Test 06
Test 06
Test 06
(a) Archibald Macleish (a) Paradise Regained (b) Lycidas
(b) Ezra Pound (c) On His Blindness
(c) John Crowe Ransom (d) Second Defence of the English people
(d) Carl Sandburg (e) None/more than one
(e) None/more than one
(c) Othello Quintillian - Institutio Oratoria
(d) King lear Ben Jonson - Discoveries
(e) None/more than one Sidney - An Apology for Poetry
15. The term, ‘curtal sonnet’, was coined by Dryden - An Essay of Dramatic Poesy
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(a) John Milton (b) William Blake (b) Horace - Poetics
(c) Gerald Manley Hopkins Aristotle - Ars Poetica
(d) Matthew Arnold Quintillian - On the sublime
(e) None/more than one Longinus - Discoveries
16. The Unfortunate Traveller has been authored by Ben Jonson - Institutio Oratoria
(a) Robert Greene (b) Thomas Deloney Sidney - An Essay of Dramatic Poesy
(c) Thomas Nashe (d) Thomas Lodge Dryden - An Apology for Poetry
(e) None/more than one (c) Horace- On the sublime
17. The last of Gulliver’s Travels is to Aristotle - Poetics
(a) The Land of the Houyhnhnms Quintillian - Dicoveries
(b) The Land of Homosapiens Longinus - Institutio Oratoria
(c) The Land of the Hurrricanes Ben Jonson - An Essay of Dramatic Poesy
(d) The Newfound Land Sidney - Ars Poetica
(e) None/more than one Dryden - An Apology for Poetry
18. ‘By swaggering could I never thrive, For the rain (d) Horace - Ars Poetica
it raineth everyday.’ Aristotle - Poetics
These lines from Twelfth Night occur in the novel: Quintillian - Institutio Oratoria
(a) Middlemarch Longinus - On the Sublime
(b) Vanity Fair Ben Jonson - An Apology for Poetry
(c) Our Mutual Friend Sidney - An Essay of Dramatic poesy
(d) Far From the Madding Crowd Dryden - Discoveries
(e) None/more than one (e) None/more than one
19. Which tale in The Canterbury Tales uses the 23. Match the following poems of Arnold in List I
tradition of the Beast Fable? with their subjects in List II
(a) The Knight’s Tale List I List II
(poems of Arnold) (Subjects) 30. The demonstration passed away peacefully.
i. The Scholar 1. Beautiful Oxford (a) passes out (b) passed
Landscape (c) passed on (d) No imporvement
ii. Thyrsis 2. A sad editation on (e) None/more than one
death 31. She does not tell lies, doesn’t she?
iii. Dover Beach 3. Poor Oxford Scholar (a) isn’t she? (b) does she?
in search of truth (c) didn’t she? (d) No improvement
iv. Rugby Chapel 4. Eternal sadness of (e) None/more than one
humanity 32. I would request to you (a)/ to consider my
Codes: application (b)/ and grant me a job as early as
i ii iii iv possible. (c)/ No error (d).
(a) 3 1 4 2 33. No sooner (a)/ they had received the guests (b)/
(b) 4 2 3 1 than they began entertaining them. (c)/ No error
(c) 1 3 2 4 (d).
(d) 2 4 1 3 34. I shall always remember my alma mater with
(e) None/more than one gratitude.
24. Paradise Lost reveals Milton’s (a) mother’s loving care
1. Love of freedom (b) institution where I got education
2. Sublime and serious (c) teacher who inspired me
3. Sense of Justice (d) kindergarten days
4. Hatred of tyranny (e) None/more than one
The Correct combination according to the code 35. The prices are going up by leaps and bounds.
is (a) gradually (b) irregularly
(a) 1 and 2 are correct (c) rapidly (d) systematically
(b) 2 and 3 are correct (e) None/more than one
(c) 1, 2 and 4 are correct 36. One should always set _____ some money for
(d) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
(e) None/more than one Learning App
25. Which of Shakespeare’s play known as ‘Dramatic
(a) aside
(c) by
(b) on
(d) out
Romances’? (e) None/more than one
(a) Henry VI (b) Coriolanus 37. The sick units are detached ______ the main
(c) The Tempest (d) Macbeth group of companies.
(e) None/more than one (a) off (b) from
Group - B (c) with (d) by
26. (a) Beneficiary (b) Benificiary (e) None/more than one
(c) Beneficeary (d) Benefeciary 38. He is getting married _______ Maya.
(e) None/more than one (a) to (b) only
27. (a) Conniosseur (b) Connoisseur (c) by (d) with
(c) Connossieur (d) Connosseiur (e) None/more than one
(e) None/more than one 39. Bread is usually made _______ wheat.
28. (a) Man can’t live without air or water. (a) of (b) from
(b) A Man can’t live withour water. (c) with (d) by
(c) The Man can’t live without water. (e) None/more than one
(d) An Man can live without water. 40. The master assured her _______ success in the
(e) None/more than one examination.
29. (a) He is given to the title of a prince. (a) for (b) with
(b) He is given to the title of the Prince. (c) of (d) in
(c) He is given to the title of Prince. (e) None/more than one
(d) He is given to the title of some Prince. 41. Barren (Syno)
(e) None/more than one (a) Insane (b) Rough
(c) Infertile (d) Lush A library is an organized collection of sources of
(e) None/more than one information and similar resources, made
42. Paucity accessible to a defined community for reference
(a) Surplus (b) Shortage or borrowing. It provides physical or digital access
(c) Excess (d) Meanness to material, and may be a physical building or
(e) None/more than one room, or a virtual space, or boty. A library’s
43. It interests me. collection can include books, periodicals,
(a) I have been interested in it. newspapers, manuscripts, films, maps, e-books
(b) I am interested in it. and other formats. Libraries range in size from a
(c) I will be interested in it. few shelves of books to several million items.
(d) I was interested in it. A library is organized for use and is
(e) None/more than one maintained by a public body, an institution, a
44. People say that he is a spy. corporation, or a private individual. Public and
(a) He is a spy was said by people. institutional collections and services amy be
(b) A spy that he is said the people. intended for use by people who choose not to or
(c) It has been said by the people that he is a spy. cannot afford to purchase an extensive collection
(d) It is said that he is a spy. themselves, who need material no individual can
(e) None/more than one reasonably be expected to have, or who require
45. Acquit (Opposite) professional assistance with their research. In
(a) Mild (b) Smart addition to providing materials, libraries also
(c) Condemn (d) Despair provide the services of librarians who are experts
(e) None/more than one
at finding and organizing information and at
46. Knack interpreting information needs, Libraries often
(a) inability (b) disgusting provide quiet areas for studying, and they also
(c) skill (d) enmity offer common areas to facilitate group study and
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(e) None/more than one collaboration. Libraries are extending services
47. Moti asked Gangu whether the latter was in his beyond the physical walls of a building by
sense. providing material accessible by electronic
(a) “Are you senseless, Gangu?” asked Moti. means.
(b) “Hey Gangu, are you in your senses now?” 51. In the passage a library has been defined as _____.
asked Moti. (a) a place wherre borrowing is not allowed
(c) “Gangu, have you lost your senses?” asked (b) a highly flexible place
Moti. (c) a highly restricted area
(d) “Gangu, are you in your senses?” asked Moti. (d) a place where accessibility is possible
(e) None/more than one (e) None/more than one
48. He said to me, “Let us go home”. 52. Who maintains a library?
(a) He said to me that we should let us go home. (a) Only educational institutions
(b) He asked me to let us go home. (b) A rich business family only
(c) He proposed that we should go home. (c) A public body, an institution, a corporation or
(d) He suggested to me about going home. an individual
(e) None/more than one (d) Any governmental agency
49. A remedy for all diseases - (e) None/more than one
(a) Antiseptic (b) Antibiotic 53. In terms of ownership who can afford a library?
(c) Narcotics (d) Panacea (a) Only institutions (b) Any one
(e) None/more than one (c) Only a public body(d) Only a corporation
50. An assembly of worshippers - (e) None/more than one
(a) Conflagration (b) Configuration 54. Libraries range in size from _________.
(c) Confrontation (d) Congregation (a) a few books to several million books
(e) None/more than one (b) one room to a great hall
51-55. Read the above passage and give the (c) a few shelves of books to several million items
answers of following question.
(d) one room to several acres of land (c) tears (d) none of these
(e) None/more than one (e) None/more than one
55. What is the present status and function of 65. Whose seventh and most recent novel Paradise’
libraries? was published early in 1998?
(a) There is no privacy in a library (a) Satyajit Ray (b) Toni Morrison
(b) Libraries are confinements (c) Loo Tolstoy (d) Joan Lexau
(c) They have become redundant (e) None/more than one
(d) There is privacy in a library 66. The God’s earth was written by ...........
(e) None/more than one (a) Anton Chekhov (b) H E Bates
56. Fairies and gnomes ........... out. (c) Zakir Hussain (d) Pearl S Buck
(a) stole (b) steal (e) None/more than one
(c) light (d) ran 67. The bank will give interest on it and then one
(e) None/more than one day, when you (Benjy) are .........
57. What happened to his prayer? (a) 18 (b) 25
(a) Prayers were not granted (c) 20 (d) 21
(b) Prayers were granted (e) None/more than one
(c) Prayers were neither granted nor refused 68. “I am thakful to the west for many a thing I have
(d) None learnt from western literature” is taken from:
(e) None/more than one (a) Indian Civilization and Culture
58. The Fire of Love has .......... my wings. (b) I have a Dream
(a) burnt (b) charred (c) Bharat is My Home
(c) sparked (d) singed (d) The Earth
(e) None/more than one (e) None/more than one
59. It is hard to get people to work for ............. 69. The theme of Daruwalla’s poety consist -
(a) Environment (b) Harmony (a) love, death
(c) Forestation (d) Ecology (b) love, death, domination
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(e) None/more than one (c) love, death, domination, cynicism
60. Who had the fantastic notion of spending £10 on (d) love, death, domination, cynicism, plight of
a holiday? human society and violence
(a) Son of corn-merchant (e) None/more than one
(b) Daughterr of corn-merchant 70. According to Eliot, Macavity is the .......... of
(c) Father of corn-merchant Crime.
(d) Wife of corn-merchant (a) Hitler (b) Napolean
(e) None/more than one (c) Alexander (d) None of these
61. Burma’s long struggle is for? 71. If I were to ......... her.
(a) pace, freedom and peopel (a) say (b) see
(b) peace and democracy (c) think (d) fly
(c) peace, freedom and democracy (e) None/more than one
(d) plight, freedom and democracy 72. The girl had an interesting and beautiful face with
(e) None/more than one beautiful _____.
62. Who is Satyajit Ray? (a) leg (b) finger
(a) story teller (b) writer (c) hand (d) eyes
(c) poet (d) film director (e) None/more than one
(e) None/more than one 73. Kalam had close friend -
63. Who is the author of the article “The Unity of (a) 5 (b) 4
Indian Culture”? (c) 1 (d) 3
(a) Humayun kabir (b) Sumitra Nandan Pant (e) None/more than one
(c) Khushwant Singh (d) Mahadevi Verma 74. Della counted her money times.
(e) None/more than one (a) two (b) three
64. What carved a river? (c) four (d) one
(a) her water (b) water (e) None/more than one
75. Milton is known for his
(a) Good face (b) hairstyle
(c) Smart look (d) Grand style
(e) None/more than one
76. Who lived with the old couple in South Delhi
South Murder?
(a) Shyam (b) Ravi
(c) Sonu (d) Raju
(e) None/more than one
77. Siddharth chowdhary was born in 1917 in ..........
(a) Patna (b) Bhagalpur
(c) Samsatipur (d) Ujiyarpur
(e) None/more than one
78. Who did murmur : I wish I had taken the risk?
(a) Teacher (b) College boy
(c) Doctor (d) Author
(e) None/more than one
79. Who wrote Gitanjali?
(a) R.K. Narayan
(b) Maharishi Aurobindo
(c) Rabindranath Tagore
(d) Gandhi Ji
(e) None/more than one
80. The Ceitic Twilight (1893) is written by
(a) T.S. Eliot (b) Milton
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(c) W.B. Yeats (d) Shakespeare
(e) None/more than one