Introduction To Journalism
Introduction To Journalism
Introduction To Journalism
Journalism or news writing is a prose style used for
reporting in newspapers, radio, and television. When According to him, all that happens in the world, if such
writing journalistically, one has to take into account not happenings hold interest for the public, and all the
only one’s audience, but also the tone in which the piece is thoughts, actions, and ideas which these happenings
delivered, as well as the ABCs of news writing: Accuracy, stimulate, become basic materials for the journalist.
Brevity, and Clarity.
High School journalism has been defined by school paper
Accuracy advisers of the City Schools of Manila as “that enjoyable
If a story isn’t accurate, it firstly betrays public trust. Public co-curricular activity of the school paper staff in collecting,
trust is of the utmost importance because the public relies organizing, and presenting news; in writing editorials,
on unbiased news in order to make intelligent choices in columns, literary articles, sports stories and features, in
the voting booth. copy reading, proofreading, dummying, and writing
headlines – all for the purpose of putting out a school
Secondly, inaccurate information could be potentially organ."
libelous. Libel is defamation by written or printed words,
pictures, or in any other form besides spoken words or What are the types of media?
gestures. It is a serious offense and could severely affect
your career as a journalist. The types of media are the different channels through
which information and entertainment reach an audience.
To make sure you stay accurate, always check and double Media often includes the content itself as well as the
check any numbers, spellings of names, who said what, physical device needed to transmit it, such as television
and other basic facts of your story. In order to have a good programming and a television. You can divide media into
story and in order to be a good reporter, accuracy is key. four distinct categories:
Brevity Print media: Print media refers to printed materials, such
as books and magazines, that contain words and images.
Get straight to the point. If you can do without words,
then cut them out. Your lead should draw your reader in Broadcast media: Broadcast media includes information
and you should end with an interesting finish. Don’t just transmitted through one of several mass communication
finish when you run out of information. channels, such as television and radio.
Clarity Internet media: Internet media is content distributed
online and can include emails and online publications.
Clarity means that you should have all of your facts and
have them organized before you start writing. Your story Out-of-home media: Out-of-home media, or OOH, is
should leave no question unanswered and should avoid media that reaches people when they are outside of their
jargon (in other words, make the topic accessible for homes, like billboards.
readers of all levels, not just experts).
Print Media
THERE ARE MANY DEFINITIONS of journalism, but the This type of media used to be the only way to convey
most familiar ones are those given by Noah Webster, by information to the public. For the generations of the 80s
Fraser Bond, and by the encyclopedia. and 90s, print media was the only medium of
entertainment. In fact, they learned everything from
The word journal comes from the Latin word diurna which newspapers or magazines: recipes, celebrity lives,
means 'daily." In ancient Rojie, short bulletins of battles, weather, business, politics, and more. Print media
fires and elections compiled by government officials were includes:
posted up in public places. These were called acta diurna Newspapers are a major source of information for a
which meant “daily events." large number of audiences. They may be daily or
weekly, national, or local. Newspapers include news
Webster defines journalism as "the occupation of writing related to sports, politics, technology, science,
for publication in newspapers and other periodicals cooking, national/ international news, as well as
entertainment news. Our parents grew up with this
“Fraser F. Bond, on the other hand defines it as
type of print media.
"something that embraces all forms in which or through
Magazines are specialized advertising media that are
printed on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual
basis. They serve information about education, or discuss a particular topic. Forums allow us to share
finance, food, lifestyle, fashion, sports, etc. knowledge with others who have similar interests.
Books focus on a particular topic or subject, giving the That is why it is considered the best platform for
reader a chance to spread their knowledge about their seeking support and help.
favorite topic. Podcasts – a series of sounds focused on a particular
Banners advertise a company’s services and products, topic or theme. We can listen to them on computers
hung on easily-noticed sights to attract people’s or cell phones. This is a platform that allows people to
attention. share their knowledge and communicate with the
Billboards are huge advertisements on the street to world.
attract people passing by. Out of Home (OOH) Media
Brochures are a type of booklet that introduces Out-of-home (OOH) media, also known as Outdoor
everything about one company. Advertising, is advertising media that display outside of
Flyers are used mostly by small companies due to the your home. Approximately, OOH represents spending of
low cost of advertising. They serve the basic about $29 billion across key markets around the world. In
information about a company, its name, logo, service fact, some of the world’s biggest firms, such as
or product, and contact information, and they are McDonald’s, Apple, Amazon, HBO, and Coca-Cola spend
distributed in public areas. millions on this type of marketing in their campaigns.
Broadcast Media Traditional Out of Home: Billboards (static & digital,
Broadcast media describe the traditional media that and wallscapes), Posters (the billboards little brother,
include television and radio. also static and digital), Buses (sides, backs, wraps,
interiors), Commuter Rail & Subway (media at
Television is a principal source of information. It is one
entrances, on platforms, and in the trains), Transit
of the most authoritative and influential media as it
Shelters & Street Furniture (Bus stops, street kiosk,
can reach millions of viewers. There are hundreds of
informational pillars), Airport Media, Taxis
TV channels sharing various types of content to
choose from: news, drama, movies, sports, animation, Non-Traditional OOH: Mall Advertising, Fitness clubs,
nature, travel, politics, cartoon, and more. It’s the best Cinema, Gas Stations/Convenience, Stores, Truckside
broadcasting media in terms of audience reach. Advertising, Salon Advertising, Laundromat
Advertising, Pizza Boxes, Coffee Cups, Pharmacy Bags,
Radio uses radio waves to transmit entertainment,
information, and educational content to the public.
This media is commonly used to promote products Experiential / Event Media / Mobile OOH: Street
and services due to its wide reach of audience. Teams, Scooters, Segways, Branded Food Trucks,
Considerably, Radio is one of the most powerful media Mobile Billboards, Pop-up Stores, Projection Media,
in the US. It reaches approximately 90% of the Video Trucks, Wrapped Vehicles, Custom Tour Buses,
audience weekly. For this reason, there are over 3D Projection Mapping
15,500 radio stations in the U.S., all competing for a
slice of this vast market. This is why radio is still a
social media that greatly influence audiences’
thoughts and habits.
Movies include movies, motion pictures, screenplays,
motion pictures, or worldwide movies. This is the best
type of mass media to promote cultures and spread
social awareness. Movies have always played an
important role in the entertainment world.
Internet Media
The invention of the Internet allowed breaking news to
reach the globe within minutes. This rapid development of
instant, decentralized communication is often seen as
having the potential to change the mass media and its
relationship with society.
Social networking
media include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube,
Tumblr, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Pinterest, etc. In fact,
everyone has a social account. While we can find any
news there, they can be misleading given the lack of
regulations on the shared content.
Online forums such as Quora, Reddit, are online
websites where the community can comment on, text,