Sustainability 16 04292
Sustainability 16 04292
Sustainability 16 04292
3 UTS Business School, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia
Abstract: This study builds upon existing research on institutional investors and corporate green
innovation by distinguishing green investors, who prioritize environmental contribution, from gen-
eral institutional investors. Drawing on the stakeholder theory and the Porter hypothesis, we hy-
pothesize that the shareholdings of green investors can effectively stimulate corporate enthusiasm
for green innovation, with state ownership exerting a positive moderating influence. Utilizing panel
data from China’s A-share listed manufacturing firms spanning from 2010 to 2019, we employ a
fixed effect regression model to test these hypotheses. Our empirical findings confirm our expecta-
tions, demonstrating that green investors’ shareholdings indeed foster corporate green innovation.
Moreover, we observe that this positive relationship is amplified within state-owned enterprises,
indicating the presence of a robust and stable environmental regulatory framework across the mar-
ket. Additionally, our results support the Porter hypothesis, suggesting that adherence to environ-
mental regulations can coexist with firm performance rather than being mutually exclusive. This
study contributes to the literature on green investors and corporate green innovation, providing
valuable insights for the development of China’s green financial system and sustainable develop-
ment strategies.
development and environmental protection are not mutually exclusive but rather mutu-
ally reinforcing. From a corporate standpoint, adherence to appropriate environmental
regulations can enhance a company’s enthusiasm and capabilities for innovation, opti-
mize resource utilization, and ultimately strengthen its competitive edge (Porter, 1991
[17]). Porter and Van der Linde (1995) [18] further refined this hypothesis, arguing that
well-designed environmental regulations enforced by governments or pressures from
other stakeholders can stimulate businesses to actively innovate. Despite the substantial
resources and costs required for research and development efforts, the eventual benefits
of innovation outweigh the associated costs and yield additional returns, a phenomenon
known as the “innovation-offset effect” (Porter and Van der Linde, 1995 [18]). While this
effect may not be immediately evident in the short term and may only partially offset
costs, in the long run, environmental regulations contribute to a company’s competitive-
ness and operational efficiency, enabling it to fulfill its social responsibility for both envi-
ronmental protection and economic development.
The second perspective presents an opposing argument, asserting that environmen-
tal regulations impose burdens on enterprises, leading to a reduction in technological in-
vestments and consequently harming innovation (Song, Zhang, and Zhang, 2021 [19]).
Conversely, the third perspective suggests uncertainty regarding the relationship between
environmental regulation and corporate innovation activities, proposing the potential for
a non-linear correlation between the two (Huang et al., 2022 [20]).
We aim to investigate whether the Porter hypothesis holds true by analyzing the in-
fluence of state ownership on the implementation of green innovation practices. Owner-
ship structure can significantly impact the adoption of green technology innovation. The-
oretical research on innovation within state-owned enterprises (SOEs) typically explores
managerial, political, and resource-based perspectives. From a managerial standpoint, the
principal-agent problem suggests that SOEs, facing governance challenges, may exhibit
conservatism, leading to limited enthusiasm for green innovation. The political perspec-
tive argues that government control over SOEs can hinder efficiency due to political influ-
ences on decision-making processes. However, the resource perspective suggests that
SOEs, with their access to abundant resources, are well-positioned for green innovation
initiatives. Moreover, the close alignment between SOEs and the government can reduce
information asymmetry, thereby enhancing innovation efficiency.
Using a sample of 10,100 firm-year observations of Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share
listed companies from 2010 to 2019, we investigate whether green investors’ holdings can
effectively promote corporate green technological innovation, as well as the moderating
role of state-owned enterprises in the relationship between green investors and green
technological innovation. We conduct fixed effect regression analysis to test our hypothe-
ses. According to the existing literature, we expect that the entry of green investors will
positively affect corporate green innovation. In addition, we expect more pronounced re-
sults in state-owned enterprises. Empirical results support our hypotheses, suggesting
that the presence of green investors encourage enterprises’ green innovation activities. We
also find that this positive effect of green investors on green innovation is more pro-
nounced among state-owned enterprises, indicating the nation’s relatively sound envi-
ronmental regulations (ER) system and strong regulation. Our finding provide support
for the Porter hypothesis. Our findings are robust to instrumental analysis, propensity
score matching analysis, multi-time-point difference-in-differences analysis, and alterna-
tive measurement tests.
Our research makes several significant contributions to the existing literature. Firstly,
we distinguish between green investors and general institutional investors, demonstrat-
ing the positive influence of environmentally focused investors on corporate innovation.
Secondly, we separate green innovation from general technological innovation, allowing
for a precise assessment of how green investors impact environmental innovation within
enterprises. Thirdly, our findings highlight the facilitative role of state ownership in pro-
moting green innovation. Through an examination of the green innovation activities of
Sustainability 2024, 16, 4292 4 of 21
state-owned enterprises, we provide empirical support for the Porter hypothesis, suggest-
ing that the benefits and profits derived from green innovation outweigh the compliance
costs associated with environmental regulations. Our study expands the body of literature
on green investors and green innovation while offering insights specific to the Chinese
The remainder of this article is organized as follows: Section 2 provides a review of
the relevant literature and develops hypotheses; Section 3 outlines our research method-
ology; Section 4 presents the empirical findings; and Section 5 concludes and offers further
to increases in firm value, yet conventional innovation benefits firm valuation sacrificing
environmental quality while green innovation improves either type of firm performance.
Corporate green innovation is a part of corporate governance, yet it diverges from
traditional governance initiatives due to the high uncertainty and complexity inherent in
research and development projects (Huang et al., 2022 [20]). Corporate innovation, func-
tioning as a strategic action, might be driven by various incentives such as advancing tech-
nological advancements, maintaining competitiveness, and obtaining additional benefits
like addressing stakeholders’ needs and regulatory compliance (Lian, Xu, and Zhu, 2022
[1]). These motivations substantially influence the quality of innovation. The existing lit-
erature often examines environmental regulation and innovation intensity without distin-
guishing between green innovation and broader technological advancements (Lian et al.,
2022 [1]). We aim to fill this gap by separating green innovation from general technological
businesses by emphasizing energy conservation and emissions reduction (Wang, Sun, and
Guo, 2019 [45]). For enterprises, green investments like energy efficiency improvements
and carbon footprint reduction have become essential focal points (Wang et al., 2019 [45]).
Due to the governmental regulation’s influence on corporate green practice, we investi-
gate the impact of government through the role of state-ownership in the relationship be-
tween green investors and corporate green innovation, for the reason that government
shareholding is a direct link between corporations and green environment.
Until the late 20th century, the prevailing belief was that stringent environmental
regulations would increase the cost of environmentally damaging actions, imposing op-
erational burdens on corporations and consequently diminishing their competitiveness
(Yu et al., 2023 [46]). Porter and Van der Linde (1995) [18] were pioneers in proposing that
environmental goals and industrial competitiveness were not mutually exclusive. They
argued that “well-designed environmental standards can stimulate innovation, poten-
tially offsetting compliance costs” (Porter and Van der Linde, 1995 [18]), a concept known
as the “Porter Hypothesis”. They discuss how the impact of environmental regulations on
enterprise technological innovation depends on the balance between compliance costs and
innovation incentives. It highlights that stricter regulations increase compliance costs but
also stimulate innovation in export industries. However, when regulations are weak, en-
terprises prioritize profit maximization and often resort to end-of-pipe treatments, hin-
dering innovation (Ma and Li, 2019 [47]). As environmental regulations improve and in-
tensify, enterprises are encouraged to innovate, gaining competitive advantages and re-
ducing reliance on regulation substitutions. Thus, when innovation incentives outweigh
compliance costs, environmental regulations can drive technological innovation in enter-
Empirical studies on the Porter hypothesis have yielded varied results in the schol-
arly literature. Chen et al. (2006) [26] examined companies incorporated in Taiwan and
discovered that environmental regulations stimulate increased investment in research and
development while also enhancing industrial productivity. Qiu et al. (2018) [28] found
that the Porter hypothesis holds true for firms with high innovation capabilities but not
for others. They illustrate that for such firms, the additional benefits from investing in
innovation can offset the increased compliance costs through enhanced operational effi-
ciency. Conversely, firms with low innovation capabilities struggle to manage compliance
costs, thereby reducing their incentive to invest in innovation (Qiu et al., 2018 [28]). Al-
brizio et al. (2017) [48] investigated a panel of Organization for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD) countries and found no support for the Porter hypothesis. They
argued that the costs of environmental regulation on corporations outweigh its benefits,
resulting in a negative impact on firms’ productivity (Zhang, 2021 [10]). Meanwhile, there
are scholars suggest there being a non-linear correlation between environmental regula-
tion and innovation, addressing an either “U-shaped” or “reversed U-shaped”, or a
“threshold effect” between them (Ma and Li, 2021 [47]).
State-owned enterprises, in comparison to private enterprises, exhibit a heightened
sense of social responsibility and shoulder the crucial responsibility of executing these
policies. The government, as the actual controller of state-owned enterprises, can inter-
vene moderately in their business activities and development decisions to achieve policy
objectives (Qi, Lin, and Cui, 2018 [49]). From a resource perspective, green technology
innovation requires a greater resource supply compared to ordinary innovation. A critical
factor determining whether a company can successfully pursue green technology innova-
tion and the enthusiasm for doing so is the availability of corporate resources. In regions
where the institutional environment is weak and government officials do not act, corpo-
rate managers may use their political connections to obtain government support to obtain
undeserved resources and advantages while avoiding corporate environmental responsi-
bility (CER) (Zeng et al., 2019 [44]). Excessive government intervention can disrupt the
allocation of resources in the market and results in low producing efficiency (You, Zhang,
and Yuan, 2019 [50]). On the contrary, in environments with more sophisticated laws and
Sustainability 2024, 16, 4292 8 of 21
H2. The presence of green investor holdings has a stronger positive effect on green technological
innovation in state-owned enterprises.
We opted for the time frame of 2010–2019 to ensure data consistency and availability,
considering the emergence of green finance and the low-carbon economy in China during
this period. This window avoids major economic upheavals such as financial crises and
the pandemic, enhancing the relevance of our sample. The selection of A-share manufac-
turing companies is based on the following reasons. Firstly, these firms are central to
China’s economic growth but also contribute significantly to environmental pollution.
Secondly, amid the rise of green finance and the low-carbon economy, listed manufactur-
ing firms confront mounting environmental regulatory pressures, necessitating a shift to-
wards green innovation for survival and growth. Thirdly, manufacturing firms offer com-
prehensive data on green innovation, and its impact on their operations is substantial,
facilitating effective measurement of green innovation efforts.
3.2. Variables
Following the methodology of prior research (e.g., Lian et al., 2022 [1]; Wurlod and
Noailly, 2018 [54]), we utilize the number of granted green patents as a measure of green
innovation. We collect green investor data from the China Stock Market and Accounting
Research (CSMAR) database, which offers insights into fund themes and stock invest-
ments. By matching these datasets, we obtain each fund’s investment focus within A-share
manufacturing enterprises. We then scrutinize investment objectives and scope, identify-
ing funds emphasizing environmental protection, ecology, green development, and new
energy as green investors (Jiang et al., 2021 [9]).
For our independent variable, inspired by Barnea et al. (2005) [36], we construct a
binary indicator, taking the value of one if the corporation has green investors and zero if
Similar to previous studies (e.g., Lian et al., 2022 [1]), we include controls for various
firm characteristics that might influence green innovation. Specifically, we control for firm
size, return on assets (ROA), growth rate, debt ratio, board size, shareholding concentra-
tion, ownership type, and the proportion of independent directors. Table 1 presents the
definitions and measurements of all variables. Data of corporate green technology inno-
vation and other relevant company characteristics primarily come from the CSMAR data-
base, supplemented by manual collection from firm annual financial reports.
Table 4 presents the variance inflation factors (VIF) for each variable. In order to con-
duct a thorough analysis of the correlation among the chosen variables and identify any
potential issues of multicollinearity, we perform a multicollinearity test. The results re-
ported in the table indicate that the VIF for each variable pertaining to factors influencing
green innovation in A-share listed manufacturing firms is below 1.58, with an average VIF
of 1.27. Given that the VIF is below 10, it can be concluded that multicollinearity is not an
issue among the variables in this study.
statistically significant positive correlation between green investors’ ownership (GI) and
green innovation (gpg) within Chinese A-share listed manufacturing firms.
Specifically, in the absence of control variables, the coefficients for GI and gpg are
0.158, demonstrating a significant positive correlation at a 1% significance level. Upon in-
corporating control variables, the coefficients become 0.149, still exhibiting a significant
positive correlation at a 1% significance level. Although the explanatory power of the sin-
gle variable experiences a slight decline after introducing control variables, this difference
is not statistically significant.
These results indicate that the ownership of green investors plays a constructive role
in fostering green innovation among manufacturing companies. The results support our
hypothesis 1.
Table 5. Green investors’ ownership and green innovation: main regression result.
Table 6. The role of state ownership in the relation between green investor and enterprises green
(1) (2)
Dependent Variable: GPG GPA
GI 0.461 *** (0.025) 0.717 *** (0.049)
Type 0.111 *** (0.037) 0.364 *** (0.072)
Type × GI 0.170 ** (0.077) 0.448 *** (0.150)
Controls Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes
Firm FE Yes Yes
N 10,100 10,100
Adjusted R2 0.033 0.024
Sustainability 2024, 16, 4292 13 of 21
Note: Standard errors are in parentheses. * p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01 represent significance at
10%, 5%, and 1% respectively.
The outcomes of the heterogeneity analysis reveal significant positive coefficients for
both the variables GI (green investors’ ownership) and type (ownership form) at the 1%
significance level, validating the premise of heterogeneity testing. Notably, the interaction
term (Type_GI) between state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and green investors’ ownership
(GI) exhibits a significant positive association.
When employing green innovation authorization (gpg) as the dependent variable,
the coefficient for the GI variable stands at 0.461, significant at the 1% level. Additionally,
the coefficient for the interaction term (Type_GI) is 0.170, significant at the 5% level. The
consistent sign of these two coefficients indicates that the impact of green investors’ own-
ership on fostering green technology innovation in manufacturing enterprises is more
pronounced in SOEs.
Similarly, when utilizing green innovation application (gpa) as the dependent varia-
ble, the coefficient for the GI variable is 0.717, significant at the 1% level. Moreover, the
coefficient for the interaction term (Type_GI) is 0.448, significant at the 1% level. Again,
the consistent sign of these coefficients underscores that in SOEs, the influence of green
investors’ ownership on promoting green technology innovation in manufacturing enter-
prises is stronger.
These results support Hypothesis 2 of the study, affirming that the impact of green
investors’ ownership on green technological innovation in manufacturing enterprises is
more pronounced in state-owned enterprises.
other companies in the same industry or province exhibits a certain correlation with the
green investor variable.
Empirical results show no evidence indicating that the green investor shareholding
ratio of other companies in the same industry or province affects a company’s engagement
in green innovation. Hence, the investment scenario of other companies can be deemed
exogenous concerning a company’s level of green innovation. The results estimated using
the instrumental variable method are presented in Table 7.
Table 7. Green investors’ ownership and green innovation: instrumental variables regression.
Table 7 presents the regression results from the instrumental variable approach,
alongside the corresponding overidentification test, weak instrument test, and Hausman
test outcomes. Column (2) displays the OLS regression results, column (3) shows the 2SLS
regression results, and column (4) exhibits the Liml regression results, all utilizing robust
standard errors.
From column (1), it is evident that the estimated coefficient of Industry_GI is signifi-
cantly positive at the 1% level of significance. Similarly, the estimated coefficient of Prov-
ince_GI is significantly positive at the 5% level of significance. The overidentification test
yields a p-value of 0.1170, indicating that the chosen instruments, Industry_GI and Prov-
ince_GI, are strongly exogenous. The weak instrument test indicates an F-value of 1130.3,
which exceeds 10, signifying the absence of weak instruments. Furthermore, the Liml re-
gression is conducted, and its results align with the 2SLS results.
Given that the use of instrumental variables assumes the presence of an endogenous
explanatory variable, the Hausman test is conducted to assess endogeneity. The Hausman
test result (p-value = 0.0078) confirms that the explanatory variable GI is indeed endoge-
nous in the equation.
After addressing endogeneity concerns, the coefficient of GI remains significantly
positive at the 1% level of significance. This indicates that the conclusion of this study
remains robust even after accounting for endogeneity.
Mahalanobis distance measures the distance between a point and a distribution, with
Mahalanobis distance matching calculating the distance between each treated and control
unit in a multidimensional space defined by covariates. In k-nearest neighbor matching,
each treated unit is paired with its k nearest neighbors from the control group based on
propensity score or observed covariates. Caliper matching restricts potential matches for
each treated unit based on a specified caliper, representing the maximum allowable dis-
tance or difference in propensity scores or covariates between matched pairs. Kernel
matching assigns weights to control units based on their distance from treated units in a
kernel function.
The selection of matching method depends on the data’s specific characteristics and
the research question, as each method has its strengths and limitations. The overarching
goal of these methods is to create balanced treated and control groups, reducing bias and
enhancing the validity of causal inference in observational studies.
Following PSM implementation, the study conducts balance tests to ensure minimal
differences in covariates between matched treated and control groups, except for the pres-
ence of green investors. The results indicate successful matching, with a maximum sample
loss of 51 samples. Standardized bias of most variables significantly reduces after PSM,
with all variables exhibiting a standardized bias of less than 10%. Additionally, most t-test
results fail to reject the null hypothesis, indicating no systematic difference between the
control and treatment groups. These balance test outcomes are presented in Table 8.
Table 8. Balancing test results of explanatory variables before and after propensity score matching.
Table 9. Average treatment effect on the treated (ATT) using propensity score matching (PSM).
Figure 1 presents the balanced trend test results. The year when green investors first
invest in a firm is time t. This study examines the three years before (t − 1, t − 2, t − 3) and
five years after (t + 1, t + 2, t + 3, t + 4, t + 5) the initial investment. Figure 1 shows a signif-
icant change in the firm’s green technological innovation after green investors’ invest-
ment. Moreover, green investor holdings have a significant positive impact on the firm’s
green technology innovation level, satisfying the parallel trend assumption.
To ensure the robustness of the research results, we conduct multiple time-point DID
regression analyses using samples obtained from different matching methods of PSM pro-
pensity score matching. The regression results are shown in Table 10.
Table 10 presents the PSM–DID empirical results regarding the impact of green in-
vestor holdings on the green innovation of manufacturing enterprises. The estimation out-
comes indicate that Mahalanobis distance matching does not exclude any samples, while
nearest neighbor matching excludes 50 samples, caliper matching excludes 46 samples,
and kernel matching excludes 51 samples. Nonetheless, the coefficients for GI are signifi-
cantly positive at the 1% significance level across all four PSM matching methods. These
initial findings lend support to Hypothesis 1, suggesting that green investor holdings no-
tably enhance green technological innovation within enterprises.
Table 11. Green investors’ ownership and green innovation: using alternative variables.
(1) (2)
Dependent Variable GPA GPG-Dummy
GI 0.147 ** (0.062) 0.192 *** (0.048)
Control Yes Yes
Year FE Yes Yes
Firm FE Yes Yes
N 10,100 10,100
Adjusted R2 0.031 0.040
Note: Standard errors are in parentheses. * p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01 represent significance at
10%, 5%, and 1% respectively.
also to the perspective of investors. Institutional investors are pivotal players in financial
markets, exerting significant influence on China’s financial landscape and national econ-
omy. Despite the abundance of research on institutional investors, few studies categorize
them based on green investment criteria or analyze the impact of green investor holdings
on corporate technological innovation. Moreover, the existing literature tends to concen-
trate on the influence of institutional investors on enterprises or innovation in general,
without separating green innovation. This article aims to shed light on the impact of green
investors on enterprises green innovation.
Government policies, including those promoting green finance and sustainable de-
velopment infrastructure, exert direct pressure on enterprises, driving investments in en-
ergy efficiency and emissions reduction, highlighting the critical role of government in
fostering environmentally friendly practices and innovation within the corporate sector.
Given the significant influence of regulatory environments and government policies, we
aim to explore how state ownership may moderate the relationship between green inves-
tors and corporate green innovation. Our hypothesis posits that green investors stimulate
green innovation within companies, with this effect likely being more pronounced in
state-owned enterprises.
We hypothesize that green investors foster corporate green innovation activities and
expect this positive correlation to be more pronounced in state-owned enterprises. Ana-
lyzing 10,100 observations of manufacturing firms listed on Shanghai and Shenzhen A-
share market from 2010 to 2019, we conduct fixed effect regression analysis using number
of granted green patents of the firm as the proxy for green innovation. We controlled for
firm size, ROA, growth rate, debt ratio, board size, shareholding concentration, ownership
type, and the proportion of independent directors. Empirical result shows an increase in
green innovation with the entry of green investors. In addition, we find that this positive
association is more pronounced in state-owned enterprises. Our findings are robust to
instrumental analysis, propensity score matching analysis, multi-time-point difference-in-
differences (DID) test, and alternative measurement tests.
Our study contributes to the literature on institutional investors’ influence on corpo-
rate innovation activities, especially from the perspective of green investors who values
environmental performance. Our research separates green innovation from general tech-
nological innovation, contributing to the literature on corporate innovation. We propose
a stimulating effect of green investors on enterprises’ green innovation, indicating that
China has a relatively strong and stable environmental regulation system. This study also
contributes to the literature examining the role of state ownership on green innovation.
The empirical result provides evidence supporting the Porter hypothesis, indicating that
the profitability from green innovation offsets or even excesses the compliance costs asso-
ciated with environmental regulation.
This paper has certain limitations. For instance, we did not include the phenomenon
of greenwashing in our analysis (We thank our reviewer for pointing this out for us.).
Greenwashing in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) activity refers to the prac-
tice of misleadingly portraying a company or its products as environmentally friendly or
socially responsible, when in reality, they may not be (Lee and Raschke, 2023 [56]). This
can involve exaggerated or false claims about the company’s environmental practices, so-
cial initiatives, or corporate governance policies. Greenwashing is often used as a market-
ing tactic to appeal to consumers who prioritize sustainability (Lyon and Montgomery,
2015 [57]), but it can undermine trust and transparency in ESG reporting and investment
decisions [56]. Future research could explore the impact of greenwashing on green inno-
vation and subsequent firm performance.
This study provides suggestions for the construction of China’s green financial sys-
tem and the high-quality sustainable development of enterprises: firstly, green investors
themselves should be aware of their ability to influence enterprises, and actively conduct
research activities and participate in online or offline communications to engage in corpo-
rate decision-making. Secondly, enterprises should have a sense of social responsibility,
Sustainability 2024, 16, 4292 19 of 21
actively engage in relevant green technology innovation, and enhance the long-term value
of the enterprise. Finally, the government should pay attention to the guidance of relevant
policies, cultivate more green investors, support enterprise green technology innovation,
and play the role of state-owned enterprises, actively realizing the dual value of state-
owned enterprises.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Y.X.; Methodology, L.Z.; Software, L.Z.; Formal analysis,
D.X.; Investigation, Y.X. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not Applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data used in this study are accessible at https://wrds-www.whar-
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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