Unit 5
Unit 5
Unit 5
Pattern is everything around in this digital world. A pattern can either be seen
physically or it can be observed mathematically by applying algorithms.
Example: The colors on the clothes, speech pattern, etc. In computer science, a pattern
is represented using vector feature values.
In a typical pattern recognition application, the raw data is processed and converted
into a form that is willing for a machine to use. Pattern recognition involves the
classification and cluster of patterns.
Learning is a phenomenon through which a system gets trained and becomes adaptable
to give results in an accurate manner. Learning is the most important phase as to how
well the system performs on the data provided to the system depends on which
algorithms are used on the data. The entire dataset is divided into two categories, one
which is used in training the model i.e. Training set, and the other that is used in testing
the model after training, i.e. Testing set.
Training set: - The training set is used to build a model. It consists of the set of
images that are used to train the system. Training rules and algorithms are used to
give relevant information on how to associate input data with output decisions.
The system is trained by applying these algorithms to the dataset, all the relevant
information is extracted from the data, and results are obtained. Generally, 80%
of the data of the dataset is taken for training data.
Testing set: - Testing data is used to test the system. It is the set of data that is
used to verify whether the system is producing the correct output after being
trained or not. Generally, 20% of the data of the dataset is used for testing.
Testing data is used to measure the accuracy of the system. For example, a
system that identifies which category a particular flower belongs to is able to
identify seven categories of flowers correctly out of ten and the rest of others
wrong, then the accuracy is 70 %