GRR6100 FantasyAGE2e Quickstart 2024-03-21

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Design: Steve Kenson Development: Ian lemke
Terror of the Ghost Ship Written By: Steve Kenson
Adventure Game Engine (AGE) created by Chris Pramas
Based on Fantasy AGE Second Edition by: Steve Kenson, Ian lemke,
Chris Pramas, Malcolm Sheppard, and Owen K.C. Stephens
Editing: Skylar Mannen Graphic Design and Art Direction: Hal Mangold
Cover Art: Wayne Reynolds Cartography: John Wilson
Interior Art: Elena Barbieri. Eric Belisle, Simon Carr, Javier Charro,
Jan Cruz, Toby Fox, Claudia Ianniciello,,
Diego Gisbert llorens, Anderson Maia, Andrey vasilchenko, and carlos Villa
Team Ronin: Joseph Carriker, Kara Hamilton, Troy Hewitt, Steven Jones, Steve Kenson, Ian Lemke,
Nicole Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Evan Sass, Malcolm Sheppard, Dylan Templar, and Alexander Thomas
Fantasy AGE Quickstart is ©2024 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. Green Ronin,
Adventure Game Engine, AGE System, and their associated logos are trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing, LLC.

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Welcome to Fantasy age!
I If You’ve Never Played a
f you’re reading this, you’re about to delve into the
fantastic world of fantasy roleplaying! This Quickstart
document includes all of the information you need to Roleplaying game Before
play through an adventure for the Fantasy AGE roleplaying
game using an abbreviated version of the full game’s rules. If you’re interested in trying this out but have no idea what
Fantasy AGE is a game wherein you and your friends tabletop roleplaying is all about, that’s great! Roleplaying is
collaborate to play out the stories of fantasy heroes like those some of the most fun you’ll ever have with your friends, but
in novels and films. They pit their skill at arms, mysterious teaching all of the basics of roleplaying is a bit beyond the
magic, and cunning schemes against terrible monsters, deadly scope of this Quickstart. Start by going online and searching
hazards, and villainous foes in quests for glory, treasure, and for some basic info. The Wikipedia page “role-playing game
immortalization through bardic song. (pen and paper)” is a little dry but still makes for a decent
There’s a bit more to it, of course, but that’ll suffice for the starting point. Better yet, check out online videos of people
purposes of getting you started on this text and the adven- playing tabletop RPGs (there are a ton of them, including
ture within. For this Quickstart, we’ve simplified matters, Fantasy AGE games) or track down a friend who’s done this
providing pre-generated characters (you’ll find them at the kind of thing before and ask them to show you how it’s done.
end of this book) and a ready-made adventure for them. The full Fantasy AGE Core Rulebook also introduces more of
the concepts of roleplaying and gives advice to GMs. Trust
What’s Included us—even if this is your first time, you’re going to love it.

The Fantasy AGE Quickstart has three parts. The first is a Before You Play
condensed guide to the Adventure Game Engine, or AGE
system, game rules that power the game, including a quick Before the group gets together to play, the Game Master
reference sheet players can keep handy during play. The should read this whole book, print out at least one copy of each
second is an introductory adventure called Terror of the Ghost pre-generated character, and print out enough copies of the
Ship, wherein the characters explore an abandoned ship at sea Quick Reference sheet so each player can have one. If you’re
and confront the creature that killed its crew. The third is a working from a printed copy of the Fantasy AGE Quickstart,
set of pre-generated characters for the players referred to as you can download a free, printable PDF copy from greenronin.
player characters, or PCs for short. com. Other players can read the rules section of the Quickstart if
they want to, but they shouldn’t read the adventure (spoilers!).
What You’ll Need
To play through this Quickstart, you’ll need at least two
people, though four to seven is best. One person takes the role Everything a player needs to know during the game can be
of Game Master (GM) while the others are players. You’ll found on their character sheet. It includes character details
also need at least three regular, six-sided dice (abbreviated like Ability Scores, Ability Focuses, Ancestry, Background,
d6). Ideally, one of the dice should be a different color or size Class, Talents, Equipment, and Arcana, all described here.
to differentiate it from the others. You’ll also need copies of
various parts of this Quickstart, but more on that later. Pencils
Ability Scores
or pens and paper, or electronic means of recording informa-
Let’s start the tour of the Fantasy AGE character sheet by
tion at the game table, are also necessary.
looking at its backbone: the nine abilities.
• Accuracy measures aim, precision, and your ability to hit
targets with ranged or thrown weapons.
About the Rules • Communication covers social skills and generally
The condensed rules presented in the Fantasy AGE Quickstart making friends and influencing people.
cover the basics, but you should be aware that some rules • Constitution is your character’s overall health, fortitude,
included in the full game have been left out. None of the char- and resistance to harm, illness, and fatigue.
acter creation rules are included, for example, nor have the full
systems for arcana or the details on the many magical trea- • Dexterity covers deftness, agility, and reaction time,
sures characters might find. Many rules have been simplified or affecting how quickly and gracefully you move.
narrowed for use in this single context to help ease you into the
• Fighting is your character’s capability in close combat,
system. If you run the sample adventure Terror of the Ghost Ship
with the full Fantasy AGE rules, you can expand elements of the ranging from a brawl to wielding weapons.
adventure to work with them. • Intelligence measures a character’s reasoning, memory,
problem-solving, and overall knowledge.

2 Introduction
• Perception is the ability to pick up on and notice things
using any of the character’s senses.
Focus list
• Strength is sheer muscle power and the ability to apply
For your reference, here is the full list of focuses found in Fantasy
it, from lifting heavy things to feats of athletics.
AGE rulebook. In these Quickstart rules, a character never needs a
• Willpower measures self-control, self-discipline, mental specific focus to attempt a test.
fortitude, and confidence. • Accuracy: Arcane Blast, Black Powder, Bows, Brawling,
Abilities have scores on a numeric scale from –2 (quite poor) Dueling, Grenades, Light Blades, Slings, Staves.
to 4 or more (truly outstanding). Your character’s ability scores • Communication: Animal Handling, Bargaining, Deception,
provide a “snapshot” of the areas where your character is Disguise, Etiquette, Gambling, Investigation, Leadership,
outstanding, above average, average, or poor, and you use these Performing, Persuasion, Seduction.
scores to determine the outcome of most actions in the game. A • Constitution: Rowing, Running, Stamina, Swimming,
score of 1 is considered average for player characters, who are, Tolerance.
after all, the main characters of the story. A score of 0 is average • Dexterity: Acrobatics, Calligraphy, Crafting, Initiative, Leger-
for everyday individuals, the sort of folks with the good sense demain, Lock Picking, Riding, Sailing, Stealth, Traps.
to avoid adventures and getting into all sorts of trouble. • Fighting: Axes, Bludgeons, Heavy Blades, Lances,

Ability Focuses
Polearms, Spears.
• Intelligence: Arcana, Arcane Lore, Brewing, Cartography,
Cryptography, Cultural Lore, Engineering, Evaluation,
Some abilities have one or more words in their box. These are
Healing, Heraldry, Historical Lore, Military Lore, Musical
focuses—areas of expertise that fall under that ability. Focuses Lore, Natural Lore, Navigation, Religious Lore, Research,
are generally self-explanatory. For example, characters Thieves’ Lore, Writing.
with the Persuasion focus are especially good at using their
• Perception: Empathy, Hearing, Searching, Seeing, Smelling,
Communication ability to persuade someone. It’s important Tasting, Touching, Tracking.
to note, however, that characters don’t usually need to have
• Strength: Climbing, Driving, Intimidation, Jumping,
a focus in order to try something. A focus is just an added
Might, Smithing.
benefit for characters with special aptitude or training. For
• Willpower: Courage, Faith, Morale, Self-Discipline.
example, characters without the Persuasion focus can still try

Basic Rules 3
to persuade people. They simply use their Communication
Character score without any added bonus. It’s just that characters with

Ancestries the Persuasion focus are better at it.

When abilities and focuses are written out in the rules, or an
adventure, the focus follows its ability in a parenthetical. You
might read “Communication (Persuasion)” or “Perception
(Seeing),” for example.
Next, you’ll notice some other numbers on the
character sheet.
• Health is a measure of your character’s ability to with-
stand damage. When your Health falls to 0, your char-
Dwarves acter is defeated and gains a defeat condition (see
Conditions under the Health & Conditions section).
• Speed governs how fast your character can move. The
Run and Move actions (see the Actions section) use
Speed to determine how far you can go on your turn.
• Defense is the number your opponent needs to roll to hit
your character with an attack.

You can choose from one of nine ancestries in Fantasy AGE:
draak, dwarf, elf, gnome, goblin, halfling, human, orc,
GOBLINS and wildfolk.
• Draak are tall, scaly, dragon-like humanoids. They tend
to be strong and willful and possess qualities like magic
resistance or the ability to breathe fire as a special stunt.

Gnomes • Dwarves are stout folk who are associated with stone,
metal, and the deep places of the world, known for their
skill at arms and talent as miners and builders.
• Elves are graceful and perceptive people with intrinsic
connections to the natural world and ancient magical
traditions. They make consummate hunters and scouts,
combining agility and subtle sorcery to great effect.

Halflings • Gnomes are gregarious and clever and have a natural

ability to easily visualize complex shapes and systems.
This encourages many of them to become builders,
tinkerers, and engineers.
• Goblins are small, quick, curious, and all too often seen
as pests rather than people by outsiders. They have large
heads and ears, big mouths, lean limbs, and greenish tan,
brown, or blue skin.
• Halflings tend to seek out new places, people, and expe-
riences as adventurers and are often seen as brave or
even foolhardy by the standards of other folk. They’re
small, about half the size of humans (thus the name).
• Humans are among the most numerous and adaptable
of all ancestries. Humans are often surprisingly adept
at abilities where they have natural weaknesses, having
strived to overcome their failings through study, natural
knack, or sheer stubbornness.
Draak • Orcs are survivors and pragmatists. Various orc lineages
feature pointed, bat-like ears, slits for nostrils, hairy

4 Basic Rules
bodies, broad mouths, sturdy builds, and underbites that
expose tusk-like teeth.
• Wildfolk are creatures of faerie, combining human-like Character
features with the physical and personality traits of one Ancestries
broad class of animal.
Each ancestry conveys certain benefits, which are included
in the pre-generated characters in this Quickstart.

Each Fantasy AGE character has a background that
details their social class and their upbringing or life
before becoming an adventurer. Each background provides
an ability focus, and the pre-generated characters have their
backgrounds listed on their character sheets. Many other back-
grounds are available in the full Fantasy AGE Core Rulebook. ELVES
Adventurers in Fantasy AGE belong to one of four
classes: envoy, mage, rogue, or warrior.
• Envoys are skilled in negotiation, social skills, and
working with or leading others. HuMaNS
• Mages know the secrets of arcana and how to wield
magic and cast various spells.
• Rogues are trained in stealth, subterfuge, and combat
focused on speed and agility.
• Warriors are trained in the widest range of weapons and
fighting styles.
Class determines a character’s starting Health, the weapon
groups they are trained to use (see the Equipment section), Orcs
and provides certain class powers and access to class stunts,
detailed on their character sheets.

Over time, characters can increase in level, improving their
class powers and gaining other benefits—a process often
referred to as “leveling up” in RPGs. The pre-generated char-
acters in the Quickstart are level 1 characters, but Fantasy AGE
characters can improve up to level 20.

Characters also have talents, giving them specific benefits
based on natural aptitude or specialized training. Talents come
in three degrees: Novice, Expert, and Master. The pre-generated
characters’ talents, their degree with each, and their benefits are
explained on their character sheets. All of the many other talents
in the game are detailed in the Fantasy AGE Core Rulebook.

Fantasy AGE characters make use of various equipment,
particularly armor and weapons and other survival or adven-
turing gear.

Basic Rules 5
Weapons and Weapon Groups The character sheets list a character’s armor, Armor Rating
and Armor Penalty, if they carry a shield, and, if so, what type
Adventurers often rely on trusty weapons to defend them- it is and what bonus it has.
selves against monsters and other foes. Classes like rogues
and warriors particularly specialize in wielding weapons.
Other Equipment
Weapons in Fantasy AGE are broken down into weapon
Adventurers often carry other equipment to survive in the
groups; characters are listed as trained in certain weapon
wilderness or overcome various hazards. Each pre-generated
groups on their character sheets. If you are trained in a
character has a list of their equipment and descriptions of
weapon group, you can use its weapons normally. If you are
what it is for.
untrained in a weapon group, you take a –2 penalty on attack
rolls with those weapons, inflict half total damage (rounded
down), and the weapon’s range is also halved (if it has one).
Arcana and Spells
The pre-generated characters are trained in all of the weapons Fantasy AGE mages know various arcana, areas of arcane or
they carry, as listed on their character sheets. magical knowledge, which allow them to cast different spells,
The character sheets list a character’s weapons, their bonus specific applications of those arcana. The pre-generated mage
to attack with them, and the damage they inflict on a successful characters have their arcana and spells listed on their char-
hit, as well as their effective distance for ranged weapons. acter sheets.

Armor and Shields Magic Points

Adventurers wear armor to protect them from harm and Each mage character has a magic points (or MP) score,
some carry shields to help deflect attacks. measuring how much magical energy they have available to
Armor in Fantasy AGE has an Armor Rating (or AR), cast spells. When you successfully cast a spell, you pay its cost in
which subtracts from the damage inflicted by an attack. magic points. If you don’t have enough MP to pay a spell’s cost,
Certain attacks, however, inflict penetrating damage, which you can’t cast it, and when you have 0 MP left, you can’t cast
ignores Armor Rating. Armor also has an Armor Penalty, spells at all! You regain magic points by resting: 1d6 + Willpower
representing its bulk and weight. If you are untrained in MP per hour of rest. After a Total Rest (see Recovery under the
wearing a type of armor, its Armor Penalty applies to both Health & Conditions section on p. 10), you regain all of your MP.
your Speed and Dexterity tests. If you’re trained in that type
of armor, its Penalty only affects your Speed. Spellpower
Shields have a shield bonus. It adds to your Defense while
using the shield. You must be trained in using shields to gain Each mage has a Spellpower score, which measures their
more than a +1 bonus from one. It’s important to note that magical might. Certain spells allow a test against Spellpower
some situations, like being surprised or attacked from behind, to resist or overcome their effects. Each character’s Spell-
deprive you of your shield bonus to Defense. power is listed on their character sheet.


Envoy Mage Rogue Warrior

6 Basic Rules
Casting Spells (Hearing). If one character has an advantage over their
opponent that’s not already reflected in their ability or focus,
See the Combat Encounters section on p. 10 for details on those circumstances may provide a bonus or penalty to the
casting spells. The descriptions and effects of a mage’s spells roll. Such modifiers are usually no worse than –3 or better
can be found on their character sheets. than +3. So, if it’s dark, the sneaking character might get a
bonus to slip past the sentry unnoticed.
Tests Advanced Tests
The Adventure Game Engine system for Fantasy AGE uses three
six-sided dice (abbreviated 3d6) for tests of characters’ abili- A task might be so complicated or time-consuming that it is
ties. Note that one of the dice should be differentiated from inappropriate to resolve it with a single roll. Examples include
the other two by color, size, or something else; this is known doing in-depth research, navigating through difficult condi-
as the Stunt Die. Tests are made to find out whether your tions, or competing with another speaker or performer to win
character succeeds or fails when a chancy situation comes up a crowd’s approval. These situations involve an advanced
in the game. Tests come in four main forms: basic, opposed, test. Advanced tests are basic or opposed tests that require a
advanced, and challenge. series of rolls before success can be achieved. Each individual
roll is carried out like a basic or opposed test.
Basic Tests On a sufficient roll—one that meets the TN or exceeds the
opponent’s result—the result of your Stunt Die is added to a
To make a basic test, the most common kind, roll 3d6 and add running total. On an insufficient roll, nothing is added. (Or
the relevant ability score. If you have an appropriate focus for your opponent’s running total may increase, for an opposed
that ability, add +2 more. For example, when attempting to advanced test.) Success at the advanced test is achieved when
dodge around an obstacle, you roll 3d6, add your Dexterity the running total meets or exceeds the advanced test’s success
score, and add +2 if you have the Acrobatics focus. A char- threshold, which usually ranges from 5 to 20 or more. Each
acter may only add one ability score and one focus bonus per roll takes a certain amount of time—a round, a minute, an
test. Appropriate focuses for a given test are listed in paren- hour, or any other increment—depending on the test, so
thesis after the ability the test calls for. For example, “an Intel- an advanced test can also be used to determine how long a
ligence (Healing) test.” However, you don’t need to have the task takes. Each roll might also consume some number of
focus to attempt a test unless it says “required” after the focus. resources. So, usually, an advanced test can be failed only
The sum of your dice roll, ability, and focus bonus are if time or resources run out, or if—in an opposed advanced
compared to a target number (TN) that represents the difficulty test—your opponent wins the test first.
of the test. The harder it is to succeed, the higher the TN. If the
sum or your roll equals or exceeds the TN, then you pass the Challenge Tests
test and succeed! The target numbers for various tests are given
in the rules and in the text of the adventure in this Quickstart. Some actions in Fantasy AGE impose consequences or setbacks
when characters don’t do them well enough. These challenge
Basic Test: 3D6 + Ability Score + Focus
tests can be thought of as advanced tests with added risks.
Bonus (+2) versus Target Number
As with an advanced test, the Game Master determines
Sometimes the circumstances of a test make it easier or more a difficulty and success threshold and how much time each
difficult than normal, giving a bonus or penalty to your total. roll represents. The GM also decides on the ability and focus
Such bonuses are rarely greater than +3 and penalties rarely for the test and may vary them, or they may require different
worse than –3. Typically, if circumstances make a test easier or abilities or focuses in succession. Unlike an advanced test, a
harder, the Game Master can adjust the target number rather challenge test has consequences for each failed roll beyond
than the total of your roll. just wasting time and resources. These consequences come

Opposed Tests in three levels—minor, moderate, and major—and the test

determines how many times characters can fail at a challenge
test before increasing the level of the consequences. Specific
Sometimes you pit your character’s ability against another
consequences are detailed along with the challenge test.
character’s ability. This is called an opposed test. In an
opposed test, all parties involved roll tests simultaneously,
but rather than comparing their results to a target number,
The Stunt Die
the character with the highest total wins the test. If there’s a You roll three dice when making a test, with one die differ-
tie, the character with the highest Stunt Die number wins. If entiated from the other two. The differentiated die is known
it’s still a tie, the highest ability score wins (after which you as the Stunt Die and has several uses in the AGE system. In
can flip a coin or roll two more dice as a tiebreaker, if needed). particular, it is used to measure degrees of success or failure,
The parties in an opposed test sometimes use different to break ties, and to generate stunt points (SP). When you see
abilities. For example, a character attempting to sneak past a a reference to the Stunt Die, just remember it’s the differenti-
sentry rolls Dexterity (Stealth) against the sentry’s Perception ated die you roll with ability tests.

Basic Rules 7
Degree of Success
Most of the time, you only need to know if an ability test
succeeds or fails: Did you accomplish the goal or not? Some-
times, however, it’s important to know to what degree you
succeeded. This is one of the uses of the Stunt Die. Check the
dice on your ability test and note the number on the Stunt Die.
The higher the value, the greater the degree of your success:
A 1 on your Stunt Die means you barely pulled it off while a
6 (or better, due to modifiers to the Stunt Die) means you did
it flawlessly. Note that if you failed the test, the result of the
Stunt Die is generally irrelevant.
The Game Master tells you when the degree of success is
important and will ask for the Stunt Die’s value as well as
your test total in those cases. This usually makes it a good idea
to leave the dice on the table as you rolled them until your test
is complete, just in case you need to refer to them again.

Your character is doing a quick repair job. The GM asks for a
test to see if you can do it but also asks for the degree from the
Stunt Die to see how well you perform. With just a 1, the repair
might not even last for the whole encounter while, with a 6, it’s
almost as good as new!

There’s a difference between accomplishing something and
really accomplishing it with style. That difference comes into
play in the AGE system with stunts.
When you roll dice for a test and any two or more of
the dice show the same number, that test generates stunt
points (abbreviated SP). If the test is successful, you can use
these points to enhance the results, pulling off some special
maneuver, trick, or flourish beyond just the benefits of
success. In fact, you must spend any stunt points you generate
on a test or else they disappear at the end of your turn. The
kinds of stunts you can achieve depend on the type of action
and encounter. See the Encounters section for examples of
stunts you can perform during combat, exploration, and
social encounters.
As a general rule, only active tests generate stunt points,
such as when your character is trying to accomplish or achieve
something. Tests you make in response to something else,
such as a test to resist an effect, or a follow-up test required
by another action, do not generate stunt points. This includes
tests required when performing stunts themselves. Tests that
do not generate SP are designated simple tests.

In your test chasing after someone, you roll 3, 3, and 4 for a
total of 10. You also have two matching numbers on the dice
(two 3s), so your test generates stunt points. With a result of
4 on the Stunt Die (the last die listed), you get 4 SP to spend
immediately. Maybe you clear the obstacles so effectively that
you’re also able to put something into the path of your quarry,
helping you to catch up, for example.

8 Basic Rules
Damage & Conditions Frightened
You are afraid of a specific person, place, or object. Until this
Adventurers risk danger from deadly monsters to cunning
fear subsides, you must use one of your actions to move away
traps and various hazards. When those dangers strike, char-
from the source of your fear each round or suffer a –3 penalty
acters might suffer damage or various conditions.
to all ability tests, with the exception of any tests required to

Damage remove obstacles to your retreat. If you are cornered by the

source of your fear, you do not suffer any penalty to your
Most dangerous things do damage, which is measured in the actions as long as they’re intended to help defend you or find
number of points subtracted from the character’s Health score. an escape route.
Damage is typically rolled on one or more dice, which are Recovery: Based on circumstance.
totaled up. Armor Rating reduces damage (unless it is pene-
trating). Any remaining damage is subtracted from the char- Helpless Defeat COndition
acter’s Health. A character who reaches 0 Health is defeated. You are conscious but can’t take minor or major actions, including
They take on a Defeat Condition of the attacker’s choice—or those which require only mental effort, though you can take
the Game Master’s choice, if the defeat was caused by a char- reactions (such as tests to avoid hazards) and free actions (such
acter, hazard, trap, or other circumstance controlled by the GM. as speaking). You can stagger or crawl 2 yards per round.

Conditions Recovery: If you gained this condition because your current

Health dropped to 0, you lose it as soon as your current Health
During play in Fantasy AGE, a number of conditions can affect recovers to 1 or higher. Otherwise, based on circumstance.
characters. Conditions are imposed by damage, hazards, and
so forth. Some are merely bothersome while others far more
serious, even potentially fatal. Recovering and removing one You lose one of your minor actions so that you may only take
or more conditions usually takes a certain amount of time. a single major or minor action on your turn.
The following is a listing and description of the conditions Recovery: Based on circumstance.
characters may acquire, including how they recover from them.
If the recovery line says, “Based on circumstance,” then the Prone
Game Master decides how and when the character recovers from Prone characters can only crawl 1 + Dexterity (minimum 1)
the condition, based on what caused it and how long that affects yards as their Move action unless they stand (see Recovery).
the character. Effects that impose conditions usually describe Prone characters cannot use the Run major action on any turn
the recovery conditions as well. The Fantasy AGE Core Rulebook where they are Prone, even if they get up. Characters get a
describes additional conditions beyond those described here. +1 bonus to melee attacks rolls against Prone characters but
Defenseless suffer a –1 penalty to ranged attacks against them.
Recovery: Unless you’re unable, a Move minor action allows
A Defenseless character loses their Dexterity bonus to Defense
you to stand, although that uses up half your Speed, limiting
and suffers an additional –3 penalty to their Defense.
you to half your normal Move for the rest of that turn.
Recovery: Based on circumstance. If an ability makes a target
Defenseless and does not list a duration, they are Defenseless Slowed
for 1 round. Your Speed drops by half and you suffer a –3 to your current
Dying DEFEAT CONDItiON initiative rating.
Recovery: Based on circumstance.
Your current Health drops to 0 if it is not at 0 already. If you
are conscious, you can talk but can’t take any other actions. You Stunned
risk death after 4 + Constitution rounds (at the end of the final
round) unless you are healed to above 0 Health. At the end of the You lose your major action. You may only take one minor
final round, make a TN 13 Constitution (Stamina) test. If you fail, action each round.
you die. If you succeed, you are Unconscious (see Unconscious) Recovery: Based on circumstance.
for 1 hour (unless healed) but no longer Dying, at which point
you must make another TN 13 Constitution (Stamina) test with Unconscious Defeat Condition
the same results, except that if you generate stunt points on the You are unconscious and cannot take actions of any kind. You
second or subsequent tests, you stop being Unconscious. do not perceive any details of the events around you, though
Recovery: You lose this condition as soon as an ally’s action a successful Perception test at –10 allows you to notice partic-
or other beneficial event raises your current Health to 1 or ularly loud, sudden, or painful events (such as being slapped).
greater, or you make a successful Constitution (Stamina) Recovery: If you gained this condition because your current
check after an hour. Health dropped to 0, you lose it as soon as your current

Basic Rules 9
Health recovers to 1 or higher. If you are merely sleeping with
no outside influence, succeeding at a Perception test as noted
Combat Encounters
above wakes you. Otherwise, based on circumstance.
When a fight breaks out and it matters exactly who does what

Recovery when and in what order, it’s time for a combat encounter.
Combat encounters have other uses as well. Essentially,
When your character has lost Health, there are several ways anything that would be considered an action scene in a movie
to recover. with potential conflict can be handled as a combat encounter.
During a combat encounter, an order of initiative is deter-
Heal Action mined at the beginning of the encounter, and then all of the
characters take turns in that order. Each cycle of all characters
Another character can aid you with a Heal action (see Heal taking their turn is called a round. When each round ends, a
under Major Actions, following). You can’t benefit from new round begins—using the same initiative order.
another Heal action until you take more damage, as there is
only so much benefit you can gain from first aid. Initiative
Magic At the beginning of a combat encounter, each character rolls
an opposed test using Dexterity (Initiative). Rather than one
You can be healed with a spell or other supernatural power, character winning, however, all combatants’ test results are
following the rules listed for that spell, or power. ranked in order from highest to lowest. Combatants then
take their turns in that order. Ties are broken the same way as
Rest other opposed tests. The GM usually rolls separately for each
important NPC but rolls for minor NPCs in groups, who all act
Rest can help you recover as well. There are three kinds of rest
at the same time (to keep things simple).
in Fantasy AGE:
• A breather is a 5-minute rest that lets you catch your Actions
breath and tend to minor injuries. After a breather, you
regain 5 + your Constitution + Level in Health. You can On their turn, a character can take one major action and one
only take one breather after an encounter. If you have a minor action. If the player wishes, however, their character
Defeat Condition at the end of an encounter, you can’t may take two minor actions instead. The most common major
take a breather. and minor actions are listed here, but other specialized actions
are detailed in the Fantasy AGE Core Rulebook. Using these as
• A light rest is at least three hours where you don’t perform
a guide, the GM can adjudicate other actions.
any actions more strenuous than speaking, reading, or
walking no more than half your Speed. During a light rest, Major Actions
another character can devote time to treating your inju-
ries, provided they have access to the correct supplies. The
healer makes a TN 13 Intelligence (Healing) test. If they You focus on defending yourself, gaining a +4 bonus to your
succeed, they restore Health equal to their Intelligence + 5 Defense until the start of your next turn.
+ the healer’s level + the Stunt Die result.
• A total rest is at least six hours of total inactivity. At the
end of a total rest, you recover 10 + your Constitution + You provide quick medical assistance to yourself or an injured
Level in Health. ally. You must be adjacent to your ally and have some source
of bandages. This is a TN 11 Intelligence (Healing) test. If you

Encounters succeed, your ally regains Health equal to the Stunt Die +
your Intelligence (minimum of 1). A character cannot benefit
Fantasy AGE adventures are broken down into encounters, from another Heal action until they take additional damage.
which come in three types: combat, exploration, and social.
Melee Attack
• Combat encounters are when things are happening fast
and characters are called upon to fight and deal with This is a close-range attack on an adjacent opponent with a
life-threatening situations. weapon such as a fist, knife, or sword. Roll a basic test of Fighting
and the appropriate focus for the attack with a TN equal to the
• Exploration encounters involve the characters seeking
opponent’s Defense. If the test succeeds, roll the attack’s damage.
out information, which could involve investigating a
mystery, traveling through dangerous terrain, or delving Ranged Attack
into an ancient ruin.
This is an attack with a bow or other weapon that’s shot or
• Social encounters are interactions between the player thrown. Roll a basic test of Dexterity and the appropriate
characters and various non-player characters, usually focus for the attack with a TN equal to the opponent’s
aimed at achieving particular ends. Defense. Attacks on enemies farther away than a weapon’s

10 Basic Rules
Range (but no farther than 1.5 Range) suffer a -2 penalty. If the
Guard Up
test succeeds, roll the attack’s damage.
You are ready to defend and counterattack. You gain a +1 bonus
Run to your Defense until your next turn. Note that you may not
You move up to double your Speed in meters. You must use Guard Up and the Defend major action in the same turn.
already be in a standing position to do this. If you are
running after someone who is also using this action, or they
are running after you, you have a Chase on your hands (see You move up to your Speed in meters. If you limit your travel
Chases on p. 12). to half your Speed, you can also drop prone, stand up, or
mount or dismount a mount or vehicle as part of your Move.
Stunt Attack
You focus on performing a specific stunt. Roll an attack as
usual. A successful attack awards you 2 stunt points, but the You postpone your major action. You declare one major action
attack itself inflicts no damage. If you roll doubles, you earn and your choice to Prepare it. Afterwards, your turn ends, but
stunt points equal to the Stunt Die result or 2 SP, whichever is at any time until the beginning of your next turn, you can
greater. You can choose a stunt that damages your opponent, interrupt another character and take your prepared action
but the base attack still does no damage. immediately. If you don’t use the prepared action by the start
of your next turn, you lose it, although you can choose to
Minor Actions Prepare the same action again.
Activate Ready
You start using an ability, device, or something else that
You draw a weapon, pull out a tool, or otherwise get ready to
requires a moment of concentration, or you continue to main-
use some stowed item on your person. As part of this action,
tain such an ability.
you can also put away something you already had in-hand.
Aim Variable Actions
You carefully plan your next attack. If your next action is a
Cast a Spell
melee attack or ranged attack (even on your next turn), you
gain a +1 bonus on that attack roll. You cast a spell you know, which requires a minor or major
action, depending on the spell. Make a casting roll, which is

Basic Rules 11
an Intelligence test against the spell’s Target Number. If you Chases
succeed, you pay the spell’s MP cost, and it takes effect as
described. If you fail the test, you pay half the spell’s MP When one character chases another, an advanced TN 13
Cost and either nothing happens or you have the option of Constitution (Running) test is required from each participant.
pushing the spell: paying the full MP Cost, plus the amount Track accumulated points from the Stunt Die for each roll.
by which you failed the roll, in order to have the spell succeed The character with the highest Speed adds +1 on top of the
and take effect. In this case, you don’t generate any Stunt Stunt Die result for each successful test.
Points, because the casting roll technically did not succeed. The first character to hit 10 accumulated points in an indoor
or urban area, or 15 points in an outdoor or suburban area,
Free Actions may choose to end the chase, either escaping or catching their
quarry. If two people in a chase are within 2 points of each
Actions even less substantial than the minor actions listed
other, they are virtually neck and neck. Vehicles and mounts
here are free actions. Examples include saying something
may also be involved in chases, though they use their own
simple or glancing around. A character can take as many free
ability focuses, and get bonuses against slower participants.
actions as they wish as long as the GM agrees they have time.

Stunts & Combat Encounters Exploration Encounters

Remember that stunt points can be used to modify and Exploration encounters involve exploring or searching an
enhance many of the actions you take during combat encoun- area, investigating a mystery, making or modifying things,
ters. Reference the Combat Stunts and Spell Stunts tables on and doing pretty much anything where the focus is on places,
page 16 of this Quickstart to see what kinds of things you can objects, and information instead of action or social exchanges.
do to amp up your martial and sorcerous prowess! It would But there’s no strict division between encounter types, so
be a good idea to reproduce copies of that page for everyone exploration encounters often flow into combat encounters or
to reference during play, and you have permission to do so. are punctuated by social encounters. Stunt points can also be

12 Basic Rules
used in exploration encounters to enhance your actions. refer-
ence the Exploration Stunts table on page 17 to see what you
can potentially do. 3d6 Roll Attitude Interaction Modifier
Exploration encounters can feature a variety of events and 3 or less Very Hostile –3
challenges. These usually don’t happen round by round, 4–5 Hostile –2
instead happening over periods of time determined by the
6–8 Standoffish –1
GM. The most common events include the following ones.
9–11 Neutral +0
Hazards 12–14 Open +1

Exploration encounters may involve encountering hazards— 15–17 Friendly +2

potential risks from the environment. Characters in a Fantasy 18+ Very Friendly +3
AGE campaign may need to contend with perilous falls,
blazing fires, nefarious traps, and many other hazards. A or opposed tests when you’re trying to influence someone to
hazard might have a test to avoid harm, such as a Dexterity do or say something that would inconvenience or embarrass
(Acrobatics) test to avoid a fall, or an Intelligence (Lock or seems somehow counter to their interests. Social actions
Picking) test to disarm a mechanical trap. The hazard’s effect usually use the Communication ability and its focuses, but
may be a certain amount of damage—ranging from 1d6 for a in opposed tests, this is often resisted by Willpower and its
minor hazard to 6d6 for a truly deadly one—or impose certain focuses. In situations where you’re trying to get results through
conditions (see the Damage & Conditions section on p. 9 for threats, you may use Strength (Intimidation) to sway an NPC.
more details). A hazard can be momentary, like a sudden fall Social actions intended to find things out can use the same lead
or an explosion, or can last for extended periods, such as the and clue format as investigations, at the GM’s discretion.
dangers of suffocation or a raging flood. Stunt points can also be used in social encounters to
enhance your interactions. Reference the Social Stunts table
Interacting with the Environment on page 17 to see what you can potentially do.
Your Fantasy AGE character may be called upon to sneak past Attitudes
guards, walk across a narrow ledge, or pick a lock. If the chal-
lenge is another person, an opposed test is called for. Other- In situations where an NPC’s attitude toward the characters
wise, a basic test against a TN representing the difficulty of the matters, the GM decides what it is (or rolls on the Attitudes
task is typically what you’ll use to see if you succeed or fail. table above if they don’t feel like picking) and applies the
Use abilities and focuses that fit the task—Dexterity (Leger- listed modifiers to Communication tests to get them to aid or
demain) to pick a pocket, for example. The GM has the final usefully interact with the player characters.
word on which tests, abilities, and focuses to use. The higher If an opposed test is necessary, the NPC rolls Willpower,
the number on the Stunt Die, the better you did, whether you with the focus depending on the situation. Willpower (Faith)
rolled doubles or not. would be used in situations where the NPC is being asked to
Investigations set aside their beliefs, for example, while Willpower (Courage)
could resist attempts to frighten them. However, if the NPC
An investigation is a catch-all term for any action where would be forced to do something self-harming or something
you’re trying to get information. Generally, if you need to they find immoral or repugnant, they automatically win an
find a lead or clue to go forward in the adventure, like foot- opposed test to resist the suggestion.
prints leading in the right direction, the GM should provide Player characters cannot be swayed by social ability tests;
it. You’ll usually use Perception and Intelligence tests, and players decide how their characters feel and choose to act.
focuses related to the lead, to get more information, but you Still, you can always make tests and use the results as advice
can always just try to guess. When you succeed, the GM gives to help players decide how their characters might act.

Adventure Awaits!
you a clue: a fact about what’s going on. You can also use
investigation tests to find out information that isn’t directly
related to the adventure but that may help you in other ways.
Hopefully this Quickstart whets your appetite for further
In those situations, you don’t automatically find the lead. You
adventures in Fantasy AGE. If you have questions, or want
must make an appropriate test to discover it in the first place.
more, the Fantasy AGE Core Rulebook is your next stop. It
Social Encounters contains everything you need to run adventures for characters
of levels 1–20, including an introductory setting and adven-
Social encounters work much like exploration encounters ture designed to suit many different campaigns. You’ll also
except the focus is on interacting with other people rather want to check out the Fantasy AGE Game Master’s Kit, which
than with the environment. Social encounters normally use comes with a reference screen for gameplay, stunt reference
basic tests when you want to make an impression on a group cards, and an additional adventure.

Basic Rules 13
Player Reference
Character Mynn

Ancestry Wildfolk Social Lower

Major Actions
Health Background Sailor
Defend Melee Attack Run
38 You
max focus on defending yourself, This is Warrior
a close-range
Class attack on an adja- Youlevel
(Mariner) 1
move up to double your Speed
gaining a +4 bonus to your Defense until cent opponent with a weapon such as a in meters. You must already be in a
the start Type|Rating|Penalty
of your next turn. Speedor sword.
fist, knife, Defense
Roll a basic test Experience
of standing position to do this. If you
Heavy Leather Armor - Armor Rating 4, Penalty 0
12 and the
appropriate focus for are running after someone who is also
the attack with a TN equal to the oppo- using this action, or they Portrait
are running
You provide quick medical assistance nent’s Defense. If the test succeeds, roll the after you, you have a Chase on your
Move Charge Run Talents, Specializations and Special features
to yourself or an injured ally. You must attack’s damage. hands (see Chases on p. 12).
6 ally and have24
12be adjacent to your some WILDFOLK TYPE: Leopard
Ranged Attack Stunt Attack
source of bandages. This is a TN 11 Intel- DARK SIGHT: Allows you to see 20 yards in darkness without a light source.
ligence (Healing) test. If you succeed, This is an attack with a bow or other You focus on performing a specific stunt.
Accuracy Claws and
your ally regains Health equal to the weapon NATURALthat’sWEAPON:
shot or thrown. Rollteeth
a inflict
Roll 1d6+5
an attack damage.
as usual. A successful
Stunt Die + your Intelligence (minimum basic SPEAK AND READ: Feline Wild-Speech and the Common2Tongue
test of Dexterity and the appro- attack awards you stunt points, but the
of 1). A character cannot benefit from priate focus for the attack with a TN attack itself inflicts no damage. If you
another Heal action until they take addi- equalARMOR to TRAINING - NOVICE:
the opponent’s You can roll
Defense. wear leatheryou
doubles, andearn
mail stunt
Communication suffering a penalty to both Speed and Dexterity-based tests (modifier applied).
tional damage.
0 Attacks on enemies farther away than to the Stunt Die result or 2 SP, whichever

Permission is granted to reproduce this page for personal use.

a weapon’s STYLE
Range (but than If you
no farther take an You
is greater. Activate
can action,
choose you can gain
a stunt that
Range)a +1 bonus
suffer a -2on your melee
penalty. If theattack
test or a +1 Defense
damages vs. melee attacks
your opponent, but theuntil the
end of the encounter. You can switch this bonus with another Activate action. The
Constitution succeeds,
Strength roll the attack’sfor
requirement damage.
your secondaryattack
weapon stillonly
does no damage.
increases by 1 or 2 (for
unwieldy weapons).
Minor Actions 2
MARINER - NOVICE: You may reroll any Dexterity (Sailing) test, but must take the
Activate second
until your result.
next turn. Note that you may turn ends, but at any time until the
Dexterity not use Guard Up and the Defend major beginning of your next turn, you can
UNARMED STYLE - NOVICE: Gain +2 damage for Brawling attacks (already
You start using an ability, device, or
Sailing: Operating
elsevessels. (Use a moment
that requires
2 action in the same turn.
applied). interrupt another character and take
Constitution (Rowing) for rowboats, etc.) your prepared action immediately. If
of concentration, or you continue to Move you don’t use the prepared action by
maintain such an ability.
Fighting You move up to your Speed in meters. If the start of your next turn, you lose it,
Aim 3 you limit your travel to half your Speed, although you can choose to Prepare the
you can also drop prone, stand up, or same action again.
You carefully plan your next attack. mount or dismount a mount or vehicle
If your next action is a melee attack or
Intelligence as part of your Move.
ranged attack (even on your next turn), You draw a weapon, pull out a tool, or
you gain a +1 bonus on that attack roll. Prepare
Weapon Groups Brawling, Black Powder, Heavy Blades,
otherwise Light
get ready to Blades,
use someSpears
Guard Up You postpone your major action. You item on your person. As part of this
Perception Melee Weapon Attack Roll Damage
declare one major action and your action, you can also put away something
You are ready to defend and counterat-
Seeing: Using your visual sense. 3 Long
choice to Prepare it. Sword
Afterwards, your you+3
already had in-hand.2d6+3
tack. You gain a +1 bonus to your Defense
Dagger 0 1d6+4
Variable Actions
3 Basic Test: 3D6 + Ability Score + Focus
Cast a Spell
Bonus (+2) versus Target Number
You cast a spell you know, which requires a minor or major
action, depending on the spell. Make a casting roll, which
0 Target Number. If
is an Intelligence test against the spell’s Doubles on any two dice rolled as part
you succeed, you pay the spell’s MP cost, and it takes effect of a successful test produces stunt points
as described. If you fail the test, you pay half the spell’s MP
equal to the number on the Stunt Die.

45 6 33 6 64 4
Cost andWeapon Attack
either nothing happens or Roll Damage
you have the option Short Range long Range Reload
of pushing
Pistol the spell: paying the full
0 MP Cost, plus1d6+6 the 8 16 Major Action
amount by which you failed the roll, in order to have the No Stunt points 6 Stunt points 4 Stunt points
spell succeed and take effect. In this case, you don’t generate See the Stunt table appropriate for the
any Stunt Points, because the casting roll technically did encounter type to see what you can do!
not succeed.

14 Player Reference
Favorite and Class Stunts Spells
Defenseless Recovery: If you gained this condition because your current
Health dropped to 0, you lose it as soon as your current Health
A Defenseless character loses their Dexterity bonus to Defense recovers to 1 or higher. Otherwise, based on circumstance.
and suffers an additional –3 penalty to their Defense.
Recovery: Based on circumstance. If an ability makes a target
Defenseless and does not list a duration, they are Defenseless You lose one of your minor actions so that you may only take
for 1 round. a single major or minor action on your turn.

Dying DEFEAT CONDItiON Recovery: Based on circumstance.

Your current Health drops to 0 if it is not at 0 already. If you Prone

are conscious, you can relationships
talk but can’t take any other actions.
Prone characters can only crawl 1 + Dexterity (minimum 1)
You risk death after 4 + Constitution rounds (at the end of the
yards as their Move action unless they stand (see Recovery).
final round) unless you are healed to above 0 Health. At the
Prone characters cannot use the Run major action on any turn
end of the final round, make a TN 13 Constitution (Stamina)
where they are Prone, even if they get up. Characters get a
test. If you fail, you die. If you succeed, you are Unconscious
+1 bonus to melee attacks rolls against Prone characters but
(see Unconscious) for 1 hour (unless healed) but no longer
suffer a –1 penalty to ranged attacks against them.
Dying, at which point you must make another TN 13 Consti-
tution (Stamina) test with the same results, except that if you Recovery: Unless you’re unable, a Move minor action allows
generate stunt points on the second or subsequent tests, you you to stand, although that uses up half your Speed, limiting
Permission is granted to reproduce this page for personal use.

stop being Unconscious. you to half your normal Move for the rest of that turn.

Recovery: You lose this condition as soon as an ally’s action Slowed

or other beneficial event raises your current Health to 1 or
Your Speed drops by half and you suffer a –3 to your current
greater, or you make a successful Constitution (Stamina)
initiative rating.
check after an hour.
Recovery: Based on circumstance.
Stunned Magic Points Spellpower
You are afraid of a specific person, place, or object. Until this
fear subsides, you must Goals and
use one of Ties
your actions to move away Youmax
lose your major action. You may only take one minor
from the source of your fear each round or suffer a –3 penalty action each round.
to all ability tests, with the exception of any tests required to Equipment
Recovery: Based on and Special items
remove obstacles to your retreat. If you are cornered by the
Unconscious Defeat Condition
source of your fear, you do not suffer any penalty to your
actions as long as they’re intended to help defend you or find Travelers' Garb
You are unconscious and cannot take actions of any kind. You
an escape route.
do not perceive any details of the events around you, though
Recovery: Based on circumstance. a successful Perception test at –10 allows you to notice partic-
ularly loud, sudden, or painful events (such as being slapped).
Helpless Defeat
Personal Details and COndition
Recovery: If you gained this condition because your current
You are conscious but can’t take minor or major actions, including Health dropped to 0, you lose it as soon as your current
those which require only mental effort, though you can take Health recovers to 1 or higher. If you are merely sleeping with
reactions (such as tests to avoid hazards) and free actions (such no outside influence, succeeding at a Perception test as noted
as speaking). You can stagger or crawl 2 yards per round. above wakes you. Otherwise, based on circumstance.

Ability Scores
Accuracy measures aim, precision, and Dexterity covers deftness, agility, and Perception is the ability to pick up
your ability to hit targets with ranged reaction time, affecting how quickly on and notice things using any of the
or thrown weapons. and gracefully you move. character’s senses.
Communication covers social skills Fighting is your character’s capability Strength is sheer muscle power and
and generally making friends and in close combat, ranging from a brawl the ability to apply it, from lifting
influencing people. to wielding weapons. heavy things to feats of athletics.
Constitution is your character’s Intelligence measures a character’s Willpower measures self-control,
overall health, fortitude, and resis- reasoning, memory, problem-solving, Wealth
self-discipline, mental fortitude, and
tance to harm, illness, and fatigue. and overall knowledge. 37 gold confidence.

Player Reference 15
Character Mynn
Combat Stunts
SP Cost Ancestry Wildfolk
Stunt Social Lower
1–3 Boost: You gain a +1 bonus per SP spent on your first test on your next turn.
Health Background Sailor
1 Rapid Reload (Ranged): You can immediately reload a missile weapon as a free action.

max Skirmish: You can move yourself or the target of your attack 2 yards in any direction for each 1 SP you spend.
1the GM either gives you a new piece of
with theWarrior
Stay Aware: Make a simple TN 11 Perception test focus of (Mariner)
your choice. If you succeed,
information you noticed, or you gain a +1 bonus to the next test you make (as long as it is before the end of your next turn).
Armor Type|Rating|Penalty Speed Defense Experience
Disarm: You and your opponent must make an opposed attack roll. If you win the test, you can knock your enemy’s weapon to the
Heavy Leather Armorsending
ground, - ArmoritRating 4, Penalty
1d6 + Strength 12
0 away in a direction you choose.
yards 12 Portrait
Grab (Melee): You grapple with your enemy. You and your target make opposed Accuracy (Brawling) tests. If you win, you grab your target
Move and theyCharge
can’t move out of yourRunreach until after your next turn. On subsequent
Talents, turns, you may
Specializations anduse a minorfeatures
Special action to maintain the grab,
2 preventing them from moving away from you as long as you make another successful opposed simple Accuracy (Brawling) test with your
target, though your target rolls this test as a reaction—they Leopard
don’t need to use an action to try to break free. Grabbing a foe doesn’t prevent
them from attacking, casting spells, or taking DARK
other actions—they just have
SIGHT: Allows you to to stay
see adjacent
20 yardstoinyou while doing
darkness it. a light source.
Knock Prone: You and your opponent must make an opposed attack roll. If you win the test, you can knock your enemy Prone, as the
2 NATURAL WEAPON: Claws and teeth inflict 1d6+5 damage.
2 Mighty Blow: You inflict an extra 1d6 damage with your
SPEAK READ: Feline Wild-Speech and the Common Tongue
2 Pierce Armor: You find a weakness in your enemy’s armor. The target’s Armor Rating is halved (rounded down) versus your attack.
ARMOR TRAINING - NOVICE: You can wear leather and mail armor without
Pin (Grabbed): If you currently hold a targetsuffering
by usingathe
penalty to both
Grab stunt Speed
and and
use this Dexterity-based
stunt tests (modifier
as well (this doesn’t applied).
have to be from the same

Permission is granted to reproduce this page for personal use.

2 attack as the grab), they also acquire the Defenseless condition (see Chapter 2: Basic Rules). If you release the grab or they break free
from it, they stop being Defenseless. DUAL WEAPON STYLE - NOVICE: If you take an Activate action, you can gain
either a +1 bonus on your melee attack or a +1 Defense vs. melee attacks until the
3 enduntil
Defensive Stance: Gain a +4 bonus to Defense of the
theencounter. You
beginning of cannext
your switch
turn.this bonus with another Activate action. The
Constitution Strength requirement for your secondary weapon only increases by 1 or 2 (for
Lightning Attack: You can make a second attack (against the same enemy or a different one within range and sight). You must have
unwieldy weapons).
a loaded missile weapon to make a ranged attack with this stunt.
MARINER enough
Crushing Blow: Your attack is strong or well-placed - NOVICE: You may reroll
to compromise yourany Dexterity
enemy’s armor(Sailing) test,
or tough butYou
skin. mustreduce
take the
second result.
target’s Armor Rating by 2 or damage their shield so it provides no Defense bonus. Against natural Armor Ratings, this represents a
4 wound that makes the foe more vulnerable,UNARMED
and if the GM decides- NOVICE:
STYLE this stunt doesn’t
Gain +2work on them,
damage they should
for Brawling offer (already
attacks you a chance to
Sailing: Operating SP on
sailing a different
vessels. 2 applied).
(Usestunt. The penalty can be removed with an hour of repair work for worn armor, or an hour of rest for a natural
Constitution (Rowing)
AR. Youforcan
use thisetc.)
stunt multiple times to further reduce a target’s Armor Rating.
Seize the Initiative: Your attack changes the tempo of the battle. You move to the top of the initiative order—your new rating becomes
4 the previous highest initiative roll + 1. This means you may get to take another turn before some of the combatants get to act again. You
remain at the top of the order until someone else seizes the initiative or otherwise increases their rating above yours.
5 Lethal Blow: You inflict an extra 2d6 damage with your attack.

Intelligence Spell Stunts

SP Cost 0 Stunt
Weapon Groups Brawling, Black Powder, Heavy Blades, Light Blades, Spears
Powerful Casting: Increase the Spellpower of your spell by 1 per stunt point spent, to a maximum of 3.
2 Skillful Casting: Reduce the magic point cost of theMelee
spell by 1. This can reduce the MP
Weapon cost to
Attack 0.
Roll Damage
Seeing: Using your visual sense. 3
Mighty Spell: If the spell does damage, one target of the spell of your choice takes an extra 1d6 damage.
Long Sword +3 2d6+3
Lasting Spell: If the spell has a duration beyond instantaneous, it remains in effect twice as long with no additional MP cost. Stone Cloak
would last two hours instead of one, for example. Spells thatDagger
last until the end of the encounter0 are extended by 1d61d6+4
minutes instead.
Magic Shield: You use the residual magic of the spell casting to set up a temporary protective shield. You gain a +2 bonus to Defense
until the beginning of your next turn.
Fast Casting: After you resolve this spell, you can immediately cast another spell. The second spell must have a casting time of a major
action or a minor action. If you roll doubles on this casting roll you do not get any more stunt points.
Imposing Spell: The effect of the spell is much more dramatic than usual. Until the beginning of your next turn, anyone attempting to
4 0
make a melee attack against you must make a successful Willpower (Courage) test. The target number (TN) is 10 + your Willpower
ability. Those who fail must take a Move or Defend action instead.
Split Spell: If the spell affects only one target, you can have it affect two, so long as the second target is within the spell’s range and no
Ranged Weapon
more than 6 yards from theAttack
originalRoll Damage
target. There is no Short
additional MP cost. TargetsRange long
test against the Range
spell separately. Reload
isrupt Magic: In addition to its normal effects, your 1d6+6
DPistol spell is so powerful that it8may disrupt another16
magical effectMajor
as a spell)
5 on the target. Make an Intelligence (Power Arcana) test vs. the Spellpower of any one effect on the target as a free action. Success
removes the effect.
Lethal Spell: If the spell does damage, one target of the spell takes an extra 2d6 damage. Alternately, all targets of the spell take an
additional 1d6 damage.

16 Player Reference
Favorite and Class Stunts Spells
Exploration Stunts
SP Cost Stunt
1–3 Assist: Your action helps one of your allies. That ally gets +1 to their next test per SP spent.
Wariness: You remain alert for the possible consequences of your action. You gain a +1 bonus per SP spent to the next test to avoid any
1–3 negative results from your actions. For example, if you used this stunt when breaking into a building, it would apply to hiding from
guards you may encounter.
Efficiency: Your action only takes half as much time or resources (choose one) as normal. In action time, you gain +2 to your initiative
rating for the rest of the encounter. You can’t stack this bonus across multiple rounds.
Insight: When performing an action that logically proceeds from this one (such as in an investigation) you gain a +1 bonus to the test,
2 and if specialized knowledge is required (including having a certain focus in order to attempt the next task at all), you can muddle or
bluff your way through, as long as it is not something extremely specific such as a password.
Compensate: While performing the task you learn how to work with your surroundings. You ignore environmental penalties to future
3 tests in the same location for the remainder of the encounter, as long as they remain the same as when you performed the action and
events do not shift to action or combat.
Extra Information: You gain an additional piece of information related to your action. If you are examining a clue, you get an
additional lead from it.
Cover Your Tracks: You leave no evidence you performed the action—or if possible, that the action was performed at all. Your
successful roll becomes the TN of tests to uncover what happened.
Ready for Action: If combat or another action scene breaks out in the location where you acted, you gain an extra minor action you can
use before anyone else acts, regardless of your initiative. You can also take your usual actions when your turn comes around.
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Swiftness: You act with supreme quickness—it’s done in moments. In action time, you do not use up the action you would have
5 normally devoted to this task. In advanced or challenge tests, you do not use up a time increment and may roll again to contribute
toward the Success Threshold.
Sabotage: Anyone who tries to undo your action or follow in your footsteps will regret it. Anyone trying to undo or duplicate your
action must make an appropriate test with a TN equal to your successful roll. If they fail, their actions are hindered in a way determined
5 by you and the GM working together. This can be anything from an embarrassing or inconvenient situation up to the equivalent of a
Moderate Hazard (2d6 damage). If you were attempting to set up a hazard or other hindrance in the first place, its intensity is increased
Magic Points
by one degree (Moderate to Major, for example) or adds an equivalent problem approved by the GM. Spellpower

Goals and Ties max

Social Stunts
SP Cost Stunt
Equipment and Special items
1–3 Impress: You gain +1 per SP spent to your next social test involving the same target during the same encounter.
Read the Situation: Unless others are trying to hide their feelings, you can tell what they are. Each SP spent tells you the Attitude of
one person in the vicinity unless they are actively trying to hide Travelers'
it from you.Garb
Crowd Appeal: Your social action also affects one additional person per 2 SP spent, as long as their Willpower is equal to or less than
your Communication. This doesn’t allow the effects of other stunts to affect more than one person, however.
Hidden Message: Your social action conveys a simple, secret message to one other person, which might be your target or a bystander.
Others can detect Details and History
this subterfuge with a Communication (Empathy) test with a TN equal to or greater than your successful roll.
Taunt: You insult or distract one opponent of your choice within 10 yards of you. You must make an opposed test of your
Communication (Deception) vs. the target’s Willpower (Self-Discipline). If you win, the target suffers a –1 penalty to all opposed tests
until the end of the current social encounter, or until they successfully taunt or undermine you. If used in combat, the target suffers a
–1 penalty on attack rolls and casting rolls on their next turn.
Spot Tells: Your interaction gives you a sense of how your target might deceive you. The TN for their next test to lie or otherwise trick you
3 is the standard TN or opposed roll, or the successful social roll, whichever is higher. This benefit lasts until the target fails in an attempt to lie
or the encounter ends, whichever comes first.
Pay Attention: Your interaction reveals information about your target beyond even what you might have been looking for. If you’re
pursuing an investigation, you gain an additional lead.
4 Sway: Your social gesture is especially potent. You shift your target’s Attitude an additional step in the direction of your choice.
4 Inspire: Your behavior inspires allies who witness it. Each of them gets +1 to tests until your next turn.
Manipulate: Your outrageous or insidious manner prompts your target to take a rash action. They must use their next major action (or a
5 brief moment of narrative time) to attack, leave your presence, or do something else agreed upon by you and the GM. This action cannot
be blatantly suicidal or nonsensical—you can’t Manipulate someone into jumping off a cliff, for example.
Undermine: Your social gesture gets under your target’s skin. They suffer a –2 penalty to all tests except attack rolls while in your
presence, for the remainder of the encounter or until the GM decides otherwise.
37 gold

Player Reference 17
Character Urla

Ancestry Goblin Social Middle

Health Background Scribe

Class Mage (Arcane Scholar) level

Armor Type|Rating|Penalty Speed Defense Experience

Travelers' Garb - Armor Rating 0, Penalty 0 13 13 Portrait

Move Charge Run Talents, Specializations and Special features

13 7 20 ARCANE BLAST: If you are holding your arcane device, you can make a special
Ranged Attack that damages foes with a blast of magical energy. This resolves like
a normal Ranged Attack (no stunts are possible), but the attack roll is an Accuracy
(Arcane Blast) test. Arcane Blast has a range of 16 yards and inflicts 1d6 +
Accuracy Willpower damage. Making this attack requires no Magic Points.
ARCANE DEVICE: You have an arcane device through which you can channel
magical energy. Its primary use is the channeling of Arcane Blasts, but it is used
with certain spells as well. The nature arcane device differs from Mage to Mage.
Communication Decide what form your arcane device takes: staff, wand, holy symbol, amulet, etc.

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DARK SIGHT: Allows you to see 20 yards in darkness without a light source.

MAGIC POINTS: You use magic points (MPs) to power your spells. You spend
Constitution magic points when your character casts spells. You regain them through rest and
meditation. See pages 6-7, and 9 of the Quickstart for details.
MAGIC TRAINING: This power allows you to cast spells. You begin with Novice
degree in two spell Arcana, Enchantment and Illusion. Each Novice degree grants
you two Novice spells. Therefore, you begin with four Novice spells total: two from
Dexterity each spell talent.
Calligraphy: Writing with artful penmanship. 3
Stealth: Sneaking quietly and out of sight. SPEAK AND READ: Goblin and Common Tongue

ARCANE SCHOLAR - NOVICE: You have a wide knowledge of magic theory and
Fighting practice. If you fail an Intelligence (Arcane Lore) test, you can reroll it, but must keep
0 the results of the second roll. Furthermore, you can read magical texts in virtually
any language. Additionally, you gain the identify enchantment spell even if you do
not possess the Enchantment Arcana.

Intelligence LORE - NOVICE: Reduce the cost of the Extra Information stunt by 1 SP whenever
you use a Lore focus.
Weapon Groups Brawling and Staves

Perception Melee Weapon Attack Roll Damage

3 Quarterstaff +3 1d6+4



Ranged Weapon Attack Roll Damage Short Range long Range Reload
Favorite and Class Stunts Spells

Enchant Armor
Enchant Weapon
Identify Enchantment



See the Spell Reference Sheet for details of what your spells do.

Permission is granted to reproduce this page for personal use.

Magic Points Spellpower

Goals and Ties max

19 13
Urla has always deeply respected books and knowledge and
wants to expand her understanding of magic. However, her Equipment and Special items
parent’s doubt in her capabilities and the occasional friction she Arcane Device
has received as a goblin mage has only hardened her desire to be Backpack
the best. She hopes to return to Brookhaven as a master mage Waterskin
and perhaps even become a teacher at the Brookhaven Academy. Travelers' Garb

Personal Details and History

Urla grew up in relative comfort in the enclave of Brookhaven Academy.
Her father was a book merchant and collector of rare volumes, and her
mother worked as a cleaner at the Academy. Her exposure to books
and learning through her father’s shop and assisting her mother in her
cleaning duties instilled a deep appreciation for the written word. Her
keen interest in books and writing did not go unnoticed, and at a young
age, she was recruited as a scribe at the Academy.
Despite her keen interest in learning and magic, she could not afford
to apply to the Academy due to some recent poor investments by her.
Not willing to set aside her dreams, she carefully studied the books of
magic she transcribed and practiced in secret whenever she could. Her
dabbling was discovered by one of the professors at Brookhaven. Instead
of scolding her, however, he invited her to sit in on his lessons. Urla took
naturally to magic and eventually became a full-time student, graduating
in near record time. Now, a full mage and feeling that she has learned all
she can from books and teachers, Urla has set out to test her powers and
expand her knowledge and understanding of magic.
Urla is stubborn and forthright. She has learned that if you want
something in life, you need to go out and get it. She is highly inquisitive,
sometimes to her detriment, and will go to great lengths to expand her Wealth
knowledge of magic. She won’t take no for an answer when she wants
something and gets particularly prickly if someone doubts her capabili- 62 gold
ties as a mage because she is a goblin.
Character Darv

Ancestry Orc Social Upper

Health Background Official

Class Envoy (Diplomat) level

Armor Type|Rating|Penalty Speed Defense Experience

Light Leather - Armor Rating 3, Penalty 0 12 12 Portrait

Move Charge Run Talents, Specializations and Special features

12 6 24 COORDINATE: Whenever you generate stunt points from rolling doubles, you gain
+1 SP that you can give to another character. Or, you can give 2 of your SP from
the Stunt Attack action (see page 11 of the Quickstart) to an ally. If you roll doubles
on a Stunt Attack action, you gain +1 SP and can transfer 3 SP to an ally. Your ally
Accuracy must use the SP at the next available opportunity (the next turn when in action
0 time).

DARK SIGHT: Allows you to see 20 yards in darkness without a light source.
Communication DAZZLE: As a free action select one foe, who can hear you, to dazzle. If your
3 Communication is greater than their Willpower, you gain +2 to Defense.

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Persuasion: Convincing others to agree
with you. SOCIAL CHAMELEON: You have two social classes and two backgrounds that
give you additional background benefits (already factored into your statistics). You
Constitution second social class and background is Lower Class/ Exile.
0 SPEAK AND READ: Orcish and Common Tongue

TOUGH: When you have the Dying Condition, you may make a TN 15 Constitution
(Stamina) test each round. On a success, you become Unconscious with 1 Health.
2 CONTACTS - NOVICE: You can attempt to make a contact out of an NPC with a
successful Communication (Persuasion) test. The GM will set the target number. A
contact will be friendly, but needs incentive to actually help you. You can't make
someone who dislikes you or is an enemy into a contact.
1 DIPLOMAT - NOVICE: You can reroll a failed Communication (Etiquette) or
Intelligence (Cultural Lore) test, but you must accept the result of the second roll.

INTRIGUE - NOVICE: If you fail a Communications (Ettiquette) test you can reroll it,
Intelligence but you must keep the result of the second roll.

Cultural Lore: Knowing the traditions and 2

beliefs of various cultures. Weapon Groups Black Powder, Brawling, Heavy Blades

Perception Melee Weapon Attack Roll Damage

3 Bastard Sword +1 2d6+2

Might: Performing feats of raw power, such 1
as lifting or holding up heavy objects.


Ranged Weapon Attack Roll Damage Short Range long Range Reload
Favorite and Class Stunts Spells

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Magic Points Spellpower

Goals and Ties max

Darv truly wants to bring positive change to the world. He believes
that all ancestries could live in peace if they just had the opportu- Equipment and Special items
nity to get to know one another. Hence, he has appointed himself Backpack
an ambassador to the world—setting out to win over hearts and Travelers' Garb
minds one person at a time. Waterskin

Personal Details and History

Darv was born to a prominent orc family in Freeport and grew up
among politicians and government officials. In Freeport, although
life was not perfect, he grew up treated with the dignity and respect
of an equal. However, his first trip outside the city, while accompa-
nying his parents as part of a trade delegation, disabused him of
the notion that orcs were treated as fairly as they were in Freeport.
Instead, he experienced cruelty and disrespect that he had never
before experienced and could barely comprehend. The memory
of this experience has stayed with him and has influenced his life
ever since. He has since dedicated himself to seeking justice and
fairness for people of all ancestries. Having realized that while
Freeport is a highly cosmopolitan city by some standards, he still
has much to learn about the world. So, he has taken leave of his
family and set out to learn about the world beyond Freeport—and
hopefully share a little kindness and understanding.
Darv’s kind and gentle demeanor belies his ferocious appear-
ance. He always speaks in a calm and even tone. Even when flus-
tered or angered, he does his best to retain his composure, having
become aware of how his appearance can unsettle people who 112 gold
do not know him. He’ll go out of his way to make friends with just
about anyone he meets, even if they are unkind to him.
Character Mynn

Ancestry Wildfolk Social Lower

Health Background Sailor

Class Warrior (Mariner) level

Armor Type|Rating|Penalty Speed Defense Experience

Heavy Leather Armor - Armor Rating 4, Penalty 0 12 12 Portrait

Move Charge Run Talents, Specializations and Special features

12 6 24 WILDFOLK TYPE: Leopard

DARK SIGHT: Allows you to see 20 yards in darkness without a light source.
Accuracy NATURAL WEAPON: Claws and teeth inflict 1d6+5 damage.
SPEAK AND READ: Feline Wild-Speech and the Common Tongue

ARMOR TRAINING - NOVICE: You can wear leather and mail armor without
Communication suffering a penalty to both Speed and Dexterity-based tests (modifier applied).

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DUAL WEAPON STYLE - NOVICE: If you take an Activate action, you can gain
either a +1 bonus on your melee attack or a +1 Defense vs. melee attacks until the
end of the encounter. You can switch this bonus with another Activate action. The
Constitution Strength requirement for your secondary weapon only increases by 1 or 2 (for
unwieldy weapons).
MARINER - NOVICE: You may reroll any Dexterity (Sailing) test, but must take the
second result.
Dexterity UNARMED STYLE - NOVICE: Gain +2 damage for Brawling attacks (already
Sailing: Operating sailing vessels. (Use 2 applied).
Constitution (Rowing) for rowboats, etc.)


Weapon Groups Brawling, Black Powder, Heavy Blades, Light Blades, Spears

Perception Melee Weapon Attack Roll Damage

Seeing: Using your visual sense. 3 Long Sword +3 2d6+3

Dagger 0 1d6+4


Ranged Weapon Attack Roll Damage Short Range long Range Reload
Pistol 0 1d6+6 8 16 Major Action
Favorite and Class Stunts Spells

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Magic Points Spellpower

Goals and Ties max

Mynn is somewhat adrift at the moment. She feels the loss of
her friends who went down with her ship; whether she knows it Equipment and Special items
or not, she is looking for that same comradeship. But more than Backpack
anything, Mynn is looking for adventure and to see the world. Waterskin
Travelers' Garb

Personal Details and History

Myyn has known the seas all of her life. In her youth, her family
was involved in the shipbuilding trade, but Mynn was always
drawn to the sea and sought every opportunity she could to get
out on the water. Her parents continually tried to get her to settle
down and teach her the family trade, but Mynn could only dream
of adventure and sailing the seas. She spent much of her free
time along the docks, talking with sailors
Defying her family’s wishes, Mynn worked odd jobs as security
for ships and cargo in port. She found she had a real talent for the
work and soon signed up as crew on a merchant ship. Unfortu-
nately, her time aboard her first vessel was short and tragic. After
only a few months at sea, her ship went down during a powerful
storm. Only she and a few of the crew survived. Having made her
way back to civilization, Mynn now seeks out new a new crew
and new adventures.
Mynn is something of a force of nature. Once she sets her mind
on something, little can hold her back. She also has a natural
talent for violence and isn’t afraid to use it. Although she does not
enjoy hurting people, she often finds that brute force can be more 37 gold
convincing than words.
Character Gorrath

Ancestry Draak Social Outsider

Health Background Exile

Rogue (Pirate) level

Armor Type|Rating|Penalty Speed Defense Experience

Light Leather - Armor Rating 3 (5), Penalty 0 13 (15) 13 Portrait

Move Charge Run Talents, Specializations and Special features

13 (15) 7 (8) 26 (30) ARMORED: Your armor rating is increased by 2. Total armor shown in ( ).

DARK SIGHT: Allows you to see 20 yards in darkness without a light source.
Accuracy FLAME BREATH: You may spend 4 stunt points to immediately cast the novice
3 Fire Arcana spell flame blast as a free action. No casting roll is needed and your
Spellpower for this is 10. See the Spells section of your character sheet for details.

PINPOINT ATTACK: Once per round, you can add 1d6 to the damage of a
Communication successful attack if your Dexterity is greater than your opponent's, or if your
0 opponent is experiencing one of the following conditions: Defenseless, Prone,

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Stunned, or Unconscious.

ROGUE'S ARMOR: You can ignore the Armor Penalty of leather armor altogether.
ROGUE'S SPEED: When you wear leather armor or no armor, your Speed
0 increases by 2. Total Speed shown in ( ).

SPEAK AND READ: Draak and Common Tongue

Dexterity PIRATE - NOVICE: Your sea legs and awareness of marine combat makes you
3 even more effective on water than on land. You gain +1 Defense and +1 damage to
attacks when fighting on a ship.

SCOUTING - NOVICE: You can use the lay of the land to your advantage. If you fail
Fighting a Dexterity (Stealth) test you can reroll it, but you must keep the results of the
0 second roll.

Cultural Lore: Knowing the traditions and 2
beliefs of various cultures. Weapon Groups

Perception Melee Weapon Attack Roll Damage

3 Dagger +3 1d6+4

Intimidation: Overawing others physically 2
with threats.


Ranged Weapon Attack Roll Damage Short Range long Range Reload
Pistol +3 1d6+6 8 16 Major Action
Favorite and Class Stunts Spells
Flame Breath (Flame Blast): Gouts of blazing fire erupt from
your mouth, burning nearby targets. The flame blast is 8 yards
long and 2 yards wide. Anyone hit by the blast takes 2d6 + 1
damage. Targets that make a successful Dexterity (Acrobatics)
test vs. your Spellpower only take 1d6 + 1 damage.

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Magic Points Spellpower

Goals and Ties max

Gorrath has a deep desire to learn more about the draak, particu-
larly his parents and family—if he has any out there. For the time Equipment and Special items
being, however, he is content to see more of the world that he Backpack
has heard so much about from visiting sailors. Waterskin
Travelers Garb

Personal Details and History

As a child, Gorrath was discovered floating adrift in a small boat
near Smuggler’s Cover. He was taken in by a human man who
made his living trading with the smugglers who frequented the
cove. His adopted father was always very stern and could some-
times be cruel, but he took care of Gorrath, and taught him his
trade, such as it was. Life in Smugglers Cover was difficult, and
Gorrath learned how to survive. Although he has no memory of
how he came to be adrift, he does have some recollection of
his family, although he does not know where they were from or
if they are still alive. As the only draak among those who reside
at Smugglers Cove, he is always thirsty for knowledge of his
people, a curiosity his father is continually trying to quench. After
a particularly nasty fight with his adopted father, Gorrath decided
it was time for him to see the world. Using the stash of money he
had saved up over the years, he convinced a smuggler captain to
take him to their next port of call.
Gorrath quickly learned that out of sight was out of mind, espe-
cially when his father’s temper flared. As a result, he can be quite
unobtrusive, especially for a draak. But when his ire is raised, it is 27 gold
usually best to get out of his way, and he can be quite intimidating.
Spell Reference SHEET
Spell Reference
Casting roll: 3D6 + Ability Score + Focus Bonus (+2) versus Target Number

Disorient Figment
Requirements: Illusion Arcana (Novice) Requirements: Illusion Arcana (Novice)
Spell Type: Attack MP Cost: 4 Spell Type: Utility MP Cost: 2
Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 11 Casting Time: Minor Action Target Number: 10
Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs. Spellpower Test: Perception (Seeing) vs. Spellpower

You distort the senses of one visible character. You conjure a single simple visual illusion.
A target within 10 yards of you makes a Willpower The figment can look like anything you’ve seen or can
(Self-Discipline) test against your Spellpower. If the test describe (in the GM’s judgment) but can be no larger than 2
fails, the target experiences the Slowed condition (see page cubic yards in size. It has no substance and makes no sound.
9 of this Quickstart) and takes a –2 penalty to tests other than Anyone with a reason to believe the figment might not be
those affected by being Slowed. The target of disorient can real can roll a Perception (Seeing) test against your Spell-
make a new Willpower test at the start of each of your turns power to see through it. You can impart motion to the illu-
to shake off the spell; a successful test ends the spell. Other- sion by taking a minor action each round to manipulate it,
wise, it persists for the remainder of the encounter. and the figment lasts for a minute; spend an additional 2 MP
to extend its duration for another minute when it expires.

Enchant Armor
Requirements: Enchantment Arcana (Novice) Identify Enchantment
Spell Type: Utility MP Cost: 4 Requirements: Enchantment Arcana (Novice)
Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 10 Spell Type: Utility MP Cost: 2
Casting Time: 1 Minute Target Number: 10
You touch a suit of armor or article of clothing and tempo-
rarily imbue it with arcane protection. You cast this spell and touch an item. If the spell is successful
Until the end of the encounter, the item grants a +1 Armor you immediately know if the item is enchanted, whether it
Rating or a –1 reduction to Armor Penalty over its usual is a temporary or permanent item, and have a general sense
amount. Enchant armor can be cast twice on the same item to of the nature of its enchantment. If the casting test fails you
provide both the AR bonus and the reduction in Armor Penalty, do not gain any information about the item. The GM may
but the bonuses do not stack otherwise. An ordinary item of wish to make the test secretly, so you don’t know whether
clothing like a cloak or tunic can be enchanted to provide AR 1. the item is not enchanted or you simply failed to obtain any
You can extend the duration of this spell to identify addi-
tional items, taking a minute of examination and another 1
Enchant Weapon MP per item identified after the first.
Requirements: Enchantment Arcana (Novice)
Spell Type: Utility MP Cost: 4
Casting Time: Major Action Target Number: 10 Doubles on any two dice rolled as part of
a successful Casting roll produces stunt
You touch a weapon and channel your magic to temporarily points equal to the number on the Stunt Die.

45 6 33 6 64 4
imbue it with arcane power.
Until the end of the encounter, the affected item grants a +1
bonus to attack and damage rolls. Such enchanted weapons No Stunt points 6 Stunt points 4 Stunt points
count as magical against creatures harmed or otherwise
See the Spell Stunt table to see how
affected by magic weapons. you can modify your spells!

Spell Reference
Game Master Section

Terror of the ghost ship

error of the Ghost Ship is an introductory adventure the nature of the monster threatening them and how they
for the second edition of the Fantasy AGE roleplaying can deal with it. The adventure is primarily a mix of explo-
game. It is intended for a group of four to six 1st to ration and combat encounters without much interaction
2nd level characters. The set-up of the adventure assumes the since the characters cannot communicate or reason with the
characters are traveling aboard a ship, although not neces- Unseen Terror.
sarily their own. They discover a derelict ship out in the Deep
with potential treasure—and danger—aboard. Running Terror
A pirate ship, the Sea Scourge, had captured a few treasures of the Ghost Ship
from a recent raid. Unfortunately for the pirates, their recent
haul included an arcane amulet linked to a monster known The scenes of Terror of the Ghost Ship are linked to locations
as an Unseen Terror. Accidentally summoned by the amulet, on board the Sea Scourge. When the characters explore each
the invisible monster stalked and killed all of the members area of the ship, if it is their first time in that area, they have
of the crew, leaving the Sea Scourge a ghost ship, drifting the listed encounter. Adjust the encounter areas accordingly
derelict through the Deep, afflicted by the malevolent forces if characters return to an area they’ve already explored. The
of the curse. Now, chance—or fate—has led the characters Unseen Terror is a kind of mobile encounter that can occur
to the ghost ship, its treasures, and its remaining unseen at any time during the adventure, with suggested places and
inhabitant. Will they survive to reap the lost pirates’ spoils? times in the text.
Or will they succumb to the curse and join the ghastly crew Terror of the Ghost Ship should be a fairly easy adventure
for all eternity? to incorporate into an existing Fantasy AGE campaign. It
takes place at sea, out on the Deep, so it can easily fit in as
Theme something that happens while the characters are sailing to
some other Shore. For example, you can use this adventure
Terror of the Ghost Ship is akin to a “haunted tall tale” to extend the events of Set Sail for Breakwater Bay! from the
sailors might use to scare their audience in some seaside Fantasy AGE Core Rulebook, with the characters aboard the
tavern: A derelict ship, adrift at sea, its crew all murdered Tradewind encountering the derelict Sea Scourge either before
by some unseen threat. It’s meant to be a tense exploration or after the events in Scenes 3 and 4 of the other adventure.
of the unknown with the potential for treasure and survival It can likewise be a mid-journey encounter for another sea
drawing the characters onwards as they seek to understand voyage, or even an encounter that a fishing boat or other

Terror of the Ghost Ship 27

Above decks
The Sea Scourge
3 1 2


8 6 10 5

7 7
1. Main Deck 6. Crew
2. Officer’s quarters
11 Quarters 7. Cabins
3. Captain’s 8. Galley
Quarters 9. Sickbay
4. Observation 10. Privy
5. Bridge 11. Cargo Area

small craft out from a place like Breakwater might have—as or other means of observing the ship from afar. Provide
a wyrd tide sweeps the Sea Scourge closer towards land. the players with details their characters could learn from a
You can also run Terror of the Ghost Ship starting with distance, asking for Perception (Seeing) tests or other ability
the characters as survivors of a shipwreck, storm, or other tests as appropriate. Unless they are above the Sea Scourge,
disaster. Adrift on the Deep, perhaps in a dinghy, or clinging looking down, or higher than its railings, they cannot see the
to a crude raft of debris, the characters spot the ship and are bodies strewn across the deck, but you might want to mention
able to make their way towards it, hoping for rescue, only that gulls or other carrion birds are circling the ship.
to discover they were far better off than the Sea Scourge’s If characters have some means of observing the deck of the
former crew. ship from above prior to getting on board, they may learn
some of the details given in Scene 2.
Scene 1
Getting Aboard
The Ghost Ship
Getting aboard the Sea Scourge is primarily a matter of
Exploration Encounter reaching it. Characters most likely approach the other
ship in a launch or smaller boat, or on a raft or floating in
Once the players are ready to go, read or paraphrase the
the water. There is a rope ladder hanging over one railing
following introduction aloud to them:
of the Scourge, from when some of the crew attempted to
The ship you’ve sighted isn’t under sail. Although it’s fully escape the ship, allowing characters to easily climb up to
rigged and intact, it’s not under sail and appears to be the deck from the water. If you prefer to make things a bit
adrift. You’re cautious, but as you draw closer, you see no more challenging, you can have the characters climb up the
signs of activity aboard, nor any signs of damage. side of the ship or have them throw grapples up over the
Additional details depend on how the characters are railing, requiring a TN 11 Strength (Climbing) test. This
approaching the Sea Scourge, such as aboard another ship or isn’t strictly necessary, however, since the goal is to get the
in the water, and whether they have anything like a spyglass characters on board.

28 Terror of the Ghost Ship

If the Party Refuses to Investigate
If the player characters are aboard someone else’s ship, then
the captain decides it is either their duty to investigate the dere-
lict or a prime opportunity for a potential windfall—or some
measure of both. The adventurers are given the opportunity
to explore because they’re likely equipped for it—and they’re
the most easily spared since they likely don’t have regular jobs
aboard. If they bargained for their passage initially, the captain
might even forgive some or all of their debt or promise them a
potential cut of any “salvage” recovered from the Sea Scourge.
It may be the characters just aren’t the type to want to go
aboard a seemingly abandoned ship out on the Deep. If it
seems like they want to play it safe and simply ignore the
Sea Scourge (thus bypassing the entire adventure), you can
have a voice call out from somewhere on the ship, yelling
“Aaaaaahhhhh, help! Help us!” once the characters are
within earshot. This is actually Toby the griffkin (see Scene
2) imitating one of the now-dead sailors, but the characters
might believe someone on board the ship requires their help.
You don’t need use this tactic if they seem willing (even eager)
to board; they’ll encounter the griffkin soon enough, and the
cries for help might actually dissuade potential boarders!

Scene 2

Above Decks
Exploration/Combat Encounter

Once the characters are aboard the Sea Scourge, read the
players the following:
The deck of the ship is a scene of carnage: seven bodies
are scattered across the deck, lying in dried pools of blood,
fallen weapons close at hand. Most are human, but there
is an orc, a goblin, and a wildfolk who looks like a feral
canine as well. The ship is hauntingly quiet as you survey
the scene, with nothing but the creaking of the deck as it
slowly sways on the waves slapping against the hull.
The bodies all bear wounds that look like they were inflicted
by some type of clawed beast, although the characters can’t
tell what. They have all been dead for some time: the blood
is dried and the bodies are starting to decay; scavenging
sea-birds have been at them.

The Griffkin
At some point in the characters investigation of the bodies
and other evidence on-deck, read the following to the players:
“LOOK OUT!” screams a voice out of nowhere, “CAN’T
SEE! CAN’T SEE IT!” and a shape flutters and leaps among
the rigging overhead.
Toby the griffkin (see Adversaries & Allies at the end of
the adventure) has just announced his presence. The griffkin’s
parrot-like upper body includes the ability to mimic voices,
and Toby has picked up some choice phrases from the shouted
last words of the Sea Scourge crew.

Terror of the Ghost Ship 29

Although somewhat skittish, the griffkin is generally The Quarterdeck
friendly towards people. It has been alone on the ship for
some time and a TN 13 Communication (Animal Handling) The raised quarterdeck to the aft of the ship is officer territory
test is sufficient to get Toby to allow a character to approach and holds the ship’s wheel for navigation. There is no one
him and even pick him up. and nothing above decks there – the officer on-duty rushed
If, as is likely, the sudden, shrieking appearance of the down to confront whatever was attacking the crew and now
griffkin startles the characters, they may not have much time lies dead among them on the main deck.
to assess its nature, as the Unseen Terror is drawn to their Underneath the quarterdeck is the captain’s quarters. When
fright and attacks. See Scene 4 and the Adversaries & Allies the characters open the door into the room, read the following
section for details. to the players:

The Forecastle The room beneath the quarterdeck is clearly the captain’s
quarters. Windows along the back look out from the aft
The raised forecastle at the prow of the ship served as the Sea of the ship over the waters of the sea. There’s a real bed
Scourge’s observation deck. Beneath the forecastle is the officer’s bolted to the floor in the room, along with a writing desk
quarters, a single room with four bunks, each with an iron- that folds down from the wall. Slumped in a padded chair
alongside that desk is a body, dark blood down the front
bound trunk at its foot. Three more bodies are found here, two
of his once-white shirt, arms slack over the sides of the
humans and a dwarf, all with terrible claw wounds. Two short
chair. Something gleams on the floor to one side.
swords and a dagger lie scattered on the floor where they fell.
Your attention is then drawn to the low growl coming
The trunks are not locked and contain mostly extra clothing
from the left side of the room, where a table and chairs are
and personal gear, although the characters can find a total
arrayed in the midst of some low cabinets. A great brindle
of 31 silver pieces and a small leather-bound book written
hound stalks around the table, where broken dishes and
in Dwarvish; it is a collection of recipes (the dwarf was the other debris are scattered on the floor. A great pair of
Scourge’s cook). knife-like fangs descend from its upper jaws as its lips curl
in a snarl.
This is Swindle, the captain’s pet knifehound. See the
Adversaries & Allies section for details. The knifehound is
angry and frightened by both the death of his master and its
confinement, as well as the presence of the Unseen Terror
and the arrival of strangers. Swindle doesn’t attack the
characters unless they take aggressive action towards him,
but he fights fiercely if they do. If he loses half or more of
his Health, Swindle flees from the combat and tries to hide
below decks.
If any of the players ask, or a character has a total Perception
(Seeing) bonus of +4 or more, they notice the knifehound is
wearing a leather collar with a brass plate and buckle. The
plate is engraved with the word “Swindle” in the Common
Cant, the trade language most people speak, including the

Beast Speech
If a character has access to the beast speech spell (Fantasy
AGE Core, page 120), then they can literally talk to Toby
and Swindle to learn more about what happened on board
the Sea Scourge. Swindle can relate how the Unseen Terror
first appeared when the captain was handling the amulet in
his quarters under the quarterdeck. The creature attacked
the crewman who came to the captain’s door to investigate,
with the door then falling closed behind it and trapping
Swindle in the room. Toby relates that the creature then
systematically slaughtered the crew over the course of a
night, although some of them managed to hide and hold
out for a short while. Note that both beasts describe the
Terror as “all claws, and teeth, and limbs, and eyes” if they
are asked, but they are not aware the people aboard cannot
see the creature.

30 Terror of the Ghost Ship

Attempting to calm the knifehound rather than fight it is the derelict, there’s the possibility of a less scrupulous crew
a TN 12 Communication (Animal Handling) advanced test sailing on and abandoning the explorers to their fate—or
with a 15 Success Threshold and a time of one round per even trying to destroy the Scourge as a cursed “plague ship”
test. A failed test causes the knifehound to snarl and snap at or the like. Play out these possibilities for added tension for
the characters, and two failed tests in a row cause Swindle the adventurers as you see fit.
to lunge at the characters: Roll for Initiative; on his turn, the
knifehound only snaps at the characters and does not attack if Scene 3
he goes first, but if a character attacks before or after that, the
knifehound fights back.
Below Decks
Exploration/Combat Encounter
The Amulet
The shiny object on the floor near the captain’s corpse is a Hatches and steep wooden stairs lead from the top deck down
bronze amulet, circular and about two inches in diameter, into the lower decks of the ship. The Unseen Terror has been
engraved with arcane symbols and writing and strung on a at work here as well, and no intelligent creature still lives on
thin bronze chain. A successful TN 11 Intelligence (Arcane the lower decks.
Lore) test reveals that part of the writing on the amulet states
“Fear Not.” lighting
Any means of detecting magic reveals the amulet is magical
Note that the lower decks were lit by oil lanterns, but they
in nature. The Unseen Terror is bound to this amulet and
have since burned out, leaving those decks in darkness unless
was accidentally summoned by the captain’s handling and
the explorers provide their own sources of light. The lower
examination of it. The amulet is still linked to the creature and
deck hold is dimly lit by daylight coming through from the
can potentially be used to banish it back into the Deep. Once
upper deck, but the hold below is completely dark.
the party has encountered both the Unseen Terror and the
amulet, any mage can realize the amulet can potentially be lower Deck
used to banish the creature. See Banishing under Defeating
the Terror later in the adventure for more details. When the characters descend into the lower deck, read the
following to the players:
Pirate’s Booty
The lower deck of the ship is cloaked in shadows, the only
In the trunk at the foot of the captain’s bed is a smaller wooden light coming from vents and deck prisms to the top deck,
chest, which is locked, but the key is on the captain’s body casting small, checkered pools of dim illumination. It’s still
in a vest pocket. (Otherwise, it is a TN 13 Dexterity (Lock enough to show the bodies scattered on the floor among
Picking) test to open the chest.) Within the chest is a leather the small crates, bags, and barrels in the central hold. Some
bag containing 60 gold pieces and 80 silver pieces, along lie with weapons close at-hand, most of them clad in what-
with a velvet pouch holding assorted small gemstones worth ever clothing they slept in. Empty hammocks are strung
an additional 500 silver pieces. (The GM should feel free to along the sides of the hold, swaying and creaking with the
adjust these amounts based on their campaign.) movement of the ship.
Also in the trunk, along with assorted clothing and There are another ten bodies on this deck, all killed similarly
personal items, is a book of navigational charts, showing the to those on the top deck: savaged with ragged claw wounds
Sea Scourge’s travels to various Shores, which might be useful and bites. One or two squeaking rats skitter away from the
if the adventurers’ travels take them to other places (see the bodies when the characters approach (bolder members of the
Epilogue and Loose Ends at the end of the adventure). rat swarm scurry down to the lower hold; see The Hold on
Trapped! the next page). Exploring this deck turns up the following.

If the party came aboard from a launch or other vessel near
the Sea Scourge, while they are on-deck or inside the cabins, To the aft of the ship are a pair of small cabins that were
the Unseen Terror cuts any moorings or ties, causing their primarily used to house sick or injured crew members or
vessel to drift away from the ship. Characters who go back function as a brig, when needed, since the Sea Scourge rarely
to look find it gone, perhaps visible in the distance and far entertained guests or passengers. The two cabins have bunks
out of reach. If they left someone to guard their vessel while and small fixtures bolted to the deck or the walls. There’s
they explored, the Terror likely leaves it alone unless those nothing of real interest in them, as they weren’t in use when
left behind are especially anxious or fearful, which drives the the Terror was unleashed on board.
creature to attack.
If there’s another ship that brought the characters to their
The Galley
encounter with the Sea Scourge, and there’s anyone left A tiny galley is between the cabins and the hold, used by the
aboard, there’s also the question of what the remaining crew ship’s cook to prepare food for the crew. It contains pots and
will do in their absence. If there are signs of trouble on board pans and other cooking implements, along with some knives

Terror of the Ghost Ship 31

and cleavers that could be used as weapons in a pinch, but one says they are looking, a TN 11 Perception (Seeing)
otherwise there’s nothing of real value. test notices it.

Sickbay • If anyone examines the body, a TN 11 Intelligence

(Healing) test notes this corpse is more recently deceased
Across from the galley is a small cabin used as a sickbay for than the other dead crew: a day or more, at least.
treating injured and ill crew members. Cabinets along the walls
hold bandages, salves, and simple medical instruments. There Characters may be able to draw the correct conclusion this
are also two healing potions, magical elixirs that, when imbibed, pirate held out for some time hiding in the privy, where the
restore 3d6 + Constitution score in Health to the drinker. The Terror could not get at him, until sheer hunger or desperation
embattled crew never got the opportunity to use them. drove him out into the open and straight into the creature’s
scything talons.
The Privy
The Hold
At the fore of the lower deck, the body of a human lies face-
down in a mostly dried pool of blood just outside of a half- The lowermost deck of the ship is a somewhat cramped cargo
opened door that creaks slightly with the movements of the hold. The ceiling is low here, barely two yards high, so tall
ship. From the reeking odor, the room beyond is the ship’s characters have to crouch slightly to avoid hitting their heads
privy, equipped with simple chamber pots and sliding panels against it. The bodies of three pirates lie amongst the dry
to empty them overboard. Characters examining this area can
goods and ship’s stores in the hold, and a swarm of bilge rats
notice several things:
has been at all of them. The emboldened rats have claimed
• Anyone who looks inside the privy sees words scratched the central part of the hold for themselves, and they attack
into the wood of one wall with a knife or similar imple- anyone who approaches. (See the Rat Swarm in the Adver-
ment that say: “UNSEEN TERROR KILLED THEM ALL” saries & Allies section.)
in the Common Cant. Much of the food in the hold is beginning to spoil or has
• Anyone looking at the outside of the privy door notices it been despoiled by the rats, but the characters can find several
is covered with deep slashes and claw marks, as if a great still-sealed clay jugs of moonshine—potent, if not particularly
beast were repeatedly and savagely clawing at it. If no high-quality.

32 Terror of the Ghost Ship

Scene 4 Ramping Things Up
The Terror The main way to ramp up the challenge posed by the Unseen
Terror is to increase the damage of the creature’s Claw
Combat Encounter attacks and to increase its Health, allowing it to fight longer
between breathers to recover and inflict more damage. As it
The Unseen Terror that killed the crew is still on-board the Sea is, however, the characters should not have an easy time over-
Scourge. See the Adversaries & Allies section at the end of the coming the Terror since they need to defeat it before it is able
adventure for its stats and details. The Terror likely picks up to retreat and recover to come at them again.
on the presence of the newcomers fairly quickly, and, once
any of them begin experiencing fear or apprehension, it is Defeating the Terror
driven to attack, clawing wildly at the characters.
There are a number of ways the characters can overcome the
Surprise! Unseen Terror, depending on what they have learned and
acquired from their exploration of the Sea Scourge.
The Terror almost certainly surprises them initially, gaining
a free turn of actions before the initiative order begins. Damage
Once the adventurers know the creature is aboard, it might
The simplest means of victory is for the heroes to bring the
surprise them again: Test the Terror’s Dexterity (Stealth) with
Unseen Terror to 0 Health and Defeat it. Whatever Defeat
its Unseen quality against characters’ Perception test results.
Condition they choose to impose, the Defeat is sufficient to
Note that many of the usual tricks to reveal an invisible foe—
banish the Terror. The characters get a brief, shadowy glimpse
such as looking for tracks, coating it with flour or water,
of a mass of clawed limbs, teeth, and hateful eyes before it
or throwing a tarp over it—don’t work since the creature’s
vanishes in a howl of rage and pain.
Unseen quality extends to those things associated with its
Characters who have befriended Toby and Swindle have
presence as well.
an even better chance in combat against the Terror since their
Terror Tactics animal friends can see the creature. If you choose to have the
animals join the fray, Toby lands on, and claws at, the Terror,
If the Unseen Terror ever drops to 10 Health or less, it retreats revealing its position and halving the effects of its Unseen
from the combat to take a breather and recover, returning at quality. Swindle savagely attacks the Terror and is a fair
full Health to attack again. Regardless, the adventurers have match for it. The Terror’s main advantage is it can fly out of
no evidence their attacks hurt the creature beyond it recoiling reach of the knifehound, if necessary.
and retreating; the Terror doesn’t bleed or otherwise leave
evidence that it is hurt.
At least initially, the Unseen Terror is given to toying with Although vicious and relentless, the Unseen Terror is not espe-
its prey. It makes hit-and-run attacks, always moving to cially strong (no more so than a normal person) and characters
disguise its location, withdrawing to recover if it is damaged may be able to trap it somewhere, either below decks, inside
before coming at the characters once more. It seeks to stoke a cabin, or in a net or other trap made from rope and sailcloth
their fear and anxiety and may trap them in part of the ship or the like. A lucky character might even manage to Grab or
if they look to barricade themselves behind a door or the like.
Special Scene Stunts
Special Stunts
SP Cost Stunt
Characters fighting the Unseen Terror can perform the special Box-In: The Terror’s Speed becomes 0 until the
stunts listed on the table at right. Make players aware of these start of the character’s next turn.
options when they generate Stunt Points during the combat. Hinder: The Terror is Hindered until the start of
the character’s next turn, losing its minor action.
Ramping Things Down
Master Fear: The character manages to master
If things are looking dire for the heroes and you want to give their fears and become so calm that the Terror is
unable to perceive them, effectively granting that
them a chance, you can have Swindle the knifehound attack
character the benefits of the Terror’s Unseen quality
the Terror and damage or distract it, perhaps even grap- 5 – Willpower
against it until the end of the character’s next turn
pling it. He can see the creature and, even if the knifehound
(see the Unseen Terror in the Adversaries & Allies
isn’t particularly friendly towards the characters, he has an
section). This stunt costs 5 SP, minus the character’s
instinctive hatred for the beast. Toby the griffkin can likewise
Willpower score, with a minimum of 1 SP.
attack the Terror, but more likely as a distraction or to give
Strike Here!: Your successful attack aids an ally in
the heroes a better idea where the creature is, reducing the
1+ targeting the Unseen Terror. Each SP spent provides
penalty on their Attack Tests.
a +1 bonus to the next attack roll against it.

Terror of the Ghost Ship 33

Pin the creature using combat stunts, making it easier for the guidance in the captain’s navigational charts. They can
others to target the Terror, although it viciously bites and claws decide whether to sell the ship as salvage or keep it. They can
at its grappler. Trapping the Terror might give the characters also claim whatever else they find on board, although much
breathing space or even allow them to escape the Sea Scourge, of the Scourge’s supplies and such are spoiled and should be
or it may provide them an opportunity to corner and Defeat dumped along with the bodies.
the creature.
loose Ends
Where you take the adventures of your Fantasy AGE heroes
A character with Magic Points who has the amulet from Scene
from here is up to you, but you can spin-out some potential
2 can attempt to use it to banish the Unseen Terror, pitting their
loose threads from Terror of the Ghost Ship to lead to further
will against the creature. The character holding the amulet
tales, if you wish, such as the following
spends 1 MP and rolls an Opposed Willpower test against
the Terror as their Major Action on their Turn. Any Willpower Bad Reputation
focus the character has applies to the test. The winner of the test
inflicts Stunt Die + Willpower Penetrating Damage on the loser. The Sea Scourge is a known pirate vessel, so unless the party
If the Unseen Terror is Defeated, it is banished. If the character changes its name or appearance, others might mistake it and
is Defeated by this damage, they become Unconscious, then look to either capture or kill the “pirates” without knowing
Exhausted once they recover from being Unconscious. the ship has changed hands.

Epilogue A Mysterious Talisman

The amulet that summoned the Unseen Terror might have
Eventually, the adventurers who boarded the Sea Scourge other magical properties for the characters to discover. It might
either defeat the Unseen Terror, are defeated and killed by also have been stolen, and someone might come looking for it.
it, or flee the ghost ship and manage to escape with their
lives—and a hair-raising tale to tell in taverns for years to Treasure of Import
come. Although the Terror is a dangerous foe, the adventurers One or more of the gems found in the captain’s chest could
should be able to overcome it if they keep their wits about have magical properties or special value.
them and use their available resources. What happens after
that is up to their decisions based on the situation. Mysterious Maps

Rewards The captain’s chart book could contain courses to previously

unknown Shores for the characters, or even a treasure map to
The party that overcomes the Unseen Terror can claim the Sea a place where the Sea Scourge hid some of its ill-gotten gains.
Scourge for themselves. It’s not easy to sail the ship with as Strange cargo
small a crew as the party represents, but they should be able to
manage to make landfall at some Shore known to them using There could be secret or hidden compartments on the ship
holding whatever you want, or the Scourge’s hold might

Swindle the Knifehound contain other goods or treasures you want the charac-
ters to have.
Secrets of the Animals
Accuracy 3 (Bite), Communication 0, Constitution 2 (Running, Stamina),
Dexterity 2, Fighting 3, Intelligence –1, Perception 3 (Hearing, Smelling), Maybe Toby or Swindle are more than just the animals they
Strength ­3, Willpower 2 (Morale) appear to be: Either or both could be people under the effects
of a shape-changing curse or spell, the former familiars or
pets of a powerful mage, or something else altogether.
14 30 12 2




2d6 + 4
Adversaries & Allies
The adventurers can encounter the following creatures
aboard the Sea Scourge. Feel free to modify their listed traits as
FAVORED STUNTS: Mighty Blow, Knock Prone, Pierce Armor* (1 SP) you see fit to suit the party and the adventure.
KNIFE FANGS: Using his large, knife-like fangs, Swindle can perform the
Pierce Armor stunt for just 1 SP with his Bite attack.
Swindle the Knifehound
TEAM COMBATANT: On any round where Swindle’s pack member or ally
Swindle is a knifehound that belonged to the captain of the Sea
succeeds on an attack roll, the knifehound gains a +2 bonus to attack and
Scourge. Now the knifehound is wary and trapped (although
damage rolls.
disturbingly well-fed), but it may be possible for the charac-
ters to befriend him if they approach him cautiously.

34 Terror of the Ghost Ship

Toby the Gryphkin Rat Swarm

Accuracy 1, Communication 1, Constitution –1, Dexterity 2 Accuracy 3 (Bite), Communication –3, Constitution 1,
(Flying), Fighting 1 (Claw), Intelligence 0, Perception 2 (Seeing), Dexterity 2, Fighting 0, Intelligence –2, Perception 3 (Smelling),
Strength ­–2, Willpower 1 Strength ­0 (Climbing), Willpower 0


6 (16 flying) 10 12 0 12 25 12 0


Bite +1 1d6–2 Swarm +5 1d6


FAVORED STUNTS: Skirmish, Lightning Attack NIGHT VISION: Rats can see in near darkness as if it were normal light.
MIMICRY: Tropical gryphkin, like the parrots they resemble, are able SWARM ATTACK: A rat swarm covers an area with a rough diameter and
to mimic common phrases in spoken languages. height of 2 yards, and it can attack all creatures inside of adjacent to that area
on its turn as a single major action.
SWARM DEFENSE: A rat swarm suffers only 1 point of damage from an
attack that targets a single point, save that Mighty Blow inflicts 2 points of
Toby the Gryphkin damage, and Lethal Blow 3 points. Only area attacks or arcane attacks with a
broad effect inflict full damage on the swarm.
Gryphkin (both singular and plural) are the smaller cousins of THREAT: MINOR
true griffons and come in numerous shapes and sizes. Toby is
a tropical gryphkin, with the upper body of a macaw and the Unseen Terror
hindquarters of a miniature spotted jungle cat. The gryphkin ABILITIES (FOCUSES)
was a pet of one of the Sea Scourge’s crew and learned to
imitate many of their voices. Accuracy 0, Communication –2, Constitution 2, Dexterity 2,
Fighting 0 (Claws), Intelligence 0, Perception 1 (Empathy),
Rat Swarm Strength 0, Willpower 2


A collection of bilge rats in the depths of the ghost ship have
grown increasingly bold and aggressive. Fly 12 30 12 0


Claws +2 1d6

An Unseen Terror is a magical creature from the Starry SPECIAL QUALITIES

Deep summoned by arcane means, such as a spell or curse. FAVORED STUNTS: Knock Prone, Lightning Attack
It seems to have sharp claws, teeth, or both, and savagely
BLIND-SIGHT: An Unseen Terror can sense its surroundings as if it could see,
attacks intelligent creatures. True to their name, Unseen even in total darkness, but it can only perceive shapes and surfaces, not colors,
Terrors cannot be seen by intelligent beings; not that they are features, or other details.
truly invisible, just that those creatures are completely inca- QUICK RECOVERY: An Unseen Terror regains all of its lost Health after a
pable of visually perceiving the Terror. Animals and other breather, removing any Conditions that can be recovered as well.
non-intelligent creatures can see them—and largely avoid SENSE FEAR: An Unseen Terror can sense any intelligent creature with the
them when they do. Unseen Terrors also rapidly recover Frightened condition within 10 yards and has a +5 bonus to Perception
from any damage done to them. While not invulnerable, (Empathy) tests to sense levels of fear less than that condition. A Terror that
they are difficult to kill. senses fear is driven to attack that creature.
A little-known quality of Unseen Terrors is they react to UNSEEN: Intelligent creatures cannot see an Unseen Terror, effectively Blinded
fear. The fears of intelligent creatures nearby drive them into where it is concerned. That means their attacks are at a –5 penalty, and they
a killing frenzy which, of course, tends only to provoke more suffer a –5 penalty to Defense against the Terror. If the Unseen Terror makes
an attack on a foe, these penalties are reduced to –2 until the start of its next
fear, until the Unseen Terror has killed all intelligent creatures
turn, when it can move and conceal its position.
nearby. For this reason, those who summon a Terror usually
take steps to keep them under control or contained. THREAT: MINOR

Terror of the Ghost Ship 35

What’s Next?
Fantasy AGE Core Rulebook
eap into sword & sorcery RPG adventures with the Fantasy AGE Core
Rulebook! Powered by the popular Adventure Game Engine, Fantasy
AGE 2nd Edition is easy to learn, fun to play, and welcoming to new
roleplayers. The Fantasy AGE Core Rulebook includes these features:
• SIMPLE CHARACTER CREATION: Pick an ancestry (such as draak, dwarf,
goblin, or wildfolk), pick a class (envoy, mage, rogue, or warrior), pick a
specialization (such as duelist, diplomat, pirate, and sword mage), and jump
into the action.
• HEROIC STUNTS: The heart of the game is the stunt system, which
brings dynamism and drama to the table. Roll doubles on 3d6 to pull off
unexpected moves in combat, cast more potent spells, perform amazing
feats of physical and mental prowess, or even cut a rival down to size with a
few clever words.
• MIGHTY MAGIC: Spell casters learn arcana, which are themed groups of
spells. Mixing and matching the 19 arcana gives the mage class a huge
amount of flexibility. To get started, choose two arcana like Beast, Cold,
Death, Earth, Fate, Fire, Healing, Protection, Mind, and Shadow.
• GAME MASTER GUIDANCE: If you are new to RPGs or have never GMed
before, the Core Rulebook breaks it all down for you. Not just GM advice
but practicalities as well. There’s guidance for each of the GM’s four roles: Game
Planner, Game Host, Game Runner, and Game Moderator.
• CUSTOMIZABLE RULES: The GM can use optional rules for the campaign to better reflect the setting. Choices
include the twin systems of Peril and Daring, which allow for dramatic swings from disadvantage to advantage as the
tension builds. Horror rules can give the campaign a sinister turn. The Fortune system turns Health into a combination of
resilience and luck that can influence outcomes.
• THE STRANGER SHORES: The Core Rulebook introduces a campaign setting of its own called Stranger Shores. Brave the
Deeps, which have been the doom of many a ship. Sail with a Mystic Navigator to travel to distant lands.
• BREAKWATER BAY: Enter the Stranger Shores with Breakwater Bay, a starting adventure area to kick off your campaign.
The book includes Set Sail for Breakwater Bay, a complete adventure.
• SO MUCH MORE: You’ll also find character talents, challenging monsters, chase rules, magic items, relationships and
bonds, and more. This is the complete package.

Fantasy AGE Game Master’s Toolkit

The Fantasy AGE Game Master’s Toolkit is packed with materials to help you run
your Fantasy AGE adventures! This game mastering essential includes a 3-panel
GM’s screen, dry erase initiative tracker, 5 player reference cards, and a 32-page
booklet full of new material for your Fantasy AGE game. The GM screen and
reference cards feature many of the most commonly used charts and tables
from the Fantasy AGE Core Rulebook, to make referencing needed rules faster
and easier for both players and game masters. The booklet features an all new
Hazard Compendium, a reference tool that allows you to quickly come up with
hazards on the fly, along with a brand new adventure, The Breakwater Curse.
This adventure is designed for beginning characters and is equally suitable as an
introduction to a new campaign, or as a follow-up to the adventure in the Fantasy
AGE Core Rulebook, Set Sail for Breakwater Bay!

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