Marketing and Society

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Marketing and

• Marketing Social Responsibility
• Societal Concept
• Marketing Ethics
• Consumerism
Social Issues that Affect Marketing

a. The Product
Complaints about the products and services are made regularly in the
media, in government offices, and oftentimes, directly to the manufacturers
1. Defective cars purchased as brand new;
2.Bond papers containing less than the stated 500 sheets per ream;
3.Poor service rendered to commuters by public buses;
4.Schools perceived a diploma mills;
5.Unsanitary conditions where foods are processed or served; and
6.Chemical elements in some products that are harmful to the environment.
Social Issues that Affect Marketing

b. The Price
In a free market economy, prices of product are expected to be set in competition with
one another. In some cases, cartels control prices to the detriment of consumers.
Another area of concern is the arbitrary and complicated manner of pricing for electricity
and phone services.

c. Distribution System
Criticisms of the distribution system
1. There are too many middlemen involved in the selling of goods. The marketing of
vegetables pass through no less than 5 layers of middlemen which unnecessarily jacking
up the price.
2. Its inability to move agricultural products from places where they are abundant to
other areas where they are most wanted. Vegetables, for instance, rot during seasons in
some provinces while at the same time, they are badly in demand in some other
Social Issues that Affect Marketing

d. Promotional Activities

Consumers complain about the intrusion into their privacy whenever

promotional information about some products appear on the screen of
their cell phones.

The physical landscape become a place of garbage coming from

politicians political posters so that politicians can project themselves to
the electorate.
The Concept of Social Responsibility – the idea that organizations
including business firms are part of society and are accountable to
society for their actions.
It may also be viewed as the concern of business for social and
economic effects of its decisions. Firms must exist without doing
harm to society and instead it must improve the quality of life. It
must produce goods or services that will not destroy any component
of society. It can make profits but not to the detriment of society.
Movies may be produced and exhibited to the public but they must
be ones that will not destroy public morals.
In a recent development, noontime television shows became the
subject of continuous calls for decency and ethics.
Societal Concept

The societal marketing concept can be defines as the organizations task

which tries to identify the needs and interests of the consumers and
delivers quality services or products as compared to its competitors and in
a way that consumer’s and society’s well being is maintained.

In other words organizations have to balance consumer satisfaction,

company profits and long term welfare of society.
Marketing Ethics
Basic principles and values that govern the business practices of those engaged in
promoting products or services to consumers. Sound marketing ethics are typically
those that result in or at least do not negatively impact consumer satisfaction with the
goods and services being promoted or with the company producing them.
Marketing ethics is an area of applied ethics which deals with the moral principles
behind the operation and regulation of marketing. Some areas of marketing ethics
(ethics of advertising and promotion) overlap with media ethics.
2Specific issues in marketing ethics
2.1Market research
2.2Market audience
2.3Pricing ethics
2.4Ethics in advertising and promotion
2.4.1Deceptive Advertising and Ethics
2.5The use of ethics as a marketing tactic
2.6Neuromarketing ethics
2.7Marketing strategy
2.8Further issues in marketing ethics
Consumerism – the activities undertaken by independent
individuals, groups and organizations to protect their rights as
This is society’s reaction t the perceived injustices inflicted by firms
to consumers. Consumers all over the world bonded themselves
together to work for measures that will protect their rights. The
consumer movement is responsible for the enactment of laws that
protect consumers around the world.
Basic Consumer Rights
The right to safety;
• firms must not knowingly sell anything that could result in personal injury
or harm to consumers.

the right to be informed;

• the freedom of consumers to review the complete information about a
product before a purchase is made

the right to choose;

• competition among firms must be allowed to flourish so that consumers
will have access to a variety of products and services at competitive prices

the right to be heard.

• a. the assurance that the interest of the consumers will receive full
consideration when government formulates policy
• b. the assurance of fair treatment of consumers who voice their complaints
about a purchased product.

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