Bio 103 z01 Ccac Syllabus

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Professor Plaskon’s BIO 103 COURSE OUTLINE

Instructor: Juanita Plaskon, Ph.D. Semester: Fall 2023

Phone: 724-325-6694 Office Mondays 8:30-9:00am in person

Hours: Tuesdays 8:30-9:00am in person
12:00-1:00pm in person
3:30-4:30pm in person
Wednesdays 8:30-9:00am in person
Thursdays 9:00-11:00AM online only
E-Mail [email protected] Office North Wing N492
Address: Location:
Class Section(s) Time & Location: Online: Blackboard
Course Number: BIO 103
Course Title: Human Biology
Course Credits: 3 credits Lecture hours: 3 Lab hours: 0
Prerequisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None
All times on this syllabus are based on Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Please use Google Chrome browser, a reliable internet connection and a desktop or
laptop for course exams. Handheld devices cannot be used for exams.

Course Description: This course familiarizes students with the structure of the human
body. It deals with the chemical, cellular, and physiological principles on which human life is
based. The normal organization and function of the body’s organ systems are covered along
with selected disorders. This course does not satisfy a biology requirement for the biology

Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be
able to:
1. Characterize chemical bonds and chemical components of the human body.
2. Describe structure and function of cell components.
3. Explain transport mechanisms across the cell membrane.
4. Distinguish between the four major tissue types according to their form and function.
5. Identify structures, functions and disorders of human organ systems.
6. Delineate the role of homeostasis on organ systems.

General Education Goals: This course meets the Communication component of the
general education goals. Students will have to communicate their knowledge of chemical
components of the body (proteins, carbohydrates and lipids).

Materials and Resources:

Required Text(s): Connect Access Card for Human Biology (17th edition only)
Author: Mader
ISBN: 9781264407408
Copyright Year: 2022
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
CCAC bookstore price: $137.75
Required Materials: You must have a Connect Access account to complete the
homework and reading assignments – this is 50% of your grade.
Audio-Visual Materials: Access to Connect through Blackboard; Please login at through
MYCCAC portal at or the Blackboard app
Open Lab, Tutoring, etc.
Available in-person or remote (Zoom)
Teaching Methods:
This is an internet course which means that it will require more self-discipline and self-
motivation then a traditional on-campus class with lectures. Students who are independent
learners should thrive in this environment. Yet, as an internet course, it requires one to be
very well organized. It is upon the student to set aside time throughout the week to read
the materials, take and study detailed notes on topics, consult the companion website
(Connect), and complete the exams. There will be several Discussion Board topics to
participate in as well.

Students will be able to access lecture notes and PowerPoint Slides for each of the assigned
chapters. These are located in the weekly sections in Blackboard. Students will complete
the work at their own pace but deadlines for exams are strictly adhered to. You will have 5
days to access all exams. This is a very generous window. Students are encouraged to
contact the professor to communicate any issues or circumstances before deadlines.

NOTE: It is the student’s responsibility to know where components of

Blackboard are and how to access & use each BEFORE this course begins!
Do NOT ask the instructor! It is imperative that students read all Distance
Learning materials sent to them prior to the beginning of the semester!
Technological issues & incompatibilities are NOT the fault of the
instructor. Students are made FULLY aware of all technical requirements
for online courses prior to the start of the semester.
Evaluation Plan:
**A total of 5 unit exams will be given and each will count for 50 pts. 250pts
These exams will be multiple choice, matching, identifications/labeling,
and true-false questions. (5 x 50 pts)

Connect homework assignments will be given for each chapter 300 pts

Discussion Board posts (4 x 12.5 pts) 50 pts

Total possible points 600 pts

The grading scale will be as follows:

A=537-600 pts; B=477-536 pts; C=417-476 pts; D=357-416 pts; F=356 pts and below

**You will need to take online exams using Examity, a proctoring program. You will have to
sign up for an account (this takes about 5 minutes & there is a video tutorial). You will see
the Examity button in Blackboard to set up your account.

You will not be allowed to take the exams without Examity. I highly recommend setting up
your account before the week of the first exam so that you are prepared and don’t have rush
through this process at the last minute.

Receiving this outline assumes you will READ it and follow the procedures.
Based on my experience, the most common reason for not succeeding in the course is
failure to keep a steady pace with the required work and missed exams.
Exams: All exams have a 5-day availability and a 60 minute time limit. I provide this
generous window to allow for flexibility in your schedules. Exams will always be posted on a
Tuesday of their given week and due before Saturday by 11:59PM. Once exams are started,
they require completion – you cannot log out and then return to the exam. You will need a
webcam to take the exam. You may not open another web browser while taking the exam or
you will be locked out. The computer will start counting down your time as soon as the exam
is opened. Exams will be available for 5 days before the due date (contact me immediately if
there is an issue with one of the due dates).

Homework: The Connect homework assignments will not be timed and will be for students
to prepare for the exams. The format of these assignments is similar to questions on
the exams. Homework assignments will be graded for correctness but you are given several
attempts to correct your mistakes - achieving a perfect score is possible & encouraged.
These weekly assignments count for 50% of your final grade. You can go back into your
assignments at any time to review or correct any questions before their due date. These
assignments will always be due on a Monday evening by 11:59PM EST.

Make ups: There are NO makeups allowed for exams. You are given 5 full days to access
the exams in order to accommodate work schedules as well as personal issues. Once you
access the exam, you must complete it in one sitting – you will have 60 minutes to complete
the exam. Do not wait until the final hour before the due date to take the exam as internet
failure is never an excuse for missing an exam.

Examity has 24/7 support through their chat. Any problems you have, must be reported.
Sometimes students inadvertently are locked out of an exam and need it to be reopened –
please email me immediately if this happens. If you have a medical condition that prevents
you from completing an exam by the due date, I will require a medical excuse. After the
availability of an exam is over, I will NOT honor any medical makeup requests so make sure
to contact me beforehand. No extensions, no excuses, no exceptions!

Discussion Boards: You are expected to post about the topic and will receive 10 points for
doing so on time. Click on “Create Thread” to make your post. You will receive the remaining
2.5 points for following directions on the course plan. There are due dates for the discussion
board but you will still be allowed to post late responses with 50% penalty on points. Please
be respectful in your posts and adhere to common decency. Let us be aware of and learn
from our different backgrounds and experiences.

Late assignments: Connect assignments and Discussion Board forums are due by
11:59pm (EST) on the posted dates. You will have several chapters each week to study.
These chapters and corresponding assignments are found in your weekly folders along with
due dates. Some chapters are harder than others so make sure you are giving yourself
enough time to complete the materials. Late assignments will be penalized at 50% of their
value. You should still complete the assignments, even if they are late. The dates you see on
the course outline are firm dates. You are welcome to work ahead to submit
assignments/discussion boards. Procrastination is harmful as many students do not allow
enough time for reading and homework to perform well on the exams. Set aside time a block
of time each week (3-5 hours minimum) for your studies. Remember to hit “submit” when
turning in the Connect assignments.

Additional information: Organization is the key to successfully completing the course. I

strongly suggest that you mark your calendars/phones AND place a print out of the last 3
pages of the syllabus next to your study area. You need to be aware of all DUE DATES and
DEADLINES for this course. In order to receive full credit, all assignments and exams must
be completed ON TIME and submitted by the due date(s).
Please keep in mind that I am a Biology professor. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure
the computer you are using is compatible with distance learning requirements. Issues
pertaining to the course material and topics may, of course, be addressed to me but issues
pertaining to technical problems encountered while using Blackboard are addressed through
technical support:
Blackboard Technical Support: Email support is available at
[email protected] or by phone at 412.237.8700 or though the chat function on
the CCAC student portal.

Check the student portal for access to quick links.

Electronics: You MUST have reliable access to a network and a computer (not your
cellphone) to successfully complete this course. Internet outage at the last hour an exam is
due is not an acceptable excuse – make time in your schedule to get to a secure connection
well ahead of the deadline. You are able to take exams at any of the CCAC computer labs.

Grading: You will have access to your Connect grades as soon as you complete the
assignments. Grades for exams will be posted on Blackboard once I review your testing
videos. If your video is flagged for suspicion of cheating, I will email you and give you a zero
(0) on that exam. If it happens again, I will report you to the Dean of Students (please see
Student Handbook on policy for academic integrity).

Contacting the instructor: I will respond to email within 24 hours during the school week
(Monday-Friday). I am mindful the week of exams so that if there is an emergency, you can
contact me and I will respond quickly. Any personal circumstances that prohibit you from
completing the material by the due date must be communicated to me BEFORE the due
date, not afterwards. Please be aware of this policy so that you are not contacting me after
something is due.

Academic Integrity: Timed and proctored exams are made to prevent you from looking up
answers. It is expected that you know the answers on your own, without help from other
people or other resources. There will be a pool of questions generated for each exam so it is
possible to have different exam versions from other students who are taking the same
course; this is intentional. PLEASE set up your Examity account well before the first exam.

Other Policies:
All students are expected to read and comply with the policies and regulations set forth in
the CCAC Student Handbook, including without limitation the College’s policies regarding
academic and behavioral conduct, the procedures for requesting an accommodation based
upon a disability, pregnancy or pregnancy related condition, or a religious observance, and
for reporting unlawful discrimination and harassment.

The Student Handbook is available to view and download from the College’s website at the
following URL:

Office of Supportive Services for Student Accommodations:

The Community College of Allegheny County makes every effort to provide reasonable
accommodations for students with disabilities. Questions about services and procedures for
students with disabilities should be directed to the Office of Supportive Services at your

MyCCAC Portal and Academic Email

The MyCCAC portal provides access to all course, grade and administrative information at All email correspondence regarding your academic work is to be
conducted to and from your CCAC academic email account.
Class Learning
Lesson or Topic Assignments Evaluation
Week/Date Activities
Chapter 1: Characteristics of Ch 1 Connect
Exploring Life and Life; Humans assignment –
Week 1
Science related to Other 15 pts
Sections 1.1, 1.2 Animals: Scientific
& 1.3 (Skip 1.4) Method
Chapter 2: Carbohydrates, Chapter 2 Ch.1 & 2 Connect
Week 1 Chemistry of Life Lipids, Proteins & Connect – 10 Assignments due
9/5-9/11 ONLY Sections Nucleic Acids pts 9/11 by 11:59pm
2.4, 2.5, 2.6 & 2.7
Optional Syllabus This will assess Due: 9/11 by
Week 1 Quiz (extra credit) how well you 11:59pm
9/5-9/11 know my course Bonus: 5 points
Discussion Introductions Introduce Due 9/11 by
Board Post #1 yourself (fav 11:59pm for full
hobbies, credit – 12.5
sports teams, points
Week 1 pets,etc) &
9/5-9/11 why you are 10 points for the
taking this post; 2.5 points
course (it is for commenting
required? on someone
elective?) else’s
Chapter 3: Cell Cell organelles Ch 3 Connect Ch. 3 Connect
Week 2
Structure/Function and their functions assignment – Assignment due
(Skip section 3.6) 20 pts 9/18 by 11:59pm
Chapter 4: Tissue types: Ch 4 Connect Ch. 4 Connect
Organization and connective, assignment – Assignment due
Week 3
Regulation of muscular, nervous 20 pts 9/25 by 11:59pm
Body Systems and epithelial
EXAM #1 (50 pts) Exam will be EXAM 1 EXAM #1 (50 pts)
due on 9/30 by available from includes due on 9/30 by
Week 4 11:59pm on Tuesday 9/26 at Chapters 1-4 11:59pm
9/26-9/30 CHAPTERS 1, 2, 1:00AM to Saturday
3, and 4 9/30 at 11:59PM Video review:
week 3
Chapter 5: Structure/Function Ch 5 Connect Ch. 5 Connect
Week 4 Cardiovascular & disorders assignment – Assignment due
9/26-10/2 System: Heart & 25 pts 10/2 by 11:59pm
Blood Vessels
Chapter 6: Functions, WBCs, Ch 6 Connect Ch. 6 Connect
Cardiovascular blood typing assignment – Assignment due
Week 5
System: Blood 25 pts 10/9 by 11:59pm

Chapter 9: Organs, functions, Ch 9 Connect Ch. 9 Connect

Week 6 Digestive System disorders assignment – Assignment due
10/10-10/16 25 pts 10/16 by 11:59pm

Week 6 Discussion What's for Dinner? Since we are Due 10/16 by

10/10-10/16 Board Post #2 Think about talking 11:59pm for full
molecules (from digestion in credit – 12.5
Ch 2 - proteins, this section, points
carbs, lipids) that tell us your
make up your favorite meal Post is worth 10
favorite meal. (has to be a points; another
complete 2.5 points for a
meal, not just picture of your
one item). meal
EXAM #2 (50 pts) Exam will be EXAM 2 EXAM #2 (50 pts)
due on 10/21 by available on Tues includes due on 10/21 by
11:59pm on 10/17 at 1:00AM to Chapters 5, 6, & 11:59pm
Week 7
CHAPTERS 5, 6, Sat 10/21 at 9
and 9 11:59PM
Video review:
week 6
Chapter 10: Functions, organs Ch 10 Ch. 10 Connect
Week 7 Respiratory and air exchange Connect Assignment due
10/17-10/23 System assignment – 10/23 by 11:59pm
25 pts
Discussion Sars-Cov2 (AKA What are Due 10/23 by
Board Post #3 Covid-19): some ways 11:59pm for full
This virus is a this virus credit – 12.5
respiratory affects the points
pathogen. upper and
Week 7
lower 10 points for the
respiratory post; 2.5 points
system? What for your source(s)
does it mean regarding this
for the virus to information
be endemic?
Last day to Make sure you’re
10/23 register to vote in registered to vote
midterm elections
Chapter 11: Structure, Ch 11 Ch. 11 Connect
Week 8 Urinary System functions, Connect Assignment due
10/24-10/30 disorders assignment – 10/30 by 11:59pm
25 pts
EXAM #3 (50 pts) Exam will be EXAM 3 EXAM #3 (50 pts)
due on 11/4 by available on Tues includes due on 11/4 by
11:59pm on 10/31 at 1:00AM to Chapters 10 & 11:59pm
Week 9
CHAPTERS 10 Sat 11/4 at 11
and 11 11:59PM
Video review:
week 8
Chapter 12: Axial & Ch 12 Ch. 12 Connect
Skeletal System appendicular Connect Assignment due
Week 9
skeleton; labeling assignment – 11/6 by 11:59pm
major bones of 25 pts
VOTE in Bonus: upload a
MIDTERM pic of your voting
11/7 screenshot of
your mail-in ballot
submission (5
bonus points)
Chapter 13: Types of muscles; Ch 13 Ch. 13 Connect
Week 10 Muscular System Labeling the major Connect Assignment due
11/7-11/13 Skip Section 13.3 muscles of the assignment – 11/13 by 11:59pm
body 25 pts
EXAM #4 (50 pts) Exam will be Note: more than EXAM #4 (50 pts)
due on 11/18 by available on Tues 60% of the due on 11/18 by
11:59pm on 11/14 at 1:00AM to exam will be 11:59pm
Week 11 CHAPTERS 12 Sat 11/18 at labeling bones
11/14-11/18 and 13 11:59PM and muscles
from these
No Video review
Chapter 15: Somatic, Taste, Ch 15 Ch. 15 Connect
Week 11 Senses Smell, Vision, Connect – 20 Assignment due
11/14-11/19 Hearing & pts 11/27 by 11:59pm
Thanksgiving No Work Due
Chapter 16: Endocrine Glands Ch 16 Ch. 16 Connect
Week 12 Endocrine System and Homeostasis Connect Assignment due
11/28-12/4 assignment – 12/4 by 11:59pm
20 pts
Chapter 20: What is cancer; Ch 20 Ch. 20 Connect
Week 13 Cancer causes of cancer; Connect Assignment due
12/5-12/11 Diagnosis and assignment – 12/11 by 11:59pm
treatment 20 pts
Discussion Cancer Name ONE Due 12/11 by
Board Post #4 Preventions way we can 11:59pm for full
prevent (any credit – 12.5
type of) points
cancer. DO
Week 13 NOT repeat 10 points for the
12/5-12/11 anyone else's post; 2.5 points
answers on for telling us
the board which type of
once posted cancer your
or you will not prevention is
get full credit targeting
EXAM #5 (50 pts) Exam will be EXAM 5 EXAM #5 (50 pts)
– due no later available on Tues includes – due no later
Week 14 than 11:59pm on 12/12 at 1:00AM to Chapters 15, 16 than 11:59pm on
12/12-12/16 12/16 on Sat 12/16 at & 20 12/16 **NO
16 and 20 No Video review

Please note: I cannot accept ANY work past 11:59PM on Sat. Dec 16th

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