Ri Previous Year Computer

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Question Book Serial No. COMP000552 DRS-2015 Question Booklet Series Code: D
Time Allowed: 01.00 hours Full Mark: 50

61I I : 8o
Read the following instructions carcfully bcfore you begin to answer the questions. This Booklet
contains 50 objective qucstions with multiplc choice answers on computer basic skills in English


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COMPO00552/D/Page 3 of 8

1.Which of the following statements is wrong?
(A) Windows XP is an operating system
B) Linux is owned and sold by Microso
(C) Photoshop is a graphical design tool by Adobe
D) Linux is free and open source software

2.What is the shortcut key to "Center Align" the selected text?

(A) Ctrl + C
B) Ctrl+E (C)Ctrl+F D) None of above

3. In the split window mode, one title bar looks darker than the other because the
A ) darkertitle bar shows window not in use (B) darker title bar shows active window
(C) darker title bar shows unavailable iwindow D) Both (A) and (C)

4.By default, the cellcontent alignment is-

A) Left aligned B) Text left aligned and numbers right
(C) Text right aligned and numbers left (D) Centrally aligned

5. In Excel, Pie-Chart can be plotted on-

AA) multiple data series (B) only one data series
(C) only two data series (D) only three data series

6. The MICR is a device used to read characters in the form of

V{A) Electrical pulse in wire (B) Punched holes in card
E) Magnetic ink in paper (D) None of these

7. EBCDIC stands for

A) Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
(B) Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code
(C) Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code
(D) Extended Binary Case Decimal nterchange Code

8. Scenarío Manager in Excel is used to-

A) create graphic representation (B) create data
(C) analyze data AD) all the above

9. You should save your computer from?

(B) Time bombs
AMiruses C) Worms (D) All of the above

10.To establish connection with a server with your Internet Service Provider (ISP),
Your computer needs to connect to-
(A)Modem B) Intemet (C) Intranet (D) Server

11.When you insert an Excel file into a Word document, the data are-
(A) Hyperlinked (B) Placed in a word table
()Linked (D) Embedded
cOMPO00552/D/ Page 4 of 8
it from first place
what option is used to use a paragraph at another place after removing completely
(D) Move
(A) Rotate B) Cut-Paste (C) Delete

13.Which of the following is not an application software? (D) Nonc of these

(A) MS-WORD (B) MS-EXCEL (C) MS-Power point

14,Which ofthe following Windows does not have Start

(A) Windows Vista
E) Windows 8 (D) None of above
(B) Windows 7

5 . We can convert existing Excel worksheet data and charts to an HTML document by using
(A) Linking Assistant Wizard (B) HTML Assistant Wizard
(C) Intemet Assistant Wizard (D) Intranet Assistant Wizard

16.If you click on the Undo button-

(A)it will remove the old text and restore the new text back to your document.
B) it will remove the new text and restore the original text back to your document.
(C) it will include thenewtext and remove the original text in your document.
(D) it will remove everything from the file.

17.Which of the following toolbars allows changing Fonts and their sizes?
(A) Standard B) Formatting (C) Print Preview (D) All of these

18.Taskbar is used for-

(A) Navigation program (B) Switching between program
C) Start a program D) All of above

19 URL stands for-

A) Universal Research List B) Universal Resource List
(CUniform Resource Locator (D) Unifom Research Locator

20.When the user places the mouse pointer on any of the buttons and not click them, after few seconds a
appears at the bottom of the pointer. It is called text
A) Tool Tip Text (B) Micro Tips C) Help Tips D) Click tips

21/Program on which of the following storage device is always virus free?

(A) Hard Disk (B) Floppy Disk (C) Compact Disk D) None of these
22. The Formula palette is used to-
AA) format cells containing numbers.
B) create and edit formulas containing functions.
(C) enter assumptions data.
(D) copy all cells.

23.Which one is not an operating system?

AA) P11 (B) OS/2
(C) Windows (D) Unix
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24. When á chart is created in data sheet and
a we can view both, it is called-
(A) Chart shect B) Embedded chart (C) View sheet (D) Chart view

25. What word is used to describe the act of

rectifying some text?
AA)Erase (B) Correcting (C) Edit (D) Whiteout

26. Word, by default, places a tab stop at every mark on the ruler.
(A) 0.25" ((B) 0.5" A¬) 0.75" XD) 1"

27The basic architecture of computer was developed by

(A) John Von Neumann_ AB) Charles Babbage
(C) Blaise Pascal (D) Gordon Moore

28.To select full Paragraph-

A) position the arrow pointer in the selection bar adjacent to the line and click the left mouse button once.
B) position the arrow pointer in the selection bar adjacent to the line and click on the left mouse button
(C) position the arrow pointer in the selection bar adjacent to the line and click the right mouse button
(D) position the arrow pointer in the selection bar adjacent to the line and click the right mouse button

29. Hard disk is coated in both side above-

( A ) Magnetic metallicoxide (B)Optical metallic oxide
C) Carbon layer AD) All of the above

30. Whích command is used to calculate the total characters in a cell?

A ) Len (B) Length (C) Mid (D) Sid

31 An excel worksheet can have a maximum number of rows.

A)65535 (B) 256 (C) 1048576 B) 65536

32. An error is also known as- (D) None of these

B) debug (C) icon
(A) bug

33. Every computer on the Internet is known as (C) Modem Ð) Server

(B) Client
(A) Host

34. The Gridlines may be- turned on for printing.

(A) turned off for display but
(B) turned on or off for printing.
display and printing.
E)turned offfor
(D) (All ofthese
describes explanatory text attached to a cell?
35. What term e) Comment (D) Dialog
(A) Context (B) Callout
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36. Which of the following is a flash memory storage device that can be plugged into a USB port?
(A) USB snap drive (B) USB flash drive
(C) USB memory maker drive (D) None of above

(37Which short cut command is used to insert current date?

(A) Alt+shifttd (B) Alt+d C) Ctrl+Shift+; (D)Ctrlt: Tma
crit dat chrIt shift +
38. Central Processing Unit is a combination of -
(A) Control and storage (B) Control and output unit
(C) Arithmetic logic and input unit D) Arithmetic logic and control unit

39. Floppy disks are typically found in diameter of-

A) 3"
(B) 5.25 (C)8 (D) All of above

40.Which command is used to copy the formula not the value from one data to another?
(A) Paste B) Paste Special (C) Ctrl+V (D) Hyperlink

41. The Roman symbol for the last column in an Excel sheet is-

42. MS-Ofice 2000 included a full-fledged Web designing software called-

(A) Front View 2000 YB) Front Page 2000 (C)Outlook Express (D) Front Page Express

Which of the following statements about Footer is correct?
(A) All pages in a document need to have same footer. x
B) Different sections can have different footers.
(C) There are only two types of footers, one for even page and one for odd page.
D) Can't say.

44. A supercomputer
(A) processes data from at least 10,000 users at once.
(B) is the fastest and the costliest computer
(C) is used by large organizations.
D) All (A), (B) and (C)

45)What is the shortcut key to split a table?

( A ) Ctrl + Alt +Enter
(B) Ctrl + Shift + Enter
C) Alt+ Shift +Enter (D) Alt+Space + Enter

46, The basic goal of computer process is to convert data into-

(A) Files (B) Tables, (C) Graphics D) Information
47Mo cut the selected text, which of the following keys should be
(A) Ctrl+C (B) Ctrl+DD pressed?
C) Ctrl+VN B) Ctrl+X
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48. Arithmetic functions of the ALU include:
(A) Add, subtract, move and input
(B) Divide, multiply, compare and output
E) Input, output, move and compare
(D) Add, subtract, divide and multiply

49.IBM 1401 is-

A) First Generation Computer B) Second Generation Computer
(C) Third Generation Computer (D) Fourth Generation Computer

50.The science that attempts to create machines to emulate the human thought
process is called-
A) Robotics (B) Simulation
(C) Artificial Intelligence (D) Forecasting

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