Normal Stress - Shear Stress

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Normal Stress/Shear Stress

Key Concepts: Normal stress can be viewed as force per unit area acting normal to
an internal section of a structural element, typically called a bar or an axial member.

In a Nut Shell: Definition of an Axial Member

A structure that is generally long in one direction (perhaps in the x-direction), straight,
and has a constant (or mildly tapered) cross-section is generally termed an axial
member. The cross-section of the axial member will have a centroid. The x-axis of
the axial member is assumed to lie along the centroid of each cross-section.

Definition of Normal Stress in an Axial Member

The average normal stress. σ, in an axial member is the force, P, in the member divided
by its cross-sectional area, A. σ = P/A

Common units for stress are psi, ksi, MPa, N/mm2 (English/Metric)

Definition of Normal Stress at a Point, P, in an axial member

It’s possible that the axial force might vary over the cross-section of a structural
member. In that case let the element of force be ΔF over an element of area ΔA
for the cross-section.

Then the normal stress, σp, at point P in the cross-section of the axial member is

σp = lim ΔF / ΔA
ΔA→ 0
assuming the limit exists.
If the cross-section lies in the y-z plane then the axial stress may be a function of both
y and z so that σ = σ(y,z) and the total axial force, F, acts through the centroid at
any given cross-section is simply the integral of σ over the cross-section.

F = ∫ σ(y,z) dA

Example: Link AC has a uniform cross section ¼ in wide and 1/16 in thick. A smooth pin
connects the link to the rectangular plate at A. Smooth pins also are at C and B. A cord raps
around the smooth pulleys as shown below. The tension in the cord, P, is 300 lb. Find the
normal stress midway along the link AC.

Strategy: Construct a free body diagrams of the plate and of link, AC. Use equilibrium to
find the force in the link. Then the normal stress in the link is just the force it carries divided
by the cross-sectional area of the link.

The equations of equilibrium are: ΣFx = 0, ΣFy = 0, and ΣMB = 0.

For equilibrium of the plate: CCW ΣMB = 0 - Ax(12) + 300(6) = 0 Ax = 150.0 lb

Note from statics that the link AC is a two-force member. So that it is either in tension or
in compression. In this case link AC carries a tensile force, R, directed along the link.

For equilibrium of link AC: ΣFx = 0 - R cos(30) + 150.0 = 0 R = 173.2 lb

Cross-sectional area of link = Alink = (1/4)(1/16) = 1/64 in2

So the normal stress in link AC = σlink = 173.2/(1/64) = 11085psi = 11.09 ksi (result)

Example: While stopping a car the driver exerts a force, P, of 10 lb on the brake pedal at C
as shown below. The brake rod is pinned normal to the brake pedal ABC at B. d = 2 in. and
e = 10 in. The diameter of the brake rod is 3/16 in. Find the normal stress in brake rod BD.

Strategy: Construct a free body diagram of the brake pedal. Use equilibrium to find the
force exerted by the brake rod on the brake pedal. Then the normal stress in the brake
rod is just the force it carries divided by the cross-sectional area of the brake rod.

The free body diagram of the brake pedal, ABC, is:

Apply the equation of equilibrium ΣMA = 0. R(d) – P(d+e) = 0, R = P(d+e)/d

R = 10(2+10)/2 = 60 lb x-sectional area, A, of brake rod = π(3/16)2/4 = 0.0276 in2

The force in the brake rod is equal and opposite. So the normal stress in the brake rod is:

σ = R/A = - 60/0.0276 = - 2170 psi Note: The brake rod is in compression. (result)

Shear Stress

Key Concepts: Consider rubbing your hands together. The forces exerted between your

hands during this action are an example of shear force. The shear force per unit area is the

shear stress.

In a Nut Shell: Transverse loads, P, on a plate, ABC, result in shear forces and therefore

shear stresses in the plate as depicted in the top and middle figures below. Shear stresses

also occur in beams.

Beams are important structural elements. Examples include I-beams, wide˗flange beams,
and box˗section beams. In general beams are of a length considerably longer than the
dimensions of the X-section. When a load, P, acts on the beam (bottom figure) with
pin support on left end and a roller support on the right end) it deforms (dotted line) the
beam causing a bending moment. The result is that the change in bending moment along
the beam develops shear forces and shear stresses in the beam (along the x-axis).

Common units for normal and shear stress are psi, ksi, MPa, N/mm2 (English/Metric)
Example: The rocker-arm linkage, ABCD, is supported by a vertical post CF with smooth
pins at A, B, C, and D. A force, P, shown in the figure below is 500 lb. The pin at C has
a diameter, e, of ½ in. The following data apply: a = 2 in. , b = 8 in., c = 4 in., d = 7 in.,
θ = 20o, and α = 75o . Find the average shear stress in the pin.

Strategy: Construct a free body diagram of the link, BCD, recognizing that link AB is
a two-force member (from statics). Use the equations of equilibrium ΣMC = 0, ΣFx = 0,
and ΣFy = 0 to find the resultant force acting on the pin. The average shear stress in the
pin is then this resultant force carried by the pin divided by its cross-sectional area.

A free body diagram of link BCD is:

Here tan β = 2/8 so β = 14 o

ΣMC = 0: (R cosβ)c(cosθ) – (R sinβ)c(sinθ) – (P cosα)d(sinθ) – (P sinα)d( cosθ) = 0

Solve for R. R = P (d/c) [ (cosα sinθ + sinα cosθ) / (cosβ cosθ – sinβ sinθ ) ]

Use trig identities. R = P (d/c) [ sin(α+θ) / cos(β+θ) ]

→ ΣFx = 0: – R sinβ – Cx + P cosα = 0

↑ ΣFy = 0: – R cosβ + Cy – P sinα = 0

Solve for Cx and Cy.

Cx = P cosα – R sinβ , P cosα – P (d/c) [ sin(α+θ) / cos(β+θ) ] sinβ

Cy = P sinα + R cosβ , P sinα + P (d/c) [ sin(α+θ) / cos(β+θ) ] cosβ

Note: Both Cx and Cy check dimensionally.

The resultant force on the pin is √ ( Cx2 + Cy2 )

The cross sectional area of the pin is: π e2 / 4 = 0.196 in2

So the average shear stress in the pin, S, is S = 4 √ ( Cx2 + Cy2 ) / π e2

For the given data: Cx = -125.6 lb Cy = 1502.8 lb S = 1508 lb

S = 7681 psi = 7.7 ksi (result)

Note: With the symbolic expressions “what if” testing can show how the result for
average shear stress depends on the variables such as c and d or others.

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