024 Gap
024 Gap
024 Gap
1. Gender Classification. The additional financing will improve the health and living
standards of the population in 275 villages in the 28 communes from the six provinces in the
Tonle Sap Region through access to improved water supply and sanitation and awareness
raising training in water and sanitation health (WASH). The additional financing will develop
new and upgrade existing community based water supply systems and promote development of
latrines through sanitation grants for poor and vulnerable households and self-funding schemes.
An estimated additional 253,000 people will benefit from the additional financing. The provision
of water supply will enhance and improve the lives of women and girls responsible for gender-
defined tasks associated with water collection for household cooking, cleaning, and drinking
water. Gender design measures in the GAP include targets for females staffing and decision-
making in sector and commune institutions; participation in planning, design, operation and
maintenance of investments; and improved gender awareness and gender action plan (GAP)
project components to implementing agencies. The project is classified as gender equity theme
2. GAP Purpose and Strategy. The project’s gender analysis indicates that women in the
28 communes targeted are in a disadvantaged position relative to men in income levels,
education, gender roles, safety and security, access to economic opportunities, voice in water
related decision making at community and sector level. The GAP (Table 13.1) below provides
gender inclusive measures and targets to promote gender awareness and improved skills
among project implementation agencies, address potential project risks (i.e., widening of gender
disparities), and enhance positive project benefits for women as follows:
Participation/voice – ensure women’s equal participation in project design and
implementation (including WASH messages, disaster risk management) and
decision-making in project and sector related institutions.
Economic access–Commune business groups, with majority female
representation, given priority for private-sector capacity development and latrine
civil works contracts.
Productivity–improved and reliable water supply will aim to reduce women’s time
poverty and exposure to water and sanitation related diseases.
Institutional strengthening and capacity development–promote gender
awareness and GAP implementation skills of executing and implementation
agencies and ensure sex-disaggregated data is collected and integrated in the
project performance monitoring system (PPMS) and regular reporting
4. GAP Budget. Resources for GAP implementation are integrated in the Project budget.
TABLE 13.1: Gender Action Plan