Boast - Ai One Pager
Boast - Ai One Pager
Boast - Ai One Pager
Boast.AI gathers data from technical and financial systems to proactively prepare and estimate
R&D tax claims more accurately throughout the year.
Faster, Automated
More cost Larger, more Backed by R&D
automated audit
effective accurate tax credit
and defined compliance
claims experts
By combining tax Our tax experts Our clients save 5X We’ll defend you in With 1,000s of
experts with workflow leverage software to the time spent by R&D audits. Plus we customers our team
and AI, Boast.AI can automate data automating data compile detailed audit of experts has the
deliver a premium collections and collection, analysis, docs from your experience
solution for less. analysis leading to and report writing. systems by combining necessary to prepare
larger more accurate tickets, timestamps, and defend your next
claims. and expenses. R&D Tax claim.
One of the world’s largest R&D tax credit software companies.
Trusted by:
“Time savings is the big reason we’re fans
“Boast was 100x better than any other
of Boast. It’s worth it to not disrupt my
firm we have used. They made the process
broader dev. team. Even if PWC or another
seamless from end-to-end. A truly
big player were to offer us a lower rate,
exceptional partner.”
we’d stick with Boast.”