Jetting Cleaning 4

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Aug 2018


Using a Remote Mini Reel gives the user the option of 12. Ease the hose down the drain. Twist the hose to
remotely controlling the jetter. aid the nozzle in negotiating bends and turns. The
nozzle will create a gentle pulling action on the
1. Refer to page 8 for start up procedure.
hose. If it becomes stuck a sharp tug will usually
2. Run out sufficient jetting hose from jetter reel to
free it.
reach drain access point.
13. NOTE the ball valve on the Remote Mini Reel
3. Slip the hose restraint over
controls the pressure to the nozzle, the ball valve
the end of the jetter jetting
on the jetter controls the pressure to the Remote
Mini Reel.
4. Connect the extended
jetting hose from jetter to
the inlet on the Remote Mini
Reel and secure the hose restraint to the
connection point.
5. Ensure the ball valve on the Remote Mini Reel is
6. Run out a sufficient length of jetting hose from the
Remote Mini Reel.
7. Push at least 3 metres of jetting hose through the
hole in the centre of safety plate.
8. Attach selected drain cleaning nozzle to the end of
jetting hose and ensure it is fully snapped into
9. Place at least 1 metre of hose down the drain, use
hose markings as a guide.
10. Cover the entrance to the drain with the safety
11. Turn on ball valve on the jetter, and then turn on
the ball valve on the Remote Mini Reel to activate
the high pressure jet to the nozzle.


All Class B jetters are fitted with a If the emergency stop button has been
mandatory emergency stop, as per used, it will need to be reset before the
safety standard AS/NZS4233.1. engine will start again. To reset, turn the
This should only be used in an button clockwise.
emergency. WARNING Immediately after activating
Assassin Jetters recommends de- the E-stop turn the ignition key to the
throttling the engine and running with OFF position. Failure to do so could
no load before shutting off the engine result in a flat battery and shortened
by turning the key. battery life.


Aug 2018


1. Refer to page 8 for start up procedure. 7. Check that there are no leaks in the line connections.
2. Slip the hose protector over the end of All leaks must be fixed before using the jetter.
the jetting hose. 8. When using gun and lance, pressure begins when the
3. Fit the gun/lance assembly to the end gun trigger is squeezed.
of the jetting hose. Use hose restraint Turning off the Pressure Washer
and shroud to cover joint between hose
and gun and secure strap to gun. 1. De-throttle the engine and turn off.

4. Open the ball valve to pressurise hose. 2. Release the pressure still in the hose using the gun
5. Ensure firm footing and brace for
pressure. 3. Ensure the engine key is turned to the off position
and the fuel tap is off.
6. Operate with gun trigger as needed and avoid
excessive bypass. 4. Isolate the battery.
5. Disconnect the supply hose.


DO NOT run machine without break tank on bypass Your high pressure pumping system is the heart of your
for more than 2 minutes. drain cleaning jetter. The Pump has been specially
designed to be used with cold water (max 74°C) for pipe
SAFETY VALVE: This device “blows off” excess pres-
water jetting and high pressure wash down applications.
sure if unloader has been tampered with, thus pro- Your high pressure piston pump is designed to move a
tecting the pump. certain amount of water per revolution by its three solid
Do not tamper with pre-set unloader and safety valve. ceramic pistons.
(This will void your warranty.) High pressure is created once the pump outlet is
restricted with a nozzle. All high pressure outlet
connections, hosing and equipment is rated over and
above the maximum operating pressures of the pump.
Do not adjust any pressure regulators on your pump;
tampering will void warranty. For any malfunction of the
high pressure pumping system, please contact Assassin
Unloader valve Jetters or authorised Service Agent.
Because of safety/danger hazards with high pressure
Safety valve systems, only use approved genuine high pressure hoses
and components when replacing or repairing your drain
cleaning jetter. For guidance on this, please contact
Assassin Jetters or the Distributor you purchased the
unit from.


Warranty will be void if any high pressure equipment has
been altered by unauthorised persons. Over-speeding or
over-pressurising of pumping system can be very
dangerous and severely reduce the life of your Drain
Cleaning Jetter and may result in injury or death.


Aug 2018


 Head Protection.
Where appropriate suitable head protection
complying with AS/NZS 1801 should be worn.
 Eye Protection.
Eye protection complying with AS/NZS 1337
(adequate for the purpose and of adequate fit on the
person) should be worn at all times when in the
vicinity of water blasting operations. Where liquid is
liable to cause eye damage, full visor and goggles are
 Body Protection.
All persons should wear suitable waterproof clothing
complying with AS/NZS 3765.1 (or AS/NZS 3765.2 if
working with hazardous chemicals), having regard to
the type of work being undertaken. Liquid or
chemical-resistant suits should be worn where there
is an assessed risk to health or of injury that can be
prevented by such equipment.
 Hand Protection.
Adequate hand protection complying with the
recommendation/s of AS/NZS 2161.2, AS/NZS 2161.3
or AS/NZS 2161.5 should be worn when there is an
assessed risk of injury that can be prevented by such
Appropriate personal protective equipment should be equipment.
worn where:
 Foot Protection.
 hazards cannot be otherwise prevented or suitably
All persons should wear appropriate occupational
controlled, e.g. by engineering or administration
protective footwear complying with AS/NZS 2210.2.
controls, total enclosure or substitution; and/or
A lower leg guard should be used by water blasting
 complete protection is essential, e.g. in some operators where it is assessed that the risk of foot
occupational environments with uncertain levels of injury could be prevented by such equipment. AS/
hazards. NZS 2210.1 provides guidance for the selection of
The provision and use of personal protective equipment footwear.
does not reduce or replace the need for proper  Hearing Protection.
Occupational Health and Safety prevention measures,
Suitable hearing protection complying with AS/NZS
such as engineering or administrative controls to be
1270 should be worn at all times when the noise
undertaken. Recommendations of such preventative
levels exceed limits set by regulatory authorities.
measures should always be fully explored before
considering issue of personal protective equipment.
Where personal protective equipment is issued,
Comfort, function & Safety … at an affordable price
instruction and training should be provided regarding its Assassin Jetters supply a full range of personal safety
correct use and maintenance. protection gear rated to 500 BAR (7,300 psi).


Aug 2018


These are some of the tips and techniques that have  Prevent the Root Ranger turbine from entering side
been tried and tested over the years to make jetting channels by pushing straight through the junction as
easier. quickly as possible. Pushing the hose straight without
 Select your hose diameter according to the size of twisting it, will help to keep the turbine on a straight
drain you are cleaning. path.
 If your hose becomes jammed, try pulling the hose
Jetter Hose Selection hard, and then letting it go quickly so it can snap
Pipe size Jetting hose size back and loosen itself. Also, try turning the jet off
1”-2” 1/8” then pull on the hose, then turn jet back on again.
 When accessing a square junction down a shaft, a
2”- 4” 3/16”
section of 50mm pipe with an elbow on the end can
2”- 6” 1/4” help direct your nozzle up into the desired location.
5”- 10” 3/8” Alternately you can run your hose through a section
of flexible pipe like 50mm ag drain to assist in
 Always use the safety plate. It directing and protecting the jetting hose.
will protect your jetting hose
against damage from sharp As good as the Root Ranger is it likes to get stuck
edges and rough surfaces at the wherever possible.
entrance to the drain. More
 Try running the Root Ranger straight to the blockage
damage is done to a hose on
without twisting the hose.
the entry and exit point of the
drain than anywhere else.  Leave the hose twist for when you are actually
cutting the roots or retrieving the hose from the
The safety plate also prevents blockage. This will keep it from heading up any
the jetting nozzle accidentally branch drains, toilet pans and PVC capped inspection
exiting the drain while under openings!
pressure.  For drains larger than 6” add an extension to the
Root Ranger to prevent it from becoming wedged.
 Start your jetting with a long nozzle
like the Predator or for smaller
drains the Compressor.
 For really tight bends remove the
quick coupler from the hose and cowling from the
nozzle and connect the head directly to the hose.
 Twist your jet hose to help get it around tight bends
and traps. wedged in cap stuck up a junction
 Once you have broken through the blockage change
to a Root Ranger to clear tree roots from the sides of
the drain. When using the Root Ranger Turbine, the HOSE WEAR
hose must be twisted to thoroughly clear the root
choke from all sides of the pipe. The jetting hoses must be checked for wear daily and
replaced if damaged.

Assassin Jetters supply only premium quality, super

flexible jetting hose on all jetters.

Don’t be tempted to use lower grade hose … STAY SAFE


Aug 2018


There are 3 main types of penetrating nozzles; the Predator, The Bullet is a small, but
the Negotiator, and the Compressor. These 3 nozzles come in powerful nozzle used when all
different configuration options – 3 rear 1 forward, 6 rear, 1 else fails. Although it is very
forward, and 6 rear only. effective, it should only be used
on difficult chokes. It is so small
The Predator is a good starting it has a habit of leaving the
choice for general drain cleaning. drain. (B6R1FC)
It has a long pointed nose for
penetrating deep into a choke and The Root Ranger is used to clear
blasting out the debris. what the Penetrator nozzles
(P3R1FC) leave behind. It has 1 rear thrust
port and an optional front jet.
The Negotiator has been This nozzle will clear just about
designed shorter to get around anything from the drain and is
tight bends and traps. It is a the primary root cutter used by
good multi-purpose nozzle for plumbers worldwide.
any drain cleaning application. (RR8TCF)

The Compressor is smaller again, NEW NOZZLES MAKE YOUR JOB EASIER … ASK ABOUT OUR
and assists with smaller LATEST DRAIN CLEANING NOZZLES.
blockages. A new extension can
also be purchased for the
Compressor nozzle. (C6R1FC)

The Beaver has 2 forward firing

jets, with 6 reverse thrusting
jets. The 2 front jets bore deep
into the choke. Ideal for dry
The Root Rat is extremely
Once drain cleaning nozzles or wash down nozzles have
popular. It features 1 front jet
worn, pressure loss will occur. Replacement of nozzles is
with 6 rear jets, 3 behind the tip
necessary to maintain constant and maximum efficiency
of the nozzle at 45° and 3 at the
of your drain cleaning jetter.
rear of the nozzle at 30º,
enabling it to quickly penetrate
the choke. (RR6R1FC)


 Do not hold any nozzle while pressurised. equalling the diameter of the pipe.
 Do not allow any nozzle to leave the drain while  The Root Ranger nozzle must be used in
pressurised. accordance with your own safe work place
 Hoses must be conspicuously marked at a nominal method statement.
distance of 1 metre from the nozzle to indicate the  Do not allow an inexperienced operator to use this nozzle.
location of the nozzle.  Clean Root Ranger nozzle after every use
 Always use a safety plate or safety shield in case nozzle and store in a safe place. Remove the turbine barrel to
turns through 180° in the pipe and returns back to the clear debris regularly. Debris left in the barrel may damage
entry. the ceramic insert.
 The bend radius of the hose, coupling & nozzle combined  Ensure nozzle is not damaged or jets obstructed. Dropping
should be more than the internal diameter of the pipe. If the Root Ranger may damage the ceramic insert.
not, a starter bar (a length of rigid pipe) should be fitted to If struck by the jet of a Root Ranger nozzle, the water will
increase the bend radius as necessary. cause massive injuries to human flesh and organs - never
Root Ranger Turbo Nozzle … lose respect for this nozzle.
 Never use the Root Ranger nozzle in a drain with a Ensure a fast shut down procedure is ready while using this
diameter larger than 150mm (6") without a fixed extension nozzle.


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