8052 Instr Set

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8052 Tutoria l:Instruc tion Se t

A lphabeticalL ist ofInstructions

? A C A L L :Absolute Call
? A DD,A DDC:Add Accum ulator(W ith Carry)
? A JM P :Absolute Jum p
? A N L :Bitw ise AN D
? CJN E:Com pare and Jum p ifN ot Equal
? CL R :ClearR egister
? CP L :Com plem ent R egister
? DA :Decim alAdjust
? DEC:Decrem ent R egister
? DIV:Divide Accum ulatorby B
? DJN Z:Decrem ent R egisterand Jum p ifN ot Zero
? IN C:Increm ent R egister
? JB:Jum p ifBit S et
? JBC:Jum p ifBit S et and ClearBit
? JC:Jum p ifCarry S et
? JM P :Jum p to Address
? JN B:Jum p ifBitN ot S et
? JN C:Jum p ifCarry N ot S et
? JN Z:Jum p ifAccum ulatorN ot Zero
? JZ:Jum p ifAccum ulatorZero
? L C A L L :L ong Call
? L JM P :L ong Jum p
? M O V:M ove M em ory
? M O VC:M ove Code M em ory
? M O VX :M ove Extended M em ory
? M U L :M ultiply Accum ulatorby B
? N O P :N o O peration
? O R L :Bitw ise O R
? P O P :P op Value From S tack
? P U S H:P ush Value O nto S tack
? R ET :R eturn From S ubroutine
? R ET I:R eturn From Interrupt
? R L :R otate Accum ulatorL eft
? R L C:R otate Accum ulatorL eftT hrough Carry
? R R :R otate Accum ulatorR ight
? R R C:R otate Accum ulatorR ight T hrough Carry
? S ET B:S et Bit
? S JM P :S hort Jum p
? S U BB:S ubtract From A ccum ulatorW ith Borrow
? S W A P :S w ap Accum ulatorN ibbles
? X CH: Exchange Bytes
? X CHD: Exchange Digits
? X R L :Bitw ise ExclusiveO R

Operation: ACALL
Function: Absolute Call Within 2K Block
Syntax: ACALL code address

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

ACALL page0 0x11 2 2 None

ACALL page1 0x31 2 2 None

ACALL page2 0x51 2 2 None

ACALL page3 0x71 2 2 None

ACALL page4 0x91 2 2 None

ACALL page5 0xB1 2 2 None

ACALL page6 0xD1 2 2 None

ACALL page7 0xF1 2 2 None

Description: ACALL unconditionally calls a subroutine at the indicated code address. ACALL pushes the address
of the instruction that follows ACALL onto the stack, least-significant-byte first, most-significant-byte second. The
Program Counter is then updated so that program execution continues at the indicated address.

The new value for the Program Counter is calculated by replacing the least-significant-byte of the Program Counter
with the second byte of the ACALL instruction, and replacing bits 0-2 of the most-significant-byte of the Program
Counter with 3 bits that indicate the page. Bits 3-7 of the most-significant-byte of the Program Counter remain

Since only 11 bits of the Program Counter are affected by ACALL, calls may only be made to routines located
within the same 2k block as the first byte that follows ACALL.

See Also: LCALL, RET, Instruction Set

Operation: ADD, ADDC

Function: Add Accumulator, Add Accumulator With Carry
Syntax: ADD A,operand
ADDC A,operand
Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

C, AC, C, AC,
ADD A,#data 0x24 2 1 ADDC A,#data 0x34 2 1

ADD A,iram C, AC, ADDC A,iram C, AC,

0x25 2 1 0x35 2 1
addr OV addr OV

C, AC, C, AC,
ADD A,@R0 0x26 1 1 ADDC A,@R0 0x36 1 1

C, AC, C, AC,
ADD A,@R1 0x27 1 1 ADDC A,@R1 0x37 1 1

C, AC, C, AC,
ADD A,R0 0x28 1 1 ADDC A,R0 0x38 1 1

C, AC, C, AC,
ADD A,R1 0x29 1 1 ADDC A,R1 0x39 1 1

C, AC, C, AC,
ADD A,R2 0x2A 1 1 ADDC A,R2 0x3A 1 1

C, AC, C, AC,
ADD A,R3 0x2B 1 1 ADDC A,R3 0x3B 1 1

C, AC, C, AC,
ADD A,R4 0x2C 1 1 ADDC A,R4 0x3C 1 1

C, AC, C, AC,
ADD A,R5 0x2D 1 1 ADDC A,R5 0x3D 1 1

C, AC, C, AC,
ADD A,R6 0x2E 1 1 ADDC A,R6 0x3E 1 1

C, AC, C, AC,
ADD A,R7 0x2F 1 1 ADDC A,R7 0x3F 1 1

Description: Description: ADD and ADDC both add the value operand to the value of the Accumulator, leaving the
resulting value in the Accumulator. The value operand is not affected. ADD and ADDC function identically except
that ADDC adds the value of operand as well as the value of the Carry flag whereas ADD does not add the Carry
flag to the result.

The Carry bit (C) is set if there is a carry-out of bit 7. In other words, if the unsigned summed value of the
Accumulator, operand and (in the case of ADDC) the Carry flag exceeds 255 Carry is set. Otherwise, the Carry bit
is cleared.

The Auxillary Carry (AC) bit is set if there is a carry-out of bit 3. In other words, if the unsigned summed value of
the low nibble of the Accumulator, operand and (in the case of ADDC) the Carry flag exceeds 15 the Auxillary
Carry flag is set. Otherwise, the Auxillary Carry flag is cleared.

The Overflow (OV) bit is set if there is a carry-out of bit 6 or out of bit 7, but not both. In other words, if the
addition of the Accumulator, operand and (in the case of ADDC) the Carry flag treated as signed values results in a
value that is out of the range of a signed byte (-128 through +127) the Overflow flag is set. Otherwise, the Overflow
flag is cleared.
See Also: SUBB, DA, INC, DEC, Instruction Set

Operation: AJMP
Function: Absolute Jump Within 2K Block
Syntax: AJMP code address

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

AJMP page0 0x01 2 2 None

AJMP page1 0x21 2 2 None
AJMP page2 0x41 2 2 None
AJMP page3 0x61 2 2 None
AJMP page4 0x81 2 2 None
AJMP page5 0xA1 2 2 None
AJMP page6 0xC1 2 2 None
AJMP page7 0xE1 2 2 None

Description: AJMP unconditionally jumps to the indicated code address. The new value for the Program Counter is
calculated by replacing the least-significant-byte of the Program Counter with the second byte of the AJMP
instruction, and replacing bits 0-2 of the most-significant-byte of the Program Counter with 3 bits that indicate the
page of the byte following the AJMP instruction. Bits 3-7 of the most-significant-byte of the Program Counter
remain unchaged.

Since only 11 bits of the Program Counter are affected by AJMP, jumps may only be made to code located within
the same 2k block as the first byte that follows AJMP.

See Also: LJMP, SJMP, Instruction Set

Operation: ANL
Function: Bitwise AND
Syntax: ANL operand1, operand2

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

ANL iram addr,A 0x52 2 1 None

ANL iram addr,#data 0x53 3 2 None

ANL A,#data 0x54 2 1 None

ANL A,iram addr 0x55 2 1 None

ANL A,@R0 0x56 1 1 None

ANL A,@R1 0x57 1 1 None

ANL A,R0 0x58 1 1 None

ANL A,R1 0x59 1 1 None

ANL A,R2 0x5A 1 1 None

ANL A,R3 0x5B 1 1 None

ANL A,R4 0x5C 1 1 None

ANL A,R5 0x5D 1 1 None

ANL A,R6 0x5E 1 1 None

ANL A,R7 0x5F 1 1 None

ANL C,bit addr 0x82 2 1 C

ANL C,/bit addr 0xB0 2 1 C

Description: ANL does a bitwise "AND" operation between operand1 and operand2, leaving the resulting value in
operand1. The value of operand2 is not affected. A logical "AND" compares the bits of each operand and sets the
corresponding bit in the resulting byte only if the bit was set in both of the original operands, otherwise the resulting
bit is cleared.

See Also: ORL, XRL, Instruction Set

Operation: CJNE
Function: Compare and Jump If Not Equal
Syntax: CJNE operand1,operand2,reladdr

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

CJNE A,#data,reladdr 0xB4 3 2 C

CJNE A,iram addr,reladdr 0xB5 3 2 C

CJNE @R0,#data,reladdr 0xB6 3 2 C

CJNE @R1,#data,reladdr 0xB7 3 2 C

CJNE R0,#data,reladdr 0xB8 3 2 C

CJNE R1,#data,reladdr 0xB9 3 2 C

CJNE R2,#data,reladdr 0xBA 3 2 C

CJNE R3,#data,reladdr 0xBB 3 2 C

CJNE R4,#data,reladdr 0xBC 3 2 C

CJNE R5,#data,reladdr 0xBD 3 2 C

CJNE R6,#data,reladdr 0xBE 3 2 C

CJNE R7,#data,reladdr 0xBF 3 2 C

Description: CJNE compares the value of operand1 and operand2 and branches to the indicated relative address if
operand1 and operand2 are not equal. If the two operands are equal program flow continues with the instruction
following the CJNE instruction.

The Carry bit (C) is set if operand1 is less than operand2, otherwise it is cleared.

See Also: DJNZ. Instruction Set

Operation: CLR
Function: Clear Register
Syntax: CLR register

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

CLR bit addr 0xC2 2 1 None

CLR C 0xC3 1 1 C

CLR A 0xE4 1 1 None

Description: CLR clears (sets to 0) all the bit(s) of the indicated register. If the register is a bit (including the carry
bit), only the specified bit is affected. Clearing the Accumulator sets the Accumulator’s value to 0.

See Also: SETB, Instruction Set

Operation: CPL
Function: Complement Register
Syntax: CPL operand

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

CPL A 0xF4 1 1 None

CPL C 0xB3 1 1 C

CPL bit addr 0xB2 2 1 None

Description: CPL complements operand, leaving the result in operand. If operand is a single bit then the state of
the bit will be reversed. If operand is the Accumulator then all the bits in the Accumulator will be reversed. This can
be thought of as "Accumulator Logical Exclusive OR 255" or as "255-Accumulator." If the operand refers to a bit of
an output Port, the value that will be complemented is based on the last value written to that bit, not the last value
read from it.

See Also: CLR, SETB, Instruction Set

Operation: DA
Function: Decimal Adjust Accumulator
Syntax: DA A

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

DA 0xD4 1 1 C

Description: DA adjusts the contents of the Accumulator to correspond to a BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) number
after two BCD numbers have been added by the ADD or ADDC instruction. If the carry bit is set or if the value of
bits 0-3 exceed 9, 0x06 is added to the accumulator. If the carry bit was set when the instruction began, or if 0x06
was added to the accumulator in the first step, 0x60 is added to the accumulator.

The Carry bit (C) is set if the resulting value is greater than 0x99, otherwise it is cleared.

See Also: ADD, ADDC, Instruction Set

Operation: DEC
Function: Decrement Register
Syntax: DEC register

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

DEC A 0x14 1 1 None

DEC iram addr 0x15 2 1 None

DEC @R0 0x16 1 1 None

DEC @R1 0x17 1 1 None

DEC R0 0x18 1 1 None

DEC R1 0x19 1 1 None

DEC R2 0x1A 1 1 None

DEC R3 0x1B 1 1 None

DEC R4 0x1C 1 1 None

DEC R5 0x1D 1 1 None

DEC R6 0x1E 1 1 None

DEC R7 0x1F 1 1 None

Description: DEC decrements the value of register by 1. If the initial value of register is 0, decrementing the value
will cause it to reset to 255 (0xFF Hex). Note: The Carry Flag is NOT set when the value "rolls over" from 0 to 255.

Operation: DIV
Function: Divide Accumulator by B
Syntax: DIV AB

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

DIV AB 0x84 1 4 C, OV

Description: Divides the unsigned value of the Accumulator by the unsigned value of the "B" register. The resulting
quotient is placed in the Accumulator and the remainder is placed in the "B" register.

The Carry flag (C) is always cleared.

The Overflow flag (OV) is set if division by 0 was attempted, otherwise it is cleared.

See Also: MUL AB, Instruction Set

Operation: DJNZ
Function: Decrement and Jump if Not Zero
Syntax: DJNZ register,reladdr

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

DJNZ iram addr,reladdr 0xD5 3 2 None

DJNZ R0,reladdr 0xD8 2 2 None

DJNZ R1,reladdr 0xD9 2 2 None

DJNZ R2,reladdr 0xDA 2 2 None

DJNZ R3,reladdr 0xDB 2 2 None

DJNZ R4,reladdr 0xDC 2 2 None

DJNZ R5,reladdr 0xDD 2 2 None

DJNZ R6,reladdr 0xDE 2 2 None

DJNZ R7,reladdr 0xDF 2 2 None

Description: DJNZ decrements the value of register by 1. If the initial value of register is 0, decrementing the value
will cause it to reset to 255 (0xFF Hex). If the new value of register is not 0 the program will branch to the address
indicated by relative addr. If the new value of register is 0 program flow continues with the instruction following
the DJNZ instruction.

See Also: DEC, JZ, JNZ, Instruction Set

Operation: INC
Function: Increment Register
Syntax: INC register

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

INC A 0x04 1 1 None

INC iram addr 0x05 2 1 None

INC @R0 0x06 1 1 None

INC @R1 0x07 1 1 None

INC R0 0x08 1 1 None

INC R1 0x09 1 1 None

INC R2 0x0A 1 1 None

INC R3 0x0B 1 1 None

INC R4 0x0C 1 1 None

INC R5 0x0D 1 1 None

INC R6 0x0E 1 1 None

INC R7 0x0F 1 1 None

INC DPTR 0xA3 1 2 None

Description: INC increments the value of register by 1. If the initial value of register is 255 (0xFF Hex),
incrementing the value will cause it to reset to 0. Note: The Carry Flag is NOT set when the value "rolls over" from
255 to 0.

In the case of "INC DPTR", the value two-byte unsigned integer value of DPTR is incremented. If the initial value
of DPTR is 65535 (0xFFFF Hex), incrementing the value will cause it to reset to 0. Again, the Carry Flag is NOT
set when the value of DPTR "rolls over" from 65535 to 0.

See Also: ADD, ADDC, DEC, Instruction Set

Operation: JB
Function: Jump if Bit Set
Syntax: JB bit addr, reladdr

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

JB bit addr,reladdr 0x20 3 2 None

Description: JB branches to the address indicated by reladdr if the bit indicated by bit addr is set. If the bit is not
set program execution continues with the instruction following the JB instruction.

See Also: JBC, JNB. Instruction Set

Operation: JBC
Function: Jump if Bit Set and Clear Bit
Syntax: JB bit addr, reladdr

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

JBC bit addr,reladdr 0x10 3 2 None

Description: JBC will branch to the address indicated by reladdr if the bit indicated by bit addr is set. Before
branching to reladdr the instruction will clear the indicated bit. If the bit is not set program execution continues with
the instruction following the JBC instruction.

See Also: JB, JNB, Instruction Set

Operation: JC
Function: Jump if Carry Set
Syntax: JC reladdr

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

JC reladdr 0x40 2 2 None

Description: JC will branch to the address indicated by reladdr if the Carry Bit is set. If the Carry Bit is not set
program execution continues with the instruction following the JC instruction.

See Also: JNC, Instruction Set

Operation: JMP
Function: Jump to Data Pointer + Accumulator
Syntax: JMP @A+DPTR

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

JMP @A+DPTR 0x73 1 2 None

Description: JMP jumps unconditionally to the address represented by the sum of the value of DPTR and the value
of the Accumulator.

See Also: LJMP, AJMP, SJMP, Instruction Set

Operation: JNC
Function: Jump if Carry Not Set
Syntax: JNC reladdr

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

JNC reladdr 0x50 2 2 None

Description: JNC branches to the address indicated by reladdr if the carry bit is not set. If the carry bit is set
program execution continues with the instruction following the JNB instruction.

See Also: JC, Instruction Set

Operation: JNZ
Function: Jump if Accumulator Not Zero
Syntax: JNZ reladdr

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

JNZ reladdr 0x70 2 2 None

Description: JNZ will branch to the address indicated by reladdr if the Accumulator contains any value except 0. If
the value of the Accumulator is zero program execution continues with the instruction following the JNZ instruction.

See Also: JZ, Instruction Set

Operation: JZ
Function: Jump if Accumulator Zero
Syntax: JZ reladdr

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

JZ reladdr 0x60 2 2 None

Description: JZ branches to the address indicated by reladdr if the Accumulator contains the value 0. If the value of
the Accumulator is non-zero program execution continues with the instruction following the JZ instruction.

See Also: JNZ, Instruction Set

Operation: LCALL
Function: Long Call
Syntax: LCALL code addr

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

LCALL code addr 0x12 3 2 None

Description: LCALL calls a program subroutine. LCALL increments the program counter by 3 (to point to the
instruction following LCALL) and pushes that value onto the stack (low byte first, high byte second). The Program
Counter is then set to the 16-bit value which follows the LCALL opcode, causing program execution to continue at
that address.

See Also: ACALL, RET, Instruction Set

Operation: LJMP
Function: Long Jump
Syntax: LJMP code addr

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

LJMP code addr 0x02 3 2 None

Description: LJMP jumps unconditionally to the specified code addr.

See Also: AJMP, SJMP, JMP, Instruction Set

Operation: MOV
Function: Move Memory
Syntax: MOV operand1,operand2

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

MOV @R0,#data 0x76 2 1 None

MOV @R1,#data 0x77 2 1 None

MOV @R0,A 0xF6 1 1 None

MOV @R1,A 0xF7 1 1 None

MOV @R0,iram addr 0xA6 2 2 None

MOV @R1,iram addr 0xA7 2 2 None

MOV A,#data 0x74 2 1 None

MOV A,@R0 0xE6 1 1 None

MOV A,@R1 0xE7 1 1 None

MOV A,R0 0xE8 1 1 None

MOV A,R1 0xE9 1 1 None

MOV A,R2 0xEA 1 1 None

MOV A,R3 0xEB 1 1 None

MOV A,R4 0xEC 1 1 None

MOV A,R5 0xED 1 1 None

MOV A,R6 0xEE 1 1 None

MOV A,R7 0xEF 1 1 None

MOV A,iram addr 0xE5 2 1 None

MOV C,bit addr 0xA2 2 1 C

MOV DPTR,#data16 0x90 3 2 None

MOV R0,#data 0x78 2 1 None

MOV R1,#data 0x79 2 1 None

MOV R2,#data 0x7A 2 1 None

MOV R3,#data 0x7B 2 1 None

MOV R4,#data 0x7C 2 1 None

MOV R5,#data 0x7D 2 1 None

MOV R6,#data 0x7E 2 1 None

MOV R7,#data 0x7F 2 1 None

MOV R0,A 0xF8 1 1 None

MOV R1,A 0xF9 1 1 None

MOV R2,A 0xFA 1 1 None

MOV R3,A 0xFB 1 1 None

MOV R4,A 0xFC 1 1 None

MOV R5,A 0xFD 1 1 None

MOV R6,A 0xFE 1 1 None

MOV R7,A 0xFF 1 1 None

MOV R0,iram addr 0xA8 2 2 None

MOV R1,iram addr 0xA9 2 2 None

MOV R2,iram addr 0xAA 2 2 None

MOV R3,iram addr 0xAB 2 2 None

MOV R4,iram addr 0xAC 2 2 None

MOV R5,iram addr 0xAD 2 2 None

MOV R6,iram addr 0xAE 2 2 None

MOV R7,iram addr 0xAF 2 2 None

MOV bit addr,C 0x92 2 2 None

MOV iram addr,#data 0x75 3 2 None

MOV iram addr,@R0 0x86 2 2 None

MOV iram addr,@R1 0x87 2 2 None

MOV iram addr,R0 0x88 2 2 None

MOV iram addr,R1 0x89 2 2 None

MOV iram addr,R2 0x8A 2 2 None

MOV iram addr,R3 0x8B 2 2 None

MOV iram addr,R4 0x8C 2 2 None

MOV iram addr,R5 0x8D 2 2 None

MOV iram addr,R6 0x8E 2 2 None

MOV iram addr,R7 0x8F 2 2 None

MOV iram addr,A 0xF5 2 1 None

MOV iram addr,iram addr 0x85 3 2 None

Description: MOV copies the value of operand2 into operand1. The value of operand2 is not affected. Both
operand1 and operand2 must be in Internal RAM. No flags are affected unless the instruction is moving the value of
a bit into the carry bit in which case the carry bit is affected or unless the instruction is moving a value into the PSW
register (which contains all the program flags).

** Note: In the case of "MOV iram addr,iram addr", the operand bytes of the instruction are stored in reverse order.
That is, the instruction consisting of the bytes 0x85, 0x20, 0x50 means "Move the contents of Internal RAM location
0x20 to Internal RAM location 0x50" whereas the opposite would be generally presumed.

See Also: MOVC, MOVX, XCH, XCHD, PUSH, POP, Instruction Set

Operation: MOVC
Function: Move Code Byte to Accumulator
Syntax: MOVC A,@A+register

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

MOVC A,@A+DPTR 0x93 1 2 None

MOVC A,@A+PC 0x83 1 1 None

Description: MOVC moves a byte from Code Memory into the Accumulator. The Code Memory address from
which the byte will be moved is calculated by summing the value of the Accumulator with either DPTR or the
Program Counter (PC). In the case of the Program Counter, PC is first incremented by 1 before being summed with
the Accumulator.

See Also: MOV, MOVX, Instruction Set

Operation: MOVX
Function: Move Data To/From External Memory (XRAM)
Syntax: MOVX operand1,operand2

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

MOVX @DPTR,A 0xF0 1 2 None

MOVX @R0,A 0xF2 1 2 None

MOVX @R1,A 0xF3 1 2 None

MOVX A,@DPTR 0xE0 1 2 None

MOVX A,@R0 0xE2 1 2 None

MOVX A,@R1 0xE3 1 2 None

Description: MOVX moves a byte to or from External Memory into or from the Accumulator.

If operand1 is @DPTR, the Accumulator is moved to the 16-bit External Memory address indicated by DPTR. This
instruction uses both P0 (port 0) and P2 (port 2) to output the 16-bit address and data. If operand2 is DPTR then the
byte is moved from External Memory into the Accumulator.

If operand1 is @R0 or @R1, the Accumulator is moved to the 8-bit External Memory address indicated by the
specified Register. This instruction uses only P0 (port 0) to output the 8-bit address and data. P2 (port 2) is not
affected. If operand2 is @R0 or @R1 then the byte is moved from External Memory into the Accumulator.

See Also: MOV, MOVC, Instruction Set

(C) C
Operation: MUL
Function: Multiply Accumulator by B
Syntax: MUL AB

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

MUL AB 0xA4 1 4 C, OV

Description: Multiples the unsigned value of the Accumulator by the unsigned value of the "B" register. The least
significant byte of the result is placed in the Accumulator and the most-significant-byte is placed in the "B" register.

The Carry Flag (C) is always cleared.

The Overflow Flag (OV) is set if the result is greater than 255 (if the most-significant byte is not zero), otherwise it
is cleared.

See Also: DIV, Instruction Set

Operation: NOP
Function: None, waste time
Syntax: No Operation

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

NOP 0x00 1 1 None

Description: NOP, as it’s name suggests, causes No Operation to take place for one machine cycle. NOP is
generally used only for timing purposes. Absolutely no flags or registers are affected.

See Also: Instruction Set

Operation: ORL
Function: Bitwise OR
Syntax: ORL operand1,operand2

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

ORL iram addr,A 0x42 2 1 None

ORL iram addr,#data 0x43 3 2 None

ORL A,#data 0x44 2 1 None

ORL A,iram addr 0x45 2 1 None

ORL A,@R0 0x46 1 1 None

ORL A,@R1 0x47 1 1 None

ORL A,R0 0x48 1 1 None

ORL A,R1 0x49 1 1 None

ORL A,R2 0x4A 1 1 None

ORL A,R3 0x4B 1 1 None

ORL A,R4 0x4C 1 1 None

ORL A,R5 0x4D 1 1 None

ORL A,R6 0x4E 1 1 None

ORL A,R7 0x4F 1 1 None

ORL C,bit addr 0x72 2 2 C

ORL C,/bit addr 0xA0 2 1 C

Description: ORL does a bitwise "OR" operation between operand1 and operand2, leaving the resulting value in
operand1. The value of operand2 is not affected. A logical "OR" compares the bits of each operand and sets the
corresponding bit in the resulting byte if the bit was set in either of the original operands, otherwise the resulting bit
is cleared.

See Also: ANL, XRL, Instruction Set

Operation: POP
Function: Pop Value From Stack
Syntax: POP

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

POP iram addr 0xD0 2 2 None

Description: POP "pops" the last value placed on the stack into the iram addr specified. In other words, POP will
load iram addr with the value of the Internal RAM address pointed to by the current Stack Pointer. The stack pointer
is then decremented by 1.
See Also: PUSH, Instruction Set

Operation: PUSH
Function: Push Value Onto Stack
Syntax: PUSH

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

PUSH iram addr 0xC0 2 2 None

Description: PUSH "pushes" the value of the specified iram addr onto the stack. PUSH first increments the value of
the Stack Pointer by 1, then takes the value stored in iram addr and stores it in Internal RAM at the location pointed
to by the incremented Stack Pointer.

See Also: POP, Instruction Set

Operation: RET
Function: Return From Subroutine
Syntax: RET

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

RET 0x22 1 2 None

Description: RET is used to return from a subroutine previously called by LCALL or ACALL. Program execution
continues at the address that is calculated by popping the topmost 2 bytes off the stack. The most-significant-byte is
popped off the stack first, followed by the least-significant-byte.

See Also: LCALL, ACALL, RETI, Instruction Set

Operation: RETI
Function: Return From Interrupt
Syntax: RETI

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

RETI 0x32 1 2 None

Description: RETI is used to return from an interrupt service routine. RETI first enables interrupts of equal and
lower priorities to the interrupt that is terminating. Program execution continues at the address that is calculated by
popping the topmost 2 bytes off the stack. The most-significant-byte is popped off the stack first, followed by the

RETI functions identically to RET if it is executed outside of an interrupt service routine.

See Also: RET, Instruction Set

Operation: RL
Function: Rotate Accumulator Left
Syntax: RL A

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

RL A 0x23 1 1 C

Description: Shifts the bits of the Accumulator to the left. The left-most bit (bit 7) of the Accumulator is loaded into
bit 0.

See Also: RLC, RR, RRC, Instruction Set

Operation: RLC
Function: Rotate Accumulator Left Through Carry
Syntax: RLC A

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

RLC A 0x33 1 1 C

Description: Shifts the bits of the Accumulator to the left. The left-most bit (bit 7) of the Accumulator is loaded into
the Carry Flag, and the original Carry Flag is loaded into bit 0 of the Accumulator. This function can be used to
quickly multiply a byte by 2.

See Also: RL, RR, RRC, Instruction Set

Operation: RR
Function: Rotate Accumulator Right
Syntax: RR A

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

RR A 0x03 1 1 None

Description: Shifts the bits of the Accumulator to the right. The right-most bit (bit 0) of the Accumulator is loaded
into bit 7.

See Also: RL, RLC, RRC, Instruction Set

Operation: RRC
Function: Rotate Accumulator Right Through Carry
Syntax: RRC A
Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags
RRC A 0x13 1 1 C

Description: Shifts the bits of the Accumulator to the right. The right-most bit (bit 0) of the Accumulator is loaded
into the Carry Flag, and the original Carry Flag is loaded into bit 7. This function can be used to quickly divide a
byte by 2.

See Also: RL, RLC, RR, Instruction Set

Operation: SETB
Function: Set Bit
Syntax: SETB bit addr

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

SETB C 0xD3 1 1 C

SETB bit addr 0xD2 2 1 None

Description: Sets the specified bit.

See Also: CLR, Instruction Set

Operation: SJMP
Function: Short Jump
Syntax: SJMP reladdr

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

SJMP reladdr 0x80 2 2 None

Description: SJMP jumps unconditionally to the address specified reladdr. Reladdr must be within -128 or +127
bytes of the instruction that follows the SJMP instruction.

See Also: LJMP, AJMP, Instruction Set

Operation: SUBB
Function: Subtract from Accumulator With Borrow
Syntax: SUBB A,operand

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

SUBB A,#data 0x94 2 1 C, AC, OV

SUBB A,iram addr 0x95 2 1 C, AC, OV

SUBB A,@R0 0x96 1 1 C, AC, OV

SUBB A,@R1 0x97 1 1 C, AC, OV

SUBB A,R0 0x98 1 1 C, AC, OV

SUBB A,R1 0x99 1 1 C, AC, OV

SUBB A,R2 0x9A 1 1 C, AC, OV

SUBB A,R3 0x9B 1 1 C, AC, OV

SUBB A,R4 0x9C 1 1 C, AC, OV

SUBB A,R5 0x9D 1 1 C, AC, OV

SUBB A,R6 0x9E 1 1 C, AC, OV

SUBB A,R7 0x9F 1 1 C, AC, OV

Description: SUBB subtract the value of operand from the value of the Accumulator, leaving the resulting value in
the Accumulator. The value operand is not affected.

The Carry Bit (C) is set if a borrow was required for bit 7, otherwise it is cleared. In other words, if the unsigned
value being subtracted is greater than the Accumulator the Carry Flag is set.

The Auxillary Carry (AC) bit is set if a borrow was required for bit 3, otherwise it is cleared. In other words, the
bit is set if the low nibble of the value being subtracted was greater than the low nibble of the Accumulator.

The Overflow (OV) bit is set if a borrow was required for bit 6 or for bit 7, but not both. In other words, the
subtraction of two signed bytes resulted in a value outside the range of a signed byte (-128 to 127). Otherwise it is

See Also: ADD, ADDC, DEC, Instruction Set

Operation: SWAP
Function: Swap Accumulator Nibbles
Syntax: SWAP A

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

SWAP A 0xC4 1 1 None

Description: SWAP swaps bits 0-3 of the Accumulator with bits 4-7 of the Accumulator. This instruction is
identical to executing "RR A" or "RL A" four times.

See Also: RL, RLC, RR, RRC, Instruction Set

Operation: XCH
Function: Exchange Bytes
Syntax: XCH A,register

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

XCH A,@R0 0xC6 1 1 None

XCH A,@R1 0xC7 1 1 None

XCH A,R0 0xC8 1 1 None

XCH A,R1 0xC9 1 1 None

XCH A,R2 0xCA 1 1 None

XCH A,R3 0xCB 1 1 None

XCH A,R4 0xCC 1 1 None

XCH A,R5 0xCD 1 1 None

XCH A,R6 0xCE 1 1 None

XCH A,R7 0xCF 1 1 None

XCH A,iram addr 0xC5 2 1 None

Description: Exchanges the value of the Accumulator with the value contained in register.

See Also: MOV, Instruction Set

Operation: XCHD
Function: Exchange Digit
Syntax: XCHD A,[@R0/@R1]

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

XCHD A,@R0 0xD6 1 1 None

XCHD A,@R1 0xD7 1 1 None

Description: Exchanges bits 0-3 of the Accumulator with bits 0-3 of the Internal RAM address pointed to indirectly
by R0 or R1. Bits 4-7 of each register are unaffected.

See Also: DA, Instruction Set

Operation: XRL
Function: Bitwise Exclusive OR
Syntax: XRL operand1,operand2

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

XRL iram addr,A 0x62 2 1 None

XRL iram addr,#data 0x63 3 2 None

XRL A,#data 0x64 2 1 None

XRL A,iram addr 0x65 2 1 None

XRL A,@R0 0x66 1 1 None

XRL A,@R1 0x67 1 1 None

XRL A,R0 0x68 1 1 None

XRL A,R1 0x69 1 1 None

XRL A,R2 0x6A 1 1 None

XRL A,R3 0x6B 1 1 None

XRL A,R4 0x6C 1 1 None

XRL A,R5 0x6D 1 1 None

XRL A,R6 0x6E 1 1 None

XRL A,R7 0x6F 1 1 None

Description: XRL does a bitwise "EXCLUSIVE OR" operation between operand1 and operand2, leaving the
resulting value in operand1. The value of operand2 is not affected. A logical "EXCLUSIVE OR" compares the bits
of each operand and sets the corresponding bit in the resulting byte if the bit was set in either (but not both) of the
original operands, otherwise the bit is cleared.

See Also: ANL, ORL, Instruction Set

Operation: Undefined Instruction

Function: Undefined
Syntax: ???

Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags

??? 0xA5 1 1 C

Description: The "Undefined" instruction is, as the name suggests, not a documented instruction. The 8051 supports
255 instructions and OpCode 0xA5 is the single OpCode that is not used by any documented function. Since it is not
documented nor defined it is not recommended that it be executed. However, based on my research, executing this
undefined instruction takes 1 machine cycle and appears to have no effect on the system except that the Carry Bit
always seems to be set.
Note: We received input from an 8052.com user that the undefined instruction really has a format of Undefined
bit1,bit2 and effectively copies the value of bit2 to bit1. In this case, it would be a three-byte instruction. We haven't
had an opportunity to verify or disprove this report, so we present it to the world as "additional information."

See Also: NOP, Instruction Set

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