Electronics & Robotics

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Electronics & Robotics ISLAM SHAKER

Electronics & Robotics

Electronics & Robotics

 Electronic circuits ⇨
o An electronic circuit consists of components (as resistors, transistors,
capacitors, and diodes) which affects the flow of charge in many ways.

o Avometer comes from "AVO" and "meter". 'A' means amperes, to

measure electrical currents.

 A datasheet ⇨

o This is a printed or electronic document, that provides information and

technical specifications about a product, like a computer component, or
software program.

Electronics & Robotics

 Breadboard ⇨
o This is a platform used to build and test electronic circuits, without
soldering electronic components on it.

o Bread board consists of power line & prototype area.

o Prototype connection points (holes) are connected in groups of five to

connect individual components together.

 Electronics Elements ⇨

o Resistor

o Capacitor

o Inductor

Electronics & Robotics

o Diode

o Transistor

 Ohm's law ⇨

o Ohm's law is an empirical law relating the voltage (V) across an element
to the current (I) through it:(V is directly proportional to I).

o One Ohm ⇨ is the resistance between two points where 1 volt (1V) of
applied potential energy will push 1 ampere (1A) of current.

ሺ𝑉 = 𝐼 𝑅ሻ

 Resistors ⇨

Electronics & Robotics

o Resistors are electrical components (contain no source of power) that are
commonly used of all the electronic components to reduce the voltage or
current signal passing within a closed circuit.

o Fixed resistors ⇨ the most widely used resistors in electronics. Their

values are never changed to "adjust" the circuit.

o Potentiometer resistors ⇨ consist of a fixed resistor element and a slider

to change resistor value.

o Notice that ⇨ Resistors connected together in series and parallel

combinations to form resistor networks which can act as voltage
droppers, voltage dividers or current limiters within a circuit.

 Capacitors ⇨

o There are two types of capacitors⇨

Electronics & Robotics

 Polarized capacitors (large values, > 1 μF)

o This capacitor has positive and negative polar, and you should connect
this kind of capacitors so that the positive polar has always higher
voltage than the negative one.

 Un-polarized capacitors (small values, < 1 μF)

o In this capacitor; the (1st) number is the (1st) digit, the (2nd) number is the
(2nd) digit, and the (3rd) number is the number of zeros to give the
capacitance in (pf).

o Any letters indicate tolerance and voltage rating (The prefix is the voltage
rating & the suffix is the tolerance).

Electronics & Robotics

 The Diode ⇨

o This is a semiconductor electronic component with two electrodes called

the anode and the cathode.

o The PN-junction is the simplest of the semiconductor devices.

o It consists of two regions of p-and n-

type materials.

o Both the regions are separated by a

thin transition region – such a device is
called a step or abrupt junction device.

o p-type material ⇨ is doped with acceptor impurities. Thus, holes are the
dominant majority carriers.

Electronics & Robotics

o n-type material ⇨ is doped with donor impurities. Thus, electrons are the
dominant majority carriers.

o The most common function of a diode is to allow an electric current to

pass in one direction, while blocking it in the opposite direction.

o Notice that ⇨ Diodes can be used as rectifiers, signal limiters, voltage

regulators and switches.

o Switching diodes ⇨

 These also called small signal diodes, are a single p-n diode in a
discrete package.

 Below the specified applied voltage, it has high resistance similar to

an open switch, while above that voltage it has low resistance similar
to a closed switch.

Electronics & Robotics

o Zener diodes ⇨

 Diodes that can be made to conduct backwards.

 This effect, called Zener breakdown, occurs at a precisely defined

voltage, allowing the diode to be used as a precision voltage reference.

 In practical voltage reference circuits Zener and switching diodes are

connected in series and opposite directions to balance temperature
coefficient to near zero.

o Diode applications ⇨

 Power conversion.
 Radio demodulation.
 Over-voltage protection.
 Logic gates.
 Temperature measuring.

Electronics & Robotics

 The Seven-Segment LED.

o Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) ⇨

 A Semiconductor device constructed with three doped Semiconductor

Regions (Base & Collector & Emitter) separated by two p-n Junctions.

 The p-n Junction between (Base &

Emitter) has a Barrier Voltage (V0) of
about (0.6 V), which is an important
parameter of a BJT.

 In BJT, Current is produced by both types

of Charge Carriers (Electrons and Holes),
hence the name Bipolar.

Electronics & Robotics

 There are two Types of BJT; The (npn) type consists of two n-Regions
separated by a p-Region. The (pnp) type consists of two p-Regions
separated by a n-Region.

o Regions of operation ⇨

 Forward-active ⇨ Base higher than emitter, collector higher than


 Saturation ⇨ Base higher than emitter, but collector is not higher

than base.

 Cut-off ⇨ Base lower than emitter, but collector is higher than base.
It means conventional current does not go through transistor.

 Reverse-active ⇨ Base lower than emitter, but collector lower than

base. It means conventional current goes through transistor.

Electronics & Robotics

o Transistor parameters: alpha (α) and beta (β).

 The common-emitter current gain (βF) is approximately the ratio of

the DC collector current to the DC base current in forward-active
region. It is typically greater than (50) for small-signal transistors
but can be smaller in transistors designed for high-power
applications. ቀ𝛽𝐹 = ቁ

 The common-base current gain (αF) is approximately the gain of

current from emitter to collector in the forward-active region and
usually has a value close to unity; (0.980 and 0.998). ቀ𝛼𝐹 = ቁ

o BJT as an Amplifier ⇨

 In a class A amplifier, the transistor conducts for the full cycle of the
input signal (360°) – used in low-power applications.

Electronics & Robotics

 The transistor is operated in the active region, between saturation
and cutoff.

o Application of bipolar junction transistor (BJT) ⇨

 It is used in logic circuits.
 It is used in clipping circuits.
 It is used in switching circuits.
 It is used in electronics switch.
 It is used as an oscillator.
 It is used as an amplifier.
 It is used as a multivibrator.
 It is used as a detector.
 It is used as a modulator.
 It is used as a demodulator.

Electronics & Robotics

 It is used in timer and time delay circuits.

 LED & jumper wires ⇨

o A light-emitting diode (LED) ⇨ has wire leads of different length. The

forward current goes into the longer lead (anode).

o Jumper wires ⇨ are simply wires that have connector pins at each end,
allowing them to be used to connect two points to each other.

 What is Arduino? ⇨

o Arduino is an open-source electronics platform which can be

programmed with code written by Arduino C in Arduino IDE software
based on easy-to-use hardware and software.

Electronics & Robotics

o Arduino boards are able to (read inputs) - light on a sensor or a finger on
a button and turn it into (an output) - activating a motor or turning on
an LED.

o You can tell your board what to do by sending (a set of instructions) to

the (microcontroller) on the board.

o To do so you use the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring),

and the Arduino Software (IDE), based on Processing.

o (C) instructions are sent directly to the microcontroller on the board.

Electronics & Robotics

 Arduino Types ⇨

Arduino Arduino Arduino Arduino Arduino

Board Uno Due Mega Leonardo
16 Mhz 84 MHz 16 MHz 16 MHz
ATmega328 AT91SAM3X8E ATmega2560 ATmega32u4

Digital I/O 14 54 54 20


 Arduino UNO ⇨

o Microcontroller board based on the (ATmega328P).

Electronics & Robotics

o 14 digital input/output pins.

o 6 analog inputs.

o 16 MHz quartz crystal.

o Connect it to a computer with a USB cable.

o power it with a (AC-to-DC) adapter or battery to get started.

o Notice that ⇨ If the board is supplied with a higher voltage, there is a

voltage regulator (it sits between the power port and USB connector) that
protects the board from burning out.

o Notice that ⇨ (Reset switch) when this switch is clicked, it sends a logical
pulse to (reset pin) of the microcontroller, and now run the program
again from start.

Electronics & Robotics

o (Digital pins) ⇨ when used as output, these pins act as power supply
source for the components connected to them. when used as input, these
pins read the signals from the component connected to them.

 Arduino Software ⇨

o Integrated Development Environment (IDE);

o This is software platforms that provide programmers and developers a

comprehensive set of tools for software development in a single product.

o IDEs are built to work with specific application platforms and remove
barriers involved in the lifecycle of software development.

o IDEs are used in development teams to build new software, apps, web
pages, and services, and they help by providing one tool with all the
features and removing the need for integrations.

Electronics & Robotics

 Arduino Programming Language ⇨

Structure Variables Functions

Basic syntax Constants Digital I/O
Arithimetic operators Data types Analog I/O
Control structures Scope Math
Comarison operators - Serial communication
Boolean operators - Defining your own

 Basic syntax ⇨

o Each statement ends in a semicolon (;).

o {} Curly braces always come in pairs; they are used to define the start
and end of functions, loops, and conditional statements.

o (//) Single line comment.

Electronics & Robotics

o (/**/) Multi-line comment.

o (#) define is used to give a name to a constant value.

 Arithmetic operators ⇨

o (=) Assignment operator stores the value to the right of the equal sign in
the variable to the left of the equal sign.

o () Parentheses are used to check for order of operations.

 Control structures ⇨

o (If) Tests whether a certain condition has been reached and used in
conjunction with a comparison operator.

o (If … else) Allows you to do multiple tests.

o (For) Creates a loop for repetitive operations.

Electronics & Robotics

o (switch case) Allows you to specify different code that should be executed
in various conditions.

 Comparison Operators ⇨

o The result of a statement is either (True) or (False).

o Be careful to use (==) not (=).

 Boolean Operators ⇨

o (&& Logical AND) True only if both operands are true.

o (∥ Logical OR) True only if either operand is true.

o (! Logical NOT) True only if the operand is false.

 Constants ⇨

Electronics & Robotics

o (High & Low) ⇨ When reading or writing to a digital pin, there are only
two possible a pin can take.

o (True & False) ⇨ Logical levels (result of a comparison).

 Data types ⇨

o (Void) ⇨ Used in function delcarations to indicate that the function returns no


o (Char) ⇨ A data type that stores a character value.

o (Float) ⇨ A datatype for floating-point numbers.

 Scope ⇨

o (Global) ⇨ is a variable that can be seen by every function in a program

and define it outside a function.

Electronics & Robotics

o (Local) ⇨ is a variable that only visible to the function in which it is
declared and define it inside a function.

o (Static) ⇨ keyword that is used to create variables that are visible to only one

 Digital I/O ⇨

o pinMode (pin, mode) ⇨ Configures the specified pin to behave either as an

input or an output.

o digitalWrite (pin, value) ⇨ Write a HIGH or a LOW value to a digital pin.

o digitalRead (pin) ⇨ Reads the value from a specified digital pin.

 Analog I/O ⇨

o analogReference (type) ⇨ any value can be changed to a different type

and different resolution using this function.

Electronics & Robotics

o analogRead (pin) ⇨ Reads the value from the specified analog pin and returns
a value between 0 and 1023.

o analogWrite (pin,value) ⇨ Writes an analog value to a pin. Value is the duty

cycle: between 0 (always off) and 255 (always on).

 Math ⇨

o min (x, y) ⇨ Calculates the minimum of two numbers.

o max (x, y) ⇨ Calculates the maximum of two numbers.

o abs (x) ⇨ Computes the absolute value of a number.

o pow (base, exponent) ⇨ Calculates value of a number raised to a power.

o sqrt (x) ⇨ Calculates the square root of a number.

Electronics & Robotics

o map (value, fromLow, fromHigh, toLow, toHigh) ⇨ Re-maps a number
from one range to another. That is, a value of fromLow would get
mapped to toLow, a value of fromHigh to toHigh.

 Serial communication ⇨

o This is typically used for communication between an Arduino board and

a computer via the USB port. Use the serial monitor to communicate with
the board.

o Serial.begin (9600) ⇨ Used to begin serial communications, typically at a

9600 baud rate.

o Serial.print (val,format) ⇨ Used to prints data to the serial port as human-

readable ASCII.

o Serial.println (val) ⇨ Prints val followed by carriage return.

Electronics & Robotics

 Defining your own ⇨

o This could be used to make your code more organized and efficient.

o This is a function that searches for a given string within another string.
If the search string is found its position is returned.

 Arduino Examples ⇨

o Blinking LED.
o LED with Pushbutton Switch.
o LED with ON –OFF Pushbuttons.
o LED with Potentiometer for Lighting Speed Control.
o Photoresistor as Light Sensor.
o Light Effects using PWM.
o Temperature Sensor.

Electronics & Robotics

o Light Sensor.
o Computer Interfacing with LED.
o DC Motor.
o Servo Motor.
o LCD Screen.
o Bluetooth.
o Ultrasonic Sensor.

Electronics & Robotics

Electronics & Robotics

o The unit of measurement of the current strength is ……………..

o volt.
o watt.
o amp.
o Ω.

o The electrical voltage measurement unit is …………………

 volt.
 watt.
 amp.
 Ω.

Electronics & Robotics

o The electrical resistance measurement unit is …………….

 volt.
 watt.
 amp.
 Ω.

o An electronic component that allows the current to pass in one direction

only is ................

 transistor.
 resistance.
 diode.
 capacitor.

o The element that does not allow electricity to pass through but stores
electrical energy in the form of a charge is ………………

Electronics & Robotics

 crystalline germanium and silicon.
 magnetic file.
 the Diode.
 capacitor.

o which one of the following acts as switch

 Diod
 Transistor.
 variable resistor.
 All of these.

o Which one is the function of the capacitor?

 amplify current.
 acts as switch.
 smooth the current in the circuit.
 smooth the voltage in the circuit.

Electronics & Robotics

o The functions of resistor is except…………

 Adjust signal levels.

 To divide voltages.
 signal someone's presence.
 Be as active elements.

o The name of this component:

 Resistor.
 LED.
 Photocell.
 Source.

Electronics & Robotics

o The image is a symbol for a:

 Diode.
 LED.
 Source.
 Photocell.

o What is the name of the board shown in the picture?

 circuit board.
 Breadboard.
 microcontroller board.
 Integrated Circuit + IC base.

Electronics & Robotics

o What are they?

 Electronic Logic Circuit + Stand.

 Integrated Circuit + IC base.
 CPU + IC chip base.
 Computer chip + stand.

o The term IC, used in electronics, denotes

 Internal Circuit.
 Integrated Circuit.
 Industrial Control.
 Internal Combustion.

Electronics & Robotics

o One of the example of an active electronic component

 Transformer.
 inductor.
 capacitor.
 transistor.

o An ideal voltage source has

 Very high internal resistance.

 Zero internal resistance.
 Infinite internal resistance.
 Very low internal resistance.

o A device whose characteristics are very near to that of an ideal voltage


 Zener diode.

Electronics & Robotics

 Unipolar transistor.
 Bipolar transistor.
 Rectifier diode.

o Diode used for constant voltage regulation

 Zener diode.
 Varicap Diode.
 Rectifier diode.
 Tunnel Diode.

o The order of coloured rings in a carbon resistor is red, yellow, blue and
silver. The resistance of the carbon resistor is :

 24×106 Ω±5%
 24×106 Ω±10%
 34×104 Ω±10%
 26×104 Ω±5%

Electronics & Robotics

o One of the example of a passive electronic component

 Transistor.
 Resistor.
 tunnel diode.
 vacuum tube.

o BJT in electronics stands for:

 Bipolar Junction Terminals.

 Binary Junction Terminology.
 Bipolar Junction Transistor.
 Binary Jet Technology.

o 472 on a capacitor represents:

 472 pF
 47 nF

Electronics & Robotics

 4.7 nF
 472 nF

o To obtain a lower value of resistance, resistors must be connected in:

 Series
 Parallel

o How many terminals does a BJT have?

 1
 4
 3
 2

o Name the terminals of a BJT.

 Positive, Negative, Neutral.

Electronics & Robotics

 Drain, Gate, Source.
 Emitter, Base, Collector.
 Anode, Cathode, Triode.

o Which device can be used to store charge?

 Diode.
 Capacitor.
 Resistor.
 Transistor.

o Blue is what number on the resistor color code?

 4
 1
 2
 6

Electronics & Robotics

o Zener diode is used for?

 Filter circuit.
 Rectifier circuit.
 Regulator circuit.
 Impedance circuit.

o Which one is not related to the transistor term?


o LED has two terminals they are.

 Collector, Emitter.
 Anode, Cathode.

Electronics & Robotics

 Drain, Gate.
 Cathode, Base.

o What is the semiconductor diode used as?

 Oscillator.
 Amplifier.
 Rectifier.
 Modulator.

o What is a Zener diode used as?

 Oscillator.
 Regulator.
 Rectifier.
 Filter.

Electronics & Robotics

o When a junction diode is reverse biased, what causes current across the

 Diffusion of charges.
 Nature of material.
 Drift of charges.
 Both drift and diffusion of charges.

o What is a transistor made up of?

 Chip.
 Insulator.
 Semiconductor.
 Metal.

o Diodes can be used in the making of

 Rectifiers.

Electronics & Robotics

 LED lamps.
 Logic gates.
 All of the mentioned.

o What is the left hand section of a junction transistor called?

 Base.
 Collector.
 Emitter.
 depletion region.

o Which of the below mentioned statements is false regarding a p-n

junction diode?

 Diode are uncontrolled devices.

 Diodes are rectifying devices.
 Diodes are unidirectional devices.
 Diodes have three terminals.

Electronics & Robotics

o A power transistor is a

 three layer, three junction device.

 three layer, two junction device.
 two layer, one junction device.
 four layer, three junction device.

o Three capacitors 3μF,6μF and 6μF are connected in series to a source of

120V. The potential difference, in volt, across the 3μF capacitor will be:

 24
 30
 40
 60

Electronics & Robotics

o A circuit consisting of three resistors with a value of: 30 Ω, 100Ω, and 150
Ω connected in parallel, so its equivalent resistance is ……….. .

 2 Ω.
 200 Ω.
 2.2 Ω.
 20 Ω.

o A resistance consists of the following colors: Yellow - brown - red, so its

value equals..................

 4.100 Ω.
 40.10 Ω.
 4100 Ω.
 0.410 Ω.

Electronics & Robotics

o When three Capacitors with the values 30 μf, 50 μf, and 75 μf are
connected in series, the equivalent Capacitance equals ……….. .

 155 μf.
 150 μf Ω.
 15 μf.
 o.067 μf

o When three Capacitors with the values 30 μf, 50 μf, and 75 μf are
connected in parallel, the equivalent Capacitance equals ……….. .

 155 μf.
 150 μf Ω.
 15 μf.
 o.067 μf.

Electronics & Robotics

o A resistance consists of the following colors: red - red - red, so its value

 2220 Ω.
 2200 Ω.
 2oo2 Ω.
 2020 Ω.

o If a resistance of 4 Ω is connected to a voltage of 2 volts, so the current

“current” in the circuit is ………………. .

 0.5 A.
 2 A.
 8 A.
 6 A.

Electronics & Robotics

o A circuit consisting of three resistors with a value of: 30 Ω, 100 Ω, and
150 Ω connected in series, so its equivalent resistance is ……….. .

 130 Ω.
 200 Ω.
 280 Ω.
 20 Ω.

o Transistors act like tiny "____________."

 Electron sources.
 Switches.
 Batteries.
 Bees.

o A transistor is a …………… operated device

 Voltage.

Electronics & Robotics

 Both Voltage and Current.
 Current.
 None of the Above.

o In Arduino IDE, IDE stands for?

 Integrated Digital Environment

 Integrated Development Environment
 Instruction Development Environment
 Integrated Development Embedded

o What is the microcontroller used in Arduino UNO?

 ATmega328p
 ATmega2560

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 ATmega32114
 AT91SAM3x8E

o Which of the following is true about Arduino?

 Arduino boards are able to read analog or digital input signals from
different sensors
 Arduino IDE uses a simplified version of C++, making it easier to
learn to program.
 Arduino provides a standard form factor that breaks the functions of
the micro-controller into a more accessible package.
 All of the above

o Arduino is a prototype based on an easy-to-use?

 hardware
 software
 Both A and B

Electronics & Robotics

 None of the above

o Arduino IDE consists of 2 functions. What are they?

 Build() and loop()

 Setup() and build()
 Setup() and loop()
 Loop() and build() and setup()

o How many digital pins are there on the UNO board?

 14
 12
 16
 20

Electronics & Robotics

o What language is a typical Arduino code based on?

 C/C++
 Java
 Python
 Assembly Code

o What is the difference between an IDE and a compiler?

 The IDE executes the code while the compiler gives a graphical
environment for writing the code
 The compiler executes the code while the IDE gives a
graphical environment for writing the code
 The compiler links the code to the respective files and the IDE takes it
from there
 The compiler and the IDE are the same thing

Electronics & Robotics

o Arduino Codes are referred to as ________ in the Arduino IDE.

 drawings
 notes
 sketches
 links

o What is the correct execution process of an Arduino code?

 Editor->Compiler->Preprocessor
 Editor->Preprocessor->Compiler
 Preprocessor->Editor->Compiler
 Compiler->Preprocessor->Editor

o What are two modes that the pinMode() method sets for a particular pin?



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 TX and RX

o What are the voltage levels that can be detected if a pin is set to OUTPUT
using the pinMode() method and the analogRead() method is used, in the
Arduino Uno?

 0 and 5V
 0 to 5.1V
 0 to 5V
 0 to 10V

o How many times does the setup() function run on every startup of the
Arduino System?

 1
 2
 3
 4

Electronics & Robotics

o What is the operating frequency of the Arduino UNO Board?

 20 MHz
 16 Mhz
 6 MHz
 10 MHz

o Can a programmer not use the loop function at all in a code?

 Yes
 No
 Yes, but it needs to be called at least once
 Yes, but it needs to be commented out

o What is the numeric base of the math operations performed in binary?

 1
 2

Electronics & Robotics

 3
 4

o Which one of the control structures is similar to the if-else statement?

 Switch-case
 For loop
 While loop
 Continue

o What are the three components of a for-loop?

 initialization, conditional, increment/decrement

 conditional, memory allocation, memory deletion
 reset, increment, conditional
 reset, increment/decrement, memory allocation

Electronics & Robotics

o What is the unit of delay in the code given below?
void setup() {
void loop() {

o Microseconds
o Milliseconds
o Seconds
o Minutes

Electronics & Robotics

o How many times can a variable declared ‘const’ be fed a value in any

 0
 1
 26
 30

o What kind of device is Arduino?

 Microcomputer
 Microprocessor
 Microcontroller
 Microbot

o Arduino is made of two part

o hardware

Electronics & Robotics

o software
o hardware and software
o input and output

o What is the IC name of Arduino UNO?

 ATmega 328
 ATmega 382
 ATmega 238
 Atmega 283

o Arduino UNO has ……………… Analog pins

 6
 5
 2
 0

Electronics & Robotics

o A micro-controller is.................

 small CPU made of transistors and conductors of heat and sound

 portable circuits capable of making other circuits
 small computer on a single integrated circuit containing a
processor core, memory, and programmable input/output.
 small chip made of silver

o A function is a series of programming statements that can be called by

name. Which command is called once when the program starts?

 loop()
 setup()
 (output)
 (input)

Electronics & Robotics

o A function is a series of programming statements that can be called by
name. Which command is called repetitively over and over again as long
as the Arduino has power?

 loop()
 setup()
 (output)
 (input)

o A function is a series of programming statements that can be called by

name. Which command delays the LED by a number of milliseconds

 loop()
 setup()
 delay()
 stop()

Electronics & Robotics

o What does this sketch do?

 This sets up the pin that our LED is connected to as an

 This sets up the pin that our LED is connected to as an INPUT pin
 This sets up and LED to turn off
 Turns the LED off by writing LOW out on the pin.

o …………………is a reprogrammable multifunctional manipulator designed

to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable
programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.

 A robot.
 Sensor.
 Actuators.

Electronics & Robotics

 Transistor

o An electronic element that responds to effects such as light, humidity,

pressure or heat, producing electrical signals that can be measured is

 Relay.
 Key.
 Sensor.
 Transistor.

o An electric resistance that changes value depending on the amount of

light falling on it is called.......

 MS.
 DMM.
 LED.
 LDR.

Electronics & Robotics

o The light-sensitive diode is symbolized by................

 Answer (D)

o The light emitting diode is symbolized by................

 Answer (A)

o Transistor ( N P N ) is symbolized by …………….. .

 Answer (c)

Electronics & Robotics

o Transistor ( P N P ) is symbolized by …………….. .

 Answer (A)

o The figure shown shows ……………………….. .

 Arduino Mega.
 Arduino Uno.
 C) Arduino Nano.
 d) Arduino Mini.

o The figure shown shows ……………………….. .

 Stepper Motor.
 Geared Motor.
 Servo Motor.

Electronics & Robotics

 DC Motor.

o An electronic component that can function as a switch or a volt amplifier


 relay
 key
 sensor
 transistor.

o If we start by writing HIGH out on the pin connected to the LED. What
will it make the LED do? (HIGH means putting 5V out on the pin)

 Turn the LED on

 Turn the LED off

o If we start by writing LOW out on the pin connected to the LED. What
will it make the LED do? (LOW means putting 0V out on the pin)

Electronics & Robotics

 Turn the LED on
 Turn the LED off

o Which of the following is not considered as part of the Arduino


 Arduino Board
 Sensor
 Shields
 None of the above

o How many GND pins are there in a power pins of an Arduino UNO

 1
 2
 3
 4

Electronics & Robotics

o What is the default file name use in saving an Arduino code?

 arduino_date
 file_date
 procodes_date
 sketches_date

o What tool is mainly used for testing projects and the Programmer section
in this panel is used for burning a bootloader to the new microcontroller?

 Help
 Scratch
 Tools
 Verify

o Which of the following is not part of the main section of Arduino IDE?

 Menu Bar

Electronics & Robotics

 Output Pane
 Serial Monitor
 Text Editor

o Which component of Arduino board has a 14 pins?

 Analog Pins
 Digital Pins
 Microcontroller
 Power Pins

o What is the software for programming Arduino called?

 Arduino IDE
 System Programmer
 Arduino Coder
 Arduino Developer

Electronics & Robotics

o What is an electrical circuit?

 An electrical loop with a starting point and an ending point.

 An arduino board
 A circuit that has leds, potentiometers, positive and negative volts.

o What is an LED?

 a light
 a light emitting diode
 a part of a circuit

o The (-) column on your breadboard represents the ground.

 True
 False

Electronics & Robotics

o The (+) column on your breadboard represents the positive charge or
power to your circuit.

 True
 False

o A push button on a circuit is an ___________

 input
 output
 command
 variable

o Arduino can interact with...

 buttons, leds
 smartphone
 sensors

Electronics & Robotics

 all of the above

o int LED1=4; What is 'int= integer' used for?

 Alphabets
 Capital and small letters
 Combination of Numbers and Alphabets
 Numbers

o int LED1=4;Is that necessary to label LED into LED1, LED2, LED3 and
so on....

 NO

o int LED2=8; What is number eight is referring in the coding above?

 Analog Pin

Electronics & Robotics

 5V
 Ground
 Digital Pin

o LED is setup-up to blink. LEDs is an……………….

 Output
 Input
 pinMode
 digitalWrite

o digitalWrite (LED1,HIGH); What does it means by HIGH?

 Blinking
 Switch OFF
 Switch ON
 Sequence

Electronics & Robotics

o delay (1000); 1000 in delay is equivalent to how many second?

 10s
 2s
 60s
 1s

digitalWrite (LED1, HIGH);

digitalWrite (LED1, LOW);
o What does the program do?

 LED Switch Off at the beginning, wait for 60s and then switch ON.
 LED Switch ON at the beginning, wait for 10s and then Switch OFF.
 LED Switch ON at the beginning, wait for 1s and then switch ON.
 LED Switch ON at the beginning, wait for 1s then switch OFF

Electronics & Robotics

R1: int Led1=4;
R2: void setup(){
R3: digitalWrite (LED1, High);
R4: }
o LED1 was not declared above void setup. Which row is the error?

 R1
 R2
 R3
 R4

int Led1=4;
void setup(){
digitalWrite (LED1, High);
o Find the errors?

 LED 1

Electronics & Robotics

 DigitalWrite
 Low
 Void Setup

o I use temperature sensor to read the room temperature. How do I write

Temperature Sensor Set-up.
void setup(){
o PinMode (Tsensor, Output);
o pinMode (Tsensor, OUTPUT);
o PinMode (Tsensor, Input);
o pinMode (Tsensor, INPUT);

Electronics & Robotics

o Once the AM signal is amplified, it is fed to antenna with characteristic

impedance that is ideally

 inductive
 capacitive
 resistive
 infinite

o With AM which of the following conveys no information?

 lower sideband
 upper sideband
 both sidebands
 carrier

Electronics & Robotics

o In amplitude modulation, how much of the transmitted power is in the

 one-half
 three-quarters
 one-third
 two-thirds

o Double-sideband suppressed carrier signals are generated by a circuit

called a

 balanced demodulator
 balanced modulator
 beat frequency oscillator
 notch filter

Electronics & Robotics

o Which of the following is not a major benefit of SSB?

 noise in the signal is reduced

 conserves spectrum space
 less transmitter circuitry is used
 more fading of an SSB signal over long distances

o What is the low-level carrier called that is sometimes transmitted along

with the two sidebands in DSB?

 pilot carrier
 suppressed carrier
 composite carrier
 sideband carrier

o A TV signal consists of an audio signal that is

 amplitude modulated

Electronics & Robotics

 frequency modulated

o According to the International Telecommunications Union an amplitude-

modulated analog TV would be classified as

 A3F
 J3E
 F2D
 G7E

o A sine wave carrier cannot be modified by the intelligence signal through

which of the following?

 amplitude modulation
 pulse modulation
 frequency modulation

Electronics & Robotics

 phase modulation

o Digital data refers to information that is

 Continuous
 Discrete
 Bits
 Bytes

o In data communications, no periodic is used for the

 Analog data
 Digital data
 Analog Signals
 Digital Signals

Electronics & Robotics

o Completion of one full pattern is called a

 period
 Cycle
 Frame
 Segment

o Term that refers to infinite no of values in range is

 Digital data
 Analog Data
 Digital Signal
 Analog Signal

o ASK, PSK, FSK, and QAM are examples of _________ encoding.

 Digital-to-digital
 Digital-to-analog

Electronics & Robotics

 Analog-to –analog
 Analog-to-digital

o Unipolar, bipolar, and polar encoding are types of ______ encoding.

 Digital-to-digital
 Digital-to-analog
 Analog-to-analog
 Analog-to-digital

o PCM is an example of __________ encoding.

 Digital-to-digital
 Digital-to-analog
 Analog-to –analog
 Analog-to-digital

Electronics & Robotics

o AM and FM are examples of ________ encoding.

o Digital-to-digital
o Digital-to-analog
o Analog-to –analog
o Analog-to-digital

o In QAM, both phase and ________ of a carrier frequency are varied.

 Amplitude
 Frequency
 Bit rate
 Baud rate

o Which of the following is most affected by noise?


Electronics & Robotics


o If the frequency spectrum of a signal has a bandwidth of 500 Hz with the

highest frequency at 600 Hz, what should be the sampling rate according
to the Nyquist theorem?

 200 samples/sec
 500 samples/sec
 1000 samples/sec
 1200 samples/sec

o If the baud rate is 400 for a 4-PSK, the bit rate is ______ bps.

 100
 400
 800
 1600

Electronics & Robotics

o Determine the channel capacity of a 4 kHz channel with S/N = 10 dB.

 8.02 kbps
 4.17 kbps
 13.74 kbps
 26.58 kbps

o If the bit rate for an ASK signal is 1200 bps, the baud rate is

 300
 400
 600
 1200

o Which encoding method uses alternating positive and negative values for


Electronics & Robotics

 RZ
 Manchester

o If the maximum value of a PCM signal is 31 and the minimum value is -

31, how many bits were used for coding?

 4
 5
 6
 7

o Deliberate violations of alternate mark inversion are used in which type

of digital-to-digital encoding?

 B8ZS
 RZ

Electronics & Robotics

 Manchester

o RZ encoding involves _______ levels of signal amplitude.

 1
 3
 4
 5

o If the transmission rate of a digital communication system of 10 Mbps

modulation scheme used in 16-QAM, determined the bandwidth

 16 bits/cycle
 4 bits/cycle
 8 bits/cycle
 2 bits/cycle

Electronics & Robotics

o In _________ transmission, bits are transmitted simultaneously, each
across its own channel .

 Asynchronous serial
 Synchronous serial
 Parallel
 A and B

o Data are sent over pin ________ of the EIA-RS-232 interface.

 2
 3
 4
 All of the above

o In the EIA-RS-232 standard what does -12V on a data pin represent?

 1

Electronics & Robotics

 0
 Undefined
 Either 1 or 0 depending on the coding scheme

o The majority of the pins f the EIA-RS-232 interface are used for _____

 Control
 Timing
 Data
 Testing

o X-21 uses a _____ connector.

 DB-15
 DB-25
 DB37
 DB-9

Electronics & Robotics

o If you have two close, compatible DTEs that can communicate data that
do not need to be modulated. A good interface would be ________.

 A null modem
 An EIA-RS-232 modem
 A DB-45 connector
 A transceiver

o What is the object of trellis coding??

 To narrow bandwidth
 To simplify encoding
 To increase data rate
 To reduce the error rate

o In trellis coding. The number of the data bits is _____ the number of
transmitted bits.

Electronics & Robotics

 Equal to
 Less than
 More than
 Double that of

o Which ITU-T modem uses trellis coding?

 V.33
 V.34
 V.39
 V.37

o The signal between two modems is always

 Digital
 Analog

Electronics & Robotics

o For digital communications, determine signal to noise ratio in dB which
would be required for an ideal channel with a bandwidth of 2500 Hz.

 5
 9.54 dB
 4.77 dB
 3.4

o For a PCM system with a maximum decoded voltage at the receiver of

±2.55 V and minimum dynamic range of 46 dB, determine the maximum
quantization error.

 5.0 V
 0.5 V
 0.005 V
 0.05 V

Electronics & Robotics

o Determine the bandwidth efficiency for QPSK modulation scheme at a
transmission rate of 10 Mbps.

 2 bits/cycle
 4 bits/cycle
 8 bits/cycle
 16 bits/cycle

o A modulator converts a (an) _____ signal to a (an) ________ signal.

 Digital, analog
 Analog, digital

Electronics & Robotics

o Which of the following modulation techniques are used by modems?

 16-QAM
 8-PSK
 All of the above

o A broadcast TV channel has a bandwidth of 6 MHz. Ignoring noise,

calculate the maximum data rate that could be carried in a TV channel
using a 16-level code and determine the minimum possible signal-to-
noise ratio in dB for the calculated data rate.

 24 Mbps, 48 dB
 48 Mbps, 24 dB
 24 Mbps, 24 dB
 48 Mbps, 48 dB

Electronics & Robotics

o Which of the following modems uses FSK modulation?

 Bell 103
 Bell 201
 Bell 212
 All of the above

o A maximum length of 50 feet is specified in standard __________.

 EIA-RS-449
 EIA-RS-232
 EIA-RS-423
 RS-422

o A cable range of 40 to _____ feet is possible according to the EIA-RS-

449 standard.

 50

Electronics & Robotics

 400
 500
 4000

o What is the bandwidth required to transmit at a rate of 10Mbits/sec in

the presence of a 28 dB S/N ratio?

 107.5 kHz
 3.57 MHz
 357.14 kHz
 1.075 MHz

o The maximum data rate for RS-442 is ________ times that of the
maximum RS-423 data rate.

 0.1
 10
 100

Electronics & Robotics

 500

o For an Ethernet bus that is 500 meters in length using a cable with a
velocity factor of 0.66, and a communication rate of 10 Mb/s, calculate
the total number of bits that would be sent by each station before it detects
a collision, if both stations begin to transmit at the same time.

 25 bits
 bits
 19 bits
 41 bits

o A __ is a device that is a source of or a destination for binary digital data.

 Data terminal equipment

 Data transmission equipment
 Digital terminal encoder
 Data-circuit terminating equipment

Electronics & Robotics

o An asynchronous communications system uses ASCII at 9600 bps with
eight bits, one start bit, one stop bit and no parity bit. Express the data
rate in words per minute. (Assume a word has five characters and one

 9600 wpm
 57600 wpm
 160 wpm
 11520 wpm

o A telephone line has a bandwidth of 3.2 kHz and a signal-to-noise ratio

of 34 dB. A signal is transmitted down this line using a four-level code.
What is the maximum theoretical data rate ?

 12.8 kbps
 6.4 kbps
 36.144 kbps
 18.072 kbps

Electronics & Robotics

o For a binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation with a carrier
frequency of 80 MHz and an input bit rate of 10 Mbps. Determine the
minimum Nyquist bandwidth.

 40 MHz
 10 MHz
 20 MHz
 50 MHz

o The EIA standard specified in the EIA-232 standard is ______ volts.

 Greater than -15

 Less than -15
 Between -3 and -15
 Between 3 and 15

Electronics & Robotics

o For a quaternary phase shift keying (QPSK) modulation, data with a
carrier frequency of 70 MHz, and input bit rate of 10 Mbps, determine the
minimum Nyquist bandwidth.

 10 MHz
 5 MHz
 20 MHz
 40 MHz

o 12 voice channels are sampled at 8000 sampling rate and encoded into
8-bit PCM word. Determine the rate of the data stream.

 768 kbps
 12 kbps
 12.8 kbps
 46.08 kbps

Electronics & Robotics

o The encoding method specified in the EIA-232 standard is _________.

 Manchester
 Differential Manchester

o A binary digital signal is to be transmitted at 10 Kbits/s , what absolute

minimum bandwidth is required to pass the fastest information change

 5 kHz
 10 kHz
 20 kHz
 2.5 kHz

o A coherent binary phase shift keyed (BPSK) transmitter operates at a bit

rate of Mbps with a carrier to noise ratio C/N of 8.8 dB. Find Eb/No.

Electronics & Robotics

 8.8 dB
 16.16 dB
 21.81 dB
 18.8 dB

o The EIA-RS-232 interface has _______ pins.

 20
 36
 25
 19

o For sample rate of 30 kHz in a PCM system, determine the maximum

analog input frequency .

 30 kHz
 15 kHz
 60 kHz
 45 kHz

‫‪Electronics & Robotics‬‬

‫صدقة جارية على روح المغفور له بأذن هللا أحمد هشام‬

‫اللهم ارحم روحا ً صعدت إليك و لم يعد بيننا و بينها إال الدعاء ؛ اللهم ارحمها و اغفر لها‬
‫و انظر اليها بعين لطفك و كرمك يا أرحم الراحمين ؛ اللهم ارفع درجته في المهديين‬
‫واخلفه في عقبة الغابرين و اغفر له ياهلل و أفسح له فى قبره و نور له فيه ؛ اللهم أبدله‬
‫دارا خيرا من داره و أهال خيرا من أهله و أدخله الجنة و أعذه من عذاب القبر ومن‬
‫عذاب النار ؛ اللهم ارحمه فوق األرض و تحت األرض و يوم العرض عليك اللهم ق ِه‬
‫عذابك يوم تبعث عبادك ؛ اللهم أنزل نوراً من نورك عليه ؛ اللهم نور له قبره و آنس‬
‫وحشته ووسع مدخله ؛ اللهم ارحم غربته و اجعل قبره روضه من رياض الجنة ال حفره‬

‫من حفر النار ؛ اللهم اغفر له و ارحمه و اعف عنه و اكرم منزله‪.‬‬


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