Design and Implementation of Smart Home Network Using Cisco Packet Tracer
Design and Implementation of Smart Home Network Using Cisco Packet Tracer
Design and Implementation of Smart Home Network Using Cisco Packet Tracer
Abstract: Technology has become a critical part of our daily activities and routine life in the present day
scenario. The need of the hour is to devise a smart home that will be able to control the operation of electronic
devices via a smartphone. This concept, while absurd to imagine, can be easily implemented efficiently using a
package tracking software which includes IoT functions for control and simulation of a smart home network.
IoT technology has had a huge boom in the tech industry in the recent past. IoT, better known as Internet of
Things, can be applied to several real time scenarios, such as home automation, treatment, campus, office, etc.
In this paper, we will be focusing on a safe home automation system that will be including modules such as:
smoke detection, humiture monitoring, motion detection, temperature monitoring and solar panel controlling
using smart battery. The aim of our research is to devise a simulation network of smart devices which will be in
control of the end-user remotely and implement the concept of smart home automation. This project will make
use of the Cisco Packet Tracer to monitor the IoT devices in the smart home network. Simulation results have
shown that these smart devices can be connected in a network to the home portal and objects can be successfully
monitored which proves that such a model can be used for real life implementation in the user’s home.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 (
ITM Web of Conferences 44, 01008 (2022)
• Energy meter provided to keep track of user’s energy [2]“Enabling Alexandria In this paper the
consumption communication Olaisi author states
between the relationship
• User given access to data in the form of readings through
wireless sensor between IoT
mobile application
networks and and wireless
The scope of the system would be to provide users with the Internet of sensor networks
the opportunity to access, control and monitor their homes Things - from ACOAP
with just a few button clicks, making use of smart ACOAP transport
technology. Interfaces of sensors can be created in the Communication network is
homes using sensors to monitor motion, lighting, Stacks”, 2014. described,
temperature and humidity among a few things and also proving that
enable toggling automation in the devices as per there is
conditions provided by the user. Energy conservation, compatibility
comfort of living, enhanced lifestyle and heightened between
security are some of the features that the network aims to network of
provide. Integration of the system with these fields of things and
home automation give us the opportunity to be able to remote sensing
extend its impact on a much larger scale by devising systems over
automation of offices and factories, too. This automation protocols as
network sets a global standard for linking smart devices studied. The
to the web through cloud technology. It enables the user work done made
to control appliances of the smart home among which are use of
lighting, irrigation sprinklers, fire detection systems, solar communication
energy panels and web cameras to name a few. The constrained
expandability of these smart devices to connect with other protocol
networks enables for ease of energy management and (COAP) for the
security solutions. implementation
of a smart
This section describes the methodology adopted for the
literature review. These papers represent an exploration of [3]"Design and Miluzzo In this research,
the contributions that have already been made in the home Implementation Chodhury and the work was
automation field. of a WiFi based A. T. Campbell primarily done
Home on the
Title and Year Author Survey Automation smartphone
[1]“Designing Ahmed Abdi In this paper, System", 2010. sensor which is
Smart Campus research was considered to be
using Internet of conducted for the most
Things”, 2018. the creation of a important
smart university sensor today.
to utilize This sensor
technology to consisted of
design a campus various modules
where such as
components measurement of
were to be temperature,
replaced with pressure,
smart devices to humidity etc.
provide They worked on
automation in making the
the workplace smartphone
with the help of interface for
cloud creation of
technology. The smart devices
smart office was linked to
designed using sensors which
IoT gateways to can be
provide a link controlled
between devices through the
in the office and smartphone.
internet, making
use of the cloud.
ITM Web of Conferences 44, 01008 (2022)
4. EXISTING SYSTEM that are registered and regulated by the gateway can be
accessed and controlled.
The existing systems studied demonstrate the use of smart The Algorithm of the Smart Home Automation System
networking for applications in campus and offices. Our can be explained as follows
project aims to demonstrate smart networking Step 1: The project is started on the Cisco Packet Tracer
applications in a home system. We will be making use of
the Cisco Packet Tracer which provides several built-in
Step 2: Files with the extension .pkt can be opened and
features of smart home automation networks as opposed
to Raspberry Pi and Arduino incorporated with NRF saved.
modules that were used by researchers previously. With Step 3: Required components are added in the workspace,
the help of Cisco tools, authentication and validation of chosen from an array of inbuilt components provided by
wireless connections are attained with ease and interactive the Packet Tracer.
environments are made use of for creation of virtual Step 4: Devices in the workspace are connected with the
network worlds to understand concepts and protocols for use of cables.
explanation, experimentation and exploration of Step 5: Internet Service Router is set up and the devices
technologies of Network Engineering. While the previous are configured.
systems have been more hardware focused, making use of Step 6: The Home Gateway is added to the network.
microcontrollers, our system focuses majorly on software Step 7: Smart Devices are connected to the wireless
networking, making use of wireless network connections network.
to automate the control of smart home devices. Step 8: An end user device like the smartphone is added
to the network.
5. PROPOSED SYSTEM METHODOLOGY Step 9: An application is developed to keep track and
provide control of the smart devices.
Various smart objects are connected to the Home Step 10: The project is completed and can be modified to
Gateway with the use of sensors. The Packet Tracer meet the end user’s needs.
provides us with a programming environment to control
these smart devices. The control mechanisms are enabled As depicted, all the smart devices are connected to the
through registration of the objects on the Home Gateway. Home Gateway with either wireless connections or
The components of the IoT are able to directly register through Ethernet Cables. The Home Gateway is
with the IoT service on the Home Gateway or the network connected to the Switch which allows it to set an IP
database. address on the interface level. The IP addresses of the
smart devices can be assigned through the Home
Gateway. The Switch in turn is connected to the IoT
Server which allows for linking of the smart devices in the
LAN network which can be accessed by the user.
Furthermore, the list of the connected devices can be
linked with the smartphone to provide access to control
the devices remotely through the smartphone by the end-
user through the medium of the internet.
ITM Web of Conferences 44, 01008 (2022)
ITM Web of Conferences 44, 01008 (2022)
6. RESULT ANALYSIS The sensors will detect the change in environment and
record the readings. These readings will be available
Dataset taken from sensors is displayed through an through the interface of the app to the user. The user is
Android application interface. The data is recorded able to generate a monthly report of the readings that are
through the use of Arduino connected to the sensors and fetched from the database. Through this report
the readings from the sensors are stored in the SQL generation module, the user is able to keep track of
database. These readings are reflected back to the user. his/her energy consumption as well as observe the trends
in the readings and therefore be informed.
The idea behind this project is to explore the concept of
Fig. 7. Interface of the Android Application home automation using the principle field of Internet of
Things which enables us to interconnect gadgets with the
assistance of web association. IoT has the power to enable
32 detection of the smart objects remotely which not only
provide the user with enhanced comfort but also assist in
natural resources conservation and a save in energy
consumption. The question of increased security has also
been covered by this Smart Home Network which
provides security solutions with remote access. This gives
rise to the future scope of this project which can be
expanded to a large scale to cover multiple homes, office
spaces and even entire industries as a whole.
We take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude and
deep regards to our professors, our institute and it’s
management for providing all necessary resources and helping
us in all the possible ways. We also thank readers of this paper
and all those who have directly or indirectly helped us in
completion of this thesis.
Fig. 10. Hardware model using Arduino connected to the
ITM Web of Conferences 44, 01008 (2022)