UTS Lecture Module 5-8
UTS Lecture Module 5-8
UTS Lecture Module 5-8
PHILOSOPHICAL [Christianity]
He Believes…
Self - the person that someone normally is - Man is created in likeness and image of God,
Personality – combination of emotions, thoughts, - he is essentially a soul whose goal is to be with
actions, that makes different from other. God
- Inner peace can only be achieve with God
Philos -Beloved/Love - God is transcendent, all creation is Good
Sophia – Wisdom GREEK WORDS
Modern Philosophers
Ancient Philosophers
Rene Decartes
Socrates -(Cogito ergo sum; I think, therefore I am.) Latin
-(The unexamined life is not worth living) -A Modern perspective on the Self
-The Soul is Immortal -Father of Modern Philosophy
-“Once we know ourselves, we may learn how to care for
ourselves, but otherwise, we never shall.” He Believes…
-Father of Western Philosophy - We are “Thinking thing” I exist because I think,
therefore I exist
The self has 2 Entities - Our body is secondary to our personal identity
-Physical Body: Mortal, imperfect, transforming, and - Body and Soul are independent entities and can
disappearing function without other.
-Soul: Immortal, eternal, unchanging, perfect, ideal
Self is combination of 2 Distinct Entities:
He Believes… -The Thinking Self (Soul): non-material and immortal. It
- There was soul first before a Man’s Body is the cogito, the thing that thinks, which is mind. (Laws
- It has All knowledge stored in mind of the Universe)
- Once we entered the world, we all most forgot it -The Physical Body: Mortal and Non-thinking. It is the
but can be restored through dialectic or socratic extension of the mind like a machine that is attached to
method. the mind. (Laws of the Nature)
Some may identify with Higher Self, the It is a formal attachment to the set of beliefs,
Universe, God, Higher Power, your inner Buddha, values, and practices of a particular religious
your true being… it’s the part of you that is sect. It includes specific practices,
connected to everything, the part that is love. proscriptions (what should not be done and
avoided), and participation in a specific
Spirituality. The root meaning of community that shares the same beliefs and
Spirituality is taken from the Latin word
“Spiritus” meaning Breath or Life Force. There are distinctions between religiosity and
If religiosity is communal, then used in conjunction with contemporary therapies
spirituality is individual. (McMullin, 2000).
● In religiosity, beliefs and practices are
Spiritually, logotherapy demonstrates that
within religious groups, and religious life has meaning or purpose when people suffer
commitment, conservatism, and skepticism from the “existential vacuum” that we experience
are manifested. Meanwhile, Spiritual as boredom, apathy, emptiness, and depression
attributes include the need for spiritual (Frankl, 2006).
quest, ecumenical worldviews,
compassion, service, and inner peace. Frankl viewed logotherapy as a way to
● A person can possess spirituality even enhance existing therapies by emphasizing the
his/she does not subscribe to any religion. “meaning-dimension” or spiritual dimension
You can observe spiritual models of human beings. Three philosophical and
everywhere. They function for respondents psychological concepts make up Frankl’s
as exemplars or spiritual qualities, such as logotherapy: freedom of will, will to meaning, and
compassion, self-control, or faith. Thus, a meaning of life (Batthyany, 2019).
person can be spiritual without being
religious. 1. Freedom of will asserts that humans are
free to decide and can take a stance toward
The spiritual aspect of the self is the Inner both internal and external conditions. Freedom
Essence part of the self that connects the person to in this context is defined as a space to shape
the sacred, the supernatural, and the universe. The one’s own life within limits of specific
Spiritual Self enables the person to experience possibilities. In essence, we are free to choose
a feeling of oneness with a higher being and the our responses no matter our circumstances.
universe and gives a deeper purpose or meaning
of one’s life. 2. Will to meaning states that humans are free to
achieve goals and purposes in life. Frustration,
The Spiritual Self is developed through aggression, addiction, depression, and
Interaction, Observation, and Imitation. The suicidality arise when individuals cannot
family, school and church play a very important realize their “will to meaning.” As humans,
role in a child’s spiritual development. our primary motive is to search for meaning or
Spirituality begins at an early age but develops purpose in our lives. We are capable of
throughout life as people continuously interact in surpassing pleasure and supporting pain for a
the environment. meaningful cause.
LOGOTHERAPY and VIKTOR FRANKL 3. Meaning in life is based on the idea that
meaning is an objective reality rather than
Viktor E. Frankl merely an illusion or personal perception.
Humans have both freedom and responsibility
Professor of Neurology and psychiatry at the to bring forth their best possible selves by
University of Vienna Medical School. realizing the meaning of the moment in every
The Austrian psychiatrist and neurologist was situation.
born March 26, 1905, and is best known for
his psychological memoir Man’s Search
for Meaning (2006) and as the
Father of Logotherapy.
It is a person's belief in his or her own abilities in
facing challenges and completing tasks.
People with a strong sense of self-efficacy form a
strong interest and commitment in the activities in
which they participate and view challenges as
tasks that can be mastered.
People with a weak sense of self-efficacy avoid
challenging tasks. They view difficult tasks and
situations are beyond their capabilities and focus
on failures and negative outcomes.
1. Acute stress - is a type of stress that comes
quickly and unexpectedly but requires a
response. For instance, an exam that you do
not feel adequately prepared.