Script and Pitch Insights #2 (Torino Film Lab)
Script and Pitch Insights #2 (Torino Film Lab)
Script and Pitch Insights #2 (Torino Film Lab)
Insights // 2
Insights // 2
and the craft of writing, developing and produ
cing them. One way to share this is through this
book: a collection of lessons, essays, conversati
ons and insights from both tutors, alumni and
210 mm
Script&Pitch Insights //2
Foreword 7
About Script&Pitch Workshops 9
Biographies 11
Inspirational Lectures / by Tutors 15
A Question of the Audience / by Franz Rodenkirchen 17
Idea, Concept, Soggetto / by Gino Ventriglia 27
On the Imperative for Action in Screenwriting: 37
An Attempt at Moving from Aristotle to Sartre / by Antoine Le Bos
Now You See It, Now You Don’t / by Franz Rodenkirchen 45
Paris-Texas - an Ideal Development Scheme? 59
The Importance of Finding a Driving Force… / by Antoine Le Bos
An Email Conversation on Adaptation 67
About Script Editing / by Tutors and Alumni 87
Life-Like: The Schizophrenia of the Limitless Possibilities / 89
by Marietta von Hausswolff von Baumgarten
Working with a Script Editor - from Killers to Fairy Godmothers / 97
by Jenni Toivoniemi
Impostors? / by Antoine Bataille 109
How Do You Know if the Customer is Happy? / by Atso Pärnänen 117
Answering Questions on Script Editing - from 3 Script&Pitch Alumni / 123
by Marietta von Hausswolff von Baumgarten
Contributions / by Guests 133
What do Scripts Sound Like? / by Michel Schöpping 135
The Dawn of the Independent Producer? / by Thomas Mai 143
Contact Information 149
A Question of the Audience
Script&Pitch is moving into its fifth cycle and for every year something or
someone new is added to our programme. We simply can’t resist the joy of
being in constant development and flow. Since the story editor trainees have
gotten their own curriculum, we’d like to reflect on this in the section focusing
on story editing, and are happy to introduce three essays by our Alumni here.
We wish to extend a thank you to all our Tutors and Authors for the gen-
erous sharing of their experience, insights and views on film and the craft
of writing and developing them; also a thank you to Olga and Fabrizio for
their work on the book.
A final big thank you to all who believe in our unique spirit of develop-
ment, first of all our partners, and MEDIA.
Savina Neirotti
Director & Founder of Script&Pitch
Valeria Richter
A Question of the Audience
Script&Pitch Workshops is an advanced scriptwriting and development
course for European writers and story editors that unfolds over the course
of 11 months. Starting from 2010 it will also be possible for non-European
citizens to apply to Script&Pitch Workshops International.
20 participants are selected from all over the world (15 scriptwriters and
5 story editors) to take part in an integrated scriptwriting process, offering
training through the development and pitching of projects: from exploring
the ideas to structuring the material through a first and second draft, up
to a final pitch-event at the Torino Film Festival with 100 invited produc-
ers, sales agents and partners from around the world. The training and
script development process therefore culminates with a focus on network-
ing, which enables participants to find potential international production
and co-production opportunities.
Our primary aim is to advance and sharpen writers’ and story editors’
professional skills. The passion and knowledge of our tutors is therefore
an important energy. Another aim is to create a vibrant network and we
therefore connect Script&Pitch with festivals and industry-events, seek-
ing producers and partners who wish to invest their time in writers and
the development process, not only seeking single projects. Our vision is to
develop people with projects, rather than projects with people attached,
always supporting the independent talent.
Our tutors, Antoine Le Bos, Franz Rodenkirchen, Gino Ventriglia, Mari-
etta von Hausswolff von Baumgarten and Anita Voorham are experienced
and well connected professionals, both in their countries and on an inter-
national level. We work from the assumption that every story needs its
own individual approach, and that form is determined by content. Inspira-
tional lessons from the course are shared through a periodic publication:
Script&Pitch Insights, supporting our passion and goal to shed light and
dignity on the scriptwriting and story editing professions.
A Question of the Audience
Tutors //
Antoine Le Bos
Franz Rodenkirchen
Gino Ventriglia
Alumni //
Antoine Bataille
Antoine Bataille is a freelance Story Editor since 2007. He’s also writ-
ing a Master’s thesis on the affective charge of moving pictures at the
Paris Denis Diderot University, where he works as a tutor. His main aim
is to explore the limits and new possibilities of narrative forms in current
Atso Pärnänen
Jenni Toivoniemi
Jenni Toivoniemi is a Finnish Scriptwriter and Journalist. She and her co-
writer Kirsikka Saari are just finishing their first feature script Korso (devel-
oped at Script&Pitch) - a film produced by Blind Spot Pictures and directed
by Aleksi Salmenperä.
A Question of the Audience
Guests //
Thomas Mai
Jeff Rush
Michel Schöpping
by Tutors
A Question of the Audience
Many film authors reject the notion of audience, and this rejection of-
ten stems from the idea, that any mention of audience is referring to an
implicit judgement of taste, as in “the audience doesn’t like this” or “this
kind of character is not sympathetic for an audience” etc. Here, audience
is used as a label to refer to an amorphous mass, whose assumed likes
and dislikes the film author should (or maybe even wishes to) follow, in
a kind of anticipatory obedience. More often than not, this is fuelled by
a fear of rejection, but maybe also by a subtle uneasiness, if one isn’t yet
completely sure what it is that is (being) written. Naturally, serving the as-
sumed taste of an imaginary audience won’t help in the least to relinquish
that uneasiness.
Fearing the audience’s taste judgement is but only one aspect of a faulty
reasoning with the audience. Unfortunately one often finds with commis-
sioning editors and producers the conviction that one needs to tell the story
to the audience in such a way that even the dimmest of spectators will be
able to understand. Usually this is the kiss of death to any subject, as we
should rather work from the assumption that the audience of a film is as
clever as the people behind its making. If we think ourselves to be cleverer
than our audience, we are already seriously disadvantaged. Overestimat-
ing one’s own cleverness, while underestimating an audience’s intelligence
can never lead to a successful act of communication. For this reason, one
should not make changes in a script that are motivated by assuming that
the audience lacks intelligence, subtlety or whatever. Some writers are for
example, masters of subtext, but that is by no means their privilege. We
rather find subtext in a lot of everyday situations and it is usually well un-
derstood. If not, irony would become impossible.
So if any demand for changes in a script uses the audience as its argu-
ment, it is important that all parties concerned take the audience as seri-
ously as they take themselves. It is therefore useful to first check if the
creative team can agree on what story they are working on, how a script
tells this story and what that is supposed to mean. If we find that we un-
derstand it, that is, if it is really the script that supplies all necessary means
for understanding (and not our contextual knowledge acquired through the
development process), there is really no reason to assume the audience
won’t be able to understand it, too.
There are some film authors who even reject this idea of communica-
tion with an audience. But the sometimes strong resistance, the excited
discussions about the role of the audience in the creative act often have
more to do with the context in which they occur, than with the thing itself.
When Robert Bresson states (see the quote I used in my opening) that he
never cares about the audience, he is referring to audience as a means to
A Question of the Audience
The study and analysis of narratives has long been focused on tracing the
intentions of the author and interpreting the work. Around the 1960s, the
role of the reader became a topic of scholarly interest and only in the wake
of this development it turned out that readers do not just extricate meaning
from texts in a kind of neutral way, but instead contribute to the shaping of
the text through the act of reading. And it transpired that this contribution
of the reader, her/his actualisation of meaning through the act of reading,
is implicitly considered by authors already in the act of writing. So the active
participation of the reader has been a key subject of academic research - in
narratology, and especially in reader-response criticism - for decades.
One can safely state that this academic research has been largely ig-
nored by the film industry and its respective findings have had almost no
impact on the development of film scripts. One reason here is surely the
considerable scepticism of most members of the film industry towards
academic theory. But maybe it is also not immediately obvious if and how
such theories can be put to practical use when working on scripts and yield
concrete results. After all, a script is no literature, written to be read by an
audience, but simply a very exact plan of something that eventually is to be
watched - the “dream of a film”, Jean-Claude Carrière calls it, thereby also
pointing out that film authors need to see the film in their mind’s eye, to
be able to write it down. And write it such that also others can see it with
sufficient clarity.
Yet there are possibilities to make use of the theories on the role and
function of the reader / spectator when working on scripts and there are
definitely very practical benefits, for example when considering the differ-
ent types of an audience’s emotional engagement with a narrative.
Another obstacle in really looking at the potential usefulness of academ-
ic research can be the impression that some things are almost too obvious
to bother, too simple to make a point of. Eventually it might turn out that it
can be a highly complex task to analyse a simple action into its various ele-
ments and then analyse their interrelations to again end up with something
seemingly simple, which we do rather intuitively than consciously.
I for myself always find it worthwhile and useful to look at the mecha-
nisms that are at work when we create a story, a narrative (one that is al-
ways meant to be transferred into a multi-layered sequence of images and
sounds) that is then to be received by an audience.
In this largely subconscious effects-mechanism of exchange between
sender, message and recipient we create the stories we tell ourselves.
So what exactly is it that is understood in this act of “understanding”?
Every time we tell a story, we find it natural to rely on our silent agree-
ment with the audience regarding their co-operation. Therefore we do not
have to tell it all, but can confine ourselves to that, which is necessary for
understanding this particular story we are just telling.
I might start by telling that when I left the house this morning I met the
woman who lives next door. If I start like that, there is no need to mention
that before that I woke up, had a shower, got dressed, etc. If waking up and
getting dressed has no specific meaning for the story I am about to tell, I
will skip it, for I trust that my audience knows, thanks to its general knowl-
edge of the world at large, that for example one has to wake up before one
can leave the house in the morning.
I could be secretly in love with my neighbour, though and always set
my alarm clock so that I manage to “accidentally” leave the house at the
same time as her. Then it might make sense to start with my waking up –
maybe I almost overslept, dressed in great hurry and eventually found my-
self downstairs at the door in my slippers, facing my beautiful neighbour’s
derisive smile.
This extremely simple story contains a series of automatic assump-
tions that I have to trust my audience will make, in order for the story to be
understood. Besides certain behavioural characteristics of secret infatua-
tion, some simple things have to be automatically agreed on: if I use the
same main door as my neighbour, I seem to live in an apartment block. I
also rely on my audience to know that alarm clocks are used to wake up at
A Question of the Audience
a certain set time, and that a malfunction of this device can result in me
oversleeping, etc.
Aristotle already pointed out in his Poetics that the elements of an ac-
tion/an event should be meaningful through the context of the selected
elements. Seymour Chatman puts it like this: “ in narratives are
radically correlative, enchaining, entailing. Their sequence... is not simply
linear but causative. The causation may be overt, that is, explicit, or cov-
ert, implicit.“ Chatman refers to the much-cited example by novelist E.M.
Forster, who says: the sentence “the king died and then the queen died” is
only a story, a mere chronicle. Whereas “the king died and then the queen
died of grief” is a causally structured narrative, a plot. But, Chapman con-
tinues, even in the first example, we intuitively create a connection be-
tween the elements. The linear sequence of elements and the relation of
the elements to each other (the death of the king/husband is followed by
the death of the queen/wife) is already enough to suggest a causality, and
intuitively we create that causal connection.
A Question of the Audience
In the end Haneke scrapped all the flashbacks, because he could not es-
cape the mechanism of implicit causality. Because the audience knows that
the flashback is chosen and positioned by the author, it is already asked to
connect them with the current actions or situations of the characters in a
Peter Brooks observes, in the preface to his book Reading for the plot: “...
most viable works of literature tell us something about how they are to be
read, guide us toward the condition of their interpretation”.
What he is referring to here is the interrelation between a work of art
and its addressee as a complex process of what we might call “planting”
and “payoff”. Umberto Eco speaks of the “model reader”, and how every
text creates its own ideal reader. There is, beyond a series of general unspo-
ken agreements, usually called narrative conventions, a number of things a
reader needs to know to fully actualise a specific work.
In that sense, Pier-Paolo Pasolini’s film The gospel according to St. Mat-
thew may need a different spectator than Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the
Christ, although in both cases, the spectator will benefit from knowing cer-
tain things about the man called Jesus Christ and Christian faith.
Films acknowledge the mechanism of what I deliberately call “planting
and payoff” (we normally use this term specifically when speaking about
information we need to “plant” with an audience, to enable them to an-
ticipate or understand some element of the narrative they will encounter
later in the work) and very often it is in the opening, the exposition, that
A Question of the Audience
the idea of the ideal reader is most clearly indicated. For every script, every
film - whether consciously or intuitively - creates a kind of tutorial for its
audience, simply by the chosen sequence of images, characters and events.
When watching a film, we are first collecting information, taking in visual
sensations and postponing judgment until we have a fairly good idea how
the film author wants us to read his work. From then on, the successful
tutorial focuses our gaze and attention, so that the narrative can move on
more economically (and sometimes also more elliptically).
Idea, Concept, Soggetto
In film or TV production the initial stages are often beset by the ter-
minological and conceptual vagueness of the authors: the idea, concept,
’soggetto’, step outline treatment, and scene breakdown are all stages in
drafting prior to the screenplay itself. They form as it were a series of “ad-
vances”, the first stages of an exploration whose final goal is the accom-
plished work.
In the course of his or her experience, every author will arrive at their
own personal methods to achieve the best possible conditions when writ-
ing the first draft, and it may happen that through personal interpretations
the various stages and dividing lines blur or overlap. After all, in the proc-
ess of extracting from reality and imaginings a certain something to mould
into precise narrative and dramatic form, endowing that ‘something’ with
significance, an object imbued with sense - aesthetic, poetic, ethical - it is
not always possible to take a logical, linear approach. Often, indeed, room
must be made for insights and perceptions that emerge somewhat murkily,
but which, investigated and developed in depth, may prove decisive for the
final outcome.
*In Italian, the term ‘soggetto’, plural ‘soggetti’, is used to indicate the written
document used to present a project to a producer in a rather defined shape, usually
between five and fifteen pages: in English, it may correspond to the ‘short treat-
ment’, as different from the (long) treatment - in Italian ‘trattamento’ - used to
explore extensively the narrative universe told by story, usually from thirty pages
up, and supply a more detailed layout of the story in its progressive articulation.
In this writing, we’ll keep the Italian word ‘soggetto’ for reasons that will become
clear further on.
On what constitutes the initial impetus, the first moment of creation,
there is ample consensus.
Between the initial idea and the first written draft of the story, the sog-
getto, there is an intermediate stage - the concept - the peculiar nature
of which is not always clearly recognised: often it is seen as expansion of
the original idea, or as a miniaturised form of the soggetto. It is not hard
Idea, Concept, Soggetto
to see why, for both approximations contain an element of truth, and the
process is the same, but they remain compromise definitions that end up
by confounding the precise nature of that particular stage.
A man shipwrecked on a desert island: the image evoked with the bare
words might be something like a cartoon in the popular press. But, again,
it might form the initial idea of a concept. If I decide to take it up and
follow it through, I might eventually arrive at something like Robinson
Crusoe, Cast Away, or Umberto Eco’s Island of the Day Before. All three
stories were generated by the same idea, born of the very same sugges-
tion, but become three very different stories that clearly share certain
‘narrative topoi’, but are engineered into different mechanisms respond-
ing to diverse aesthetic and poetic strategies.
These three elements - the idea-image of the man on the island, the
meridian where yesterday, today and tomorrow mingle, and the feverish
search for a method to calculate terrestrial longitude - are three ideas or
atoms that, structured together in a particular pattern, constitute a mol-
ecule quite different from the Robinson Crusoe or Cast Away molecules.
It is no longer the original cue, but the Island of the Day Before concept
- not yet the story (albeit in its essential movements - the soggetto) re-
counted in the book, but its constitutive ingredients (or an essential part
of them).
The concept is that fundamental stage in the ideation of the film when
it is no longer the mere idea - I want to make a film about a castaway, a
vegetable-woman, freedom - or in other words something that cannot
yet be seen as an ‘offspring of the mind’, and has yet to find its own
dramatic/narrative formulation, as with the soggetto, or in other words
manipulation (‘treatment’) of a combination of ideas to construct a story
for the cinema or television.
Idea, Concept, Soggetto
It is precisely to delimit and specify the areas through which the sog-
getti of the episodes can move that the ‘concept’ is defined in presenting
projects for TV-series, associating it with the term ‘arena’. The term ‘arena’
is clearly understood in the sense of setting (a ‘where’ and ‘when’) but also,
and above all, as indicating the theatre for the peculiar conflicts, able to
sustain at length the varied repetition of the stories belonging to the con-
cept, the ‘seam’ to mine for subjects befitting the series. In this respect the
X-files arena is of a conceptual nature, lying in the unaccountable - from
the presence of aliens on earth to the enigmas of antiquity, supernatural
phenomena and esoteric cults.
Such is obviously the case with series of closed-end episodes (and also,
in many respects, with films that give rise to sequels thanks to the popular-
ity of their fantastic heroes, from 007 to Indiana Jones), but it also applies
- on other planes - to continuing series, or serials, although here things are
rather more complicated, meriting separate treatment.
Around the mid-1970s Hollywood - the Studio System - was on its knees.
The 90 million cinemagoers of 1946 had steadily dwindled over the follow-
ing decades to a historical low of 17 million in the early seventies. It seemed
as if audiences could not be torn away from their TV screens. Something
of the sort was also happening in Italy, for different reasons, and with dire
consequences for the movie industry as a whole.
And yet the majors managed to find a way out: on the one hand, the cin-
ema was moving towards a more European style of films d’auteur with di-
rectors like Penn, Altman, Scorsese and Coppola, to name but a few, while
on the other hand the renewed industrial vitality of the cinema as popular
mass trend was the result of certain choices - possibly unwitting of their
future potential but evident fruit of calculation - that gave rise to that phe-
nomenon, still to be examined in sufficient depth, that became known as
the New Hollywood.
The Majors - Universal taking the lead - decided to target a young audi-
ence, less reluctant to drag themselves away from family TV viewing and
go out. Of course, to succeed in this the movies had to find a way to ad-
dress the kids’ culture, consisting largely of comic strips (Marvel, above all),
pulp-fiction, science fiction, horror, fantasy and westerns. And there had to
be scriptwriters and directors acquainted through their personal experience
with the imaginings generated in and by that culture. Thus came a season
of hunting down young talents, often plucked by the industry from the uni-
versity campuses even before they had completed their cinema studies.
Idea, Concept, Soggetto
This was the generation of the movie ‘brat pack’, from Lucas to Spielberg
and Milius - a generation that brought stories that, crucially, called for a
radical change in movie language (at the visual level, in the first place).
Thus lavish funding was soon being poured into special effects, in the
broad sense, from the traditional variety to ad hoc inventions, and movie
budgets rose significantly as a result of these investments.
It was in this state of affairs that the distinction came about - a verita-
ble line of demarcation, a ‘continental divide’ - between the High Budget
Concept (i.e. movies rich in special effects) and the Low Budget Concept
(films with no particular need of SFX).
In the space of a few years, however, the general increase in the average
cost of a film evened out the budget aspect: a box-office star could cost as
much as if not more than special effects. What remained unchanged was
the distinction between the High Concept and Low Concept.
Legend attributes to Spielberg the dictum: “If a person can tell me the
idea in twenty-five words or less, it’s going to make a pretty good movie”.
In a way, this encapsulates the essence of the high concept; a litmus test
based on the effectiveness of a “pitchable” concept in one or two phrases
that, in all its simplicity and immediacy, can be universally accessible - in
its promise of a story, in its possible imaginings.
If the concept traces out an area rich in dramatic potential, the next
step is drafting the soggetto (short treatment), which entails far more
complex, interrelated choices. To begin with, in the process of becoming
a treatment the concept will show just how far it can go - the length of
narrative it can sustain, and the format that would best suit it. It will also
be seen which are the major dramatic advances setting the pacing, what
succession of events develops the psychological aspects of the characters
or leads them towards achieving their goals, or both, and what tones will
best bring out the potential of the concept - comic, tragic, dramatic, or a
particular blend of them. When it comes to the soggetto, it is time to de-
cide on the ending, and thus on the theme of the story. What is the point
of telling this story? And, last but not least, how should the story best be
written to capture the attention of the readers, and make them want to
see the film of that particular story? At the soggetto stage it is perfectly
legitimate to use any type of literary device to enthral the reader - it is the
written page that has to arouse the reader’s interest, and keep it alive. Of
course, the essential criterion behind all this is the power of the written
word to conjure up mental images.
While theme and ending are still open to all sorts of possibilities in the
concept, in the soggetto the choices will define an initial level of complete-
ness, albeit by no means definitive. Obviously, however, if the draft of the
screenplay has a different ending from the one decided on at an earlier
stage, thorough scene rewriting is called for in order to bring the dramatic
structure into line with the new ending and the new theme - and, in all
probability, with the consequent re-nuancing of tone. Otherwise, the dra-
ma may sag; the desired effect may not prove so clear and powerful. If we
decided that Thelma and Louise should have a happy end, then we would
have to get to work not only on the screenplay, but even on the soggetto
(not necessarily the concept!), or at least the step outline of the whole film.
It would be absurd to suppose that such a radical negative-positive change
in parameters as decisive as the ending, and thus also the theme, could
leave the structure, or, rather, the sense contents of the structure, quite
unaffected. If Juliet had woken up in time, Romeo would not have killed
himself, the two would have eloped and lived happily ever after, and the
whole tragedy may well have been written in a significantly different way.
And this applies regardless of the examples of success that inconsistent
films can enjoy with audiences, or post-production marketing choices, such
as we have encountered in practical experience.
Idea, Concept, Soggetto
contains all the scenes in narrative form, comparable to the scene break-
down, but with a less technical - graphic - framework. Until a few years
ago, on the other hand, in Italy the soggetto was an expanded narration
in which it was still possible to explore the universe of the film story to
be enacted with literary means and devices, looking into the psychologi-
cal makeup of the characters, their hidden thoughts, the descriptions of
places and atmospheres, the possible repartee and even elements that
had found no place in the screenplay. In the Avventurosa Storia del Cinema
Italiano, scriptwriter Age defined it as the ‘romanzo del film’ - the novel of
the film: the interesting point about this is that the screenplay became an
adaptation of this novel, not to be published as such but written expressly
to draw a screenplay from it. Nowadays this approach to treatment has
become obsolete; the preference is for the more concise and functional
form of the scene breakdown (in Italian, ‘scalettone’) or in other words the
entire sequence of scenes in the film, each indicated with their specific
dramatic functions in carrying the story forward. There is a certain resem-
blance here to the ‘shooting scripts’ of the old days, when dialogue scripts
were not used and the list in sequence of the shots to be filmed “was” the
dramatic text of the film, its ‘screenplay’.
There is one more point I would like to add about the ‘soggettisti’, of
Italian cinema in the past. The role of the writer of soggetti has lost the
specific nature it used to have, except perhaps a mention in the credits
of ‘Soggetto by… ’. Probably it is no longer enough in today’s cinema and
television to be a ‘mere’ soggetto writer, and to tell the truth I don’t know
if it has ever been a real profession in itself, to be practised independ-
ently of the other roles involved in writing for the cinema or TV. Neverthe-
less, it is an image we are fond of - saying ‘I’m a soggetti writer’ suggests
something like a truffle hound with a flair for sniffing out where the tasty
tubers lie hidden. Or, better still, a gold prospector - someone who sifts
through the real or imaginary world in search of precious nuggets - ideas,
concepts, soggetti.
On the Imperative for Action in Screenwriting: An Attempt at Moving from Aristotle to Sartre
No sooner is that word “action” uttered and potential suspicion and jus-
tifiable anxiety inevitably jump out of the bushes. Isn’t the experienced
screenwriter (as opposed to the emerging, “pure” writer-director…) some
scary guardian and ruthless watchdog of the schematic, Hollywood-influ-
enced vision of the world that valiant young filmmakers try to escape in
every way possible?
Having a little experience under your belt can easily sweep aside some
objections. Doesn’t the screenwriter’s craft completely rest in his ability
to reveal what could remain concealed deep down, inside a character? And
isn’t character interaction with the outside world the only way to pull the
character “out of him- or herself”, thus taking the viewer “inside”, or putting
what is inside “out”?
Poetics revisited
So, once again, let’s look into the fundamental theories that Western
drama has revolved around ever since we first became involved in develop-
ing those great principles on how a staged narrative can best “capture” and
“hold” an audience.
On the Imperative for Action in Screenwriting: An Attempt at Moving from Aristotle to Sartre
On the Imperative for Action in Screenwriting: An Attempt at Moving from Aristotle to Sartre
Yet, a premise on the order of “the writer has to try to trap the viewer”,
even by way of his most animal instincts, is undoubtedly a little too short,
a little too simple. Especially if we want our study to include a kind of cin-
ema that’s equally capable of poetic - indeed, at times, metaphysical - ex-
In his A Short Organum for the Theatre, Bertolt Brecht, who rarely slips
into the desire to grab us “by the gut”, makes use of Aristotle’s Poetics as
a foil. He finds the work emblematic of a tradition we must fight against
and reject - the bible of those who still dare to speak of the “eternal laws”
of theatrical creation. Brecht insists that “dramatic theatre”, the theatre of
catharsis, based on the audience’s identification with the protagonist(s),
must give way to a non-Aristotelian dramaturgy, an “epic theatre” based
on distance, which functions through the opposite principle. It’s no longer
really a question of body and emotions. It’s a return to the brain, the cogni-
tive brain.
He almost wants to sever the dramatic narrative from its organic com-
ponent - that primitive element that Friedrich Nietzsche emphatically de-
mands, in his The Birth of Tragedy, when he rails against the loss of vital
density that ensued when the Greeks moved from the Dionysian power of
pre-Socratic tragedy to the methodical world of Euripides, the father of “aes-
thetic Socratism”. The “primitive dramatic phenomenon”, Nietzsche tells us,
“consists of (the spectator) seeing himself transformed and henceforth act-
ing through another body, another character…”. The art of identification and
cathartic functions… The Enlightenment led us to a glorification of omnivo-
rous Reason. Where does this fear of narrative-via-the-gut, among so many
“refined intellectuals” over the past three centuries, come from?
narrative. Here, is it the dominant narrative form that helps generate our
relationship with the world (A), or our dominant relationship with the world
that produces a narrative typology (B)? Both obviously. But the political
relevance of proposition (A) arouses our interest and whets our appetite to
reread a bit of Jean-Paul Sartre’s Being and Nothingness.
Because, here’s my question:
Can the story of a character who is so confident in himself that he refus-
es to relinquish his comfortable situation, be the subject of a film today?
(Other than a documentary, of course.) In other words, can the notion of
action, or setting the protagonist into motion, happen outside our concep-
tion of cinematic narrative? Can we spare the protagonist that clash with
the world around him?
On the Imperative for Action in Screenwriting: An Attempt at Moving from Aristotle to Sartre
Getting back to the subject at hand, the filmmaker who says he wants to
avoid “setting his world into action” strongly risks moving us towards the
experience of its void.
That experience will only rarely merit conscious undertaking and wilful
Even among reputedly contemplative filmmakers, the concern over
putting things in motion is noteworthy. In the sublimely slow Mother and
Son, Alexander Sokurov plunges us into an existential, sensory, poetic ex-
perience, thanks to the final walk the son takes his dying mother on. That
hypnotic stroll is a second-by-second battle against death. It is motion it-
self confronting immobility. When a protagonist is locked inside the con-
crete impossibility of rubbing against the world (like in Birdy or Johnny Got
His Gun), the screenplay comes up with ways to create movement. In Birdy,
it’s via flashbacks, or Nicolas Cage’s struggle to bring the hero back to life.
Johnny Got His Gun uses flashbacks, the protagonist’s voiceover narration;
an initially tragic, terrifying situation capable of holding the viewer speech-
less; and by imposing immobility as the absolute obstacle that becomes
the engine of an endless rage within the hero.
jump in to save the woman who’s being raped or the child who’s burning.
It operates on the notion of an obstacle to action obstructing the heroes’
desire to play a role that’s ultimately very classical – they are muzzled,
neutralized. It’s as if their desires were hermetically sealed, provoking a
rise in pressure that’s almost unbearable and creating an uncommon level
of viewer identification.
Sartre cruelly said that man is nothing but the sum of his acts, not some-
thing ineffable, hidden in the depths of his heart and soul, something that
exonerates him. In other words, man’s duty is to define himself through
his actions; otherwise he is nothing. In the case of Warriors, the soldiers’
inability to act drove some of them mad, drove others to suicide. In Sar-
tre’s words, they felt responsible for not being defined enough, in their own
Now You See It, Now You Don’t
by Franz Rodenkirchen
“When I was a kid, I used to spend a lot of time trying to figure out whether
everybody saw the same colours. Could a leaf be orange when some people
look at it, but no one ever knows because they were taught to call orange
“green”? To this day I haven’t figured out a way to find out if it’s true, so for
all I know some people may see orange leaves”.
Taken from an Internet-Blog
What’s more, the art of storytelling can operate deliberately with oscillat-
ing points-of-view and can obscure any clear delineation between fiction and
reality. Therefore all attempts to categorize narrative perspectives and cre-
ate models or typologies to discuss them are always only partial and not fully
successful. Then again, they can still be useful when working with fictional
narrative texts (for our purpose, films can also be considered texts).
The question which point of view the audience takes (or is posited in)
towards the film-narrative seems to be one of the most important to ask
when discussing scripts as well as films. How we follow a film-narrative
depends to a large degree on how we posit ourselves or find ourselves pos-
ited. Inside or outside? In the middle of the action or rather like a fly on the
wall? Next to the character or as a distant observer?
Every writer or writer/director has an opposite, an other, with whom she
wants to communicate by means of the film, and consequently positions
herself within the narrative, be it involuntarily or consciously planned.
This position of author is defined not only in relation to the narrative, but
at least to an equal measure in relation to the audience.
Within the space of this introduction I cannot possibly cover all possible
approaches, so I want to settle for a predominantly practically oriented text
that should help writers/directors and script editors who are actively work-
ing on projects, to continue exploring this matter.
Our first inquiry shall therefore be: in which contexts is the question of
point-of-view and perspective actually relevant?
The easiest to confuse is the use of the term perspective as visual code
and perspective as narrative strategy/agent.
Now You See It, Now You Don’t
Visual code is meant as that which the camera “sees” or shows to the
audience. Perspectives can be “objective” or “subjective”, the latter also
being referred to as point-of-view shot. Even though the terms objective
and subjective should be handled with care, I want to use them for a quick
and simple distinction.
And one more thing: subjective shots can lead us to assume that we
are seeing things with the eyes of one particular character. When this sub-
jective view is missing we are obviously expected to assume that we see
things independently of any single character’s perspective. And while we
are asked to assume that a character within the frame sees what we see,
the objectified gaze is always the result of a narrator we are asked to imag-
ine (despite the “willing suspension of disbelief”).
Then there is the impression of an almost documentary, objectified, fac-
tual gaze, where things are exactly what they seem and the camera has just
been used to neutrally record events.
In this kind of opposition, subjective and objective perspectives also are
strongly connected to the credibility of the material on show. A special view
on this neutral gaze of the camera is of course to be seen in the work (and
the writings) of Robert Bresson.
After about 50% of the film, when we have finally caught up with Jack-
ie’s back-story, and have consequently also been made aware of the cause
of her emotional state, the narration shifts gear and we are allowed to see
all that happens with the character. The story now happens between the
character and the audience and vicarious identification is encouraged more
strongly, while the narrator moves into the background, her tools a lot less
visible from then on.
Still, the narrator has one trump card up her sleeve and she plays it at
the very end to elicit the strongest emotional response from the audience
(through the final reveal about Jackie’s own guilt).
Now You See It, Now You Don’t
In addition, one might say that filming exclusively with subjective shots
has not heightened identification in Lady in the Lake, because it puts us into
the same line of vision as the character, but doesn’t say much about how
that character is and feels. So maybe Marlowe is not the main character?
This seems to justify the choice of perspective through the narrator’s spe-
cial relation to the case. He alone knows it all, he is the master of this story,
and what’s more, if only he knows it, he is also the one who creates it for us,
right here and now. And he has a promise for us, if we buy into the deal:
“You’ll see it just as I saw it. You’ll meet the people. You’ll find the clues.
And maybe you’ll solve it quick. And maybe you won’t. You think you will,
eh? OK (points his finger at the camera), you’re smart. But let me give you
a tip. You’ve got to watch them. You’ve got to watch them all the time.
Because things happen when you least expect them”.
The playfulness of Lady in the Lake and its contradictory intentions, com-
bined with some rather heavy-handed narration lead to mixed responses
and it is generally agreed that the film represents “an interesting failure”.
A more recent example of a similar strategy that takes more than a leaf
out of the Film Noir-repository is Lou Ye’s Suzhou River (2000). Here the
subjective narration is used to reflect upon the different narrative planes
(that seem to have different reality status) and lay open their artificiality.
Also here the narrator addresses his audience directly, albeit only in a voice
over, not via the camera, so that the fourth wall is actually never breached.
The narrator presents a story that he himself calls “probably made up”, in-
spired by his long observations of the street outside his window. Still, at
one point he inserts himself as a real person into the action of his story and
we start accompanying him. The play with different roles, identities and
Now You See It, Now You Don’t
For sure one could have long debates whether such experiments have
any merit and actually support the intentions and themes of the respective
story, or if they aren’t mostly seeking attention for their cleverness or sim-
ply for “being different”, a bit like the fractured chronologies of recent years
have sometimes proven to be rather self-serving than truly necessary for
their stories. Still, despite their seemingly mostly visual strategies, many
of these elements can already be worked with in script stage.
This can also be seen in Lady in the Lake, where the seemingly objective
narrator Marlowe is interrupted in his last monologue to the audience by
the arrival of one of the film’s characters (one of the previous main sus-
pects and antagonists). She kisses him and we learn that they plan to go
away together and start a new life. This turn of events changes the status
of the narrative and re-integrates it into the realm of conventional fiction.
The seeming outside perspective of Marlowe terminates, the fourth wall is
firmly closed and so is the story.
Another form of filmic narration in the first person - without the cam-
era taking the subjective view of the character - is the use of a voice-over,
which, as I already mentioned, is more of a literary device than a tool of
visual storytelling.
Hence we find this tool quite often in literary adaptations (and we tend
to find them less than satisfactory at times, because we might feel the
screenwriter failed to find a visual solution), but more generally in films
that deal with the inner world of its protagonists - another form of subjec-
tivity - and in certain genres such as Film Noir.
When we don’t see everything with the eyes of one character then we
often know things the character doesn’t know, for example what happened
Now You See It, Now You Don’t
commits more murders. All murders in the present are always shown from
a perspective close to the victim, seeing just what they see, but knowing
(unlike them), that the killer is lurking close by. One of the most effec-
tive shots is on a street in broad daylight, with the teenagers just walk-
ing along chatting, and after they have passed the well-pruned hedge be-
tween two houses, the killer steps out from behind it into the street and
looks after them, something only we see and that creates a strong feeling
of dread. It is this difference between the knowledge of the audience ver-
sus the knowledge of the characters, sometimes combined in the same
shot, where the film draws most of its suspense from (and actually the
whole Slasher-genre).
It is interesting to remark that suspense can also work the other way
round, as I have mentioned above when citing Red Road, where the charac-
ter knows more than we do and the narrator uses this to create suspense.
We could invent more variations of this, but their effect would always
depend on our position within the story, meaning how close we are to a
character versus its context, the specific causality of the action. Depending
on our knowledge and perspective our attitude will shift. For the choice
of POV (not only the camera’s) is one of the most effective tools to steer
Now You See It, Now You Don’t
As in most central aspects of filmmaking, also here the rules are es-
tablished in the beginning. If we break a constant one-character per-
spective after 50 minutes without an absolute narrative necessity, the
audience will experience it as a break in the non-verbal agreement of
the previous 50 minutes of viewing. So if we do have one homogenous
perspective, any digression is usually an indication of an unsolved script
problem. Quite often it is because the author finds that some piece of
information must be given under all circumstances and he couldn’t come
up with a better way to do it. But this is mostly true for films that rely
heavily on coherence and cause-effect logic on their stories.
Now You See It, Now You Don’t
complex and crucial at the same time. Just because we find many well-
known concepts from older arts (like literature, maybe even painting)
or our own daily processes of perception, these questions can yield very
useful strategies and tools, without being too obvious about it. As we
have seen, it was exactly the fear to draw too much attention on ques-
tions of perspective that helped create some of the unwritten laws of
dealing with it.
Paris-Texas - an Ideal Development Scheme? The Importance of Finding a Driving Force…
might find tiring after a while. Not to mention all the sky-blue cars in the
renting company (+ the rental sign, Avis, is… red, of course…), and then
the car is drowned in a huge perfect blue sky: Travis was “out of the blue”,
and he is still lost to the world; he is “out there”! Out there being the
desert, where motels and windmills of course have been painted with the
very same two colours, for the sake of the viewer. Looking at the composi-
tion of the frames themselves, it’s nearly “too perfect”. In the car, Travis
is - little by little – trapped by his brother, who brings him back to society.
Compared to the amazing free spaces of Mother Nature, the new “world”
is like a prison that gradually takes him back again, puts him into boxes…
The picture speaks too much in a way. It’s overplaying, overstating.
The more closely we look at the film, the more we look at the script it-
self - the more we discover its obvious imperfections. But what cannot be
denied is the fact that the film has been totally successful in “reaching”
audiences. And the Golden Palm was a unanimous choice of the Cannes-
jury, whose members seem to have been overwhelmed by a wave of faith
and enthusiasm for what the film was giving an audience.
Paris-Texas - an Ideal Development Scheme? The Importance of Finding a Driving Force…
When that drive is in place in a script, another huge advantage for the
writer is that the imperfections can often be taken as strengths in the film.
The “holes” become genius ideas, become parameters that the spectator
will want to dig into and think about… By using the engine of a story prop-
erly a writer and/or director can free himself or herself from the painful job
of engineering an End to give an “answer”, of taking care of every detail,
because when the audience isn’t “taken” by the story, they look at every-
thing with a very sharp eye: the images, the quality of the dialogues, the
logic of the actions, set-design etc. - whatever they are drawn to notice.
So, in a way, working properly on structure early enough is the best way to
free yourself and allow a real creative process to happen during both the
shooting and the editing of the film.
What I’ve discovered, looking through all the interviews given by both
Wenders and Sam Shepard (co-writer of Paris-Texas; L.M. Kit Carson is cred-
ited for the adaptation), is that in a way, and not voluntarily at all, the writ-
ing process of the script had experienced a kind of “ideal” creative path…
First of all, before the shooting even started, they discovered that the
initial second half of the script wasn’t what they were looking for. Wend-
ers started to shoot having only the first half of the script. Thanks to the
production plan, he was able to shoot the film chronologically, leaving him
(and Sam Shepard, who was working on another project far away from the
set) some more time to think about the second half.
What allowed them to start was the strong feeling of having in their
hands what they needed to dive into the story:
1. The poetic and thematic parameters they wanted to build the film with:
space, the loss of any connection, innocence, parentage, brotherhood,
paternity (can one learn to be a father from scratch, from a blank page?),
and the quest of one man: can you survive the loss of everything?
Can you destroy yourself with love? These poetic parameters were not
put on the page as precise questions that begged precise answers, but
as a quest in itself for Wenders, a way to consider the making of the film
as a way to dig into a path in mind and space.
Paris-Texas - an Ideal Development Scheme? The Importance of Finding a Driving Force…
A) The quest of the brother (Walt) (first part of the first half): finding
Travis, finding out what happened to him, why he disappeared all
these years, and helping Travis to reconnect with his son. This could
be summed up with the idea: “to help Travis come back to life”. What
makes the quest very powerful for both Walt and the viewer is that
Travis is his brother, who is totally lost (doesn’t even know his own
name), and Walt, having no kid of his own, has become the adoptive
father of Travis’ son (Hunter) during all these years.
But who cares, what we ask of the filmmaker is to take us with them
and they take us! In this film the driving force is powerful enough to al-
low Wenders to build his film with a pretty slow pace, surrounding us with
deeply poetic parameters, or parameters that we can perceive as being po-
etic because we are taken by them.
And not having enough time to construct the second half of the story
properly, they could only count on the strength of what they had already
put in place for us. In other words, the strong drive and quest of the sto-
ry/characters creates enough dynamic to allow Wenders to climb into the
“boat” of what he’s already created in the first half, and allow the river of
the story (to use his own words) to continue it’s path as naturally as pos-
sible. In other words, the story guides him more than he guides the film. In
an interview with Laurent Tirard, more than 20 years later, Wenders says:
“- in doing Paris, Texas, I had a kind of revelation. I understood that a story
was like a river, and if we took the risk of putting our little boat on it, and if
we trusted that river and its flow strongly enough, then the boat could be
taken to some amazing place”.
While they were already shooting, Wenders sent Shepard the part with
Travis and his son leaving Los Angeles to try to find Jane in Houston, know-
ing that the fifth of each month, she would go to a bank to send some
money for her kid. This sounds like a poor idea: why on the fifth? Apart
from the fact that the scriptwriter needs it, it doesn’t sound realistic at all
that she sends money on the very same day each month, but who cares, we
are with our characters, able to swallow anything, because the first part of
the story made us want to follow them wherever they went…
And just a few days before they reached that point in the story on set,
Shepard delivered the very last part, when Travis eventually finds Jane, the
famous peep show scenes that - in the final parts - reveal what happened
four years ago. Shepard delivered them by phone, at night, with the first
assistant director (Claire Denis) taking notes all night so they could prepare
the shooting plans for the next days. They were in a hurry, they had no time
to think clearly and discuss the ending. They rushed towards that ending.
And even if you can feel Shepard’s huge talent in putting words in the actors’
mouths in the dialogues, and even if the peep show idea gives a strength
to these two major scenes of the third act, you can clearly feel how rushed
the end of the script has been. They had to end it, and didn’t know how.
They had to find a way to close the story, after spending an hour and a half
telling the viewer that something terrible had happened four years before
that very moment; they had to finally deliver this “terrible truth”. It feels
like a big unwrapping, and there is a lot of awkwardness in it, a lot of holes,
a lot of non-resolution, rescued by style and by the actors. But do we care?
I don’t think so: in a way, if they had taken all the time needed to close the
script properly before the shoot, they might have lost the flow, the current,
the tide that the film was creating by itself. Holes and awkwardness are
part of the beauty of this film, of its mystery.
If they had had the time to write 2 or 3 more drafts to deliver a proper
ending for such a script, they would have probably tried to deliver some
understandable conclusion, some clear answers to the questions the sto-
ry had raised. These answers would have tried to resolve some thematic
issues, which could have damaged the film’s natural path. Sometimes,
scripts cannot be conclusive. Sometimes, stories lead towards opening up
Paris-Texas - an Ideal Development Scheme? The Importance of Finding a Driving Force…
more questions than they can solve; certain films are not aiming at telling
any “truth” in particular, but are opening gaps instead, abysses. Certain
films can be designed as a means to prove something, but others are de-
signed to question, to leave their doubts wide open, and often these films
cannot know precisely what they will find before they end the process of
coming into being.
That is precisely why, for some projects, finding the driving force, this
“emotional engine” that pushes the script forward, has to be the central ob-
session before any attempt at finding a theme, finding “what the author
wants to say”. For some of them, the making of the film is part of the process
to find the core of the deep metaphors that will shape the soul of the film.
For Paris-Texas, trying to find one or two “core themes” for the film is
nearly impossible.
If we asked a panel of viewers which number they would choose from the
above list as a possible thematic core of the film, we can be sure we would
end up with at least ten different possibilities.
The writers had all the time they needed to write the first half of the
story, giving them, firstly, time to discover the poetic and human material
they wanted to build their film on, and secondly to find a strong, powerful
quest/engine/driving force with which they could create the true strength
of the story.
And once they had that potential, they were lucky enough to be allowed
to start shooting the material and transform this river/flow/current core of
the story into a real living being; and having started this flow, they could
only deliver the “result” of that driving force, the second part of the story
then becoming some animalistic, somewhat spontaneous offspring of the
initial input, allowing the shoot to be a kind of quest in itself, following the
quest driven by the characters… footstep after footstep.
Email Conversation 2008 - 2009
Hello, everybody.
The following notes are meant to start out a conversation about some of
the problems raised by the adaptation process.
In the fifties and sixties, Italian screenwriters were used to work on
original screenplays by writing down a short treatment (the ‘subject’) and
a rough step-outline. Then, in order to prepare the first draft, they wrote a
longer treatment: sometimes, it could run up to two hundred pages, well
beyond the strictly necessary material needed for the script. The world of
their story was explored in depth with the tools usually available to novel-
ists - thoughts of the characters, detailed back-stories and psychologies
to build up motivations, dialogues, accurate descriptions of places and ac-
tions, and so on. In their words, they considered the long treatment as ‘the
novel of the film’, a novel from which to draw - to adapt - the screenplay.
I find this approach interesting. I guess it was not so much a problem of
proving themselves as full ‘writers’: the problem was that the screenwriters
often were considered a minor species of literary storyteller by critics and
scholars. But the long treatment was neither meant to be published, nor
to experiment linguistic or narrative styles. It was rather a process aimed
to create and know an entire fictional world, developing its imagery to a
full extent through the written word: and the form of the novel was per-
ceived as a more flexible tool compared to the necessarily rigid form of the
screenplay (deriving its actual shape from a mix of theatre drama writing
and the early ‘shooting script’ - the list of shots to be taken to cover a scene
and tell the story visually). In order to research the different potentials of
the story, in terms of theme and plot and characters, the ‘novel’ offered an
‘objectivised’ world - from which to pick only those elements useful to tell
the story they wanted to tell.
That approach goes into a line of thought claiming that every screenplay,
original or not, is in some way the adaptation from some kind of pre-exist-
ing ‘text’ (either in literature, or in the oral tradition, or in real life, or other
sources). It also goes in the direction of those who support the idea that
there is only a limited amount of possible story patterns (Howard Hawks,
to name one). The consequence of such conceptions is to push the idea of
adaptation very far, till it entirely overlaps the same drama writing; I think
that our terminology is too broad: under the word ‘adaptation’, different
kinds of operations and processes are crowded together.
Let’s consider the case, not unusual, of a script adapted from (in this
case, it would be more correct to say ‘based on’) a short story - or news-
paper story - to make a 100-minute motion picture. Here, the writer has
to invent and fill in all that is missing in the few pages of the story (new
or different characters and events and twists, in order to make those few
elements that have interested him work dramaturgically) - and somehow
he must refer to some dramatic writing pattern to structure the hundred
minutes or more of screen narrative. That may mean to have a hypothesis
of a theme, which works as a compass to create the single steps (scenes or
sequences) needed to develop the story.
In this case it was possible to avoid the main issue of the relation be-
tween Story (the bare main plot events and characters of the story) and
Style (the original writer’s peculiar way to tell the story) as posed by Rush-
Dancyger; or, in McFarlane’s terminology, between Narration and Nar-
rative. Because what was retained in the adaptation process was only a
dramaturgical knot and some movements of the plot, and no Style (or Nar-
rative) was strongly implied in the original text. So, it was relatively easy
and ‘harmless’ to retain one element of Borges poetics, and re-elaborate
it through Bertolucci’s poetics and aesthetics. Probably, most adaptations
from newspaper stories can be treated in the same way.
Very different is the case of Fellini and B. Zapponi in adapting and shoot-
ing Toby Dammit - although it’s not a full-length script: here, very little is
left of both poetics and aesthetics of E. A. Poe’s Never Bet the Devil your
Email Conversation 2008 - 2009
Head. In that case, it’s much more evident that the intention of the author
was to cannibalize the original and rewrite it within the categories of his
own poetics and aesthetics. The remains of the original text are just the
name of one character and the way he loses his life - his head cut off. No
trace of Poe’s theme, nor characters or plot, nor story or style.
In all these three cases, I’d consider the adaptation process much closer
to the screenwriting process of an original script, seeing the source mate-
rial as more ‘inspirational’ rather than the actual object of an ‘adaptation’
for the movie theatre. And probably, in the spectator’s mind, there’s al-
ready the awareness that the book (or the short) and the film are two dif-
ferent aesthetical objects, to consider and enjoy through different systems
of categories.
That may not be true for very well known books: I’m thinking, for in-
stance, of the two versions of Les Liaisons Dangereuses by Choderlos De
Laclos. In Dangerous Liaisons, by S. Frears’ and C. Hampton (who had also
written the play), the epistolary novel is strongly treated as ‘the novel of
cruelty’ meant to be by the original French writer, whereas in Valmont, by
J. C. Carriére and M. Forman, a large part of its power is lost because of dif-
ferent choices, both in the adaptation and directing.
novel are kept, but in the end Todd doesn’t kill French, he just blackmails
him through the threat of a lie. He gets away with his misfits, and wins.
Changing sense of the theme and part of the tone (it’s not a tragedy),
makes it a proper adaptation, or just a ‘based on’ new story?
In other words, if we adapt Romeo and Juliet, and everything is just the
same, except for the ending (Juliet wakes up in time and they live happily
forever), is it still Shakespeare’s work of art, although not a tragedy anymore,
or is it something completely different? Of course, the theme would be the
same, but the sense of it would change: instead of ‘the conflicts and the con-
ventions of the adults killing (the love of) the innocents’, it would be ‘the love
of the innocents wins over the conflicts and the conventions of the adults’.
One last question arising: is there some kind of narrative text that is im-
possible to adapt for the screen, regardless of its success? As far as I may
think, probably only Finnegan’s Wake might resist an adaptation, but I’m
not even so sure about that…
Jeff Rush:
Hi All,
Gino raised so many issues I don’t know where to start. Just what is an ad-
aptation and is everything really an adaptation in some way or another? The
critical people talk about inter-textuality, the fact that every creative act is a
borrowing or reworking of the sea of mediated stories in which we live. The
new media people talk about the docu-verse, a universe of existing docu-
ments that makes writing an organization of links, explicit or otherwise.
I went back to the book and realized what had been cut and wonder
now about the choices. In the book, much is made of him being a war hero.
Email Conversation 2008 - 2009
There are recurrent first person mediations by Ed Tom (that was the sher-
iff’s name) that conveyed an underlying anxiety even before the action
built. But we never knew what the anxiety was. Then right prior to his giv-
ing up on catching Bardem’s character, there is a long scene, not in the
movie, where he confesses to the old man (his uncle), how the medal he
received during the war was a fraud. He really ran and left his men exposed
(or at least he thought he did, it is presented with enough ambiguity to
think about it). The essential irony of the book becomes much richer at that
point as the fragility and fundamental clutch on life at any age replaces
that sense of growing old and tired that the title hints at.
Still I wonder. Could that anxiety be added to the sheriff right from the
beginning? Could there have been more sense of his moral perspective set
up and then knocked down and would it have given it more depth (espe-
cially in the middle)? What equivalents to his first-person monologues are
there in film (short of voice over)? Or am I asking for something that actu-
ally is there and I’m not seeing it?
Franz Rodenkirchen:
It’s been a while. Haven’t I written this reply many times in my head? Of
course I have. Every time I thought of it, a different aspect came back to me
that I wished to respond to.
But maybe I have to start with a kind of confession: if given the choice,
I’d always say I prefer an original screenplay to an adaptation. It is an im-
pulse I had never questioned up until now, really. Needless to say, quite a
few of my favourite films are adaptations of pre-existing works, mostly
other narratives. Indeed it seems that the question of adaptation versus
original work, if it isn’t only some very personal thing I have, seems to re-
late to a claim we make on new works, new scripts, new film ideas for them
to offer something that “adds” to the corpus of already existing works.
Or maybe I should rather say I tend to make that claim? And would that
mean that an adaptation is less “new”?
I fully realise that my own impulse is rather unsupportable once I scru-
tinize it a bit more. Still, the little voice in the back of my head pops up
One of the first things that strikes me is that in the fifties and sixties,
a lot of films were made that naturally assumed a relation between the
novel and the fiction film, as well as between the novelist or writer of lit-
erature and the scriptwriter/filmmaker. If we look for example at films like
Hiroshima Mon Amour by Alain Resnais (based on the book by Marguerite
Duras), or Belle de Jour by Luis Bunuel (based on the novel by Joseph Kes-
sel), or indeed Resnais’ Last Year at Marienbad (adapted from Alain Robbe-
Grillet’s work), the films themselves seem to retain a more writerly, nov-
elistic, or narrative (as opposed to dramatic) way to tell their story. While
they clearly also needed to adapt the written work they based their film
on, it was not so much an adaptation that was focused on storytelling,
on primarily causality-driven “plots”, but an exploration which often used
comparable techniques - “inferential walks in the fictional woods”, as Um-
berto Eco would call it.
Email Conversation 2008 - 2009
First, the idea to adapt a certain work indicates that there’s a perceived
potential that the work could retain some essence in another medium. This
already depends on what one finds most interesting in the source material.
For some, it is mostly the mere facts and circumstances of the story: follow
the plot, throw out all superfluous material. For others, it is the attempt at
a faithful rendering of that which made the original work effective for them
as audience. This can be mood, atmosphere, the emotional journey of the
audience independent of any specific character, etc.
We all know of the people who go to the cinema to watch the adapta-
tion of a favourite novel and come out disappointed: “I liked the novel bet-
ter”, is the most common remark. Usually this is because the film had to
select its material from the vast possibilities a novel usually offers (which
is why many consider short stories so much more adaptable, as Gino also
remarks). I myself, as a huge fan of the novels, went to see the Harry Pot-
ter-series, not hoping for much, actually dreading it. And despite knowing
that they just had to be severely cut down in content, it was exactly the
filmmakers’ attempt to retain as many story elements as possible, the fo-
cus on the mere causal sequence of events, which made it so unsuccessful
as an adaptation for me. There was no room whatsoever to get to know
the characters, not a moment to stay with them, feel them, get under their
skin a bit, or indeed, sniff the atmosphere of Hogwarts school of witchcraft
and wizardry. Had I really expected anything else? No, but still I went, hop-
ing to be able to experience again the unique atmosphere I so love in the
books and especially the strong emotional theme(s). Interestingly it was
the third instalment of the series Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
that I felt succeeded best. It was also the one that took the biggest creative
license with the original material and in terms of fidelity was the most un-
faithful! It was necessary to create the feeling for the characters on screen.
But actually, and maybe this expands on the idea of what “makes” a good
adaptation, I also felt that most of the people who artistically worked on
the film, had either never read the novels, or if they had, hadn’t found an
emotional entrance into their world.
Email Conversation 2008 - 2009
tic 13-year-olds, we’d quote from the dialogue to allude to the sense of
mystery the film so consequently conveys. And as we all have painfully
understood at one point in our lives, the mystery is only exciting as long
as it is alive - once we learn what is behind, we’re disappointed because
the mystery is essentially empty.
Dear everyone.
Gino talked about how the Italian screenwriters of the fifties and sixties
wrote long documents exploring the world of the story in depth, with a
more literary focus. I find this approach most relevant to today’s screen-
writing/adaptation process. In working with a variety of writers and writer/
directors from a wide background and range, with a diversity of themes and
approaches, one must constantly re-invent new methods to explore. I try
to pick up the impulse from the writer as to what would be the most useful
approach for them; recently having found that several writers have been
”liberated” through this free-styling.
In another case the content to be explored in the film seemed not suita-
ble for a “normal” script format at all, but rather suggested that the writer/
director should devise a new format; one that most suitably would convey
the story to decision-makers, collaborators and others in the next step of
the process.
After all, there are script formats that we call standard, but when did
Standard ever measure up to Visionary?
Of course the script shall be an easy blueprint for all to work with, and we
are creatures of habit. But I’d like to remind myself that there is no death
penalty (yet) for re-invention. So, in conclusion: sometimes the script has
to adapt to the material, and the material should lead the way for what
documents to be produced.
On a completely different note, talking of “pure” adaptation, i.e. literary
works being transformed into films, I was interestingly re-reminded (via
the initiation of this conversation) that a surprisingly high number of (per-
sonally so considered) key oeuvres were in fact adaptations.
I re-discovered for instance that Kubrick based eleven out of his thirteen
films on literary texts, some very obviously so:
Eyes Wide Shut (Arthur Schnitzler), The Shining (Stephen King), Full
Metal Jacket (Gustaf Hasford), Lolita (Vladimir Nabokov), Barry Lyndon (Wil-
liam Makepeace Thackeray), A Clockwork Orange (Anthony Burgess), 2001
(Arthur C Clarke), Dr. Strangelove (Peter George), Spartacus (Howard Fast)
- and those I have not seen too; Paths of Glory (1957, novel by Humphrey
Cobb) and The Killing (1956, novel by Lionel White). Only the first two: Kill-
ers Kiss (1955) and Fear and Desire (1953) seem to be original screenplays.
What does it all mean? Perhaps Kubrick uncovered that there was
more depth to be explored through adaptation, rather than starting “from
I mean no one can accuse Kubrick of being lazy, considering all the re-
search he put into each film, so it would not read as easier, but conceivably
more suitable to his style.
A lot of adapted works I had read feverishly, long before they became
films, like The Piano Teacher (Elfride Jelinek, 1983), Cronenburg ´s Crash
(J.G. Ballard, 1973), Requiem for a Dream (Hubert Selby, 1973), Wise Blood
(Flannery O’ Connor, 1952) - but quite a few were discoveries first made
through the films.
Also: I never knew Nostalghia (Tarkovskij, 1983) was co-written with Ton-
ino Guerra (what did he NOT write?) Suddenly that peculiarly kindred spirit
Email Conversation 2008 - 2009
of L’Eclisse, La Notte, and L’Avventura surfaces, and it all makes sense: the
influence of this magnificent signature writer interflows into a film, which
I always felt was so “Tarkovskij”. But then of course, it is both Russian, and
Italian, as well.
Medea. This is another alluring case. The half-swede, half-dane Carl Th.
Dreyer (who, by the way, mainly adapted plays, novellas and novels for his
films) wrote and planned to make the film, but never did. Lars von Trier
filmed his script years later (1988), casting Udo Kier as Jason in the script
written by his genius predecessor/colleague, then dead since 20 years. This
Medea was - as they are - based on the play by Euripides (who for a guy
who’s been dead since 406 BC, gets a lot of film credits… some ten official
versions of Medea exist).
So, again, the word Adaptation is open: in this case meaning almost
adapting to the mind of another.
chooses to see it that way - an evolved form, into the art world (that has al-
ways loved and related to film). A slowed-down version of Hitchcock’s film
Psycho (1960), shown in the art space, screened indirectly through a mirror
reflection. (As a detail one can note that Psycho was based on the novel by
Robert Bloch and turned into a screenplay by Joseph Stefano, and then - as
is the custom - adapted by Hitchcock into this film).
Antoine Le Bos:
When that subject (adaptation) was picked up to start this e-mail con-
versation, I thought that I couldn’t wake myself up on such a topic that I
felt was too theoretical. But the way Gino has started it is so opening and
refreshing that I’d like to add a few things (as somebody famous said, “we
like to add…”).
Email Conversation 2008 - 2009
kovich and others. When Ruiz asked Gilles Taurand to write the adaptation,
he only gave him a few months to deliver a shootable draft. Knowing how
huge the challenge was, how completely lost in Proust’s material a screen-
writer could be (Taurand explained how mad and deep his dive into Proust
has been), the short amount of time given to the writer is a clear sign of
Raoul Ruiz’s desire. He didn’t want to find a narrative “way” into Proust’s
novel. He didn’t want to find a trick to create a narrative engine in the too
rich material given by the novelist that would easily take the spectator to
the end of the movie.
The script he asked Taurand to write was just a way to get the charac-
ters moving properly on stage, to get some logic and dynamic connections
between elements like places, objects, facts and people, in order to avoid a
complete surrealistic experience like Bunuel’s Andalusian Dog (even if Ruiz
would probably have loved this kind of attempt, but his producer wouldn’t
have financed it!).
And here is another case for Gino’s list: adaptation that just asks to
organize a bit (and simplify) an initial material that is considered as be-
ing “too rich”. Ruiz probably only wanted a script in order to “play” with
Proust’s parameters once he was on the set. The script is there to make an
understandable list of Marcel’s very rich material, but the real purpose of
the director is to make things fly, to turn the spectators head and sensa-
tions, to invent new correspondences, resonances between people, facts,
places and objects. He invented the most amazing travelling of objects
we’ve ever seen on a screen. Not the camera turning around reality, but
the world of things turning around the camera, as if things and facts were
dancing around us with a life of their own. Here the adaptation clearly is
the occasion for the director to project his sensations and feelings about
the original novel (you cannot adapt Proust without trying to say some-
thing about him…), without caring that much about narration. In fact, in
this film, narration is very difficult to follow for the viewer who is not al-
ready close to Proust’s world. But the same viewer dives into a dizzying
world and has to forget logic and let the senses take over on brain, which
in a way can be considered as Proust’s signature, thus proving that Ruiz’
adaptation made it!
The question that arises here is: in such an extreme case, would we rec-
ommend (as story editors or script-consultants) to a young writer-director
to let narration down to such an extent? At first sight, I can say why not:
when you deal with a work as well-established, strong and acclaimed in the
best society as Proust-novels, you can well decide to restructure the offi-
cial categories and leave the beast demolished. The recent (and sometimes
painful) history of art has been widely built on wiping out all pre-existing
constructions, so why not continue that pretty enjoyable game.
But when I look at it more carefully, I’m not that sure. First of all, why
continue to destroy, when so much has been wiped out already? Second of
all, Ruiz chooses as a writer one of the more gifted European screenwrit-
ers of that period. He clearly knows that when Taurand builds a story, he is
very conscious about how to use all the tricks that make a story go forward.
And even when Ruiz will destroy elements of that initial structure when
shooting or editing, there will still be some of that building energy in place.
Thirdly, the moment in time at which this film has been produced, the huge
power of the producer (Paulo Branco) in the French and European financing
system at that time, made it possible for such an extreme experience (high
budget and lack of understandable narration) to be produced. We all know
that this has become very different these days, apart maybe for acclaimed
directors that can attract the public in movie theatres to share very odd
experiences (but even David Lynch is in trouble when his narration becomes
weaker, look at Inland Empire…). I thus consider that working as much as
possible to assist (and insist) a young writer on building a dramaturgical
coherence and strength with his own material is the only way to help im-
aginary worlds of tomorrow and unusual ways to look at today’s societies
to be delivered to the public.
This gives me a good launching pad to jump to a subject that I’d love to
debate with you (huge jump, sorry!): as screenwriting coaches, we often see
young screenwriters try to avoid by any means to use dramaturgic devices
to develop their script. Can we let them drive into the wall full speed, in or-
der for instance that after five to ten years of crashing into the walls; they
realize that drama structure is just a way to link the spectator to their work,
emotions and feelings? For the talented, our job would then be to make
them crash as quickly as possible so that they accept to work properly on
their writing craft (or find co-writers…). Or is it possible to help them find
the right track as quickly as possible, as if they had no time? The answer
is probably somewhere in between, and clearly depends on the personality,
mind and abilities of the writer.
But what strikes me is how we mostly try to work on this with our minds
Email Conversation 2008 - 2009
and voices, whereas the core lies in our stomachs and emotions. A few
years ago, I dealt with a workshop that was involving both young actors
and young writers. I chose to create exercises that were linking the type
of processes you use with actors to better the potential power of a scene
and writing exercises (writing scenes from situations found in the nearby
street). The immediate lesson that the writers took from the acting work
was obvious: if there is no conflict or strong desire for something (no ob-
jective or “motivation” for the main characters), the actors weren’t able
to find anything convincing. The actors had in a way to transform them-
selves into “animals” looking for conflict, trouble or desire, thus inventing
the “engine” that would provide them enough electricity in the blood to do
their job properly. And the writers discovered that if they wanted to give
the actors the right material, they had to be (like actors!) hunting for con-
flict, hunting for words that hurt, for not confessed desires, or for the worst
fears. If they didn’t want to completely loose the control over their script
when it was in the hands of actors, they just had no choice!
Jeff Rush:
Hi All,
We’re all still in a post-Obama glow over here, although given how bad
the world looks since, he will need to work magic. Speaking of which leads
me to think about another form of adaption - adaptation of history (and
wizards); particularly in light of Franz’s discussion about Harry Potter. He
talked about his love of the books (I love them too) and how he dreaded
seeing the adaptations. I’m wondering how adaptations have different
effects on us when we love/hate the original. And also, how our feelings
about adaptations may change when our feelings about the original chang-
es, a kind of extension of the film into day-to-day life that doesn’t happen
in the same way with original scripts.
Or take Hotel Rwanda. I thought I knew enough to recognize all the story
tricks that were used to make the film watchable, especially the focus on
the internal life of the main character played by Don Cheadle (who I’d watch
in anything). I thought I could imagine beyond the film the reality that
was Rwanda. But I didn’t realize the extent to which I had been taken in.
A few weeks ago, I saw the Austrian documentary-maker Hubert Sauper’s
Kisangani Diary, a brutal railway trip into Zaire, where UN troops discover
thousands of Rwandan refugees. What struck me most was the imperson-
ality of the documentary footage. How casually the bodies are handled,
how indifferent the camera feels when it records a row of dead babies,
how the emptiness of the human husk overcomes any other point of view.
The notion of a story defeats the possibility of seeing that. But I also re-
alize that while I accepted the impersonality in a doc, I would not accept
it in fiction.
One of the better pieces to come out of 9/11 was Paul Greengrass’ United
93. What’s good about it is that it does not only focus on one or two char-
acters, and it does not give you anything about them beyond how they act
on that morning. This gives the film a sense of historical weight because
our focus is directed to the event and not to the individuals. On the other
hand, what is missing from the film is a perspective, a sense of the mean-
ing of the event, as interpreted through the characters. It is a conundrum
particular to this form of adaptation. The weight of the historic adaptation
seems to require a distance that destroys narrative involvement. I wish I
knew how to solve it.
I’m done with adaptation. I wonder if it is not time to move our discus-
sion to the next topic. One new topic might be the issue that Antoine raised
- the question of do we teach/think of scripts in terms of the organization
we know ahead of time or do we let our students/writers discover as they
go. I just read a piece by the English novelist Zadie Smith called Two Paths
for the Novel (available at which
I associate with this question. She considers what she calls “lyric realism”
which she compares to more ambitious narrative, and asks whether the
ambitious narrative doesn’t speak more cogently to our time (even though
the lyric realism sells better). I wonder whether leading our students/writ-
ers to certain organizations that we know ahead of time doesn’t reproduce
the limitations of this lyric realism.
Email Conversation 2008 - 2009
Gino Ventriglia:
If this were a scene of a script to translate into images with all its im-
plied meanings, the author should make the choice to go with either one
interpretation - or propose a fourth one - since ‘a man standing in front of
a bush of roses’ doesn’t really say more than that. So, the author would
be called to find, in terms of cinematic language, the proper techniques -
the ‘comparable techniques’ mentioned by Franz in his intervention - to
express one of the possible meanings of that scene, given that we want to
focus on the way Proust’s perception worked, and not just on the fact that
a man walks in a garden and stops in front of a bush of roses. It is clear
that each interpretation has a radically different set of image sequences to
properly correspond to the selected sense.
Whatever the final rendering of the ‘scene’ is, a huge amount of inter-
pretation of the text has been done to get the right meanings of the origi-
nal material, on many different levels, and that effort is just the first step
to determine the following adaptation choices. The process doesn’t stop
there, because if the interpretation of the original text is indispensable in
Email Conversation 2008 - 2009
The many issues connected to the fidelity to the original source and its
author’s intentions find their limits in the interpretation that the adapta-
tion author prefers and the use that he/she wants to make of it. In his
Saying almost the same thing, a composite essay on translation, Umberto
Eco points out the differences between Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice
and its filmic adaptation, Luchino Visconti’s Death in Venice. In the latter,
the choice is made to change Gustav Aschenbach’s profession, a 50 year
old scholar of art and history in the novel, characterized by his neoclassic
love for the perfection of the form (in a way, a critical - or ironic - treat-
ment of the ‘winkelmannian aesthete’), to a musician - fond of Mahler - in
the film. That change is read as the symptom of a strong divergence in the
themes - the intentions - that the two authors, Mann and Visconti, aim to
express. The literary pages tell the story of Aschenbach’s shocking discov-
ery that his admiration for Tadzio, a 14 year old boy, at first observed as a
classical piece of art - a statue - for the perfection of his shape, is stirring
in his mind and body an erotic passion; he finds death because it is his pla-
tonic sense of algid beauty that falls apart in the face of a very earthly lust
(it is Apollo who is defeated by Dionysus). In Visconti’s version, Aschen-
bach is already a decadent musician who fits well in Venice, where the
plague has spread. And the process of falling into a carnal passion is not
all in Aschenbach’s mind: in the novel, the innocent Tadzio looks at him
a few times and smiles at him once, whereas in the movie Aschenbach
falls at first sight and the boy, the actor is a little older than 14, is at least
ambiguous in his interaction with the musician. So, what is missed are
the original intentions of Mann’s work, the hard fall of an idealistic belief
crashed by the power and liveliness of carnal passion: in Visconti’s work, it
becomes a sort of agony, because he suffers since the beginning - he feels
guilty toward his family and, above all, he has never been touched before
by the myth of male beauty.
In this case, it’s hard to believe that Visconti was not aware of the new
and different implications of his adaptation: his culture was too refined
and deep to question his ability to properly interpret Mann’s intentions in
his novel. Visconti just used the original text, and bent it to his own inten-
tions: on a superficial level, most of the original materials are kept - with
the exception of Aschenbach’s profession, and, partly, the age of the pro-
tagonists - but reorganized on a deeper level to tell his own story, to express
the intentions and the theme that he wanted to show. That means that the
two Death in Venice, are two artistic pieces of art, very strictly connected,
and yet to be considered, in a way, entirely independent of each other.
The considerations developed here maybe explain the fact that when we
talk about adaptation, we are playing with an ‘equation’ with multiple and
difficult solutions: the variables are many - the interpretation of the origi-
nal material, the intentions the authors want to express in their adapta-
tion, the final transmutation (a term that recalls alchemic processes) from
one language system to another, and the realization of it. And moreover,
these paradigms are to be crossed with the personal tastes and ‘encyclope-
dia’ that the authors of the adaptation possess.
On paper, the work on an adaptation may seem easier: the fictional world
is already there, built and furnished, it’s just a matter of choosing the right
pieces we want to bring with us into the new universe. But one soon real-
izes that the operation of removal raises major questions that are at the
core of any narrative form. And working with scriptwriters, as coaches on
adaptations requires us to lead the journey through a more complex and
intricate path. Which may well be the topic of our next conversation.
by Tutors and Alumni
Life-Like: The Schizophrenia of the Limitless Possibilities
The Schizophrenia of the Limitless Possibilities
by Marietta von Hausswolff von Baumgarten
- I know everything.
Julius, 4
When trying to answer this at dinner party level, there are follow-up ques-
tions; sometimes out of pure curiosity, sometimes out of slight suspicion.
The friendly alternative would be:
But perhaps it actually (if anything) relates to the work that goes on
in psychology-related therapy-sessions, and the long-term process this
would imply.
Or, rather than “fixing things and healing”, it might even be a form of
“evil doctoring”, that disturbs, unleashes, discovers and unearths, one that
brings pleasure through pain (or even pain through pleasure).
In television drama, script editing usually means (in my experience) re-
writing someone else’s (dysfunctional, sloppy) work so it fits into the agenda
of the broadcaster and that specific feel needed for that specific product.
But a script editor - or script consultant - for feature films is quite a dif-
ferent story. There is no executive rewriting whatsoever is going on.
Let’s continue to define by the negatives, about what we are not:
We are not teachers. We are not co-writers (unless we are co-writers).
But we are creatures that writers (I know from my own experience as a
writer), often feel a desperate need for.
This creature is not the director, with whom you can have a most amaz-
ing and extremely fruitful dialogue and discovery process. (Actually you can
have this with the director, even if the director happens to be you).
This creature is not the producer, who can also - if the writer is lucky (or
rather: if the producer her- or himself is lucky) - be full of brainpower and
No, this creature, the script consultant, is a weird hybrid. It is an artistic
flying partner to the writer’s soul. This creature has voluntarily spent most
of its time gathering knowledge and input that will be of use to the writer
(/director) and her/his art.
And all this, while there is still a chance to make it all stronger, more in-
fluential, coherent, more funny and daring: before big unnecessary money
starts to roll. (By the way, when I say the script, I sometimes mean the
idea, sometimes the fully written story or sometimes the actual film as it
becomes, which of course is when we are past the development phase.)
To quote a commissioning executive: “Development is cheap”. But the
work we do is not cheap - it is very valuable and precious.
Life-Like: The Schizophrenia of the Limitless Possibilities
beautiful (but it most certainly can be! And sometimes is!) What it has to
do though, is to communicate its intentions to those who will commit to
make the film, in all steps of the process
The script consultant - to my mind - will try to help in this process. By lis-
tening, channelling and exploring. Friedrich Jürgenson, one of the pioneers
in contacting and electronically recording “the other side” (the so called
dead people), used his polyglot experience to hear what he realised was
there. He was a “hyper cultured madman” who used his knowledge of ten
languages to intently listen for messages from the dead, and to interpret
them to those of us less so gifted.
In the same way, the script in all its forms is speaking to its “side-soul”,
wanting to show itself, and at that same moment it begins to make de-
mands on me, the living, the receiver. I, as a script advisor must approach it
with all languages at hand.
The story demands things from me - through the inbuilt dramatic “indi-
cations” (avoiding the crippling word “rules”…), explored through centuries
of human emotion. It demands:
- Structure - when, what, why
- Theme - the all around God; why are we here, what is the meaning, what for?
- Discipline - how, to what extent, with what, why?
- Order and chronology - to whom, why, with who, when, place in time
- Rhythm - flow, energy, variation, impact
- Timing - when does it occur?
- Urgency - there is no other way, it must happen, it must be
- Details - meaning, surface, depth, hidden, open, difference
- Gravity - where is it attached, how does it stand, where are the bearings,
where does air come in, will it hold?
- Realness - deep human research (mental, physical, archive, psychologi-
cal, historical, poetical)
- Expression - irony, humour, reference, memory, details
- Innovation - building on context, entering new territories, rules versus
and raw beauty; into a film worth seeing, and a film that can express the
filmmakers intention and emotional “brain”.
How to “help” writers, without loading onto her/him stale and inhibiting
tools? Honestly, I’ve been not-helped by a large number of people in my
writing situation: misunderstood - mislead - misguided.
I strive for “non formula”: the living story, the life force, the relation-
ships, flow, events, webs, circles, control, spirituality, movement, dream,
emotion, structure and impact. As grateful as I should be to all those that
I’ve learned from, I feel that my investment toward instinct and logic,
meaning and invention is best rewarded.
Life-Like: The Schizophrenia of the Limitless Possibilities
about Buster Keaton falling over: “Do you know how good you have to be,
to look so bad?” How the simple - allegedly - is very hard to achieve.
As a grown up, or “adult”, one must increasingly fight for, strive for, this
natural superiority of pretending not to know anything, not having any pre-
conceived notions, of being able to fall over well. (The artist Pipilotti Rist
made a filmed multi-piece in which she collapses and “dies” in parking lots,
parks and streets all around the world. I was impressed with her capacity
to do what (mostly) only children can do: just go for it. Try collapsing in the
street just because you tell your brain to do it. Anyway.)
As adults, we are (as a rule) far away from that childish original creator’s
channel. We must make do with what we have learned, and try very hard to
protect that thin dying streak of creativity within ourselves, that allows us
to have insightful ideas that inspire us in the moment; that creativity which
can suggest, propose, inspire. We must make do with trying to combine all
that we’ve learned and experienced, into a concoction of “stringent” and
slimmed down version of Creativity.
Children already have the thing we must make up for, when we’re try-
ing to dissolve our learned experience and to free our spirits: they have
deep imagination. They know everything. They can tell you anything, make
anything happen, they have no limits, no structural problems. The 3-6
year old runs the innumerable possibilities and options through the brain.
Anything is possible, explorable. But. Maybe the seeds of our imaginations
are still in there, and we just need to tap into it, and re-learn from it...
With deep imagination I here mean the ability to enter (fully) into some-
one else’s world, into their dreams, thoughts and their logic. Children know
- instinctively - how to identify, and they know how to create distance to
what happens, to see it from all angles, to change point of view. If I can do
anything even near this as a script consultant, then I think I’m worthy of
that professional title.
But. It is still in this human experience (and the “refinement” of it) where
we adults can research around and be guided to grasp and understand -
where we can turn into Drama, all that pain (and yes, all that laughter…)
that we have been put through so far.
I find myself more and more drawn to the land of “classical” themes:
redemption, destiny, guilt, greed, jealousy, fate… as we strive once again
for the stories we work with to become more realistic and true to our “mod-
ern” times. Alienation, loneliness, solitude is as eternal a thing as heritage
or revenge.
Life-Like: The Schizophrenia of the Limitless Possibilities
there, building the trust and the confidence to actually do it. Making it be-
come that which no one knows it can be!
Even if sometimes the writer “disagrees” with her/his own script, I have
to ensure that the script stands on its own merits, and then focus on creat-
ing a story that moves from paper onto film, and into the hearts of humans.
Helping the writer to bring out the things that she/he doesn’t even know are
dying to come out - and even some that they may not want to come out.
Orhan Pamuk says about Albert Camus that the writer’s “metaphysi-
cal prose ushers the reader into a mysterious landscape that we long to
understand: to see it take on meaning is to know that literature has - like
life - limitless possibilities”. And further:
“We are attached to a writer not just because he ushered us into a world
that continues to haunt us, but because he has made us who we are”.
Working with a Script Editor - from Killers to Fairy Godmothers
Script editing is a fairly new position in the (Finnish) film industry and
there are a lot of misunderstandings and different ideas about what it
is the script editor does and how that benefits the film. I have heard of
some script editors (with different titles, but let’s use the term ‘editor’
for all those people who, sometimes, are paid to help the writer write the
script) being called “the killers”. They are the persons who often come to
a project quite late, probably when time is running out and the writer has
been struggling on her own for a long time and nobody is satisfied with the
result. Enter the magical script editor (often called “doctor”) to the rescue
and in just a few weeks s/he “polishes” the script, weeds out all irregulari-
ties and - let’s shoot.
The end result is often “right” looking from the outside, but lacks an in-
ner cohesion or worse - a meaning. The poor script editors are not the only
ones to blame in these situations - usually there have been problems in
the whole process. It might be that the director, writer and producer are not
making the same film, although they think they are, and it is sold to finan-
ciers as such. In those cases the position of the script editor can indeed be
very unpleasant. But that is a whole other story of it’s own.
Now I am trying to see, if there are some basic rules or codes of ethics
that could be used in the process of developing a script with a script edi-
tor. My point of view is simply based on my own practical experiences as a
young writer in the beginning of my career. I think that by researching the
process of professional script writing and editing we can also learn a lot
about how to teach (or at least how not to teach) this difficult craft. For
most of us, the first experiences of script editing come during student film
making from different teachers in film schools and courses. I am not trying
to make declarations here, but to take a part in an ongoing discussion I find
very important to keep flowing.
Working with a Script Editor - from Killers to Fairy Godmothers
How did I get there? The course consisted of a few weekend workshops
with high profile Finnish scriptwriters who came in to share their ideas of
what scriptwriting is. Along with that we were developing our own scripts
with the help of an experienced dramatist - or script editor, if we want
to call him that. Taking this course you could have easily misunderstood
that in order to write a script you first invent the basic plot points and
structure and then fill out the rest. I just knew that you couldn’t have
the structure before you had the material, but that was not explained
and I started to feel trapped. At the intensive group development ses-
sions things got worse. Even though the script editor was intelligent and
had a lot of knowledge, I didn’t see the connection between theory and
practice. His method was to talk philosophically about the themes of the
scripts, recommending some reading on philosophy and when it got to
the actual script he would start to suggest wild turning points and events
that had nothing to do with the story. Or at least I didn’t see the con-
nection. I got more and more confused. I could see that my story lacked
structure and the script editor had a point in what he said. The events he
suggested to add to my script were more dynamic than mine, but seemed
completely artificial from the point of view of the story. I started to lose
contact with what I wanted to tell and if I really wanted to tell anything
at all. After months of frustration I was left with this strange mixture
that combined everything - I had gotten so confused that I tried to keep
anything anyone had said they liked. Somewhere, I had secretly tried to
keep the story I wanted to tell alive. This is not the end of the story, be-
cause later I entered the professional world with my idea, but more about
that later.
I have aimed at film from the very beginning, but I am a writer and I write
for several media. This is why I see the relationship of a screenwriter and
a script editor in a wider context. It resembles the relationship between a
journalist and her editor at the magazine or an author and her publishing
editor at the book publishing company. Those are occupations often mis-
understood too, but at least in Finland they are by now well recognized:
good editors are well paid and wanted staff.
Working with a Script Editor - from Killers to Fairy Godmothers
6. Revise - rewriting
When the first draft is finished the editor comes in again and comments
the draft - writes in questions and suggestions. After which, the writer
goes back and writes the second draft, sometimes a third.
This all sounds very simple, but in reality it is not. I think many writers try
to jump ahead of one or more of these steps, at least that is what I have done.
It is easy to get lost in collecting the material if you haven’t spent enough
time with the first step. And you get really stuck when you try to write the
first draft before you have spent time focusing and organising your material.
Sometimes the editing process ends up with you getting your article
back as something you don’t want to put your name on anymore. Then
you re-write it and work with the editor, both of you are trying to make
compromises and the result is usually something that neither of you is
very pleased with. There are several things causing this unfortunate re-
sult: the lack of respect, time, experience, talent or all of these. Some-
times the problem seems to be, that the editor, usually originally a writer
herself, maybe wants to be the author of the article. Maybe she is frus-
trated with her busy schedule and not having time to write herself. Not
recognising her need, she starts writing your article. Never a good idea.
I don’t have any personal experience working with a book editor, but I
have interviewed some in research I was working on1 and I also have sev-
eral friends in the book publishing industry. My understanding is that the
role of the publishing editor is similar, but due to the nature of the work,
often more delicate.
The role of the creative producer is a topic of it’s own - but as I see it -
the producer has to choose to work with people s/he believes are talented,
choose a project s/he believes in, and then create the conditions under which
the project can get realised to it’s full potential. This includes protecting the
scriptwriter and the project during the long and exhausting financing proc-
ess, which usually happens at the same time as the writing takes place.
One of the things that the producer can do is to hire a good script editor.
A skilful script editor can sometimes also be a good mediator for the film
on negotiations with financiers - when the writer, director and producer
are often already too involved to see clearly.
And so we are back to the question: what is it actually, that makes the
script editor good or less good? Are there any rules?
Let’s go back to the script I was writing on the film course, the one that
got completely tangled up. Some time later I was happy to get to know
a talented script editor through a friend and this editor did me a favour
Working with a Script Editor - from Killers to Fairy Godmothers
The first twenty minutes we discussed one story and then I, almost
accidentally, mentioned a minor sentence in the script, how “that was ac-
tually what I was trying to do in the first place”. Immediately the editor
turned his point of view and said I should forget everything we had talked
about before. And then we discussed the material from another angle. Af-
ter that I was able to write a treatment that made some sense. A producer
and a director got interested and with the help of the script editor (that I
convinced the producer to hire) I was able to write a quality first draft of
the one-hour script in just four weeks.
First of all, he wanted to find out what I was trying to do, not to tell
me what he thought I should do. He didn’t force his opinions on what was
interesting in the themes, which of the possible themes the material pro-
vided that I should pick. He just pushed me to understand what it was that
spoke to me in the characters and the story. When he felt he knew what I
was trying to do, he was able to show me what belonged to the theme and
the story and what I wanted to tell; this process made it easy for me to
strip out things I didn’t need. When you are blocked it is often a situation
where you are afraid to let anything go because you don’t know what is
important and what is not.
Often the script editor is only attached to the project when time is run-
ning out and several versions of the script have been written. I am sure
that this is not a very rewarding time to jump in. I find it most fruitful to
get the script editor on board in the early stages of the work. At the point
when you already have some material, a hunch of what you are doing,
but are still working with the synopsis/treatment. People have different
ways of working, but I find it better to spend lots of time in the treatment
and synopsis phase. When you have a solid treatment the draft usually
doesn’t take long to write. No matter what you prefer, it is probably not
a very good idea to show very early drafts to many people; readers tend
to fall in love with different things and when you have as much material
as a draft needs, it becomes more and more difficult to manage all the
feedback you get.
Working with a Script Editor - from Killers to Fairy Godmothers
ered it as the “selling tool for the producers”. After Script&Pitch we were
converted. As a writer you do need many other people to work with you
and to find them, you need to learn to communicate your thoughts even
when they are not clear and ready. Pitching is terribly painful, because you
get caught by yourself as to where there are holes and problems in your
story. I am not saying I know how to pitch yet, or that it is something I
love, but at least I know it is something I need to take seriously. And if it
wasn’t so painful, I’d pitch all the time.
Looking back we could have written the original version of the script
too, it might have worked on the outside. But it would not have been the
film we wanted to write. Instead, Script&Pitch helped us to choose the
hard but rewarding way and we learned a lot about the craft and what we
want to learn more about and who we want to become as scriptwriters.
V A wish list for the fairy godmothers - and all the other commentators
I see the work of the script editor (and other editors, as mentioned ear-
lier) as similar to the work of a midwife. It is not the job of the midwife
to criticize the baby, but to help the mother to get it out, leaving both the
baby and the mother well and alive. Just like the work of the editor is not
about what he likes or doesn’t like in the script; it is in the heart of the
script editor’s job to help the writer to find the emotional theme of the
story and help the writer to keep it clear as the work goes on and the ways
of working may alter. It might be that what is important in the script is
something the editor doesn’t like at all. It is his or her job to clear this up
in the beginning. It might be that in this case she is not the right person to
work with this writer. Or she needs to take into consideration that doing
the job means helping a writer to write a script she doesn’t like.
The questions that should be asked in the beginning are: can you work
on those premises and can the writer work with you? It goes back to the
respect. Do you respect the script and the writer even if you don’t like the
script? Does s/he respect you? There are always writers who are not will-
ing to question themselves or to work hard. If the writer doesn’t respect
the editor, it doesn’t matter how good the editor is. The writer has to do
the hard work, no editor can do it for him/her.
When it comes to the hard work itself, it doesn’t stop when the emo-
tional theme is finally clear - quite the contrary. It does help a lot and it
saves time and versions (and money!), but after the theme is clear, work-
ing with the script editor is very practical work with the structure and the
scenes. The script editor helps to keep the core of the story clear and mov-
ing when the story and characters are leading the writer. It is always the
writer who makes the choices, but a good editor has many suggestions to
lead the writer to find his/her way to tell the story on screen.
1. Respect the script and the writer, it sounds simple but it is not. It is
frustrating to read bad scripts. Many scripts are bad, and most are bad
at some point. Respect means that the commentator needs to believe
this could become a good script and that this writer could do it. If she
doesn’t believe that, there is no point in working with this project.
3. Recognize your own need to write and express yourself. If you want to
write yourself and your writing is stuck for one reason or another, you
are not necessarily in the right place to give feedback. A writer with a
block is often passive-aggressive and it might be difficult to recognize
your own feelings of bitterness, resentment or envy for a person who
actually is writing. And when you have those feelings and you are not
recognising them, you are not likely to see things clearly. You are not
the author of the script you are commenting. This doesn’t mean you
can’t contribute enormously to the script and that your ideas and sug-
gestions would not count. If there is respect, a writer with a head on
Working with a Script Editor - from Killers to Fairy Godmothers
her shoulders will take all the good ideas and suck them into the script.
But you need to be willing to give them.
I am sure my wish list may change over time when I get more expe-
rience. So far I am very grateful to all the people who have spent their
time and energy with my scripts - without the less rewarding experiences
I might not have learned to value the rewarding ones.
by Antoine Bataille (S&P Alumni)
In feature films, script development and the task of script editors is usu-
ally envisaged in a context of crisis, when an author is blocked or when the
script doesn’t satisfy the financiers. Nevertheless, authors often call on
script editors to get an assessment on their latest draft rather than to save
their script heading towards a near deadline. The aim is often to open new
perspectives for the project, or to choose some, rather than desperately
finding a solution to a problem that has been subsisting in the story since
the beginning of the development process.
But what does a script editor bring to the process when the writing is
in progress and the author is quite optimistic about it? Script editors are
often asked for a fresh view. They are often confronted with projects that
have been in development for some time and have to quickly merge into
them. They only have a few hours to digest a script and must be aware of all
its aspects (themes, plots, subplots, characters, rhythm, beats). When an
author looking towards financing has to confront his artistic intentions and
the singularity of his project, facing the many demands and expectations
from his different collaborators, the main challenge of a script editor (hired
by that author) lies certainly in the necessity to obey to that singularity,
without taking the place of a co-author.
An author writing a story proposes a game whose rules are decided by him,
and script editors must quickly enter the game respecting these rules. Script
editors have to submit to the singularity and the style of the author. Also, fic-
tions try to incite us into adopting a new vision of such or such an aspect of
the world and script editors have to perceive that new vision of the real world
while it hasn’t yet emerged in the frame of the script. Thus, the main obstacle
to the script editor’s task lies in the subjectivity of the author’s intentions and
the obvious impossibility to communicate these fully and logically.
For some partisans of “auteurism”, the writer’s obligatory solitude is
enough to invalidate the work of any script consultant. The French director
Christophe Honoré declared this in a recent interview: “Nobody is able to
read a screenplay. And we can go further: there are no good script readers
as there are no good novel readers. The principle of reading is an experience
of solitude, of absolute intimacy. Reading creates a relation between an
experience of life and some words. How could an experienced reading be
an objective work that can be shared?” He points to the unfinished nature
of a screenplay and the impossibility to objectively foresee a film from a
screenplay, and claims that, “the new jobs, which have been created at the
television channels and some production companies, script readers, are the
jobs of the greatest impostors in the world”1.
From the point of view of a script editor, that position is of course un-
bearable, but really interesting because it reflects the kind of preconcep-
tions and mistrusts that some scriptwriters can have towards script edi-
tors. In spite of its radicalism, Honoré’s provocative declaration holds some
truth. We could say that it permits us to focus on an important paradox
existing in the script editing process: the involvement of a script editor in
a script cannot be objective since it has to be emotional, and not only logi-
cal. I here understand an emotion as an event, a transitory and ephemeral
moment between the perception of the script elements (description sen-
tences, dialogues, rhythm) and the construction of a representation or an
interpretation of these script elements in the frame of a story. This phe-
nomenon, consisting of setting the mind in motion, is the essence of the
narrative process. Honoré points out that the limits set by this emotional
involvement renders useless any assessment of a script. It is true that the
phenomenon of narration always ends on a subjective interpretation; all
stories sound a bit different in everyone’s mind. But, the important thing
is the dynamic moment of the emotion, not the story as a result. From
my short experience, I could say that above all, the task of a script editor
differs from that of a common reading by the necessity to put into words
what is emotionally disturbing during the first reading of the script, not in
the story that the script editor understood. Usually, authors are conscious
of the weak parts of their scripts, they can feel where the script doesn’t
work. The task of a script editor doesn’t only consist of finding these weak
moments of the story, but also in discovering what mechanisms that are
producing this feeling of dysfunction. In other words, the main goal of the
analysis of a script lies in the necessity to find the words and the logical de-
velopment that permits one to understand what disturbs at such or such a
moment of the reading. Being attentive to one’s own affects and emotions,
1 “Le scénario n’est pas une histoire” (The script is not a story), interview with Christophe Honoré
by Frédéric Davoust in La Gazette des scénaristes, Paris, December 2007, nb.32, pp.46-48
Then, the script is explored in many ways, according to such or such a char-
acter’s trajectory, some scenes are read and read again, till the discovery of
the thing, the detail, a line, a sentence in the descriptions, a turning point, a
jump..., whatever it is that is preventing the whole plot from working. Thus,
script editing can be considered a precision work, which allows one to give
importance to the general structure as much as to the details. During this
second step of the analysis, the affective and emotional involvement of the
script editor, his role as a human seismograph, must be kept in the back-
ground. To take a concrete example, the final scene of a feature film script I
worked on appeared to be an easy turn over. A main character [A] was meet-
ing a secondary character [B] and was seeing this secondary character [B]
acting in a way, which created doubts on everything [A] had learned about
[B] during the story. The denouement had already occurred and there was
an obvious intention to create an overture at the very end of the story. That
final scene was written brilliantly, the atmosphere, the rhythm, and the dra-
matic tension were there. Moreover, it was pushing the whole story into a
wide reflection on beliefs, by the sudden reemergence of an inherent doubt
motivating the main character’s quest. But in the story, the event appeared
as something artificial. In spite of the evident cinematographic beauty of the
scene and its undeniably strong moral questioning, the easiest reaction of a
script consultant would have been to argue that if the scene didn’t work in
the screenplay, it wouldn’t work on the screen, and that the only thing to do
would be to take it out and let the story finish in a more classical way with
the denouement. After a long discussion about this scene, no solution was
really foreseen and as a script editor, I had a feeling of failure. As [A] was the
main character, the one in which the audience is supposed to project itself,
the main question remaining was: “What can [A] do to make this scene be-
lievable?” But one of the foreseen solutions, then adopted by the author,
came from the secondary character [B], from a detail. In the situation of a
meeting, [A] and [B] were equally conscious of the presence of the other,
which meant that [B] could control what he was letting the main character
[A] discover. The important detail, in fact, wasn’t the main character’s point
of view, but the secondary character’s. In the new draft, [B] is not able to
notice the presence of [A] when he acts in a way that creates doubt about
everything [A] has learned about [B] during the story. [A] is kept at a distance
while he observes [B]. Concretely, it just meant changing a few sentences in a
description paragraph, but the audience, identifying with the main character
[A], may now be moved by this scene because the accidental nature of the
event became believable. The problem was emotional because the dramatic
event didn’t move us, but the way to find a solution was logical. In such a
task, some books of script theory can be very useful. Working with books
doesn’t consist in finding the right way to shape a story, but it can help to
conceptualize what is creating a feeling of malaise during the first reading. In
the present case, it was a problem of dramatic irony.
only make it smaller: emotional theme and storytelling”, in Script&Pitch Insights //1 - 2007
Another main limit of the script editing process comes from the strange
and ambiguous literary nature of a screenplay. Writing a script is like tak-
ing up an impossible challenge because the written language is limited to
describe what’s going to happen on the screen. As every script develop-
ment professional knows, a screenplay must obey to some precise presen-
tational and writing rules. The descriptions must be written in the narra-
tive present, and never go beyond the description of sounds, images and
movements that could potentially be perceived by the audience during the
Objections could be made for some exceptional cases when some more ‘interior’ or subjective
descriptions make the reading easier and quicker.
As for the case of ‘interior’ descriptions, some exceptions to that rule can be relevant.
So, who are the real impostors? It’s well known that many script doc-
tors are actually script charlatans and a script editor who claims to be an
expert of storytelling can be considered an impostor. Honoré is absolutely
right when he determines the limits of a screenplay, but his way to use
these limits to radically refuse any form of script consulting has certainly
something ideological to it. Script writing is obviously something that is
irreducible to logic developments, but not sacred enough to be untouch-
able. Judges, psychoanalysts and journalists perform a job, which keeps a
part of subjectivity; but are they impostors for that? Not if they are able
to reconsider permanently their own method, position and thought proc-
esses. Thus, the main challenge for script editors today is certainly to be
able to work outside of the classical narrative forms. In such an uncertain
framework, when no certitudes or laws can be established about what will
work and what won’t work on the screen, it’s among the author’s respon-
sibilities to set the rules of the game. Script editors are ideally not there to
save a bad script – even if they are sometimes unfortunately hired to take
up this difficult challenge – but to play the author’s game.
See for example Christian Salmon, Storytelling. La Machine à fabriquer des histoires et à forma-
ter les esprits (Storytelling. Bewitching the Modern Mind), 2007, ed. La Découverte. The English
translation will be published in February 2010. Christian Salmon defends the thesis of the exis-
tence of a “new narrative order” made of the accumulation of formatted stories told through the
media. According to the author, this “new narrative order” enables a restraint understanding of
reality and the control of peoples’ emotional responses. This book was subject to some contro-
versial issues because of its Orwellian perspective.
How Do You Know When The Customer Is Happy?
A Pacific setting in which a Mallickian voice over starts: “What is this typ-
ing in the midst of nature...”. The camera glides over the ocean and settles on
an island, finally descending and finding a group of people sitting in a circle
beneath the palm trees.
In the middle, a medicine man, the guru of this group, is tossing out pages
and pages of paper into a fire while the group looks in awe.
They all come from different backgrounds, not just race and color, culture
and tax rate, but from genres. On the left, little Miss Romantic Comedy is ready
with her hankies, on the right the Science Fiction nut protects himself from
too much sunlight, or so he says, with a tin foil wrapped around his head. The
War Movie buff is all dressed in camo and holds a stick imagining it’s a rifle.
I leave the Island of Script Pimping and switch off the Webcam. Outside a
rainy, gray fall day is dawning. On my desk a pile of scripts supposedly con-
tributes towards the right to claim oneself to be a professional of some sort.
The scripts, treatments and the emailing in relation to them tells almost of
a new form of networking. Fine. I’ll read. As long as it does not divert from
my other goals. Plenty of storylines of my own to sort out, blank pages to fill,
meetings to go to.
While the scripts waiting to be read may not bare any resemblance to each
other and the writers are as mixed a bunch as the stories they are telling, it
does not change the fact that from myths to movies, whether art house or
mainstream, there are certain steps in the creative process of achieving a
good story. At best, developing a screenplay is like a good scene with great
dialog. It is done with passion, yet always with respect. Not to ridicule but to
improve. To find ways, to seek, to explore and understand stories and struc-
tures, forms that can be different depending on each screenplay. Like a coach
for quality the story editor tries to make sense from it all, but...
How do you know if the customer is happy? And for whom are you really
working? Heated debates can take place, new pages appear, but to know for
sure if you are truly helping a script or are just turning into an opinion ma-
chine is something worth considering.
To make room on my desk I lift a recent book purchase dealing with cur-
rent affairs and it reminds me of a quote from the now former Secretary of
Defense Donald Rumsfeld who said: “There are known knowns. These are
things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say,
there are things that we know we don’t know. But there are also unknown
unknowns. There are things we don’t know we don’t know”. Those lines, as
funny as they might first sound, start a thinking process. Not a look back,
not a sentimental round up of a one year adventure at Script&Pitch, best de-
scribed as a decameronian feast for writers gathered to pitch their stories, a
rare pearl among the many empty shells of film education. No, none of that,
but more an effort to try to understand which way, what kind of an assault to
make, while preparing to head to the jungle of these unknowns of storytell-
ing. Many maps have been provided; some have offered even a compass. The
flora and fauna remains varied. There are many ways, methods and styles to
come ashore to the island of writers.
A sound bite could easily give the impression that story editing must be
one of the easiest jobs ever. You browse a few scripts, take out a red pen and
mark down: “Write it again. Make it better”. Sure, repetition can introduce
something new and make things better, but “write it again” and thinking
that that is all there is to this job is like saying that every director will reach
the quality of William Wyler by asking the actors to “Do it again”.
How Do You Know When The Customer Is Happy?
Sometimes one wonders if the many fine schemes and workshops are just
a way to make the knitters of the quilt feel better and help them to make a
living; an effort to create a consensus of sorts in which many would at least
appear to be happy. It is easy to point towards a workshop, market or a talent
scheme and then close the door on a young wannabe’s face. No unsolicited
scripts please.
If we do find ourselves back on the school bench then we face a new set of
questions by looking at our fellow students. How many of them will actually
during their studies read scripts, how many will learn to write something for
micro-budget movies (meaning your explosion on page 25 is smaller than you
would like it to be), how many will be taught how to get some doors open,
how to get an agent or more precisely: who will introduce you to one... Many
get into the hallways, but fewer inside the rooms.
Out of the many ways to go forward one of the best approaches is of course
the John Sayles one. He is a respected script doctor and writer for films like
Apollo 13, The Fugitive, Jurassic Park IV (Yes, your beloved Mr. Independent of
Lone Star fame) and uses this as a way to fund his own films. See this hap-
pening in your neck of the woods?
But, enough about money, since in Europe it is never about money (probably
because there never is enough of it) but about higher qualities such as finding
a voice: A European voice for screenwriting. I assume that this voice, like the
rest of the continent, must be something constantly out of tune then.
Like dogs sniffing the behind of another canine it does not really matter
what kind of excrement you produce if the sniffing process has resulted in
an acceptance to spend time and play with the limited resources that the
islands, always in fear of a tide that will sweep over them, provide.
Sure, there are also walls and groins protecting the sometimes very vac-
uum packed industry products being made in California. Products that at
times have captured only a bit of the refreshing Santa Ana winds. But in
any case, the shores of the mainland of motion are always open for business
and perhaps thus, at least for this hack, getting in touch and hearing back
has so far proven to be a lot faster process when dealing with Americans or
the British. Europe, it seems, can afford to be slow and quiet with so many
masterpieces already produced.
During the writing of these ramblings I receive an email from a story de-
velopment workshop titled “The three act structure will kill you”. Whoa! And I
thought the job of a story editor was fairly safe! If the film does not succeed it
is hardly the story editor who gets blamed. If it’ s a success... I guess then you
can be assured that the customer, the producer, the writer, the audience indeed
is happy, just don’t expect a credit or a bonus. Perhaps another assignment.
Irving Thalberg produced circa 100 movies during his career and took an on
screen credit for none. By the age in which many are nowadays considered
only mature enough to be accepted to study film, Thalberg had already pro-
duced an impressive list of motion pictures. Today the credit battles start at
schools, since often it is all about making the CV look impressive, whatever
that means in the film industry, so no wonder the average length of a con-
tract keeps getting longer. Somewhere on the dotted line a preferred story
editor might be mentioned. Creating a good story is nice. Coming up with a
franchise even better.
I look again at the pile of scripts on my desk. These are my customers. The
characters in them friends that I must nurture. The world they bring alive and
make me believe in something worth disappearing into.
The end product, the script, should be ready to go into production. Thus
it is still only something that is part of a process trying to reach the screen.
Who buys scripts collected into one Best Screenplays Of The Year–book? Ever
seen it among the National Book- and Faulkner- award winners as best sell-
ers during Christmas time?
Yet Greek plays are still being staged even if the original cast is long gone.
How Do You Know When The Customer Is Happy?
Nitrate films have exploded in the archives, digital ones need back ups every
now and then. The scripts of the lost films offer a chance for a remake. Some
faith in the word staying around can be kept.
These examples do of course not offer the more alternative and wacky,
“Let’s try to reinvent the wheel by making it a square”-approaches. I mean
this with no disrespect towards the more experimental ways of telling stories
and trying to come up with ideas for that. It is just that if you look at some
of the festival entries in recent years it would appear, that while the the-
sis on this matter might be good and worth studying, the filmmakers might
not have the intelligence to live up to Jean Cocteau’s famous “Astonish me”-
comment, which most seem to interpret as “Shock me with something sick
and disguise it as social commentary”. The original “Astonish me” was ap-
parently also a favorite of the young Kubrick. Later, it has been said, he told
“I’m still fooling them”. Perhaps astonishing and fooling are not that far from
each other in the film business, but it seems the con men capable of pulling
off the heist are fewer and fewer.
To believe that a commando group of story editors can improve the situ-
ation is almost something to use to calm the nerves of ministers of culture
and committees of filmmaking. Surely talent has a way of braking through,
help or no help, and what makes the film industry so great is that people
with no talent can do extremely well too.
consulting is like an affair and can turn out to be costly. I know that script
doctoring is like going to the doctor who cures by fixing or cutting, perhaps
even implanting something new.
So... If you want to train yourself as a story editor or writer you train your-
self in the streets, in the hallways of libraries, in the darkness of the cinema,
by listening to older people and thinking that, now, at the age of 28, your
grandfather would have just been returning from the war.
And the future? In a few years one should have “stolen” enough unused
ideas to create a really good script or see the publication of a motivational
self-help book.
By that time story editing will have started to affect your daily life. Every
look and comment from the opposite sex could be fine-tuned or analyzed to
come with a subtext. You are desperately waiting for the tipping point, for
the beat of the conversation, so that it will again be your point of view that
dominates. There are plenty of moments in the day that you consider rewrit-
ing, but surely being a story editor will someday turn a man into a perfect
husband, since sentences like “Aha, OK, Yes...How do you feel about it?” can
never be exploited enough when listening to a writer all set out to film an
Asian version of Zabriskie Point, just because the funding is there.
But if you did not take my quote from Mr. Rumsfeld seriously enough then
let’s go back to the Pentagon once more and start learning from the OODA-
Loop, which stands for Observe, Orient, Decide and Act. A concept created
by USAF Colonel John Boyd and perhaps something that every story editor
should consider, since, as we learned from Samuel Fuller: “Film is a battle-
ground”. If you want to survive on it, make it a Western. Now go and charge
up the hill!
Answering Questions on Script Editing - from 3 Script&Pitch Alumni
Would you agree that part of the work of a story editor has a lot in common
with the work of a psychoanalyst?
And - how do you understand when the time has come to stop pushing the
writer in his/her search into the inner and most hidden motivations that gave
him/her the need to write the story?
First of all I can’t really say my work relates directly to that of a psychoana-
lyst, since I have no experience as one at all… But, that said, there is certainly a
lot of psychology and analysis involved in this work. Secondly. It’s all a process
between more people. So I don’t feel it’s really me pushing, at best it should
feel like a collaboration of some sort. The writer should need me for his or her
purposes, in order for the story to develop along the best potential lines.
As a script editor you often get to read material that is badly presented.
Sometimes, nonetheless, you see that the project has potential: which ele-
ments help you evaluate projects?
Sending sloppy material is not to be recommended, as it diminishes the
authority of the writer, and creates irritation. However, still, in the situation, I
automatically seek out the goodies, it happens without a plan: I search for the
soul and the heart. Where is the fire, the passion, and the urgency? I then - of
course - use my knowledge to instinctively discern where the project is at; is
it the right time to get involved? Is the project at a state relevant to what is
demanded of it - in relation to the work and time plan ahead? Are the major
elements missing? What is there, and what is not there?
Could you briefly explain the difference between a script editor and a co-
As a co-writer you are an equal part in a duo (or trio etc.) with the other
writer(s). You can be the director as well, or the other writer can be, or both of
you together. A script consultant is not responsible for the script and should
not have any such ambition, and for sure no hidden co-writing ambitions.
Would you agree that the most difficult aspect of working as a script editor is
gaining the writer’s trust? How do you manage to build a trustful relationship,
when writers “as a rule” have a tendency not to trust anybody about their work?
The most difficult aspect for me is not trust, and I’m not sure that writers
as a rule don’t trust. Actually, as a new writer, trusting the advice of others too
easily can be even more dangerous. So, for me, being qualified, that is, for the
consultant to be knowledgeable and educated enough creates trust firstly.
One should NOT - as a writer - trust anybody who claims to be a script consult-
ant. One would not even consider letting a person who said they like and know
about teeth drill inside your mouth. Many people “know about film”, and ap-
proaching the “knower” professionally must be done with great caution. My
pool of training, capacity and experience is the source from which the writer
can decide to trust me or not. The writer should feel safe about my skills and
then for sure we can disagree about attitudes, taste etcetera, in a fruitful and
dynamic way. I am disciplined, passionate and serious, and I expect the writer
to be as well. If we are on different levels with this, there might be friction.
Secondly. I am loyal to the script, not the writer. So if pushed, I will stand up
for the script. Sometimes the writer will inevitably confuse - or resent - that,
because they trust their story as it already is, and not me and what I claim
needs to be done. Or they are actually lazy (we writers are lazy and scared and
manipulative in avoiding pain) so they can use you as an excuse to avoid doing
the work. But, honestly I don’t often find trust to emerge as a problem. Also,
every development phase is an individual process, and what happens is not
to be confused with liking or disliking. If a writer is angry with you, it can be
because they are angry about things not working in their story. Or they need
another kind of story advisor. It’s important to not be afraid to admit and face
these things, or to feel fear in general.
Answering Questions on Script Editing - from 3 Script&Pitch Alumni
Once you gain the writer’s trust it could happen that the initial obstacles a
project often encounters during development discourage him/her (i.e. not get-
ting the professionals s/he wants; not finding funds and so on). At that stage
a writer could loose the trust in you: how do you deal with this in the interest
of the project?
The process of writing a feature script involves a LOT of ups and downs.
There WILL be discouragement for sure, sooner or later. This is part of the
work. Your function is not to give funds (unless you have a job giving funds,
or are independently wealthy by birth and habit) so this is not something the
writer can “blame” you for. If they do, chances are they need to gain knowl-
edge about the film world, and themselves. On another note, if the writer
looses trust in you for some reason, I think truly the trust needs to be re-built,
or the collaboration disrupted. Trust is so crucial in the working process. This
is for instance why, when confronted, you must not lie to the writer regarding
your position, just because it seemed an easy solution at a certain moment.
The first quality of any script doctor (or consultant) is the right diagnosis of
the text, and the right opinion about how to continue the work on it. Directions
to change, things to keep, stuff to throw away. But,
a) The answer to this is yes and no. Of course the experience and person-
ality of the one who makes the ‘diagnose’ changes how the material
is perceived. And, as with everything else, there is no right or wrong.
So from the writer’s (the “diagnosed”) point of view, it is naturally
important to know who makes the diagnosis. What capability does
the ”doctor” consultant possess?
The work in sessions is mainly about discovery: what is the project re-
ally about? Very often the true nature of the project needs to be un-
covered. There is sometimes a discrepancy between when the writer
understands her/his own intentions, and is able to face the emotional
issues and the work process implied, and between when I, as the con-
sultant, understand them.
Are there some objective criteria?
There are storytelling mechanisms, but again: I prefer not to be locked in
any predetermined views; I prefer to be overwhelmed, surprised. And each
and every human and project must be approached in this way: anew.
Do you agree that bad “doctoring” can happen? Bad medicine can be cho-
sen? How to avoid it?
I do agree. With my own material I am very choosy as to whom I show it
to, and whom I listen to in what way. And I always take into consideration
their taste, personality, professional background, experience, attitude, pas-
sion etcetera. How to avoid it? Writer/directors (and producers, commission-
ers and so on) should be very attentive and critical about the true authority
and craftsmanship of script consultants.
Is there any sure method of how to understand how to help the text?
There is no sure method. The most efficient way for me to move into the
process is curiosity.
Is there any system for how to go through the text and understand what is
strong, what is weak, where the real theme is, the real heart of the project?
There are of course methods that one uses. Out of the dramatically ori-
ented, trained and structured section of my brain-bank, I design instinctively:
Answering Questions on Script Editing - from 3 Script&Pitch Alumni
for each project there emerges a form of special strategy, based on the type of
problems that are inherent in it, and based on the experience and attitude of
the writer. You can’t just apply a set of rules and throw them out, or imply that
there are preconceived “solutions” or methods that work on anything.
Don’t you think that the Script&Pitch sessions are short, that the work is
not as serious as it could be?
In Script&Pitch the strength is, among many other things, the long period
over which it stretches, nine months (plus Alumni). The sessions are intended
to spark hours of work from the writers, work that they must do on their own,
in their gloomy solitude. A session should not, in my opinion, exhaust the
writer; it should energize the writer, and create a desire for them to run back
to the drawing board.
From my perspective I really see the progress during this nine-month pe-
riod. Having said that - if the writer has not understood that most of the work
needs to be done by them, there can be a problem. The sessions don’t make
the writers’ work. The writers can use the others in the group and the tutor for
their own purposes and needs.
Then, the pitching sessions are inherently hard for most writers, so just
that we do so many in so many different forms, to a number of different fo-
rums is amazing! I’ve seen terrified writers develop into well-versed and re-
laxed front-line figures for their well deserving projects.
Usually, when you work with young people and students, the theme is very
First of all, this happens not only to beginner writers, it is part of the na-
ture of scriptwriting. Secondly, I can probably read between the lines what it
is “about”. But it is the writer that needs to become aware of what she/he
is doing, in order to be able to do the work. So the answer would be yes. It is
Do you need to know the person in order to have the key for his work?
Not at all, you get to know them as writers in the process and sometimes
you get to know other sides too. But the main aim is: this script, this story,
this film, through this writer/director at this moment in time. But then again,
since it takes time to create trust and discovering artistic bonds, working
again with the same people can of course be extremely rewarding and fruitful,
as it deepens the exploration and the artistic process.
On which basis do you pick the projects to work on? What does an idea have
to have to interest you?
Well. Often I don’t pick the projects myself, they are offered to me. But of
course there are ideas that interest you more, on a personal level, and on a
professional level. Originality is key; that I feel the material has a freshness
and uniqueness to it; that I haven’t read (or seen) something similar last week
or last year.
I want to feel that there is emotion, connection, urgency. But also that the
creator of the material has worked on it, that it’s not sloppy or haphazard,
that there is obvious thought and hours involved. It’s also great if surprise or
discovery is part of the emotion I experience.
Answering Questions on Script Editing - from 3 Script&Pitch Alumni
Do you think a good editor should be able to work on any kind of script or
does personal taste matter for the process?
First of all, lets not call me an editor. I’d prefer it to be counselling, consult-
ing or creativity person or whatever… editor is another kind of work.
Are there scripts, ideas, which you could not work on? Which ones and
You mean like projects that are immoral or likewise appalling? Honestly, I’d
probably be intrigued by anything… But, its more like this: nowadays I try not
to say yes to projects that bore me, in which I already from the beginning see
no potential. In the past, for survival purposes, I have worked on projects that
I did not appreciate at all, and this is bad for everyone. Some projects match
better with you, just like lovers or friends.
What kind of connection needs to be there between editor and writer to
make the process work at best?
I’d say building trust is definitely a key issue (see other section of text). It’s
crucial to take clear stands. The personal connection is sometimes natural,
fast and easy, even deep; sometimes it takes months and continues to be dif-
ficult. One has to find a professional attitude towards this. Patience is sister
to trust. And humour, of course, the ultimate survival kit… Respecting the
differences and borders, and recognizing each other’s unique areas of knowl-
edge is also very important.
How much of a psychologist (or even psychiatrist, sometimes) should an
editor be in the relationship with the writer?
It is interesting that this question comes up again... which also points to
the fact that writers are sensitive, manipulative, sincere and complicated
creatures. I try to focus on the project, on finding processes that don’t stop
the flow, that don’t create panic and writing blocks. Inventing new types of
documents, freeing the mind to any type of writing that keeps the process
going. I am strict with deadlines (necessary pressure) but open to new styles,
forms and initiatives. Anything that can create flow and creativity like music,
photography, art, research in all it forms is crucial for me; also creating and
maintaining energy and “desire” for the project, as time goes by.
How do you deal with the writer’s emotions during the development
Ah. This is where group dynamics are truly invaluable. The writer can find
her/his opposition where they need it, but they can also find comfort with
a fellow colleague who really supports the project. As writers we need both;
pain and love. And finding the way into a good story is very often about con-
fronting emotions you had no idea about; for the writer this can create confu-
sion and panic. Again: if the writer blocks, out of fear or immaturity towards
the project, a lot of negative things can happen. So moving forward forcefully
but respectfully is part of my strategy. The writer/director carries this golden
egg around, and at the right time s/he is ready to release it into the world.
Then all of us can see it, and together, interactively, we can discern what it
was, is and can be.
Is the writer’s personality a tool with which you work? If so, how?
Of course - it’s a very exciting process, getting to know a person: their
values, their past, their secrets and all of it! Writers carry an amazing source
within them, as humans and as creators. The stories are naturally enriched
through moving closer to the personal, the private, the secret and the pain-
ful. It is a truly educational and entertaining process sometimes... Within
Answering Questions on Script Editing - from 3 Script&Pitch Alumni
any group personal bonds evolve, and also these personality combinations
can sometimes be crucial.
Is script editing only about technique or is there an X-factor to the process?
If so, what do you think it could be?
I rely on all the techniques I have learned in the last 20 plus years (through
film school, cinema studies, “classical” dramaturgy methods, workshops,
mentors, formulas etc.) but: I do all I can to forget “method” in the moment.
It may seem haphazard and awkward, but there is an idea and thought be-
hind it, believe me…
The key thing here is preparation: I am always well prepared with intricate
notes etc. But actually, I rarely look at my notes in the sessions. I do of course
when there is a scene-to-scene session, when it’s more into details. (I have,
by the way, been in script meetings with Fund Commissioners where they
did not even have the script in the room. I find that extremely offensive!)
To prepare well in advance, and spend time thinking about the material is a
must for me. My only other X-factor is that I need to walk, to free my mind,
and I usually walk to wherever the session is, no matter what the weather
and/or circumstances.
Is screenwriting only about writing or do you use tools that don’t involve
only pen and paper?
Screenwriting is pre-film. We must find ways to verbalize it, visualize
it (and sell it…). Sometimes when people tell me their stories I see it very
clearly, so then I try to approach it from that point of view, to come close to
how they presented it.
I believe a script CAN convey the film, I really do. I believe in the idea of
this. And I also believe that the written material can look VERY different,
depending on the location, who is going to direct, shoot, do music, play the
parts, etc.
I enjoy working with actors (in the writing process), since it is a speedy
way to get to the core of a lot of crucial elements. Character work done or not
done is immediately revealed here, and actors are trained to convey feelings,
so they search out both the holes and the useful stuff.
I think film writers can learn a lot from artists: making “books” with
ideas, images, sound, clips etc. can help free up the path to seeing and
feeling the film.
Also, something I learned from TV is to work graphically, filling walls
with post-it notes, and writing on boards, using different colours for dif-
ferent lines, themes or characters, making it flexible and movable, testing
impact as you move stuff from one place to another. Seeing the whole film
on a wall is a gratifying feeling too. And this way you can choose which part
you want to work on which day, picking an area from the wall to focus on,
depending on the mood you are in.
When do you consider your work as an editor to be done? What criteria
does a script need to fulfil to be “ready”?
Damn, that’s interesting. A script is, technically I guess, ready when (or
during) it is being shot. There are so many methods with regard to how you
work with rehearsals, changes etc., so this is a sliding definition. And then
again, the script is being put together again in the editing room. There is
in actuality a strong connection between editor, director, writer and script
The hard part for the writer can be to know when the script is ready to be
read by whom. Testing your script on friends and allies in the business can
be a good idea, to get reactions before sending it to producers, funds and
other next step platforms.
What do Scripts Sound Like?
by Michel Schöpping
“The danger of present day cinema is that it can suffocate its subjects
by its very ability to represent them: it doesn’t possess the built-in escape
valves of ambiguity that painting, music, literature, radio drama and black-
and-white silent film automatically have, simply by virtue of their sensory
incompleteness - an incompleteness that engages the imagination of the
viewer as compensation for what is only evoked by the artist.
By comparison, film seems to be “all there” (it isn’t, but it seems to
be), and thus the responsibility of filmmakers is to find ways within that
completeness to refrain from achieving it. To that end, the metaphoric use
of sound is one of the most fruitful, flexible and inexpensive means: by
choosing carefully what to eliminate, and by adding sounds that, upon first
hearing them, seem to be somewhat at odds with the accompanying im-
age, the filmmaker can open up a perceptual vacuum into which the mind
of the audience must inevitably rush”.
- Dialogue, Speech
- (Synchronous) Sounds
- Music
- Silence
Causal Listening:
An invitation to causal listening is often to be found in scripts. By de-
scribing sound in a causal way, we know the source. ‘A door creaks’, ‘a car
is passing by’, ‘a dog is barking’, etc.. We also often get information about
size, distance and gender: ‘a little girl is crying’, ‘the man has a dark voice’,
‘a huge truck is passing’.
Semantic Listening:
Semantic listening refers to language or ‘code’ that is carried by the sound.
The most obvious example of semantics in scripts is the dialogue. When we
hear dialogue, we automatically give our attention to the meaning of the
words and sentences. Semantic and causal listening are most of the time
closely connected. We do not only listen to what is being said, but also to
how it is said. These causal aspects of dialogue are less to be found in scripts,
but will help character development and in the end the actors and DOP a lot.
Reduced Listening:
In reduced listening it is not about the meaning or the cause of a sound,
but especially about the internal, esthetical and emotional value of a spe-
cific sound. It is hard to talk about sound itself; we tend to speak about
source and semantic meaning. Strange, because we are listening in a re-
duced way all day to understand, feel and interpret our world. We imme-
diately feel the difference between ‘a crying baby’ and ‘a weeping baby’.
What do Scripts Sound Like?
We do not speak about ‘these beautiful violins’ but about the ‘touching
music’. This kind of listening is too seldom found in scripts.
Iconographical Listening:
The iconographical way of listening is always present in film, but not
too often in scripts. Sound does not only gets it’s meaning by its cause,
semantics or reduced values, but very often by the image, the sign they
provoke. Clear examples are ‘a car horn’, ‘an alarm bell’, ‘a car crash’, ‘a fight-
ing couple’ etc.
Speech, Dialogue:
Almost every script is loaded with the human voice. The primary use
of dialogue seems to be a semantic one. The meaning of the dialogue is
‘coded’ in words, language.
Another use of speech could be indicated as a ‘causal’ use. The mean-
ing of the message is not primarily in the semantic coded meaning, but in
the ‘way’ the words are spoken. Most writers use ‘causal’ speech as well.
Indications like ‘shouting’, ‘whispering’, etc.
Too often reduced to only being good for TV, news items and the like.
That is a pity, because we have so many strong examples of an exciting
use of this non-diegetic element in films by for example Coppola, the Coen
brothers, Kubrick, Tarantino, Scorsese, and others. It can be a driving force
or element from the ‘outside’.
Talking People:
Doesn’t need a lot of explanation. It can have semantic aspects, but the
real interesting use can be found in its creative power to provoke an atmos-
Emanation Speech:
Is causal speech - there is no (understandable) language. Emanation
speech is often used in animation (e.g. La Linea).
(Synchronous) Sounds:
- Sound Environment
- Atmosphere
- Habitat
- Species
- Internal Sound
- ‘On the air’ Sound
Sound Environment:
Examples are: city hum, birds, a sea far away. These sounds try to create
a certain feeling in an environment.
General sounds with small dynamics. Are there without being noticed,
but are always felt.
The typical sound of a certain place. Very often more specific and strong
in order to give an indication about that place. ‘Industrial sounds’ and ‘har-
bour’ are good examples.
Sounds of people and animals as an indication of ‘being there’; never (or
seldom) with a semantic meaning.
Internal Sound:
Sounds that are connected to an internal state of a character (physical
What do Scripts Sound Like?
First source (CD quality) – zoomed in on the source. We don’t hear room
acoustics and are confronted directly and closely to the source (e.g. source
or pit music developing into score).
Last source (Bad radio) - the acoustical environment is part of the qual-
ity. It will give us a feeling of the acoustical and/or emotional space.
- Natural Silence
- Unnatural Silence
- Technical Silence
Natural Silence:
A quiet environment will give a natural silent background for an intimate
Unnatural Silence:
Taking away the sound of a busy environment will give an extra dramatic
impact to the silence. It can give us the opportunity to ‘enter into the head
and thoughts’ of our film character.
Technical Silence:
Taking all sound out will create a technical silence. Sound equipment
nowadays is so good that we can really experience the complete silence.
It will invoke a direct confrontation of the viewer with herself.
What do Scripts Sound Like?
All these elements can be used in different ways. In film, visible space
is ‘bordered’ by the well-chosen frame-borders. These borders do not give
any limitation to the sound. In contrary, they will give extra dramatic and
emotional opportunities to the filmmaker in creating and manipulating an
emotional and dramatic sound environment. It is wise to include this ‘there
and now’ space in the script, because it will enhance the dramatic value of
the scene and will be of help to crew and cast. Three ‘appearances’ of sound
can be distinguished, more or less directly connected to the image:
(Almost) every film will make use of realistic sounds. The way they ap-
pear in the final mix and the emotional and dramatic impact they have will
differ a lot. The only way the sound-mixer and boom-operator can collect
these sounds in an effective way is to understand the script really well. The
only way to get to really understanding the script is to include sound. When
sound is very well implemented in the script it will be extremely helpful for
the DOP, the sound dept., actors, the set designer, the editor and everyone
involved in transforming the script into images and sound: because sound
defines ‘time’ in a script better, and adds ‘space’, deepening and widening
the visual and framed world of the universe about to be created.
At times it seems hard to ‘write sound’. There are some handles to it,
Listen carefully. Together with the image and the editing, you will be
creating cinema.
The Dawn of the Independent Producer?
For the past couple of years the notion of writers thinking and becoming
more entrepreneurial in way of behaving as or even being their own produc-
ers, thus keeping a bigger or a full share of the rights to their material, has
gained strength.
We see more and more examples of films premiering on more than one
platform, paving the way towards a broader choice of sales - and distribu-
published in Screen, May 14th 2009, David Pearson: Screenwriters who are helping themselves.
tion strategies for individual projects and their specific needs. As the first
essay in this edition states: “Telling a story means to tell it to someone”
and therefore we have asked experienced sales agent Thomas Mai to write
about this new audience landscape - albeit from a producer’s perspective,
his insights are aimed equally at writers and directors:
The Internet has removed the need for expensive middlemen in all other
businesses on the planet. For the film business that means that film pro-
ducers can get one step closer to the consumers in terms of financing, mar-
keting, sales and feedback, removing an expensive link in the food chain.
Gone are exclusivity, territories and bad accounting, say hello to non-
exclusivity, global market and transparent accounting.
DVD-sales, which has always been the backbone for distributors, is dis-
TV-sales, which used to be a major financial factor for distributors, is
also declining. Why? There are more and more TV channels, which normally
should result in more competition, but because each TV channel is cater-
ing to a smaller and smaller segment in the marketplace their budgets are
getting smaller and smaller as well. Pay TV is in steady decline as con-
sumers are looking to the net for their entertainment needs, leaving fewer
subscribers to pay for the bill and therefore fewer money to buy films for.
The Dawn of the Independent Producer?
The local distributor is in other words in trouble and therefore they are pay-
ing less. The bad news is that the distributor still wants the same 10 - 15
year exclusivity for all rights but for a next to nothing MG. Today you are
getting offered 10% of the MG that you were offered 10 years ago for a
similar film. I completely understand the distributor, but from a sales point
of view it doesn’t make any financial sense to give away exclusivity and all
rights in today’s world.
Today, due to social media tools like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter etc. it
is possible to advertise your films to millions of consumers directly, not to
mention the more than thousands of trailer/video places online. YouTube
streams 1 billion videos a day, yes a day. These numbers are staggering.
iTunes has - by their own estimates - 100 million costumers with credit
cards in their iTunes store. In 5 years they have sold 8 billion songs and are
now the biggest music seller in the world. An iTunes store for film is avail-
able in a few countries like the US and UK, but will soon open in the rest of
the world.
So how much money can you make online? That of course depends on
the film, language, cast, theme, story and territorial availability, but on
average, if done right, you should make about $125 a month on each dig-
ital platform online. While this number is very small if you only go to 2
platforms, it can become serious money if you go to 100 platforms. That
is a cool $12.500 a month every month. Over time this can become serious
Yes, it does take a lot of time and effort to get the film out on 100 plat-
forms and yes, there are also middlemen that take a cut. There are even
middlemen who sell it to other middlemen leaving less for producers. There
are aggregators, sales agents, platforms, set-up boxes, advertised VoD,
transaction VoD and so much more.
Yes, it is a whole new world, but none the less a very exciting world, a
world where a producer can retain all ownership rights to their own films
and still make money selling them online. Are there problems, concerns
and things to look out for? Yes, but look at the possibilities as opposed to
the limitations!
In the old world of selling we would rarely get a report from a distributor.
In 90% of the cases we would get no report at all, leaving us to second guess
how a film was doing in a certain territory, but that was ok, because we
would get a nice MG up front. In the online world accounting is much more
transparent because the producer is paid a share (between 50% - 70%) of
the first dollar. All costs are taken from the platform’s share. These are
the best splits a producer has ever seen and there is nothing to deduct. In
the old world we could never check if the distributor had really printed 300
posters or if the marketing campaign truly cost what they told it cost and
what about that discount they got from the ad company? It was a matter
of faith and then the nice MG of course helped us believe in the project.
Being an old producer myself with 4 titles under my belt I truly believe
this is the best time to be a producer. The Internet has democratized the
options for everyone. There are no more gatekeepers. In the old day if the 8
buyers in one territory said no, there was nothing that you could do. Today
you don’t need a No for an answer, you can just go straight to the consum-
ers through the Internet.
The Dawn of the Independent Producer?
Cost efficiency is the key for online distribution. In the old world it was
too expensive to take a film to Germany if there were only 5.000 potential
consumers, but online it all adds up. In the old world you made most of
your money from a few sources, today you will make a little money, but
from a lot of different sources.
Contact information:
Script&Pitch Workshops
c/o TorinoFilmLab – Cineporto
via Cagliari 42 - 10153 Torino - Italy
Tel. +39 011 237 9220
[email protected]
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