AOA Queries Answers

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1) What is Angle of Arrival?

When a tranmitted wave from radar strikes an object and returns, the angle at which the maximum
energy returns from the object can be considered as the Angle of Arrival. That angle also gives the
information about the position of the object w.r.t the radar axis. The angle is measured with respect to
the line passing through the radar (also called boresight axis of the antenna of the radar).

As per the convention, the angle measured between the radar axis and the object on the left side of the
radar is considered to be negative angle and the angle measured between the radar and the object on
the right side of the radar is considred to be positive.


2) How the AOA is to be estimated in FMCW radar?

To estimate the AOA, multiple Rx antennas (also multiple receivers) are required. Considering single Tx
antenna and two Rx antenna (two receivers) in a radar susyem. Also considering that the Rx waves
coming from the object to the individual Rx antennas are parallel (since the distance between the
successive radars is quite small compared to the distance between the radar and the object from which
the reflected wave emanates) , let the Rx wave’s propagation path makes an angle  with the radar axis
of each individual radar.

P 



Let the points A and B represent the Rx antennas of the two adjascent radars.

Let the distance between the two Rx antennas be‘d’. The Rx wave reaching the antenna B of the radar
travels an extra distance equal to the length of PB given by d . sin ( θ ) .
Since for a propagating wave, a distance of wavelength , corresponds to a phase increment of 2

The phase difference between the returning wave reaching Rx antenna B and the returning wave
2 π . d . sin ( θ )
reaching Rx antenna A is given by λ .

2π .d
(As the equation specifies, the phase difference φ is 0 if θ is 0 and equal to λ when θ is 90.)

The Angle of Arrival (AOA) is given by

θ=sin−1 ( 2φ. π. λ. d )
Hence with the known parameter values like ‘d’ and ‘’, the AOA ‘’ can be estimated provided the
phase difference φ between the received waves at the antenna A and the antenna B is evaluated using
any suitable method.

Now the question is, which method can used to evaluate the phase differenceφ hence the AOA ‘’.

Like in the evaluation of Doppler velocity, can we use the FFT method to estimate the phase difference φ
value hence the AOA ‘’ value?


3) What is the maximum angle that can be estimated?

Since the phase differenceφ is an angle parameter, its primary range is given by −π≤φ≤π .

Since the Angle of Arrival (AOA) is given by

θ=sin−1 ( 2φ. π. λ. d )
The Angle of Arrival (AOA) ‘’ varies between
−sin−1 ( 2.λd )≤θ≤sin ( 2λ. d )−1

Hence the maximum value of the AOA is given by

θ max =sin−1 ( 2 λ. d )
The above expression gives a hint that if the distance between the two suuccessive receiving antennas is
equal to the half the wavelength of the mmwave, then maximum value of the AOA is equal to 90  or /2

π λ
θ max = radians d=
2 in the case when 2

3) In the multiple object scenario, what will be the Angle Resolution?

Considering two objects with their AOAs differing by a small angle Δθ , they will have the phase
difference (in the Rx waveform between two antennas) differing by a differential amount Δφ .

Since the phase difference between the received waveforms at the two successive antennas is equal to
2 π . d . sin ( θ )
λ ,

Differentiating on both sides,

2 π . d . cos (θ ) Δθ

rearranging the terms, would give

2 π . d .cos ( θ )

The term theta Δθ is limited by Δφ .

The limitation in the method of estimation of that small phase difference Δφ , will limit the evaluation of
angle resolution Δθ .

For example, if Δφ is evaluated using FFT method, the FFT resolution (frequency difference between
successive bins, fs/N) limits the evaluation of Δθ .

Also the angle resolution Δθ is a function of θ (inversely propotional tocos (θ ) ).

So the angle resolution Δθ is maximum when θ is zero.

The angle resolution value deteriotes as the θ value increases.

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