02-Functions 4pp

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Algorithm Python

A precise sequence of simple steps to solve a problem translating an algorithm into a computer program
Type: int Type: oating-point
meaning_of_life = 42

a = 6.02
print( meaning_of_life )

output: 42
Type: string Type: string
last_letter = "z" print( "hello" )

print( last_letter ) output: hello

output: z
hello = 5

print( hello )

output: 5

Type: string Type: string

print( "4 + 7" ) output: 4 + 7 print( 4 + 7 )

print( 4 + 7 ) output: 11 output: 11

print( "hello " + "my name" )

output: hello my name

Type: conversion Type: boolean

print( float(4) ) 4.0

print( int(3.14) ) 3
x = True # not same as x = “True”

print( str(4) + str(2) ) 42

y = False # not same as y = “False”

print( int("4") + int("2") ) 6

Type: functions Type: functions

max(3,4) —> 4 min(3,4) —> 3

f = max min = max

f(3,4) —> 4 min(3,4) —> 4
Expressions and Operators Summary
addition +
• Variables
subtraction - • store information in computer memory
multiplication * • int, oat, string, booleans, functions

division / 4/3 -> 1.3333333333333333 • Expressions and Operators

• arithmetic
int division // 4//3 -> 1 • similar to functions
• assignment
exponentiation pow pow(2,3) -> 8
modulus (mod) % 9 % 4 -> 1

a = 5 Practice a = 5 Practice
b = 3 b = 3
c = a + b c = a + b
d = "c: " + str(c) d = "c: " + str(c) c: 8

b = 30
a = b
a = 5 Practice a = 5 Practice
b = 3 b = 3
c = a + b c = a + b
d = "c: " + str(c) c: 8 d = "c: " + str(c) c: 8

b = 30 b = 30
a = b a —> 30 a = b a —> 30

print(e) print(e) error

4 = a

a = 5 Practice a = 5 Practice
b = 3 b = 3
c = a + b c = a + b
d = "c: " + str(c) c: 8 c = "hello"
print( b + c )
b = 30
a = b a —> 30

print(e) error

4 = a error
a = 5 Practice a = 5 Practice
b = 3 b = 3
c = a + b c = a + b
c = "hello" c = "hello"
print( b + c ) error print( b + c ) error

print( ??? ) 3 hello

a = 5 Practice Passing Values

b = 3
c = a + b
c = "hello"
print( b + c ) error

print(str(b) + " " + c )) 3 hello

Returning Values Returning Values
# the function sqrt takes as input a number and returns a number
from math import sqrt def compute_four():
x = sqrt(4) return 24 / 4 - 2
# the operator "+" takes as input two numbers and returns a number
x = 8 + 12
x = compute_four() 4

# the function len takes as input a string and returns an integer y = 24 / compute_four() 6
x = len("eggplant")
print( compute_four() ) 4
# the return value of one function can be the input to another
x = int(8.485) + 12
x = int(sqrt(72)) + 12

Passing & Returning Passing & Returning

def add_five(x):
x = x + 5
return x
def return_two_things(x,y):
z = 4
print(z) 4 (s,p) = return_two_things(2,5)

x = add_five(z)
print(x) 9

print(add_five(z)) 9
Passing & Returning

def return_two_things(x,y):

(s,p) = return_two_things(2,5)

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