It saves customers money and can be a very active part of the entire fashion

3.1.3 Social Factors

Society is a big part of any market. Social norms, regulations, and ideologies play an essential
role in the case of some of the industries. The fashion industry is one such industry that heavily
depends on social trends. Thus, the social and cultural factors that the fashion industry is
dependent on are as follows:

 Music Industry: The music industry has always been one of the most influential factors
in the fashion industry. Musicians, having enough fan base to some extent, can change the
fashion sense of the audience. Recently, K-pop has been making enough sounds, and the
K-idol fashion sense is the rage currently.
 Event-based management of fashion: Humans are social creatures. They tend to dress
according to the nature of the event. Thus, if someone is going for a business meeting,
they will look for suits. However, while going to a cultural event, the demand for dresses
appropriate for the function will not be the same.
3.1.4 Technological Factors

Today, technology is no more a choice but a need. Especially when it comes to business, you
require advanced technology. A small company cannot achieve its height and become successful
if they lack it. The fashion industry is all about proper marketing. The best form of marketing
comes from the appropriate usage of technology. The technological factors that impact the
fashion industry are as follows:

 Online shopping: In 2022, you cannot find a single household that hasn't ordered any
clothing item online. No matter whether you like it or not, you have done it at least once,
and this is because online shopping has made everything way smoother than before. You
have more options on what you want to wear. The prices are within budget because of the
massive competition, and it saves you a lot of time and energy as you do not have to go
anywhere and waste time and energy in the process and the best out of all door-to-door
delivery. This easy access has made the fashion industry boom in recent years.
 Television shows: Many television shows help encourage people to fall in love with
fashion. Almost everything is on fashion-related shows; what accessories will go with
what dress, and which fashion item is the trend. Moreover, people get influenced by
models. They play a significant role in boosting the already booming fashion industry and
its revenue with the press of a button.

3.1.5 Ecological Factors

Environment-friendly behavior can take a company a long way and make it a successful business.
The newer generations are all about saving the planet for future generations to thrive. If a
company ensures a healthy environment, it will be in the business for a long time. Thus, the
environmental factors influencing the fashion industry are as follows:

 Excess use of transportation: Several shiftings are involved during product

manufacturing. First, materials if imported, then throughout the process of making the
desired fashion item, and finally, while shipping. All of these require heavy
transportation, emitting harmful gasses into the environment.

 Quality of products: Though a pair of jeans starts with a cotton base, by the time the
manufacturing is complete, you don't know what hazardous chemicals they use and their
harmful effects on your health and the environment.

3.1.6 Legal Factors

Legal factors are the laws implemented in society for its betterment. Some laws ensure safety for
consumers, companies, manufacturers, and more. A company or industry must be highly aware of
these laws so that they do not hamper their brand name or reputation in the market. Therefore, the
significant legal factors that can cause some shifts in the fashion industry are as follows:

 Workers' Rights: Workers invest their time, energy, and hard work to ensure the
manufacturing of the best quality goods. Thus, underpaying or not taking proper care of
these workers is inhumane. So, the legal rights protect these workers giving them the right
to be treated appropriately and with apt respect. Often, Asian workers are underpaid for
their hard work, leading to consumers boycotting such fashion companies.
 Consumer laws: Consumers are the pillars of this industry, and the government has
ensured that they are never poorly treated or cheated on by these companies. Consumer
safety is the biggest concern for the government due to the increased amount of consumer
private information leakage. So, the fashion industry needs to start treating its consumers
better and providing them with proper safety.
 Taxations: To avoid getting sued by the government, a company or an industry should
ensure they follow all the rules and regulations based on taxation. They should also pay
property taxes to the government. If a fashion brand gets in turmoil with the law
enforcers, its reputation and brand value might go downhill.

Chapter 4

Issue/Challenges in Fashion Industry

“Anxiety” and “worry”. Are two words we could define the feelings with which the fashion
world, and its top executives, face the year in 2020. This situation is counterbalanced by the
slight air of optimism with which some sectors, especially in the United States, were entering

With such a worrying situation for the fashion industry, it will not be bad news. Or rather, it will
not be bad news for everyone. Since the growth of the emerging markets in Europe, Latin
America, the Middle East and Africa is expected to remain stable throughout 2020. At the same
time, we will see a greater concentration of a sector in which large companies and multinationals
will be taking an increasing share of the pie. Because they will be the only ones able to satisfy the
demands in innovation and sustainability that today’s consumers demand.

1. On High Alert

One of the main recommendations the report makes to companies is that by 2020 they should act
with extreme caution. They should pay particular attention to monitoring potential frictions
between developed economies and emerging markets. Situations that, together with the increased
risk of a possible recession, have already led many companies to develop resilience guides and
contingency plans with which to mitigate macroeconomic and geopolitical instabilities and trade

2. New generation of consumers

As all companies struggle to capture and retain users’ attention through the same platforms and
social networks, it will become imperative for fashion companies to rethink their strategies and
find ways to maximize the return on marketing spend. To achieve this, it will be key to achieve
content capable of attracting maximum attention. Content must be developed taking into account

the platform on which it will be published and the market to which it is directed, using, whenever
possible, direct links that facilitate the purchase.

3. Neighbourhood shops

The immediacy demanded by today’s consumers is causing many companies to decide to

complete their commercial network with smaller physical stores. With which they manage to
bring the products closer to the consumer. Being successful, they point out from the report, in
managing to combine the experiences in stores with an offer located in neighbourhoods and
suburbs beyond the main commercial routes.

4. More Sustainability

The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries, and one of the most energy and raw
material intensive. For this reason, and in spite of the tenuous advances that are already being
introduced, 2020 will be the year in which companies will have to leave their promotional and
advertising initiatives to three, replacing them with really significant actions that will even
exceed what consumers are already demanding today. In this way, the definitive transformation
of the industry towards a new sustainable model will be promoted.

5. New Materials

There are more and more companies that are betting on exploring new alternatives to traditional
materials, deciding to replace them in their collections with new, more sustainable or technical
fabrics. These advances are expected to continue throughout 2020, a year in which great surprises
are expected to come from the R+D departments.

6. An Inclusive culture

Consumers already demand that fashion companies be proactive guarantors and advocates of
diversity and inclusion. These two concepts will continue to be at the heart of companies’
agendas throughout 2020, being among their highest priorities and affecting their own internal
organisation, advertising campaigns and collections. These measures will add to an increasing
demand in terms of transparency.

7. Beyond China

China will continue to offer incredible and exciting growth opportunities for the fashion industry
in 2020, but the Chinese giant is proving to be much more complex than many multinationals
ventured to estimate. So it is advised that, as some companies are becoming too dependent on the
Chinese market, and others are only aspiring to enter it; companies should consider diversifying
their risks by expanding into other growth areas.

8. Increased Foreign Competition

Until now, companies, especially European and American multinationals, had found in Asia a
“virgin” market in which to fatten their economic balance sheets. Something that, as we have
already seen in 2019, has begun to prove not to be so easy to achieve, in a trend that does not
seem to be diminishing throughout 2020, but quite the opposite. New challenges will appear as
Asian companies and SMEs begin to abandon their traditional role as manufacturers, and start
selling their products directly to end consumers. A large number of hitherto unknown players are
expected to emerge in the coming year, especially from the supply chains of multinationals in
Asia. From where they will begin to sell their products at very competitive prices through
online trading platforms and international marketplaces.

9. Revolution at the fairs

Some of them have even disappeared, while the vast majority are committed to introducing new
advances with which to adapt to the new times. A transformation that we will continue to observe
at the international fairs in 2020. In which, in an attempt to differentiate themselves, or even to
survive, they will add B2C experiences or launch new services and improvements in relation to
their traditional B2B strategy.

10. Recalibrating the digital

With many of them making major acquisitions, others making the leap into the physical
environment and a few reaching the coveted “unicorn” status, there is no doubt about the great
role that native digital companies have managed to play throughout 2019. A role that could start
to have its days counted. “Investor sentiment is getting worse” in relation to almost all digital
companies, the report says. Therefore, it is possible that in 2020 we will see, on the one hand, a
lesser appearance of new companies, and on the other hand, the disappearance of some of them.
Both as a result of a change in the parameters of investor financing and in their profitability

What are the challenges faced in the fashion industry?

Behind the glamourous surface of the fashion industry, there is a dark side of pollution, labor
exploitation, and an excessive use of resources. These are some of the main challenges of the
fashion industry today, and inherent in them, also the main opportunities.

Chapter 5

List of Emerging technology in Fashion industry

Technology is constantly evolving, and the fashion industry is no exception. In fact, technology
is playing an increasingly important role in the fashion world.
These technologies are changing the way clothing is designed, produced, marketed and
Here are 6 emerging technology trends in the fashion industry that you should keep an eye on.

1. Artificial intelligence in fashion

Artificial intelligence in fashion is also starting to make its mark.

AI is being used to create predictive analytics that can help fashion brands forecast trends. It’s
also being used to create digital personal assistants that can help consumers with their shopping
such as recommending clothes based on their personal style.
It can also be leveraged to create custom-made clothes that are made to order and track the
customer journey to provide them with a more customized shopping experience.

2. Mobile commerce in fashion

It’s no longer enough to allow customers to shop from the comfort of their homes. These days
shoppers want to shop where they want, when they want to, on whatever wifi network they can
Don’t believe us? Look at the numbers:

According to Statista, mobile commerce accounts for 46% of all ecommerce revenue.

Global consumer retail spending via mobile chatbots is expected to reach $142 billion by 2024 –
up from $2.8 billion in 2019.

Whether it’s making a last-minute purchase, ordering an item online that was out of stock at the
physical store, seeking out a better price point, or simply shopping while bored waiting for the
subway — mobile purchasing is here to stay.
Retailers must get on board with user-friendly, responsive mobile shopping experiences, or lose
customers to their more tech-savvy competitors.

3. Virtual and augmented reality (VR) in fashion

w as it allows designers to create virtual showrooms and runway shows, giving consumers a
realistic experience of the clothes without having to actually see them in person.
This technology is also being used to create virtual fitting rooms so that consumers can try on
clothes without having to step into a store.
In addition to VR, augmented reality is another technology that is starting to make its way into
the fashion industry, allowing users to see digital images superimposed over the real world.
This technology can be used in a number of ways in the fashion industry, including allowing
consumers to see how clothes look on them before they buy them, or helping designers to create
virtual prototypes of their designs.

4. Fashionable activity trackers

By now we’re all aware of activity trackers like Apple Watch, Fitbit, Whoop, and Oura
Rings that monitor, calorie burn, athletic activities, and sleep cycles.
With price points now as low as $30 for some lesser-known fitness tracker brands, these
pieces have become extremely commonplace amongst active — and aspiring to be active —
In the last couple of years, activity trackers have moved further into the fashion industry, with
designers pairing up with tech companies to offer more stylish alternatives to the often bulky look
of certain fitness trackers.
The Misfit Shine got a glittering makeover from Swarovski, including the added feature of solar
power from the light refracted by the crystal while Fitbit partnered with Tory Burch to give the
Fitbit Flex a high-end new leather accessory.

Now independent companies are sweeping in to steal a piece of the pie. The Bellabeat
LEAF, Mira Tracker Bracelet, and CUFF line can all easily pass as regular jewelry items, all
while doing the work of their more mainstream, less-stylish competitors.

5. Influencer marketing in fashion

Digital Marketers in the fashion industry know just how important social media has become in
creating a successful brand.

While influencer marketing in fashion is nothing new, technology is starting to play a bigger role
in this area as well.
Social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube are being used by fashion brands to reach
out to influencers with large followings. These influencers can then promote the brand’s products
to their followers.
And with platforms like Instagram spotlighting major fashion events like “The Best of Fashion
Week” with Instagram-curated selections of #NYFW images, consumers can get real-time,
behind-the-scenes access to emerging fashion trends.

6. Wearable technology in fashion

There’s a huge market for wearable technology beyond fitness trackers that’s really revving up.
We all know about Apple’s watch and smart glasses, but there’s so much more out there.
Here are three companies doing incredible things in cutting-edge wearable tech:

Tech T-shirts

CuteCircuit, a wearables company out of England, creates incredible clothing and accessories
with a wide array of special features.
The Hug Shirt has “sensors that feel the strength, duration, and location of the touch, the skin
warmth and the heartbeat rate of the sender and actuators that recreate the sensation of touch,
warmth, and emotion of the hug to the Hug Shirt™ of the distant loved one.”

Wearable solar power

Dutch designer Pauline van Dongen combines fashion and technology in her Wearable Solar line.
To do this, “a cloth is augmented with solar cells…[to] embody enough electrical power to
become a real source of energy.”

The charged garments are then able to power any USB-compatible, portable device for the
woman on the go!

Technology in athletic wear

Wearable technology has always been especially popular in the athletics industry, where users are
constantly seeking the most accurate insights into their performance. NuMetrex has capitalized
on this, starting out with a heart rate monitoring sports bra.
Nearly 10 years later, the company has been acquired by Adidas, and now offers an entire line of
monitor-equipped apparel.
Their success comes from the ability to give instant data on their performance, as well as a
comfortable, quick-drying garment to support their workouts.

Chapter 6
5. Conclusion
Clothing, as a cultural artefact, plays a vital role in everyday life and serves as a
primary means of expressing and symbolising one's identity. It is fascinating to
discover how clothes as a significant aspect of material culture not only enriches one's
self (personal values) but also tends to explain the values attributed to clothing as a
tangible artefact. As Woodward says, “As a material culture, clothing is not seen as
simply reflecting given aspects of the self but is co-constitutive of facets such as
identity, sexuality, and social role.” (Woodward, 2005, 21). Hence, giving more
credibility to the clothed body the ‘self’ is being manifested and visualized through
the clothing one wears, whereas factors like identity, class, caste, and hierarchy are
closely linked to clothing.


 Airline Marketing and Management “Book by Stephen Shaw” Seventh Edition.

 Indian Aircraft Industry: Possible Innovations for Success in the

Twenty-First Century: Possible Invention for Success in the Twenty
First Century Hardcover “ by Vivek Kapur”

 Fundamentals Of International Aviation by Suzanne K Kearns , Taylor & Francis

 Aircraft Manual (India) Volume-I, 2022 “by SBH”

 Strategic Management in the Aviation Industry “by Werner Delfman ”

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