Operation of A Multiagent System For Microgrid Control
Operation of A Multiagent System For Microgrid Control
Operation of A Multiagent System For Microgrid Control
It should be noted that the proposed control system with that the agent uses the resources, skills and services character-
minor modifications can be easily adapted to other market izes its behavior. As a consequence, it is obvious that the be-
models, for example, it can deal with longer term base ne- havior of every agent is formed by its goals. An agent that con-
gotiations for base load predictions. The horizon of the time trols a battery system and its goal is to supply uninterruptible
scheduling is adaptable to the needs of the market model. power to a load will have different behavior from a similar bat-
tery, whose primary goal is to maximize profits by bidding in
the energy market.
Although there is no strict definition about what an agent is, IV. MATHEMATICAL BACKGROUND
the literature [9], [10] provides some basic characteristics: The core of the algorithm applied is based on an auction al-
The first characteristic is that an agent can be a physical en- gorithm for the solution of the symmetric assignment problem.
tity that acts in the environment or a virtual one, i.e., with no This method provides maximization of the internal benefit of
physical existence. In our case the physical entity is the agent the system. The symmetric assignment problem is formulated
that controls directly a Microturbine and a virtual one a piece of as follows.
software that makes bids to the energy market or stores data in Consider persons and objects that should be matched.
a database. There is a benefit for matching person with object . In the
An agent is capable of acting in the environment, i.e., the presented application, the benefit for each person is his revenues
agent changes its environment with its actions. A diesel gener- for obtaining object , i.e., an agreement for producing a certain
ator by altering its production changes the setpoints of the other amount of energy. The main target is to assign the persons to
local units, changes the voltage level of the adjacent buses and objects and to maximize the total benefit
in a more global point of view changes the security level of the
system [the stability of the system in case of a short circuit for
Agents communicate with each other and this could be re-
garded as part of their capability for acting in the environment.
As an example, lets consider a system that includes a wind gen- The price is an algorithmic variable that is formed by the bids
erator and a battery system: the battery system uses power from of all persons and so expresses the global desire. The prices of all
the wind turbine to charge and to discharge it, in times of no objects form the price vector. These prices should not be con-
wind. In order to achieve this operation optimally, the two agents fused with the market prices. Furthermore, the difference be-
have to exchange many messages. This is a type of action be- tween the benefit and the price is the actual value of an object
cause the environment is altered in a different way by this com- for a specific person. The actual value for a specific object is
munication, rather than if the two agents were acting without different for two persons, since it is related to the benefit. At the
any kind of coordination. beginning of the iterations, the price vector is zero and so the
Agents have a certain level of autonomy, which means that actual value is equal to the benefit, although variations of the
they can take decisions without a central controller or com- proposed methods use initial non- zero values for faster conver-
mander. To achieve this, they are driven by a set of tendencies. gence.
For a battery system a tendency could be: charge the batteries In order to clarify the above terms, we consider an example
when the price for the kWh is low and the state of charge is low, with two objects and two persons that belong to a larger set
too. Thus, the MAS decides when to start charging based on of persons and objects. The first person has a benefit vector
its own rules and goals and not by an external command. In ad- , the second one has benefits
dition, the autonomy of every agent is related to the resources . Taking into account only the benefits, the first person
that it possesses and uses. These resources could be the avail- has higher benefit for the first object and the second person for
able fuel for a diesel generator. the second object. If we assume a price vector for
Another significant characteristic of the agents is that they the two objects, the actual values for the two persons are {9, 1}
have partial or none at all representation of the environment. and {6,2}.Both players desire the first object more, since both
For example, in a power system the agent of a generator knows have greater actual value for it than for the second, however the
only the voltage level of its own bus and, maybe, it can estimate second person has greater benefit for the second object, than for
what is happening in certain specific buses. However, the agent the first. It can be said that the benefit represents local informa-
does not know what is happening in the whole system. This is tion for each person and the price vector global information for
the core of the MAS technology, since the goal is to control the whole system. The price for an object increases until at most
a very complicated system with minimum data exchange and one person wants it. Increasing the price of an object is an indi-
minimum computational demands. cation that there is another person that desires this object, too.
Finally, another significant characteristic is that an agent has a The auction algorithm used calculates the price vector , in
certain behavior and tends to satisfy certain objectives using its order to satisfy the -complementary slackness condition sug-
resources, skills and services. An example of these skills could gested in [11], [12]. The steps are described next.
be the ability to produce or store power and an example for the At the beginning of each iteration, the -complementary
services could be the ability to sell power in a market. The way slackness condition is checked for all pairs of the assign-
random values for the benefits of the objects. The primary con-
cern was to discover the average and the maximum number of Fig. 4. Blocks of energy that form the assignment problem.
iterations needed to converge to solution. This is critical for this
application, since in the distributed control system, there is sig- As explained in Section V, it is desirable to limit the algorithm
nificant delay in each iteration. During the development and execution to 100 iterations at each negotiation, i.e., a number of
testing of the Java program, it was concluded that it is not effec- 20 to 30 blocks should be selected including the additional vir-
tive to have more than 100 iterations, since otherwise negotia- tual load. According to the problem formulation of Section IV,
tions would last several minutes or hours. It should be noted that the persons correspond to the blocks of the Available Power
in the single machine application, there are no communication and the objects to the demand blocks. The agent market oper-
delays. In a multiagent application, built over a local network or ation based on the described model is illustrated in Fig. 5. The
the Internet, the communication delay should be seriously con- Production Unit Agents control the DER, the Load Unit Agents
sidered in the development. In Table II, results from the program represent the loads and the Grid Agent generates Market Player
are presented. Agents. The Market Player Agents are virtual agents and their
The conclusion from Table II is that no more than 30 objects task is to accomplish the negotiation. There are two types of
(and 30 persons) should be used. This is enough for our appli- Market Player Agents: The Seller and the Buyer. The Buyer is
cation and detailed justification for this selection will be given the object in the assignment problem and the Seller is the person.
in the next section. Furthermore, the use of proper value for the Every Market Player Agent represents a single block of energy.
factor ensures that there will be no more than 150 iterations.
Similar to the local loads, the virtual load is represented by
This means that .
Market Player Agents that are created from the Grid Agent.
According to the proposed market model, each producer has
the ability to sell all the production to the grid and, similarly,
every load can buy energy from the grid. For this reason the
Grid Agent finds the number of pairs of Market Player Agents
In order to describe the Microgrid market operation, two (Sellers and Buyers) and creates extra sellers and buyers. The
types of physical agents and one type of virtual agent are number of the agents is equal to Market Agents that are created
introduced. The two physical agents are the Production Unit from the Production Units Agents and the Load Unit Agents. In
Agent and the Load Unit Agent. These two agents are physical, this way, buying or selling energy from the grid is determined
because they directly control a production or storage unit and a by the algorithm.
load panel, respectively. The third type is the Grid Agent. This A major issue in Microgrids operation is the estimation of the
agent is virtual, because it cannot control the grid in any way upper limits for the demand or the available power of each DER
and just announces the prices for selling or buying energy. All for the next time interval. This should be done for each partic-
other agents, introduced later in this section, are virtual and ipant, separately. It should be noted, that although forecasting
their operation concerns the auction algorithm only. techniques are well advanced for larger interconnected systems
Let us consider that there are production units with total and typically hourly resolution times, there is little experience
capacity and Loads with total capacity . The symmetrical in forecasting with a high temporal resolution (e.g., min)
assignment problem requires that . In order to overcome with a horizon of 34 h for very small loads, like the loads in a
the problem of surplus or deficient local production, a virtual Microgrid. This happens because the load fluctuation in a small
load with proper price is added, as shown in Fig. 4. Similarly, system is very high and has no specific pattern.
virtual production can be added. The virtual load or production In this application the upper limit is defined by two methods
corresponds to the extra energy that is bought or sold to the grid. depending on the type of load or DER. The first method is to
As mentioned before, it is assumed that the grid can offer or consider that the upper limit is the nominal capacity. For units
receive infinite energy. like a Diesel Generator or a water heater this is quite realistic. On
In order to apply the algorithm for the solution of the sym- the contrary, for units like Photovoltaic Panels, Wind generators
metric assignment problem, the load should be divided into or lights, the persistent method is used, i.e., it is assumed that the
equal blocks, similar to the available production. Blocks that average energy production or demand for the next 15 min will
belong to the same load have equal benefits, since the system be the same as the current one.
will provide all the necessary power for the whole load or none. It should be noted that other functionalities of the Micro-
For example, if we consider a water heater that demands 500 grid (like security check, battery management, voltage control,
Wh for the next 15 min, the system should provide 500 Wh or etc.) can be included in this operation. For example, the offered
nothing. power of battery bank production could be reduced in order to
Fig. 5. Virtual market player agents that are created for the need of the
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oratory Microgrid and projection to more realistic LV grids are Aris L. Dimeas (S04) was born in Athens, Greece, in 1977. He received the
discussed. General conclusions regarding the benefits from this diploma in electrical and computer engineering from the National Technical
University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece. He is currently pursuing the
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