Com117 Application Packages Part Time
Com117 Application Packages Part Time
Com117 Application Packages Part Time
Question 2
1. Which of the following software is faulty when the computer system crashes?
(a) Operating system (b) Application Software (c) User application (e) All of the above
2. Which of the following is odd in the list below?
(a) Ms Excel (b) Ms Word (c) Ms Access (d) Operating system
3. Which of the following is not part of Ms Office Suite?
(a) Spreadsheet (b) Ms Word (c) Libre Office (d) Ms Access
4. The following are ways of copying, cutting and pasting except -------?
(a) Ctrl +B (b) Ctrl +C (c) Ctrl + X (d) Ctrl + V (e) None of the above
5. The following are the activities of changing desktop background EXCEPT
(a) Personalization (b) Choosing my picture (c) choice for colour (d) None of the above
6. Linux Operating system is an example of ______ application?
(a) Open source (b) Ms Operating System (c) Linus Software (d) None of the above
7. An Ms Power Point is called?
(a) Present (b) Presentation (c) Power Present (d) All of the above
8. The following are the examples of spread sheet except...
(a) Lotus 123 (b) Ms excel (c) Calci (d) All of the above (e) None of the above
9. Which of the following is odd in the list?
(a) Window 10 (b) Window 9 (c) Window Vista (d) Window 7
10. Which of the following does not fit in the list?
(a) Libre Office (b) Ms Office (c) Open Office (d) CorelDraw
11. Which of the following is synonymous to Memo field?
(a) Ms Access (b) Ms Word (c) Ms Publisher (d) All of the above
12. Which of the following software can be used by the Accountant?
(a) Ms Excel (b) Ms Access (c) Ms Accounting (d) Option a & b only
13. Which of the following accounting software is odd?
(a) Peachtree (b) Ms Access (c) SPSS (d) None of the above
14. Which of the following software makes filling of tax return easier?
(a) Accounting Software (b) Ms Word (c) SPSS (d) None of the above
15. _____ Is a presentation package used by researchers and presenters
(a) Power Point (b) Excel (c) Sage 50 (d) None of the above
16. Which of the following is not a type of tab in power point?
(a)Table Tab (b) Home tab (c) insert tab (d) Animation tab
17. ____ are set of characters in a single typeface except?
(a) font (b) italics (c) copy (d) Underlining
18. Which of the following is not a word-processing application?
(a) Lyx (b)Ms word (c) StarOffice (d) Notepad (e) None of the above
19. Which of the following action can be done with mouse device on the computer?
(a) Drag (b) Click (c) double click (d) Dragging (e) All of the above
20. Which of the following is most appropriate for an output device?
(a) Reader (b) speaker (c) VDU (d) Mouse (e) None of the above
Question 3
a. Define is Application Software and state two types of Application software
b. Discuss five criteria for selecting Application package
c. List five general purpose Application package.
Question 4
a. List and explain the 4 functions of an operating system
b. Define keyboard and state three typical keyboard that constitute it.
c. Define mouse and state the use of the left button.
Question 5
a. Define Tabs
b. List six (6) default tabs.
c. State steps for the following
i. How to add a header to a document.
ii. How to edit headers and footers.
iii. How to remove header and footer.
Question 6
a. Sketch a MS Excel table to present the scores of the following students Isabella, Rebeca, Andrew,
John and Michael in Computer Packages Examination and write formula to process their scores as
stated below:
i. Test Score in cell C1, Exam Score in cell D1, Final Exam Score in cell E1, Total Score in cell
ii. Isabella in cell B2, Rebeca in cell B4, Andrew in cell B6, John in cell B3 and Michael in cell B5
iii. 15 in cell C3, 27 in cell C2, 19 in cell C6, 40 in cell D3 and 34 in cell D6
iv. 28 in cell C4, 80 in cell D5, 50 in cell D2, 16 in cell C5 and 60 in cell D4
v. Write down the formula to calculate the Final Exam Score for each student, if the Final Exam
Score is equal to 60% of the Exam Score.
vi. Write down the formula to calculate the Total Score for each of the student, if the Total Score is
equal to the Final Exam Score plus the Test Score.
b. State five uses of spreadsheet application
Question 7
a. Define Animation in MS PowerPoint
b. Describe four types of Animation
c. State five Slide Layout and their usage
Making guide for COM 117
Question 1 (1mk*20 = 20mks)
1 B 6 C 11 C 16 B
2 A 7 D 12 D 17 A
3 D 8 D 13 B 18 A
4 B 9 C 14 D 19 C
5 C 10 B 15 B 20 C
Question 3
A. Application Software is a specialized program or set of specialized programs and associated
documentation designed to carry out a particular task. It is developed for end users to carry out their
individual and business operations.(3mk)
Two types of Application software are (1mk*2 = 2mk): User Application Software and Application
B. Five criteria for selecting Application package: (2mk*5=10mks)
User’s requirement(1mk): the package must satisfy current and future needs/requirement of the
Cost: the cost of the package should be affordable. Cost of implementation, maintenance, upgrading
must be relatively cheap.
Supportability: what is available in terms of training, follow up maintenance and if the package
aligns with the legislative law of the country.
Compatibility with existing hardware: the package must conveniently integrate with the
existing hardware system
Compatibility with existing operating system: the package must conveniently operate with the
existing operating system.
Reliability: the package must have been used by other organizations for some time with
considerable degree of success to ascertain its reliability
Version: user should not rush to acquire the latest version of software without investigating other
user experience.
C. Five general purpose Application package are (1mk*5k = 5mk): Word processing software,
Spreadsheet software, Presentation software, Database Management software, Desktop publishing,
Graphics package, Games package.
Question 4
a. Listing them: user interface, main memory management, processor management, device management,
network management, and file management. (1/2 mk = any 4 = 2mks)
User interface: this is the portion of the operating system that users interact with directly. The
user interface and formats vary widely from one operating system to another. The main types of
user interfaces are: command driven interface, menu driven interface and graphical user
Main memory management: it checks the validity of each request for memory space and if it is
legal request, it allocates a portion of memory that is not already in use.
Processor Management: the processor manager decides how to allocate the CPU and monitors
whether the CPU is executing a process or waiting for a Read or Write command to finish
Device management: the device manager monitors and chooses the most efficient way to allocate
all the systems device printers, ports, disk drive, channel and control units based on a scheduling
policy chosen by the systems designers.
Network management: operating system with internet or networking capability has a fifth
essential manager called network manager which provides a convenient way for users to share
resources which includes hardware and software while controlling users access to them
File Management: the file manager keeps track of every file in the system including data files,
program files, compilers, and applications. (1mk = any 4 =4mks)
b. Keyboard is the most widely used device today to input information in form of words and numbers. The
three typical keyboard. (2mks)
The main keypad: this consist of the following keys-letters A-Z, Digit 0-9, special signs and
symbols, shift, ctrl, alt, caps lock, enter, backspace, tab, spacebar, esc, print screen, pause/break.
Numeric keypad: this is on the right side of the keyboard; it serves dual purposes. It can be used
as cursor key or to type numbers. NumLock is used to alternate between these two functions
Function Keys: these are marked F1 to F12 and we used to perform different functions to achieve
one task or the other, depending on the application in use. (2mks each = 6mks)
c. Computer mouse is a hand-help input device whose movement on the desktop controls the position of
the cursor on the computer screen. (2mks)
Point: move the mouse until the mouse pointer on the screen rests on the item of choice
Click: press and release the mouse button.
Double click: click the mouse button twice in rapid succession without pausing
Drag: hold down the mouse button while you move the mouse (1mk each=4mks)
Question 5
a. Tab is an area on the ribbon that contains buttons that are organized in groups. (2mks)
b. The default tabs are File, Home, Insert, Design, Layout, References, Mailings, Review, and View.
(any 6=6mks)
c. Steps on how to add a header to a document
Step 1: click on the insert tab
Step 2: click on the header
Step 3: click on a header design in the header gallery drop-down menu
Step 4: to edit the header, type the text that you want to appear in the indicated areas
Step 5: click on the close header and footer in the header and footer design tools design tab when you
have finished. (5mks)
Question 6
a. ½ mk for each filled cell(from cell B1 to F6) = 15 mk
2 Isabella 27 50 =D2*0.6 =C2+E2
3 John 15 40 =D3*0.6 =C3+E3
4 Rebeca 28 60 =D4*0.6 =C4+E4
5 Michael 16 80 =D5*0.6 =C5+E5
6 Andrew 19 34 =D6*0.6 =C6+E6
Question 7
A. Animation is motion effects applied to placeholder or other slide contents to move the content in unique
ways on the slide. (2mk)
B. Four types of Animation (2mk*4=8mks):
Entrance effect: this animates an object’s entry onto the slide separately from the entrance of the
slide itself.
Emphasis effect: modifies the object that is already on the slide, calling attention to it by moving
it or changing its color
Exit effect: causes the object to leave the slide before the slide itself exists
Motion path effect: moves the object from one point A to point B following along a path that you
created for it.
C. Five Slide Layout and their usage (2mk*5 = 10mks)
Title Slide: this is used at the beginning of presentation, it is used to add title and subtitle
Title and Content: this is default slide layout and most common used slide layout. It is used to
add title and bulleted text option.
Section Header: this is used to separate different sections of the same presentation, it can be used
as alternate to the title slide layout.
Two Content: this is used to show text in addition to graphic content type
Comparison: this is similar to two content slide layout but it includes a heading text box over
each type of content. It is used to compare two types of the same content type and show text in
addition to a graphic content type.
Title Only: this slide layout is used to place only a title on the slide rather than a title and subtitle
Blank: this is often used when a picture or other graphic object that needs no further information
will be inserted to cover the whole slide.
Content with Caption: this is used to place graphic objects such as chart or picture on the right
side of the slide, the left side allows foe title and text to describe the objects.
Picture with Caption: the upper part of the slide is used to place a picture, the bottom part is used
to add a title and descriptive text if desired