ZN BR Battery Tech
ZN BR Battery Tech
ZN BR Battery Tech
Ryan Faries
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09-18-2016 Final Report 06/2012 – 06/2017
Ryan Faries W912HQ-12-C-0027
Raytheon 5b. GRANT NUMBER
2000 El Segundo Blvd
This Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) effort
demonstrates the energy security and cost benefits of implementing a Zinc Bromide
(Zn/Br) Flow Battery-based Energy Storage System (ESS) at the Marine Corps Air
Station (MCAS) Miramar. The effort integrates an innovative Zn/Br Flow Battery
and Intelligent Power and Energy Management (IPEM) technologies with the existing
MCAS infrastructure, providing energy security and islanding capability, while
reducing costs.
Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18
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Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................... 1
1.2 OBJECTIVE OF THE DEMONSTRATION.................................................................... 1
1.3 REGULATORY DRIVERS .............................................................................................. 2
2 TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................... 4
2.1 TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW.......................................................................................... 4
2.2 TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................. 7
2.3 ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS OF THE TECHNOLOGY .............................. 20
3 PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................ 22
3.1 ISLANDED DURATION ............................................................................................... 23
3.2 BUILDING LOAD REDUCTIONS ............................................................................... 24
3.3 SWITCHOVER TIME .................................................................................................... 25
3.4 PEAK SHAVING ............................................................................................................ 25
3.5 ESS ENERGY STORAGE CAPACITY ......................................................................... 28
4 FACILITY/SITE DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................ 29
4.1 FACILITY/SITE LOCATION AND OPERATIONS .................................................... 30
4.2 FACILITY/SITE CONDITIONS .................................................................................... 31
5 TEST DESIGN ..................................................................................................................... 32
5.1 CONCEPTUAL TEST DESIGN..................................................................................... 32
5.2 BASELINE CHARACTERIZATION ............................................................................ 38
5.3 DESIGN AND LAYOUT OF TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS ................................. 39
5.4 OPERATIONAL TESTING............................................................................................ 44
5.4.1 Test Configuration .................................................................................................. 46
5.4.2 System Integration and Checkout Tests .................................................................. 47
5.4.3 Grid Tied Mode Tests ............................................................................................. 50
5.4.4 Islanded Mode Tests ............................................................................................... 52
5.5 SAMPLING PROTOCOL............................................................................................... 78
5.6 SAMPLING RESULTS .................................................................................................. 79
6 PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT ...................................................................................... 80
6.1 Islanding Duration ........................................................................................................... 80
6.2 BUILDING LOAD REDUCTIONS ............................................................................... 83
Table of Tables
Table 2-1: Summary of results from NREL testing. ..................................................................... 15
Table 2-2: Summary of advantages of the Primus Zn/Br system. ............................................... 20
Table 3-1: Summary of Performance Objectives.......................................................................... 22
Table 5-1: Table showing the relationship between PV Penetration, Load Reductions and its effect
on Islanded Duration. .................................................................................................................... 36
Table 5-2: Grid Tied Performance Objectives for ESTCP Demonstration ................................. 44
Table 5-3: Islanded Mode Performance Objectives for ESTCP Demonstration. ........................ 45
Table 5-4: List of equipment used in system test setup. .............................................................. 46
Table 5-5: Results of ground current measurements. ................................................................... 55
Table 6-1: Summarized IEEE1547.4 requirements pertinent to ESTCP demonstration ............. 80
Table 7-1: Cost Model for an Energy or Water Technology ....................................................... 92
Table 7-2: TLC cost for each year for a 20 year period............................................................... 94
Table 7-3: Cost Model for an Energy or Water Technology ....................................................... 95
Table 7-4: TLC cost for each year for a 20 year period............................................................... 97
The Marine Corps Air Station, located at Miramar, CA has completed a significant study for
locating and sizing Renewable Energy (RE) generation in order to demonstrate progress towards
reaching Net Zero operation; e.g. a Military installation that produces as much energy on or near
the installation, as it consumes in its buildings and facilities. During the initial study, Energy
Storage Systems were briefly discussed, but not actively pursued due to constraints of previous
programs. MCAS Miramar has identified a need to manage the variable power generation of the
installed RE systems without adding additional sources. To improve a base’s overall energy
security, an ESS can bridge power gaps in the RE generation either by load shifting, peak shaving,
or arbitrage.
There were two main objectives of this project. The first objective is to demonstrate that Energy
Storage enables the use of existing renewable energy systems that normally are unavailable during
The National Defense Authorization Acts 2010-2012 and Energy Independence and Security Act
of 2007 have shaped the Navy’s microgrid strategy. This has created five major energy goals
issued by the secretary of the Navy and shared in similar sense with the other branches of the
military. The five energy goals are listed in Figure 1-1 below.
Reduce Energy Consumption & • By 2020, USN will reduce energy consumption and
Intensity intensity by 50% from a 2003 baseline.
Power from Renewable • By 2020, 50% of total ashore energy will come from
Sources renewable sources.
• By 2020, 50% of installations will be net-zero
Net-zero installations consumers.
Reduce Non-Tactical • By 2015, reduce petroleum used in commercial vehicle
Petroleum Use fleet by 50% from a 2009 baseline.
• Provide reliable, resiliant and redundant power to
Increase Energy Security increase the energy security of mission critical assets.
Figure 1-2: Image of the US electrical distribution system taken from the FEMA website.
Energy storage can play a key role in meeting the energy goal and mission needs of our military
installations. The existing electrical distribution system was built around the production/use
principle that electricity must be produced when it is needed and consumed once it is produced.
This principle works when a generation network is in place that is monitored and controlled
predictably. The ability to control the generation has become more difficult with the increase of
renewable energy systems such as solar photovoltaics (PV) and wind. Both PV and wind systems
generate power based on unpredictable cycles of nature. At very low levels of renewable energy
penetration this can be handled through the existing generator network to keep the grid balanced.
The ability to store excess energy acts as a key enabler to increasing levels of RE penetration.
Technology Description
The Zn/Br flow battery technology manufactured by Primus Power was chosen to be the storage
provider over other storage technologies for several reasons described below. The key determining
factors for islanding and renewables integration applications for Miramar are: low cost, energy
storage capacity, intelligent system control, transportability, cycle life, system lifetime, and safety.
The traditional Zn/Br batteries contain a solution of zinc bromide in two tanks. During charge of
the battery, zinc is electroplated on the anode and bromine is sequestered in a polybromide
complex that is stored in the electrolyte storage tank. On discharge, the polybromide complex is
returned to the battery stacks, and zinc is oxidized back into the electrolyte solution, forming the
identical Zn/Br solution the unit started with (Figure 2-1). This type of battery leverages many
years spent developing proper plating systems in a novel storage approach.
Figure 2-1: Schematic of a traditional Zn/Br cell with two electrolyte flow loops.
The traditional Zn/Br cell design uses carbon coated felt paper as the electrode surface. The cells
also have two separate electrolyte tanks for capturing the anolyte and catholyte separately during
charge and discharge. These separator membranes and carbon paper often are subject to
degradation and contamination and are a common failure mechanism amongst Zn/Br batteries that
requires reoccurring replacement. Traditional Zn/Br needs to be replaced after 1500 cycles which
would constitute replacement every 4.1 years if cycled daily.
Primus Power took a different approach to their Zn/Br cells. Instead of using carbon coated felt
paper for their electrodes Primus utilizes an activated solid titanium electrode for its Zn plating
surfaces. Using a titanium electrode provides Primus the capability to use a single flow loop of
electrolyte as opposed to dual flow loops as well as eliminate the need for an ion exchange
membrane, which is an early failure mechanism in tradition Zn/Br cells. This reduces the number
of tanks required and pumps for managing the electrolyte (Figure 2-2). The titanium electrodes
also provide better energy density when compared to traditional Zn/Br 3.1 kWh/ft2 vs1.7 kWh/ft2.
The developmental timeline for Primus’ Zn/Br technology is summarized in Figure 2-7 below.
Primus’ early development started in 2009. When Primus was put under contract in late 2012 for
this project they were operating at TRL4 and progressively matured their technology to TRL5 at
Figure 2-8: Photo of Sandia National Laboratory 3rd party testing of Primus Powers EngergyCell at Hayward
The goals for the Sandia testing were to:
• Measure ability of EnergyCell to perform discharge at various durations
• Measure round trip efficiency of charge-discharge cycles
• Measure power rating of the EnergyCell
• Measure EnergyCell step response to command charge/discharge
Option #2: Deliver 250kW/1000kWh System in 20-40’ + 20’ ISO in January 2015
• Pros: Meets original ESS performance specs to support 72hr islanding objective with
reasonable load shed, may meet original size/volume specs delivered system common with
other Gen1 deliveries
• Cons: Requires 6mo extension
• Risk Level: Mitigated through flexibility on deliverable form factor. If further electrolyte
development does not yield required performance improvements, Primus will deliver
required (250kW/1000kWh) capacity with existing technology
Raytheon and MCAS Miramar recommended Option #2 to the ESTCP office, based upon Primus
Power commitment to performance specifications and MCAS Miramar priorities. The ESTCP
office agreed with the assessment and the projected delivery of the battery was re-forecasted to
early 2015 with periodic assessments of system performance.
While Primus was working on scaling up and building their large scale system in 2014, Raytheon
orchestrated hardware in the loop testing of the Miramar microgrid utilizing the National
Renewable Energy Laboratory (NRELs) Energy System Integration Facility (ESIF) funded by
Raytheon outside the funding of this ESTCP program but provided was directly beneficial to this
project. The intention of the testing was to provide high-fidelity evaluation of the MCAS Miramar
microgrid in a simulated operational environment with real hardware in the loop testing with full-
scale/full power simulated sources and loads. The system testing reduced a lot of risk on
integrating the IPEM controller to manage the existing Advanced Energy PV inverters at MCAS
Miramar, the Primus ESS, and the various metering and control logic of the microgrid. The testing
at NREL was designed to re-create the designed Miramar microgrid at as high a fidelity as possible.
Figure 2-10 below shows a one line diagram for the Miramar microgrid circuit for the ESTCP
Battery Power
Electric Connection
CT Link
PAD Mounted Switchboard B5-PS2T3
230kW Storage Unit
Building 6311
(30kW PV Roof
Unit) Inverter/
DC Regulator
Figure 2-10: One line diagram for the MCAS Miramar microgrid circuit for the ESTCP project.
Figure 2-11 shows the one line diagram for the circuit that was designed to be used at NRELs ESIF
facility. The NREL system utilized the same PV inverters that exist at MCAS Miramar, a similar
main breaker point of common coupling, and the same inverter & BMS utilized by Primus’ ESS.
Figure 2-11: One line diagram design for test setup at NRELs ESIF facility.
Figure 2-12: Detailed single line diagram implemented at NREL for ESIF testing.
During the course of testing Raytheon hosted a demonstration of the system with MCAS Miramar
stakeholders and a representative from the US Marine Corps Headquarters (Randy Monohan).
Randy was the MCAS Miramar station energy manager when this project was originally proposed
and one of the earliest advocates in the project.
Goal Result
The black start sequence and transition to islanding Demonstrated automated back start sequencing
work as anticipated within the 1hr time requirement
The ESS inverter and PV inverters power share Verified load sharing across operating range (0-200kW,
properly in islanding mode 0.1-1.0PF)
The UL1741 anti-islanding algorithms do not No issues observed
destabilize the ESS inverter in voltage control mode
The PV penetration be pushed to >50% without de- Successfully run up to 100% PV penetration (w/bi-
stabilizing the ESS inverter in voltage control mode directional power flow to ESS)
The system does not destabilize due to dynamic PV Characterized PV curtailment response timelines in
curtailment and the system can handle load step response to increasing and decreasing load changes
requirements for Miramar’s load
The system meets IEEE1547.4 requirements for power No issues staying within trip points
Figure 2-16: Energy capacity timeline and scale up from Primus Power since the November 2013 briefing.
The FAT testing included the following test objectives and the results are summarized below
FAT Test 1: Peak Shaving
The objective of the Peak Shaving test was to demonstrate that EnergyPod is capable of storing
energy during off peak hours and push 250kW back to the grid during peak hours. The summary
of test results are shown in Figure 2-17 below and show that the ESS is capable of charging and
discharging at 250kW. It is important to note that the power output of battery is the net output
power of the entire Energy Storage System. This means the battery output power minus the
auxiliary power to the battery which includes: the control power to all the pumps, power
electronics, inverter, chiller and the heaters. It is important to mention this as various energy
storage systems have a separate auxiliary power requirements in their systems and don’t subtract
it from their output power when providing ratings.
Figure 2-18: Results of the Energy Capacity testing during the FAT. Note the total charge duration is 6hrs and
20 min. The peak discharge power is 250kW and the total discharge energy recorded is 390kWh.
Primus’ Zn/Br flow battery approach provides advantages in cycle life, cost, and performance
when compare to similar technologies. The advantages are summarized in Table 2-2 below.
Primus’ Zn/Br battery offers higher current density when compared to similar technologies. Their
electrodes can operate at 200 mA/cm2 vs 50 mA/cm2 of traditional Zn/Br. Primus biggest
discriminator is that it eliminates two common failure mechanisms in ZnBr flow batteries (carbon
electrodes and separator membranes) by using a solid titanium electrode and not requiring a
membrane. This allows their cells to operate longer than tradition flow batteries without the need
for replacement. Component level testing of all of the ancillary equipment and stability testing of
their cells have predicted a 20 year lifespan.
Primus’s battery still uses a Zn plating mechanism for its batteries. The nature of the Zn plating
requires that the cells be completely discharged to prevent dendrite growth and maintain the health
of the cells. This requires that the EnergyCells be periodically stripped to properly clean and
maintain them. This is handled automatically by the Battery Management System and is
transparent to the user. However, this requires that an EnergyCell will be periodically taken
offline. The energy storage system will still operate however it will be operating less one
EnergyCell reducing its energy and power capacity during those times.
One major limitation of Primus’ current system is that when the system is in islanding mode the
ESS operates in voltage control mode. When operating in this mode the battery is currently not
capable of charging. This is currently attributed to adequate control of plating zinc on the
electrodes. Primus’ development and current algorithms for charging the battery depend on
optimal parameters for plating uniform layers of zinc on the electrodes in the EnergyCells. When
the system is in islanded mode controlling the parameters for plating zinc become more difficult
and Primus has not been able to analyze this functionality to include it in the current operation of
Islanding is defined as being able to intentional isolate local facility circuit from the local electric
power system as defined in IEEE 1547.4. The circuit is then power by the operation of the ESS,
and RE. The Islanded duration will be the time that the system is commanded into islanded mode
to the time that the system can no longer sustain the loads of the circuit.
The purpose of the Islanding objective is to demonstrate the applicability of an isolated utility
circuit going off-grid. This is useful in the case of an extreme event that could disrupt commercial
utility power supply. Emergency back-up operations can be maintained by operating off of RE
and an ESS if the load required is maintained within acceptable operation levels of the PV system
and ESS.
The metric used for the Islanded Duration objective is islanding time measured in hours and
minutes. The islanding time starts when the system is commanded to go into islanding mode from
the IPEM controller. The islanding time stops when the loads can no longer be met due to the ESS
being depleted.
The data that will be required to calculate this metric is a multitude of measurements from various
sensors within the system.
1. Power output from the PV system
2. Load data from building 6311
3. Net Power output from the ESS (Battery output minus auxiliary power including: pumps, power
electronics, inverter, chiller, and heaters)
4. State of Charge of the ESS
5. Power quality measurements of the power provided to 6311
6. Clocked time showing the start of islanded operations to the end of islanded operations
Metering points for the islanding tests are shown in Figure 2-10 and in more detail in Figure 3-1
below. In addition to the metering data that is collected by the IPEM system, two independent
power analyzers were connected to the Building 6311 feeder breaker and the P196 Carport PV
system to collect detailed data for analysis to IEEE 1547.4 requirements.
MB1 Φ Rot.
CTRL Relay
A13 A12
Relay Relay
A4 A5 IO
Modbus Gateway Adapter
- ~
~ 800A
Disconnect -
Block Chiller 232kW
Controller 400A Fused PV Powered STC
Discconnect 100kW Inverter PV Array
Building 6311 -
Rooftop Solar PV 30kW
30kW Inverter Discconnect I/O Adapter (Ethernet)
PV Array - Breaker Raytheon
P196 Inverter 1 I/O (Modbus)
Box RTU Adapter (Ethernet) Intelligent Power & P196 Inverter 2 I/O (Modbus)
~ Energy Management
Command & Control
SATCON Inverter I/O (Modbus)
Data Acquisition
Machine Fiber
Ethernet Fiber Optic Underground Conduit
Interface Optic
(Client) Modem
Figure 3-1: Detailed interconnect diagram for the Islanding test setup
The time elapsed will be measured from when the system is commanded to enter into islanded
mode. While operating in islanded mode the various subsystems will be monitored and data will
be collected on the PV system, the ESS, and the building loads. Once the battery is depleted the
system will shut down until grid power is restored. After power is restored the various load data
and performance data on each of the subsystem will be collected and analyzed to assess the
behavior and stability of the circuit.
Success Criteria
The success criteria for this performance objective was that building loads would be met by the
ESS and PV for at least 72hrs under controlled load conditions meeting power quality standards
of IEE1547.4.
The building load reduction Performance Objective is defined as the percentage of load that has
been reduced during an islanded event as compared to the previous year’s average for that given
month during normal grid connection.
The purpose of this Performance Objective is to characterize the amount of building load reduction
during an islanded event required in order to meet the 72hr islanded objective.
Where Lisland is the load data for the time during islanded and Lhistorical is the historical load for the
previous year’s average for the same given month. The result will be the percentage of load
reductions required during the islanded event.
Success Criteria
The success criteria for this objective is that building loads can be reduced by 50% through manual
changing of thermostats and lighting when compared to its previous year’s average for that given
The Switchover Time defined as the time required to switch the system from its grid transition
mode (i.e. standby during grid outage) into islanded mode.
The purpose is to characterize the timeline for islanded operations.
The metric used for this Performance Objective is time measured in minutes and seconds.
The data required is the time recorded for when the system is commanded to go into islanded mode
and the time recorded when the ESS begins to discharge. The time recorded for when the ESS
begins to discharge will be subtracted from the time recorded for when the system was commanded
to go into islanded mode. The result will be the Switchover Time.
Success Criteria
The success criteria for this Performance Objective was defined to be less than 1 hour.
Peak Shaving is defined as being able to arbitrage power stored from off-peak to on-peak periods.
This allows a facility to load shift in order to reduce the facilities demand charges. The ESS is
charged and discharged in order to change its demand load profile seen by the utility company as
shown in Figure 3-2. This is useful for facilities that are on a tiered pricing scheme and/or are hit
with high charges of energy use during hours of peak operation. The ESS can charge during off
Figure 3-2: Graph showing a very simple hypothetical load profile. The purple line represents the historical
load profile. The green line represents the load profile using an ESS to charge at night and discharge during
the peak time of day
For many commercial and industrial facilities the cost of electricity can be heavily determined by
the amount of peak power that a facility uses during a billing period. The largest peak power
demand, typically for a minimum of 15 minutes, will dictate how much the facility is charged for
that billing period. Different utility companies have different demand charge rate structures. Some
utilities are so congested during peak times that they have a defined peak time period during the
day where they charge a higher demand rate then off-peak periods. Utilities that have this type of
rate structure also usually have incentive programs or mandatory demand response programs
where the facility can volunteer to participate or be directed to participate in load shedding during
seasonal peak times. Some utilities have a blanket demand charge that is based on the highest 15
min peak demand for a given billing month regardless of peak times. Controllable peak shaving
can provide a facility with flexibility to reduce its peak demand depending on its rate structure.
SDGE has different types of rate structures for commercial/industrial facilities (Figure 3-3). One
rate structure is a TOU structure that has two types of demand charges. The first is an On-Peak
Period Demand Charge which is based on the 15 minute average Maximum On-Peak Period
Demand. The second is the Non-Coincident Demand Charge which is based on the higher of the
Maximum Monthly Demand or 50% of the Maximum Annual Demand.
This Performance Objective (PO) measures the energy storage capacity of the ESS when operating
in grid connected operations. The purpose of this Performance Objective is to show that the energy
capacity of the energy storage system meets its rated 1MWh capacity.
The metric used for this Performance Objective is energy in kilo-watt hours (kWh) which is a
measurement of power over time. The value for this PO should range from 750kWh to 1MWh.
The data required for this Performance Objective is power output of the ESS and recorded time of
the power output. This was captured on two different days of performing this test. The first day
captured was on 11/15/2015 and the second was captured on 11/17/2015. The measurement of
power over time will be analyzed and the energy capacity of the system will be the integral of the
graph from the beginning of discharge to the time that the power output of the battery reaches zero.
Success Criteria
The success of this Performance Objective was defined to be that the ESS is able to discharge
750kWh threshold and 1MWh objective of energy while in Grid connected mode.
The demonstration site at MCAS Miramar is shown in Figure 4-2. The specific location at MCAS
Miramar where the microgrid demonstration will occur is near building 6311 (Figure 4-3).
Building 6311 is mainly an office building for the energy manager, public works, and FEAD.
Since the building house the energy manager and staff, the ability to take the building offline
during the islanded scenarios is easier to facilitate. The base command has endorsed the project
as a major stepping stone in achieving a larger microgrid effort.
The project data communications is designed to be a closed loop system avoiding any
DIACAP/RMF and IT platform certifications. The data that is collected within the IPEM
controller and the ESS is stored locally at Miramar and can be downloaded on the base and
transferred for analysis.
Figure 4-3: Map of the installation site at MCAS Miramar near building 6311.
Figure 4-4: Rendering of the ESS installation site next to the P196 inverter room under the carport PV
MCAS Miramar is located in a mild climate zone in southern California. The location provides
for provides good solar irradiance for the installed PV systems. Building 6311 is a perfect location
for this demonstration since it has its own switchgear with 230kW of PV attached to it. The
switchgear allows isolation of the circuit for islanding and the PV system allows the integration of
renewable energy into the circuit when operating in islanded mode.
Many southwestern installations have large amounts of PV installed on their facilities and many
are subject to similar Interconnect Agreements and UL1741 anti-islanding restrictions. This
demonstration at Miramar helps prove out the capability to use energy storage in a microgrid
application for integrating renewable energy systems when in islanded mode.
The ZnBr Installation is comprised of a ZnBr ESS integrated into the MCAS Miramar utility
infrastructure which includes a 230kW carport PV subsystem and a 30kW rooftop PV subsystem.
The ESS and the PV subsystems are controlled by the IPEM microgrid controller which also
controls and monitors the load demand and power quality required by the MCAS infrastructure,
the status and power generation of the PV system, and the State of Health (SoH) of the ESS (See
Figure 5-1).
The demonstration is intended to operate in two modes 1) Islanded and 2) Peak Shaving. The
islanding mode demonstrates the Islanded Operations performance objectives and the peak shaving
mode demonstrates the Peak Shaving performance objectives.
Figure 5-2: Average daily load profiles by month for building 6311 at MCAS Miramar.
Figure 5-3: Average daily power output of the P196 carport PV subsystem.
Based on the data the P196 PV subsystem generates more power output than building 6311
requires. Because the ESS does not currently have the capability to charge when operating in
voltage control mode and the PV system generates more than the 6311 load, control of the P196
subsystem is required in order to make sure that more power is not generated than is required
during islanding mode. Typical commercial PV inverters are not capable of being actively
curtailed, however the two Advanced Energy inverters that are part of the P196 subsystem were
capable of being enhanced to provide this capability. Raytheon had the two inverters upgraded
with new communication cards and firmware to add a curtailment function to their Modbus
During islanded operation, the IPEM microgrid controller controls the curtailment set point of the
PV Inverters in order to keep the power generated by the PV below the demand required by the
building. The ESS provides the remaining power delta between what the PV generates and the
required power to meet the load. An example of this behavior is shown in Figure 5-4 below.
The culmination of the design and analysis of the curtailment functionality was when the system
was tested at NREL in December of 2014. This was the first opportunity for bringing together all
of the major subsystems of the microgrid together.
The load profile for building 6311 at Miramar consists of both real and reactive power components.
The reactive component of the Miramar load is mainly due to motor loads from its environmental
controls (heating and air conditioning). A plot of building 6311’s load profile including the real
and reactive power components is shown in Figure 5-5.
Figure 5-5: Load profile for building 6311 including real, reactive and apparent power as a function of time.
The data was sampled at 15 minute intervals. The power factor is plotted on the secondary axis.
As result of the load consisting of a reactive power component power factor needs to be taken into
consideration when managing the PV load. The variable nature of PV production and motor loads
creates transient conditions that require accommodation by the power electronics of the ESS.
Therefore the amount of PV provided to the load needed to be balanced between the capabilities
of the ESS power electronics and the transient conditions of the circuit. During the course of
developing and testing the system it was also determined that the power electronics within ESS
Figure 5-6: Plot showing example of how peak shaving can change the load profile of a
facility as seen by the utility.
The independent variables that will be manipulated are defined below:
For Peak Shaving Mode
• Battery discharge/charge rate – The battery discharge/charge rate is the rated power that the Zn/Br
flow battery will charge or discharge during peak shaving mode.
• Battery discharge/charge time – The battery discharge/charge time is the scheduled times that the
Zn/Br flow battery will charge or discharge.
For Islanded Mode
• PV input curtailment – The PV input curtailment is the amount of PV that needs to be
curtailed when operating in islanding mode to avoid power instability. It correlates with
PV penetration of the circuit.
• Load Reduction – The load reduction is the amount of load that needs to be reduced when
compared to normal operations.
The baseline characterization of Miramar’s building 6311 were taken in November 2015, prior to
the December demonstration. The data was collected from the Advanced Metering Infrastructure
(AMI) smart meters that are installed in the B5PS2T3 switchgear.
Figure 5-7: Daily load profiles for building 6311 during November 2015.
This demonstration consist of four significant technology elements and they are; 1) The ZnBr ESS
2) The IPEM Microgrid Controller 3) The Switchgear 4) The PV Inverters. The locations and
layouts of each element are shown in Figure 5-9 below.
Figure 5-9: Birds eye view of MCAS Miramar site and layout of system components.
Figure 5-10: Photos of the Primus ESS being delivered to MCAS Miramar. The EnergyPod need to have a
large crane in order to lift it off of the delivery truck.
The ESS location is positioned in the parking lot of building 6311 next to the P196 inverter room
and under one of the carport solar panel locations.
Figure 5-14: Photos of inside the P196 inverter room where the IPEM controller was installed. The image on
the left shows the location pre IPEM. The middle image shows some of the existing fiber termination block and
equipment moved to accommodate the IPEM controller. The right image shows the IPEM controller and
ancillary equipment installed.
The IPEM HMI is utilized for system control and monitoring. Throughout operation, performance
against both technical objectives can be monitored via visual display of the system operation. This
dashboard style interface displays the live data from all of the various system components that the
Testing of the microgrid including the demonstrations was divided into three phases of test: 1)
System Initialization and Checkout 2) Grid Tied Mode and 3) Islanded Mode. Each phase of
testing is described in more detail below.
System Initialization Checkout
System Installation, Integration, and Checkout is anticipated to consist of
emplacement/installation, interconnection (power and communication), and verification of
operation and communication of the equipment described in Section 7 prior to test start. This will
include verification of communications interfaces between various items.
Emplacement/installation and interconnect will be completed by NREL, Primus Power, or
Raytheon as indicated in Table 5-2. Communications interfaces between various items will be
verified by Raytheon, Primus Power and Advanced Energy (AE) in the week prior to test start.
Checkout is considered complete when each item is operational and communication between each
item has been established.
Grid-Tied Mode
The purpose of Grid-Tied Testing is to demonstrate the system is properly configured and
functionally capable of meeting the performance objectives in Table 5-2.
B5-PS2T33 Pad
Switchboard 12000-
MB1 Φ Rot.
Telvent Sage 2300/
CTRL Relay Base Grid SCADA
A13 A12
Relay Relay
A4 A5 IO
Modbus Gateway Adapter
- ~
~ 800A
Disconnect -
Block Chiller 232kW
Controller 400A Fused PV Powered STC
Discconnect 100kW Inverter PV Array
Building 6311 -
Rooftop Solar PV 30kW
30kW Inverter Discconnect I/O Adapter (Ethernet)
PV Array - Breaker Raytheon
P196 Inverter 1 I/O (Modbus)
Box RTU Adapter (Ethernet) Intelligent Power & P196 Inverter 2 I/O (Modbus)
~ Energy Management
Command & Control
SATCON Inverter I/O (Modbus)
Data Acquisition
Machine Fiber
Ethernet Fiber Optic Underground Conduit
Interface Optic
(Client) Modem
The System Integration and Checkout tests encompass the installation and methodical testing of
the various subsystems as they are installed at Miramar and commissioned into a complete system.
PV Communication and Curtailment Functionality Test
The PV Communication and Curtailment test utilizes the two AE 100TX Inverters, Miramar
Utility Grid, and IPEM Controller to test the communication interface and curtailment
functionality of the AE inverters (Figure 5-18). The Miramar Utility Grid is required in order to
generate a stable voltage reference in order for the PV inverters to synchronize and operate.
Component MB1 Φ Rot.
Telvent Sage 2300/
CTRL Relay Base Grid SCADA
used in test 2400
The AC Breaker on the Inverter Analog
will be Locked Out and Tagged
A13 A12
Out During This Test Relay Relay
A4 A5 IO
Modbus Gateway Adapter
Building 6311 -
Rooftop Solar PV 30kW
30kW Inverter Discconnect I/O Adapter (Ethernet)
PV Array - Breaker Raytheon
P196 Inverter 1 I/O (Modbus)
Box RTU Adapter (Ethernet) Intelligent Power & P196 Inverter 2 I/O (Modbus)
~ Energy Management
Command & Control
SATCON Inverter I/O (Modbus)
Data Acquisition
Machine Fiber
Ethernet Fiber Optic Underground Conduit
Interface Optic
(Client) Modem
1) The IPEM controller software is up to date and the HMI is running.
2) The Miramar utility grid is active.
3) The two AE inverters and Satcon inverter are energized and no faults reported.
4) The ESS is in Standby Mode.
The PV curtailment commands were properly sent and implemented on the AE Inverters and
verified by the CTs in the switchgear as well within the power quality analyzers.
Item Description of Desired Outcome Outcome of Test
The Energy Storage Charge/Discharge Test utilizes Building 6311, Miramar Utility Grid, Primus
Power ESS, and IPEM Controller to verify communications and control between the ESS and the
IPEM Controller. The Energy Storage Charge/Discharge Test also verifies the general operability
of the simulated Primus Power ESS approach. .
B5-PS2T33 Pad
Switchboard 12000-
Energized during 12kV
test Distribution
Component MB1 Φ Rot.
Telvent Sage 2300/
CTRL Relay Base Grid SCADA
used in test 2400
A13 A12
Relay Relay
A4 A5 IO
Modbus Gateway Adapter
- ~
~ 800A
Disconnect -
Block Chiller 232kW
Controller 400A Fused PV Powered STC
Discconnect 100kW Inverter PV Array
Building 6311 -
Rooftop Solar PV 30kW
30kW Inverter Discconnect I/O Adapter (Ethernet)
PV Array - Breaker Raytheon
P196 Inverter 1 I/O (Modbus)
Box RTU Adapter (Ethernet) Intelligent Power & P196 Inverter 2 I/O (Modbus)
~ Energy Management
Command & Control
SATCON Inverter I/O (Modbus)
Data Acquisition
Machine Fiber
Ethernet Fiber Optic Underground Conduit
Interface Optic
(Client) Modem
1) The IPEM controller software is up to date and the HMI is running.
2) The Miramar utility grid is active.
3) The ESS is in Ready State.
kW Time (min)
10 1 Discharge
Item Description of Desired Outcome Outcome of Test
1 Verify dataflow from IPEM Controller to Primus Power Energy Block Complete
Verify operation of Primus Power Energy Block Controller with Parker
2 Complete
GTI Inverter equipped with DC pre-regulator
Verify ability of IPEM Controller to charge and discharge simulated
3 Complete
Primus Power ESS upon command
The Grid Tied Tests encompass a subset of tests to demonstrate the Peak Shaving capabilities of
the system and test compliance with IEEE1547 and IEEE1547.1 For Grid Tied tests, the complete
test setup is employed.
Component MB1 Φ Rot.
Telvent Sage 2300/
CTRL Relay Base Grid SCADA
used in test 2400
A13 A12
Relay Relay
A4 A5 IO
Modbus Gateway Adapter
- ~
~ 800A
Disconnect -
Block Chiller 232kW
Controller 400A Fused PV Powered STC
Discconnect 100kW Inverter PV Array
Building 6311 -
Rooftop Solar PV 30kW
30kW Inverter Discconnect I/O Adapter (Ethernet)
PV Array - Breaker Raytheon
P196 Inverter 1 I/O (Modbus)
Box RTU Adapter (Ethernet) Intelligent Power & P196 Inverter 2 I/O (Modbus)
~ Energy Management
Command & Control
SATCON Inverter I/O (Modbus)
Data Acquisition
Machine Fiber
Ethernet Fiber Optic Underground Conduit
Interface Optic
(Client) Modem
The scheduled peak shaving test demonstrates the ability of the system to execute scheduled peak
shaving with the IPEM Controller directing charge and discharge of the simulated ESS
1) The IPEM controller software is up to date and the HMI is running.
2) The Miramar utility grid is active and the Main Breaker is Closed.
3) The ESS is in Ready State.
The Islanded Mode Tests encompass a subset of tests that step through the various stages of
islanded operations. The Islanded Mode Tests are divided into three subcategories: 1) Pre-Island
Conditions 2) Grid Transition and 3) Full Islanding. For the Islanded Mode Tests all equipment
in the test setup is used.
B5-PS2T33 Pad
Switchboard 12000-
Energized during 12kV
test Distribution
A13 A12
Relay Relay
A4 A5 IO
Modbus Gateway Adapter
- ~
~ 800A
Disconnect -
Block Chiller 232kW
Controller 400A Fused PV Powered STC
Discconnect 100kW Inverter PV Array
Building 6311 -
Rooftop Solar PV 30kW
30kW Inverter Discconnect I/O Adapter (Ethernet)
PV Array - Breaker Raytheon
P196 Inverter 1 I/O (Modbus)
Box RTU Adapter (Ethernet) Intelligent Power & P196 Inverter 2 I/O (Modbus)
~ Energy Management
Command & Control
SATCON Inverter I/O (Modbus)
Data Acquisition
Machine Fiber
Ethernet Fiber Optic Underground Conduit
Interface Optic
(Client) Modem
The purpose of Pre-Island Conditions Test is to demonstrate that the IPEM Controller and other
monitoring and control equipment are functioning properly in order to assess the current state of
the test setup. The IPEM Controller communicates with and pulls status from the various
subsystems and provides that information to the user in order to make decisions about how to
operate the microgrid.
This test was conducted on 10/24/15. The night before the ESS was brought to 0% SOC then
charged to 100% overnight. The IPEM controller adequately checked the status of all of the various
subsystems 1) ESS 2) PV Systems and 3) the Main Breaker
1 IPEM Controller acquires PV inverters, ESS and Main breaker status data. Complete
Data is made available to the system operator to assess islanding readiness
The purpose of the Island Transition Test is to test the behavior of the system when the Main
Breaker is open and closed prior to conducting Full Islanded Testing.
1) The IPEM controller software is up to date and the HMI is running.
2) The Miramar utility grid is active and the Main Breaker is Closed.
3) The ESS is in Ready State.
4) Miramar Operations has been notified of the event.
1 The IPEM Controller allows the Main Breaker to be opened and closed and Complete
acquires expected PV inverter, ESS and Main breaker status data.
This test was conducted on 10/24/15. The IPEM controller displayed the status of each of the
subsystems and sensors of the microgrid. The test however did not use the HMI interface to open
and close the Main Breaker, only to show status. The PV inverters were remotely via IPEM
Modbus put in disable mode (as opposed to opening the AC disconnect) per AE’s
recommendations to NREL. The Satcon inverter was disabled manually by opening the AC and
DC disconnects to the inverter. The Open/Close function for the Main Breaker was conducted
from IPEM but through a manual process of changing the state through a terminal. The Main
Breaker Opened as commanded and power was cut off to all systems. The UPS within the
switchgear maintained power on the Main Breaker and IPEM equipment within the switchgear.
The battery went into its back-up power mode. The PV inverters went offline and this was shown
on the HMI. The Grid Status was reported to the HMI as Inactive, the ESS showed it was in Ready
Mode, the sensors within the switchgear showed there wasn’t any power on the feeder circuits.
IPEM then sent a Close command to the Main Breaker remotely through a terminal interface and
the Main Breaker closed, picking up the load of 6311. Power was returned back to 6311, the ESS
and the PV inverters. The IPEM HMI showed the Grid Status change to Active and the power
levels on each of the feeder circuits as well as the status on the PV inverters. It was noted from
the HMI that one of the PV Inverters (Inverter B) did not establish comms after the normal 5
minute countdown. Once this was noted the inverter was visually inspected in the inverter room
and it was noted that Inverter B’s display did not show anything and there was no indication that
the Inverter had powered up. A similar issue happened to Inverter A in July of 2014 during a
planned outage and was attributed to failure of the auxiliary power supplies. Bob Butt at NREL
had a Fluke Model 1735 Power analyzer connected to the building 6311 feeder circuit and recorded
power quality from the system. The results of his recording are provided below.
Worst case sag lasted 8 ms and was 109 V. Worst swell was 127 V and lasted 291
ms. Transient events would obviously be much faster but the test setup captured
some short duration events, and none appeared to be very significant.
Voltage THD was 2% in Phase A. It will be interesting to see how it changes with
battery system connected.
Figure 5-23: Plot of total real power (kW) and reactive power (kVAR) over time. Power factor ranged from
about 0.86 to 0.89. Peak 6311 load on Sunday was about 70 kW at 1515.
During this and other tests, ground currents were observed at various grounding electrode
connection points, as shown in Figure 5-24. The results of these measurements are shown in Table
Islanded Operation with Battery Only Isolated from Circuit (Self Powered)
The Islanded Operation with Battery Only Isolated from Circuit (Self Powered) test is intended to
go through the sequence of islanding with the battery isolated from the B5PS2T33 circuit. This is
meant to exercise the sequence of commanding the battery to Islanding Mode from IPEM and
allowing the battery to power up and provide power to its own overhead lead. Building 6311 will
not lose power during this test. One of the AC interconnects to the battery will be Opened during
this test to simulate a loss of power to the battery and prevent feeding power onto the B5PS2T33
1) The IPEM controller software is up to date and the HMI is running.
2) The Miramar utility grid is active and the Main Breaker is Closed.
1 The battery successfully transitions to Islanding Mode and provides the Complete
initial load to its overhead systems with no faults.
2 The battery successfully transitions to Grid Tied mode after Islanding test Complete
is complete.
The Island with Battery only test is intended to go through the sequence of islanding prior to
establish a performance baseline prior introducing the PV generation into the microgrid. The PV
will be manually disabled for this test.
1) The IPEM controller software is up to date and the HMI is running.
2) The Miramar utility grid is active and the Main Breaker is Closed.
3) The ESS is in Ready State.
4) The ESS is charged to 100% SOC and remains higher than 90% prior to test
5) Outage approval has been granted by Miramar
Success Criteria
1 PV inverter faults are identified and displayed to the system user via the Complete
The system maintains voltage, frequency, phase-balance and harmonics
2 within a pre-determined range while PV inverters are faulted and brought Complete
off line
3 The PV inverters can be brought back on-line and resume operation in Complete
accordance with the pre-determined PV curtailment levels
This test was conducted in the afternoon (~15:15) on 10/24/15. The PV inverters were disable
remotely via IPEM. The Phase Rotation on 6311 was inspected on the ION 8600 smart meters to
start. They read: Phase A – 0.0, Phase B -120, Phase C 119. At approximately 15:57 the Main
Breaker was opened via the MOXA IO device. Power was interrupted to B5PS2T3 switchgear.
The IPEM controller, ESS, and switchgear all stayed on on their appropriate UPSs. The team used
the Primus EnergyBlock controller to bring the battery up in Islanding mode. During the startup
process the ESS faulted and it appeared some EnergyCells reported faults as well. The test was
aborted at this time and IPEM reclosed the Main Breaker returning power back to the system. A
plot of the outage is shown in Figure 5-25 below. Upon further inspection it was determined that
fault in the EnergyCells was due to damaging the MOSFETs during the test. This was suspected
to be caused by the shutdown sequence of the ESS when exiting Islanding Mode. At the end of
the test the team needed time to analyze the shutdown sequence and software code with their
software engineers. The day was concluded until one of Primus’ Software Engineers flew in the
morning on Sunday 10/25/15 and could review the software code and sequencing.
Figure 5-25: Timeline for Islanded Operation with Battery Only test on 10/25/15.
This test was repeated on the morning of 12/12/15 after Primus Power was able to validate the
proper sequencing for the shutdown of EnergyCells when exiting Islanding Mode. Once validated
another islanding demonstration test was scheduled for 12/11/15 to 12/13/15. On 12/10/15 a
component failure occurred in one of the H-Bridges of one of the EnergyCells activated a smoke
detector within the EnergyPod. The audible alarms were triggered and MCAS personnel heard
Figure 5-28: Voltage and current waveform of building 6311’s load provided by the ESS.
The system was allowed to run to verify stability in the ESS’ ability to manage the load on the
building. The ESS was monitored and showed it was regulating the voltage within normal
operating parameters (Figure 5-29).
Figure 5-31: Data from Fluke 1735 meter that was attached to the P196 PV circuit.
For the morning microgrid the system ran until 10:55AM. At this time the team wanted to make
sure all of the safety interlocks were functioning that prevent the microgrid from reconnecting to
the grid with the ESS still in voltage control mode which could cause catastrophic failure. Within
the IPEM controller subsystem there are both electrical relays and software logic that prevent this
from happening. The team took the time to monitor all of the software code and subsystem status
to make sure the proper logic was followed for a reconnect. As an extra precaution the team had
the 12kV feeder breaker to the B5PS2T3 switchgear opened. The team then exited islanding mode
and attempted a re-connect with the 12kV feed de-energized. There is a phase rotation relay at
The Intentional Island with PV Test exercises the Islanding Scenario with the PV system available
as a DR along with the ESS using load from Building 6311 un-altered. The purpose of the test is
to conduct an end to end island scenario to characterize the behavior of the system using the ESS
and PV to meet load demands while isolated from the Miramar Utility Grid. The PV system will
be curtailed at various PV penetration/power ratio levels to determine what levels of PV
penetration generate instability of the distributed generation outside of a pre-determined range of
conditions. Power quality will be characterized as a function of load power factor and in the
presence of load transients. Component (e.g., inverter) level faults will be introduced into the
system to verify the system’s ability to identify and recover from component fault conditions.
1) The IPEM controller software is up to date and the HMI is running.
2) The Miramar utility grid is active and the Main Breaker is Closed.
This test was conducted on the afternoon of 12/12/2015 and through the day on 12/13/2015. On
the afternoon of 12/12/2015 after the successful completion of the Islanded Operation with Battery
Only Test in the morning the system was then tested with increased amounts of PV to further check
the microgrids ability to function with shared inverter based generation sources. For this test to
simulate a Grid power loss the 12kV feed to the B5PS2T3 was opened, causing power loss to
Building 6311. The 12kV feed was opened at 3:19PM. This was detected and shown on the IPEM
HMI. The system was put into Islanding mode via the IPEM controller. The ESS was enabled
and picked up the loads at 3:25PM0 (Figure 5-32).
Figure 5-32: Power data from the Fluke 437 that was attached to building 6311 circuit during 12/12/15
afternoon islanding.
At about 3:36 one of the AE inverters was enabled and manually curtailed through the AE inverter
Modbus interface at 5kW output. The auto-curtailment feature within IPEM was being updated
within and was not available for this test so manual curtailment set points were used through the
Modbus interface on the AE inverter. At 3:44 the curtailment was set to 10kW output, then 15kW,
and then ultimately curtailed at 20kW. Due to sun beginning wane over the horizon PV was maxed
out at ~19kW and slowly started to decrease as the sun continued to set dropping to 17kW. At this
time the team wanted to observe a sudden drop out of PV generation and see the response of the
ESS so the AE inverter was disabled at ~3:50PM. The ESS responded generate more current as it
considered it an increase in load. At 3:56 the AE inverter was re-enabled at the 20kW curtailment
setting and the maximum output it could generate was ~14kW. The profile for the PV generation
is shown in Figure 5-33 below.
Figure 5-34: The AC waveform collected from the Fluke 437 during the final seconds of islanding the system.
Charging Time
Figure 5-36:
At 9:19AM the 12kV feed to B5PS2T3 was opened shutting off power to building 6311. The
system was commanded to enter Islanding Mode via the IPEM HMI. The IPEM controller
commanded the ESS to boot up in Islanding Mode and after about 4 minutes the ESS picked up
the load on the building. Once the load was picked up the functioning AE inverter detected a firm
grid presence and started its boot up and 5 minute countdown to energize per its UL1741
requirements. At this time the team really wanted to determine the maximum PV penetration that
the system could achieve while in a real islanding situation. The ESS needs to provide a minimum
level of current in order for its current voltage control logic to remain stable. The minimum
required current equated to the battery needed to constantly output a minimum of 10kW of power.
The Primus team wanted to keep a comfortable margin so they suggested maintaining 20kW of
minimum power output of the battery. The team was targeting to get higher than 75% PV
penetration. Because of the battery needing to output a minimum of 20 kW the load on the building
needed to be at least 80kW, as shown in Figure 5-37.
Figure 5-39: Screenshots of the IPEM HMI during the 12/13/15 islanding event. These screenshots show the
initial output power of the PV system and its relationship with the load and the ESS output power. The image
on the top is at 9:59AM when the PV penetration level was initial set at 30%. The image on the right is at
10:34AM when the PV penetration level was set at 65%.
Figure 5-40:
At the 80% setting the PV system was maxed out due to the available sunlight during the day. At
this point the maximum PV penetration level was achieved at 11:04AM at 79%. At 11:30AM the
PV penetration was set back to 60% and then back to 50% at 11:50AM.
The sampling protocol during the various operational tests and demonstration are described below.
Data Description
• Sample Rate = (1-5 second intervals for IPEM controller, subsecond intervals for power
• Grid input
• PV input
• Building load and quality (PF, CF)
• ESS power level and direction (charges vs discharge)
• Data transmission (to and from IPEM, ESS, PV Inverter)
• Response time
Data Collector(s)
MB1 Φ Rot.
CTRL Relay
A13 A12
Relay Relay
A4 A5 IO
Modbus Gateway Adapter
- ~
~ 800A
Disconnect -
Block Chiller 232kW
Controller 400A Fused PV Powered STC
Discconnect 100kW Inverter PV Array
Building 6311 -
Rooftop Solar PV 30kW
30kW Inverter Discconnect I/O Adapter (Ethernet)
PV Array - Breaker Raytheon
P196 Inverter 1 I/O (Modbus)
Box RTU Adapter (Ethernet) Intelligent Power & P196 Inverter 2 I/O (Modbus)
~ Energy Management
Command & Control
SATCON Inverter I/O (Modbus)
Data Acquisition
Machine Fiber
Ethernet Fiber Optic Underground Conduit
Interface Optic
(Client) Modem
Figure 5-44: Detailed schematic of the interconnection of the various subsystem components of the
Provide a detailed summary of all sampling results in terms of both temporal and spatial
dependence as appropriate. Liberal use of graphics and tables is encouraged. The Final Report
serves as the archived document for all data gathered during the demonstration. All results should
be reported in this section or summarized and provided in detail in appendices.
The success criteria for this performance objective was that building loads would be met by the
ESS and PV for at least 72hrs under controlled load conditions meeting power quality standards
of IEE1547.4.
During the final demonstration tests on 12/13/15 the system was able to successfully island for 5
hours and 10 minutes. This was assessed by calculating the time period that the building 6311 was
picked up by the ESS and when the load couldn’t be sustained anymore and the building lost
power. The data was also analyzed to determine if the quality of power met IEEE1547.4
guidelines. The IEEE1547.4 document describes many guidelines for meeting the load conditions
for the microgrid and is dependent on fully understanding the existing load conditions that the
microgrid will need to maintain. Ranges for meeting power quality standards are contained in
ANSI/NEMA C84.1-2006 and referenced in IEEE1547.4. A summary of the important
requirements listed in 1547.4 are shown in Table 6-1 along with the description of compliance
based on data collected during islanding testing.
Table 6-1: Summarized IEEE1547.4 requirements pertinent to ESTCP demonstration
IEEE 1547.4
Paragraph Requirement Description Compliance Description
Voltage and frequency were maintained to
The planned DR island system shall maintain voltage and frequency for the
4.2 ANSI/NEMA C84.1-2006 ranges during the
entire island system including the non-participating DR systems and loads.
L1 Ave = 118
In a planned island loads shall be balanced for each phase. [Calculation for
L2 Ave = 118
voltage balance is in C84.1 -2006 and should limit unbalance to 3%.
L3 Ave = 118
4.2 Example: with phase-to-phase voltages of 230, 232, and 225, the average is
Max Deviation from Ave = 0
229; the maximum deviation from average is 4; and the percent unbalance
(100x0)/118 = 0
is (100 X 4)/229 = 1. 75 percent.]
Data shown in Figure 6-2
The reactive power requirements of the DR island system during the island Voltages were maintained within
condition are important to consider. DR shall support real and reactive load ANSI/NEMA C84.1-2006 ranges under
requirements at an acceptable voltage level. The reactive power reactive power conditions.
requirements of the load during island conditions needs to be understood in
relation to the real power requirements of the load and the DR island
reactive power resources.
Reactive power resources shall be sufficient not only to address steady-state The ESS provided sufficient reactive power
reactive power demands, but also to address dynamic reactive power to address dynamic reactive power demands.
demands, such as those related to motor starting within the DR island HVAC units were utilized to create reactive
5.1.2 system. There are possible interactions between the customer’s and area power loads.
EPS’s power factor correction equipment and synchronous motors and DR.
There needs to be sufficient reactive power resources available when
operating induction or some inverter-based DR.
DR island systems shall be capable of starting and maintaining motor HVAC units within building 6311 were
operations. Motor-starting inrush current can exacerbate voltage drops in turned on repeatedly during testing to create
the DR island system. This voltage drop may result in a degraded ability to motor-starting inrush currents. The ESS was
start the motor or cause loss of generation. Extended motor acceleration able to meet these loads while maintaining
times may cause excess heating, which may reduce motor life and may voltage levels per ANSI/NEMA C84.1-
cause motor overcurrent protective devices to operate. Soft- start controllers 2006.
or reduced voltage starters on large motors can reduce inrush currents and
thus minimize their impacts.
The DR island system shall provide the real and reactive power Variable load conditions were created
4.4.3 requirements of the loads within the island and serve the range of load during islanding tests and they were all met.
operating conditions. [TBR – Using Miramar 6311 Load Data]
The DR island system shall actively regulate voltage and frequency within L1 Vmax = 121.63 / L1 Vmin = 111/18
4.4.3 & 6.1 the agreed upon ranges (e.g., as specified in ANSI/NEMA C84.1-2006 for L2 Vmax = 121.42 / L2 Vmin = 110.64
DR island systems that include the area EPS). Voltage regulation equipment L3 Vmax = 121.46 / L3 Vmin = 109.97
Figure 6-1: Frequency measurements during 12/13/15 islanding demonstration test. Data was taken from
Fluke 437 power analyzer. Frequency was maintained at a very stable 60hz.
After post processing the data collection and further investigation it was determined that the reason
the battery went into inactive mode was because there was a power supply failure in one of the
control boxes of an EnergyCell. This resulted in the loss of gate power to one of the H-bridges
which triggered a fast fault in the ESS causing the central regulator to ramp itself down and set the
battery in inactive mode. Therefore it was concluded that there was still energy capacity still
remaining in the battery when it went inactive. This is supported by voltage measurements
collected on the DC string voltage in the ESS and the DC power injected into the Parker Inverter
(Figure 6-3). The ESS discharged ~159kWh of energy during the demonstration. The ESS has
been calculated to have ~290kWh of energy capacity based on the energy capacity tests. This
would have left ~131kWh of energy remaining in the ESS. The average load from 6311 was
~64kW during the islanding demonstration therefore the Islanding demonstration should have been
able to run for another 2 hrs at the average 64kW load. This would have put the islanding time at
a theoretical 7 hours and 10 minutes for those load conditions.
The success criteria for this objective is that building loads can be reduced by 50% through manual
changing of thermostats and lighting when compared to its previous year’s average for that given
month. Building load reduction capability was calculated to be 68% from manual changing of
thermostats and DDC control set points during the islanding testing. The data showing the
increased manual load steps is shown in Figure 6-4 and represented in 100*(25-78)/78 = -68%.
Switchover time is the time from when the system is commanded to enter islanding mode to the
time power is restored to building 6311 by the microgrid. The success criteria for this Performance
Objective is defined to be is less than 1 hour. During the 12/13/15 islanding demonstration test the
time it took the system to transition into islanding mode was recorded at 3 minutes and 47 seconds
and is shown in Figure 6-5. When the islanding event was over and the system needed to restore
grid power the time it took for the system to re-connect to the grid was also recorded and was 7
minutes and 1 second. The timeline for switching the system into islanding mode starts when the
system is commanded via the IPEM HMI to enter islanding. The IPEM controller disables the PV
inverters, sets the ESS in standby, checks the safety interlocks within the switchgear then opens
the main breaker. The IPEM controller then commands the ESS to enter islanding mode. This
reboots the Parker Inverter within the ESS in voltage control mode which takes under a minute.
Once booted successfully the ESS starts to ramp up the voltage on the DC bus. This takes a couple
minutes for each EnergyCell to be added to the DC bus. Once the DC bus is above 600V the
Parker inverter closes its AC breaker and power is provided to the microgrid. For switching out
of islanding the system is restored to grid power via the IPEM HMI. The IPEM controller then
disables the ESS and PV inverters if the they are still running, if not it sets then in standby while
they are in backup power mode. The IPEM controller then checks the status of the base Grid to
see if it is active through the phase rotation relay. If the Grid is present and everything is in standby
IPEM closes the main breaker restoring power to the building. This is shown in Figure 6-6.
92.586 110.845
0m:0s Half Cy cle Voltage Max
150 Half Cy cle Voltage Av g
Half Cy cle Voltage Min
L3N (V)
0m:0s 111.329
0m:0s Half Cy cle Voltage Max
150 Half Cy cle Voltage Av g
Half Cy cle Voltage Min
NG (V)
Half Cy cle Current Min
L1 (A)
Half Cy cle Current Min
L2 (A)
Half Cy cle Current Min
L3 (A)
Half Cy cle Current Min
N (A)
09:19:30 09:20:00 09:20:30 09:21:00 09:21:30 09:22:00 09:22:30 09:23:00
Figure 6-5: Outage time from 12/13/15 islanding demonstration test to enter islanding mode. Grey box in L1N
shows time recorded by Fluke 437 showing when the voltage was dropped and then restored.
Half Cy cle Voltage Min
L1N (V)
1600 106.315
0.089 117.303
0m:0s 7m:1s 0m:0s Half Cy cle Voltage Max
-400 Half Cy cle Voltage Av g
Half Cy cle Voltage Min
NG (V)
Figure 6-6: Outage time from 12/13/15 islanding demonstration test to exit islanding mode. Grey box in L3N
shows time recorded by Fluke 437 showing when the voltage was dropped and then restored.
There are two pieces of data required to calculate the Peak Shaving metric. The first is relevant
historical load profile data. This data was collected a couple days prior to using the ESS in peak
shaving mode and is shown in Figure 6-7.
The second piece of data is the load profile when using the ESS in its peak shaving mode. The
metering points for the load was collected at the B5PS2T3 switch gear according to the CT
locations defined in Figure 2-10. The load data collected is summarized and shown in Figure 6-8
Figure 6-9: Comparison of the load data collected on 12/12/15 to the data collected during the peak shaving
test on 1/12/16.
The data required for this Performance Objective is power output of the ESS and recorded time of
the power output. This was captured on two different days of performing this test. The first day
captured was on 11/15/2015 and the second was captured on 11/17/2015 and is shown in Figure
6-10 and Figure 6-11 below.
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
5:00 AM
6:00 AM
7:00 AM
8:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
B6311 Load Battery Charge/Disch Grid Purchases/Export PV Generation
Figure 6-10: Energy Capacity test conducted on 11/15/15. The discharge output of the battery was set to 230
kW output power.
7:00:00 AM
8:00:00 AM
9:00:00 AM
10:00:00 AM
11:00:00 AM
12:00:00 AM
12:00:00 PM
1:00:00 PM
2:00:00 PM
3:00:00 PM
4:00:00 PM
5:00:00 PM
6:00:00 PM
7:00:00 PM
8:00:00 PM
9:00:00 PM
10:00:00 PM
11:00:00 PM
Figure 6-11: Energy capacity test conducted on 11/17/2015. The discharge output of the battery was set to
190kW output power.
The measurement of power over time was analyzed and the energy capacity of the system was
calculated to be the integral of the graph from the beginning of discharge to the time that the power
output of the battery reaches zero. The data collected on 11/15/15 and 11/17/15 was integrated
The cost model was updated from what was calculated in the Demonstration Plan. The
Demonstration Plan that was submitted earlier in the project utilized the performance objectives
for peak shaving and islanding time to calculate the theoretical savings if those objectives were
realized. The cost model was updated based on the demonstrated performance of the installed
Putting a cost assessment to the energy security aspect of this project is very difficult. NREL has
come up with using a Customer Damage Function (CDF) which tries to determine interruption
costs as a function of outage duration (Giraldez 2012). The CDF function for Miramar was
calculated to be $725/kW peak in a non-emergency situation for the islanding duration objective
of 72hrs. Since the system was only able to achieve a maximum theoretical islanding duration of
7hrs that will be the number used to calculate the CDF. This puts the CDF at $120/kW peak for a
non-emergency situation. Building 6311 had a maximum peak of 130kW in 2012. Therefore the
CDF of building 6311 yields $15,600 of cost associated with an outage of 7hrs. According to
SDG&E records over the last 10 years there are two spikes of outages recorded that impacted
customers in 2003 and 2011; therefore it will be assumed that over a 20 year period of operation
the ZnBr ESS installation will be used twice for back-up operations, and assumed to happen at
year 1 and year 10.
Since the probability of an outage occurring is a rare occurrence, the peak shaving mode of the
system is meant to provide economical benefit to the end user. This benefit will also be used to
calculate the operational cost reductions when using the system in addition to abating the CDF
associated with an outage.
The annual savings for operating in peak shaving mode were calculated using load data from
MCAS Miramar and SDG&E’s 2014 AL-TOU rate sheet for energy calculations (Figure 7-1). A
model was used that controls the energy storage unit to charge during off peak times and discharge
during peak times. SDG&E has different peak times for winter and summer operations so the
Total Lifecycle Costs (TLC) for the system assumes a 20 year life and includes the following:
TLC = [Hardware capital costs] + [Installation costs] + [Operator training] + [UPV
Maintenance Costs] - [UPV* Operational Cost Reductions] - [SPV Salvage Value] – [CDF
UPV Maintenance Costs
UPV Maintenance Costs are calculated using NIST Handbook 135.
Where A = $30k
UPVN = 14.88 taken from Table A-2 in NIST Handbook 135 Annual Supplement
UPV Maintenance Costs = $446k
UPV* Operational Cost Reductions
UPV* Operational Cost Reductions are calculated using NIST Handbook 135
Where A = $10k based on using SDG&E AL-TOU Primary rate sheet and peak shaving
performance demonstrated for 40kW of peak shaving in the summer and 100kW of peak shaving
in the winter.
UPV*N = 20 taken from Table A-3a in NIST Handbook 135 Annual Supplement using a
3% increase in price.
UPV* Operational Cost Reductions = $200k
SPV Salvage Value
SPV Salvage Value is calculated using NIST Handbook 135.
The Total Lifecycle Cost for this system is $1,221k over a 20 year period and is shown in Table
7-2 for each year. The cost model indicates that with the current performance of the system the
cost savings due to operating the system do not generate a full payback within 20 years. If the
system achieved the original performance objectives the cost model is described in section 7.3.
Table 7-2: TLC cost for each year for a 20 year period.
Operational Value Maintenance Abatement
Cost Costs
1 ($10,065) ($815,640) $29,100 ($15,600) $654,795
2 ($20,130) ($792,120) $57,300 $696,450
3 ($30,195) ($768,600) $84,900 $737,505
4 ($40,260) ($745,920) $111,600 $776,820
5 ($50,325) ($724,920) $137,400 $813,555
6 ($60,390) ($703,080) $162,600 $850,530
7 ($70,455) ($682,920) $186,900 $884,925
8 ($80,520) ($662,760) $210,600 $918,720
9 ($90,585) ($643,440) $233,700 $951,075
10 ($100,650) ($624,960) $255,900 ($11,606) $970,084
For this particular project since the energy storage technology was scaling up its system for the
first time there were cost drivers associated with building the first large prototype. Developing a
scalable low cost manufacturing process takes time and investment. Primus Power was able to
balance the uncertain costs of building a first of a kind unit with the unknown costs that are
normally associated with developmental technologies. Because of anticipated delays in
manufacturing and increased costs associated with developing their manufacturing line Primus had
to deliver a system that was fully functional and tested however was at reduced performance levels
due to the high costs of their Gen 1 prototype. Going through the experience of building their first
full scale system has allowed Primus to understand the behavior and performance of their system
at scale. This has been taken and applied to a Gen 2 version that is capable of meeting the
performance objectives of the original system at the anticipated original costs.
Other cost drivers for this type of technology implementations are the siting and infrastructure
upgrades required to accommodate new generation assets on an older distribution system. One of
the large costs on the installation of this project was the upgrades to the switchgear and the
transformer as well as creating a concrete pad for the ESS to sit properly.
This section describes the cost analysis for a fully functional system that is capable of meeting the
performance goals (like implementing the Gen 2 of Primus’ system).
The cost elements associated with this assessment are shown in Table 7-3 below.
Table 7-3: Cost Model for an Energy or Water Technology
Total Lifecycle Costs (TLC) for the system assumes a 20 year life and includes the following:
TLC = [Hardware capital costs] + [Installation costs] + [Operator training] + [UPV
Maintenance Costs] - [UPV* Operational Cost Reductions] - [SPV Salvage Value] – [CDF
UPV Maintenance Costs
UPV Maintenance Costs are calculated using NIST Handbook 135.
Where A = $30k
UPVN = 14.88 taken from Table A-2 in NIST Handbook 135 Annual Supplement
UPV Maintenance Costs = $446k
UPV* Operational Cost Reductions
UPV* Operational Cost Reductions are calculated using NIST Handbook 135
Where A = $37k based on using SDG&E AL-TOU Primary rate sheet
UPV*N = 20 taken from Table A-3a in NIST Handbook 135 Annual Supplement using a
3% increase in price.
UPV* Operational Cost Reductions = $740k
SPV Salvage Value
SPV Salvage Value is calculated using NIST Handbook 135.
The Total Lifecycle Cost for this system is $544k over a 20 year period and is shown in Table 7-2
for each year.
Table 7-4: TLC cost for each year for a 20 year period.
Operational Cost SPV Salvage Maintenance
Year Reductions Value Costs CDF Abatement TLC
1 ($37,000) ($815,640) $29,100 ($94,000) $549,460
2 ($74,000) ($792,120) $57,300 $564,180
3 ($111,000) ($768,600) $84,900 $578,300
4 ($148,000) ($745,920) $111,600 $590,680
5 ($185,000) ($724,920) $137,400 $600,480
6 ($222,000) ($703,080) $162,600 $610,520
7 ($259,000) ($682,920) $186,900 $617,980
8 ($296,000) ($662,760) $210,600 $624,840
9 ($333,000) ($643,440) $233,700 $630,260
10 ($370,000) ($624,960) $255,900 ($69,936) $564,004
11 ($407,000) ($606,480) $277,500 $567,084
Interconnect Agreement
Due to the fact that this program spanned multiple years, the process of obtaining the interconnect
agreement from SDG&E took some understanding and effort. The use of large scale energy
storage systems in microgrid capacities is new to the utility industry for behind the meter
applications. Thus the interconnect agreement process is changing real time for utilities to adapt
to how these systems will be deployed. This project was subject to some of the real time changes
as a few iterations of the application were required due to changing application requirements.
Ultimately the IA and permit to operate was granted due to hard work amongst multiple parties
however it is still unclear if there is a well-defined process for getting IAs in place for microgrids.